PIN DIODES FOR RF | ihueiis 3082-3080 jy HEWLETT arc Se ip SWITCHING AND | S0s2:3039 ~ 5082.3379 PACKARD 5082-3042/43 HPN0-4165/66 ATTENUATING | 5082-3077 Features LOW HARMONIC DISTORTION LARGE DYNAMIC RANGE LOW SERIES RESISTANCE LOW CAPACITANCE LOW TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT Typically Less Than 20% Resistance Change from 25C to 100C Description / Applications These general purpose switching diodes are intended for low power switching applications such as RF duplexers, antenna switching matrices, digital phase shifters, and time multiplex filters. The 5082-3168/3188 are optimized for VHF/UHF bandswitching. The RF resistance of a PIN diode is a function of the current flowing in the diode. These current controlled resistors are specified for use in control applications such as variable RF attenuators, automatic gain control circuits, RF moduia- tors, electrically tuned filters, analog phase shifters, and RF limiters. Maximum Ratings Junction Operating and Storage TemperatureRange ...........+..06- -65C to+150C Power Dissipation at 25C oo... eee ee eee 250 mW (Derate linearly to zgro at 150C) Peak Inverse Voltage (PIV) ............0005 same as Vaan Outline 15 diodes are available on tape and reel. The tape and reel specification is patterned after RS-296-D. 6-29 Mechanical Specifications The HP Outline 15 package has a glass hermetic seal with dumet leads. The lead finish is 95-5 tin-lead (SnPb) for ail PIN diode products except the 5082-3042 and -3043, which have gold plated leads. The leads on the Outline 15 package should be restricted so that the bend starts at least 1/16 inch (1.6mm) from the glass body. With this restriction, Outtine 15 package wil! meet MIL-STD-750, Method 2036, Condi- tions A (41bs., [1.8kg.], tension for 30 minutes) and E. The maximum soldering temperature is 230C for five seconds. Typical package inductance and capacitance are 2.5nH and 0.13 pF, respectively. Marking is by digital coding with a cathode band. ed =o] a a = awGeneral Purpose Diodes Electrical Specifications at T,=25C Bo . Minimum Maximum : =. - ee Part oy -. Notal Breakdown: Residual Series Effective Carrier |. Reverse: Recovery. ~~ Number Voltage - Resistance _ Lifetime Pe Time . 5082- | Cr (pF) ~ Var () Rs (M0 cor (ms) To ter (ns). AND ATTENUATING oe OPS Be Bo - goo. | 4.0 ol 400 (ming 400 (typ) 200-2 1.0 400 ; 150 sees fh 4.25 700 {min.} aes WOA(typjocm 150 oS: 4.25. = min} 9 4. 100 (typ) 200 45 h-400-(min.). 100 oo FO gt 50 15") 38 ost. : = 400 mA= oo ig=20mA les 10 mA f= 100 MHz Note: Typical CW power switching capability for a shunt switch in a SOM system is 2.5W. RF Current Controlied Resistor Diodes Electrical Specifications at T,=25C - Maximum fective Minimum |. Residual one | -Camier | Breakdown | Series ~ Part. Lifetim Voltage . |. Resistan Number | = (ns) | High Low | tal Resistance a Resistance: \ce | Capacitance een ee - a Re e Ver(V) | RAs(OY> 1 Cr(pF). | Min. | Max. | Min. | Max.) | Slope, Ay HPND-4165 | |. 100. 100 | WB ef 0.8 | 1100 | 1660 |. 16: a4ef: 040085 HPND-4166 | 100.:=s|(Ct(tSCSdLSt(iiSS SP BS | BBO | 1250 | 12 wf a 5082-3080 | 2000 (typ.) |: 100 6 BBs ete 0.4.0 | 1000- foe | Bp ee iIN5767" 1300 {typ:) |}: 100 2B eee G4 | 1000). ipo sel ale eS 5082-3379 | 2000 (typ). 50 ke eS 0.4.05 oe we, By rm 5082,2081 | 2500(typ} | 100 fs BB fe 04 | 1500. eee Bre ps Test Ip=50MA | Va=Ven, | lp= TOMA} Va=50V> | lp=0.01mA | p= 1.0mA Batch Matched at | Conditions | 1_=250mA | Measure ) f= 100MHz |) f=1MHz f=100MHz | p= 20mMAL Ip = O01 MA - 4 . oo. fo = 100 MHz: Maximum . Resistance & : vs. Bias *The 1N5767 has the additional specifications: T iR Ve = 1V maximum at tp = 100mA. 1.0 psec minimum 1 uA maximum at VR = SOV 6-30Typical Parameters at Ta = 25C (unless otherwise noted) 100 10.000 5082.2001, 3002: oman 3039, 3077, AND HPND-4165/-66 _ 1NS719 : 1000 <q 10 noes 3 E = ~ 5082:3042/43. a 5 T+128' 5 aapeaden 2 100 = pps. w = F = ete 51 oe Z 9 - 3 3 10 3 = ac x by, 1 ra i ae 1 ok 41k 0 2 .001 FORWARD VOLTAGE (V} FORWARD BIAS CURRENT (mA) Figure 1. Typical Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. Figure 2. Typical RF Resistance vs. Forward Bias Current. 10,000 os 10,000 1000 & 1000 a a = = 3 5 rm 100} = 100 Z 3 < x a Ww 2 10 ad Idd e She de aa} 1 1 001 1 A 1 10 100 .001 FORWARD BIAS CURRENT (mA) FORWARD BIAS CURRENT (mA} Figure 3. Typical RF Resistance vs. Bias for HPND-4165. Figure 4. Typical RF Resistance vs. Bias for HPND-4166. 100,000 = 10,000 2 ic = + : bc9 = 1000 9 3s Q 2 ro) @ - ES I g = % 100 a ce 3 ee 10 1 . fl . 3 3 i 2 # 0 *y 001 . . 0 10 3040 50 60 70 FORWARD BIAS CURRENT (mA) REVERSE VOLTAGE (V) Figure 5. Typical RF Resistance vs. Forward Bias Current. Figure 6. Typical Capacitance vs. Reverse Voltage. 6-31