Contents FOALUIOS coretteeeteceeeenscnerceceecreteesseseetserseeeesseenss 1 Applications -srrrsseresessreersssseesessesetesessensseese 1 OptionS == aeteneateeestssesnsserseuecnsenteness 1 Pin Assignment Pree eeeereererrrirtirrtrrirr rere rrr r ry 1 Pin FUNCTIONS weressstortcetecertsseeeceessssnreresenses 1 BlOCK Diagram vrrvvrsssesseersesrsssesseeseossssratsnses 2 Selection Guide vvstssessececenessseceenecssenaceeenes 3 Absolute Maximim Ratings--- paaveceseeserseuserseesses 4 Electrical Characteristics sorrsesecrrsssserceeeeeeeese 4 Test Circuitgeeseeteesssssssssssesssessersssesscrtecnsessesseoren 8 TeChnical Terms -rrssssssssesssersenseerereceseoseeetens 8 Operation Timing Charts-------seeesssseesssesssnsees 9 Operation _wrersrereveveatssneenenteessserenes 10 Dimensions Ree enw o mt eee seen sane een een eeeseEseusensensesnanes 12 Markings crrrecersesssereecsesesesessseneseteteeseteensesssens 12 Taping crrvrestetsesesessereressnsnssessveneeeensens wee 13 Transient Response vrrrrsessssssssesssssersessnens 14 Standard Curcuit -r-crsseeseesrccecsessssecsccesesssrereneese 21 Application Curcuits vrrssssssresessesseesenseaseonsanes 24 Notes ROR e ace e Ute E TE HOH ere DURES ORES SEHR SURED OEE CORSE ODES ER SORES 22HIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR - . WITH RESET FUNCTION S 87X Series The S-87X Series are low-power high withstand-voltage voltage regulators with reset function, which integrate high-precision voltage detection and voltage regulation circuits on one chip. The S-87X Series have a higher withstand-voltage characteristic and a higher accuracy of detection voltage and output voltage, which is +2.4%, than our S-870 Series voltage regulators. @ Features . @ Applications - Accuracy of output voltage: + 2.4% (3.0 V/ 5.0 V) - Constant voltage power supply or reset circuit of battery-powered equipment, VTR, camera, - Accuracy of detection voltage: + 2.4% ia " communications equipment, or others. Low I/O voltage difference: 0.15 V typ. at lout = 30 mA, 5.0 V 0.45 V typ. at lout = 30 mA, 3.0 V Low current consumption: 8 uA typ. - Wide operating voltage range: 24.0 V max. - Wide operating temperature range: -40C to +85C Built-in delay circuit and short-circuit protection circuit - Small package: SOT-89-5 M Pin Assignment H Pin Functions Top view Table 1 5 4 Pin . | SL | 1: Vout No. Name Functions 2:Vss ___ : 3: Cp (Ver) 1 Vout | Voltage output pin of voltage regulator 4:Vor 2 Vss_ | Ground 5: Vin Connection pin of external capacitor for O | 3 Co delay of voltage detector 3 Vopr | Input pin of shutdown circuit Output pin of voltage detector (Nch opendrain output) Figure 1 Pin assignment 5 Vin | Positive power-supply input pin 4 VorHIGH-WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series M@ Block Diagram 1) Built-in delay circuit, Vin detection 2) Built-in delay circuit, Voyr detection (S-87XXXXA Series) (S-87XXXXB Series) Pr rn nee nnn ww eww mn 7 eaten % Short-circuit Short-circuit protection circuit Co 3) Built-in shutdown circuit (regulators only), Vij detection (S-87XXXXC Series) Short-circuit protection circuit t t P 7 | t ' 4 Voltage detection +++ Von ' t t I I 1 1 Power on/off | I 1 ' Vgg OT TTF circuit 1 7 f bem mew wee eee ee ee eee ee eh eee ee 4d Vor Figure 2 Biock diagram protection circuit Cp Delay circuitHIGH-WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series H Selection Guide 1. Series selection Table 2 Vol Built-in Shutdown oltage function Seriesname | detector (VD) Delay VR VD S-87XXXXA Detects Vin Yes No No $-87XXXXB Detects Vout Yes No No $-87XXXXC Detects Vin No Yes No 2. Product name Example: S-875047BUP-AAA-T2 Taping 3. Product List re Function Abbreviation (product marking) Detection voltage of voltage detector x 10 Output voltage of voltage regulator x 10 VR output voltage VD detection voltage S-87XXXXA Series S-87XXXXB Series S-87XXXXC Series 5.0V 4.5V $-875045AUP-AAA-T2 $-875045BUP-ABA-T2 $-875045CUP-ACA-T2 5.0V 4.3V $-875043AUP-AAB-T2 $-875043BUP-ABB-T2 $-875043CUP-ACB-T2 5.0V 4.1V $-875041AUP-AAC-T2 $-875041BUP-ABC-T2 $-875041CUP-ACC-T2 5.0V 3.9V $-875039AUP-AAD-T2 $-875039BUP-ABD-T2 $-875039CUP-ACD-T2 5.0V 3.7V $-875037AUP-AAE-T2 $-875037BUP-ABE-T2 $-875037CUP-ACE-T2 3.0V 2.5V $-873025AUP-ADA-T2 $-873025BUP-AEA-T2 $-873025CUP-AFA-T2 3.0V 2.4V $-873024AUP-ADB-T2 $-873024BUP-AEB-T2 $-873024CUP-AFB-T2 3.0V 2.3V $-873023AUP-ADC-T2 $-873023BUP-AEC-T2 $-873023CUP-AFC-T2 3.0V 2.2V $-873022AUP-ADD-T2 $-873022BUP-AED-T2 $-873022CUP-AFD-T2 3.0V 2.1V $-873021AUP-ADE-T2 $-87302 1BUP-AEE-T2 $-873021CUP-AFE-T2 Note In the S-87XXXXB Series, if the output voltage of the voltage regulator is close to the detection voltage of the voltage detector, the transient response of tne voltage regulator may be detection of an error. When selecting the voltage, take into account Transient Response.HIGH-WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series @ Absolute Maximum Ratings Table 3 Parameter Symbol Ratings Unit Input voltage Vin, Ver 26 Vv Output voltage Vout Vin + 0.3 to Vss-0.3 Vv Output voltage of voltage detector Vor Vss-0.3 to 26 v Power dissipation Pp 500 mw Operating temperature Topr -40to +85 C Storage temperature Tstg -40 to +125 C MH Electrical Characteristics 1. S-8750XXA/B Series Table 4 (Uniess otherwise specified: Ta = 25C) ae St . Parameter Symbol Conditions ; andard Unit Test Min. | Typ. | Max. cir. . | Output voltage Vout Vin=7V, lour=30mMmA 4.88 | 5.00 5.12 Vv 1 |/O voltage difference Vait lout = 30 mA 0.15 | 0.40 Vv 1 , Vin = 6 to 24 V oS _ s Line regulation AVouT1 lour= 30 mA 15 50 mV 1 2 . Vin=7V _ Load regulation AVoutT2 lour= 50 zAto 40 mA 15 50 mV 1 | Input voltage Vin _ _ 24 Vv 1 - | Temp.coefficient of AVout | Vin=7V, lout = 30 mA, _ |e + > |Your ATa__|Ta=-40C to +85C 0.38 | 1.52) mvc | 1 Operating voltage Vsen 1.3 _ 24 Vv 2 Delay time*! tod Cp = 4.7 nF 15 27 41 ms 3 ~ | Temp. characteristic =| A-Voer | r3= 40C to +85C | +05] +20]mvrc| 2 | of -Vper ATa * S-875045A/B 4.392 | 4.50 | 4.608 Vv 2 s $-875043A/B 4.196 | 4.30 | 4.404 v 2 . | Detection voltage Ver | 5:875041A/B 4.001] 4.10 | 4.199 | Vv 2 $-875039A/B 3.806 | 3.90 | 3.994 Vv 2 7: 5-875037A/B 3.611 | 3.70 | 3.789 Vv 2 Neh Vnel.2Vv | 025 1 060 | mA | 4 | Sink current Ipout Vin=2.4V 1.50 | 2.60 _ mA 4 > Vos=0.5V Ty =36V | 3.00 | 4501 | mA | 4 Nch : . Leakage current ILEAK Vps=24V, Vin= 10V _ 0.1 ph 4 S-875045A/B 1 2.5 % 2 > | Hysteresis width Vuys 5-875043A/B, 41A/B, 3 _ 8 % 2 39A/B, 37A/B Current consumption*2 Iss Vin=7 V, Unloaded 3 8 pA 5 *1 tpg (ms) = (3.18 min.,5.74 typ., 8.73 max.) x Cp (nF) *2 Excluding the charging current of CpHIGH-WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series 2. S-8730XXA/B Series Table 5 (Unless otherwise specified: Ta = 25C) wat t : T Parameter Symbol Conditions . Standard Unit est Min. | Typ. | Max. cir. . | Output voltage Vout Vin=SV, lout =30mA 2.928 | 3.000 | 3.072 Vv 1 |1/O voltage difference Vgit lout = 30 mA 0.45 | 0.70 Vv 1 - . . Vin =4to24v s Line regulation AVouTi lour= 30 mA _ 15 50 mV 1 : Vin=SV _ Load regulation AVout2 lout = 50 pA to 40 mA 15 50 mV 1 x | Input voltage VIN _ _ 24 Vv 1 - | Temp.coefficient of AVout | Vin=5V, lout =30 mA, _ |e + > [Vout Ata | Ta=-40Cto +85C 0.23) 0.92) mvc | 1 Operating voltage Vsen 1.3 _ 24 Vv 2 Delay time! ~ tod Cp = 4.7 nF 15 27 41 ms 3 3 | lemp. characteristic | A-VorT | ta=-40C to +85C | 03] #12} mvrc] 2 [LOf-Vper Ata ve $-873025A/B 2.440 | 2.500 | 2.560 Vv 2 e $-873024A/B 2.342 | 2.400 | 2.458 Vv 2 5 Detection voltage Vper _ |$-873023A/B 2.245 | 2.300 | 2.356 Vv 2 7 $-873022A/B 2.147 | 2.200 | 2.253 Vv 2 $-873021A/B 2.049 | 2.100 | 2.151 Vv 2 oa : Nch Vinei1.3V 0.25 | 0.60 _ mA 4 Sink current Ipout IN s Vos=0.5V [Vin=2.4V3| 1.50 | 260 | | mA | 4 - Nch o | Leakage current ILEAK Vps=24V, Vin=10V _ _ 0.1 pA 4 > | Hysteresis width*2 Vuys 3 _ 8 % 2 Current consumption Isg Vin=5 V, Unloaded _ 3 8 vA 5 *41 tog (ms) = (3.18 min.,5.74 typ., 8.73 max.) x Cp (nF) *2 Excluding the charging current of Cp *3 S-873025A/B onlyHIGH-WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series 3. S-8750XXC Series Table 6 (Unless otherwise specified: Ta = 25C) tat St . Parameter Symbol Conditions - andard Unit Test Min. | Typ. | Max. cir. _ | Output voltage Vout Vin=7V, loyt=30mA 4.88 | 5.00 5.12 Vv 1 o |V/Ovoltage difference Vdit lout = 30 mA _ 0.15 } 0.40 Vv 1 - : : Vin =6 to 24V _ ~ | Lineregulation . AVouT1 lour= 30 mA 15 50 mV 1 > | Load regulation AV Vin=7V _ 15 50 mv | 1 > OUT2 | [our = 50 pA to 40 MA . Input voltage Vin 24 V 1 Temp.coefficient of AVout | Vin=7V, lout =30 mA, _ |e + = | Vour Ate |tan-40C to + 85C 0.38} 41.52] mvrc| 1 Power off output Vin=7V, > _ _ voltage - | VourorF |yer="L" R= IMO O1 |} vie} 6 Operating voltage Vsen 1.3 _ 24 Vv 2 Temp. characteristic =| A-VoeT | 7a =-40Cto +85C | +05 | 42.0 | mvrc] 2 ~ [of -Vpet Ata $-875045C 4.392 | 4.50 | 4.608 Vv 2 v $-875043C 4.196 | 4.30 | 4.404 Vv 2 | Detection voltage Vper | 5-875041C 4.001 | 4.10 [4.199[ Vv | 2 5-875039C 3.806 | 3.90 | 3.994 Vv 2 2 $-875037C 3.611 | 3.70 | 3.789 Vv 2 Nch Vin=1.2V 0.25 0.60 mA 4 om | Sink current lpout Vps=0.5V Vin=2.4V 1.50 | 2.60 _ mA 4 Vnz3.6v | 3.00 | 450] mA | 4 ~ | Leakage current | Nch _ 0.1 pA 4 LEAK 1 Vps = 24V, Vin=10V , > i $-875045C 1 | 25 | %* | 2 Hysteresis width Vuys -875043C, 41C, 39C, 37C 3 _ 8 % 2 Isg Vin = 7 V, Unloaded _ 3 8 pA 5 Current consumption Vpg = L: Power off, lof Vin=7V _ 1.5 3.5 uA 5 Vit Veg = L": Power off, _ _ 0.4 Vv 6 Shutdown input voltage Vin=7V Vpp = "H": Power on, Vin Vee7V 20 | Vv 6HIGH-WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series 4. S-8730XXC Series Table 7 (Unless otherwise specified: Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions - Standard Unit Test Min. | Typ. | Max. cir. . {| Output voltage Vout Vin=5V, loyr=30mA 2.928 | 3.000 | 3.072 Vv 1 o | I/O voltage difference Vuit lout = 30 mA _ 0.45 | 0.70 Vv 1 v . . VIN =4to24V : _ = | Line regulation AVoutTi loyr = 30mA 15 50 mV 1 5 | Load regulation AV Vin=5V 15 50 mv | 1 > OUT2 | Igy = 50 vA to 40 mA . Input voltage Vin _ _ 24 Vv 1 Temp.coefficient of AVout | Vin=5V, lout = 30 mA, _ I4 + = Vow et 40C te 4 B5C +0.23| +0.92| mvrc| 1 Power off output Vin=5V > _ voltage VoutorF Vpp="L" RL=1MQ 0.1 Vv 6 Operating voltage Vsen 1.3 _ 24 Vv 2 | Temp. characteristic | A-VoeT | ta=-40Cto +85C | 03 | #12] mvrc| 2 ~ [of -Vper Ata o $-873025C 2.440 | 2.500 | 2.560 Vv 2 ; $-873024C 2.342 | 2.400 | 2.458 Vv 2 ~ | Detection voltage Voer | 5-873023C 2.244] 2.300} 2356| Vv | 2 o $-873022C 2.147 | 2.200 { 2.253 Vv 2 a $-873021C 2.049 | 2.100 | 2.151 Vv 2 slo Neh [Vin=1.3V. | 0.25 [| 060 | | mA | 4 | Sink current Inout | Vps=0.5V [Vy=24v | 1.50] 260 | | mA | 4 Nch > Leakage current ILEAK Vps=24V, Viy=10V 0.1 pA 4 Hysteresis width Vuys 3 _ 8 % 2 Iss Vin = 5 V, Unloaded _ 3 8 pA 5 Current consumption Vpr = L": Power off, _ lof Vin=5V 1.5 3.5 UA 5 Vit Vpp = L: Power off, _ _ 0.4 Vv 6 Shutdown input voltage Vin=oV Vopr = H: Power on, Vin Vine 5V 20 | Vv 6 * $-873025C onlyHIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series MH Test Circuits 1. 2. Vin Vout x S C. Vss (A) (v) 4 +4 WT . 3 4. Vin Vout 100 kQ Vor f [| 5 Vor uy Co / (Ver) V (v) (A) Vss ss Cp J i Wr 5. 6. Tr Vin Vout > __ 3 $ RL=1MQ Vin (Ver) Ver ; Vss Vss if + 4 4 Figure 3 Test circuits M Technical Terms e |/O voltage difference (Vgis) Vait = Vini - Vout Vout: Initial output voltage Vin1: Input voltage which generates an output voltage (VouT2) decreased by 5% from Vout @ Load regulation (A Vout2) - AVout2= Vout1 - Vout2 VouT1: Output voltage when lout is 50 nA Voutz: Output voltage when Iour is 40 mA @ Line regulation (A Voyt1) AVout1 = Vout - Vout2 Vout1: Output voltage when Vy is 24 V Vout2: Output voltage when Vix is (VoUuT+ 1) VHIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series Mi Operation Timing Charts 1. Voltage regulator (S-87XXXXC Series) * Indicates shutdown status. When load current (lout) is less than 1 vA, Vout is not always Vsg level. ** When Vout is shorted at t1, Voyr becomes Vss level. When short of Vout is removed at t2, Voy returns to normal. Figure 4 2. Voltage detector (S-87XXXXA/B Series) (Vv) VinorVour J Vuys Voet* Voer Vor (V) | * Output delay time (tpg) of the voltage detector can be changed with an external capacitance value to Cp pin. ** Delay time is not available in S-87XXXXC Series. Figure 5HIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series M Operation 1. Reference voltage circuit The reference voltage circuits operate all the time while voltage is applied to Vix pin independently of Vpr signal. 2. Voltage regulator Vin Figure 6 shows the voltage regulator circuit. The S-87X Series has a Pch MOS transistor as the output control transistor. , Reverse current may break IC if Vout potential is higher than Vin, because a parasitic diode is formed between Viy and Vout due to the structure of the control transistor. Therefore, keep Vout lower than Vin + 0.3 V. The output voltage of the voltage regulator can be selected as Vout follows : 3V system : 2.9V to 3.4V (0.1V step) 42.4% ; oo. 5V system : 4.7V to 5.2V (0.1V step) +2.4% Figure 6 Voltage regulator circuit Note For an application with a load current of less than 1 pA, the leakage current of the control transistor M1 increases the output voltage. 3. Short-circuit protection circuit The S-87X Series has a built-in short-circuit protection circuit to protect the element from break caused by a large current in case of a short circuit. The output short current is internally limited to approx. 70 mA. Short- circuit protection circuit has three kinds characteristics according to Vin (input voltage) as shown in Figure 7. At 5-V output: (a) VinVout= 2.0 (b) 1.55 Vin/Vout<2.0 () VinVout<1.5 VouT A Vout A Vout | (v) (Vv) (Vv) ' I 1 I 1 lout lout lout los Imax (mA) los (mA) los (mA) Figure 7 epoxy board (1.7mm thick) Power 1.0 Copper foiled area: 1cm2 dissipation 0.8 Note Use a voltage regulator with log under the specified Pp 0.6 power dissipation of the package. (mw) 0.4 0.2 fF Unassembled 0 0 50 100 150 Ambient temperature Ta (C) Figure 8 Power dissipation of the package (when not mounted) 10HIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series 4, Delay circuit The delay circuit outputs voltage detector output (Vor) with delay after the voltage at Vin pin has become release voltage (+ Vpert) at the rising of Viv pin. In Fig. 9, when Vcd exceeds the reference voltage (Vref), the output voltage pin Vor changes from low to high level, providing delay output. When the voltage at Vin pin falls under the detection voltage ( -VpeEt), the No transistor turns ON, therefore the charge of Cp is rapidly discharged and the voltage detector output (Vor) changes from high to low level without delay. Vor or rrr ree eee The external capacitor (Cp) is charged with constant current, and is practically independent of Vin voltage. Its delay time (tpg) is expressed by the following equation: I Cp tog (ms) = Delay coefficient (3.18 min., 5.74 typ., 8.73 max.) X Cp (nF) Figure 9 Delay circuit Note - Unless an output delay is needed, keep Cp pin open. Do not apply external voltage other than ground potential to Cp pins, which may cause IC breakdown. - When designing your printed-circuit board layout, take care that no leakage current flows to the external capacitor (Cp), otherwise the correct delay time may not be obtained. Because the value of the constant current source Ic is only 195 nA, Cp terminal impedance is high. 5. Voltage detection circuit The built-in voltage detection circuit (Nch opendrain type) is equivalent to our S-807 Series voltage detectors. A pull-up resistor of 100 kQ is required for output. Since the comparator power of this circuit is supplied from Vin pin, this circuit operates while voltage is applied to Vin pin. The detection voltage of the voltage detector can be selected as follows : 3V system : 2.0V to 3.0V (0.1V step) +2.4% 5V system : 3.7V to 4.7V (0.1V step) +2.4% 6. Shutdown circuit (S-87XXXXC Series) In the S-87XXXXC Series, when Vpr pin goes low (0.4 V or less), current for the voltage regulator is shut down, with the current consumption (excluding the current which flows through the pull-up resistor) lowered to 3.5 A or less. During shutdown, the M1 transistor in the voltage regulator shown in the Figure 6 is off and Vout pin is pulled down by R1 and R2, whose value (R1+R2) is 5MoQ to 10MQ. Note - The output voltage may not become 0 V if a load making lout under 50 4A is connected during shutdown, . Do not keep Vp pin floating state or in medium potential (between low and high levels) , Otherwise a through-type current occurs. 11HIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series M@ Dimensions wt 0.8 min. + Td] j LL 2.5+0.2 - a - YL A (0.2) 4 iy 0440.1 fif lif lil0420.1 | >) i : i 1 y ~< i 10.450.1 0.40.05 . 15201 SP (Unit : mm) Figure 10 Dimensions Lal (0.2) (3.1) om He > M@ Markings : Product name (abbreviation.) : Year of assembly : Month of assembly : Week of assembly r 1 ' 1 L c 1 ' i) L WN NN Figure 11 Markings 12HIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series M@ Taping 1 Tape specifications 4040.1 gist ot . 2.0+0.0 Lf z oS OP OOO -O-O-F, Chet ey Ee + + + + +E bet H JL 5.4+0.1. _ 8.0+0.1 932008 +f LJ UJ US) UTS UH) T2 Ke} |r| | ore] | oc! Unit: mm eo Figure 12 Direction to be pulled out 2. Reel specifications 1 reel holds 1000 regulators. Disk Shaft ul a + Slo |e DIS IS TIS [RR [@ Hess 2+0.5 | || 2205 Figure 13 142% Unit: mm 13HIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series Mi Transient Response An undershoot or an overshoot may occur in the output voitage of the voltage regulator if input voltage or load current fluctuates transiently. !f an undershoot is large, the voltage detector operates to output reset signal in the S-87XXXXB Series in which the voltage detector detects the output voltage of the regulator . If an overshoot is large, the load circuit is adversely affected. Therefore it is important to determine the capacitor value so as to minimizes undershoot and overshoot. 1. Line transient response due to input voltage fluctuation Input voltage fluctuation differs depending on the types of the signal applied: type I which is a rectangular wave between (Vout + 1) V and 10 V, and type I which is a rectangular wave from 0 V to 10 V (see Figure 14). The ringing waveforms and parameter dependency of each type are described below. The measuring circuit is shown in Figure 15 for reference, . Type I: Rectangular wave between (Vout + 1) Vand 10 V 10V Input voltage | (Vout + 1) V | Overshoot Output voltage deviation Type I: Rectangular wave from 0 V to 10 V 10V Input voltage OV Overshoot 4 Undershoot Output voltage deviation Rise/fall time (time between 10% and 90%) is 14s. Figure 14 Fast amplifier Vin} $-87X | Series + 10 pF T = Vss P.G. Figure 15 Measuring circuit Oscilloscope 10:1 probe * Al electrolytic capacitor 14HIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series (200 mV/div) Type I lout = 40 mA, C_ = 10 uF, Ta= 25C $ 10V ! Input | voltage 1 (1 Vidiv) (Vour+ 1) V | ' 1 w---- Pde ee dep eee g gtd I ' I ' Output [\ ZX || voltage 1 y Vw ! ' 1 I ! 5 ms/div Figure 16 Type I ringing waveform Table 10 Type I parameter dependency Overshoot amount : 350 mV Undershoot amount : 325 mV Series Parameter Conditions Method to decrease Method to decrease overshoot undershoot Load current lout | 10 to 60 mA, C, = 10.F Decrease Decrease Load capacitance C, 1 to 47 uF, lout = 40 MA Increase increase $-8750XXX Decrease Decrease Input fluctuationA Vin* ; to 9" Vv Increase Decrease Temperature Ta -40C to + 85C Low temperature Low temperature Load current lout | 10 to 60 mA, C, = 10.F Increase Decrease 5-8730XXX Load capacitance C. 1t0 47 uF, lout =40 mA Increase Increase Input fluctuationAViy* |5to21V Increase Decrease Temperature Ta -40C to + 85C Low temperature Low temperature * Vin: High voltage value low voltage value 15HIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series Type II lout = 40 mA, CL = 10 gf, Ta= 25C 10V Input voltage (5 Vidiv) ov ee ees ae Output [ voltage (500 mV/div) Overshoot amount : 1300 mV Undershoot amount : 610 mV Le ee tt 5 ms/div Figure 17 Type II ringing waveform Table 11 Type II parameter dependency Series Parameter Conditions Method to decrease Method to decrease overshoot undershoot Load current lout 10 to 60 mA, C, = 10uF Increase Increase 5-8750XXX Load capacitance C. 1 to 47 uF, lopr=40 MA Decrease Decrease Input fluctuation AViy* [3 to 19V Increase Increase Temperature Ta -40C to + 85C Low temperature Low temperature Load current lout 10 to 60 mA, C, = 10nF increase Increase 5-8730XXX Load capacitance CL 1 to 47 pF, lout = 40 MA Decrease Decrease Input fluctuation AViy* |5to21V Increase Increase Temperature Ta -40C to + 85C Low temperature Low temperature * Vin: High voltage value - low voltage value For reference, the following pages describe the ringing in Vout measured using the output load current (lout), output load capacitance (C_), input fluctuation width (AVin), and temperature as parameters. 16HIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-8750XXX series Reference data: Type I 1. loyt dependency S-87X Series 2. C, dependency 500 1600 400 C.= 10 uF, Ta= 25C 1400 =40mA, Ta= 25C > 1200 Raina sc Rin oo (mV) 200 ) 00 100 400 3 200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 05 0. 0 30 a0 50 lout (mA) C, (uF) 3. AVin dependency The lower voltage is fixed at (VOUT + 1). 500 lout = 40 mA, C, = 10 wF, Ta = 25C _ == -aa. 400 = 300 Ringing Ringing amount amount 200 (mV) (mV) 100 0 0 5 10 15 20 AVin (V) $-8730XXX series Reference data: Type I 1. lout dependency 4. Temperature dependency 500 lout= 40 mA, C, = 10 uF 400 300 200 100 0 -40 = =-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Ta (C) Undershoot <= Overshoot 2. C, dependency 600 1600 CL = 10 wF, Ta=25C 1400 500 lour= 40 mA, Ta=25C _ 1200 out Ringing 400 Ringing 1000 amount amount 800 (mV) 300 (mv) 600 200 400 100 200 0 0 "0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 #20 30 40 SO 60 70 Cr (uF) lout (mA) 3. AVin dependency The lower voltage is fixed at (Vout + 1). 4. Temperature dependency 500 500 lout =40 mA, Cy = 10 pF, Ta= 25C lour = 40 mA, C, = 10 pF 400 400 ~ Ringing 300 . . INgINg Ringing 300 amount (mV) 200 (mV) 200 100 100 0 M 0 60 80 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 400 -200C AVin (V) Ta (C) Undershoot =_ = = Overshoot 17HIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series $-8750XXX series Reference data: Typell 1. loyr dependency 200 Tc. = 10 pF, ta= 25C 150 Ringing amount 100 a (mV) Le a ae 50 Pt 0 0 10 20 38630 40 50 60 70 Jour (mA) 3. AVin dependency The lower voltage is fixed at (Voyr + 1). 300 lout = 40 mA, C, = 10 uF, 250 Ta=25C 200 150 Ringing amount 100 (mV) 50 0 9 5 10 15 20 AVin (V) $-8730XXX series Reference data: Typell 1. lout dependency 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 C_ = 10 pF, Ta= 25C 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 lout (mA) 3. AVin dependency The lower voltage is fixed at (Vout + 1). 140 120 Ringing 100 amount 80 (mv) 60 40 20 0 lout = 40 mA, C_ = 10 uF, Ta=25C 0 5 10 15 20 25 AVin (V) 18 2. C, dependency 200 lout =40 mA, Ta= 150 Ringing amount 100 Vv Y) 50 -~-_ _ 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 C, (uF) 4. Temperature dependency 250 lour= 40 mA, C_ = 47 pF 200 150 Ringing 100 amount (mV) 50 0 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Ta (C) momen Undershoot = = Overshoot 2. C_ dependency 120 100 =40mA, Ta= 25C 80 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 CL (uF) 4. Temperature dependency 140 120 Ringing 100 amount (mv) 60 40 20 0 -40=-20 0 20 40 60 80 =100 Ta (C) Undershoot _ = OvershootHIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series 2. Load transient response due to load current fluctuation An overshoot and an undershoot are caused in the output voltage if the load current is changed from 50 A to 40 mA while the input voltage is kept constant. Figure 18 shows the output voltage fluctuation due to a change in the load current. The measuring circuit is shown in Figure 19 for reference. The latter half of this section describes ringing waveform and parameter dependency. 40 mA Load current 50 pA Output voltage Overshoot deviation Undershoot Figure 18 Vin} $-87X Vour Series ? rom Ll, Power _| Vss -Ry*** c* supply I Oscilloscope { 10:1 probe * Al electrolytic capacitor ak _ Vout {v] R= oma LA wee Re Vout } {= 50 pA {Q] Figure 19 Measuring circuit Table 12 Parameter dependency due to load current fluctuation Series Parameter Conditions Method to decrease Method to decrease overshoot undershoot Load current lout 10 to 60 mA, C, = 104F Decrease Decrease Corson Load capacitance C, 1 to 47 uF, loyt=40MA Increase Increase Power supply voltage Vin | (Vout + 1) to 24V Increase Increase Temperature Ta -40C to + 85C Low temperature Low temperature 19HIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series S-8750XXX Series Reference data 1. lout dependency 350 300 250 Ringing 200 amount 150 (mV) 100 50 0 CL=10 pF, Ta= 25C, Vin=10V 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 lout (mA) 3. Vin dependency 300 250 200 , Ta= 25C Ringing amount 150 (mV) 400 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Vin (V) S-8730XXX Series Reference data 1. lout dependency 300 CL=10 uF, Ta= 25C, Vin=10V 250 o : 200 Ringing amount 190 (mV) 100 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 lout (mA) 3. Vin dependency 300 250 200 C_=10 wF, Ta= 25C Ringing amount 150 (mV) 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Vin (V) 20 2. C, dependency 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 \ Vin=10V, Ta=25C Ringing amount (mv) 0 10 20 30 40 50 C. (uF) 4. Temperature dependency 300 250 Ringing 200 amount 159 (mv) =10 uF, Vin=z10V 100 50 0 -40 = =-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Ta (C) Undershoot = = Overshoot 2. C_ dependency 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 iIn=10V, Ta=25C Ringing amount (mv) 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Cy (uF) 4. Temperature dependency 300 250 Ringing 200 amount 150 (mv) C.=10 uF, Vin= 10V 100 50 0 -40 = -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Ta (C) Undershoot OvershootHIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION HM Standard Circuits S-87X Series > Vout 1. S-87XXXXA/B 2. S-87XXXXC VIN Vour > Vout VIN Vout CI 3 Ri + 3 R. = 10uF Ver > = {| Cp Vor + > Vor 10uF Vor Vss =c Vss = e ] Trower Figure 20 @ Application Circuits 1. Microcomputer power supply and reset circuit > Vor ACL 10 uF To construct a microcomputer power supply and a reset circuit using conventional ICs, a voltage regulator IC, a voltage detector IC, a delay time generation circuit and others are required. The S-87XXXXA/B Series allows you to make these circuits without these ICs, and the delay time is variable. _> VIN Vout L 1 100k ay CPU Cp Vor 4 RESET Vss Cp 0 Figure 21 2. Circuit for increasing output current A PNP transistor is used to increase the output current. 1. S-87XXXXA/B 2. S-87XXXXC Vf Uf Vin>@-"~wn9 Vin@-~ns0 q Vin Vout >Vour | Vin Vout ~Vour te, : |e ; [| Vss Vor >Vor Vss Vor >VorR J I > Vss I ~Vss Vr a7T Figure 22 21HIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series HM Notes Do not apply a ripple voltage of the conditions below to Vin terminal. Viv] f > > f [Hz] | Vpp 2 0.5V #2 1000Hz Figure 23 @ When connecting the voltage regulator output terminal to another power supply, please insert a diode to protect the IC. Vin V/R Vout UT GND Figure 24 22HIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series Characteristics 1. Voltage regulator (1) Output voltage (Vout) -Temperature (Ta) $-8750XXX Series S-8730XXX Series 5.10 5.05 Vour(V) 5.00 4.95 4.90 50 -25 O 25 50 75 100 Ta (C) (2) Line regulation -Temperature (Ta) S-8750XXxX Series 20 15 Line regulation 10 (mv) 5 0 50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 Ta (C) (3) Input voltage (Vn) - Output voltage (Vout) 3.10 3.05 Vout (V) 3.00 2.95 2.90 50 -25 O 25 50 75 100 Ta (PC) $-8730XXX Series 20 15 Line = i 10 regulation sa (mv) 5 = 0 50 -25 O 25 S50 75 100 Ta (C) $-8750XXX Series 6.0 Vout (V) 4.0 6.5 -8730XXX Series 4.0 Vout (V) 2.0 4.5 23HIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series (4) Load regulation - Temperature (Ta) S-8750XXX Series S-8730XXX Series 20 20 Load 15 Load 15 regula T regula -tion 10 4 -tion 10 = 5 5 0 0 -+50 -25 O 25 50 75 100 -50 -25 0O 25 50 75 100 Ta (C) Ta (C) (6) I/O voltage difference (Vaif)} Temperature (Ta) $-8750XXX Series $-8730XXX Series 250 700 200 600 500 Vaif 150 Vai dif (mv) (mv) 400 50 200 0 100 -50 = -25 0 25 50 75 100 0 Ta (C) 50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 Ta (C) (7) Short-circuit protection circuit S-8750XXX Series Ta=25C Vin = 24V Vin = 10V 6.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 Vout 4.00 Vout 4.00 (Vv) (v) 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 lout (mA) lout (mA) Vin=8V Vin=6V 6.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 Vout 4.00 Vout 4.00 (Vv) i] 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 lout (mA) lout (mA) 24HIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-8730XXX Series Ta=25C Vin = 24V 4.00 3.00 Vout / Vout (v) 2.00 A ) 1.00 7 0.00 Z 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 tout (mA) Vin=6V 4.00 3.00 ~\ Vout 4 Vout (Vv) 2.00 a (Vv) 1.00 0.00 < 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 lout (mA) (7) Ripple rejection -10 -60 10 10 $-8750XXX Series 100 1K f(z) $-8730XXX Series 100 1K ftuz) 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 S-87X Series Vin=8V 7 we) 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 lout (mA) Vin=4V NR pb 30 60 90 120 150 lout (mA) iIN=7V lout =40mA C_= 10 uF 10K 100K IN=SV lout = 40 mA CL = 10 uF 10K 100K 25HIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series 2. Voltage detector (1) Detection voltage (Vper) - Temperature (Ta) $-875045 20 10 AVoet (mv) -10 > -20 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 Ta (C) $-873023 100 (2) Hysteresis width (VHys) - Temperature (Ta) -25 0 25 Ta (C) 50 75 100 $-875045 2.5 Vays 2 (%) 1.5 1 50-25 0 25 50 75 Ta (C) $-873023 8 7 Vuys (%) 5 4 3 26 50-25 0 25 Ta (C) 50 75 100 100 $-875043 (mV) -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 Ta (C) $-875043 Vuys (%) werk Uu A NN ow 50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 Ta (C)HIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION $S-87X Series (3) Nch transistor output current (I gout Ta=25C Vin=3.6V Vin = 2.4 Vv Vine1.3V . 2.0 Vas (V) (4) Delay time (tpd) (a) Delay time (tpd) - Temperature (Ta) 50 40 Vin=10V Cp =4.7 nF tod 30 (ms) 20 10 0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 Ta (C) 3. Total (1) Current consumption (Iss) (a) Input voltage(Vin) S-8750XXC Series S-8730XXC Series 0 5 10 15 20 25 Vin (V) (b} Current consumption (Iss) - Temperature (Ta) . S-8750XXC Series 10 75 Iss (A) 5 2.5 0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 Ta (C) Ta = 25C Iss (zA) 0 5 10 15 20 25 Vin (VY) $-8730XXC Series Iss (uA) -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 Ta (C) 27HIGH WITHSTAND-VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET FUNCTION S-87X Series (2) Input voltage of shutdown circuit (a) High level input voltage (Vj) - Temperature (Ta) (b) Low level input voltage (Vi) - Temperature (Ta) 1 Vin=6V Vin=6V 0.75 Vin Vit (Vv) (V) 0.5 0.25 0 -50 -25 O 25 SO 75 100 -50 -25 O 25 50 75 100 Ta (C) . Ta (C) (c) Vin , Vit- power supply voltage dependency 3.0 2.4 Vin Vit (Vv) 1.8 1.2 0.6 0.0 0 Vin (V) 28