......................................................................................................................................................... SBOS396B – MARCH 2009 – REVISED JUNE 2009
The PGA2505 includes a common-mode servo An over-range indicator output, OVR, is provided atfunction. This function is enabled and disabled using pin 6. The OVR pin is an active high,the CM bit in the serial control word; see Figure 10 . CMOS-logic-level output. The over-range output isWhen enabled, the servo provides common-mode forced high when the preamplifier output voltagenegative feedback at the input differential pair, exceeds one of two preset thresholds. The thresholdresulting in very low common-mode input impedance. is programmed through the serial port interface usingThe differential input impedance is not affected by the OR bit. If OR = '0', then the output threshold is setthis feedback. This function is useful when the source to 5.1V
differential, which is approximately 1dBis floating, or has a high common-mode output below the specified output voltage range. If OR = '1',impedance. then the output threshold is set to 4.0V
RMSdifferential, which is approximately 3dB below theWhen the source is floating, the only connection
specified output voltage range.between the source and the ground is through thePGA2505 preamplifier input resistance. The input The PGA2505 includes four programmable digitalcommon-mode parasitic current is determined by high outputs, named GPO1, GPO2, GPO3, and GPO4output impedance of the source, not by input (pins 2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively), that are controlledimpedance of the amplifier. Therefore, input via the serial port interface. These pins arecommon-mode interference can be reduced by CMOS-logic-level outputs. These pins may be usedlowering the common-mode input impedance while at to control relay drivers or switches used for externalthe same time not increasing the input common-mode preamplifier functions, including input pads, filtering,current. Increasing common-mode current degrades polarity reversal, or phantom power.common-mode rejection. Using the common-modeservo, overall common-mode rejection can beimproved by suppressing low and medium frequency
An analog signal is input differentially across the V
+common-mode interference.
(pin 24) and V
– (pin 23) inputs. The input voltageThe common-mode servo function is designed to
range and input impedance are provided in theoperate with a total common-mode input capacitance
Electrical Characteristics table. The Applications(including the microphone cable capacitance) of up to
Information section of this data sheet provides10nF. Beyond this limit, stable servo operation is not
additional details regarding typical input circuitassured.
considerations when interfacing the PGA2505 to amicrophone input.The common-mode voltage control input, namedV
IN (pin 22), allows the PGA2505 output and
Both V
+ and V
– are biased at approximatelyinput to be dc-biased to a common-mode voltage
0.65V below the common-mode input voltage,between 0V and +2.5V and should not be left floating.
supplied at V
IN (pin 22). The use of ac-couplingThis configuration allows for a dc-coupled interface
capacitors (see Figure 10 ) is highly recommended forbetween the PGA2505 preamplifier output and the
the analog inputs of the PGA2505. If dc-coupling isinputs of common single-supply audio ADCs.
required for a given application, the user must takethis offset into account.The zero crossing control input is provided forenabling and disabling the internal zero crossing
It is recommended that a small capacitor bedetector function. This function is enabled and
connected from each analog input pin to analogdisabled using the ZC bit in the serial control word;
ground. Values of at least 50pF are recommended.see Figure 10 . Zero crossing detection is used to
See Figure 10 for larger capacitors used for EMIforce gain changes on zero crossings of the analog
filtering, which satisfies this requirement.input signal. This configuration limits the glitch energy
The analog output is presented differentially acrossassociated with switching gain, thereby minimizing
+ (pin 15) and V
– (pin 14). The outputaudible artifacts at the preamplifier output. Because
voltage range is provided in the Electricalzero crossing detection can add some delay when
Characteristics table. The analog output is designedperforming gain changes (up to 16ms maximum for a
to drive a 600 Ωdifferential load while meeting thedetector timeout event), there may be cases where
published THD+N specifications and typicalthe user may wish to disable the function. Setting the
performance graphs.ZC bit high enables zero crossing detection, with gainchanges occurring immediately when programmed.
Note that because the zero crossing detector requiressetup, the user should set the ZC bit as a firstoperation. Subsequent changes in gain occur on thezero crossings provided that the ZC bit setting ismaintained.
Copyright © 2009, Texas Instruments Incorporated 9
Product Folder Link(s): PGA2505