DC/RF Operation
Parameter Description Min Typ Max
Vdd Drain Bias 3 V 4.5V 7.5
Idd Drain Current - 85mA 200
Vgg Gate Bias -4 V - 0 V
Vgc Gain Control -4 V N.C. 4 V
Pdc Power Dissipation 0.22 W 0.4W 1.5
Pin Input Power (CW) - 20
Tch Channel Temperature 150°
Θch Thermal Resistance
(Tcase= 25°C)
Idss 100
Operation Design Considerations
The DA1A has been designed so that the
andwidth can be extended to low frequencies.
The low frequency limit and performance is
function of external circuitry.
Matching: The amplifier incorporates on chip
termination resistors for RF input and output.
These resistors are RF grounded through on-chip
capacitors, which are small and become ope
circuits at low frequencies <1GHz. Bonding pads
(LFEin and LFEout) have been provided fo
connecting external RF grounding capacitors use
in the low frequency extension network.
Inductor Bias: DC bias Vdd is applied directly to
the RF output path through a biasing inductor an
must be decoupled down to the lowest operating
frequency. Inductive biasing may be applied to
the on chip Vdd pad or through the RFout port.
DC Blocks: Since the amplifier is DC coupled o
the RFin and RFout ports the DC appearing o
these ports must be isolated from external
Gain Control:
egative voltage applied to Vg2
pad reduces the amplifier gain. Dynamic gai
control is possible when operating the amplifier in
the linear gain region.
ESD Handling and Bonding: This MMIC is
ESD sensitive and preventive measures should be
taken during handling, die attach and bonding.
Biasing Info
DC Bias
The DA1A is biased using a positive voltage o
the drain (Vdd), and by setting the drain curren
(Idd) using a negative voltage on the gate (Vgg).
When zero volts is applied to the gate the drain to
source channel is open which results in high Ids.
When Vgg is negative the drain to source channel
is “pinched off” and Ids is lowered wit
increasing negative voltage. Applications using
high Vdd may need to apply Vgg before Vdd to
remain below maximum power dissipation
The nominal bias condition is Vdd = 4.5V, Ids =
90mA. This condition is a good starting point fo
most designs. Minor improvements in
erformance and efficiency are possible
depending on the application. The drain bias
voltage range is 3V to 8V. For applications
needing lower noise figure and/or small signal
amplification lower drain voltages and currents
should be considered. When power performance
or slightly higher output voltage is require
higher drain voltage and currents may improve