Electrical Characteristics (continued)
TJ=25°C, TMIN≤TJ≤TMAX (Boldface type refers to limits over temperature range)(1)
Parameter Conditions LM10/LM10B LM10C Units
Min Typ Max Min Typ Max
Load regulation 0≤IREF≤1.0 mA 0.01 0.1 0.01 0.15 %
V+−VREF≥1.0V (1.1V) 0.15 0.2 %
Amplifier gain 0.2V≤VREF≤35V 50 75 25 70 V/mV
23 15 V/mV
Feedback sense 195 200 205 190 200 210 mV
voltage 194 206 189 211 mV
Feedback current 20 50 22 75 nA
65 90 nA
Reference drift 0.002 0.003 %/°C
Supply current 270 400 300 500 μA
500 570 μA
Supply current change 1.2V (1.3V) ≤VS≤40V 15 75 15 75 μA
Electrical Characteristics
TJ=25°C, TMIN≤TJ≤TMAX (Boldface type refers to limits over temperature range)(1)
Parameter Conditions LM10BL LM10CL Units
Min Typ Max Min Typ Max
Input offset voltage 0.3 2.0 0.5 4.0 mV
3.0 5.0 mV
Input offset current(2) 0.1 0.7 0.2 2.0 nA
1.5 3.0 nA
Input bias current 10 20 12 30 nA
30 40 nA
Input resistance 250 500 150 400 kΩ
150 115 kΩ
Large signal voltage VS=±3.25V, IOUT=0 60 300 40 300 V/mV
gain VOUT=±3.2V 40 25 V/mV
VS=±3.25V, IOUT=10 mA 10 25 5 25 V/mV
VOUT=±2.75 V 4 3 V/mV
VS=±0.6V (0.65V), IOUT=±2 mA 1.5 3.0 1.0 3.0 V/mV
VOUT=±0.4V (±0.3V), VCM=−0.4V 0.5 0.75 V/mV
Shunt gain(3) 1.5V≤V+≤6.5V, RL=500Ω8 30 6 30 V/mV
0.1 mA≤IOUT≤10 mA 4 4 V/mV
Common-mode −3.25V≤VCM≤2.4V (2.25V) 89 102 80 102 dB
rejection VS=±3.25V 83 74 dB
Supply-voltage −0.2V≥V−≥−5.4V 86 96 80 96 dB
rejection V+=1.0V (1.2V) 80 74 dB
1.0V (1.1V) ≤V+≤6.3V 94 106 80 106 dB
V−=0.2V 88 74 dB
(1) These specifications apply for V−≤VCM≤V+−0.85V (1.0V), 1.2V (1.3V) <VS≤VMAX, VREF=0.2V and 0≤IREF≤1.0 mA, unless otherwise
specified: VMAX=40V for the standard part and 6.5V for the low voltage part. Normal typeface indicates 25°C limits. Boldface type
indicates limits and altered test conditions for full-temperature-range operation; this is −55°C to 125°C for the LM10, −25°C to
85°C for the LM10B(L) and 0°C to 70°C for the LM10C(L). The specifications do not include the effects of thermal gradients (τ1≃20 ms),
die heating (τ2≃0.2s) or package heating. Gradient effects are small and tend to offset the electrical error (see curves).
(2) For TJ>90°C, IOS may exceed 1.5 nA for VCM=V−. With TJ=125°C and V−≤VCM≤V−+0.1V, IOS≤5 nA.
(3) This defines operation in floating applications such as the bootstrapped regulator or two-wire transmitter. Output is connected to the V+
terminal of the IC and input common mode is referred to V−(see Typical Applications). Effect of larger output-voltage swings with higher
load resistance can be accounted for by adding the positive-supply rejection error.
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