___________________ Introduction 1 ___________________ General safety instructions SIMOTICS Drive technology Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Instructions 01/2018 A5E34676237B AC 2 ___________________ Description Legal information Warning notice system This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger. DANGER indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken. WARNING indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken. CAUTION indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken. NOTICE indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage. Qualified Personnel The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems. Proper use of Siemens products Note the following: WARNING Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed. Trademarks All names identified by (R) are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner. Disclaimer of Liability We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions. Siemens AG Division Digital Factory Postfach 48 48 90026 NURNBERG GERMANY A5E34676237B AC 02/2018 Subject to change Copyright (c) Siemens AG 2014 - 2018. All rights reserved Introduction Information regarding third-party products Note Recommendation relating to third-party products This document contains recommendations relating to third-party products. Siemens accepts the fundamental suitability of these third-party products. You can use equivalent products from other manufacturers. Siemens does not accept any warranty for the properties of third-party products. What is the target group for these service instructions? These service instructions address electricians, fitters and service technicians. What do these instructions contain? For 1FK7 G2, 1FG1 and 1FT7 motors, a defective encoder can be replaced by an identical part. The encoder can be replaced without special tools simply by adjusting the coupling element opposite the motor shaft. These service instructions describe how to order a replacement encoder as well as the replacement procedure itself. Note The encoder (either with or without Sensor Module) is regarded in this document as a single entity and referred to in the following as the "encoder". For a precise definition of the various encoder types, refer to section "Which encoders can be replaced? (Page 19)". Carefully read these service instructions before replacing the encoder. In this way you guarantee safe, problem-free operation and a maximum service life. These service instructions are valid in conjunction with the relevant documentation for the converter and motor. You can download these documents from the Internet. Siemens continually strives to improve the quality of information provided in these service instructions. If you find any mistakes or would like to offer suggestions about how this document could be improved, please contact the Siemens Service Center. Always follow the safety instructions and notices in these service instructions. The warning notice system is explained on the rear of the inside front. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 3 Introduction What is shown and how? Notes Notes are shown as follows: Note A Note is an important item of information about the product, handling of the product or the relevant section of the document. Notes provide you with help or further suggestions/ideas. In addition to the notes that you must observe for your own personal safety as well as to avoid material damage, in this document you will find the following text features: Instructions An instruction with a specified sequence starts with the subtitle: Procedure The individual handling steps are numbered. 1. Execute the operating instructions in the specified sequence. A square at the end of the final sentence indicates the end of a specific instruction. Operating instructions without a specified sequence are identified using a bullet point: Execute the operating instructions. Enumerations Enumerations are identified by a bullet point without any additional symbols. - Enumerations at the second level are hyphenated. Links Links to additional information are underlined in blue. When passing over the link, the mouse pointer changes to a hand symbol. Where can I find additional information? Information on the following topics is available at: Ordering documentation / overview of documentation Additional links to download documents Using documentation online (find and search in manuals / information) More information (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/de/en/view/108998034) If you have any questions regarding the technical documentation (e.g. suggestions, corrections), please send an e-mail to the following address E-mail (mailto:docu.motioncontrol@siemens.com). Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 4 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC Introduction Where can I find information about SIEMENS drive technology in the Internet? You can find information about SIEMENS drive technology at the following websites: Internet address for motors: http://www.siemens.com/motors Internet address for products: http://www.siemens.com/motioncontrol (http://www.siemens.com/motioncontrol) Internet address for SINAMICS: http://www.siemens.com/sinamics Where can I find information about the product documentation? Information is provided at the following link regarding how you can individually compile documentation based on Siemens content, and adapt it for your own specific machine documentation: My support (https://support.industry.siemens.com/My/de/en/documentation) Note If you want to use this function, you must first register. Later, you can log on with your login data. Where can I find training courses for SIEMENS products? The following link provides information on SITRAIN - training from Siemens for products, systems and automation engineering solutions: SITRAIN (http://siemens.com/sitrain) Who answers the technical questions? If you have any technical questions, please contact Technical Support Country-specific telephone numbers for technical support are provided on the Internet under Contact: Technical Support (https://support.industry.siemens.com/sc/ww/en/sc/2090) Websites of third parties This publication contains hyperlinks to websites of third parties. Siemens does not take any responsibility for the contents of these websites or adopt any of these websites or their contents as their own, because Siemens does not control the information on these websites and is also not responsible for the contents and information provided there. Use of these websites is at the risk of the person doing so. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 5 Table of contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 3 1 2 General safety instructions ...................................................................................................................... 9 1.1 General safety instructions ....................................................................................................... 9 1.2 Equipment damage due to electric fields or electrostatic discharge ......................................13 1.3 Industrial security ....................................................................................................................14 1.4 Residual risks of power drive systems....................................................................................16 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 17 2.1 Which motors have encoders that can be replaced? .............................................................17 2.2 Which encoders can be replaced? .........................................................................................19 2.3 Different encoder replacement types ......................................................................................20 2.4 How do you determine the replacement encoder? .................................................................22 2.5 How do you order a replacement encoder?............................................................................29 2.6 How do you replace the defective encoder? ..........................................................................34 2.7 2.7.1 2.7.2 2.7.3 How do you program an encoder that has not been loaded with data? .................................38 For SINAMICS, this is how you program the encoder using STARTER ................................39 For SINAMICS, this is how you program the encoder with SINUMERIK ...............................41 For SINAMICS, this is how you program the encoder with STARTDRIVE ............................44 2.8 2.8.1 2.8.2 How do you backup the data of the electronic type plate? .....................................................45 For SINAMICS, this is how you backup the electronic type plate data ..................................46 For SINUMERIK, this is how you backup the electronic type plate data ................................47 2.9 Where can you find the electronic type plate in the Internet?.................................................48 Index..................................................................................................................................................... 51 Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 7 General safety instructions 1.1 1 General safety instructions WARNING Electric shock and danger to life due to other energy sources Touching live components can result in death or severe injury. * Only work on electrical devices when you are qualified for this job. * Always observe the country-specific safety rules. Generally, the following six steps apply when establishing safety: 1. Prepare for disconnection. Notify all those who will be affected by the procedure. 2. Isolate the drive system from the power supply and take measures to prevent it being switched back on again. 3. Wait until the discharge time specified on the warning labels has elapsed. 4. Check that there is no voltage between any of the power connections, and between any of the power connections and the protective conductor connection. 5. Check whether the existing auxiliary supply circuits are de-energized. 6. Ensure that the motors cannot move. 7. Identify all other dangerous energy sources, e.g. compressed air, hydraulic systems, or water. Switch the energy sources to a safe state. 8. Check that the correct drive system is completely locked. After you have completed the work, restore the operational readiness in the inverse sequence. WARNING Electric shock due to damaged motors or devices Improper handling of motors or devices can damage them. Hazardous voltages can be present at the enclosure or at exposed components on damaged motors or devices. * Ensure compliance with the limit values specified in the technical data during transport, storage and operation. * Do not use any damaged motors or devices. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 9 General safety instructions 1.1 General safety instructions WARNING Arcing when a plug connection is opened during operation Opening a plug connection when a system is operation can result in arcing that may cause serious injury or death. * Only open plug connections when the equipment is in a voltage-free state, unless it has been explicitly stated that they can be opened in operation. NOTICE Property damage due to loose power connections Insufficient tightening torques or vibration can result in loose power connections. This can result in damage due to fire, device defects or malfunctions. * Tighten all power connections to the prescribed torque. * Check all power connections at regular intervals, particularly after equipment has been transported. WARNING Unexpected movement of machines caused by radio devices or mobile phones When radio devices or mobile phones with a transmission power > 1 W are used in the immediate vicinity of components, they may cause the equipment to malfunction. Malfunctions may impair the functional safety of machines and can therefore put people in danger or lead to property damage. * If you come closer than around 2 m to such components, switch off any radios or mobile phones. * Use the "SIEMENS Industry Online Support app" only on equipment that has already been switched off. WARNING Unrecognized dangers due to missing or illegible warning labels Dangers might not be recognized if warning labels are missing or illegible. Unrecognized dangers may cause accidents resulting in serious injury or death. * Check that the warning labels are complete based on the documentation. * Attach any missing warning labels to the components, where necessary in the national language. * Replace illegible warning labels. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 10 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC General safety instructions 1.1 General safety instructions WARNING Unexpected movement of machines caused by inactive safety functions Inactive or non-adapted safety functions can trigger unexpected machine movements that may result in serious injury or death. * Observe the information in the appropriate product documentation before commissioning. * Carry out a safety inspection for functions relevant to safety on the entire system, including all safety-related components. * Ensure that the safety functions used in your drives and automation tasks are adjusted and activated through appropriate parameterizing. * Perform a function test. * Only put your plant into live operation once you have guaranteed that the functions relevant to safety are running correctly. Note Important safety notices for Safety Integrated functions If you want to use Safety Integrated functions, you must observe the safety notices in the Safety Integrated manuals. WARNING Influence of active implants by electromagnetic fields Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are generated by the operation of electrical power equipment, such as transformers, converters, or motors. People with pacemakers or implants are at particular risk in the immediate vicinity of this equipment. * If you are affected, maintain a minimum distance of 300 mm away from the motor. WARNING Influence of active implants by permanent magnet fields Even when switched off, electric motors with permanent magnets represent a potential risk for persons with heart pacemakers or implants if they are close to converters/motors. * If you are affected, maintain a minimum distance of 300 mm. * When transporting or storing permanent-magnet motors always use the original packing materials with the warning labels attached. * Clearly mark the storage locations with the appropriate warning labels. * IATA regulations must be observed when transported by air. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 11 General safety instructions 1.1 General safety instructions WARNING Injury caused by moving or ejected parts Contact with moving motor parts or drive output elements and the ejection of loose motor parts (e.g. feather keys) out of the motor enclosure can result in severe injury or death. * Remove any loose parts or secure them so that they cannot be flung out. * Do not touch any moving parts. * Safeguard all moving parts using the appropriate safety guards. WARNING Fire due to inadequate cooling Inadequate cooling can cause the motor to overheat, resulting in death or severe injury as a result of smoke and fire. This can also result in increased failures and reduced service lives of motors. * Comply with the specified cooling requirements for the motor. WARNING Fire due to incorrect operation of the motor When incorrectly operated and in the case of a fault, the motor can overheat resulting in fire and smoke. This can result in severe injury or death. Further, excessively high temperatures destroy motor components and result in increased failures as well as shorter service lives of motors. * Operate the motor according to the relevant specifications. * Only operate the motors in conjunction with effective temperature monitoring. * Immediately switch off the motor if excessively high temperatures occur. CAUTION Burn injuries caused by hot surfaces In operation, the motor can reach high temperatures, which can cause burns if touched. * Mount the motor so that it is not accessible in operation. Measures when maintenance is required: * Allow the motor to cool down before starting any work. * Use the appropriate personnel protection equipment, e.g. gloves. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 12 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC General safety instructions 1.2 Equipment damage due to electric fields or electrostatic discharge 1.2 Equipment damage due to electric fields or electrostatic discharge Electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) are individual components, integrated circuits, modules or devices that may be damaged by either electric fields or electrostatic discharge. NOTICE Equipment damage due to electric fields or electrostatic discharge Electric fields or electrostatic discharge can cause malfunctions through damaged individual components, integrated circuits, modules or devices. * Only pack, store, transport and send electronic components, modules or devices in their original packaging or in other suitable materials, e.g conductive foam rubber of aluminum foil. * Only touch components, modules and devices when you are grounded by one of the following methods: - Wearing an ESD wrist strap - Wearing ESD shoes or ESD grounding straps in ESD areas with conductive flooring * Only place electronic components, modules or devices on conductive surfaces (table with ESD surface, conductive ESD foam, ESD packaging, ESD transport container). Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 13 General safety instructions 1.3 Industrial security 1.3 Industrial security Note Industrial security Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks. In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is necessary to implement - and continuously maintain - a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Siemens' products and solutions constitute one element of such a concept. Customers are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to their plants, systems, machines and networks. Such systems, machines and components should only be connected to an enterprise network or the Internet if and to the extent such a connection is necessary and only when appropriate security measures (e.g. firewalls and/or network segmentation) are in place. For additional information on industrial security measures that may be implemented, please visit: Industrial security (http://www.siemens.com/industrialsecurity) Siemens' products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure. Siemens strongly recommends that product updates are applied as soon as they are available and that the latest product versions are used. Use of product versions that are no longer supported, and failure to apply the latest updates may increase customer's exposure to cyber threats. To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS Feed at: Industrial security (http://www.siemens.com/industrialsecurity) Further information is provided on the Internet: Industrial Security Configuration Manual (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/108862708) Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 14 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC General safety instructions 1.3 Industrial security WARNING Unsafe operating states resulting from software manipulation Software manipulations (e.g. viruses, trojans, malware or worms) can cause unsafe operating states in your system that may lead to death, serious injury, and property damage. * Keep the software up to date. * Incorporate the automation and drive components into a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept for the installation or machine. * Make sure that you include all installed products into the holistic industrial security concept. * Protect files stored on exchangeable storage media from malicious software by with suitable protection measures, e.g. virus scanners. * Protect the drive against unauthorized changes by activating the "know-how protection" drive function. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 15 General safety instructions 1.4 Residual risks of power drive systems 1.4 Residual risks of power drive systems When assessing the machine- or system-related risk in accordance with the respective local regulations (e.g., EC Machinery Directive), the machine manufacturer or system installer must take into account the following residual risks emanating from the control and drive components of a drive system: 1. Unintentional movements of driven machine or system components during commissioning, operation, maintenance, and repairs caused by, for example, - Hardware and/or software errors in the sensors, control system, actuators, and cables and connections - Response times of the control system and of the drive - Operation and/or environmental conditions outside the specification - Condensation/conductive contamination - Parameterization, programming, cabling, and installation errors - Use of wireless devices/mobile phones in the immediate vicinity of electronic components - External influences/damage - X-ray, ionizing radiation and cosmic radiation 2. Unusually high temperatures, including open flames, as well as emissions of light, noise, particles, gases, etc., can occur inside and outside the components under fault conditions caused by, for example: - Component failure - Software errors - Operation and/or environmental conditions outside the specification - External influences/damage 3. Hazardous shock voltages caused by, for example: - Component failure - Influence during electrostatic charging - Induction of voltages in moving motors - Operation and/or environmental conditions outside the specification - Condensation/conductive contamination - External influences/damage 4. Electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic fields generated in operation that can pose a risk to people with a pacemaker, implants or metal replacement joints, etc., if they are too close 5. Release of environmental pollutants or emissions as a result of improper operation of the system and/or failure to dispose of components safely and correctly 6. Influence of network-connected communication systems, e.g. ripple-control transmitters or data communication via the network For more information about the residual risks of the drive system components, see the relevant sections in the technical user documentation. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 16 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 2 Description 2.1 Which motors have encoders that can be replaced? Which motors have encoders that can be replaced? 1FT7 2nd generation of 1FK7 1FG1 You can recognize the motors as a result of the offset, round encoder mounting at the end of the motor frame and at the rating plate. Encoder that can be replaced Figure 2-1 Example 1FK7042 Data for the mounted encoder is stamped on the rating plate. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 17 Description 2.1 Which motors have encoders that can be replaced? 1FT7 2nd generation of 1FK7 1FG1 Data about the encoder type Identifying 1FK7, 2nd generation: The 8th position of the Article No. is a 2, 3 or 4 Note 1FK7 motors with a number other than 2, 3 or 4 at the 8th position of the Article No. are not 2nd generation 1FK7 motors. For these motors, you cannot replace the encoder. * You must either replace the complete motor or have the motor and encoder repaired. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 18 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC Description 2.2 Which encoders can be replaced? 2.2 Which encoders can be replaced? The following encoders can be replaced: Analog encoders Digital encoders with SMI and RJ45 Article numbers of the motors 1FT7-N 1FT7-M 1F7--D 1F7--F 1FK7-A 1FK7-E with DQI and RJ45 with DQI and M17 1F7--B 1F7--B-Z1)2) 1)2) 1F7--C 1F7--C-Z 1FK7--R-Z1) 1FK7--Q 1FG1-R--Z1) 1FK7--R 1FT7--K 1FG1-Q1FT7--L 1FG1-R- 1FG1-A 1FG1-E Encoders mounted on 1FT7, 1FG1 and 1FK7 G2 motors Brief description Analog encoders without an electronic rating plate Encoders with an electronic rating plate 1) The round plug connector is included with option N16. 2) For 1FT7, the round plug connector is included with option N40. Note Integrated resolvers 1FK7 G2 motors with integrated resolver have letters "P", "S", "T" or "U" at the 14th position of the Article number. 1FG1 motors with integrated resolver have letters "P", "S", "T" or "U" at the 9th position of the Article number. You cannot replace a resolver. * You must either replace the complete motor or have the motor and resolver repaired. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 19 Description 2.3 Different encoder replacement types Electronic type plate Encoders with a DRIVE-CLiQ interface have an electronic type plate. The electronic type plate includes the setting data of the associated motor and the encoder data. Depending on the software being used, the electronic type plate data (encoder data) can be automatically saved to the system card (CF card). More detailed information is provided in Chapter "How do you backup the data of the electronic type plate? (Page 45)". 2.3 Different encoder replacement types You have various options when it comes to replacing the encoder. We recommend replacement version 1. From Siemens service, you order a replacement encoder with the electronic type plate specifically programmed for your motor. The encoder contains all of the motor data loaded in the factory. You only have to mechanically replace the encoder and your system is ready to operate again. The ordering information is provided in Chapter " How do you order a replacement encoder? (Page 29)". Note Always replace the encoder as a complete component (including the Sensor Module). Overview of the replacement versions * The encoder contains the motor data (an electronic type plate). ** The encoder does not contain any motor data. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 20 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC Description 2.3 Different encoder replacement types Short handling instructions for each replacement option Replacement version 1 The operations to be performed are described in the following Chapters. How do you replace the defective encoder? (Page 34) Replacement version 2 Replacement version 3 How do you replace the defec- How do you replace the defective encoder? (Page 34) tive encoder? (Page 34) Program the encoder (How do you program an encoder that has not been loaded with data? (Page 38)) Result System ready *) Other activities System ready *) System ready *) Program the encoder later (How do you program an encoder that has not been loaded with data? (Page 38)) *) With absolute encoders, the encoder position information must be adjusted to the machine's mechanical system (absolute adjustment) **) Up to the subsequent programming of the electronic type plate, the following message is output: "Component found without motor data". Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 21 Description 2.4 How do you determine the replacement encoder? 2.4 How do you determine the replacement encoder? You require the encoder Article number to order a replacement encoder. You can determine the Article number in the following three ways. You can read the Article number at the inner side of the defective encoder. You can determine the Article number through "spares on web" in the Internet. You can determine the Article number in the following tables. Details are provided in the following sections. You can read the Article number at the inner side of the defective encoder. Requirement For the following procedure, you require a tool to remove the encoder. Procedure 1. Stop the motor. 2. Remove the encoder as described in Chapter " How do you replace the defective encoder? (Page 34)". 3. You can read the Article number on the inner side of the defective encoder type plate. 1 Encoder type plate The actual type plate depends on the manufacturer and encoder type. The Article number of an encoder that can be replaced always starts with 6FX2001- 4. Note down the encoder Article number. You have determined the encoder Article number. Based on the determined encoder Article number, you can directly order an encoder that has not been written to (not loaded with data). If you wish to order an encoder loaded with the data associated with the motor, then you must change the last position of the Article number to "1". Example: "6FX2001--0" "6FX2001--1" Once you have selected the appropriate encoder, enter an order as described in Chapter "How do you order a replacement encoder? (Page 29) ". Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 22 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC Description 2.4 How do you determine the replacement encoder? This is how you determine the encoder Article number in the Internet through "spares on web". Requirement You require an Internet connection for the following procedure. Procedure 1. Take the Article number and the serial number of the motor from the motor rating plate. 1FK7 G2 1FT7 1FG1 Order number for the motor type (Article number) Motor serial number Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 23 Description 2.4 How do you determine the replacement encoder? 2. Establish an Internet connection to "Spares on Web (www.siemens.com/sow)". 3. Enter the Article number and serial number of the motor. 1 Article number 2 Serial number (without any spaces) 3 "Search" button 4. Press the "Search" button. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 24 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC Description 2.4 How do you determine the replacement encoder? 5. Click on the "Spare packages" tab. 1 Encoder Article number = Order No The Article number, brief description and the photograph of the encoder for your motor are displayed. Based on the displayed encoder Article number, you can directly order an encoder that has been loaded with the appropriate data for your motor. Order the encoder as described in Chapter "How do you order a replacement encoder? (Page 29) ". This is how you determine the order number based on the subsequent tables The encoder Article number is the order number for the encoder. The type of encoder used is displayed in the motor Article number: For 1FK7 G2 and FT7 at the 14th position, e.g. 1FT7--C For 1FG1 at the 9th position, e.g. 1FG1-R- Note Note regarding compatibility Defective encoders with an "A" at the 15th position of the Article number (6FX2001-5JA) are replaced by an encoder with a "C" at the 15th position of the Article number (6FX2001-5J-C). Example for a replacement encoder AM20DQI for 1FK7100: The encoder with "old" Article number: 6FX2001-5JE20-2DA1 is replaced by an encoder with the "new" Article number: 6FX2001-5JE20-2DC1. You can also use the replacement encoder with a "C" at the 15th position of the Article number for motors with KTY84-130 temperature sensor as well as motors with Pt1000 temperature sensor. You can only use the replacement encoder with DRIVE-CLiQ interface and an "A" at the 15th position of the Article number for motors with KTY84-130 temperature sensor. These encoders can no longer be ordered. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 25 Description 2.4 How do you determine the replacement encoder? Requirement You require the motor Article number. Procedure 1. Take the Article number of the motor from the motor rating plate. 2. Compare the Article number with the following tables: - For the 1FG1, at the 9th position, e.g. 1FG1-Q- there is a singleturn 20 bit absolute encoder - For 1FK7 and 1FT7 at the 14th position, e.g. 1FK7--B there is a singleturn 24 bit absolute encoder Encoder loaded with data and integrated DRIVE-CLiQ interface (DQI), RJ45 plug connector Encoder type, replaceable For motor Designation Article number Absolute encoder, singleturn 24 bit 1FK703 AS24DQI-72 6FX2001-5JD24-2QC1 1FK704 1FK706 1FK708 1FK710 AS24DQI-88 6FX2001-5JD24-2DC1 1FK703 AM24DQI-72 6FX2001-5JE24-2QC1 1FK704 1FK706 1FK708 1FK710 AM24DQI-88 6FX2001-5JE24-2DC1 1FK703/1FG1-C AS20DQI-72 6FX2001-5JD20-2QC1 1FK704/1FG1-D 1FK706/1FG1-E 1FK708/1FG1-F 1FK710/1FG1-G AS20DQI-88 6FX2001-5JD20-2DC1 1FK703/1FG1-C AM20DQI-72 6FX2001-5JE20-2QC1 1FK704/1FG1-D 1FK706/1FG1-E 1FK708/1FG1-F 1FK710/1FG1-G AM20DQI-88 6FX2001-5JE20-2DC1 Motor Article number: 1FK7--B Absolute encoder 24 bit + 12 bit multiturn Motor Article number: 1F7--C Absolute encoder, singleturn 20 bit Motor Article number: 1FK7--Q 1FG1-Q- Absolute encoder 20 bit + 12 bit multiturn Motor Article number: 1FK7--R 1FG1-R- Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 26 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC Description 2.4 How do you determine the replacement encoder? Encoder loaded with data and integrated DRIVE-CLiQ interface (DQI), M17 round plug connector, can be rotated, nickel plated Encoder type, replaceable For motor Designation Article number Absolute encoder, singleturn 24 bit 1F703 AS24DQI-72 6FX2001-5JD24-7RC1 1F704 1F706 1F708 1F710 AS24DQI-88 6FX2001-5JD24-7EC1 1F703 AM24DQI-72 6FX2001-5JE24-7RC1 1F704 1F706 1F708 1F710 AM24DQI-88 6FX2001-5JE24-7EC1 1FK703/1FG1-C AM20DQI-72 6FX2001-5JE20-7RC1 1FK704/1FG1-D 1FK706/1FG1-E 1FK708/1FG1-F 1FK710/1FG1-G AM20DQI-88 6FX2001-5JE20-7EC1 Motor Article number: 1F7--K Motor Article number: 1F7--B-Z N16 1FT7--B-Z N40 Absolute encoder 24 bit + 12 bit multiturn Motor Article number: 1F7--L Motor Article number: 1F7--C-Z N16 1FT7--C-Z N40 Absolute encoder 20 bit + 12 bit multiturn Motor Article number: 1FK7--R-Z N16 1FG1-R--Z N16 Encoder loaded with data, integrated sensor module and DRIVE-CLiQ interface (SMI), RJ45 plug connector Encoder type, replaceable For motor Designation Incremental encoder 22 bit 1FK703 IC22DQ-72 6FX2001-3JC22-3QC1 Motor Article number: 1F7--D 1FK704 1FK706 1FK708 1FK710 IC22DQ-88 6FX2001-3JC22-3DC1 1FK706 IC22DQ-88 6FX2001-3JC22-4DC1 1F703 AM22DQ-72 6FX2001-5JE22-3QC1 1FK704 1FK706 1FK708 1FK710 AM22DQ-88 6FX2001-5JE22-3DC1 1F706 AM22DQ-88 6FX2001-5JE22-4DC1 Absolute encoder 22 bit + 12 bit multiturn Motor Article number: 1F7--F Article number Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 27 Description 2.4 How do you determine the replacement encoder? Encoder without DRIVE-CLiQ interface, round plug connector M23 Encoder type, replaceable For motor Incremental encoder sin/cos 1FK703/1FG1-C 1 Vpp 2048 S/R 1FK704/1FG1-D Motor Article number: 1FK706/1FG1-E 1FK7--A 1FK708/1FG1-F 1FG1-A- 1FK710/1FG1-G Designation Article number IC2048S/R-72 6FX2001-3JC04-1QA0 IC2048S/R-88 6FX2001-3JC04-1DA0 Absolute encoder 2048 S/R EnDat 1FK703/1FG1-C AM2048S/R72 6FX2001-5JE04-1QA0 Motor Article number: 1FK7--E 1FG1-E- 1FK704/1FG1-D 1FK706/1FG1-E 1FK708/1FG1-F 1FK710/1FG1-G AM2048S/R88 6FX2001-5JE04-1DA0 You have found the appropriate encoder. Based on the determined encoder Article number, you can directly order an encoder that has not been written to (not loaded with data). If you wish to order an encoder loaded with the data associated with the motor, then you must change the last position of the Article number to "1". Example: "6FX2001--0" "6FX2001--1" Once you have selected the appropriate encoder, enter an order as described in Chapter "How do you order a replacement encoder? (Page 29) ". Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 28 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC Description 2.5 How do you order a replacement encoder? 2.5 How do you order a replacement encoder? Note When ordering, please observe the following: Encoders with a DRIVE-CLiQ interface have an electronic type plate, which contains the specific motor and encoder data. Do you wish to order a DRIVE-CLiQ encoder with loaded data or without data? Encoder loaded with data Encoder not loaded with data Select "1" as the last digit of the Article number for the encoder. Select "0" as the last digit of the Article number for the encoder. Encoder is only designed for one motor (determined by the article number and the serial number). The encoder only functions together with this specific motor. The encoder can be used with various motors. After the encoder has been mounted, the motor can completely function.* You must write the specific motor and encoder data to the encoder with DRIVE-CLiQ interface. Encoders are painted "pearl dark gray" as standard. Replacement encoders for motors with option N16 or N40 differ from the rest of the motor regarding the paint structure and color. NOTICE Motor fault as a result of an excessively high temperature data If you mount an encoder without data having been loaded to a motor with a Pt1000 temperature sensor - and use a software version SINAMICS < 4.8 or SINUMERIK < V4.8, then the encoder outputs excessively high temperature values. The temperature monitoring responds too early. * In this case, use an encoder with data for your motor loaded in the factory - or program an encoder without any loaded data as described in Chapter "How do you program an encoder that has not been loaded with data? (Page 38)". Data for the temperature sensor installed is stamped on the motor rating plate. You can find additional information at Identifying the Pt1000 temperature sensor (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/document/109749807/simotics%3Aumstellung-) We recommend that you order the encoder with the appropriate loaded data as the encoder can then be quickly and simply replaced. You can order the encoder in 2 ways. You order the encoder from your local Siemens sales person. You order the encoder through the online spare parts service of Siemens Industry Mall You can find details in the following sections. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 29 Description 2.5 How do you order a replacement encoder? This is how you order the encoder through your local Siemens contact person Make a note of the following numbers before you order a replacement encoder: the Article number of the replacement encoder (see Chapter "How do you determine the replacement encoder? (Page 22)") The article number of the motor (refer to the rating plate on the motor) The serial number of the motor (refer to the rating plate on the motor) The telephone number of your local Siemens contact person Call your local Siemens contact person. You can directly order the replacement encoder through him. This is how you order the encoder through the online spare parts service of the Industry Mall When ordering the replacement encoder, have the following numbers ready: Preconditions You require an Internet connection. You must have registered with the Industry Mall. You must have enabled "Service". You require the Article number of the replacement encoder (see Chapter "How do you determine the replacement encoder? (Page 22)") Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 30 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC Description 2.5 How do you order a replacement encoder? Procedure The following link shows the example of a Online replacement part order (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzcMrnqQb-c). 1. Open Industry Mall (https://mall.industry.siemens.com/goos/WelcomePage.aspx?language=en&regionUrl=/). 2. Select your language and your regional Industry Mall. Select the language Select your regional Industry Mall 3. Log on and register. Note Register before logging on for the first time. If you do not register, then you cannot order replacement/spare parts online. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 31 Description 2.5 How do you order a replacement encoder? 4. In the search window under "Product search", enter the encoder Article number. 5. Click on "Product search". You obtain a description of the article and the price of the encoder. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 32 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC Description 2.5 How do you order a replacement encoder? 6. Click on the shopping basket icon to create your order. You obtain an overview of the encoder that has been ordered. Click on "Proceed to checkout". 7. You can see the following overview of what you have ordered. Enter the options, delivery data and your internal order number. 8. Click on "Forward Card". 9. Check the data of what you have ordered, and submit your order. You receive confirmation about the encoder that you have ordered, the price, delivery address and the delivery time. You have ordered the replacement encoder online. You can see the status of your orders in the "Order overview". Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 33 Description 2.6 How do you replace the defective encoder? 2.6 How do you replace the defective encoder? Note When replacing a defective encoder, only use the same type of encoder. It is not permissible to retrofit a motor with another encoder type. Note When several encoders are involved, only replace the encoders individually and one after the other. In this way, you avoid interchanging encoders and using incorrect data. Preconditions You require: An encoder of the same type The appropriate tool for Allen screws or Torx screws Remove the defective encoder Procedure 1. Before removing the encoder, carefully check that the encoder and motor data have been backed up. You can find the motor and encoder data in directory: /user/sinamics/data/smi_data. The backup folder is designated with c012 (12=comp.no.). The backup folder contains: - For DQI encoders, file "dqixe1.bin" (motor data) - For encoders with SMI, files "smi20xe1.bin" (motor data) and "smi20xe2.bin" (encoder data) SINAMICS SW < 4.3 / SINUMERIK SW < 4.4 SINAMICS from SW 4.3 / SINUMERIK SW from 4.4 Before removing the encoder, backup the data of the electronic type plate corresponding to Chapter "How do you backup the data of the electronic type plate? (Page 45)". The encoder data are automatically backed up when commissioning. You do not have to manually back up the data. 2. Bring the motor into a no-voltage condition. 3. If necessary, allow the motor to cool down. 4. Release the encoder cable . Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 34 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC Description 2.6 How do you replace the defective encoder? 5. Release the 4 fastening screws of the encoder . 1 Fastening screws (4 screws) 2 Encoder 3 Coupling element 4 Motor 6. Remove the encoder. 7. Withdraw the coupling element . You have removed the encoder. Note Coupling element When replacing the encoder, the new coupling element enclosed with it must be installed at the same time. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 35 Description 2.6 How do you replace the defective encoder? Mounting the new encoder Mounting is realized in the inverse sequence to removal: Procedure 1. Align the coupling element to the cams on the motor shaft. 2. Insert the coupling element onto the motor shaft. 3. Align the encoder shaft to the coupling element on the motor shaft. 4. Place the encoder on the motor shaft in this position. 5. Fasten the encoder using 4 screws (tightening torque: 2.5 to 3 Nm). 6. Connect the encoder cable. WARNING Danger of death if the encoder is not properly installed or the safety devices do not work Incorrect encoder mounting, other parts and safety equipment and devices that are not operational can result in death or injury. * Make sure all parts of the machine are correctly installed and connected. * Carefully check that all of the safety equipment and devices are switched on again and are ready for operation. 7. Switch on the system. You have mounted the encoder. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 36 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC Description 2.6 How do you replace the defective encoder? What do you still have to do? You have mounted an encoder with loaded data or an analog encoder. Replacement version 1 You have mounted a digital encoder (DQI encoder) without data. Replacement version 2 Replacement version 3 Software installed in the drive: Software installed in the drive: SINAMICS 4.3 SINAMICS < 4.3 SINUMERIK 4.4 SINUMERIK < 4.4 Other software The motor is completely functional: The motor functions. The motor does not function. Program the encoder with the motor and encoder data (the electronic type plate) Subsequently program the encoder with the motor and encoder data (the electronic type plate) Up until then, the motor control outputs alarm "xx1840: SMI: Components without motor data found".* You can find information about this in Chapter "How do you program an encoder that has not been loaded with data? (Page 38)". * Automatic recommissioning is not possible if you do not load motor and encoder data to the encoder. Encoder adjustment (for absolute encoder only) Note Only absolute encoders need to be adjusted. When you adjust an absolute encoder, its actual value is compared once with the machine zero point and then set to valid. The actual adjustment status of an absolute encoder is shown in the following machine data: SINUMERIK For SINAMICS with EPOS MD34210 MA_ENC_REFP_STATE (absolute encoder status) p2507 (absolute adjustment status) Adjust the encoder corresponding to the instructions in the relevant function manual or in the commissioning manual with STARTER. The motor is now ready for operation again. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 37 Description 2.7 How do you program an encoder that has not been loaded with data? 2.7 How do you program an encoder that has not been loaded with data? Programming the encoder involves writing motor and encoder data to the encoder (the electronic type plate). Preconditions for writing data to the encoder SINAMICS firmware as of version 2.5 must be installed. SINUMERIK firmware as of version 2.5 SP2 HF1 (essential for replaceable encoders) must be installed. The motor has been commissioned. The electronic type plate is saved in the drive. Note From firmware version SINAMICS SW 4.3 /SINUMERIK SW 4.4, when being commissioned for the first time, the motor and encoder data (the data of the electronic type plate) are automatically backed up in the appropriate drive folder. If the data has not been backed up in the drive, there are 2 ways to do this: * If the component to be replaced can still be addressed via DRIVE-CLiQ, you can read out the data from the electronic type plate and back this data up. (See Chapter "How do you backup the data of the electronic type plate? (Page 45)") * If this data cannot be read out, you can call up the electronic type plate data via the Internet. To do this, follow the procedure described in Chapter "Where can you find the electronic type plate in the Internet? (Page 48)". You have replaced the defective encoder by an encoder of the same type, but not loaded with data (the same Article number). You can find information about this in Chapter "How do you replace the defective encoder? (Page 34)". Note If you need to replace several encoders, you should always do so one at a time to avoid confusion and rule out programming errors. NOTICE Motor fault as a result of an excessively high temperature data If you mount an encoder without data having been loaded to a motor with a Pt1000 temperature sensor - and use a software version SINAMICS < 4.8 or SINUMERIK < V4.8, then the encoder outputs excessively high temperature values. The temperature monitoring responds too early. * In this case, use an encoder with data for your motor loaded in the factory - or program an encoder that has not been loaded with data as described in the following chapters. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 38 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC Description 2.7 How do you program an encoder that has not been loaded with data? Note When subsequently programming the encoder, please observe the following Drive parameters can only be set using a commissioning diagnostics tool (e.g. STARTER, STARTDRIVE or SCOUT). 2.7.1 For SINAMICS, this is how you program the encoder using STARTER Preconditions PG (programming device/PC) with installed STARTER software You are familiar with the STARTER software You have "Expert" access rights The encoder data (the electronic type plate) have been backed up. You can find the data in directory: /user/sinamics/data/smi_data. The backup folder is called c012 (12=comp.no.). The backup folder contains: - For DQI encoders, file "dqixe1.bin" (motor data) - For encoders with SMI, files "smi20xe1.bin" (motor data) and "smi20xe2.bin" (encoder data) If there are no motor and encoder data available, save the motor and encoder data corresponding to the procedure described in Chapter "How do you backup the data of the electronic type plate? (Page 45)". Procedure 1. Connect the STARTER software with the SINAMICS drive system. 2. Open the appropriate project in STARTER. 3. Go "online". "Online" means that you connect STARTER with the Control Unit. 4. Switch to the "EXPERT" access level. 5. Evaluate the alarms in Starter: Alarm A01840: SMI: Components without motor data found: 12 The component number is output. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 39 Description 2.7 How do you program an encoder that has not been loaded with data? You can also determine the component number from the topology view. 1 Designation of the encoder that has been replaced 2 Encoder component number Make a note of the component number. 6. Switch to the CU expert list and change the following parameters: - p4690: SMI spare part component number 12 - p4691: SMI spare part save/download data: 2 Download SMI data 7. Wait for the feedback signal in parameter p4691: - p4691: SMI spare part save/download data: 9 SMI data downloaded and power on... required - As soon as the value 9 is in the parameter, you can switch-off/switch-on the drive (=POWER ON). Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 40 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC Description 2.7 How do you program an encoder that has not been loaded with data? 8. Restart the system. (POWER ON) 9. Check that Alarm A01840 is no longer active. 10.If the encoder is an absolute encoder, you must readjust it. Adjust the encoder corresponding to the instructions in the function manual or in the commissioning manual. Note Safety functions If safety functions have been enabled, then you must also acknowledge the hardware replacement. Additional information is provided in the appropriate chapter of the manual for the associated control system. You have written the electronic type plate data to the encoder. 2.7.2 For SINAMICS, this is how you program the encoder with SINUMERIK Note Automatic import for SINUMERIK In SINUMERIK Operate versions (> V4.8), a menu supports loading the motor and encoder data to an encoder, where data has not been loaded up until now. If this function is available, you can find it under: Commissioning > Drive system > Hardware replacement. The encoder data are automatically backed up when commissioning for the first time. Preconditions You are familiar with SINUMERIK control systems SINUMERIK V4.8 or higher Access level: "Service" or higher The encoder data (the electronic type plate) have been backed up. You can find the data in directory: /user/sinamics/data/smi_data. The backup folder is called c012 (12=comp.no.). The backup folder contains: - For DQI encoders, file "dqixe1.bin" (motor data) - For encoders with SMI, files "smi20xe1.bin" (motor data) and "smi20xe2.bin" (encoder data) If there are no motor and encoder data available, save the motor and encoder data corresponding to the procedure described in Chapter "How do you backup the data of the electronic type plate? (Page 45)". Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 41 Description 2.7 How do you program an encoder that has not been loaded with data? Procedure 1. Change to operating area: Commissioning > Drive system > Hardware replacement. - Default setting: The machine does not output an alarm. - If, in machine data MD13150 $MN_SINAMICS_ALARM_MASK bit10 was set =1, then alarm 201840 is output. 2. Press the "Save SMI/DQI data" softkey. The following message appears: Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 42 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC Description 2.7 How do you program an encoder that has not been loaded with data? 3. Press "OK" to load the motor and encoder data. The following message appears after the data has been successfully loaded: 4. Press the "OK" to exit. 5. Switch off the control system and the drive system. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 43 Description 2.7 How do you program an encoder that has not been loaded with data? 6. Restart the control system and the drive system. (POWER ON) it is not permissible that alarm 201840 is displayed again. 7. If the encoder is an absolute encoder, you must readjust it. Adjust the encoder corresponding to the instructions in the function manual "Basic functions". 8. Reset machine data MD13150 $MN_SINAMICS_ALARM_MASK bit10=1 to the original value. Note Safety functions If safety functions have been enabled, then you must also acknowledge the hardware replacement. Additional information is provided in the appropriate chapter of the manual for the associated control system. You have transferred the motor and encoder data (data of the electronic type plate) to the encoder. 2.7.3 For SINAMICS, this is how you program the encoder with STARTDRIVE The procedure to load motor and encoder data corresponds to the procedure applied for STARTER. (see Chapter "For SINAMICS, this is how you program the encoder using STARTER (Page 39)". Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 44 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC Description 2.8 How do you backup the data of the electronic type plate? 2.8 How do you backup the data of the electronic type plate? The electronic type plate data are saved to the drive. The electronic type plate is required to program an encoder module that has not been loaded with data. Requirements for saving the data on the electronic rating plate SINAMICS firmware as of version 2.5 must be installed. The commissioning procedure must have been completed. All component numbers must be less than 200. Note From SINAMICS SW 4.3 / SINUMERIK-SW 4.4, encoder data are automatically backed up when commissioning. You can find the data in directory: /user/sinamics/data/smi_data. The backup folder is designated with c012 (12=comp.no.). The backup folder contains: * For DQI encoders, file "dqixe1.bin" (motor data) * For encoders with SMI, files "smi20xe1.bin" (motor data) and "smi20xe2.bin" (encoder data) You only have to save the motor and encoder data as subsequently described if you found no motor and encoder data from the defective encoder in the drive. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 45 Description 2.8 How do you backup the data of the electronic type plate? 2.8.1 For SINAMICS, this is how you backup the electronic type plate data Procedure WARNING Danger of death if the encoder is not properly installed or the safety devices do not work If the encoder or any other parts of the machine are not properly installed or any safety devices do not work, this could result in death or injury. * Make sure all parts of the machine are correctly installed and connected. * Make sure all safety devices are switched on again and working correctly. 1. Switch on the machine. 2. Identify the component number of the encoder module to be saved in the topology tree. 3. Write the component number of the encoder module whose electronic type plate is to be saved to the memory card to parameter p4690. 4. To begin saving, set the p4691 parameter to "1". If the operation is successful, the value of the p4691 parameter changes back to "0". If the p4691 parameter changes to a value other than "0", this number will help you identify why the write operation failed. Note You can find the meanings of the parameter values in List Manual 1 as well as in the online help. The electronic type plate data are automatically saved to the correct path on the system card (CF card). You have backed up the electronic type plate data to the CF card. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 46 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC Description 2.8 How do you backup the data of the electronic type plate? 2.8.2 For SINUMERIK, this is how you backup the electronic type plate data Preconditions You are familiar with SINUMERIK control systems SINUMERIK V4.8 or higher Access level: "Service" or higher Procedure 1. Change to operating area: Commissioning > Drive system > Hardware replacement. 2. In the the topology screen, identify the axis with the defective encoder. 3. Press the "Hardwarereplacement" softkey. 4. Select the axis with the defective encoder. 5. Press the "Save SMI/DQI data". after having successfully backed up the data, the following message is displayed. You have saved the motor and encoder data (the electronic type plate) in the non-volatile memory of the drive device. Alternatives If it is not possible to manually back up the data as a result of the defective encoder, and no encoder data is saved in the drive system, download the encoder data (the electronic type plate) from the Internet. You can find information about this in Chapter "Where can you find the electronic type plate in the Internet? (Page 48)". Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 47 Description 2.9 Where can you find the electronic type plate in the Internet? 2.9 Where can you find the electronic type plate in the Internet? If the electronic type plate is not saved in the drive, you can download the required data from the Internet. Requirement You require: An electronic storage medium For SINAMICS systems * A PC with CF card reader * A CF card For SINUMERIK systems * USB data storage medium An Internet connection Procedure The data contained in the electronic rating plate varies according to the encoder type. 1. Find the serial number of the motor on the rating plate. 1 Serial number of the motor 2. Insert the data storage medium (see under requirements) in your PC. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 48 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC Description 2.9 Where can you find the electronic type plate in the Internet? 3. Open the website http://www.siemens.com/simotics/download (http://www.siemens.com/simotics/download) 4. Enter the serial number of the motor. 5. Click on "Find serial number". 6. From the entries found, select data set "SMI archive" by clicking on the arrow. Note Once you select data set "SMI archive", you obtain the electronic type plate precisely at the time that your motor was delivered. 7. Align the displayed motor data. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 49 Description 2.9 Where can you find the electronic type plate in the Internet? 8. Save the ".bin" file displayed under "Downloads" to a data storage medium. Click on the appropriate file. Select the correct path. For SINAMICS For SINUMERIK Depending on the system configuration used, there are 2 different paths: Depending on the system configuration used, there are 2 different paths: * * * For standalone devices (e.g. CU250, CU 305, CU310, CU320 and D410) as well as for integrated platforms D4xx, NCU7xx): /USER/SINAMICS/DATA/SMI_DATA/Cxxx(x xx= component number of the encoder, e.g. * "006") For expansion modules (e.g. CX32, NX10, NX15): /USER/SINAMICS/DATA//SMI_DATA/Cx xx( = Profibus address of the internal Profibus or connection socket on the CU, xxx = component number of the encoder module, e.g. "006") For sensor modules connected to the NCU: /USER/SINAMICS/DATA/SMI_DATA/Cxxx (xxx = component number of the encoder, e.g. "012") For sensor modules connected to an expansion module (e.g. NX10, NX15): /USER/SINAMICS/DATA//SMI_DATA/Cx xx ( = Profibus address of the internal Profibus (e.g. 15, 14,...), xxx = component number of the encoder, e.g. "012".) 9. Copy the data of the electronic type plate from the data storage medium to the target folder of the drive. 10.Check whether the new encoder was assigned the same component number as the previous encoder. (see Chapter "How do you program an encoder that has not been loaded with data? (Page 38)") You have transferred the motor and encoder data (data for the electronic type plate) to the drive. Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 50 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC Index E Encoder Determining the Article number, 22 Electronic rating plate, 45 Electronic type plate, 29, 48 Replaceable encoders, 19 M Motors Article number, 17 Types, 17 T Training, 5 Replacing an encoder for SIMOTICS S-1FK7 G2, S-1FG1 and S-1FT7 Service Manual, 01/2018, A5E34676237B AC 51