(AI cackano 7.6 mm (0.3 inch)/10.9 mm (0.43 inch) Seven Segment Displays Technical Data Features e Industry Standard Size Industry Standard Pinout 7.62 mm (0.300 inch) DIP Leads on 2.54 mm (0.100 inch) Centers Choice of Colors Red, AlGaAs Red, High Efficiency Red, Yellow, Green * Excellent Appearance Evenly Lighted Segments Surface Color Gives Optimum Contrast +50 Viewing Angle * Design Flexibility Common Anode or Common Cathode Single Digits Left or Right Hand Decimal Point +1. Overflow Character Categorized for Luminous Intensity Yellow and Green Categorized for Color Use of Like Categories Yields a Uniform Display * High Light Output High Peak Current Excellent for Long Digit String Multiplexing Intensity and Color Selection Available See Intensity and Color Selected Displays Data Sheet Sunlight Viewable AlGaAs Description The 7.6 mm (0.3 inch) and 10.9 mm (0.43 inch) LED seven segment displays are designed 5082-761X Series 5082-762X Series 5082-765X Series 5082-766X Series 5082-773X Series 5082-7740 5082-775X Series 5082-7760 HDSP-360X Series HDSP-460X Series HDSP-E15X Series dae ella ae za a a a A fas} m7 u. ry a2 a for viewing distances up to 3 metres (10 feet) and 5 metres (16 feet). These devices use an industry standard size package and pinouts. All devices are available as either common anode or common cathode. Devices Red AlGaAs" HER" | Yellow | Green Package 5082- | Red HDSP- | 5082- 5082- | HDSP- Description Drawing 77320 7610 7620 3600 7.6 mm Common Ancde Left Hand Decimal A 7731 7611 7621 3601 | 7.6 mm Common Anode Right Hand Decimal B 7740 7613 7623 3603 | 7.6 mm Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal Cc T7136 7616 7626 3606 | 7.6 mm Universal +1. Overflow Right Hand Decimal!?! D 7750 E150 7650 7660 4600 | 10.9 mm Common Anode Left Hand Decimal E T7151 E151 7651 7661 4601 | 10.9 mm Common Anode Right Hand Decimal F 7760 E153 7653 7663 4603 | 10.9 mm Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal G 7756 E156 7656 7666 4606 | 10.9 mm Universal +1. OverNow Right Hand Decimal!#! H Notes: 1. These displays are recommended for high ambient light operation. Please refer to the HDSP-E10X AlGaAs and HDSP-335X HER data sheet for low current operation. 2. Universal pinout brings the anode and cathode of each segment's LED out to separate pins. See internal diagram H. 461These displays are ideal for most applications. Pin for pin equivalent displays are also available in a low current or high light ambient design. The Package Dimensions a 742 1,300) ' AHDP NOTE 7 LHOP 1 z 3 4 {NOTE 7 5 6 ? $72 (226) t 4101 168) be -efe oi 5.08 200) ** 4.19 (168) m4 q ABC LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY COLOR BIN NOTEB 4 -284 (040) 19.05 - 0.25 (.780 + 0107 A,B,C SIDE 7.01 (276) r 10.92 |.430) LAD, f wfaeeune TES 3.18 6.125) No | L 6.35 1.250) + | 5.08 (200) E r" 70 { a MAX tid aay (3601 Ty 0.26 (.010} 4.06 |. = + Po 12 END VIEW low current displays are ideal for portable applications. The high light ambient displays are ideal for high light ambients or additional information see the Low Current Seven Segment Displays, or High Light Ambient Seven Segment * The Side View of package indicates Country of Origin. 4-62 long string lengths. For Displays data sheets. ___FUNCTION py] A |. ee Ll 1 |CATHODE-a [CATHODE-a [NOPIN | ANODE-d 2 |CATHODE-+1 [CATHODE | CATHODE" | NO PIN ' is a [ANODE TANODER? [ANODES | CATHODE-a yooouhs | 4 [NO PIN NO PIN, | ANODE-g | CATHODE-< ; lo , 5 [NO PIN NO PIN ANODE-s | CATHODE-e 19.0 0.28 Oy ih no | 6 | CATHODE-dp/ NO CONN. | ANO| (750- 010) 4 OD b { 290) i ane lun DS an ie - of fhe 7 |CATHODE-e |CATHODE-e | NO PIN ANODE-c bo eo 8 |CATHODE-d |CATHODE-d | NO PIN ANODE-dp | neo. RHOP 9 |NO CONN. | CATHODE-dp | CATHODE! : t ' 10 [CATHODE-c |CATHOOE-< | ANODE-dp HOO | B22, NOTE 4 W | CATHODE-g CATHODE-g | ANODE-c CATHODE-b | ei 12 )NOPIN [NO PIN ANODE-b | CATHODE-a 13 CATHODE-b [CATHODE-b | ANODE-a | ANODE-a D 14 | ANoDE! ANODE = [NOPIN | ANODE-b COLOR BIN TSAO) 4 460.178) wore NOTES 1.82 VAT 10.16 1 1, DIMENSIONS IN oo (9.046) "400; MAX. [= - MILLIMETRES AND LUMINOUS | boy ANCHES). INTENSITY wale 457 2. ALL UNTOLERANCED eee 408 03 Ysaecat ; 0 POR REFERENCE 10.4 SO + O10) 406 ( 160 780 t. oN t ONLY. | ee 4 lle. 3. REDUNDANT i f } be 0.25 ota) ANODES. - : 24 0.51 7621300) =| era | (.00) (020) 4. UNUSED DP OATE CODE _ aor POSITION. 5. SEE INTERNAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM. c SIDE 4,8,C,D END 6. REDUNDANT *The Side View of package indicates Country of Origin. 7. SEE PART NUMBER TOV 2761s TABLE FOR LH.D.P. 1 vl te ag AND R.H.D.P. wee : DESIGNATION. i]. te My Tie 8. FOR YELLOW AND dls ; GREEN DEVICES art pc 2 oy? 4 ONLY. aye o Hel? ao g V2 aay 10 921,430) 4] + qd ay 19.05 - 026 4). shay 406) 5 f | fk: 4 (750 + ano : a f] sto (406) al t eo yt 5 : oda B 3191125) r JL la RHoe tT NOTE 4 | AHOP H NOTE 4 6.35 (260) -~ wl< =) 8.211.206) FRONT VIEW met oo - - ; FG FUNCTION PIN; E& | vo Bf Luminous +52 wae 1 [CATHODE- | CATHODE-s | ANODE-a | CATHODE-d INTENSITY, COLOR \ | 051 2? [CATHODE | CATHODE | ANODE-f | ANODE-d earecon\ Roe 8 ; (020) 3 [ANODE | ANODE | CATHODE"! | NO PIN : \ 4 [NOPIN NO PIN NO PIN CATHODE-c \ Ess - 5 [NO PIN NO PIN NO PIN CATHODE-e * Ee f 6 [GATHOOE-dp| NO CONN." | NO CONN. | ANODE-e s C= 7? |CATHOOE-e | CATHODE-e | ANODE-e [ANODE-c = (987028 | Bet am {eco 3 |CATHOOE-d | CATHODE-<d| ANODE-d | ANODE-dp , ux a | 9 [NO CONN. | CATHODE-dp ANODE-dp | CATHODE-dp * 10 |CATHODE-c | CATHODE-c | ANODE-< | CATHODE-b i ; 11 [CATHODE-g | CATHODE-g| ANODE-g | CATHODE-a 12 [NO PIN NO PIN NO PIN NO PIN DATE CODE Cie) 13 |CATHODE-b | CATHODE-b| ANODE-b | ANODE-a SIDE VIEW [14 |ANODE?! | CATHODE" | ANODE-bInternal Circuit Diagram 1 14 1 us 2] a 113, 2] a 13 Ci t 3 b 3 b a " 3 n c c e 10 e 10 d _5| jo | Dt Xe do dp d a 8 4 8 A 8 uw a Zz aw Fs vi uw au > v7) Za) ped a 7a faa) io} om ve = Absolute Maximum Ratings Red AlGaAs Red HER Yellow Green 5082-7700 | HDSP-E160 | 5082-7610/ | 5082-7620/ | HDSP-3600/ Description Series Series 7650 Series | 7660 Series | 4600 Series | Units Average Power per Segment or DP 82 96 105 80 105 mW Peak Forward Current per 159) 160 99) 60) son mA Segment or DP DC Forward Current per 257! 4g 308 20 3079) mA Segment or DP Operating Temperature Range 40 to +100 | -20 to +100!" -40 to +100 C Storage Temperature Range -65 to +100 C Reverse Voltage per 3.0 v Segment or DP Lead Solder Temperature for 3 Seconds (1.59 mm [0.063 in.] 260 C below seating plane id Notes: . See Figure 1 to establish pulsed conditions. . Derate above 80C at 0.63 mA/*C, . Derate above 46C at 0.54 mA/C. Derate above 53C at 0.45 mA/C. . Derate above 81C at 0.52 mA/C, Derate above 39C at 0.37 mA/*C, roe See Figure 2 to establish pulsed conditions. . See Figure 7 to establish pulsed conditions. . See Figure 8 to establish pulsed conditions. See Figure 9 to establish pulsed conditions. 4-63 For operation below -20C, contact your local HP components sales office or an authorized distributor.Electrical/Optical Characteristics at T, = 25C Red Device Test Series Parameter | Symbol| Min. | Typ. | Max.| Units | Conditions 082-773X | Luminous Intensity/Segment!!?) 360 770 cd I, = 20 mA 5082-774X (Digit Average) ly 5082-775X 360 1100 ped I, = 20 mA 5082-776X Forward Voltage/Segment or DP Vv, 1.6 2.0 v I, = 20 mA Peak Wavelength ApBAK 655 nm An Dominant Wavelength! da 640 nm Reverse Voltage/Segment or DP) Ve 3.0 12 v I, = 100 pA Temperature Coefficient of AVC -2 mvV/C V,/Segment or DP Thermal Resistance LED RO, aw 280 C/W/Seg Junction-to-Pin AlGaAs Red Device Series Parameter Symbol | Min. | Typ. | Max. | Units | Test Conditions Luminous Intensity/Segment!!:?.5! ly 8.5 15.0 med I, = 20 mA (Digit Average) 1.8 v I, = 20 mA Forward Voltage/Segment or DP Vy 2.0 | 3.0 V | 1, = 100 mA HDSP- E15X_ | Peak Wavelength ropaK 645 nm Dominant Wavelength! da 637 nm Reverse Voltage/Segment or DP'*! Ve 3.0 15 v I, = 100 pA Temperature Coefficient of AV,.C 2 mV/C V,/Segment or DP Thermal Resistance LED Junction- RO, ow 340 C/W/Seg to-Pin 4-64High Efficiency Red Device Series Parameter Symbol | Min. | Typ. | Max. Units | Test Conditions 5082-761X | Luminous Intensity/Segment?.1 340 | 800 ped I,=5mA (Digit Average) ly 5082-765X 340 | 1115 ucd I,=5mA Forward Voltage/Segment or DP V, 2.1 2.5 Vv I, = 20 mA Peak Wavelength Appak 635 nm All Dominant Wavelength! a 626 nm Reverse Voltage/Segment or DP"! Ve 3.0 30 Vv I, = 100 pA Temperature Coefficient of AV, C -2 mvV/C V,/Segment or DP Thermal Resistance LED RO, ow 280 CAV Junction-to-Pin Yellow Device Series Parameter Symbol | Min. | Typ. | Max. | Units | Test Conditions 5082-762X | Luminous Intensity/Segment!??! 205 | 620 picd I,=5mA (Digit Average) ly 5082-766X 290 | 835 ped I,=5mA Forward Voltage/Segment or DP Vv, 2.2 2.5 v I, = 20 mA Peak Wavelength ApeaK 583 nm AN Dominant Wavelength!*.7) a, 581.5 | 586 | 592.5 nm Reverse Voltage/Segment or DP**! Vi 3.0 40 v I, = 100 pA Temperature Coefficient of AV,/C 2 mV/C V,/Segment or DP Thermal Resistance LED R6, oy 280 C/Wi/Seg Junction-to-Pin 4-65 8 to ICL a i) a aan ry aa) fay re) a ua = clHigh Performance Green Device Test Series Parameter Symbol | Min. | Typ. | Max. | Units Conditions HDSP-360X | Luminous Intensity/Segment!**! 860 | 2700 pica I, = 10 mA (Digit Average) I, HDSP-460X 1030 | 4000 ped I, =10mA Forward Vo)tage/Segment or DP Vv, 2.1 2.5 Vv I, =10mA Peak Wavelength peax 566 nm An Dominant Wavelength! a 571 | 577 nm Reverse Voltage/Segment or DP"! Ve 3.0 50 v I, = 100 pA Temperature Coefficient of AV, PC -2 mv/C V,/Segment or DP Thermal Resistance LED RO, on 280 C/W/Seg Junction-to-Pin Notes: 1. Device case temperature is 25C prior to the intensity measurement. 2. The digits are categorized for luminous intensity. The intensity category is designated by a letter on the side of the package. 3. The dominant wavelength, 4,, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and is that single wavelength which defines the 4. 5 a _ color of the device. . Typical specification far reference only. Do not exceed absolute maximum ratings. . For low current operation, the AlGaAs HDSP-E10X series displays are recommended. They are tested at 1 mA de/segment and are pin for pin compatible with the HDSP-E15X serics. . For low current operation, the HER HDSP-335X series displays are recommended. They are tested at 2 mA dc/segment and are pin for pin compatible with the 5082-7650 series. . The Yellow (5082-7620/7660) and Green (HDSP-3600/4600) displays are categorized for dominant wavelength. The category is designated by a number adjacent to the luminous intensity category letter. Red, AlGaAs Red wi cre 14 w g2g 0 Tt : g 2 5 100 OPERATION IN THIS. Zee bie : OPERATION IN THIS Z& REGION REQUIRES gag ue ti REGION REQUIRES Ear TEMPERATURE cao sede - TEMPERATURE as DERATING OF | a29 tn 2 DERATINGOF Inn & g ef MAXIMUM OC = : MAXIMUM oF 55 4 : Zoz s,s ' 223 j 553 ~~) SES sez of 2 JTRN Faz 10 638 KS $36 Ova 4 N\ i ook eae t eae : : \ eae raa ale eve 4 Po | * 2/3 PTH TaN | Z = a i i%, | 8 1 | ti Lt Lo DC OPERATION =(8 1 OC OPERATION ~ 1 10 100 1000 10000 1 10000, tp ~ PULSE DURATION - us tp PULSE DURATION us Figure 1, Maximum Tolerable Peak Figure 2. Maximum Allowed Peak Current ve. Pulse Duration - Red. Current vs. Pulse Duration - AlGaAs Red. 4-66Red, AlGaAs Red (Continued) 50 = [ Ag, , = 770Cw E I-A . 45 ' oe 5 Z AlGaAs RED a yw 40 . z E g 3g 3 o oy 5 : ' # se | 2 w REO 5 23 1 <2 2 : z wo > a & * x 15 + 3 : < = 10 hos | ' z : 4 g fio. : ' 1 o L | & 20 30 40 50 60 70 BO 90 100 110 120 0 05 10 18 20 25 30 95 40 Ta - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - C Vp - FORWARD VOLTAGE - v eo za . rrp Figure 3. Maximum Allowable DC Current vs. Figure 4. Forward Current ve. Forward Voltage. Zo Ambient Temperature. il ae) ras 2.00 3 7 me ] I e s I 1 AiGaAs RED , a ae) 4 oO * Be 175 S ; Ee . ui | fe 1.50 . w g b lo E ot 1.25 4 4 Sr RED i a og ZF 1.00 ' : 4 - 2y ! rr a8 07 ; 14 z 7 1 < 23 | | z tr) a Ar 5 ! : ae i rood z AlGaAs RED ; = 0.25 : x at a 0 0 5 10 15 2 2 3 35 4 - as 5.0 500 150.0 Ip - FORWARD CURRENT PER SEGMENT - mA Peak ~ PEAK FORWARD CURRENT PER SEGMENT ~ mA Figure 5. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Figure 6. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity Forward Current. per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. 4-467HER, Yellow, Green & 100 om # 100-5 gp PELs, ge iy za bor b edu OPERATION IN THIS zc i <5 bone del REGION REQUIRES 40 it pS, , rer "| TEMPERATURE wo ht OPERATION IN THIS B2e be baetbi ssrte] DERATING OF Ing Saez if REGION REQUIRES Boe asta voce] MAMIMUM 208 bidi TEMPERATURE gre gre DERATING OF In, REG 5 z 5 MAXIMUM 3 g 0 ze 8 : ' ie uSa uo tty t Cou osu pel Ox< Ove rae N Eaa Rea wdee aww aww cag 4 @eaogqg \ 4 2 = z = z t \ 1 i |= g\z 4 2/8 1 J~ OC OPERATION |8 1 L ut Je OC OPERATION ~ 1 10000 1 190 Ip PULSE DURATION 11s tp - PULSE DURATION - us Figure 7. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current Figure 8. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs, Pulse Duration - HER Series. vs. Pulse Duration - Yellow Series. a 100 50 R = 770" 22 OPERATION IN THIS Oar 70 ow ca REGION REQUIRES & 65 ' Pa TEMPERATURE wu 40 ios | wo DERATING OF Ing oz MAXIMUM 3g 3s Zor Qu are 3 30 258 ' 5 aio 3a 25 zea 10 a3 So <8 20 osu go ox5 JE aww _ ge 1 x se 4 = 10 | 4 1 | ls BS .|} a i uf 8 1 oy J OC OPERATION oLl 1 10 100 1000 10000 20 W 40 50 60 70 GO 9D 100 110 120 tp - PULSE DURATION - us Ta - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - C Figure 9. Allowable Peak Current Figure 10. Maximum Allowable DC Current vs. Pulse Duration - Green Series. vs. Ambient Temperature. < E 90 T 40 ] e 1.6 TT 7_T 1 ' : a YELLOW SERIES i z ht as] | a2) if 7 | | y ce HER, YELLOW, GREEN m o44 , ; { 3 }-4- } BE . 3 HEA SERIES B 1 ge 30 25 43 _ - a 60 ;-- E & 3 a e HER SERIES / YELLOW SERIES Za as| - | ee ip GREEN SERIES, 5 9 | tf 20 | tba i ~ GREEN SERIES ge 20 nd ' weo4 ' & 40 Roy t 3 : z< a | i 35 15 Lo ' 45 1 S 30 + 1 ws I oe 2 zi | fa < 1.0 t i z 20 sz 25 os { : z i 2 10 = 0s I 2 o7 i i 1 0 0 2 os | 1.0 2.0 3a 460 5.0 0 1006415 2 2 DW 35 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9D 100 Vp - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V tp - FORWARD CURRENT PER SEGMENT - mA 'PEak ~ PEAK FORWARD CURRENT PER SEGMENT - mA Figure 11. Forward Current vs. Figure 12. Relative Luminous Figure 13. Relative Luminous Forward Voltage. Intensity vs. DC Forward Current. Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. 4-68Contrast Enhancement For information on contrast enhancement please see Application Note 1015. Soldering/Cleaning Cleaning agents from the ketone family (acetone, methy} ethyl ketone, etc.) and from the chlorinated hydrocarbon family (methylene chloride, trichloro- ethylene, carbon tetrachloride, etc.) are not recommended for cleaning LED parts. All of these various solvents attack or dissolve the encapsulating epoxies used to form the package of plastic LED parts. For further information on soldering LEDs please refer to Application Note 1027. 4-69 SEVEN SEGMENT a i? iw w a uu a uu = 2 Pod