Data Sheet ADN2915
Rev. A | Page 25 of 36
created by both the current and the resistors. In this case, ensure
that the current is a minimum of 6 mA, which gives a single-
ended swing of 300 mV or a differential swing of 600 mV p-p
differential, with VCM = 1.05 V (see Figure 39). The maximum
current is 10 mA, which gives a single-ended 500 mV swing and
differential 1.0 V p-p, with VCM = 0.95 V (see Figure 40).
Another possibility is to have the switched current driver back
terminated, as shown in Figure 38, and the two VCC supplies
having the same potential. In this example, the current is
returned to VCC by two 50 Ω resistors in parallel, or 25 Ω, so
that the minimum current is 12 mA and the maximum current
is 20 mA.
The lock detector on the ADN2915 has three modes of opera-
tion: normal mode, LTR mode, and static LOL mode.
Normal Mode
In normal mode, the ADN2915 is a continuous rate CDR that
locks onto any data rate from 6.5 Mbps to 11.3 Gbps without
the use of a reference clock as an acquisition aid. In this mode,
the lock detector monitors the frequency difference between the
DCO and the input data frequency, and deasserts the loss of
lock signal, which appears on LOL, Pin 6, when the DCO is
within 250 ppm of the data frequency. This enables the digital
PLL (D/PLL), which pulls the DCO frequency in the remaining
amount and acquires phase lock. When locked, if the input
frequency error exceeds 1000 ppm (0.1%), the loss of lock signal
is reasserted and control returns to the frequency loop, which
begins a new frequency acquisition. The LOL pin remains
asserted until the DCO locks onto a valid input data stream to
within 250 ppm frequency error. This hysteresis is shown in
Figure 29.
Figure 29. Transfer Function of LOL
LOL Detector Operation Using a Reference Clock
In this mode, a reference clock is used as an acquisition aid to
lock the ADN2915 DCO. Lock to reference mode is enabled by
setting CDR_MODE[2:0] to 2 in the CTRLA register (Register
0x8). The user must also write to FREF_RANGE[1:0] and
DATA_TO_REF_RATIO[3:0] in the LTR_MODE register
(Register 0xF) to set the reference frequency range and the
divide ratio of the data rate with respect to the reference
frequency. Finally, the reference clock power down to the
reference clock buffer must be deasserted by writing a 0 to I2C
Bit REFCLK_PDN in the CTRLC register (Register 0xA). To
maintain fastest acquisition, keep CTRLC[0] set to 1.
For more details, see the Reference Clock (Optional) section.
In this mode, the lock detector monitors the difference in fre-
quency between the divided down DCO and the divided down
reference clock. The loss of lock signal, which appears on LOL
(Pin 6), is deasserted when the DCO is within 250 ppm of the
desired frequency. This enables the D/PLL, which pulls in the
DCO frequency the remaining amount with respect to the input
data and acquires phase lock. When locked, if the frequency
error exceeds 1000 ppm (0.1%), the loss of lock signal is
reasserted and control returns to the frequency loop, which
reacquires with respect to the reference clock. The LOL pin
remains asserted until the DCO frequency is within 250 ppm of
the desired frequency. This hysteresis is shown in Figure 29.
Static LOL Mode
The ADN2915 implements a static LOL feature that indicates if
a loss of lock condition has ever occurred and remains asserted,
even if the ADN2915 regains lock, until the static LOL bit
(STATUSA[2]) in Register 0x6 is manually reset. If there is ever
an occurrence of a loss of lock condition, this bit is internally
asserted to logic high. The static LOL bit remains high even
after the ADN2915 has reacquired lock to a new data rate. This
bit can be reset by writing a 1, followed by 0, to the reset static
LOL bit (CTRLA[2]) in I2C Register 0x8. When reset, the static
LOL bit (STATUSA[2]) remains deasserted until another loss of
lock condition occurs.
Writing a 1 to Bit LOL config (CTRLB[4]) in I2C Register 0x9
causes the LOL pin, Pin 6, to become a static LOL indicator. In
this mode, the LOL pin mirrors the contents of the static LOL
bit (STATUSA[2]) in Register 0x6 and has the functionality
described previously. The LOL config bit (CTRLB[4]) defaults
to 0. In this mode, the LOL pin operates in the normal operat-
ing mode; that is, it is asserted only when the ADN2915 is in
acquisition mode and deasserts when the ADN2915 has
reacquired lock.
The ADN2915 provides a harmonic detector that detects whether
the input data has changed to a lower harmonic of the data rate
than the one that the sampling clock is currently locked onto. For
example, if the input data instantaneously changes from OC-12,
622.08 Mbps, to an OC-3, 155.52 Mbps bit stream, this can be
perceived as a valid OC-12 bit stream because the OC-3 data
pattern is exactly 4× slower than the OC-12 pattern. Therefore,
if the change in data rate is instantaneous, a 101 pattern at OC-3
is perceived by the ADN2915 as a 111100001111 pattern at OC-12.
If the change to a lower harmonic is instantaneous, a typical
inferior CDR may remain locked at the higher data rate.
The ADN2915 implements a harmonic detector that automati-
cally identifies whether the input data has switched to a lower
harmonic of the data rate than the DCO is currently locked
onto. When a harmonic is identified, the LOL pin is asserted,
and a new frequency acquisition is initiated. The ADN2915
automatically locks onto the new data rate, and the LOL pin is
0–250 250 1000