HIGH VALUE MULTILAYER CERAMIC CAPACITORS(HIGH DIELECTRIC TYPE) WAVE FEATURES APPLICATIONS Improved higher density mounting. 042 to 105 type Communication equipment cellular phone, wireless applications, etc. Monolithic structure provides higher reliability. REFLOW General digital circuit A wide range of capacitance values available in standard case sizes. Power supply bypass capacitors Liquid crystal modules Liquid crystal drive voltage lines LSI, IC, converters(both for input and output) The use of nickel as electrode material and plating processing improve the solderability and heat resistance characteristics. It also prevents migration and raises the level of reliability. Low equivalent series resistance(ESR) provides superior noise absorption characteristics. Smoothing capacitors DC-DC converters (for both input and output) Switching power supplies (secondary side) Compared to tantalum or aluminum electrolytic capacitors, multilayer ceramic capacitors offer a number of superior features, including: Higher permissible ripple current values Smaller case sizes with high rated voltage Improved reliability due to higher insulation resistance and breakdown voltage. PART NUMBER J M K Rated voltage VDC A 4 J 6.3 L 10 E 16 T 25 G 35 U 50 Series name M End termination K Plated Code A Type ALL 063 105 107 212 316 325 105 B 107 212 3 1 6 B Dimension Type inch LxWmm 042 01005 0.4x0.2 063 0201 0.6x0.3 105 0402 1.0x0.5 107 0603 1.6x0.8 212 0805 2.0x1.25 316 1206 3.2x1.6 325 1210 3.2x2.5 J Temperature characteristics code B BJ X5R B7 X7R F F Y5V Blank space 1 0 6 M L T Nominal Capacitance capacitance tolerance pF K 10 example 473 47,000 M 20 80 105 1,000,000 Z 20 Thickness mm C P 0.2 0.3 V 0.5 K 0.45 A 0.8 D 0.85 G 1.25 L 1.6 N 1.9 Y 2.0max M 2.5 Dimension tolerancemm L W T Standard Standard Standard 0.60.05 0.30.05 0.30.05 1.00.1 0.50.1 0.50.1 1.60.15/0.05 0.80.15/0.05 0.80.15/0.05 0.450.05 2.00.15/0.05 1.250.15/0.05 0.850.1 1.250.15/0.05 0.850.1 3.20.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 3.20.3 2.50.3 2.50.3 1.00.15/0.05 0.50.15/0.05 0.50.15/0.05 0.450.05 1.60.2/0 0.80.2/0 0.80.2/0 0.850.1 2.00.2/0 1.250.2/0 1.250.2/0 Blank space Special code Internal code Standard Blank space Standard F W T P Packaging 178mm Taping 2mm pitch 178mm Taping 1mm pitch, 042 Type 178mm Taping 4mm pitch All types 178mm Taping 4mm pitch, 1000pcs/reel 1210Type ThicknessM STANDARD EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS/STANDARD QUANTITY Type MK042 01005 inch MK063 0201 inch MK105 0402 inch L W 0.40.02 0.20.02 0.60.03 0.30.03 1.00.05 0.50.05 MK107 0603 inch 1.60.10 0.80.10 MK212 0805 inch 2.00.10 1.250.10 MK316 1206 inch 3.20.15 1.60.15 MK325 1210 inch 3.20.30 2.50.20 Dimension [mm] T 0.20.02 e Standard quantity [pcs] Paper tape Embossed tape C 0.10.03 0.30.03 P 0.150.05 15000 0.20.02 0.30.03 0.50.05 0.450.05 0.80.10 0.450.05 0.850.10 1.250.10 0.850.10 1.250.10 1.60.20 0.850.10 1.90.20 1.90.1/0.2 2.50.20 C P V K A K D G D G L D N Y M 0.250.10 20000 15000 10000 0.350.25 4000 -- 0.50.25 0.50.35/0.25 0.60.3 40000 4000 -- -- 4000 3000 -- 3000 2000 -- 2000 -- P 500 T, 1000 This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. 4 12 mlcc01_e-01 AVAILABLE CAPACITANCE RANGE Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors Type Cap pF X7R 063 B/X5R X7R 10 6.3 4 25 16 25 16 10 6.3 4 C C C C C C C C C C C C C P P P P P P P C C C C C C P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P C P P P P P P C C P 105 B/X5R X7R P P P P P P F/Y5V 50 25 16 10 6.3 50 35 25 16 10 6.3 4 50 25 16 10 6.3 V V V V V V V V V V V V P P P P V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V NoteLetters in the table indicate product thickness. X5R only 107 Type Cap X7R B/X5R F VDC 50 25 16 10 6.3 50 35 25 16 10 3-digit 0.1 104 0.15 154 0.22 224 A A A A A A A 0.33 334 0.47 474 A A A A A A A A A 0.68 684 1 105 A A A A A A A A A A 2.2 225 A A A A 3.3 335 4.7 475 A A 6.8 685 10 106 A 22 226 47 476 100 107 CAPACITORS VDC 10 3-digit C 100 101 C 150 151 C 220 221 C 330 331 C 470 471 C 680 681 C 1000 102 1500 152 2200 222 3300 332 4700 472 6800 682 10000 103 15000 153 22000 223 33000 333 47000 473 68000 683 100000 104 220000 224 330000 334 470000 474 1000000 105 2200000 225 3300000 335 4700000 475 042 B/X5R V V V V V 212 316 325 F/Y5V X7R B/X5R F/Y5V X7R B/X5R F/Y5V X7R B/X5R F/Y5V 6.3 4 50 25 16 10 50 35 25 16 10 6.3 50 25 16 10 6.3 50 16 10 6.3 50 25 16 10 6.3 50 25 16 10 6.3 4 35 25 16 10 50 25 16 10 6.3 50 35 25 16 10 6.3 16 10 6.3 A A G G A G G A A G G G G G A A G G G G G A A G G G G A G G G G G G A A A L G G G L L L L L L L G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G L L L L L L N N M.N N N L L L L L L L L N M.N N N N L L L L L L L M M.N N N M N M.N N N L L L L M M M M.Y Y N N M.Y M M.N N L L M M L L M M.Y NoteLetters in the table indicate product thickness. X5R only Low Profile Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors Type Cap pF 105 B/X5R VDC 25 16 10 6.3 3-digit 100 101 150 151 220 221 330 331 470 471 680 681 1000 102 1500 152 2200 222 3300 332 4700 472 6800 682 P 10000 103 15000 153 22000 223 33000 333 47000 473 68000 683 P C 100000 104 P C 220000 224 330000 334 P P C 470000 474 P 1000000 105 2200000 225 3300000 335 4700000 475 Temp.char.Code BJ B7 F 107 212 Type B/X5R X7R B/X5R F/Y5V X7R Cap F VDC 25 16 10 6.3 50 25 16 10 50 25 16 10 6.3 50 10 6.3 50 25 10 50 3-digit 0.1 104 D 0.22 224 D D 0.33 334 0.47 474 D D D 0.68 684 1 105 K K K K D D D D D D D D 2.2 225 K K D D D D D D D D D 3.3 335 D D D 4.7 475 K K D D D D. K D.K 6.8 685 10 106 D D D.K D 226 D 22 47 476 NoteLetters in the table indicate product thickness. X5R only Applicable standard JIS EIA EIA JIS EIA B X5R X7R F Y5V Temperature characteristics Temperature range 2585 5585 55125 2585 3085 316 325 B/X5R F/Y5V B/X5R 25 16 10 6.3 35 25 16 10 6.3 25 16 10 D D D G D D D D D G D D D D D D D D D Ref. Temp. 20 25 25 20 25 D D D D D D D D Capacitance change 10 15 15 30/80 22/82 Capacitance tolerance 10K 20M 80Z 20 This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. mlcc01_e-01 12 5 REPRESENTATIVE PART NUMBERS 042TYPE 01005 case size Temperature Characteristic BJ:B/X5R 0.2mm thickness C Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave HALT % Rated voltage 5 0.20.02 R 200% 5 0.20.02 R 200% 5 0.20.02 R 200% 10, 20 5 0.20.02 R 200% 470 10, 20 5 0.20.02 R 200% B/X5R*1 680 10, 20 5 0.20.02 R 200% LMK042 BJ102C B/X5R*1 1000 10, 20 5 0.20.02 R 200% LMK042 BJ152C X5R 1500 10, 20 10 0.20.02 R 150% LMK042 BJ222C X5R 2200 10, 20 10 0.20.02 R 150% LMK042 BJ332C X5R 3300 10, 20 10 0.20.02 R 150% LMK042 BJ472C X5R 4700 10, 20 10 0.20.02 R 150% LMK042 BJ682C X5R 6800 10, 20 10 0.20.02 R 150% LMK042 BJ103C X5R 10000 10, 20 10 0.20.02 R 150% Rated voltage Part number 1 10V LMK042 BJ101C B/X5R*1 100 10, 20 LMK042 BJ151C B/X5R*1 150 10, 20 LMK042 BJ221C B/X5R* 1 220 10, 20 LMK042 BJ331C B/X5R*1 330 LMK042 BJ471C B/X5R*1 LMK042 BJ681C 6.3V 4V Part number 2 Capacitance pF Temp. char. Capacitance tolerance tan % JMK042 BJ152C B/X5R*1 1500 10, 20 10 0.20.02 R 150% JMK042 BJ222C B/X5R*1 2200 10, 20 10 0.20.02 R 150% JMK042 BJ332C B/X5R*1 3300 10, 20 10 0.20.02 R 150% JMK042 BJ472C B/X5R* 1 4700 10, 20 10 0.20.02 R 150% JMK042 BJ682C B/X5R*1 6800 10, 20 10 0.20.02 R 150% JMK042 BJ103C B/X5R*1 10000 10, 20 10 0.20.02 R 150% JMK042 BJ223C X5R 22000 10, 20 10 0.20.02 R 150% AMK042 BJ473MC X5R 47000 AMK042 BJ104MC X5R 100000 20 20 10 10 0.20.02 0.20.02 R R 150% 150% Capacitance tolerance code is applied to of part number. Internal code P/N 1 Note Internal code P/N 1 Note Internal code P/N 1 Note *1 We may provide X7S/X7R for some items according to the individual specification. Temperature Characteristic B7X7R 0.2mm thickness C Temp. char. Capacitance pF Capacitance tolerance tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave HALT % Rated voltage LMK042 B7101C X7R 100 10, 20 5 0.20.02 R 200% LMK042 B7151C X7R 150 10, 20 5 0.20.02 R 200% LMK042 B7221C X7R 220 10, 20 5 0.20.02 R 200% LMK042 B7331C X7R 330 10, 20 5 0.20.02 R 200% LMK042 B7471C X7R 470 10, 20 5 0.20.02 R 200% LMK042 B7681C X7R 680 10, 20 5 0.20.02 R 200% LMK042 B7102C X7R 1000 10, 20 5 0.20.02 R 200% Capacitance pF Capacitance tolerance tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave HALT % Rated voltage Rated voltage Part number 1 10V Part number 2 Capacitance tolerance code is applied to of part number. 063TYPE 0201 case size P Temperature Characteristic BJ:B/X5R 0.3mm thickness Rated voltage 25V 16V 10V 6.3V 4V Part number 1 Part number 2 Temp. char. TMK063 BJ101P B/X5R* 1 100 10, 20 3.5 0.30.03 R 200% TMK063 BJ151P B/X5R*1 150 10, 20 3.5 0.30.03 R 200% TMK063 BJ221P B/X5R*1 220 10, 20 3.5 0.30.03 R 200% TMK063 BJ331P B/X5R*1 330 10, 20 3.5 0.30.03 R 200% TMK063 BJ471P B/X5R*1 470 10, 20 3.5 0.30.03 R 200% TMK063 BJ681P B/X5R* 1 TMK063 BJ102P TMK063 BJ152P TMK063 BJ222P B/X5R* B/X5R B/X5R 1 680 1000 1500 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 3.5 3.5 5 0.30.03 0.30.03 0.30.03 R R R 200% 200% 200% TMK063 BJ332P TMK063 BJ472P TMK063 BJ682P B/X5R B/X5R B/X5R 2200 3300 4700 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 5 5 5 0.30.03 0.30.03 0.30.03 R R R 200% 200% 200% TMK063 BJ103P EMK063 BJ152P B/X5R B/X5R*1 6800 10000 10, 20 10, 20 5 5 0.30.03 0.30.03 R R 200% 200% EMK063 BJ222P EMK063 BJ332P B/X5R*1 B/X5R*1 1500 2200 10, 20 10, 20 5 5 0.30.03 0.30.03 R R 200% 200% EMK063 BJ472P EMK063 BJ682P EMK063 BJ103P B/X5R*1 B/X5R*1 B/X5R*1 3300 4700 6800 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 5 5 5 0.30.03 0.30.03 0.30.03 R R R 200% 200% 200% EMK063 BJ104P LMK063 BJ223P X5R B/X5R 10, 20 10, 20 5 10 0.30.03 0.30.03 R R 200% 150% LMK063 BJ333P LMK063 BJ473P LMK063 BJ683P X5R X5R X5R 10000 100000 22000 33000 47000 68000 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 7.5 7.5 7.5 0.30.03 0.30.03 0.30.03 R R R 150% 150% 150% LMK063 BJ104P LMK063 BJ224P JMK063 BJ223P X5R X5R B/X5R 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10 10 10 0.30.03 0.30.03 0.30.03 R R R 150% 150% 150% JMK063 BJ333P JMK063 BJ473P JMK063 BJ683P X5R X5R X5R 100000 220000 22000 33000 47000 68000 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 7.5 7.5 7.5 0.30.03 0.30.03 0.30.03 R R R 200% 150% 150% JMK063 BJ104P JMK063 BJ224P X5R X5R 100000 220000 10, 20 10, 20 10 10 0.30.03 0.30.03 R R 150% 150% AMK063 BJ224P X5R 220000 10, 20 10, 20 10 10 0.30.03 0.30.03 R R 150% 150% AMK063 BJ334MP X5R 330000 20 10 0.30.03 R 150% AMK063 BJ474MP X5R 470000 20 10 0.30.03 R 150% *2 AMK063ABJ105MP X5R 1000000 20 10 0.30.05 R 150% Capacitance tolerance code is applied to of part number. *1 We may provide X7R for some items according to the individual specification. *2 The exchange of individual specification is necessary depending on the application and circuit condition. Please contact Taiyo Yuden sales channels. This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. 6 12 mlcc01_e-01 REPRESENTATIVE PART NUMBERS Temperature Characteristic B7X7R 0.3mm thickness P tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave HALT % Rated voltage 100 10, 20 3.5 0.30.03 R 200% 150 10, 20 3.5 0.30.03 R 200% X7R 220 10, 20 3.5 0.30.03 R 200% TMK063 B7331P X7R 330 10, 20 3.5 0.30.03 R 200% TMK063 B7471P X7R 470 10, 20 3.5 0.30.03 R 200% TMK063 B7681P X7R 680 10, 20 3.5 0.30.03 R 200% TMK063 B7102P X7R 1000 10, 20 3.5 0.30.03 R 200% EMK063 B7152P X7R 1500 10, 20 5 0.30.03 R 200% EMK063 B7222P X7R 2200 10, 20 5 0.30.03 R 200% EMK063 B7332P X7R 3300 10, 20 5 0.30.03 R 200% EMK063 B7472P X7R 4700 10, 20 5 0.30.03 R 200% EMK063 B7682P X7R 6800 10, 20 5 0.30.03 R 200% EMK063 B7103P X7R 10000 10, 20 5 0.30.03 R 200% Temp. char. Capacitance pF Capacitance tolerance tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave HALT % Rated voltage Part number 1 25V 16V Temp. char. Capacitance pF TMK063 B7101P X7R TMK063 B7151P X7R TMK063 B7221P Part number 2 Internal code P/N 1 Note Internal code P/N 1 Note CAPACITORS Capacitance tolerance Rated voltage Capacitance tolerance code is applied to of part number. 105TYPE 0402 case size Temperature Characteristic BJ:B/X5R 0.5mm thickness V Rated voltage 50V 35V 25V 16V 10V 6.3V Part number 1 Part number 2 UMK105 BJ221V B/X5R* 1 220 10, 20 2.5 0.50.05 R 200% UMK105 BJ331V B/X5R*1 330 10, 20 2.5 0.50.05 R 200% UMK105 BJ471V B/X5R*1 470 10, 20 2.5 0.50.05 R 200% UMK105 BJ681V B/X5R*1 680 10, 20 2.5 0.50.05 R 200% UMK105 BJ102V B/X5R*1 1000 10, 20 2.5 0.50.05 R 200% UMK105 BJ152V B/X5R*1 1500 10, 20 2.5 0.50.05 R 200% UMK105 BJ222V B/X5R* 1 2200 10, 20 2.5 0.50.05 R 200% UMK105 BJ332V B/X5R*1 3300 10, 20 2.5 0.50.05 R 200% UMK105 BJ472V B/X5R*1 4700 10, 20 2.5 0.50.05 R 200% UMK105 BJ682V B/X5R*1 UMK105 BJ103V GMK105 BJ104V B/X5R* B/X5R 1 6800 10000 100000 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 2.5 3.5 5 0.50.05 0.50.05 0.50.05 R R R 150% 200% 150% TMK105 BJ153V TMK105 BJ223V TMK105 BJ333V TMK105 BJ473V B/X5R*1 B/X5R*1 B/X5R*1 B/X5R*1 15000 22000 33000 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 3.5 3.5 3.5 0.50.05 0.50.05 0.50.05 R R R 200% 200% 150% TMK105 BJ104V TMK105 BJ105V B/X5R X5R 47000 100000 1000000 10, 20 10, 20 3.5 5 0.50.05 0.50.05 R R 150% 150% EMK105 BJ153V EMK105 BJ223V EMK105 BJ333V B/X5R*1 B/X5R*1 B/X5R*1 15000 22000 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10 3.5 3.5 0.50.05 0.50.05 0.50.05 R R R 150% 200% 200% EMK105 BJ473V EMK105 BJ683V B/X5R*1 B/X5R 33000 47000 10, 20 10, 20 3.5 3.5 0.50.05 0.50.05 R R 200% 200% EMK105 BJ104V EMK105 BJ224V EMK105 BJ105V LMK105 BJ104V B/X5R*1 B/X5R X5R B/X5R 68000 100000 220000 1000000 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 5 5 5 10 0.50.05 0.50.05 0.50.05 0.50.05 R R R R 200% 150% 150% 150% LMK105 BJ224V LMK105 BJ474V B/X5R X5R 100000 220000 470000 10, 20 10, 20 5 5 0.50.05 0.50.05 R R 200% 150% LMK105 BJ105V LMK105 BJ225MV JMK105 BJ224V X5R X5R B/X5R 1000000 2200000 10, 20 10, 20 20 10 10 10 0.50.05 0.50.05 0.50.05 R R R 150% 150% 150% JMK105 BJ474V JMK105 BJ105V X5R X5R 220000 470000 1000000 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 5 10 10 0.50.05 0.50.05 0.50.05 R R R 150% 150% 150% 150% JMK105 BJ225MV JMK105 BJ475MV 4V JMK105BBJ475MV AMK105 BJ335MV AMK105 BJ475MV AMK105ABJ475MV X5R 2200000 20 10 0.50.05 R X5R 4700000 20 10 0.50.15/0.05 R 150% X5R 3300000 20 10 0.50.05 R 150% X5R 4700000 20 10 0.50.1 R 150% D *2 Capacitance tolerance code is applied to of part number. *1 We may provide X7R for some items according to the individual specification. *2 The exchange of individual specification is necessary depending on the application and circuit condition. Please contact Taiyo Yuden sales channels. This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. mlcc01_e-01 12 7 REPRESENTATIVE PART NUMBERS P 0.3mm thickness tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave HALT % Rated voltage 10, 20 5 0.30.03 R 150% 10, 20 10 0.30.03 R 150% 220000 10, 20 10 0.30.03 R 150% X5R 470000 10, 20 10 0.30.03 R 150% EMK105 BJ474P X5R 470000 10, 20 10 0.30.03 R 150% JMK105 BJ105P X5R 1000000 10, 20 10 0.30.03 R 150% Temp. char. Capacitance pF Capacitance tolerance tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave HALT % Rated voltage Rated voltage Part number 1 Capacitance pF Capacitance tolerance 25V TMK105 BJ103P TMK105 BJ104P B/X5R 10000 X5R 100000 TMK105 BJ224P X5R TMK105 BJ474P 16V 6.3V Part number 2 Temp. char. Internal code P/N 1 Note Internal code P/N 1 Note Internal code P/N 1 Note 0.2mm thickness C Rated voltage Part number 1 10V LMK105 BJ104C X5R 100000 10, 20 10 0.20.02 R 150% 6.3V JMK105 BJ224C X5R 220000 10, 20 10 0.20.02 R 150% JMK105 BJ474C X5R 470000 10, 20 10 0.20.02 R 150% Temp. char. Capacitance pF Capacitance tolerance tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave HALT % Rated voltage Part number 2 Capacitance tolerance code is applied to of part number. Temperature Characteristic B7:X7R 0.5mm thickness V Rated voltage 50V 25V 16V 10V Part number 1 Part number 2 UMK105 B7221V X7R 220 10, 20 2.5 0.50.05 R 200% UMK105 B7331V X7R 330 10, 20 2.5 0.50.05 R 200% UMK105 B7471V X7R 470 10, 20 2.5 0.50.05 R 200% UMK105 B7681V X7R 680 10, 20 2.5 0.50.05 R 200% UMK105 B7102V X7R 1000 10, 20 2.5 0.50.05 R 200% UMK105 B7152V X7R 1500 10, 20 2.5 0.50.05 R 200% UMK105 B7222V X7R 2200 10, 20 2.5 0.50.05 R 200% UMK105 B7332V X7R 3300 10, 20 2.5 0.50.05 R 200% UMK105 B7472V X7R 4700 10, 20 2.5 0.50.05 R 150% UMK105 B7682V X7R 6800 UMK105 B7103V TMK105 B7152V X7R X7R 10000 1500 10, 20 10, 20 2.5 3.5 0.50.05 0.50.05 R R 150% 150% TMK105 B7222V TMK105 B7332V TMK105 B7472V X7R X7R X7R 2200 3300 4700 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.50.05 0.50.05 0.50.05 R R R 200% 200% 200% TMK105 B7682V TMK105 B7103V TMK105 B7224V X7R X7R X7R 6800 10000 220000 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 2.5 2.5 3.5 0.50.05 0.50.05 0.50.05 R R R 200% 200% 200% EMK105 B7223V EMK105 B7473V EMK105 B7104V X7R X7R X7R 22000 47000 100000 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10 3.5 3.5 0.50.05 0.50.05 0.50.05 R R R 150% 200% 200% EMK105 B7224V LMK105 B7223V X7R X7R 220000 22000 10, 20 10, 20 5 10 0.50.05 0.50.05 R R 150% 150% LMK105 B7473V LMK105 B7104V X7R X7R 47000 100000 10, 20 10, 20 3.5 3.5 0.50.05 0.50.05 R R 200% 200% X7R X7R X7R 220000 470000 220000 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 5 10 10 5 0.50.05 0.50.05 0.50.05 0.50.05 R R R R 150% 150% 150% 150% Temp. char. Capacitance pF Capacitance tolerance tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave HALT % Rated voltage LMK105 B7224V LMK105 B7474V 6.3V JMK105 B7224V Capacitance tolerance code is applied to of part number. R R R Temperature Characteristic F:Y5V 0.5mm thickness V Rated voltage Part number 1 50V UMK105 F103ZV F/Y5V 10000 80/20 5 0.50.05 R 200% 25V TMK105 F223ZV F/Y5V 22000 80/20 5 0.50.05 R 200% 16V Part number 2 EMK105 F473ZV F/Y5V 47000 80/20 7 0.50.05 R 200% EMK105 F104ZV F/Y5V 100000 80/20 9 0.50.05 R 200% 10V LMK105 F224ZV F/Y5V 220000 80/20 11 0.50.05 R 200% 6.3V JMK105 F474ZV F/Y5V 470000 80/20 12.5 0.50.05 R 200% JMK105 F105ZV F/Y5V 1000000 80/20 20 0.50.05 R 150% Internal code P/N 1 Note This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. 8 12 mlcc01_e-01 REPRESENTATIVE PART NUMBERS 107TYPE Temperature Characteristic BJ:B/X5R 0.8mm thickness A Rated voltage 50V 35V 25V 16V 6.3V 4V Part number 2 UMK107 BJ474A UMK107 BJ105A GMK107 BJ105A TMK107 BJ224A TMK107 BJ474A TMK107 BJ105A TMK107 BJ225A EMK107 BJ224A EMK107 BJ474A EMK107 BJ105A EMK107 BJ225A EMK107 BJ475A LMK107 BJ224A LMK107 BJ474A LMK107 BJ105A LMK107 BJ225A LMK107 BJ475A LMK107 BJ106MA JMK107 BJ225A JMK107 BJ475A JMK107 BJ106MA AMK107 BJ106MA AMK107 BJ226MA UMK107ABJ474A TMK107ABJ225A EMK107ABJ475A LMK107BBJ106MA JMK107ABJ106MA AMK107BBJ226MA Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave X5R X5R B/X5R B/X5R B/X5R B/X5R X5R B/X5R*1 B/X5R*1 B/X5R*1 B/X5R X5R B/X5R*1 B/X5R*1 B/X5R*1 B/X5R X5R X5R B/X5R X5R X5R X5R X5R 0.47 1 1 0.22 0.47 1 2.2 0.22 0.47 1 2.2 4.7 0.22 0.47 1 2.2 4.7 10 2.2 4.7 10 10 22 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 20 10, 20 10, 20 20 20 20 10 10 5 3.5 3.5 5 10 3.5 3.5 5 10 10 3.5 3.5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.80.15/0.05 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.15/0.05 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.15/0.05 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.2/0 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.15/0.05 0.80.1 0.80.2/0 R R R R/W R R R R/W R R R R R/W R R R R R R R R R R Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave X5R X5R B/X5R X5R X5R B/X5R X5R X5R 1 1 1 2.2 4.7 1 2.2 4.7 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 20 10, 20 10, 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.450.05 0.450.05 0.450.05 0.450.05 0.450.05 0.450.05 0.450.05 0.450.05 R R R R R R R R HALT % Rated voltage 150% 150% 150% 200% 150% 150% 150% 200% 200% 150% 150% 150% 200% 200% 200% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% Internal code P/N 1 D Special codeL HALT % Rated voltage 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% Internal code P/N 1 Note D Special codeL HALT % Rated voltage 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 200% 200% 150% 150% 200% 200% 150% Internal code P/N 1 Note Note D D CAPACITORS 10V Part number 1 D 0.45mm thickness K Rated voltage 25V 16V 10V 6.3V Part number 1 TMK107 BJ105K EMK107 BJ105K LMK107 BJ105K LMK107 BJ225K LMK107 BJ475MK JMK107 BJ105K JMK107 BJ225K JMK107 BJ475MK Part number 2 LMK107BBJ475MK Capacitance tolerance code is applied to of part number. *1 We may provide X7R for some itemes according to the individual specification. Temperature Characteristic B7X7R 0.8mm thickness A Rated voltage Part number 1 50V UMK107 B7224A UMK107 B7474A 25V TMK107 B7474A TMK107 B7105A EMK107 B7224A EMK107 B7474A EMK107 B7105A LMK107 B7224A LMK107 B7474A LMK107 B7105A LMK107 B7225A JMK107 B7224A JMK107 B7474A JMK107 B7105A Part number 2 UMK107AB7105A 16V 10V 6.3V Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R 0.22 0.47 1 0.47 1 0.22 0.47 1 0.22 0.47 1 2.2 0.22 0.47 1 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10 10 10 10 10 3.5 3.5 5 3.5 3.5 5 10 3.5 3.5 5 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.15/0.05 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 R R R R R R/W R R R/W R R R R/W R R R R R Capacitance tolerance code is applied to of part number. This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. mlcc01_e-01 12 9 REPRESENTATIVE PART NUMBERS Temperature Characteristic FY5V 0.8mm thickness A Rated voltage 50V 25V 16V 10V Part number 1 UMK107 TMK107 EMK107 EMK107 EMK107 EMK107 LMK107 LMK107 Part number 2 F104ZA F474ZA F224ZA F474ZA F105ZA F225ZA F105ZA F225ZA Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave F/Y5V F/Y5V F/Y5V F/Y5V F/Y5V F/Y5V F/Y5V F/Y5V 0.1 0.47 0.22 0.47 1 2.2 1 2.2 80/20 80/20 80/20 80/20 80/20 80/20 80/20 80/20 7 7 7 7 16 16 16 16 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 0.80.1 R/W R/W R/W R/W R R R R Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave B/X5R*1 B/X5R*1 B/X5R*1 B/X5R B/X5R X5R X5R B/X5R*1 B/X5R*1 X5R B/X5R*1 B/X5R*1 X5R X5R B/X5R X5R*1 X5R X5R 0.1 0.22 0.47 1 2.2 4.7 10 2.2 4.7 10 2.2 4.7 10 22 4.7 10 22 47 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 20 10, 20 10, 20 20 20 3.5 3.5 3.5 5 5 10 10 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 10 10 1.250.1 1.250.1 1.250.1 1.250.1 1.250.1 1.250.15/0.05 1.250.2/0 1.250.1 1.250.15/0.05 1.250.15/0.05 1.250.1 1.250.15/0.05 1.250.15/0.05 1.250.2/0 1.250.15/0.05 1.250.15/0.05 1.250.15/0.05 1.250.2/0 R/W R/W R/W R/W R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave X5R B/X5R B/X5R B/X5R X5R B/X5R*1 B/X5R*1 B/X5R X5R B/X5R*1 B/X5R*1 B/X5R X5R X5R X5R X5R 1 0.47 1 2.2 4.7 1 2.2 4.7 10 1 2.2 4.7 10 4.7 10 22 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 20 10 3.5 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 3.5 5 10 10 10 10 10 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R HALT % Rated voltage 200% 200% 200% 200% 200% 200% 200% 200% Internal code P/N 1 Note HALT % Rated voltage 200% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 200% 150% 150% 200% 200% 200% 150% 200% 200% 150% 150% Internal code P/N 1 Note HALT % Rated voltage 150% 200% 200% 150% 150% 200% 200% 150% 150% 200% 200% 200% 150% 200% 200% 150% Internal code P/N 1 Note HALT % Rated voltage 150% 150% 150% Internal code P/N 1 212TYPE Temperature Characteristic BJB/X5R 1.25mm thickness G Rated voltage 50V 25V 16V 10V 6.3V Part number 1 UMK212 BJ104G UMK212 BJ224G UMK212 BJ474G UMK212 BJ105G TMK212 BJ225G TMK212 BJ475G EMK212 BJ225G EMK212 BJ475G EMK212 BJ106G LMK212 BJ225G LMK212 BJ475G LMK212 BJ106G LMK212 BJ226MG JMK212 BJ475G JMK212 BJ106G JMK212 BJ226MG JMK212 BJ476MG Part number 2 TMK212ABJ475G TMK212BBJ106MG EMK212ABJ475G EMK212ABJ106G LMK212ABJ475G LMK212ABJ106G LMK212BBJ226MG JMK212ABJ475G JMK212ABJ106G JMK212ABJ226MG JMK212BBJ476MG 0.85mm thickness D Rated voltage 50V 25V 16V 10V 6.3V Part number 1 Part number 2 UMK212 BJ105D TMK212 BJ474D TMK212 BJ105D TMK212 BJ225D TMK212 BJ475D EMK212 BJ105D EMK212 BJ225D EMK212 BJ475D EMK212 BJ106D LMK212 BJ105D LMK212 BJ225D LMK212 BJ475D LMK212 BJ106D JMK212 BJ475D JMK212 BJ106D JMK212 BJ226MD UMK212ABJ105D TMK212ABJ225D TMK212BBJ475D EMK212ABJ225D EMK212ABJ106D LMK212ABJ106D JMK212ABJ106D JMK212ABJ226MD D D D 0.45mm thickness K Rated voltage 10V 6.3V Part number 1 Part number 2 Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave LMK212 BJ475K JMK212 BJ475K JMK212 BJ106MK LMK212ABJ475K JMK212ABJ475K JMK212ABJ106MK X5R X5R X5R 4.7 4.7 10 10, 20 10, 20 20 10 10 10 0.450.05 0.450.05 0.450.05 R R R Note Capacitance tolerance code is applied to of part number. *1 We may provide X7R for some itemes according to the individual specification. This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. 10 12 mlcc01_e-01 REPRESENTATIVE PART NUMBERS Temperature Characteristic B7X7R 1.25mm thickness G Rated voltage Part number 1 UMK212 B7104G UMK212 B7224G UMK212 B7474G UMK212 B7105G 35V 25V GMK212 B7105G TMK212 B7105G TMK212 B7225G TMK212 B7475G EMK212 B7105G EMK212 B7225G EMK212 B7475G Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R 0.1 0.22 0.47 1 2.2 1 1 2.2 4.7 1 2.2 4.7 10 1 2.2 4.7 10 10 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 20 10, 20 3.5 3.5 3.5 10 10 3.5 3.5 10 10 3.5 10 10 10 3.5 5 10 10 10 1.250.1 1.250.1 1.250.1 1.250.1 1.250.2/0 1.250.1 1.250.1 1.250.1 1.250.15/0.05 1.250.1 1.250.1 1.250.1 1.250.2/0 1.250.1 1.250.1 1.250.1 1.250.15/0.05 1.250.15/0.05 R/W R/W R/W R/W R R/W R/W R R R/W R R R R/W R R R R Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R 0.1 0.22 0.47 1 2.2 0.47 1 2.2 1 2.2 4.7 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10 10 10 10 10 3.5 5 5 3.5 5 10 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 R R R R R R/W R R R R R Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave F/Y5V F/Y5V F/Y5V F/Y5V F/Y5V F/Y5V 0.47 1 2.2 4.7 10 10 80/20 80/20 80/20 80/20 80/20 80/20 7 7 7 9 16 16 1.250.1 1.250.1 1.250.1 1.250.1 1.250.1 1.250.1 R/W R/W R/W R R R Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave F/Y5V F/Y5V F/Y5V 0.22 2.2 4.7 80/20 80/20 80/20 7 9 16 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 R/W R R Part number 2 Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave EMK316ABJ226ML B/X5R*1 X5R B/X5R*1 B/X5R X5R*1 B/X5R*1 B/X5R B/X5R*1 B/X5R B/X5R*1 B/X5R X5R B/X5R*1 B/X5R X5R X5R X5R 1 4.7 2.2 4.7 10 2.2 4.7 10 22 10 22 47 10 22 47 100 100 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 20 10, 20 20 20 10, 20 10, 20 20 20 20 3.5 10 3.5 5 5 3.5 5 5 10 5 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 R R R R R R/W R R R R R R R R R R R UMK212BB7225G 16V TMK212AB7475G EMK212BB7106MG 10V 6.3V LMK212 B7105G LMK212 B7225G LMK212 B7475G LMK212 B7106MG JMK212 B7106G LMK212AB7106MG JMK212AB7106G HALT % Rated voltage 200% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 200% 150% 150% 150% 200% 200% 150% 150% 150% Internal code P/N 1 HALT % Rated voltage 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 200% 200% 150% 200% 200% 150% Internal code P/N 1 HALT % Rated voltage 200% 200% 200% 200% 200% 200% Internal code P/N 1 Note HALT % Rated voltage 200% 200% 200% Internal code P/N 1 Note HALT % Rated voltage 200% 150% 200% 150% 150% 200% 200% 150% 150% 200% 150% 150% 200% 200% 200% 150% 150% Internal code P/N 1 Note Note R D CAPACITORS 50V Temp. char. Part number 2 D 0.85mm thickness D Rated voltage Part number 1 50V 25V 16V 10V Part number 2 UMK212AB7104D UMK212AB7224D UMK212AB7474D UMK212AB7105D TMK212AB7225D EMK212 B7474D EMK212 B7105D EMK212 B7225D LMK212 B7105D LMK212 B7225D LMK212 B7475D EMK212AB7225D LMK212AB7225D LMK212AB7475D Note R R Capacitance tolerance code is applied to of part number. Temperature Characteristic FY5V 1.25mm thickness G Rated voltage Part number 1 50V UMK212 UMK212 EMK212 LMK212 LMK212 JMK212 16V 10V 6.3V Part number 2 F474ZG F105ZG F225ZG F475ZG F106ZG F106ZG 0.85mm thickness D Rated voltage Part number 1 50V 10V 6.3V UMK212 F224ZD LMK212 F225ZD JMK212 F475ZD Part number 2 316Type Temperature Characteristic BJB/X5R 1.6mm thickness L Rated voltage 50V 25V 16V 10V 6.3V 4V Part number 1 UMK316 BJ105L UMK316 BJ475L TMK316 BJ225L TMK316 BJ475L TMK316 BJ106L EMK316 BJ225L EMK316 BJ475L EMK316 BJ106L EMK316 BJ226ML LMK316 BJ106L LMK316 BJ226ML LMK316 BJ476ML JMK316 BJ106L JMK316 BJ226L JMK316 BJ476ML JMK316 BJ107ML AMK316 BJ107ML LMK316ABJ226ML LMK316ABJ476ML JMK316ABJ226L JMK316ABJ476ML JMK316ABJ107ML AMK316ABJ107ML Capacitance tolerance code is applied to of part number. *1 We may provide X7R for some itemes according to the individual specification. This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. mlcc01_e-01 12 11 REPRESENTATIVE PART NUMBERS 0.85mm thickness D Rated voltage 50V 25V 16V 10V 6.3V Part number 1 UMK316 BJ105D UMK316 BJ225D UMK316 BJ475D TMK316 BJ105D TMK316 BJ225D TMK316 BJ475D TMK316 BJ106D EMK316 BJ225D EMK316 BJ475D EMK316 BJ106D EMK316 BJ226MD LMK316 BJ475D LMK316 BJ106D LMK316 BJ226MD JMK316 BJ106D JMK316 BJ226MD JMK316 BJ476MD Part number 2 UMK316ABJ475D TMK316ABJ106D EMK316ABJ226MD LMK316ABJ226MD JMK316ABJ226MD JMK316ABJ476MD Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave B/X5R B/X5R X5R B/X5R B/X5R X5R X5R B/X5R B/X5R X5R X5R B/X5R B/X5R X5R B/X5R X5R X5R 1 2.2 4.7 1 2.2 4.7 10 2.2 4.7 10 22 4.7 10 22 10 22 47 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 20 10, 20 10, 20 20 10, 20 20 20 3.5 3.5 10 3.5 3.5 5 10 3.5 5 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 10 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R 0.22 0.47 1 2.2 4.7 1 2.2 4.7 10 2.2 10 2.2 4.7 10 22 10 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 10, 20 20 10, 20 2.5 3.5 3.5 10 10 3.5 3.5 10 10 3.5 10 3.5 5 10 10 5 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 R/W R/W R R R R/W R R R R/W R R/W R R R R Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave X7R X7R X7R 2.2 4.7 10 10, 20 10, 20 20 10 10 10 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 R R R Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave F/Y5V F/Y5V F/Y5V F/Y5V 10 10 10 22 80/20 80/20 80/20 80/20 9 9 9 16 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 1.60.2 R R R R Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave F/Y5V F/Y5V 2.2 4.7 80/20 80/20 7 7 1.250.1 1.250.1 R/W R Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave F/Y5V F/Y5V 4.7 10 80/20 80/20 9 16 0.850.1 0.850.1 R R HALT % Rated voltage 150% 150% 150% 200% 150% 150% 150% 200% 200% 150% 150% 200% 200% 150% 200% 150% 150% Internal code P/N 1 HALT % Rated voltage 200% 200% 200% 150% 150% 200% 200% 200% 150% 200% 200% 200% 200% 200% 150% 200% Internal code P/N 1 HALT % Rated voltage 150% 150% 150% Internal code P/N 1 Note HALT % Rated voltage 200% 200% 200% 200% Internal code P/N 1 Note HALT % Rated voltage 200% 200% Internal code P/N 1 Note HALT % Rated voltage 200% 200% Internal code P/N 1 Note Note D D D Capacitance tolerance code is applied to of part number. Temperature Characteristic B7X7R 1.6mm thickness L Rated voltage 50V 25V 16V 10V 6.3V Part number 1 UMK316 B7224L UMK316 B7474L UMK316 B7105L UMK316 B7225L UMK316 B7475L TMK316 B7105L TMK316 B7225L TMK316 B7475L TMK316 B7106L EMK316 B7225L EMK316 B7106L LMK316 B7225L LMK316 B7475L LMK316 B7106L LMK316 B7226ML JMK316 B7106L Part number 2 UMK316AB7475L TMK316AB7475L TMK316AB7106L EMK316AB7106L LMK316AB7106L LMK316AB7226ML Note D D D D D R Capacitance tolerance code is applied to of part number. 0.85mm thickness D Rated voltage 50V 25V 10V Part number 1 Part number 2 UMK316 B7225D TMK316AB7475D LMK316AB7106MD Capacitance tolerance code is applied to of part number. Temperature Characteristic FF/Y5V 1.6mm thickness L Rated voltage 35V 25V 16V 10V Part number 1 GMK316 TMK316 EMK316 LMK316 Part number 2 F106ZL F106ZL F106ZL F226ZL 1.25mm thickness G Rated voltage Part number 1 50V 35V UMK316 F225ZG GMK316 F475ZG Part number 2 0.85mm thickness D Rated voltage Part number 1 10V 6.3V LMK316 F475ZD JMK316 F106ZD Part number 2 This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. 12 12 mlcc01_e-01 REPRESENTATIVE PART NUMBERS 325Type Temperature Characteristic BJB/X5R 2.5mm thickness M Rated voltage 50V 25V 16V 10V UMK325 BJ475MM UMK325 BJ106MM TMK325 BJ106MM EMK325 BJ226MM EMK325 BJ476MM LMK325 BJ226MM LMK325 BJ476MM LMK325 BJ107MM JMK325 BJ476MM JMK325 BJ107MM Part number 2 LMK325ABJ107MM JMK325ABJ107MM Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave X5R X5R B/X5R*1 B/X5R X5R B/X5R X5R X5R X5R X5R 4.7 10 10 22 47 22 47 100 47 100 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 5 5 3.5 5 10 5 10 10 10 10 2.50.2 2.50.2 2.50.2 2.50.2 2.50.2 2.50.2 2.50.2 2.50.3 2.50.2 2.50.3 R R R R R R R R R R Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave X5R B/X5R X5R B/X5R B/X5R*1 B/X5R*1 B/X5R B/X5R*1 B/X5R X5R B/X5R B/X5R*1 B/X5R X5R X5R 4.7 2.2 4.7 10 3.3 4.7 10 4.7 10 47 22 10 22 100 47 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 3.5 10 5 3.5 3.5 5 3.5 3.5 10 5 3.5 5 10 10 1.90.2 1.90.2 1.90.2 1.90.2 1.90.2 1.90.2 1.90.2 1.90.2 1.90.2 1.90.1/0.2 1.90.1/0.2 1.90.2 1.90.1/0.2 1.90.1/0.2 1.90.2 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave B/X5R B/X5R B/X5R B/X5R B/X5R B/X5R 10 10 22 3.3 4.7 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 5 5 10 3.5 5 5 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 0.850.1 R R R R R R HALT % Rated voltage 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 200% 150% 150% 150% 150% Internal code P/N 1 Note HALT % Rated voltage 150% 200% 150% 150% 200% 200% 200% 200% 200% 150% 150% 200% 200% 150% 150% Internal code P/N 1 Note HALT % Rated voltage 150% 150% 150% 200% 200% 150% Internal code P/N 1 Note HALT % Rated voltage 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 200% Internal code P/N 1 Note HALT % Rated voltage 150% 200% 150% 150% 200% 150% 200% Internal code P/N 1 HALT % Rated voltage 200% 200% 200% Internal code P/N 1 1.9mm thickness Y, N Rated voltage 50V 35V 25V 16V 10V 6.3V Part number 1 Part number 2 UMK325 BJ475MN GMK325 BJ225MN GMK325 BJ475MN GMK325 BJ106MN TMK325 BJ335MN TMK325 BJ475MN TMK325 BJ106MN EMK325 BJ475MN EMK325 BJ106MN EMK325 BJ476MY LMK325 BJ226MY LMK325 BJ106MN JMK325 BJ226MY JMK325 BJ107MY JMK325 BJ476MN CAPACITORS 6.3V Part number 1 0.85mm thickness D Rated voltage 25V 16V 10V *1 Part number 1 Part number 2 TMK325 BJ106MD EMK325 BJ106MD EMK325 BJ226MD LMK325 BJ335MD LMK325 BJ475MD LMK325 BJ106MD We may provide X7R for some itemes according to the individual specification. Temperature Characteristic B7X7R 2.5mm thickness M Rated voltage Part number 1 50V UMK325 B7475MM Part number 2 UMK325AB7106MM 25V TMK325 B7226MM TMK325AB7106MM 16V 10V 6.3V EMK325 B7226MM LMK325 B7476MM JMK325 B7476MM Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R 4.7 10 22 10 22 47 47 20 20 20 20% 20 20 20 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 2.50.2 2.50.3 2.50.2 2.50.3 2.50.2 2.50.2 2.50.2 R R R R R R R Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R X7R 4.7 3.3 4.7 10 4.7 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 3.5 3.5 10 3.5 3.5 3.5 1.90.2 1.90.2 1.90.2 1.90.2 1.90.2 1.90.2 1.90.2 R R R R R R R Temp. char. Capacitance F Capacitance tolerance % tan % Thickness mm Soldering R:Reflow W:Wave F/Y5V F/Y5V F/Y5V 22 22 47 80/20 80/20 80/20 16 16 16 1.90.2 1.90.2 1.90.2 R R R R R R R 1.9mm thickness N Rated voltage 50V 25V 16V 10V Part number 1 Part number 2 UMK325 B7475MN TMK325 B7335MN TMK325 B7475MN TMK325 B7106MN EMK325 B7475MN EMK325 B7106MN LMK325 B7106MN Note R R Temperature Characteristic FF/Y5V 1.9mm thickness N Rated voltage Part number 1 16V 10V 6.3V EMK325 F226ZN LMK325 F226ZN JMK325 F476ZN Part number 2 Note This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. mlcc01_e-01 12 13 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Example of Impedance ESR vs. Frequency characteristics Taiyo Yuden multilayer ceramic capacitor TMK107 BJ105KA JMK107ABJ106MA JMK107 BJ106MA JMK212ABJ226MG JMK212 BJ226MG TMK316 BJ106KL JMK316ABJ476ML JMK316 BJ476ML JMK316ABJ107ML JMK316 BJ107ML GMK325 BJ106MN EMK325 BJ476MY JMK325 BJ107MY UMK107 F104ZA LMK107 F105ZA LMK107 F225ZA UMK212 F224ZD UMK212 F105ZG LMK212 F106ZG UMK316 F225ZG GMK316 F106ZL LMK316 F226ZL AMK107BBJ226MA AMK107 BJ226MA TMK212BBJ106MG JMK325 F476ZN This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. 14 12 mlcc01_e-01 CAPACITORS This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. mlcc01_e-01 12 15 PACKAGING Minimum Quantity Taped package Thickness Type MK042 MK063 2K096 WK105 MK105 VK105 MK107 WK107 2K110 MK212 WK212 4K212 2K212 MK316 MK325 MK432 mm code 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.45 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.45 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.45 0.85 1.25 0.85 0.85 0.85 1.15 1.25 1.6 0.85 1.15 1.9 2.0max 2.5 2.5 C,D P,T P K P C P V, W W K V A V B A K D G D D D F G L D F N Y M M Standard quantity [pcs] Embossed tape -- 40000 15000 Representative taping dimensions Paper Tape8mm wide Pressed carrier tape2mm pitch 0.1/-0 Paper tape 10000 20000 15000 -- T1 10000 4000 -- 4000 Unitmm 4000 -- -- 3000 4000 -- Type No bottom tape for pressed carrier tape Insertion Pitch MK063 2K096 WK105 MK105 *1C 0.65 1.15 MK105 *1P 1 * Thickness, C0.2mmP0.3mm Tape Thickness T1 0.45max. 0.42max. 0.4max. 0.45max. 0.3max. 0.42max. 2.00.05 Punched carrier tape2mm pitch 0.1/-0 -- 3000 2000 -- -- 500T, 1000P 500 Unitmm Type Taping material Chip Cavity 0.37 0.67 0.65 1.02 2K096 MK105 VK105 Chip Cavity A B 0.72 1.02 0.65 Insertion Pitch F Tape Thickness T 0.6max. 52.00.05 1.15 0.8max. Paper tape Punched carrier tape4mm pitch 0.1/-0 Unitmm Embossed tape Type MK107 WK107 2K110 MK212 WK212 4K212 2K212 MK316 Chip Cavity A B Insertion Pitch F Tape Thickness T 1.0 1.8 1.1max. 1.15 1.55 1.0max. 1.65 2.4 2.0 3.6 4.00.1 1.1max. Chip filled NoteTaping size might be different depending on the size of the product. This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. mlcc_pack-P1 12 mlcc_pack_e-01 PACKAGING Embossed tape4mm wide Trailer and Leader 0.80.04 4.00.05 1.80.02 0.90.05 100mm or more Trailer 160mm min. Leader 400mm min. 1.00.02 2.00.04 Unitmm Type MK042 Chip Cavity A B 0.23 0.43 Insertion Pitch F 1.00.02 Tape Thickness K T 0.5max. 0.25max. Reel size t E C Embossed tape8mm wide 0.1/-0 A B D R W Unitmm A 1782.0 B 50min. C 13.00.2 D 21.00.8 E 2.00.5 R 1.0 4mm wide tape 8mm wide tape 12mm wide tape t 1.5max. 2.5max. 2.5max. W 51.0 101.5 141.5 Unitmm Type WK107 MK212 MK316 MK325 Chip Cavity A B 1.0 1.8 1.65 2.4 2.0 3.6 2.8 3.6 Insertion Pitch F 4.00.1 Tape Thickness K T 1.3max 0.250.1 3.4max. 0.6max. Embossed tape12mm wide Top Tape Strength 0.1/-0 The top tape requires a peel-off force of 0.1 to 0.7N in the direction of the arrow as illustrated below. 2.00.1 F Type MK432 Chip Cavity A B 3.7 4.9 Unitmm Insertion Pitch F 8.00.1 Tape Thickness K T 4.0max. 0.6max. Bulk Cassette The exchange of individual specification is necessary. Please contact Taiyo Yuden sales channels. 120.1 360/-0.2 1100.7 8.80.1 2.00/-0.1 1.50.1/-0 6.80.1 12.00.1 0/-0.2 0.2/-0 1.00/-0.1 Unitmm This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. mlcc_pack_e-01 12 mlcc_pack-P2 RELIABILITY DATA Super Low Distortion Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors and Medium-High Voltage Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors are noted separately. Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors 1.Operating Temperature Range Temperature Compensating Class 1 Specified Value Standard High Frequency Type 55 to 125 BJ B7 C6 C7 High PermittivityClass 2 F Specification B X5R X7R X6S X7S F Y5V Temperature Range 25 to 85 55 to 85 55 to 125 55 to 105 55 to 125 25 to 85 30 to 85 2. Storage Conditions Temperature Compensating Class 1 Specified Value Standard High Frequency Type 55 to 125 BJ B7 C6 C7 High PermittivityClass 2 F Specification B X5R X7R X6S X7S F Y5V Temperature Range 25 to 85 55 to 85 55 to 125 55 to 105 55 to 125 25 to 85 30 to 85 3. Rated Voltage Temperature Compensating SpecifiedClass 1 Value High PermittivityClass 2 Standard High Frequency Type 4. Withstanding Voltage Between terminals Standard Temperature Compensating SpecifiedClass 1 High Frequency Type Value High Permittivity Class 2 Test Methods and Remarks Applied voltage Duration Charge/discharge current 50VDC, 25VDC, 16VDC 50VDC, 16VDC 50VDC, 35VDC, 25VDC, 16VDC, 10VDC, 6.3VDC, 4VDC No breakdown or damage Class 1 Class 2 Rated voltagex3 Rated voltagex2.5 1 to 5 sec. 50mA max. 5. Insulation Resistance Standard Temperature Compensating High Frequency Type SpecifiedClass 1 Value High PermittivityClass 2Note 1 10000 M min. C0.047F : 10000 M min. C0.047F : 500MF Test Methods and Remarks Applied voltage: Rated voltage Duration: 605 sec. Charge/discharge current: 50mA max. 6. CapacitanceTolerance Standard C U 0.5pFC5pF0.25pF 0.5pF<C10pF0.5pF C10pF5% High Frequency Type CH RH 0.5pFC2pF0.1pF C2pF5% Temperature Compensating SpecifiedClass 1 Value High PermittivityClass 2 Test Methods and Remarks Standard Preconditioning Measuring frequency Measuring voltage Note 1 Bias application RH S T 0.5pFC2pF0.1pF C2pF5% BJ, B7, C6,C710 or 20, F2080 Class 1 Class 2 High Frequency Type C10F C10F None Thermal treatmentat 150 for 1hr Note 2 1Hz10 1Hz10 12010Hz 0.5 to 5Vrms 10.2Vrms 0.50.1Vrms None 7. Q or Dissipation Factor Standard Temperature Compensating SpecifiedClass 1 High Frequency Type Value High Permittivity Class 2Note 1 Test Methods and Remarks C30 pFQ40020CC30 pFQ1000 CNominal capacitance Refer to detailed specification BJ, B7, C6,C72.5 max., F7 max. Class 1 Class 2 High Frequency Type C10F C10F None Thermal treatmentat 150 for 1hr Note 2 1Hz10 1GHz 1Hz10 12010Hz 0.5 to 5Vrms 10.2Vrms 0.50.1Vrms None Standard Preconditioning Measuring frequency Measuring voltage Note 1 Bias application High Frequency Type Measuring equipment: HP4291A Measuring jig: HP16192A This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. mlcc_reli-R1 12 mlcc_reli_e-01 RELIABILITY DATA 8. Temperature Characteristic Without voltage application Standard Temperature Compensating Class 1 High Frequency Type Temperature Characteristicppm/ C 0 CH, CJ, CK R 220 RH S 330 SH, SJ, SK T 470 TJ, TK U 750 UJ, UK SL 350 to 1000 Specified Value BJ B7 C6 C7 High PermittivityClass 2 F Specification B X5R X7R X6S X7S F Y5V Tolerance H60 J120 K250 Capacitance change 10 15 15 22 22 30/80 22/82 Reference temperature 20 25 25 25 25 20 25 Temperature Range 25 to 85 55 to 85 55 to 125 55 to 105 55 to 125 25 to 85 30 to 85 Test Methods and Remarks Class 1 Capacitance at 20 and 85 shall be measured in thermal equilibrium, and the temperature characteristic shall be calculated from the following equation. C85C20 6 x 10ppm/ C20xT T65 Class 2 Capacitance at each step shall be measured in thermal equilibrium, and the temperature characteristic shall be calculated from the following equation. CC2 x100 BF X5RX7RX6SX7SY5V C2 Minimum operating temperature C Capacitance in Step 1 or Step 3 20 25 C2 Capacitance in Step 2 Maximum operating temperature Step 1 2 3 9. Deflection Standard Temperature Compensating SpecifiedClass 1 Value High Frequency Type High PermittivityClass 2 Appearance : Capacitance change : Appearance : Capacitance change : Appearance : Capacitance change : No abnormality Within 5% or 0.5 pF, whichever is larger. No abnormality Within0.5 pF No abnormality Within 12.5% BJ, B7, C6, C7 , Within 30% F Test Methods and Remarks Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors Board 042063 Type The other types glass epoxy-resin substrate Thickness 0.8mm 1.6mm Warp Duration 1mm 10 sec. Thickness 1.6mm Warp 1mm Duration 10 sec. Board Warp Array Type 096110212 Type Board glass epoxy-resin substrate Capacitance measurement shall be conducted with the board bent 10. Body Strength Standard High Frequency Type Temperature Compensating SpecifiedClass 1 Value High PermittivityClass 2 Test Methods and Remarks High Frequency Type Applied force: 5N Duration: 10 sec. -- No mechanical damage. -- A A A 11. Adhesive Strength of Terminal Electrodes Standard Temperature Compensating SpecifiedClass 1 High Frequency Type Value High PermittivityClass 2 Test Methods and Remarks Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors 042063 Type 105 Type or more Applied force 2N 5N No terminal separation or its indication. Array Type Duration 305 sec. 096 Type 110212 Type Applied force 2N 5N Duration 305 sec. 12. Solderability Standard Temperature Compensating SpecifiedClass 1 At least 95% of terminal electrode is covered by new solder. High Frequency Type Value High PermittivityClass 2 Test Methods and Remarks Solder type Solder temperature Duration Eutectic solder H60A or H63A 2305 41 sec. Lead-free solder Sn-3.0Ag0.5Cu 2453 This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. mlcc_reli_e-01 12 mlcc_reli-R2 RELIABILITY DATA 13. Resistance to Soldering Standard Temperature Compensating Class 1 High Frequency Type Specified Value High PermittivityClass 2 Note 1 Appearance: No abnormality Capacitance change: Within 2.5% or 0.25pF, whichever is larger. Q: Initial value Insulation resistance: Initial value Withstanding voltagebetween terminals : No abnormality Appearance: No abnormality Capacitance change: Within 2.5% Q: Initial value Insulation resistance: Initial value Withstanding voltagebetween terminals : No abnormality Appearance: No abnormality Capacitance change: Within 7.5%BJ, B7, C6, C7 Within 20%F Dissipation factor: Initial value Insulation resistance: Initial value Withstanding voltagebetween terminals : No abnormality Test Methods and Remarks Class 1 Class 2 105 Type Array 096, 110 Type None 150, 1 to 2 min. 80 to 100, 2 to 5 min. 150 to 200, 2 to 5 min. 2705 30.5 sec. 6 to 24 hrsStandard condition Note 5 042, 063 Type Preconditioning Preheating Solder temp. Duration Recovery 105, 107, 212 Type 316, 325 Type Array 096, 110,212 Type Thermal treatmentat 150 for 1 hrNote 2 150, 1 to 2 min. 80 to 100, 2 to 5 min. 80 to 100, 5 to 10 min. 150 to 200, 2 to 5 min. 150 to 200, 5 to 10 min. 2705 30.5 sec. 242 hrsStandard condition Note 5 042063 Type Preconditioning Preheating Solder temp. Duration Recovery 14. Temperature Cycle (Thermal Shock Standard Temperature Compensating Class 1 High Frequency Type Specified Value High PermittivityClass 2 Note 1 Appearance: No abnormality Capacitance change: Within 2.5% or 0.25pF, whichever is larger. Q: Initial value Insulation resistance: Initial value Withstanding voltagebetween terminals : No abnormality Appearance: No abnormality Capacitance change: Within 0.25pF Q: Initial value Insulation resistance: Initial value Withstanding voltagebetween terminals : No abnormality Appearance: No abnormality Capacitance change: Within 7.5%BJ, B7, C6, C7 Within 20%F Dissipation factor: Initial value Insulation resistance: Initial value Withstanding voltagebetween terminals : No abnormality Test Methods and Remarks Class 1 None Preconditioning Step 1 2 3 4 1 cycle Number of cycles Recovery Class 2 Thermal treatmentat 150 for 1 hr Note 2 Temperature Lowest operating temperature 0/3 Normal temperature Highest operating temperature 0/3 Normal temperature Time min. 303 2 to 3 303 2 to 3 5 times 6 to 24 hrsStandard condition Note 5 242 hrsStandard condition Note 5 15. HumiditySteady State Standard Temperature Compensating Class 1 Specified Value High Frequency Type High PermittivityClass 2 Note 1 Appearance: No abnormality Capacitance change: Within 5% or 0.5pF, whichever is larger. Q C10pF Q20010C 10C30pF Q2752.5C C30pF Q350 CNominal capacitance Insulation resistance: 1000 M min. Appearance: No abnormality Capacitance change: Within 0.5pF, Insulation resistance: 1000 M min. Appearance: No abnormality Capacitance change: Within 12.5% BJ, B7, C6, C7 Within 30% F Dissipation factor 5.0% max.BJ, B7, C6, C7 11.0% max. F Insulation resistance: 50 MF or 1000 M whichever is smaller. Test Methods and Remarks Class 1 Class 2 Standard Preconditioning Temperature Humidity Duration Recovery High Frequency Type None 402 602 90 to 95RH 50024/0 hrs 6 to 24 hrsStandard condition Note 5 Preconditioning Temperature Humidity Duration Recovery All items Thermal treatmentat 150 for 1 hr Note 2 402 90 to 95RH 50024/0 hrs 242 hrsStandard condition Note 5 This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. mlcc_reli-R3 12 mlcc_reli_e-01 RELIABILITY DATA 16. Humidity Loading Standard Temperature Compensating Class 1 High Frequency Type Specified Value High PermittivityClass 2 Note 1 Appearance: No abnormality Capacitance change: Within 7.5% or 0.75pF, whichever is larger. Q C30pFQ10010C/3 C30pFQ200 CNominal capacitance Insulation resistance: 500 M min. Appearance: No abnormality Capacitance change: C2pFWithin 0.4 pF C2pFWithin 0.75 pF CNominal capacitance Insulation resistance: 500 M min. Appearance: No abnormality Capacitance change: Within 12.5%BJ, B7, C6, C7 Within 30% F Dissipation factor 5.0% max.BJ, B7, C6, C7 11.0% max. F Insulation resistance: 25 MF or 500 M, whichever is smaller. Test Methods and Remarks Class 1 Class 2 Standard Preconditioning Temperature Humidity Duration Applied voltage Charge/discharge current Recovery High Frequency Type None 402 602 90 to 95RH 50024/0 hrs Rated voltage 50mA max. 6 to 24 hrsStandard condition Note 5 Preconditioning Temperature Humidity Duration Applied voltage Charge/discharge current Recovery All items Voltage treatment Rated voltage are applied for 1 hour at 40 Note 3 402 90 to 95RH 50024/0 hrs Rated voltage 50mA max. 242 hrsStandard condition Note 5 17. High Temperature Loading Standard Temperature Compensating Class 1 Specified Value High Frequency Type High PermittivityClass 2 Note 1 Appearance: No abnormality Capacitance change: Within 3% or 0.3pF, whichever is larger. Q C10pF Q20010C 10C30pF Q2752.5C C30pF Q350CNominal capacitance Insulation resistance: 1000 M min. Appearance: No abnormality Capacitance change: Within 3% or 0.3pF, whichever is larger. Insulation resistance: 1000 M min. Appearance: No abnormality Capacitance change: Within 12.5% BJ, B7, C6, C7 Within 30% F Dissipation factor 5.0% max. BJ, B7, C6, C7 11.0% max. F Insulation resistance: 50 MF or 1000 M, whichever is smaller. Test Methods and Remarks Class 1 Class 2 Standard Preconditioning Temperature Duration Applied voltage Charge/discharge current Recovery Note 1 Note 2 Note 3 Note 4 Note 5 High Frequency Type None 1253 100048/0 hrs Rated voltagex2 50mA max. 6 to 24hrStandard condition Note 5 Preconditioning Temperature Duration Applied voltage Charge/discharge current Recovery BJ, F C6 B7, C7 Voltage treatmentTwice the rated voltage shall be applied for 1 hour at 85, 105 or 125 Note 3, 4 852 1053 1253 100048/0 hrs Rated voltagex2 Note 4 50mA max. 242 hrsStandard condition Note 5 The figures indicate typical specifications. Please refer to individual specifications in detail. Thermal treatment : Initial value shall be measured after test sample is heat-treated at 1500/10 for an hour and kept at room temperature for 242hours. Voltage treatment : Initial value shall be measured after test sample is voltage-treated for an hour at both the temperature and voltage specified in the test conditions, and kept at room temperature for 242hours. 150% of rated voltage is applicable to some items. Please refer to their specifications for further information. Standard condition: Temperature: 5 to 35, Relative humidity: 45 to 85 % RH, Air pressure: 86 to 106kPa When there are questions concerning measurement results, in order to provide correlation data, the test shall be conducted under the following condition. Temperature: 202, Relative humidity: 60 to 70 % RH, Air pressure: 86 to 106kPa Unless otherwise specified, all the tests are conducted under the "standard condition". This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. mlcc_reli_e-01 12 mlcc_reli-R4 PRECAUTIONS Precautions on the use of Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors 1. Circuit Design Verification of operating environment, electrical rating and performance 1. A malfunction of equipment in fields such as medical, aerospace, nuclear control, etc. may cause serious harm to human life or have severe social ramifications. Therefore, any capacitors to be used in such equipment may require higher safety and reliability, and shall be clearly differentiated from them used in general purpose applications. Operating VoltageVerification of Rated voltage Precautions 1. The operating voltage for capacitors must always be their rated voltage or less. If an AC voltage is loaded on a DC voltage, the sum of the two peak voltages shall be the rated voltage or less. For a circuit where an AC or a pulse voltage may be used, the sum of their peak voltages shall also be the rated voltage or less. 2. Even if an applied voltage is the rated voltage or less reliability of capacitors may be deteriorated in case that either a high frequency AC voltage or a pulse voltage having rapid rise time is used in a circuit. 2. PCB Design Pattern configurationsDesign of Land-patterns 1. When capacitors are mounted on PCBs, the amount of solder usedsize of filletcan directly affect the capacitor performance. Therefore, the following items must be carefully considered in the design of land patterns: 1 Excessive solder applied can cause mechanical stresses which lead to chip breaking or cracking. Therefore, please consider appropriate land-patterns for proper amount of solder. Precautions 2 When more than one component are jointly soldered onto the same land, each component's soldering point shall be separated by solder-resist. Pattern configurations Capacitor layout on PCBs After capacitors are mounted on boards, they can be subjected to mechanical stresses in subsequent manufacturing processesPCB cutting, board inspection, mounting of additional parts, assembly into the chassis, wave soldering of the boards, etc. . For this reason, land pattern configurations and positions of capacitors shall be carefully considered to minimize stresses. Pattern configurationsDesign of Land-patterns The following diagrams and tables show some examples of recommended land patterns to prevent excessive solder amounts. 1 Recommended land dimensions for typical chip capacitors Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors : Recommended land dimensionsunit: mm Wave-soldering Land patterns for PCBs Type Size L W A B C Land 107 212 316 325 1.6 2.0 3.2 3.2 0.8 51.25 1.6 2.5 0.8 to 1.0 1.0 to 1.4 1.8 to 2.5 1.8 to 2.5 0.5 to 0.8 0.8 to 1.5 0.8 to 1.7 0.8 to 1.7 0.6 to 0.8 0.9 to 1.2 1.2 to 1.6 1.8 to 2.5 Chip capacitor C B Reflow-soldering Type Size L W A B C 042 063 105 107 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.6 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.15 to 0.25 0.20 to 0.30 0.45 to 0.55 0.8 to 1.0 0.15 to 0.20 0.20 to 0.30 0.40 to 0.50 0.6 to 0.8 0.15 to 0.30 0.25 to 0.40 0.45 to 0.55 0.6 to 0.8 212 2.0 51.25 0.8 to 1.2 0.8 to 1.2 0.9 to 1.6 316 3.2 1.6 1.8 to 2.5 1.0 to 1.5 1.2 to 2.0 325 3.2 2.5 1.8 to 2.5 1.0 to 1.5 1.8 to 3.2 432 4.5 3.2 2.5 to 3.5 1.5 to 1.8 2.3 to 3.5 Chip capacitor W L LWDC: Recommended land dimensions for reflow-solderingunit: mm Type Technical considerations 105 0.52 1.0 0.18 to 0.22 0.2 to 0.25 0.9 to 1.1 L W A B C 107 50.8 1.6 0.25 to 0.3 0.3 to 0.4 1.5 to 1.7 LWDC 212 1.25 2.0 0.5 to 0.7 0.4 to 0.5 1.9 to 2.1 W L Array type: Recommended land dimensions for reflow-solderingunit: mm Type Size a b c d L W B A NoteRecommended land size might be different according to the allowance of the size of the product. Size Solder-resist 2 circuits 0962 circuits 1102 circuits 2122 circuits 212 4 circuits 0.9 1.37 2.0 2.0 0.6 1.0 1.25 1.25 0.25 to 0.35 0.35 to 0.45 0.5 to 0.6 0.5 to 0.6 0.15 to 0.25 0.55 to 0.65 0.5 to 0.6 0.5 to 0.6 0.15 to 0.25 0.3 to 0.4 0.5 to 0.6 0.2 to 0.3 0.45 0.64 1.0 0.5 4 circuits Chip capacitor c c a b a Land d a b a d 2 Examples of good and bad solder application Items Not recommended Recommended Mixed mounting of SMD and leaded components Component placement close to the chassis Hand-soldering of leaded components near mounted components Horizontal component placement To next page This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. mlcc_prec-P1 12 mlcc_prec_e-01 PRECAUTIONS Precautions on the use of Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors 2. PCB Design Pattern configurations Capacitor layout on PCBs 1-1. The following is examples of good and bad capacitor layouts ; capacitors shall be located to minimize any possible mechanical stresses from board warp or deflection. Items Not recommended Recommended Deflection of board Technical considerations 1-2. The amount of mechanical stresses given will vary depending on capacitor layout. Please refer to diagram below. 1-3. When PCB is split, the amount of mechanical stress on the capacitors can vary according to the method used. The following methods are listed in order from least stressful to most stressful: push-back, slit, V-grooving, and perforation. Thus, please consider the PCB, split methods as well as chip location. 3. Mounting Adjustment of mounting machine 1. When capacitors are mounted on PCB, excessive impact load shall not be imposed on them. 2.Maintenance and inspection of mounting machines shall be conducted periodically. Precautions Selection of Adhesives 1. When chips are attached on PCBs with adhesives prior to soldering, it may cause capacitor characteristics degradation unless the following factors are appropriately checked : size of land patterns, type of adhesive, amount applied, hardening temperature and hardening period. Therefore, please contact us for further information. Adjustment of mounting machine 1. When the bottom dead center of a pick-up nozzle is too low, excessive force is imposed on capacitors and causes damages. To avoid this, the following points shall be considerable. 1The bottom dead center of the pick-up nozzle shall be adjusted to the surface level of PCB without the board deflection. 2The pressure of nozzle shall be adjusted between 1 and 3 N static loads. 3To reduce the amount of deflection of the board caused by impact of the pick-up nozzle, supporting pins or back-up pins shall be used on the other side of the PCB. The following diagrams show some typical examples of good and bad pick-up nozzle placement: Items Not recommended Recommended Single-sided mounting Double-sided mounting Technical considerations 2. As the alignment pin is worn out, adjustment of the nozzle height can cause chipping or cracking of capacitors because of mechanical impact on the capacitors. To avoid this, the monitoring of the width between the alignment pins in the stopped position, maintenance, check and replacement of the pin shall be conducted periodically. Selection of Adhesives Some adhesives may cause IR deterioration. The different shrinkage percentage of between the adhesive and the capacitors may result in stresses on the capacitors and lead to cracking. Moreover, too little or too much adhesive applied to the board may adversely affect components. Therefore, the following precautions shall be noted in the application of adhesives. 1 Required adhesive characteristics a. The adhesive shall be strong enough to hold parts on the board during the mounting & solder process. b. The adhesive shall have sufficient strength at high temperatures. c. The adhesive shall have good coating and thickness consistency. d. The adhesive shall be used during its prescribed shelf life. e. The adhesive shall harden rapidly. f . The adhesive shall have corrosion resistance. g. The adhesive shall have excellent insulation characteristics. h. The adhesive shall have no emission of toxic gasses and no effect on the human body. 2 The recommended amount of adhesives is as follows; Recommended condition Figure 212/316 case sizes as examples a 0.3mm min b 100 to 120 m c Adhesives shall not contact land This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. mlcc_prec_e-01 12 mlcc_prec-P2 PRECAUTIONS Precautions on the use of Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors 4. Soldering Selection of Flux Since flux may have a significant effect on the performance of capacitors, it is necessary to verify the following conditions prior to use; 1 Flux used shall be less than or equal to 0.1 wt%in CI equivalentof halogenated content. Flux having a strong acidity content shall not be applied. 2 When shall capacitors are soldered on boards, the amount of flux applied shall be controlled at the optimum level. 3 When water-soluble flux is used, special care shall be taken to properly clean the boards. Precautions Soldering Temperature, time, amount of solder, etc. shall be set in accordance with their recommended conditions. Sn-Zn solder paste can adversely affect MLCC reliability. Please contact us prior to usage of Sn-Zn solder. Selection of Flux 1-1. When too much halogenated substanceChlorine, Chlorine, etc. content is used to activate fl flux, ux, or highly acidic fl flux ux is used, it may lead to corrosion of terminal electrodes or degradation of insulation resistance on the surfaces of the capacitors. 1-2. Flux is used to increase solderability in wave soldering. However if too much flux is applied, a large amount of flux gas may be emitted and may adversely affect the solderability. To minimize the amount of flux applied, it is recommended to use a flux-bubbling system. 1-3. Since the residue of water-soluble flux is easily dissolved in moisture in the air, the residues on the surfaces of capacitors in high humidity conditions may cause a degradation of insulation resistance and reliability of the capacitors. Therefore, the cleaning methods and the capability of the machines used shall also be considered carefully when water-soluble flux is used. Peak260 260Max. Max. Peak 230 Within10sec. 10sec. Within Within 10 sec. Preheating 200 60sec. 200 200 Min. 60sec. Min. Slow Slow cooling Slowcooling cooling 300 100 100 100 Peak 260 Max. Withinabove 10sec. Heating Preheating 150 230 200 60sec. Min. 40sec. Max. 0 Slow cooling 300 100 Peak 260 Max. 230250 Within 10sec. Heating above Heating above Within 3sec. Preheating Heating above Preheating 150 150 Preheating 230 230 Preheating 150 120sec. Min. 230 60sec. Min. Min. 60sec. 40sec. Max. Max. 40sec. 200 60sec. Min. 200 00 40sec. Max. Slow 0 0 Slow cooling cooling Caution 300 The300 ideal condition is to have solder massfilletcontrolled to 1/2 to 1/3 of the thickness of a capacitor. 300 100 excessive dwell times 100 230250 230250 Because can adversely affect solderability, soldering duration230250 shall be kept as Within 3sec. Within 3sec. close to recommended timesHeating as possible. Preheating Preheating Within 3sec. above Preheating Preheating 150 120sec. Min. 120sec. Min. 230 120sec. Min. 200 200 60sec. Min. 200 40sec. Max. Wave soldering 0 0 Slow cooling cooling Slow Slow cooling Recommended condition for Pb-free soldering Recommended conditions for eutectic soldering 200 00 Preheating 120sec. Min. 300 100 200 Slow cooling 300 300 100 200 200 0 230250 Within 3sec. Peak260 260Max. Max. Peak Within10sec. 10sec. Within 120sec. Min. Min. 120sec. Slow Slow cooling Preheating cooling Preheating 150 150 120sec. Min. Hand200 soldering 00 120sec. Min. 0 300 100 200 0 Slow Preheating cooling 150 Peak 260 Max. Within 10sec. 120sec. Min. Slow 100 300 230280 Within 3 sec. The soldering iron shall not directly touch capacitors. 0 Preheating 60sec. Min. 0 400 60sec. Min. T Slow cooling 200 400 400 400 100 300 300 300 0 200 200 200 400 100 100 100 300 00 200 100 0 400 Peak 350 Max. Within 3sec. 300 0 Recommended condition for Pb-free soldering 200 400 400 Slow cooling 400 Peak 350 350Max. Max. Peak 230280Within Within 3sec. 3sec. 100 Within 3 sec. 300 300 300 Preheating T T 60sec. Min. 0 Slow cooling cooling Slow 0 200 200 200 200 200 Slow cooling cooling Slow Preheating Preheating Slow cooling 400 400 150 Min.350 Max. 150 Min. Peak 230280 100 100 100 100 Within 3sec. 100 Within 3 sec. 300 Preheating 300 Preheating Preheating T 60sec. Min. 60sec. Min. 60sec. Min. Min. 60sec. 60sec. Min. 00 00 0 Slow cooling T 200 200 Slow cooling 316type or less Preheating T150 Caution 150 Min. Use100 a 50W soldering iron with a maximum tip diameter of100 1.0 mm. Slow Recommended conditions for eutectic soldering Preheating cooling 400 400 150 100 230280 230280 Within 33 sec. sec. Within 300 300 T PC board Peak 260 Max. Within 10sec. Caution Preheating cooling 300 400 as for reflow soldering Wave soldering must not be applied to capacitors designated 150 only. 100 100 Peak 260 Max. Within 10sec. Capacitor Solder Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature 300 100 100 Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Technical considerations 300 100 0 Preheating Peak 280 280Max. Max. Peak 150 Peak Min. 350 Max. Within 3sec. 3sec. Within Within 3sec. T Min. 60sec. T T Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature 300 300 300 200 Slow Recommended condition for Pb-free cooling soldering Slow cooling cooling Slow Slow cooling Preheating Preheating Preheating 150 Min. 150 Min. Peak 280 Max. 150 Min. Within 3sec. 60sec. Min. Min. 60sec. 60sec. Min. T Slow cooling T 325type or morePreheating T130 150 Min. 60sec. Min. This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. mlcc_prec-P3 12 mlcc_prec_e-01 300 T 200 400 100 Temperature Recommended conditions for eutectic soldering Temperature Reflow soldering Temperature Soldering * Ceramic chip capacitors are susceptible to thermal shock when exposed to rapid or concentrated heating or rapid cooling. as to prevent malfunction of the components due to excessive thermal shock. * Therefore, the soldering must be conducted with great care so300 Peak 260 * Preheating : Capacitors shall be preheated sufficiently, and the temperature difference between theMax. capacitors and solder shall be within 100 to 130. * Cooling : The temperature difference between the capacitors and cleaning process shall Within not be10sec. greater than 100. 300 60sec. M 0 200 T 100 0 60sec. PRECAUTIONS Precautions on the use of Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors 5. Cleaning Precautions Technical considerations Cleaning conditions 1. When PCBs are cleaned after capacitors mounting, please select the appropriate cleaning solution in accordance with the intended use of the cleaning.e.g. to remove soldering flux or other materials from the production process. 2. Cleaning condition shall be determined after it is verified by using actual cleaning machine that the cleaning process does not affect capacitor's characteristics. 1. The use of inappropriate cleaning solutions can cause foreign substances such as flux residue to adhere to capacitors or deteriorate their outer coating, resulting in a degradation of the capacitor's electrical propertiesespecially insulation resistance . 2. Inappropriate cleaning conditionsinsufficient or excessive cleaningmay adversely affect the performance of the capacitors. In the case of ultrasonic cleaning, too much power output can cause excessive vibration of PCBs which may lead to the cracking of capacitors or the soldered portion, or decrease the terminal electrodes' strength. Therefore, the following conditions shall be carefully checked; Ultrasonic output : 20 W/ or less Ultrasonic frequency : 40 kHz or less Ultrasonic washing period : 5 min. or less 6. Resin coating and mold 1. With some type of resins, decomposition gas or chemical reaction vapor may remain inside the resin during the hardening period or while left under normal storage conditions resulting in the deterioration of the capacitor's performance. 2. When a resin's hardening temperature is higher than capacitor's operating temperature, the stresses generated by the excessive heat may lead to damage or Precautions destruction of capacitors. The use of such resins, molding materials etc. is not recommended. 7. Handling Splitting of PCB 1. When PCBs are split after components mounting, care shall be taken so as not to give any stresses of deflection or twisting to the board. 2. Board separation shall not be done manually, but by using the appropriate devices. Precautions Mechanical considerations Be careful not to subject capacitors to excessive mechanical shocks. 1 If ceramic capacitors are dropped onto a floor or a hard surface, they shall not be used. 2 Please be careful that the mounted components do not come in contact with or bump against other boards or components. 8. Storage conditions Storage 1. To maintain the solderability of terminal electrodes and to keep packaging materials in good condition, care must be taken to control temperature and humidity in the storage area. Humidity should especially be kept as low as possible. Recommended conditions Ambient temperature : Below 30 Humidity : Below 70% RH Precautions The ambient temperature must be kept below 40. Even under ideal storage conditions, solderability of capacitor is deteriorated as time passes, so capacitors shall be used within 6 months from the time of delivery. Ceramic chip capacitors shall be kept where no chlorine or sulfur exists in the air. 2. The capacitance values of high dielectric constant capacitors will gradually decrease with the passage of time, o care shall be taken to design circuits . Even if capacitance value decreases as time passes, it will get back to the initial value by a heat treatment at 150 for 1hour. Technical If capacitors are stored in a high temperature and humidity environment, it might rapidly cause poor solderability due to terminal oxidation and quality loss of taping/ consider- packaging materials. For this reason, capacitors shall be used within 6 months from the time of delivery. If exceeding the above period, please check solderability beations fore using the capacitors. RCR-2335B Safety Application Guide for fixed ceramic capacitors for use in electronic equipment is published by JEITA. Please check the guide regarding precautions for deflection test, soldering by spot heat, and so on. This catalog contains the typical specification only due to the limitation of space. When you consider the purchase of our products, please check our specification. For details of each product (characteristics graph, reliability information, precautions for use, and so on), see our Web site (http://www.ty-top.com/) or CD catalogs. mlcc_prec_e-01 12 mlcc_prec-P4