Marked with: AR AB AC AD AG AH Ad AK ip Gestempelt mit: BCWEOA BCWEDB BCWEDC BCWGEOD BCX 706 BCX 70H BCX 701 BCX 70K BCW 60 . BCX 70 Silizium-NPN-Epitaxial-Planar-NF-Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar AF Transistor Anwendungen: Vorstufen und Schalter in Dick- und Dunnfilmschaltungen Applications: Pre stages and switches in thick and thin film circuits Besondere Merkmale: Features: @ In Gruppen sortiert @ /n groups selected @ Komplementar zu BCW 61 und BCX 71 @ Complementary to BCW61 and BCX 71 Vorlaufige technische Daten - Preliminary specifications Abmessungen in mm Dimensions in mm 0.95 0.95 + _ 5303 Normgehause Case 23 A 3 DIN 41869 (SOT 23) Gewicht - Weight max. 0,02 g Absolute Grenzdaten BCW 60 BCX 70 Absolute maximum ratings Kollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung UcEo 32 45 Vv Collector-emitter voltage Uces 32 45 Vv Emitter-Basis-Sperrspannung UVeBo 5 Vv Emitter-base voltage Kollektorstrom Io 200 mA Gollector current Basisstrom Ip 50 mA Base current Gesamtverlustleistung Total power dissipation tamb 45C, Ringa = 700C/W Prot 150 mW Sperrschichttemperatur tj 150 C Junction temperature Lagerungstemperaturbereich stg 5...4125 C Storage temperature range 145 B 2/V.2.459/0475A14BCW 60 - BCX 70 Warmewiderstande Thermal resistances Sperrschicht-Umgebung Junction ambient auf Glassubstrat 7x71 mm on glass substrat auf Keramik 30x12x1mm on ceramic Kenngr6Ben Characteristics lamb = 25C, falls nicht anders angegeben unless otherwise specified Kollektorreststrom Collector cut-off current UcE = 82 Vv UcE = lamb = 150C, UcE = 32V UcE = Emitterreststrom Emitter cut-off current UeB = 4 Vv 45V 45V BCW 60 BCX 70 BCW 60 BCX 70 Kollektor-Emitter-Durchbruchspannung Collector-emitter breakdown voltage Io =2mA Emitter-Basis-Durchbruchspannung Emitter-base breakdown voitage le = 1pA Kollektor-Sattigungsspannung Collector saturation voltage lo = 10mA, Ip = 0,25mA Io = 50mA, /3 = 1,25 mA Basis-Sattigungsspannung Base saturation voltage Io = 10mA, /p = 0,25mA Io = 50mA, fp = 1,25mA Basis-Emitter-Spannung Base-emitter voltage UcE = 5V, Ie =2mA 146 BCW 60 BCX 70 Rina RthJA IoES ICES ICES ICES 'EBO UBR)CEO UBR)CEO UBR)EBO Yi CEsat UcEsat UpeEsat UBesat UBE Min. 32 45 550 Typ. 120 200 0,7 0,83 Max. 700 450 20 20 20 20 20 350 550 0,85 1,05 750 C/W C/W nA nA HA nA mV mV mVBCW 60 - BCX 70 Min. Typ. Max. Kollektor-Basis-Gleichstromverhaltnis DC forward current transfer ratio Uce = SV. Ig = 2mA BCW 60 - BCX 70 Gruppe: A - Go fre 120 220 Group: Gruppe: B - H /fEe 180 310 Group: Gruppe: C - J hee 250 460 Group: Gruppe: D - K /ffe 380 630 Group: UcE = 5V, Io = 10pA Gruppe: A: G hee - Group: Gruppe: B - H AEE 20 Group: Gruppe: C - J Are 40 Group: Gruppe: D - K Are 100 Group: Transitfrequenz Gain bandwidth product Uce = 5V.Jg = 10 mA, f = 100 MHz ST 125 =. 250 MHz RauschmaB Noise figure Uce = 5V, Ig = 200pA, Re = 2kQ, f = 1kHz, Af = 200Hz F 2 6 dB 147BCW 60 - BCX 70 CES 1000 nA 100 10 071 oO BCW 60 Ucge= 32V BCX 70 Ugg = 45V Streugrenze Scattering limit / 7 50 C lamb - 75 1667 Tk fg=30uA famb= 25 C yA 10 mA lor 75 1663 Thk UcEBCW 60 - BCX 70 78 1666 Th t 0 2 3 4vV UE Uge* O61V 75 1668 Tk 75 1664 hk 12 Vv UCE 75 1665 TkBCW 60 - BCX 70 a 150 BCW 60A BCX 70G lamb = 100C BCw 60D BCX 70K tamb= 100C 75 1659 lo 75 1660 BCW 608 BCX 70H 10. 0,01 o; 1 10 mA BCW 60C 75 1664 BCX 70] famb= 100CBCW 60 - BCX 70 =5V Ce {= 100 MHz tamb= 25 C 151