Preliminary Product Information Infineon AG CONFIDENTIAL
15-Jan-03 OASIS SiliconSystems AG Page 2
Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit
Storage Temperature Range TSTG -40 100 °C
Junction Temperature TJ-40 100 °C
Soldering Temperature
(>2.5 mm from case bottom t≤5s)
TS- 235 °C
Power Dissipation PTOT - 300 mW
Power Supply Voltage VCCMax -0.5 6.0 V
Recommended Operating Conditions
Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit
Supply Voltage VCC 4.75 5.25 V
Operating Temperature Range
(Rext =13.5 kOhm)
TA-40 85 °C
All the data in this specification refers to the operating conditions above unless
otherwise stated.
Optical Signal Characteristics
(22.5 Mbit/s MOST Data, Vcc=4.75 .. 5.25 V)
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit
Peak wavelength at TA=25°C λ Peak25 640 650 660 nm
Temperature coefficient λPeak TCλ- 0.16 - nm/K
Peak wavelength at TA=-40..85°C λ Peak 630 650 670 nm
Spectral bandwidth (FWHM) Delta λ-2030nm
Average Output Power coupled into plastic fiber
at TA=25°C, Rext=15 kOhm, see Note 1
Popt25, O -7.4
Temperature coefficient Popt TCPopt -- 0.4-%/K
Average Output Power coupled into plastic fiber
at TA=-40..85°C, Rext=15 kOhm, see Note 1
Popt -8.6
Average Output Power coupled into plastic fiber
at TA=-40..85°C, Rext=15 kOhm, over lifetime,
see Note 1
Popt, lifetime -9.6
Gain in Popt when using 13.5 KOhm instead of
15 KOhm
0.35 0.4 0.45 dB
Optical Rise Time (20% - 80%) tr-46ns
Optical Fall Time (20% - 80%) tf-46ns
Extinction Ratio re10 11 - dB
Pulse Width Variation, see Note 2 tPWV 20.9 - 24.4 ns
Average Pulse Width Distortion, see Note 2 tAPWD -0.5 - 1.5 ns
Note 1: The output power coupled into plastic fiber Popt is measured with a large area detector at the
end of a short length of a fiber (about 30 cm), which is ideally coupled to the Sidelooker. This value
must not be used for calculating the power budget for a fiber optic system with a long fiber because the
numerical aperture of plastic fibers decreases on the first meters.
Therefore the fiber seems to have a higher attenuation over the first few meters compared with the
specified value.
Due to the direct coupling of the fiber to the LED at the end of the short fiber UMD (uniform mode
distribution) will be observed. Therefore the following section of the cable has higher losses compared
with EMD (equilibrium mode distribution).
Note 2: The electrical input signal fulfills tPWV(min) = 22.9 ns and tPWV(max) = 24.1 ns. For further details
see page 3.