July 11, 2005
Application Information
Circuit Description
As shown in the block diagram, the input term inals may be
operated down to 0.5V below the negative supply rail. Two
class A amplifier stages provide the vo ltage gain, and a
unique class AB amplifier stage provides the current gain
necessary to dr ive low-impedance loads.
A biasing circuit pro vides control of cascoded constant current
flow circuits in the first and se cond stag es. The CA3140
includes an on chip phase compensa ting capacitor th at is
sufficient f or the un ity gain voltage fo llower configuration.
Input Stage
The schematic diagram consists of a differential input stage
using PMOS field-effect tr ansistors (Q9, Q10) working into a
mirror pair of bipolar transistors (Q11, Q12) functioning as load
resistors together with resistors R2 through R5. The mirror pair
transistors also function as a differential-to-single-ended
converter to provide base current drive to the second stage
bipolar transistor (Q13). Offset nulling, when desired, can be
eff ected with a 10kΩ potentiometer connected across
Terminals 1 and 5 and with its slider arm connected to Terminal
4. Cascode-connected bipolar transistors Q2, Q5 are the
constant current source f or the input stage. The base biasing
circuit f or the constant current source is described
subsequently. The small diodes D3, D4, D5 provide gate oxide
protection against high voltage transients, e .g., static electricity.
Second Stage
Most of the voltage gain in the CA3140 is provided by the
second amplifier stage, consisting of bipolar transistor Q13
and its cascode connected load resistance provided by
bipolar transistors Q3, Q4. On-chip phase compensation,
sufficient for a majority of the applications is provided by C1.
Additional Miller-Effect compensation (roll off) can be
accomplished, when desired, by simply connecting a small
capacitor between Terminals 1 and 8. Terminal 8 is also
used to strobe the output stage into quiescence. When
ter m inal 8 is tied to the negative supply rail (Terminal 4) by
mechanical or electrica l means, the output Termi nal 6
s wings lo w, i.e., approximately to Terminal 4 potential.
Output Stage
The CA3140 Series circuits emplo y a broad band output stage
that can sink loads to the negative supply to complement the
capability of the PMOS input stage when operating near the
negative rail. Quiescent current in the emitter-follo wer cascade
circuit (Q17, Q18) is estab lished by transistors (Q14, Q15)
whose base currents are “mirrored” to current flowing through
diode D2 in the bias circuit section. When the CA3140 is
operating such that output Terminal 6 is sourcing current,
transistor Q18 functions as an emitter-follow er to source current
from the V+ bus (Terminal 7), via D7, R9, and R11. Under these
conditions, the collector potential of Q13 is sufficiently high to
permit the necessary flow of base current t o emitter f o llow er
Q17 which, in turn, drives Q18.
When the CA3140 is operating such that output Terminal 6 is
sinking current to the V- bus, tr ansistor Q16 is the current
sinking element. Transistor Q16 is mirror connected to D6, R7,
with current f ed by wa y of Q21, R12, and Q20. Transistor Q20, in
turn, is biased by current flow through R13, zener D8, and R14.
The dynamic current sink is controlled by v oltage lev el sensing.
F or purposes of explanation, it is assumed that output Terminal
6 is quiescently established at the potential midpoint between
the V+ and V- supply rails. When output current sinking mode
operation is required, the collector potential of transistor Q13 is
driven below its quiescent le v el, thereb y causing Q17, Q18 to
decrease the output voltage at Terminal 6. Thus, the gate
terminal of PMOS transistor Q21 is displaced toward the V- bus ,
thereby reducing the channel resistance of Q21. As a
consequence, there is an incremental increase in current flow
through Q20, R12, Q21, D6, R7, and the base of Q16. As a
result, Q16 sinks current from Terminal 6 in direct response to
the incremental change in output voltage caused by Q18. This
sink current flows regardless of load; any excess current is
internally supplied by the emitter-f ollow er Q18. Short circuit
protection of the output circuit is provided by Q19, which is
driven into conduction by the high v oltage drop de v eloped
across R11 under output short circuit conditions. Under these
conditions, the collector of Q19 div erts current from Q4 so as to
reduce the base current drive from Q17, thereby limiting current
flow in Q18 to the short circuited load terminal.
Bias Circuit
Quiescent current in all stages (except the dynamic current
sink) of the CA3140 is dependent upon bias current flow in R1.
The function of the bias circuit is to establish and maintain
constant current flow through D1, Q 6, Q8 and D2. D1 is a diode
connected transistor mirror connected in parallel with the base
emitter junctions of Q1, Q2, and Q3. D1 ma y be considered as a
current sampling diode that senses the emitter current of Q6
and automatically adjusts the base current of Q6 (via Q1) to
maintain a constant current through Q6, Q8, D2. The base
currents in Q2, Q3 are also determined by constant current flow
D1. Furthermore, current in diode connected transistor Q2
establishes the currents in transistors Q14 and Q15.
Typical Applications
Wide dynamic ra nge of input and ou tp ut char acte ristics with
the most desirab le high input impeda nce cha r acteristics is
achie ved in the CA3140 b y the use of an unique design based
upon the PMOS Bipolar process . Input common mode voltage
range and output swing capabilities are complementary,
allowing ope r ation with the single sup ply do w n to 4V.
The wide dynamic range of these parameters also means
that this device is suitable for many single supply
applications, such as, f or example, where one input is driven
below the potential of Terminal 4 and the phase sense of the
output signal must be maintained – a most important
consideration in comparator applications.
CA3140, CA3140A