Pulse Width Variation (tPWV) and Average Pulse Width Distortion (tAPWD)
The SPF MIT3 02 generates negative Puls Width Distortion. This means the optical output signal is shortened compared
to the electrical input signal. Therefore the parameters tPWV and tAPWD do not meet the MOST Specication of Physical
Layer Rev 1.0 (MOST SPL Rev. 1.0) either at the electrical input signal (SP1 in the MOST SPL Rev. 1.0) or at the optical
output signal (SP2 in the MOST SPL Rev. 1.0). This characteristic is shown in the following table.
Parameter Symbol
Electrical Input Signal Optical Output Signal
Unit RemarksMin Max Mix Max
Pulse Width Variation tPWV 22.9 24.1 20.9 24.4 ns Optical Output Signal according to
MOST Specication of Physical Layer
Rev. 1.0Average Pulse Width Distortion tAPWD 1.0 1.5 -0.5 1.5 ns
Pulse Width Variation tPWV 21.1 23.1 19.1 23.4 ns Electrical Input Signal according to
MOST Specication of Physical Layer
Rev. 1.0Average Pulse Width Distortion tAPWD -0.5 0.5 -2.0 0.5 ns
Based on this table, the MOST System may be considered by two aspects:
a) In order to meet the MOST SPL Rev 1.0 at SP2 the tPWV and tapwd at SP1 have to be longer than described in the
MOST SPL Rev. 1.0. This can be achived e.g. by using OS8104 as MOST transceiver chip.
b) If the MOST SPL Rev. 1.0 is met regarding tPWV and tapwd at SP1, then the output signal SP2 is systematically
shortened. Within a MOST System, this characteristic can be compensated by the optical receiver which detects the
signal at SP3. For this compensation, the optical receiver has to be specied in a range which is smaller than the
range described in the MOST SPL Rev. 1.0. For a detailed evaluation of system behavior, see paper “OS8300 Revision
J behavior on SP2 (optical output signal)” from Oasis SiliconSystems.
DC Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit
Low Level Input Voltage VIL -0.3 - 0.8 V
High Level Input Voltage VIH 2.0 - VCC + 0.3 V
Input Leakage Current
(VCC=5.0V, VI=0.0V or VI=5.0V)
IL- - +/- 20 µA
Input Capacitance CI- - 7 pF
Input Resistance RI100 - - kOhm
Supply Current (Rext = 15 kOhm) ON state,
biphase coded data[1]
ICC - 25 35 mA
Supply Current (Rext = 15 kOhm) OFF state[2] ILP2 - - 1 mA
1. The current through the LED and therefore the optical output power and overall power consumption depends on the settings of Rext. The
nominal value for Rext is 15K. With Rext=30K the optical output power is about –3dB of the nominal value. Typical behaviour see Fiure below.
Important: The external resistor of Rext must be within the range of 13.5K to 33K. For values of Rext out of this range functionality may not be
given over the whole temperature range and the device lifetime. Using values below 13K for Rext can damage the transmitter.
2. The transmitter jumps to low power mode after TX DATA is low for max. 18µs If the transmitter is in low power mode it is switched ON 5µs (max.)
after TX DATA starts toggling.