Fiber Optic Receiver for MOST®
Data Sheet
The 4-pin MOST Optical Receiver (ODIN MIR4 02) is a
highly integrated CMOS IC combined with a high speed
PIN diode designed to receive up to 25 Mbit/s optical
data which is biphase coded (up to 50 Mbaud) and
convert this optical data to a rail-to-rail data stream.
During the low power mode, the PIN diode is still being
observed and if activity is detected, the receiver will
switch to full power mode. A STATUS-pin indicates if
modulated light is received (Light on -> STATUS = low).
With the STATUS-pin the power supply of the whole
MOST device can be switched ON. The power supply
voltage is either 3.3V or 5V.
• Optical Receiver for MOST Systems
Excellent solution for converting high speed data from
Plastic Optical Fiber (POF) to digital output.
• Operating @ 3.3V or 5V Power Supply
• High speed receiver up to 25 Mbit/s net data rate (50
• 95°C operating temperature over whole life time
• Photo current sensing, network activity detection and
Low Power Mode (ICC < 10 µA)
• Signal detect and Status Output
• Low power consumption
• Pulse width control
• -25dBm guaranteed sensitivity @ 650nm for working
in a low attenuation range of PMMA Fiber
• Fully compliant to MOST® Specication of Physical
Layer Rev 1.1”
• RoHS compliant (Lead free and halogen free)
Table 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Limit Values
Parameter Symbol min. max. Unit
Supply Voltage[1] VCCMax -0.5 6.0 V
Storage Temperature Range TSTG -40 100 °C
Soldering Temperature (>2.5 mm from case bottom t ≤ 10s) TS 260 °C
Voltage at any PIN -0.5 VCC +0.5 V
Electrostatic Discharge Voltage Capability[2] ESD 2.0 kV
1. Maximum supply voltage without causing damage
2. ESD Capability for all Pins HBM (human body model) according JESD22-A114B.
Stresses above those listed here may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum
rating conditions for extended periods may aect device reliability. Between 3.465V and 4.75V the device is not
specied according Table 2. Therefore operation is limited to the range of 3.135V ... 3.465V or 4.75V ... 5.25V.
Table 2. Recommended Operating Conditions
Limit Values
Parameter Symbol min. max. Unit
Supply Voltage low VCC_l 3.135 3.465 V
Supply Voltage high VCC_h 4.75 5.25 V
Operating Temperature Range (ambient)[1] TA-40 95 °C
1. For details see application note “Handling, Storage, Operating and Processing Application Note of ODIN MOST4 Transceiver”
All the data in this specication refers to the operating conditions above and over life time unless otherwise stated.
Table 3. Optical Signal Characteristics
(22.5 Mbit MOST Data, VCC = 3.135 … 3.465 V or 4.75 ... 5.25 V)
Limit Values
Parameter Symbol min. typ. max. Unit
Peak wavelength of input signal λPeak 630 650 685 nm
FWHM of input signal ∆ λ 30 nm
Receivable optical power range for data recovery[1][2] Popt -25 -2 dBm
Receivable optical power for switching to low power mode[1] POFF -40 -25 dBm
1. Optical power data are average values when using a MxT4 xx optical transmitter, measured at the end of a plastic optical ber with metal insert
(diameter 2.90 +/- 0.02 mm). The transmitted data is biphase coded.
2. Measured with worst case pattern. A BER ≤10-9 can be reached.
Table 4.1 AC Electrical Characteristics 45Mbaud (44.1kHz)
Limit Values
Parameter Symbol min. typ. max. Unit
Output Rise Time @ Vcc_l [1][4] tr_l 6 9 ns
Output Rise Time @ Vcc_h [1][4] tr_h 5 9 ns
Output Fall Time @ Vcc_l [1][4] tf_l 6 9 ns
Output Fall Time @ Vcc_h [1][4] tf_h 5 9 ns
Data Dependent Link Jitter[2][3][4] tDDJ 3.3 ns
Uncorrelated Link Jitter[2][3][4] tUJ 1.0 ns
Power-up time at detection of rising VCC tPUO 0.1 6 ms
Power-up time from low power mode tPU 0.5 6 ms
Low Power mode timer delay tLPM 0.005 2 ms
1. Capacitive Load is max. 10pF.
2. MOST Data 44.1 kHz FS corresponds to a 45 MBaud data stream.
3. The optical input signal has to fulll following requirements: tPWV(min) = 20.0 ns, tPWV(max) = 24.3 ns, tAPWD(min) = -1.4 ns and tAPWD(max) = 1.4 ns,
tDDJ(max).= 0.77 ns, tUJ(max).= 0.33 ns, Positive Overshoot within 0UI...2/3UI = -20...40%, Extinction Ratio min = 10dB. Variation within those limits
does not signicantly change tPWV.
4. Characterized with Avago Characterization Boards as described in the Application note Application Note MOST circuit for Avago ODIN
5. Limits for 2UI are 38.6 ... 53.1ns and for 3UI they are 60.8 ... 75.2ns.
Table 4.2 Electrical Characteristics 49.152MBaud (48kHz)
Limit Values
Parameter Symbol min. typ. max. Unit
Output Rise Time @ Vcc_l [1][4] tr_l 6 9 ns
Output Rise Time @ Vcc_h [1][4] tr_h 5 9 ns
Output Fall Time @ Vcc_l [1][4] tf_l 6 9 ns
Output Fall Time @ Vcc_h [1][4] tf_h 5 9 ns
Output Pulse Width Variation 1UI [1][2][3][4][5] tPWV 15.1 28.5 ns
Output Average Pulse Width Distortion[1][2][3][4] tAPWD -3.0 6.4 ns
Data Dependent Link Jitter[2][3][4] tDDJ 3.0 ns
Uncorrelated Link Jitter[2][3][4] tUJ 0.9 ns
Power-up time at detection of rising VCC tPUO 0.1 6 ms
Power-up time from low power mode tPU 0.5 6 ms
Low Power mode timer delay tLPM 0.005 2 ms
1. Capacitive Load is max. 10pF.
2. MOST Data 48kHz FS corresponds to a 49.152MBaud data stream.
3. The optical input signal has to fulll following requirements: tPWV(min) = 18.37ns. tpwv(max) = 22.32ns, tAPWD(min) = -1.28ns, tAPWD(max) = 1.28ns,
tDDJ(max) = 0.71ns and tUJ(max) = 0.3ns, Positive Overshoot within 0UI...2/3UI = -20...40%, Extinction Ratio min = 10dB. Variation within those limits
does not signicantly change tPWV.
4. Characterized with Avago Characterization Boards as described in the Application note Application Note MOST circuit for Avago ODIN
5. Limits for 2UI are 35.47 … 48.825ns and for 3UI are 55.81 … 69.17ns.
Package Outlines
(Cavity as Interface Package)
Dimensions in mm
For a more detailed drawing please contact Avago Technologies.
Table 5. DC Electrical Characteristics
Limit Values
Parameter Symbol min. typ. max. Unit
Supply Voltage low VCC_l 3.135 3.3 3.465 V
Supply Voltage high VCC_h 4.75 5 5.25 V
Low Level Output Voltage Data and Status Pin[1] VOL 0.4 V
High Level Output Voltage Data Pin[1] VOH 2.5 3.3 3.7 V
High Level Output Voltage Status Pin[1] VOH 2.5 VCC V
Supply Current Full Power Mode ICC,FPM 15 mA
Supply Current LowPower Mode ICC,LPM 10 µA
1. Resistor load must not be smaller than 50kOhm
The information herein is given to describe certain components and shall not be considered as a guarantee of
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Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in-
question please contact your nearest Avago Technologies Oce.
Avago Technologies Components may only be used in life-support devices or systems with the express written
approval of Avago Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure
of that life-support device or system, or to aect the safety or eectiveness of that device or system. Life support
devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body, or to support and/or maintain and sus-
tainand/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons
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For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest
Avago Technologies Oce (www.avagotech.com).
Revision History
Current Document: AV02-0744EN - October 3, 2007
Previous Version: AV02-0744EN - October 2, 2007
Page Subjects (major changes since last revision)
3 Additional specication for rise and fall time
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AV02-0744EN - October 3, 2007