8 Am79R100/101 Vs Am79R79 Device Comparison Brief
Ring Trip Because a high battery extends the driving ability for both ringing and off hook, we observe that
the loop length of the ring trip for the Am79R100/101 devices are increased compared to the
Am79R79 device. For the Am79R100 device, the recommended setup where Rrt1 = 604K, Rrt2 =
12K, Crt = 1 uf, CF = 1.26, allows Rloop to be extended to a maximum value of 1.1 kΩ with clear
ring trip. For the Am79R101 device, Rrt1 = 700K, Rrt2 = 12K, Crt = 1 uF, CF = 1.41 balance
ringing, the Rloop can reach a maxim um of 800 Ω. A small faulty pulse is allowed at the DET
output because most applications will apply debounce capability of typically 13ms, with 20hz
ringing. Debounce circuits will ignore the glitch at the DET output during the transition. There is a
hysteresis applied in both Am79R100/101 devices ring trip circuits to eliminate the threshold
uncertainty. The RC constant for Rrt2 and Crt is measured at less than 30 ms in the worse case
(different phase angle), where it will affect the system level ring-trip requirement and should be
kept as short as possible. If the time constant is too short, the DET will generate a lot of pulses
around the threshold, and the value may need to be adjusted with a particular application.
For DC offset ringing, the ring-trip current is smaller due to the limited swing. With the same value
setup, the ring-trip loop length is expected to be less than the balanced ringing. With 10 V DC
offset applied on the output during ringing, the Am79R101 device can easily ring the Nortel
Venture multi-line feature phone and Casio Phonemate series devices such as the TI-330, 9300.
UL To meet the fax mac hine an d ma intenan ce term ination units ( MTU ) r equire me nt, the SL IC
device needs to provide a higher on- ho ok voltag e min imum, –43 V. UL has specified that an y
DC voltage high er than 60 V is con sider ed h azardous and needs mor e string ent is olat ion
requirements. The Am79R1 00/101 dev ice s app ly a dio de cla mp tec hniqu e so th at the on- hoo k
high battery shou ld not e xce ed –5 4 V in Stand by mo de.
Protection Circuit
Because the supply voltage has increased from a nominal value of –75 V to –95 V, the pr ote ction
circuits we usually use have to move up for higher rating. There are two commonly used devices
for level two protection circuitsthe diode bridge plus the thyristor surge protector and the battery
tracking protection thyristor IC. If we use –70 V for the high battery, the maximum thyristor
breakover voltage must be specified not to exceed –70 V, whereas the minimum must not be less
than the maximum A-to-B line voltage (on hook). Therefore, the current is not sourced from the
SLIC device und er the norm al line co nd iti on. For the batt er y trac ki ng protection de vice, which can
be externally programmed by the battery, the minimum breakover is still greater than Vbat, so no
current will be drained during the normal operation. We suggest a Power Innovation
programmable over a voltage protection device, part number TISP61089A (maximum 100 V
limit), which is suitable for Am79R100/101 SLIC device application. Now, there is a TISP61089AS
for small outline SMT that is compliant with UL1950 requirements. The proposed small outline
pinout will be interchangeable with the LCP1521 from ST. The TECCOR BATTRAX P1001SC
protector is another recommended device for this application. In the bridge rectifier and thyristor
device combination application, the fast or ultra fast diodes are strongly recommended for
lightning protection. For details, please refer to the application note, PID# 080270A: Generic SLIC
Device Protection From Lightning Surges and AC Mains Power Cross.
Pinout Difference
Even though the Am79R100/101 devices are pin compatible functional replacements for the
Am79R79 device, there are some differences to note:
Pin Function Am79R79 Device Am79R100 Device Am79R101 Device
Pin 7 B2EN NC NC