side of CHOLD switches back to AIN, and CHOLD
charges to the input signal again.
The time required for the T/H to acquire an input signal
is a function of how quickly its input capacitance is
charged. If the input signal’s source impedance is high,
the acquisition time lengthens and more time must be
allowed between conversions. The acquisition time
(tACQ) is the maximum time the device takes to acquire
the signal, and is also the minimum time needed for the
signal to be acquired. Acquisition time is calculated by:
tACQ = 9(RS+ RIN) x 12pF,
where RIN = 800Ω, RS= the input signal’s source
impedance, and tACQ is never less than 468ns
(MAX1284) or 625ns (MAX1285). Source impedances
below 2kΩdo not significantly affect the ADCs AC per-
Higher source impedances can be used if a 0.01µF
capacitor is connected to the analog input. Note that
the input capacitor forms an RC filter with the input
source impedance, limiting the ADCs input signal
Input Bandwidth
The ADCs’ input tracking circuitry has a 6MHz
(MAX1284) or 3MHz (MAX1285) small-signal band-
width, so it is possible to digitize high-speed transient
events and measure periodic signals with bandwidths
exceeding the ADC’s sampling rate, by using under-
sampling techniques. To avoid aliasing of unwanted
high-frequency signals into the frequency band of inter-
est, anti-alias filtering is recommended.
Analog Input Protection
Internal protection diodes, which clamp the analog
input to VDD and GND, allow the input to swing from
(GND - 0.3V) to (VDD + 0.3V) without damage.
If the analog input exceeds 50mV beyond the sup-
plies, limit the input current to 2mA.
Internal Reference
The MAX1284/MAX1285 have an on-chip voltage refer-
ence trimmed to 2.5V. The internal reference output is
connected to REF and also drives the internal capaci-
tive DAC. The output can be used as a reference volt-
age source for other components and can source up to
800µA. Bypass REF with a 4.7µF capacitor. Larger
capacitors increase wake-up time when exiting shut-
down (see the
Using SHDN to Reduce Supply Current
section). The internal reference is disabled in shutdown
(SHDN = 0).
Serial Interface
Initialization after Power-Up and
Starting a Conversion
When power is first applied, and if SHDN is not pulled
low, it takes the fully discharged 4.7µF reference
bypass capacitor up to 2ms to provide adequate
charge for specified accuracy. No conversions should
be performed during this time.