Spartan-II FPGA Family Data Sheet R DS001 June 13, 2008 Product Specification This document includes all four modules of the Spartan(R)-II FPGA data sheet. Module 1: Introduction and Ordering Information Module 3: DC and Switching Characteristics DS001-1 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 DS001-3 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 * * * * * * * Introduction Features General Overview Product Availability User I/O Chart Ordering Information * Module 2: Functional Description DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 * * * * Architectural Description - Spartan-II Array - Input/Output Block - Configurable Logic Block - Block RAM - Clock Distribution: Delay-Locked Loop - Boundary Scan Development System Configuration - Configuration Timing Design Considerations DC Specifications - Absolute Maximum Ratings - Recommended Operating Conditions - DC Characteristics - Power-On Requirements - DC Input and Output Levels Switching Characteristics - Pin-to-Pin Parameters - IOB Switching Characteristics - Clock Distribution Characteristics - DLL Timing Parameters - CLB Switching Characteristics - Block RAM Switching Characteristics - TBUF Switching Characteristics - JTAG Switching Characteristics Module 4: Pinout Tables DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 * * Pin Definitions Pinout Tables IMPORTANT NOTE: This Spartan-II FPGA data sheet is in four modules. Each module has its own Revision History at the end. Use the PDF "Bookmarks" for easy navigation in this volume. (c) 2000-2008 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. XILINX, the Xilinx logo, the Brand Window, and other designated brands included herein are trademarks of Xilinx, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. DS001 June 13, 2008 Product Specification 1 6 Spartan-II FPGA Family: Introduction and Ordering Information R DS001-1 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 0 Introduction Product Specification * The Spartan(R)-II Field-Programmable Gate Array family gives users high performance, abundant logic resources, and a rich feature set, all at an exceptionally low price. The six-member family offers densities ranging from 15,000 to 200,000 system gates, as shown in Table 1. System performance is supported up to 200 MHz. Features include block RAM (to 56K bits), distributed RAM (to 75,264 bits), 16 selectable I/O standards, and four DLLs. Fast, predictable interconnect means that successive design iterations continue to meet timing requirements. The Spartan-II family is a superior alternative to mask-programmed ASICs. The FPGA avoids the initial cost, lengthy development cycles, and inherent risk of conventional ASICs. Also, FPGA programmability permits design upgrades in the field with no hardware replacement necessary (impossible with ASICs). * Features * Second generation ASIC replacement technology - Densities as high as 5,292 logic cells with up to 200,000 system gates - Streamlined features based on Virtex(R) FPGA architecture - Unlimited reprogrammability - Very low cost - Cost-effective 0.18 micron process * * System level features - SelectRAMTM hierarchical memory: * 16 bits/LUT distributed RAM * Configurable 4K bit block RAM * Fast interfaces to external RAM - Fully PCI compliant - Low-power segmented routing architecture - Full readback ability for verification/observability - Dedicated carry logic for high-speed arithmetic - Efficient multiplier support - Cascade chain for wide-input functions - Abundant registers/latches with enable, set, reset - Four dedicated DLLs for advanced clock control - Four primary low-skew global clock distribution nets - IEEE 1149.1 compatible boundary scan logic Versatile I/O and packaging - Pb-free package options - Low-cost packages available in all densities - Family footprint compatibility in common packages - 16 high-performance interface standards - Hot swap Compact PCI friendly - Zero hold time simplifies system timing Core logic powered at 2.5V and I/Os powered at 1.5V, 2.5V, or 3.3V Fully supported by powerful Xilinx(R) ISE(R) development system - Fully automatic mapping, placement, and routing Table 1: Spartan-II FPGA Family Members Device Logic Cells System Gates (Logic and RAM) CLB Array (R x C) Total CLBs Maximum Available User I/O (1) Total Distributed RAM Bits Total Block RAM Bits XC2S15 432 15,000 8 x 12 96 86 6,144 16K XC2S30 972 30,000 12 x 18 216 92 13,824 24K XC2S50 1,728 50,000 16 x 24 384 176 24,576 32K XC2S100 2,700 100,000 20 x 30 600 176 38,400 40K XC2S150 3,888 150,000 24 x 36 864 260 55,296 48K XC2S200 5,292 200,000 28 x 42 1,176 284 75,264 56K Notes: 1. All user I/O counts do not include the four global clock/user input pins. See details in Table 2, page 4. (c) 2000-2008 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. XILINX, the Xilinx logo, the Brand Window, and other designated brands included herein are trademarks of Xilinx, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. DS001-1 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 1 of 4 2 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Introduction and Ordering Information General Overview The Spartan-II family of FPGAs have a regular, flexible, programmable architecture of Configurable Logic Blocks (CLBs), surrounded by a perimeter of programmable Input/Output Blocks (IOBs). There are four Delay-Locked Loops (DLLs), one at each corner of the die. Two columns of block RAM lie on opposite sides of the die, between the CLBs and the IOB columns. These functional elements are interconnected by a powerful hierarchy of versatile routing channels (see Figure 1). Spartan-II FPGAs are customized by loading configuration data into internal static memory cells. Unlimited reprogramming cycles are possible with this approach. Stored values in these cells determine logic functions and interconnections implemented in the FPGA. Configuration data can be read from an external serial PROM (master serial mode), or written into the FPGA in slave serial, slave parallel, or Boundary Scan modes. Spartan-II FPGAs are typically used in high-volume applications where the versatility of a fast programmable solution adds benefits. Spartan-II FPGAs are ideal for shortening product development cycles while offering a cost-effective solution for high volume production. Spartan-II FPGAs achieve high-performance, low-cost operation through advanced architecture and semiconductor technology. Spartan-II devices provide system clock rates up to 200 MHz. In addition to the conventional benefits of high-volume programmable logic solutions, Spartan-II FPGAs also offer on-chip synchronous single-port and dual-port RAM (block and distributed form), DLL clock drivers, programmable set and reset on all flip-flops, fast carry logic, and many other features. DLL BLOCK RAM CLBs CLBs BLOCK RAM BLOCK RAM CLBs CLBs BLOCK RAM DLL DLL I/O LOGIC DLL XC2S15 DS001_01_091800 Figure 1: Basic Spartan-II Family FPGA Block Diagram DS001-1 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 1 of 4 3 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Introduction and Ordering Information Spartan-II Product Availability Table 2 shows the maximum user I/Os available on the device and the number of user I/Os available for each device/package combination. The four global clock pins are usable as additional user I/Os when not used as a global clock pin. These pins are not included in user I/O counts. Table 2: Spartan-II FPGA User I/O Chart (1) Available User I/O According to Package Type Device Maximum User I/O VQ100 VQG100 TQ144 TQG144 CS144 CSG144 PQ208 PQG208 FG256 FGG256 FG456 FGG456 XC2S15 86 60 86 (Note 2) - - - XC2S30 92 60 92 92 (Note 2) - - XC2S50 176 - 92 - 140 176 - XC2S100 176 - 92 - 140 176 (Note 2) XC2S150 260 - - - 140 176 260 XC2S200 284 - - - 140 176 284 Notes: 1. All user I/O counts do not include the four global clock/user input pins. 2. Discontinued by PDN2004-01. DS001-1 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 1 of 4 4 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Introduction and Ordering Information Ordering Information Spartan-II devices are available in both standard and Pb-free packaging options for all device/package combinations. The Pb-free packages include a special "G" character in the ordering code. Standard Packaging Example: XC2S50 -6 PQ 208 C Device Type Temperature Range Speed Grade Number of Pins Package Type DS077-1_01a_072204 Pb-Free Packaging Example: XC2S50 -6 PQ G 208 C Device Type Temperature Range Speed Grade Number of Pins Package Type Pb-free DS077-1_01b_072204 Device Ordering Options Device Speed Grade XC2S15 -5 Standard Performance VQ(G)100 100-pin Plastic Very Thin QFP C = Commercial XC2S30 Performance(1) CS(G)144 144-ball Chip-Scale BGA I = Industrial XC2S50 TQ(G)144 144-pin Plastic Thin QFP XC2S100 PQ(G)208 208-pin Plastic QFP XC2S150 FG(G)256 256-ball Fine Pitch BGA XC2S200 FG(G)456 456-ball Fine Pitch BGA -6 Higher Number of Pins / Package Type Temperature Range (TJ ) 0C to +85C -40C to +100C Notes: 1. The -6 speed grade is exclusively available in the Commercial temperature range. Device Part Marking R R Device Type Package Speed SPARTAN XC2S50TM PQ208AFP0025 A1134280A 6C Date Code Lot Code Operating Range Sample package with part marking for XC2S50-6PQ208C. ds001-1_02_090303 DS001-1 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 1 of 4 5 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Introduction and Ordering Information Revision History Date Version No. Description 09/18/00 2.0 Sectioned the Spartan-II Family data sheet into four modules. Added industrial temperature range information. 10/31/00 2.1 Removed Power down feature. 03/05/01 2.2 Added statement on PROMs. 11/01/01 2.3 Updated Product Availability chart. Minor text edits. 09/03/03 2.4 Added device part marking. 08/02/04 2.5 Added information on Pb-free packaging options and removed discontinued options. 06/13/08 2.8 Updated description and links. Updated all modules for continuous page, figure, and table numbering. Synchronized all modules to v2.8. PN 011311 DS001-1 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 1 of 4 6 50 Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description R DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Architectural Description memory elements for easy and quick routing of signals on and off the chip. Spartan-II FPGA Array The Spartan(R)-II field-programmable gate array, shown in Figure 2, is composed of five major configurable elements: * IOBs provide the interface between the package pins and the internal logic * CLBs provide the functional elements for constructing most logic * Dedicated block RAM memories of 4096 bits each * Clock DLLs for clock-distribution delay compensation and clock domain control * Versatile multi-level interconnect structure As can be seen in Figure 2, the CLBs form the central logic structure with easy access to all support and routing structures. The IOBs are located around all the logic and Values stored in static memory cells control all the configurable logic elements and interconnect resources. These values load into the memory cells on power-up, and can reload if necessary to change the function of the device. Each of these elements will be discussed in detail in the following sections. Input/Output Block The Spartan-II FPGA IOB, as seen in Figure 2, features inputs and outputs that support a wide variety of I/O signaling standards. These high-speed inputs and outputs are capable of supporting various state of the art memory and bus interfaces. Table 3 lists several of the standards which are supported along with the required reference, output and termination voltages needed to meet the standard. T SR D VCCO Q Package Pin TFF CLK CK TCE EC VCC OE SR Programmable Bias & ESD Network I/O Package Pin SR O D Q Programmable Output Buffer OFF CK OCE Internal Reference EC Programmable Delay IQ SR I D Q IFF I/O, VREF Programmable Input Buffer Package Pin CK ICE To Next I/O To Other External VREF Inputs of Bank EC DS001_02_090600 Figure 2: Spartan-II FPGA Input/Output Block (IOB) (c) 2000-2008 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. XILINX, the Xilinx logo, the Brand Window, and other designated brands included herein are trademarks of Xilinx, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 2 of 4 7 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description The three IOB registers function either as edge-triggered D-type flip-flops or as level-sensitive latches. Each IOB has a clock signal (CLK) shared by the three registers and independent Clock Enable (CE) signals for each register. In addition to the CLK and CE control signals, the three registers share a Set/Reset (SR). For each register, this signal can be independently configured as a synchronous Set, a synchronous Reset, an asynchronous Preset, or an asynchronous Clear. A feature not shown in the block diagram, but controlled by the software, is polarity control. The input and output buffers and all of the IOB control signals have independent polarity controls. Optional pull-up and pull-down resistors and an optional weak-keeper circuit are attached to each pad. Prior to configuration all outputs not involved in configuration are forced into their high-impedance state. The pull-down resistors and the weak-keeper circuits are inactive, but inputs may optionally be pulled up. Table 3: Standards Supported by I/O (Typical Values) I/O Standard Input Reference Voltage (VREF) Output Source Voltage (VCCO) Board Termination Voltage (VTT) LVTTL (2-24 mA) N/A 3.3 N/A LVCMOS2 N/A 2.5 N/A PCI (3V/5V, 33 MHz/66 MHz) N/A 3.3 N/A GTL 0.8 N/A 1.2 GTL+ 1.0 N/A 1.5 HSTL Class I 0.75 1.5 0.75 HSTL Class III 0.9 1.5 1.5 HSTL Class IV 0.9 1.5 1.5 SSTL3 Class I and II 1.5 3.3 1.5 SSTL2 Class I and II 1.25 2.5 1.25 CTT 1.5 3.3 1.5 AGP-2X 1.32 3.3 N/A All Spartan-II FPGA IOBs support IEEE 1149.1-compatible boundary scan testing. Input Path A buffer In the Spartan-II FPGA IOB input path routes the input signal either directly to internal logic or through an optional input flip-flop. An optional delay element at the D-input of this flip-flop eliminates pad-to-pad hold time. The delay is matched to the internal clock-distribution delay of the FPGA, and when used, assures that the pad-to-pad hold time is zero. Each input buffer can be configured to conform to any of the low-voltage signaling standards supported. In some of these standards the input buffer utilizes a user-supplied threshold voltage, VREF. The need to supply VREF imposes constraints on which standards can used in close proximity to each other. See "I/O Banking," page 9. There are optional pull-up and pull-down resistors at each input for use after configuration. Output Path The output path includes a 3-state output buffer that drives the output signal onto the pad. The output signal can be routed to the buffer directly from the internal logic or through an optional IOB output flip-flop. The 3-state control of the output can also be routed directly from the internal logic or through a flip-flip that provides synchronous enable and disable. Each output driver can be individually programmed for a wide range of low-voltage signaling standards. Each output buffer can source up to 24 mA and sink up to 48 mA. Drive strength and slew rate controls minimize bus transients. The activation of pull-up resistors prior to configuration is controlled on a global basis by the configuration mode pins. If the pull-up resistors are not activated, all the pins will float. Consequently, external pull-up or pull-down resistors must be provided on pins required to be at a well-defined logic level prior to configuration. DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification All pads are protected against damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD) and from over-voltage transients. Two forms of over-voltage protection are provided, one that permits 5V compliance, and one that does not. For 5V compliance, a zener-like structure connected to ground turns on when the output rises to approximately 6.5V. When 5V compliance is not required, a conventional clamp diode may be connected to the output supply voltage, VCCO. The type of over-voltage protection can be selected independently for each pad. In most signaling standards, the output high voltage depends on an externally supplied VCCO voltage. The need to supply VCCO imposes constraints on which standards can be used in close proximity to each other. See "I/O Banking". An optional weak-keeper circuit is connected to each output. When selected, the circuit monitors the voltage on the pad and weakly drives the pin High or Low to match the input signal. If the pin is connected to a multiple-source signal, the weak keeper holds the signal in its last state if all Module 2 of 4 8 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description drivers are disabled. Maintaining a valid logic level in this way helps eliminate bus chatter. automatically configured as inputs for the VREF voltage. About one in six of the I/O pins in the bank assume this role. Because the weak-keeper circuit uses the IOB input buffer to monitor the input level, an appropriate VREF voltage must be provided if the signaling standard requires one. The provision of this voltage must comply with the I/O banking rules. VREF pins within a bank are interconnected internally and consequently only one VREF voltage can be used within each bank. All VREF pins in the bank, however, must be connected to the external voltage source for correct operation. I/O Banking In a bank, inputs requiring VREF can be mixed with those that do not but only one VREF voltage may be used within a bank. Input buffers that use VREF are not 5V tolerant. LVTTL, LVCMOS2, and PCI are 5V tolerant. The VCCO and VREF pins for each bank appear in the device pinout tables. Some of the I/O standards described above require VCCO and/or VREF voltages. These voltages are externally connected to device pins that serve groups of IOBs, called banks. Consequently, restrictions exist about which I/O standards can be combined within a given bank. Eight I/O banks result from separating each edge of the FPGA into two banks (see Figure 3). Each bank has multiple VCCO pins which must be connected to the same voltage. Voltage is determined by the output standards in use. Within a given package, the number of VREF and VCCO pins can vary depending on the size of device. In larger devices, more I/O pins convert to VREF pins. Since these are always a superset of the VREF pins used for smaller devices, it is possible to design a PCB that permits migration to a larger device. All VREF pins for the largest device anticipated must be connected to the VREF voltage, and not used for I/O. Independent Banks Available GCLK3 GCLK2 CS144 TQ144 FG256 FG456 Independent Banks 1 4 8 GCLK1 Bank 5 The basic building block of the Spartan-II FPGA CLB is the logic cell (LC). An LC includes a 4-input function generator, carry logic, and storage element. Output from the function generator in each LC drives the CLB output and the D input of the flip-flop. Each Spartan-II FPGA CLB contains four LCs, organized in two similar slices; a single slice is shown in Figure 4. Bank 3 Bank 6 VQ100 PQ208 Configurable Logic Block Spartan-II Device GCLK0 Bank 4 DS001_03_060100 Figure 3: Spartan-II I/O Banks Within a bank, output standards may be mixed only if they use the same VCCO. Compatible standards are shown in Table 4. GTL and GTL+ appear under all voltages because their open-drain outputs do not depend on VCCO. Table 4: Compatible Output Standards VCCO Package Bank 1 Bank 2 Bank 7 Bank 0 Compatible Standards 3.3V PCI, LVTTL, SSTL3 I, SSTL3 II, CTT, AGP, GTL, GTL+ 2.5V SSTL2 I, SSTL2 II, LVCMOS2, GTL, GTL+ 1.5V HSTL I, HSTL III, HSTL IV, GTL, GTL+ In addition to the four basic LCs, the Spartan-II FPGA CLB contains logic that combines function generators to provide functions of five or six inputs. Look-Up Tables Spartan-II FPGA function generators are implemented as 4-input look-up tables (LUTs). In addition to operating as a function generator, each LUT can provide a 16 x 1-bit synchronous RAM. Furthermore, the two LUTs within a slice can be combined to create a 16 x 2-bit or 32 x 1-bit synchronous RAM, or a 16 x 1-bit dual-port synchronous RAM. The Spartan-II FPGA LUT can also provide a 16-bit shift register that is ideal for capturing high-speed or burst-mode data. This mode can also be used to store data in applications such as Digital Signal Processing. Some input standards require a user-supplied threshold voltage, VREF. In this case, certain user-I/O pins are DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 2 of 4 9 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description COUT YB Y G4 I4 G2 Look-Up I3 Table O I2 G1 I1 G3 S D Carry and Control Logic YQ Q CK EC R F5IN BY SR XB X F4 I4 F2 Look-Up I3 Table O I2 F1 I1 F3 S D Carry and Control Logic XQ Q CK EC R BX CIN CLK CE DS001_04_091400 Figure 4: Spartan-II CLB Slice (two identical slices in each CLB) Storage Elements Storage elements in the Spartan-II FPGA slice can be configured either as edge-triggered D-type flip-flops or as level-sensitive latches. The D inputs can be driven either by function generators within the slice or directly from slice inputs, bypassing the function generators. In addition to Clock and Clock Enable signals, each slice has synchronous set and reset signals (SR and BY). SR forces a storage element into the initialization state specified for it in the configuration. BY forces it into the DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification opposite state. Alternatively, these signals may be configured to operate asynchronously. All control signals are independently invertible, and are shared by the two flip-flops within the slice. Additional Logic The F5 multiplexer in each slice combines the function generator outputs. This combination provides either a function generator that can implement any 5-input function, a 4:1 multiplexer, or selected functions of up to nine inputs. Module 2 of 4 10 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description Similarly, the F6 multiplexer combines the outputs of all four function generators in the CLB by selecting one of the F5-multiplexer outputs. This permits the implementation of any 6-input function, an 8:1 multiplexer, or selected functions of up to 19 inputs. Each block RAM cell, as illustrated in Figure 5, is a fully synchronous dual-ported 4096-bit RAM with independent control signals for each port. The data widths of the two ports can be configured independently, providing built-in bus-width conversion. Each CLB has four direct feedthrough paths, one per LC. These paths provide extra data input lines or additional local routing that does not consume logic resources. RAMB4_S#_S# WEA ENA RSTA CLKA ADD[#:0] DIA[#:0] Arithmetic Logic Dedicated carry logic provides capability for high-speed arithmetic functions. The Spartan-II FPGA CLB supports two separate carry chains, one per slice. The height of the carry chains is two bits per CLB. WEB ENB RSTB CLKB ADDRB[#:0] DIB[#:0] The arithmetic logic includes an XOR gate that allows a 1-bit full adder to be implemented within an LC. In addition, a dedicated AND gate improves the efficiency of multiplier implementation. The dedicated carry path can also be used to cascade function generators for implementing wide logic functions. DOA[#:0] DOB[#:0] DS001_05_060100 BUFTs Figure 5: Dual-Port Block RAM Each Spartan-II FPGA CLB contains two 3-state drivers (BUFTs) that can drive on-chip busses. See "Dedicated Routing," page 12. Each Spartan-II FPGA BUFT has an independent 3-state control pin and an independent input pin. Table 6 shows the depth and width aspect ratios for the block RAM. Table 6: Block RAM Port Aspect Ratios Width Depth ADDR Bus Data Bus Block RAM 1 4096 ADDR<11:0> DATA<0> Spartan-II FPGAs incorporate several large block RAM memories. These complement the distributed RAM Look-Up Tables (LUTs) that provide shallow memory structures implemented in CLBs. 2 2048 ADDR<10:0> DATA<1:0> 4 1024 ADDR<9:0> DATA<3:0> 8 512 ADDR<8:0> DATA<7:0> Block RAM memory blocks are organized in columns. All Spartan-II devices contain two such columns, one along each vertical edge. These columns extend the full height of the chip. Each memory block is four CLBs high, and consequently, a Spartan-II device eight CLBs high will contain two memory blocks per column, and a total of four blocks. 16 256 ADDR<7:0> DATA<15:0> Table 5: Spartan-II Block RAM Amounts Spartan-II Device # of Blocks Total Block RAM Bits XC2S15 4 16K XC2S30 6 24K XC2S50 8 32K XC2S100 10 40K XC2S150 12 48K XC2S200 14 56K DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification The Spartan-II FPGA block RAM also includes dedicated routing to provide an efficient interface with both CLBs and other block RAMs. Programmable Routing Matrix It is the longest delay path that limits the speed of any worst-case design. Consequently, the Spartan-II routing architecture and its place-and-route software were defined in a single optimization process. This joint optimization minimizes long-path delays, and consequently, yields the best system performance. The joint optimization also reduces design compilation times because the architecture is software-friendly. Design cycles are correspondingly reduced due to shorter design iteration times. Module 2 of 4 11 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description Local Routing efficiently. Vertical Longlines span the full height of the device, and horizontal ones span the full width of the device. The local routing resources, as shown in Figure 6, provide the following three types of connections: * Interconnections among the LUTs, flip-flops, and General Routing Matrix (GRM) * Internal CLB feedback paths that provide high-speed connections to LUTs within the same CLB, chaining them together with minimal routing delay * Direct paths that provide high-speed connections between horizontally adjacent CLBs, eliminating the delay of the GRM GRM Spartan-II devices have additional routing resources around their periphery that form an interface between the CLB array and the IOBs. This additional routing, called the VersaRing, facilitates pin-swapping and pin-locking, such that logic redesigns can adapt to existing PCB layouts. Time-to-market is reduced, since PCBs and other system components can be manufactured while the logic design is still in progress. Dedicated Routing To Adjacent GRM To Adjacent GRM I/O Routing Some classes of signal require dedicated routing resources to maximize performance. In the Spartan-II architecture, dedicated routing resources are provided for two classes of signal. To Adjacent GRM * To Adjacent GRM Direct Connection To Adjacent CLB CLB Direct Connection To Adjacent CLB DS001_06_032300 Figure 6: Spartan-II Local Routing General Purpose Routing Most Spartan-II FPGA signals are routed on the general purpose routing, and consequently, the majority of interconnect resources are associated with this level of the routing hierarchy. The general routing resources are located in horizontal and vertical routing channels associated with the rows and columns CLBs. The general-purpose routing resources are listed below. * * * * Adjacent to each CLB is a General Routing Matrix (GRM). The GRM is the switch matrix through which horizontal and vertical routing resources connect, and is also the means by which the CLB gains access to the general purpose routing. 24 single-length lines route GRM signals to adjacent GRMs in each of the four directions. 96 buffered Hex lines route GRM signals to other GRMs six blocks away in each one of the four directions. Organized in a staggered pattern, Hex lines may be driven only at their endpoints. Hex-line signals can be accessed either at the endpoints or at the midpoint (three blocks from the source). One third of the Hex lines are bidirectional, while the remaining ones are unidirectional. 12 Longlines are buffered, bidirectional wires that distribute signals across the device quickly and DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification * Horizontal routing resources are provided for on-chip 3-state busses. Four partitionable bus lines are provided per CLB row, permitting multiple busses within a row, as shown in Figure 7. Two dedicated nets per CLB propagate carry signals vertically to the adjacent CLB. Global Routing Global Routing resources distribute clocks and other signals with very high fanout throughout the device. Spartan-II devices include two tiers of global routing resources referred to as primary and secondary global routing resources. * The primary global routing resources are four dedicated global nets with dedicated input pins that are designed to distribute high-fanout clock signals with minimal skew. Each global clock net can drive all CLB, IOB, and block RAM clock pins. The primary global nets may only be driven by global buffers. There are four global buffers, one for each global net. * The secondary global routing resources consist of 24 backbone lines, 12 across the top of the chip and 12 across bottom. From these lines, up to 12 unique signals per column can be distributed via the 12 longlines in the column. These secondary resources are more flexible than the primary resources since they are not restricted to routing only to clock pins. Module 2 of 4 12 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description 3-State Lines CLB CLB CLB CLB DS001_07_090600 Figure 7: BUFT Connections to Dedicated Horizontal Bus Lines Clock Distribution The Spartan-II family provides high-speed, low-skew clock distribution through the primary global routing resources described above. A typical clock distribution net is shown in Figure 8. Four global buffers are provided, two at the top center of the device and two at the bottom center. These drive the four primary global nets that in turn drive any clock pin. Four dedicated clock pads are provided, one adjacent to each of the global buffers. The input to the global buffer is selected either from these pads or from signals in the general purpose routing. Global clock pins do not have the option for internal, weak pull-up resistors. Global Clock Rows GCLKPAD3 GCLKBUF3 GCLKPAD2 GCLKBUF2 Global Clock Column networks. The DLL monitors the input clock and the distributed clock, and automatically adjusts a clock delay element. Additional delay is introduced such that clock edges reach internal flip-flops exactly one clock period after they arrive at the input. This closed-loop system effectively eliminates clock-distribution delay by ensuring that clock edges arrive at internal flip-flops in synchronism with clock edges arriving at the input. In addition to eliminating clock-distribution delay, the DLL provides advanced control of multiple clock domains. The DLL provides four quadrature phases of the source clock, can double the clock, or divide the clock by 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 8, or 16. It has six outputs. The DLL also operates as a clock mirror. By driving the output from a DLL off-chip and then back on again, the DLL can be used to deskew a board level clock among multiple Spartan-II devices. In order to guarantee that the system clock is operating correctly prior to the FPGA starting up after configuration, the DLL can delay the completion of the configuration process until after it has achieved lock. Global Clock Spine GCLKBUF1 GCLKPAD1 GCLKBUF0 GCLKPAD0 DS001_08_060100 Figure 8: Global Clock Distribution Network Delay-Locked Loop (DLL) Associated with each global clock input buffer is a fully digital Delay-Locked Loop (DLL) that can eliminate skew between the clock input pad and internal clock-input pins throughout the device. Each DLL can drive two global clock DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Boundary Scan Spartan-II devices support all the mandatory boundaryscan instructions specified in the IEEE standard 1149.1. A Test Access Port (TAP) and registers are provided that implement the EXTEST, SAMPLE/PRELOAD, and BYPASS instructions. The TAP also supports two USERCODE instructions and internal scan chains. The TAP uses dedicated package pins that always operate using LVTTL. For TDO to operate using LVTTL, the VCCO for Bank 2 must be 3.3V. Otherwise, TDO switches rail-to-rail between ground and VCCO. TDI, TMS, and TCK have a default internal weak pull-up resistor, and TDO has no default resistor. Bitstream options allow setting any of the four TAP pins to have an internal pull-up, pull-down, or neither. Module 2 of 4 13 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description Boundary-scan operation is independent of individual IOB configurations, and unaffected by package type. All IOBs, including unbonded ones, are treated as independent 3-state bidirectional pins in a single scan chain. Retention of the bidirectional test capability after configuration facilitates the testing of external interconnections. Table 7 lists the boundary-scan instructions supported in Spartan-II FPGAs. Internal signals can be captured during EXTEST by connecting them to unbonded or unused IOBs. They may also be connected to the unused outputs of IOBs defined as unidirectional input pins. Table 7: Boundary-Scan Instructions Boundary-Scan Command Binary Code[4:0] EXTEST 00000 Enables boundary-scan EXTEST operation SAMPLE 00001 Enables boundary-scan SAMPLE operation USR1 00010 Access user-defined register 1 USR2 00011 Access user-defined register 2 CFG_OUT 00100 Access the configuration bus for Readback CFG_IN 00101 Access the configuration bus for Configuration INTEST 00111 Enables boundary-scan INTEST operation USRCODE 01000 Enables shifting out USER code IDCODE 01001 Enables shifting out of ID Code HIZ 01010 Disables output pins while enabling the Bypass Register JSTART 01100 Clock the start-up sequence when StartupClk is TCK BYPASS 11111 Enables BYPASS RESERVED All other codes Xilinx(R) reserved instructions DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Description The public boundary-scan instructions are available prior to configuration. After configuration, the public instructions remain available together with any USERCODE instructions installed during the configuration. While the SAMPLE and BYPASS instructions are available during configuration, it is recommended that boundary-scan operations not be performed during this transitional period. In addition to the test instructions outlined above, the boundary-scan circuitry can be used to configure the FPGA, and also to read back the configuration data. To facilitate internal scan chains, the User Register provides three outputs (Reset, Update, and Shift) that represent the corresponding states in the boundary-scan internal state machine. Module 2 of 4 14 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description Figure 9 is a diagram of the Spartan-II family boundary scan logic. It includes three bits of Data Register per IOB, the IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port controller, and the Instruction Register with decodes. DATA IN IOB.T 0 1 0 IOB IOB IOB IOB IOB sd D D Q Q 1 LE IOB IOB 1 sd D Q D Q 0 IOB IOB LE IOB IOB IOB IOB IOB IOB IOB IOB 1 IOB.I 0 1 IOB TDI Bypass Register Instruction Register 0 sd D Q D Q LE 1 0 IOB.Q IOB M TDO U X IOB.T 0 1 0 sd D D Q Q 1 LE 1 0 sd D Q D Q LE 1 IOB.I 0 DATAOUT SHIFT/ CAPTURE UPDATE CLOCK DATA REGISTER EXTEST DS001_09_032300 Figure 9: Spartan-II Family Boundary Scan Logic Bit Sequence The bit sequence within each IOB is: In, Out, 3-State. The input-only pins contribute only the In bit to the boundary scan I/O data register, while the output-only pins contributes all three bits. From a cavity-up view of the chip (as shown in the FPGA Editor), starting in the upper right chip corner, the boundary scan data-register bits are ordered as shown in Figure 10. BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) files for Spartan-II family devices are available on the Xilinx website, in the Downloads area. DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 2 of 4 15 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description Design Implementation Bit 0 ( TDO end) Bit 1 Bit 2 TDO.T TDO.O The place-and-route tools (PAR) automatically provide the implementation flow described in this section. The partitioner takes the EDIF netlist for the design and maps the logic into the architectural resources of the FPGA (CLBs and IOBs, for example). The placer then determines the best locations for these blocks based on their interconnections and the desired performance. Finally, the router interconnects the blocks. Top-edge IOBs (Right to Left) Left-edge IOBs (Top to Bottom) MODE.I Bottom-edge IOBs (Left to Right) Right-edge IOBs (Bottom to Top) (TDI end) BSCANT.UPD DS001_10_032300 Figure 10: Boundary Scan Bit Sequence Development System Spartan-II FPGAs are supported by the Xilinx ISE(R) development tools. The basic methodology for Spartan-II FPGA design consists of three interrelated steps: design entry, implementation, and verification. Industry-standard tools are used for design entry and simulation, while Xilinx provides proprietary architecture-specific tools for implementation. The Xilinx development system is integrated under a single graphical interface, providing designers with a common user interface regardless of their choice of entry and verification tools. The software simplifies the selection of implementation options with pull-down menus and on-line help. For HDL design entry, the Xilinx FPGA development system provides interfaces to several synthesis design environments. A standard interface-file specification, Electronic Design Interchange Format (EDIF), simplifies file transfers into and out of the development system. Spartan-II FPGAs supported by a unified library of standard functions. This library contains over 400 primitives and macros, ranging from 2-input AND gates to 16-bit accumulators, and includes arithmetic functions, comparators, counters, data registers, decoders, encoders, I/O functions, latches, Boolean functions, multiplexers, shift registers, and barrel shifters. The design environment supports hierarchical design entry. These hierarchical design elements are automatically combined by the implementation tools. Different design entry tools can be combined within a hierarchical design, thus allowing the most convenient entry method to be used for each portion of the design. DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification The PAR algorithms support fully automatic implementation of most designs. For demanding applications, however, the user can exercise various degrees of control over the process. User partitioning, placement, and routing information is optionally specified during the design-entry process. The implementation of highly structured designs can benefit greatly from basic floorplanning. The implementation software incorporates timing-driven placement and routing. Designers specify timing requirements along entire paths during design entry. The timing path analysis routines in PAR then recognize these user-specified requirements and accommodate them. Timing requirements are entered in a form directly relating to the system requirements, such as the targeted clock frequency, or the maximum allowable delay between two registers. In this way, the overall performance of the system along entire signal paths is automatically tailored to user-generated specifications. Specific timing information for individual nets is unnecessary. Design Verification In addition to conventional software simulation, FPGA users can use in-circuit debugging techniques. Because Xilinx devices are infinitely reprogrammable, designs can be verified in real time without the need for extensive sets of software simulation vectors. The development system supports both software simulation and in-circuit debugging techniques. For simulation, the system extracts the post-layout timing information from the design database, and back-annotates this information into the netlist for use by the simulator. Alternatively, the user can verify timing-critical portions of the design using the static timing analyzer. For in-circuit debugging, the development system includes a download cable, which connects the FPGA in the target system to a PC or workstation. After downloading the design into the FPGA, the designer can read back the contents of the flip-flops, and so observe the internal logic state. Simple modifications can be downloaded into the system in a matter of minutes. Module 2 of 4 16 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description Configuration Configuration is the process by which the bitstream of a design, as generated by the Xilinx software, is loaded into the internal configuration memory of the FPGA. Spartan-II devices support both serial configuration, using the master/slave serial and JTAG modes, as well as byte-wide configuration employing the Slave Parallel mode. Table 8: Spartan-II Configuration File Size Device Configuration File Size (Bits) XC2S15 197,696 XC2S30 336,768 XC2S50 559,200 Configuration File XC2S100 781,216 Spartan-II devices are configured by sequentially loading frames of data that have been concatenated into a configuration file. Table 8 shows how much nonvolatile storage space is needed for Spartan-II devices. XC2S150 1,040,096 XC2S200 1,335,840 Modes It is important to note that, while a PROM is commonly used to store configuration data before loading them into the FPGA, it is by no means required. Any of a number of different kinds of under populated nonvolatile storage already available either on or off the board (i.e., hard drives, FLASH cards, etc.) can be used. For more information on configuration without a PROM, refer to XAPP098, The Low-Cost, Efficient Serial Configuration of Spartan FPGAs. Spartan-II devices support the following four configuration modes: * Slave Serial mode * Master Serial mode * Slave Parallel mode * Boundary-scan mode The Configuration mode pins (M2, M1, M0) select among these configuration modes with the option in each case of having the IOB pins either pulled up or left floating prior to the end of configuration. The selection codes are listed in Table 9. Configuration through the boundary-scan port is always available, independent of the mode selection. Selecting the boundary-scan mode simply turns off the other modes. The three mode pins have internal pull-up resistors, and default to a logic High if left unconnected. Table 9: Configuration Modes Preconfiguration Pull-ups M0 M1 M2 CCLK Direction Data Width Serial DOUT No 0 0 0 Out 1 Yes Yes 0 0 1 Yes 0 1 0 In 8 No No 0 1 1 Boundary-Scan mode Yes 1 0 0 N/A 1 No No 1 0 1 Slave Serial mode Yes 1 1 0 In 1 Yes No 1 1 1 Configuration Mode Master Serial mode Slave Parallel mode Notes: 1. During power-on and throughout configuration, the I/O drivers will be in a high-impedance state. After configuration, all unused I/Os (those not assigned signals) will remain in a high-impedance state. Pins used as outputs may pulse High at the end of configuration (see Answer 10504). 2. If the Mode pins are set for preconfiguration pull-ups, those resistors go into effect once the rising edge of INIT samples the Mode pins. They will stay in effect until GTS is released during startup, after which the UnusedPin bitstream generator option will determine whether the unused I/Os have a pull-up, pull-down, or no resistor. DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 2 of 4 17 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description Signals There are two kinds of pins that are used to configure Spartan-II devices: Dedicated pins perform only specific configuration-related functions; the other pins can serve as general purpose I/Os once user operation has begun. by driving DONE Low, then enters the memory-clearing phase. The dedicated pins comprise the mode pins (M2, M1, M0), the configuration clock pin (CCLK), the PROGRAM pin, the DONE pin and the boundary-scan pins (TDI, TDO, TMS, TCK). Depending on the selected configuration mode, CCLK may be an output generated by the FPGA, or may be generated externally, and provided to the FPGA as an input. Configuration at Power-up VCCO AND Configuration During User Operation No User Pulls PROGRAM Low VCCINT High? Yes Note that some configuration pins can act as outputs. For correct operation, these pins require a VCCO of 3.3V to drive an LVTTL signal or 2.5V to drive an LVCMOS signal. All the relevant pins fall in banks 2 or 3. The CS and WRITE pins for Slave Parallel mode are located in bank 1. FPGA Drives INIT and DONE Low For a more detailed description than that given below, see "Pinout Tables" in Module 4 and XAPP176, Spartan-II FPGA Series Configuration and Readback. Clear Configuration Memory Delay Configuration The Process The sequence of steps necessary to configure Spartan-II devices are shown in Figure 11. The overall flow can be divided into three different phases. User Holding PROGRAM Low? Yes No * * * * Initiating Configuration Configuration memory clear Loading data frames Start-up Delay Configuration User Holding INIT Low? The memory clearing and start-up phases are the same for all configuration modes; however, the steps for the loading of data frames are different. Thus, the details for data frame loading are described separately in the sections devoted to each mode. Initiating Configuration There are two different ways to initiate the configuration process: applying power to the device or asserting the PROGRAM input. Configuration on power-up occurs automatically unless it is delayed by the user, as described in a separate section below. The waveform for configuration on power-up is shown in Figure 12, page 19. Before configuration can begin, VCCO Bank 2 must be greater than 1.0V. Furthermore, all VCCINT power pins must be connected to a 2.5V supply. For more information on delaying configuration, see "Clearing Configuration Memory," page 19. Once in user operation, the device can be re-configured simply by pulling the PROGRAM pin Low. The device acknowledges the beginning of the configuration process DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Yes No FPGA Samples Mode Pins Load Configuration Data Frames CRC Correct? No FPGA Drives INIT Low Abort Start-up Yes Start-up Sequence FPGA Drives DONE High, Activates I/Os, Releases GSR net User Operation DS001_11_111501 Figure 11: Configuration Flow Diagram Module 2 of 4 18 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description VCC(1) TPOR PROGRAM TPL INIT TICCK CCLK Output or Input M0, M1, M2 (Required) Valid DS001_12_102301 . Symbol Description Min Max TPOR Power-on reset - 2 ms TPL Program latency - 100 s TICCK CCLK output delay (Master Serial mode only) 0.5 s 4 s TPROGRAM Program pulse width 300 ns - Notes: (referring to waveform above:) 1. Before configuration can begin, VCCINT must be greater than 1.6V and VCCO Bank 2 must be greater than 1.0V. Figure 12: Configuration Timing on Power-Up Clearing Configuration Memory The device indicates that clearing the configuration memory is in progress by driving INIT Low. At this time, the user can delay configuration by holding either PROGRAM or INIT Low, which causes the device to remain in the memory clearing phase. Note that the bidirectional INIT line is driving a Low logic level during memory clearing. To avoid contention, use an open-drain driver to keep INIT Low. With no delay in force, the device indicates that the memory is completely clear by driving INIT High. The FPGA samples its mode pins on this Low-to-High transition. Loading Configuration Data To reconfigure the device, the PROGRAM pin should be asserted to reset the configuration logic. Recycling power also resets the FPGA for configuration. See "Clearing Configuration Memory". Start-up The start-up sequence oversees the transition of the FPGA from the configuration state to full user operation. A match of CRC values, indicating a successful loading of the configuration data, initiates the sequence. During start-up, the device performs four operations: Once INIT is High, the user can begin loading configuration data frames into the device. The details of loading the configuration data are discussed in the sections treating the configuration modes individually. The sequence of operations necessary to load configuration data using the serial modes is shown in Figure 14. Loading data using the Slave Parallel mode is shown in Figure 19, page 25. CRC Error Checking During the loading of configuration data, a CRC value embedded in the configuration file is checked against a CRC value calculated within the FPGA. If the CRC values DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification do not match, the FPGA drives INIT Low to indicate that a frame error has occurred and configuration is aborted. 1. The assertion of DONE. The failure of DONE to go High may indicate the unsuccessful loading of configuration data. 2. The release of the Global Three State net. This activates I/Os to which signals are assigned. The remaining I/Os stay in a high-impedance state with internal weak pull-down resistors present. 3. Negates Global Set Reset (GSR). This allows all flip-flops to change state. 4. The assertion of Global Write Enable (GWE). This allows all RAMs and flip-flops to change state. Module 2 of 4 19 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description By default, these operations are synchronized to CCLK. The entire start-up sequence lasts eight cycles, called C0-C7, after which the loaded design is fully functional. The default timing for start-up is shown in the top half of Figure 13. The four operations can be selected to switch on any CCLK cycle C1-C6 through settings in the Xilinx software. Heavy lines show default settings. Default Cycles Start-up CLK Phase 0 1 2 3 4 5 Serial Modes There are two serial configuration modes: In Master Serial mode, the FPGA controls the configuration process by driving CCLK as an output. In Slave Serial mode, the FPGA passively receives CCLK as an input from an external agent (e.g., a microprocessor, CPLD, or second FPGA in master mode) that is controlling the configuration process. In both modes, the FPGA is configured by loading one bit per CCLK cycle. The MSB of each configuration data byte is always written to the DIN pin first. See Figure 14 for the sequence for loading data into the Spartan-II FPGA serially. This is an expansion of the "Load Configuration Data Frames" block in Figure 11. Note that CS and WRITE normally are not used during serial configuration. To ensure successful loading of the FPGA, do not toggle WRITE with CS Low during serial configuration. 6 7 DONE GTS GSR After INIT Goes High GWE User Load One Configuration Bit on Next CCLK Rising Edge Sync to DONE Start-up CLK Phase 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 End of Configuration Data File? DONE High No Yes DONE To CRC Check GTS DS001_14_042403 Figure 14: Loading Serial Mode Configuration Data GSR GWE DS001_13_090600 Figure 13: Start-Up Waveforms The bottom half of Figure 13 shows another commonly used version of the start-up timing known as Sync-to-DONE. This version makes the GTS, GSR, and GWE events conditional upon the DONE pin going High. This timing is important for a daisy chain of multiple FPGAs in serial mode, since it ensures that all FPGAs go through start-up together, after all their DONE pins have gone High. Sync-to-DONE timing is selected by setting the GTS, GSR, and GWE cycles to a value of DONE in the configuration options. This causes these signals to transition one clock cycle after DONE externally transitions High. DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 2 of 4 20 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description Multiple FPGAs in Slave Serial mode can be daisy-chained for configuration from a single source. The maximum amount of data that can be sent to the DOUT pin for a serial daisy chain is 220-1 (1,048,575) 32-bit words, or 33,554,400 bits, which is approximately 25 XC2S200 bitstreams. The configuration bitstream of downstream devices is limited to this size. Slave Serial Mode In Slave Serial mode, the FPGA's CCLK pin is driven by an external source, allowing FPGAs to be configured from other logic devices such as microprocessors or in a daisy-chain configuration. Figure 15 shows connections for a Master Serial FPGA configuring a Slave Serial FPGA from a PROM. A Spartan-II device in slave serial mode should be connected as shown for the third device from the left. Slave Serial mode is selected by a <11x> on the mode pins (M0, M1, M2). After an FPGA is configured, data for the next device is routed to the DOUT pin. Data on the DOUT pin changes on the rising edge of CCLK. Configuration must be delayed until INIT pins of all daisy-chained FPGAs are High. For more information, see "Start-up," page 19. Figure 16 shows the timing for Slave Serial configuration. The serial bitstream must be setup at the DIN input pin a short time before each rising edge of an externally generated CCLK. 3.3V M0 M1 M2 VCCO VCCINT 2.5V 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V 3.3 K Spartan-II (Slave) DONE INIT GND CLK DATA PROM CE PROGRAM DOUT CCLK Vcc DIN VCCINT DIN Spartan-II (Master Serial) CCLK VCCO M0 M1 M2 DOUT 2.5V CEO RESET/OE PROGRAM DONE GND INIT GND PROGRAM DS001_15_060608 Notes: 1. If the DriveDone configuration option is not active for any of the FPGAs, pull up DONE with a 330 resistor. Figure 15: Master/Slave Serial Configuration Circuit Diagram DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 2 of 4 21 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description DIN TCCD TDCC TCCL CCLK TCCH TCCO DOUT (Output) DS001_16_032300 . Symbol Description Units TDCC DIN setup 5 ns, min TCCD DIN hold 0 ns, min DOUT 12 ns, max High time 5 ns, min TCCL Low time 5 ns, min FCC Maximum frequency 66 MHz, max TCCO TCCH CCLK Figure 16: Slave Serial Mode Timing DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 2 of 4 22 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description Master Serial Mode In Master Serial mode, the CCLK output of the FPGA drives a Xilinx PROM which feeds a serial stream of configuration data to the FPGA's DIN input. Figure 15 shows a Master Serial FPGA configuring a Slave Serial FPGA from a PROM. A Spartan-II device in Master Serial mode should be connected as shown for the device on the left side. Master Serial mode is selected by a <00x> on the mode pins (M0, M1, M2). The PROM RESET pin is driven by INIT, and CE input is driven by DONE. The interface is identical to the slave serial mode except that an oscillator internal to the FPGA is used to generate the configuration clock (CCLK). Any of a number of different frequencies ranging from 4 to 60 MHz can be set using the ConfigRate option in the Xilinx software. On power-up, while the first 60 bytes of the configuration data are being loaded, the CCLK frequency is always 2.5 MHz. This frequency is used until the ConfigRate bits, part of the configuration file, have been loaded into the FPGA, at which point, the frequency changes to the selected ConfigRate. Unless a different frequency is specified in the design, the default ConfigRate is 4 MHz. The frequency of the CCLK signal created by the internal oscillator has a variance of +45%, -30% from the specified value. Figure 17 shows the timing for Master Serial configuration. The FPGA accepts one bit of configuration data on each rising CCLK edge. After the FPGA has been loaded, the data for the next device in a daisy-chain is presented on the DOUT pin after the rising CCLK edge. CCLK (Output) TCKDS TDSCK Serial Data In TCCO Serial DOUT (Output) DS001_17_110101 . Symbol Description TDSCK TCKDS CCLK Units DIN setup 5.0 ns, min DIN hold 0.0 ns, min +45%, -30% - Frequency tolerance with respect to nominal Figure 17: Master Serial Mode Timing Slave Parallel Mode The Slave Parallel mode is the fastest configuration option. Byte-wide data is written into the FPGA. A BUSY flag is provided for controlling the flow of data at a clock frequency FCCNH above 50 MHz. Figure 18, page 24 shows the connections for two Spartan-II devices using the Slave Parallel mode. Slave Parallel mode is selected by a <011> on the mode pins (M0, M1, M2). If a configuration file of the format .bit, .rbt, or non-swapped HEX is used for parallel programming, then the most significant bit (i.e. the left-most bit of each configuration byte, as displayed in a text editor) must be routed to the D0 input on the FPGA. DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification The agent controlling configuration is not shown. Typically, a processor, a microcontroller, or CPLD controls the Slave Parallel interface. The controlling agent provides byte-wide configuration data, CCLK, a Chip Select (CS) signal and a Write signal (WRITE). If BUSY is asserted (High) by the FPGA, the data must be held until BUSY goes Low. After configuration, the pins of the Slave Parallel port (D0-D7) can be used as additional user I/O. Alternatively, the port may be retained to permit high-speed 8-bit readback. Then data can be read by de-asserting WRITE. See "Readback," page 25. Module 2 of 4 23 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description DATA[7:0] CCLK WRITE BUSY M1 M2 M1 M2 M0 M0 Spartan-II FPGA Spartan-II FPGA D0:D7 D0:D7 CCLK CCLK WRITE WRITE BUSY CS(0) 330 BUSY CS(1) CS CS PROGRAM PROGRAM DONE INIT GND DONE INIT GND DONE INIT PROGRAM DS001_18_060608 Figure 18: Slave Parallel Configuration Circuit Diagram Multiple Spartan-II FPGAs can be configured using the Slave Parallel mode, and be made to start-up simultaneously. To configure multiple devices in this way, wire the individual CCLK, Data, WRITE, and BUSY pins of all the devices in parallel. The individual devices are loaded separately by asserting the CS pin of each device in turn and writing the appropriate data. Sync-to-DONE start-up timing is used to ensure that the start-up sequence does not begin until all the FPGAs have been loaded. See "Start-up," page 19. Write When using the Slave Parallel Mode, write operations send packets of byte-wide configuration data into the FPGA. Figure 19, page 25 shows a flowchart of the write sequence used to load data into the Spartan-II FPGA. This is an expansion of the "Load Configuration Data Frames" block in Figure 11, page 18. The timing for write operations is shown in Figure 20, page 26. DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification For the present example, the user holds WRITE and CS Low throughout the sequence of write operations. Note that when CS is asserted on successive CCLKs, WRITE must remain either asserted or de-asserted. Otherwise an abort will be initiated, as in the next section. 1. Drive data onto D0-D7. Note that to avoid contention, the data source should not be enabled while CS is Low and WRITE is High. Similarly, while WRITE is High, no more than one device's CS should be asserted. 2. On the rising edge of CCLK: If BUSY is Low, the data is accepted on this clock. If BUSY is High (from a previous write), the data is not accepted. Acceptance will instead occur on the first clock after BUSY goes Low, and the data must be held until this happens. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until all the data has been sent. 4. De-assert CS and WRITE. Module 2 of 4 24 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description If CCLK is slower than FCCNH, the FPGA will never assert BUSY. In this case, the above handshake is unnecessary, and data can simply be entered into the FPGA every CCLK cycle. interface does not expect any data and ignores all CCLK transitions. However, to avoid aborting configuration, WRITE must continue to be asserted while CS is asserted. Abort To abort configuration during a write sequence, de-assert WRITE while holding CS Low. The abort operation is initiated at the rising edge of CCLK, as shown in Figure 21, page 26. The device will remain BUSY until the aborted operation is complete. After aborting configuration, data is assumed to be unaligned to word boundaries and the FPGA requires a new synchronization word prior to accepting any new packets. After INIT Goes High User Drives WRITE and CS Low Boundary-Scan Mode In the boundary-scan mode, no nondedicated pins are required, configuration being done entirely through the IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port. Load One Configuration Byte on Next CCLK Rising Edge FPGA Driving BUSY High? Configuration through the TAP uses the special CFG_IN instruction. This instruction allows data input on TDI to be converted into data packets for the internal configuration bus. Yes The following steps are required to configure the FPGA through the boundary-scan port. 1. Load the CFG_IN instruction into the boundary-scan instruction register (IR) No 2. Enter the Shift-DR (SDR) state End of Configuration Data File? No 3. Shift a standard configuration bitstream into TDI 4. Return to Run-Test-Idle (RTI) 5. Load the JSTART instruction into IR Yes 6. Enter the SDR state 7. Clock TCK through the sequence (the length is programmable) User Drives WRITE and CS High 8. Return to RTI Configuration and readback via the TAP is always available. The boundary-scan mode simply locks out the other modes. The boundary-scan mode is selected by a <10x> on the mode pins (M0, M1, M2). To CRC Check DS001_19_032300 Figure 19: Loading Configuration Data for the Slave Parallel Mode A configuration packet does not have to be written in one continuous stretch, rather it can be split into many write sequences. Each sequence would involve assertion of CS. In applications where multiple clock cycles may be required to access the configuration data before each byte can be loaded into the Slave Parallel interface, a new byte of data may not be ready for each consecutive CCLK edge. In such a case the CS signal may be de-asserted until the next byte is valid on D0-D7. While CS is High, the Slave Parallel DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Readback The configuration data stored in the Spartan-II FPGA configuration memory can be readback for verification. Along with the configuration data it is possible to readback the contents of all flip-flops/latches, LUT RAMs, and block RAMs. This capability is used for real-time debugging. For more detailed information see XAPP176, Spartan-II FPGA Family Configuration and Readback. Module 2 of 4 25 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description CCLK CS TSMCCCS TSMCSCC TSMWCC TSMCCW WRITE TSMDCC TSMCCD DATA[7:0] TSMCKBY BUSY No Write Write Symbol No Write Write DS001_20_061200 Description Units TSMDCC D0-D7 setup/hold 5 ns, min TSMCCD D0-D7 hold 0 ns, min TSMCSCC CS setup 7 ns, min TSMCCCS CS hold 0 ns, min WRITE setup 7 ns, min TSMWCC WRITE hold 0 ns, min TSMCKBY BUSY propagation delay 12 ns, max FCC Maximum frequency 66 MHz, max FCCNH Maximum frequency with no handshake 50 MHz, max TSMCCW CCLK Figure 20: Slave Parallel Write Timing CCLK CS WRITE DATA[7:0] BUSY Abort DS001_21_032300 Figure 21: Slave Parallel Write Abort Waveforms DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 2 of 4 26 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description Design Considerations This section contains more detailed design information on the following features: * * * Delay-Locked Loop . . . see page 27 Block RAM . . . see page 32 Versatile I/O . . . see page 36 the device configuration process until after the DLL achieves lock. By taking advantage of the DLL to remove on-chip clock delay, the designer can greatly simplify and improve system level design involving high-fanout, high-performance clocks. Library DLL Primitives Using Delay-Locked Loops The Spartan-II FPGA family provides up to four fully digital dedicated on-chip Delay-Locked Loop (DLL) circuits which provide zero propagation delay, low clock skew between output clock signals distributed throughout the device, and advanced clock domain control. These dedicated DLLs can be used to implement several circuits that improve and simplify system level design. Figure 22 shows the simplified Xilinx library DLL macro, BUFGDLL. This macro delivers a quick and efficient way to provide a system clock with zero propagation delay throughout the device. Figure 23 and Figure 24 show the two library DLL primitives. These primitives provide access to the complete set of DLL features when implementing more complex applications. I Introduction Quality on-chip clock distribution is important. Clock skew and clock delay impact device performance and the task of managing clock skew and clock delay with conventional clock trees becomes more difficult in large devices. The Spartan-II family of devices resolve this potential problem by providing up to four fully digital dedicated on-chip Delay-Locked Loop (DLL) circuits which provide zero propagation delay and low clock skew between output clock signals distributed throughout the device. DS001_22_032300 Figure 22: Simplified DLL Macro BUFGDLL CLKDLL CLKIN Each DLL can drive up to two global clock routing networks within the device. The global clock distribution network minimizes clock skews due to loading differences. By monitoring a sample of the DLL output clock, the DLL can compensate for the delay on the routing network, effectively eliminating the delay from the external input port to the individual clock loads within the device. CLKFB CLKDV RST LOCKED DS001_23_032300 Figure 23: Standard DLL Primitive CLKDLL Clock multiplication gives the designer a number of design alternatives. For instance, a 50 MHz source clock doubled by the DLL can drive an FPGA design operating at 100 MHz. This technique can simplify board design because the clock path on the board no longer distributes such a high-speed signal. A multiplied clock also provides designers the option of time-domain-multiplexing, using one circuit twice per clock cycle, consuming less area than two copies of the same circuit. CLKDLLHF CLKIN CLKFB CLK0 CLK180 CLKDV The DLL can also act as a clock mirror. By driving the DLL output off-chip and then back in again, the DLL can be used to de-skew a board level clock between multiple devices. DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification CLK0 CLK90 CLK180 CLK270 CLK2X In addition to providing zero delay with respect to a user source clock, the DLL can provide multiple phases of the source clock. The DLL can also act as a clock doubler or it can divide the user source clock by up to 16. In order to guarantee the system clock establishes prior to the device "waking up," the DLL can delay the completion of O 0 ns RST LOCKED DS001_24_032300 Figure 24: High-Frequency DLL Primitive CLKDLLHF Module 2 of 4 27 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description BUFGDLL Pin Descriptions Use the BUFGDLL macro as the simplest way to provide zero propagation delay for a high-fanout on-chip clock from an external input. This macro uses the IBUFG, CLKDLL and BUFG primitives to implement the most basic DLL application as shown in Figure 25. IBUFG I O CLKDLL CLKIN CLKFB CLK0 CLK90 CLK180 CLK270 BUFG I O CLKDV The DLL requires a reference or feedback signal to provide the delay-compensated output. Connect only the CLK0 or CLK2X DLL outputs to the feedback clock input (CLKFB) pin to provide the necessary feedback to the DLL. Either a global clock buffer (BUFG) or one of the global clock input buffers (IBUFG) on the same edge of the device (top or bottom) must source this clock signal. 1. An external input port must source the signal that drives the IBUFG I pin. LOCKED DS001_25_032300 Figure 25: BUFGDLL Block Diagram This macro does not provide access to the advanced clock domain controls or to the clock multiplication or clock division features of the DLL. This macro also does not provide access to the RST or LOCKED pins of the DLL. For access to these features, a designer must use the DLL primitives described in the following sections. Source Clock Input -- I The I pin provides the user source clock, the clock signal on which the DLL operates, to the BUFGDLL. For the BUFGDLL macro the source clock frequency must fall in the low frequency range as specified in the data sheet. The BUFGDLL requires an external signal source clock. Therefore, only an external input port can source the signal that drives the BUFGDLL I pin. Clock Output -- O The clock output pin O represents a delay-compensated version of the source clock (I) signal. This signal, sourced by a global clock buffer BUFG primitive, takes advantage of the dedicated global clock routing resources of the device. The output clock has a 50/50 duty cycle unless you deactivate the duty cycle correction property. CLKDLL Primitive Pin Descriptions The library CLKDLL primitives provide access to the complete set of DLL features needed when implementing more complex applications with the DLL. Source Clock Input -- CLKIN The CLKIN pin provides the user source clock (the clock signal on which the DLL operates) to the DLL. The CLKIN frequency must fall in the ranges specified in the data sheet. A global clock buffer (BUFG) driven from another CLKDLL DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Feedback Clock Input -- CLKFB If an IBUFG sources the CLKFB pin, the following special rules apply. CLK2X RST or one of the global clock input buffers (IBUFG) on the same edge of the device (top or bottom) must source this clock signal. 2. The CLK2X output must feed back to the device if both the CLK0 and CLK2X outputs are driving off chip devices. 3. That signal must directly drive only OBUFs and nothing else. These rules enable the software to determine which DLL clock output sources the CLKFB pin. Reset Input -- RST When the reset pin RST activates, the LOCKED signal deactivates within four source clock cycles. The RST pin, active High, must either connect to a dynamic signal or be tied to ground. As the DLL delay taps reset to zero, glitches can occur on the DLL clock output pins. Activation of the RST pin can also severely affect the duty cycle of the clock output pins. Furthermore, the DLL output clocks no longer deskew with respect to one another. The DLL must be reset when the input clock frequency changes, if the device is reconfigured in Boundary-Scan mode, if the device undergoes a hot swap, and after the device is configured if the input clock is not stable during the startup sequence. 2x Clock Output -- CLK2X The output pin CLK2X provides a frequency-doubled clock with an automatic 50/50 duty-cycle correction. Until the CLKDLL has achieved lock, the CLK2X output appears as a 1x version of the input clock with a 25/75 duty cycle. This behavior allows the DLL to lock on the correct edge with respect to source clock. This pin is not available on the CLKDLLHF primitive. Clock Divide Output -- CLKDV The clock divide output pin CLKDV provides a lower frequency version of the source clock. The CLKDV_DIVIDE property controls CLKDV such that the source clock is divided by N where N is either 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 8, or 16. This feature provides automatic duty cycle correction. The CLKDV output pin has a 50/50 duty cycle for all values of the Module 2 of 4 28 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description division factor N except for non-integer division in High Frequency (HF) mode. For division factor 1.5 the duty cycle in the HF mode is 33.3% High and 66.7% Low. For division factor 2.5, the duty cycle in the HF mode is 40.0% High and 60.0% Low. 1x Clock Outputs -- CLK[0|90|180|270] The 1x clock output pin CLK0 represents a delay-compensated version of the source clock (CLKIN) signal. The CLKDLL primitive provides three phase-shifted versions of the CLK0 signal while CLKDLLHF provides only the 180 degree phase-shifted version. The relationship between phase shift and the corresponding period shift appears in Table 10. The timing diagrams in Figure 26 illustrate the DLL clock output characteristics. spurious movement. In particular the CLK2X output will appear as a 1x clock with a 25/75 duty cycle. DLL Properties Properties provide access to some of the Spartan-II family DLL features, (for example, clock division and duty cycle correction). Duty Cycle Correction Property The 1x clock outputs, CLK0, CLK90, CLK180, and CLK270, use the duty-cycle corrected default, such that they exhibit a 50/50 duty cycle. The DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION property (by default TRUE) controls this feature. To deactivate the DLL duty-cycle correction for the 1x clock outputs, attach the DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION=FALSE property to the DLL primitive. 0 Table 10: Relationship of Phase-Shifted Output Clock to Period Shift Phase (degrees) Period Shift (percent) 0 0% 90 25% 180 50% 270 75% 90 180 270 T 0 90 180 270 CLKIN CLK2X CLKDV_DIVIDE = 2 CLKDV The DLL provides duty cycle correction on all 1x clock outputs such that all 1x clock outputs by default have a 50/50 duty cycle. The DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION property (TRUE by default), controls this feature. In order to deactivate the DLL duty cycle correction, attach the DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION=FALSE property to the DLL primitive. When duty cycle correction deactivates, the output clock has the same duty cycle as the source clock. DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION = FALSE The DLL clock outputs can drive an OBUF, a BUFG, or they can route directly to destination clock pins. The DLL clock outputs can only drive the BUFGs that reside on the same edge (top or bottom). DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION = TRUE CLK0 CLK90 CLK180 CLK270 CLK0 CLK90 Locked Output -- LOCKED In order to achieve lock, the DLL may need to sample several thousand clock cycles. After the DLL achieves lock the LOCKED signal activates. The "DLL Timing Parameters" section of Module 3 provides estimates for locking times. In order to guarantee that the system clock is established prior to the device "waking up," the DLL can delay the completion of the device configuration process until after the DLL locks. The STARTUP_WAIT property activates this feature. Until the LOCKED signal activates, the DLL output clocks are not valid and can exhibit glitches, spikes, or other DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification CLK180 CLK270 DS001_26_032300 Figure 26: DLL Output Characteristics Clock Divide Property The CLKDV_DIVIDE property specifies how the signal on the CLKDV pin is frequency divided with respect to the CLK0 pin. The values allowed for this property are 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 8, or 16; the default value is 2. Module 2 of 4 29 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description Startup Delay Property This property, STARTUP_WAIT, takes on a value of TRUE or FALSE (the default value). When TRUE the Startup Sequence following device configuration is paused at a user-specified point until the DLL locks. XAPP176: Configuration and Readback of the Spartan-II and Spartan-IIE Families explains how this can result in delaying the assertion of the DONE pin until the DLL locks. DLL Location Constraints The DLLs are distributed such that there is one DLL in each corner of the device. The location constraint LOC, attached to the DLL primitive with the numeric identifier 0, 1, 2, or 3, controls DLL location. The orientation of the four DLLs and their corresponding clock resources appears in Figure 27. The LOC property uses the following form. LOC = DLL2 GCLKPAD3 DLL3 GCLKPAD2 GCLKBUF2 GCLKBUF1 GCLKBUF0 DLL1 GCLKPAD1 Input Clock Changes Changing the period of the input clock beyond the maximum drift amount requires a manual reset of the CLKDLL. Failure to reset the DLL will produce an unreliable lock signal and output clock. It is possible to stop the input clock in a way that has little impact to the DLL. Stopping the clock should be limited to less than approximately 100 s to keep device cooling to a minimum and maintain the validity of the current tap setting. The clock should be stopped during a Low phase, and when restored the full High period should be seen. During this time LOCKED will stay High and remain High when the clock is restored. If these conditions may not be met in the design, apply a manual reset to the DLL after re-starting the input clock, even if the LOCKED signal has not changed. When the clock is stopped, one to four more clocks will still be observed as the delay line is flushed. When the clock is restarted, the output clocks will not be observed for one to four clocks as the delay line is filled. The most common case will be two or three clocks. DLL2 GCLKBUF3 clock period. The DLL operates reliably on an input waveform with a frequency drift of up to 1 ns -- orders of magnitude in excess of that needed to support any crystal oscillator in the industry. However, the cycle-to-cycle jitter must be kept to less than 300 ps in the low frequencies and 150 ps for the high frequencies. DLL0 In a similar manner, a phase shift of the input clock is also possible. The phase shift will propagate to the output one to four clocks after the original shift, with no disruption to the CLKDLL control. GCLKPAD0 Output Clocks DS001_27_061308 Figure 27: Orientation of DLLs Design Considerations Use the following design considerations to avoid pitfalls and improve success designing with Xilinx devices. Input Clock The output clock signal of a DLL, essentially a delayed version of the input clock signal, reflects any instability on the input clock in the output waveform. For this reason the quality of the DLL input clock relates directly to the quality of the output clock waveforms generated by the DLL. The DLL input clock requirements are specified in the "DLL Timing Parameters" section of the data sheet. As mentioned earlier in the DLL pin descriptions, some restrictions apply regarding the connectivity of the output pins. The DLL clock outputs can drive an OBUF, a global clock buffer BUFG, or route directly to destination clock pins. The only BUFGs that the DLL clock outputs can drive are the two on the same edge of the device (top or bottom). One DLL output can drive more than one OBUF; however, this adds skew. Do not use the DLL output clock signals until after activation of the LOCKED signal. Prior to the activation of the LOCKED signal, the DLL output clocks are not valid and can exhibit glitches, spikes, or other spurious movement. In most systems a crystal oscillator generates the system clock. The DLL can be used with any commercially available quartz crystal oscillator. For example, most crystal oscillators produce an output waveform with a frequency tolerance of 100 PPM, meaning 0.01 percent change in the DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 2 of 4 30 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description Useful Application Examples The Spartan-II FPGA DLL can be used in a variety of creative and useful applications. The following examples show some of the more common applications. If other clock output is needed, the clock could access a BUFG only if the DLLs are constrained to exist on opposite edges (Top or Bottom) of the device. Standard Usage IBUFG CLKDLL CLKIN CLK0 CLK90 CLKFB CLK180 CLK270 The circuit shown in Figure 28 resembles the BUFGDLL macro implemented to provide access to the RST and LOCKED pins of the CLKDLL. BUFG IBUFG CLKDLL CLKIN CLKFB CLK2X BUFG CLK0 CLK90 CLK180 CLK270 CLKDV RST LOCKED D CLKDV RST Q WCLK CLK2X IBUF INV SRL16 OBUF A3 A2 A1 A0 CLKDLL LOCKED CLKIN CLK0 CLK90 CLKFB CLK180 CLK270 DS001_28_061200 Figure 28: Standard DLL Implementation BUFG CLK2X Deskew of Clock and Its 2x Multiple CLKDV The circuit shown in Figure 29 implements a 2x clock multiplier and also uses the CLK0 clock output with zero ns skew between registers on the same chip. A clock divider circuit could alternatively be implemented using similar connections. RST OBUF LOCKED DS001_30_061200 IBUFG CLKDLL CLKIN CLKFB BUFG Figure 30: DLL Generation of 4x Clock CLK0 CLK90 CLK180 CLK270 When using this circuit it is vital to use the SRL16 cell to reset the second DLL after the initial chip reset. If this is not done, the second DLL may not recognize the change of frequencies from when the input changes from a 1x (25/75) waveform to a 2x (50/50) waveform. It is not recommended to cascade more than two DLLs. BUFG CLK2X IBUF CLKDV RST OBUF LOCKED DS001_29_061200 Figure 29: DLL Deskew of Clock and 2x Multiple For design examples and more information on using the DLL, see XAPP174, Using Delay-Locked Loops in Spartan-II FPGAs. Because any single DLL can only access at most two BUFGs, any additional output clock signals must be routed from the DLL in this example on the high speed backbone routing. Generating a 4x Clock By connecting two DLL circuits each implementing a 2x clock multiplier in series as shown in Figure 30, a 4x clock multiply can be implemented with zero skew between registers in the same device. DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 2 of 4 31 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description Using Block RAM Features Library Primitives The Spartan-II FPGA family provides dedicated blocks of on-chip, true dual-read/write port synchronous RAM, with 4096 memory cells. Each port of the block RAM memory can be independently configured as a read/write port, a read port, a write port, and can be configured to a specific data width. The block RAM memory offers new capabilities allowing the FPGA designer to simplify designs. Figure 31 and Figure 32 show the two generic library block RAM primitives. Table 11 describes all of the available primitives for synthesis and simulation. RAMB4_S#_S# WEA ENA RSTA CLKA ADDRA[#:0] DIA[#:0] Operating Modes Block RAM memory supports two operating modes. * * Read Through Write Back WEB ENB RSTB CLKB ADDRB[#:0] DIB[#:0] Read Through (One Clock Edge) The read address is registered on the read port clock edge and data appears on the output after the RAM access time. Some memories may place the latch/register at the outputs depending on the desire to have a faster clock-to-out versus setup time. This is generally considered to be an inferior solution since it changes the read operation to an asynchronous function with the possibility of missing an address/control line transition during the generation of the read pulse clock. DOB[#:0] DS001_31_061200 Figure 31: Dual-Port Block RAM Memory RAMB4_S# WE EN RST Write Back (One Clock Edge) DO[#:0] CLK ADDR[#:0] DI[#:0] The write address is registered on the write port clock edge and the data input is written to the memory and mirrored on the write port input. Block RAM Characteristics DOA[#:0] DS001_32_061200 Figure 32: Single-Port Block RAM Memory Table 11: Available Library Primitives 1. All inputs are registered with the port clock and have a setup to clock timing specification. 2. All outputs have a read through or write back function depending on the state of the port WE pin. The outputs relative to the port clock are available after the clock-to-out timing specification. 3. The block RAM are true SRAM memories and do not have a combinatorial path from the address to the output. The LUT cells in the CLBs are still available with this function. 4. The ports are completely independent from each other (i.e., clocking, control, address, read/write function, and data width) without arbitration. Primitive Port A Width Port B Width RAMB4_S1 RAMB4_S1_S1 RAMB4_S1_S2 RAMB4_S1_S4 RAMB4_S1_S8 RAMB4_S1_S16 1 N/A 1 2 4 8 16 RAMB4_S2 RAMB4_S2_S2 RAMB4_S2_S4 RAMB4_S2_S8 RAMB4_S2_S16 2 N/A 2 4 8 16 5. A write operation requires only one clock edge. 6. A read operation requires only one clock edge. The output ports are latched with a self timed circuit to guarantee a glitch free read. The state of the output port will not change until the port executes another read or write operation. DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 2 of 4 32 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description Table 11: Available Library Primitives Primitive Reset--RST[A|B] Port A Width Port B Width RAMB4_S4 RAMB4_S4_S4 RAMB4_S4_S8 RAMB4_S4_S16 4 N/A 4 8 16 RAMB4_S8 RAMB4_S8_S8 RAMB4_S8_S16 8 N/A 8 16 The address bus selects the memory cells for read or write. The width of the port determines the required width of this bus as shown in Table 12. RAMB4_S16 RAMB4_S16_S16 16 N/A 16 Data In Bus--DI[A|B]<#:0> Address Bus--ADDR[A|B]<#:0> The data in bus provides the new data value to be written into the RAM. This bus and the port have the same width, as shown in Table 12. Port Signals Each block RAM port operates independently of the others while accessing the same set of 4096 memory cells. Table 12 describes the depth and width aspect ratios for the block RAM memory. Table 12: Block RAM Port Aspect Ratios Width Depth ADDR Bus Data Bus 1 4096 ADDR<11:0> DATA<0> 2 2048 ADDR<10:0> DATA<1:0> 4 1024 ADDR<9:0> DATA<3:0> 8 512 ADDR<8:0> DATA<7:0> 16 256 ADDR<7:0> DATA<15:0> Clock--CLK[A|B] Each port is fully synchronous with independent clock pins. All port input pins have setup time referenced to the port CLK pin. The data output bus has a clock-to-out time referenced to the CLK pin. Enable--EN[A|B] The enable pin affects the read, write and reset functionality of the port. Ports with an inactive enable pin keep the output pins in the previous state and do not write data to the memory cells. Write Enable--WE[A|B] Activating the write enable pin allows the port to write to the memory cells. When active, the contents of the data input bus are written to the RAM at the address pointed to by the address bus, and the new data also reflects on the data out bus. When inactive, a read operation occurs and the contents of the memory cells referenced by the address bus reflect on the data out bus. DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification The reset pin forces the data output bus latches to zero synchronously. This does not affect the memory cells of the RAM and does not disturb a write operation on the other port. Data Output Bus--DO[A|B]<#:0> The data out bus reflects the contents of the memory cells referenced by the address bus at the last active clock edge. During a write operation, the data out bus reflects the data in bus. The width of this bus equals the width of the port. The allowed widths appear in Table 12. Inverting Control Pins The four control pins (CLK, EN, WE and RST) for each port have independent inversion control as a configuration option. Address Mapping Each port accesses the same set of 4096 memory cells using an addressing scheme dependent on the width of the port. The physical RAM location addressed for a particular width are described in the following formula (of interest only when the two ports use different aspect ratios). Start = ([ADDRport + 1] * Widthport) - 1 End = ADDRport * Widthport Table 13 shows low order address mapping for each port width. Table 13: Port Address Mapping Port Widt h Port Addresses 1 4095... 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 2047... 4 1023... 8 511... 16 255... 07 06 05 03 04 03 02 02 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 Module 2 of 4 33 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description Creating Larger RAM Structures The block RAM columns have specialized routing to allow cascading blocks together with minimal routing delays. This achieves wider or deeper RAM structures with a smaller timing penalty than when using normal routing channels. Location Constraints the DI bus. The DI bus is written to the memory location 0x0F. At the third rising edge of the CLK pin, the ADDR, DI, EN, WR, and RST pins are sampled again. The EN pin is High and the WE pin is Low indicating a read operation. The DO bus contains the contents of the memory location 0x7E as indicated by the ADDR bus. Block RAM instances can have LOC properties attached to them to constrain the placement. The block RAM placement locations are separate from the CLB location naming convention, allowing the LOC properties to transfer easily from array to array. At the fourth rising edge of the CLK pin, the ADDR, DI, EN, WR, and RST pins are sampled again. The EN pin is Low indicating that the block RAM memory is now disabled. The DO bus retains the last value. The LOC properties use the following form: Figure 34 shows a timing diagram for a true dual-port read/write block RAM memory. The clock on port A has a longer period than the clock on Port B. The timing parameter TBCCS, (clock-to-clock setup) is shown on this diagram. The parameter, TBCCS is violated once in the diagram. All other timing parameters are identical to the single port version shown in Figure 33. LOC = RAMB4_R#C# RAMB4_R0C0 is the upper left RAMB4 location on the device. Conflict Resolution The block RAM memory is a true dual-read/write port RAM that allows simultaneous access of the same memory cell from both ports. When one port writes to a given memory cell, the other port must not address that memory cell (for a write or a read) within the clock-to-clock setup window. The following lists specifics of port and memory cell write conflict resolution. * * If both ports write to the same memory cell simultaneously, violating the clock-to-clock setup requirement, consider the data stored as invalid. If one port attempts a read of the same memory cell the other simultaneously writes, violating the clock-to-clock setup requirement, the following occurs. - The write succeeds - The data out on the writing port accurately reflects the data written. - The data out on the reading port is invalid. Conflicts do not cause any physical damage. Single Port Timing Figure 33 shows a timing diagram for a single port of a block RAM memory. The block RAM AC switching characteristics are specified in the data sheet. The block RAM memory is initially disabled. Dual Port Timing TBCCS is only of importance when the address of both ports are the same and at least one port is performing a write operation. When the clock-to-clock set-up parameter is violated for a WRITE-WRITE condition, the contents of the memory at that location will be invalid. When the clock-to-clock set-up parameter is violated for a WRITE-READ condition, the contents of the memory will be correct, but the read port will have invalid data. At the first rising edge of the CLKA, memory location 0x00 is to be written with the value 0xAAAA and is mirrored on the DOA bus. The last operation of Port B was a read to the same memory location 0x00. The DOB bus of Port B does not change with the new value on Port A, and retains the last read value. A short time later, Port B executes another read to memory location 0x00, and the DOB bus now reflects the new memory value written by Port A. At the second rising edge of CLKA, memory location 0x7E is written with the value 0x9999 and is mirrored on the DOA bus. Port B then executes a read operation to the same memory location without violating the TBCCS parameter and the DOB reflects the new memory values written by Port A. At the first rising edge of the CLK pin, the ADDR, DI, EN, WE, and RST pins are sampled. The EN pin is High and the WE pin is Low indicating a read operation. The DO bus contains the contents of the memory location, 0x00, as indicated by the ADDR bus. At the second rising edge of the CLK pin, the ADDR, DI, EN, WR, and RST pins are sampled again. The EN and WE pins are High indicating a write operation. The DO bus mirrors DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 2 of 4 34 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description TBPWH TBPWL CLK TBACK ADDR 00 0F 7E 8F CCCC BBBB 2222 TBDCK DDDD DIN TBCKO DOUT MEM (00) CCCC MEM (7E) TBECK EN RST TBWCK WE DISABLED READ WRITE READ DISABLED DS001_33_061200 Figure 33: Timing Diagram for Single-Port Block RAM Memory TBCCS VIOLATION CLK_A PORT A ADDR_A 00 EN_A 7E 0F 0F 7E TBCCS TBCCS WE_A DI_A AAAA DO_A 9999 AAAA AAAA 9999 1111 0000 AAAA UNKNOWN 2222 CLK_B PORT B ADDR_B 00 00 7E 0F 0F 7E 1A 1111 1111 1111 BBBB 1111 2222 FFFF EN_B WE_B DI_B DO_B MEM (00) AAAA 9999 BBBB UNKNOWN 2222 FFFF DS001_34_061200 Figure 34: Timing Diagram for a True Dual-Port Read/Write Block RAM Memory DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 2 of 4 35 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description At the third rising edge of CLKA, the TBCCS parameter is violated with two writes to memory location 0x0F. The DOA and DOB busses reflect the contents of the DIA and DIB busses, but the stored value at 0x7E is invalid. Table 14: RAM Initialization Properties Property Memory Cells INIT_05 1535 to 1280 INIT_06 1791 to 1536 INIT_07 2047 to 1792 INIT_08 2303 to 2048 INIT_09 2559 to 2304 INIT_0a 2815 to 2560 INIT_0b 3071 to 2816 INIT_0c 3327 to 3072 Initialization INIT_0d 3583 to 3328 The block RAM memory can initialize during the device configuration sequence. The 16 initialization properties of 64 hex values each (a total of 4096 bits) set the initialization of each RAM. These properties appear in Table 14. Any initialization properties not explicitly set configure as zeros. Partial initialization strings pad with zeros. Initialization strings greater than 64 hex values generate an error. The RAMs can be simulated with the initialization values using generics in VHDL simulators and parameters in Verilog simulators. INIT_0e 3839 to 3584 INIT_0f 4095 to 3840 At the fourth rising edge of CLKA, a read operation is performed at memory location 0x0F and invalid data is present on the DOA bus. Port B also executes a read operation to memory location 0x0F and also reads invalid data. At the fifth rising edge of CLKA a read operation is performed that does not violate the TBCCS parameter to the previous write of 0x7E by Port B. THe DOA bus reflects the recently written value by Port B. Initialization in VHDL The block RAM structures may be initialized in VHDL for both simulation and synthesis for inclusion in the EDIF output file. The simulation of the VHDL code uses a generic to pass the initialization. Initialization in Verilog The block RAM structures may be initialized in Verilog for both simulation and synthesis for inclusion in the EDIF output file. The simulation of the Verilog code uses a defparam to pass the initialization. Block Memory Generation The CORE GeneratorTM software generates memory structures using the block RAM features. This program outputs VHDL or Verilog simulation code templates and an EDIF file for inclusion in a design. Table 14: RAM Initialization Properties Property Memory Cells INIT_00 255 to 0 INIT_01 511 to 256 INIT_02 767 to 512 INIT_03 1023 to 768 INIT_04 1279 to 1024 DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification For design examples and more information on using the Block RAM, see XAPP173, Using Block SelectRAM+ Memory in Spartan-II FPGAs. Using Versatile I/O The Spartan-II FPGA family includes a highly configurable, high-performance I/O resource called Versatile I/O to provide support for a wide variety of I/O standards. The Versatile I/O resource is a robust set of features including programmable control of output drive strength, slew rate, and input delay and hold time. Taking advantage of the flexibility and Versatile I/O features and the design considerations described in this document can improve and simplify system level design. Introduction As FPGAs continue to grow in size and capacity, the larger and more complex systems designed for them demand an increased variety of I/O standards. Furthermore, as system clock speeds continue to increase, the need for high-performance I/O becomes more important. While chip-to-chip delays have an increasingly substantial impact on overall system speed, the task of achieving the desired system performance becomes more difficult with the proliferation of low-voltage I/O standards. Versatile I/O, the revolutionary input/output resources of Spartan-II devices, has resolved this potential problem by providing a highly configurable, high-performance alternative to the I/O resources of more conventional programmable devices. The Spartan-II FPGA Versatile I/O features combine the flexibility and time-to-market advantages of programmable logic with the high performance previously available only with ASICs and custom ICs. Each Versatile I/O block can support up to 16 I/O standards. Supporting such a variety of I/O standards allows the Module 2 of 4 36 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description support of a wide variety of applications, from general purpose standard applications to high-speed low-voltage memory busses. Versatile I/O blocks also provide selectable output drive strengths and programmable slew rates for the LVTTL output buffers, as well as an optional, programmable weak pull-up, weak pull-down, or weak "keeper" circuit ideal for use in external bussing applications. Each Input/Output Block (IOB) includes three registers, one each for the input, output, and 3-state signals within the IOB. These registers are optionally configurable as either a D-type flip-flop or as a level sensitive latch. The input buffer has an optional delay element used to guarantee a zero hold time requirement for input signals registered within the IOB. The Versatile I/O features also provide dedicated resources for input reference voltage (VREF) and output source voltage (VCCO), along with a convenient banking system that simplifies board design. By taking advantage of the built-in features and wide variety of I/O standards supported by the Versatile I/O features, system-level design and board design can be greatly simplified and improved. Fundamentals Modern bus applications, pioneered by the largest and most influential companies in the digital electronics industry, are commonly introduced with a new I/O standard tailored specifically to the needs of that application. The bus I/O standards provide specifications to other vendors who create products designed to interface with these applications. Each standard often has its own specifications for current, voltage, I/O buffering, and termination techniques. The ability to provide the flexibility and time-to-market advantages of programmable logic is increasingly dependent on the capability of the programmable logic device to support an ever increasing variety of I/O standards The Versatile I/O resources feature highly configurable input and output buffers which provide support for a wide variety of I/O standards. As shown in Table 15, each buffer type can support a variety of voltage requirements. Table 15: Versatile I/O Supported Standards (Typical Values) I/O Standard Input Reference Voltage (VREF) Output Source Voltage (VCCO) Board Termination Voltage (VTT) LVTTL (2-24 mA) N/A 3.3 N/A LVCMOS2 N/A 2.5 N/A PCI (3V/5V, 33 MHz/66 MHz) N/A 3.3 N/A GTL 0.8 N/A 1.2 GTL+ 1.0 N/A 1.5 HSTL Class I 0.75 1.5 0.75 HSTL Class III 0.9 1.5 1.5 HSTL Class IV 0.9 1.5 1.5 SSTL3 Class I and II 1.5 3.3 1.5 SSTL2 Class I and II 1.25 2.5 1.25 CTT 1.5 3.3 1.5 AGP-2X 1.32 3.3 N/A Overview of Supported I/O Standards This section provides a brief overview of the I/O standards supported by all Spartan-II devices. While most I/O standards specify a range of allowed voltages, this document records typical voltage values only. Detailed information on each specification may be found on the Electronic Industry Alliance JEDEC website at For more details on the I/O standards and termination application examples, see XAPP179, "Using SelectIO Interfaces in Spartan-II and Spartan-IIE FPGAs." LVTTL -- Low-Voltage TTL The Low-Voltage TTL (LVTTL) standard is a general purpose EIA/JESDSA standard for 3.3V applications that uses an LVTTL input buffer and a Push-Pull output buffer. This standard requires a 3.3V output source voltage (VCCO), but does not require the use of a reference voltage (VREF) or a termination voltage (VTT). LVCMOS2 -- Low-Voltage CMOS for 2.5V The Low-Voltage CMOS for 2.5V or lower (LVCMOS2) standard is an extension of the LVCMOS standard (JESD 8.5) used for general purpose 2.5V applications. This standard requires a 2.5V output source voltage (VCCO), but does not require the use of a reference voltage (VREF) or a board termination voltage (VTT). DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 2 of 4 37 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description PCI -- Peripheral Component Interface AGP-2X -- Advanced Graphics Port The Peripheral Component Interface (PCI) standard specifies support for both 33 MHz and 66 MHz PCI bus applications. It uses a LVTTL input buffer and a push-pull output buffer. This standard does not require the use of a reference voltage (VREF) or a board termination voltage (VTT), however, it does require a 3.3V output source voltage (VCCO). I/Os configured for the PCI, 33 MHz, 5V standard are also 5V-tolerant. The AGP standard is a 3.3V Advanced Graphics Port-2X bus standard used with processors for graphics applications. This standard requires a Push-Pull output buffer and a Differential Amplifier input buffer. GTL -- Gunning Transceiver Logic Terminated The Gunning Transceiver Logic (GTL) standard is a high-speed bus standard (JESD8.3). Xilinx has implemented the terminated variation of this standard. This standard requires a differential amplifier input buffer and an open-drain output buffer. GTL+ -- Gunning Transceiver Logic Plus The Gunning Transceiver Logic Plus (GTL+) standard is a high-speed bus standard (JESD8.3). HSTL -- High-Speed Transceiver Logic The High-Speed Transceiver Logic (HSTL) standard is a general purpose high-speed, 1.5V bus standard (EIA/JESD 8-6). This standard has four variations or classes. Versatile I/O devices support Class I, III, and IV. This standard requires a Differential Amplifier input buffer and a Push-Pull output buffer. SSTL3 -- Stub Series Terminated Logic for 3.3V Library Primitives The Xilinx library includes an extensive list of primitives designed to provide support for the variety of Versatile I/O features. Most of these primitives represent variations of the five generic Versatile I/O primitives: * * * * * IBUF (input buffer) IBUFG (global clock input buffer) OBUF (output buffer) OBUFT (3-state output buffer) IOBUF (input/output buffer) These primitives are available with various extensions to define the desired I/O standard. However, it is recommended that customers use a a property or attribute on the generic primitive to specify the I/O standard. See "Versatile I/O Properties". IBUF Signals used as inputs to the Spartan-II device must source an input buffer (IBUF) via an external input port. The generic IBUF primitive appears in Figure 35. The assumed standard is LVTTL when the generic IBUF has no specified extension or property. The Stub Series Terminated Logic for 3.3V (SSTL3) standard is a general purpose 3.3V memory bus standard (JESD8-8). This standard has two classes, I and II. Versatile I/O devices support both classes for the SSTL3 standard. This standard requires a Differential Amplifier input buffer and an Push-Pull output buffer. IBUF I DS001_35_061200 SSTL2 -- Stub Series Terminated Logic for 2.5V The Stub Series Terminated Logic for 2.5V (SSTL2) standard is a general purpose 2.5V memory bus standard (JESD8-9). This standard has two classes, I and II. Versatile I/O devices support both classes for the SSTL2 standard. This standard requires a Differential Amplifier input buffer and an Push-Pull output buffer. CTT -- Center Tap Terminated The Center Tap Terminated (CTT) standard is a 3.3V memory bus standard (JESD8-4). This standard requires a Differential Amplifier input buffer and a Push-Pull output buffer. O Figure 35: Input Buffer (IBUF) Primitive When the IBUF primitive supports an I/O standard such as LVTTL, LVCMOS, or PCI33_5, the IBUF automatically configures as a 5V tolerant input buffer unless the VCCO for the bank is less than 2V. If the single-ended IBUF is placed in a bank with an HSTL standard (VCCO < 2V), the input buffer is not 5V tolerant. The voltage reference signal is "banked" within the Spartan-II device on a half-edge basis such that for all packages there are eight independent VREF banks internally. See Figure 36 for a representation of the I/O banks. Within each bank approximately one of every six I/O pins is automatically configured as a VREF input. IBUF placement restrictions require that any differential amplifier input signals within a bank be of the same standard. How to specify a specific location for the IBUF via DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 2 of 4 38 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description the LOC property is described below. Table 16 summarizes the input standards compatibility requirements. only drive a CLKDLL, CLKDLLHF, or a BUFG primitive. The generic IBUFG primitive appears in Figure 37. An optional delay element is associated with each IBUF. When the IBUF drives a flip-flop within the IOB, the delay element by default activates to ensure a zero hold-time requirement. The NODELAY=TRUE property overrides this default. When the IBUF does not drive a flip-flop within the IOB, the delay element de-activates by default to provide higher performance. To delay the input signal, activate the delay element with the DELAY=TRUE property. GCLK3 GCLK2 Bank 5 GCLK0 Bank 4 DS001_03_060100 Figure 36: I/O Banks Rule 2 DS001_37_061200 Figure 37: Global Clock Input Buffer (IBUFG) Primitive With no extension or property specified for the generic IBUFG primitive, the assumed standard is LVTTL. As an added convenience, the BUFGP can be used to instantiate a high fanout clock input. The BUFGP primitive represents a combination of the LVTTL IBUFG and BUFG primitives, such that the output of the BUFGP can connect directly to the clock pins throughout the design. The Spartan-II FPGA BUFGP primitive can only be placed in a global clock pad location. The LOC property can specify a location for the BUFGP. Table 16: Xilinx Input Standards Compatibility Requirements Rule 1 O IBUFG placement restrictions require any differential amplifier input signals within a bank be of the same standard. The LOC property can specify a location for the IBUFG. Bank 3 Bank 6 Spartan-II Device GCLK1 I The voltage reference signal is "banked" within the Spartan-II device on a half-edge basis such that for all packages there are eight independent VREF banks internally. See Figure 36 for a representation of the I/O banks. Within each bank approximately one of every six I/O pins is automatically configured as a VREF input. Bank 1 Bank 2 Bank 7 Bank 0 IBUFG All differential amplifier input signals within a bank are required to be of the same standard. There are no placement restrictions for inputs with standards that require a single-ended input buffer. OBUF An OBUF must drive outputs through an external output port. The generic output buffer (OBUF) primitive appears in Figure 38. OBUF IBUFG I Signals used as high fanout clock inputs to the Spartan-II device should drive a global clock input buffer (IBUFG) via an external input port in order to take advantage of one of the four dedicated global clock distribution networks. The output of the IBUFG primitive can O DS001_38_061200 Figure 38: Output Buffer (OBUF) Primitive With no extension or property specified for the generic OBUF primitive, the assumed standard is slew rate limited LVTTL with 12 mA drive strength. The LVTTL OBUF additionally can support one of two slew rate modes to minimize bus transients. By default, the slew rate for each output buffer is reduced to minimize power bus transients when switching non-critical signals. DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 2 of 4 39 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description LVTTL output buffers have selectable drive strengths. The format for LVTTL OBUF primitive names is as follows. <slew_rate> can be either F (Fast), or S (Slow) and <drive_strength> is specified in milliamps (2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, or 24). OBUF_<slew_rate>_<drive_strength> <slew_rate> is either F (Fast), or S (Slow) and <drive_strength> is specified in milliamps (2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, or 24). The default is slew rate limited with 12 mA drive. OBUF placement restrictions require that within a given VCCO bank each OBUF share the same output source drive voltage. Input buffers of any type and output buffers that do not require VCCO can be placed within any VCCO bank. Table 17 summarizes the output compatibility requirements. The LOC property can specify a location for the OBUF. Table 17: Output Standards Compatibility Requirements Rule 1 Only outputs with standards which share compatible VCCO may be used within the same bank. Rule 2 There are no placement restrictions for outputs with standards that do not require a VCCO. VCCO Compatible Standards 3.3 LVTTL, SSTL3_I, SSTL3_II, CTT, AGP, GTL, GTL+, PCI33_3, PCI66_3 2.5 SSTL2_I, SSTL2_II, LVCMOS2, GTL, GTL+ 1.5 HSTL_I, HSTL_III, HSTL_IV, GTL, GTL+ OBUFT The generic 3-state output buffer OBUFT, shown in Figure 39, typically implements 3-state outputs or bidirectional I/O. With no extension or property specified for the generic OBUFT primitive, the assumed standard is slew rate limited LVTTL with 12 mA drive strength. The LVTTL OBUFT can support one of two slew rate modes to minimize bus transients. By default, the slew rate for each output buffer is reduced to minimize power bus transients when switching non-critical signals. LVTTL 3-state output buffers have selectable drive strengths. The format for LVTTL OBUFT primitive names is as follows. OBUFT_<slew_rate>_<drive_strength> T I IOBUFT IO DS001_39_032300 Figure 39: 3-State Output Buffer Primitive (OBUFT The Versatile I/O OBUFT placement restrictions require that within a given VCCO bank each OBUFT share the same output source drive voltage. Input buffers of any type and output buffers that do not require VCCO can be placed within the same VCCO bank. The LOC property can specify a location for the OBUFT. 3-state output buffers and bidirectional buffers can have either a weak pull-up resistor, a weak pull-down resistor, or a weak "keeper" circuit. Control this feature by adding the appropriate primitive to the output net of the OBUFT (PULLUP, PULLDOWN, or KEEPER). The weak "keeper" circuit requires the input buffer within the IOB to sample the I/O signal. So, OBUFTs programmed for an I/O standard that requires a VREF have automatic placement of a VREF in the bank with an OBUFT configured with a weak "keeper" circuit. This restriction does not affect most circuit design as applications using an OBUFT configured with a weak "keeper" typically implement a bidirectional I/O. In this case the IBUF (and the corresponding VREF) are explicitly placed. The LOC property can specify a location for the OBUFT. IOBUF Use the IOBUF primitive for bidirectional signals that require both an input buffer and a 3-state output buffer with an active high 3-state pin. The generic input/output buffer IOBUF appears in Figure 40. With no extension or property specified for the generic IOBUF primitive, the assumed standard is LVTTL input buffer and slew rate limited LVTTL with 12 mA drive strength for the output buffer. The LVTTL IOBUF can support one of two slew rate modes to minimize bus transients. By default, the slew rate for each output buffer is reduced to minimize power bus transients when switching non-critical signals. LVTTL bidirectional buffers have selectable output drive strengths. The format for LVTTL IOBUF primitive names is as follows: DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 2 of 4 40 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description Versatile I/O Properties IOBUF_<slew_rate>_<drive_strength> <slew_rate> can be either F (Fast), or S (Slow) and <drive_strength> is specified in milliamps (2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, or 24). T I Input Delay Properties IOBUF An optional delay element is associated with each IBUF. When the IBUF drives a flip-flop within the IOB, the delay element activates by default to ensure a zero hold-time requirement. Use the NODELAY=TRUE property to override this default. IO In the case when the IBUF does not drive a flip-flop within the IOB, the delay element by default de-activates to provide higher performance. To delay the input signal, activate the delay element with the DELAY=TRUE property. O DS001_40_061200 Figure 40: Input/Output Buffer Primitiveprimitive (IOBUF) When the IOBUF primitive supports an I/O standard such as LVTTL, LVCMOS, or PCI33_5, the IBUF automatically configures as a 5V tolerant input buffer unless the VCCO for the bank is less than 2V. If the single-ended IBUF is placed in a bank with an HSTL standard (VCCO < 2V), the input buffer is not 5V tolerant. The voltage reference signal is "banked" within the Spartan-II device on a half-edge basis such that for all packages there are eight independent VREF banks internally. See Figure 36, page 39 for a representation of the Spartan-II FPGA I/O banks. Within each bank approximately one of every six I/O pins is automatically configured as a VREF input. Additional restrictions on the Versatile I/O IOBUF placement require that within a given VCCO bank each IOBUF must share the same output source drive voltage. Input buffers of any type and output buffers that do not require VCCO can be placed within the same VCCO bank. The LOC property can specify a location for the IOBUF. An optional delay element is associated with the input path in each IOBUF. When the IOBUF drives an input flip-flop within the IOB, the delay element activates by default to ensure a zero hold-time requirement. Override this default with the NODELAY=TRUE property. In the case when the IOBUF does not drive an input flip-flop within the IOB, the delay element de-activates by default to provide higher performance. To delay the input signal, activate the delay element with the DELAY=TRUE property. 3-state output buffers and bidirectional buffers can have either a weak pull-up resistor, a weak pull-down resistor, or a weak "keeper" circuit. Control this feature by adding the appropriate primitive to the output net of the IOBUF (PULLUP, PULLDOWN, or KEEPER). DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Access to some of the Versatile I/O features (for example, location constraints, input delay, output drive strength, and slew rate) is available through properties associated with these features. IOB Flip-Flop/Latch Property The I/O Block (IOB) includes an optional register on the input path, an optional register on the output path, and an optional register on the 3-state control pin. The design implementation software automatically takes advantage of these registers when the following option for the Map program is specified: map -pr b <filename> Alternatively, the IOB = TRUE property can be placed on a register to force the mapper to place the register in an IOB. Location Constraints Specify the location of each Versatile I/O primitive with the location constraint LOC attached to the Versatile I/O primitive. The external port identifier indicates the value of the location constrain. The format of the port identifier depends on the package chosen for the specific design. The LOC properties use the following form: LOC=A42 LOC=P37 Output Slew Rate Property In the case of the LVTTL output buffers (OBUF, OBUFT, and IOBUF), slew rate control can be programmed with the SLEW= property. By default, the slew rate for each output buffer is reduced to minimize power bus transients when switching non-critical signals. The SLEW= property has one of the two following values. SLEW=SLOW SLEW=FAST Output Drive Strength Property For the LVTTL output buffers (OBUF, OBUFT, and IOBUF, the desired drive strength can be specified with the DRIVE= Module 2 of 4 41 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description property. This property could have one of the following seven values. DRIVE=8 Transmission line effects, or reflections, typically start at 1.5" for fast (1.5 ns) rise and fall times. Poor (or non-existent) termination or changes in the transmission line impedance cause these reflections and can cause additional delay in longer traces. As system speeds continue to increase, the effect of I/O delays can become a limiting factor and therefore transmission line termination becomes increasingly more important. DRIVE=12 (Default) Termination Techniques DRIVE=16 A variety of termination techniques reduce the impact of transmission line effects. DRIVE=2 DRIVE=4 DRIVE=6 DRIVE=24 The following lists output termination techniques: Design Considerations Reference Voltage (VREF) Pins Low-voltage I/O standards with a differential amplifier input buffer require an input reference voltage (VREF). Provide the VREF as an external signal to the device. The voltage reference signal is "banked" within the device on a half-edge basis such that for all packages there are eight independent VREF banks internally. See Figure 36, page 39 for a representation of the I/O banks. Within each bank approximately one of every six I/O pins is automatically configured as a VREF input. None Series Parallel (Shunt) Series and Parallel (Series-Shunt) Input termination techniques include the following: None Parallel (Shunt) These termination techniques can be applied in any combination. A generic example of each combination of termination methods appears in Figure 41. Within each VREF bank, any input buffers that require a VREF signal must be of the same type. Output buffers of any type and input buffers can be placed without requiring a reference voltage within the same VREF bank. Output Drive Source Voltage (VCCO) Pins Many of the low voltage I/O standards supported by Versatile I/Os require a different output drive source voltage (VCCO). As a result each device can often have to support multiple output drive source voltages. The VCCO supplies are internally tied together for some packages. The VQ100 and the PQ208 provide one combined VCCO supply. The TQ144 and the CS144 packages provide four independent VCCO supplies. The FG256 and the FG456 provide eight independent VCCO supplies. Double Parallel Terminated Unterminated VTT VTT Z=50 Z=50 VREF Unterminated Output Driving a Parallel Terminated Input Series Terminated Output Driving a Parallel Terminated Input VTT VTT Z=50 Z=50 VREF VREF Series Terminated Output Series-Parallel Terminated Output Driving a Parallel Terminated Input VTT VTT Z=50 VREF Z=50 VREF DS001_41_032300 Output buffers within a given VCCO bank must share the same output drive source voltage. Input buffers for LVTTL, LVCMOS2, PCI33_3, and PCI 66_3 use the VCCO voltage for Input VCCO voltage. Transmission Line Effects The delay of an electrical signal along a wire is dominated by the rise and fall times when the signal travels a short distance. Transmission line delays vary with inductance and capacitance, but a well-designed board can experience delays of approximately 180 ps per inch. Figure 41: Overview of Standard Input and Output Termination Methods Simultaneous Switching Guidelines Ground bounce can occur with high-speed digital ICs when multiple outputs change states simultaneously, causing undesired transient behavior on an output, or in the internal logic. This problem is also referred to as the Simultaneous Switching Output (SSO) problem. Ground bounce is primarily due to current changes in the combined inductance of ground pins, bond wires, and DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 2 of 4 42 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description ground metallization. The IC internal ground level deviates from the external system ground level for a short duration (a few nanoseconds) after multiple outputs change state simultaneously. Ground bounce affects stable Low outputs and all inputs because they interpret the incoming signal by comparing it to the internal ground. If the ground bounce amplitude exceeds the actual instantaneous noise margin, then a non-changing input can be interpreted as a short pulse with a polarity opposite to the ground bounce. Table 18 provides the guidelines for the maximum number of simultaneously switching outputs allowed per output power/ground pair to avoid the effects of ground bounce. Refer to Table 19 for the number of effective output power/ground pairs for each Spartan-II device and package combination. Table 18: Maximum Number of Simultaneously Switching Outputs per Power/Ground Pair Package CS, FG PQ, TQ, VQ SSTL2 Class II 10 5 SSTL3 Class I 11 6 SSTL3 Class II 7 4 CTT 14 7 AGP 9 5 Standard Notes: 1. This analysis assumes a 35 pF load for each output. Table 19: Effective Output Power/Ground Pairs for Spartan-II Devices Table 18: Maximum Number of Simultaneously Switching Outputs per Power/Ground Pair Spartan-II Devices Package Pkg. XC2S 15 XC2S 30 XC2S 50 XC2S 100 XC2S 150 XC2S 200 Standard CS, FG PQ, TQ, VQ VQ100 8 8 - - - - LVTTL Slow Slew Rate, 2 mA drive 68 36 CS144 12 12 - - - - LVTTL Slow Slew Rate, 4 mA drive 41 20 TQ144 12 12 12 12 - - LVTTL Slow Slew Rate, 6 mA drive 29 15 PQ208 - 16 16 16 16 16 LVTTL Slow Slew Rate, 8 mA drive 22 12 FG256 - - 16 16 16 16 LVTTL Slow Slew Rate, 12 mA drive 17 9 FG456 - - - 48 48 48 LVTTL Slow Slew Rate, 16 mA drive 14 7 LVTTL Slow Slew Rate, 24 mA drive 9 5 Termination Examples LVTTL Fast Slew Rate, 2 mA drive 40 21 LVTTL Fast Slew Rate, 4 mA drive 24 12 LVTTL Fast Slew Rate, 6 mA drive 17 9 Creating a design with the Versatile I/O features requires the instantiation of the desired library primitive within the design code. At the board level, designers need to know the termination techniques required for each I/O standard. LVTTL Fast Slew Rate, 8 mA drive 13 7 LVTTL Fast Slew Rate, 12 mA drive 10 5 LVTTL Fast Slew Rate, 16 mA drive 8 4 LVTTL Fast Slew Rate, 24 mA drive 5 3 LVCMOS2 10 5 PCI 8 4 GTL 4 4 GTL+ 4 4 HSTL Class I 18 9 HSTL Class III 9 5 HSTL Class IV 5 3 SSTL2 Class I 15 8 DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification This section describes some common application examples illustrating the termination techniques recommended by each of the standards supported by the Versatile I/O features. For a full range of accepted values for the DC voltage specifications for each standard, refer to the table associated with each figure. The resistors used in each termination technique example and the transmission lines depicted represent board level components and are not meant to represent components on the device. Module 2 of 4 43 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description GTL Table 21: GTL+ Voltage Specifications A sample circuit illustrating a valid termination technique for GTL is shown in Figure 42. Table 20 lists DC voltage specifications for the GTL standard. See "DC Specifications" in Module 3 for the actual FPGA characteristics. Parameter Min Typ Max - - - VREF = N x VTT(1) 0.88 1.0 1.12 VTT 1.35 1.5 1.65 VCCO VIH VREF + 0.1 0.98 1.1 - VTT = 1.2V VTT = 1.2V VIL VREF - 0.1 - 0.9 1.02 50 50 VOH - - - VOL 0.3 0.45 0.6 - - - IOL at VOL (mA) at 0.6V 36 - - IOL at VOL (mA) at 0.3V - - 48 GTL VCCO = NA Z = 50 VREF = 0.8V IOH at VOH (mA) DS001_43_061200 Figure 42: Terminated GTL Table 20: GTL Voltage Specifications Parameter Notes: 1. N must be greater than or equal to 0.653 and less than or equal to 0.68. Min Typ Max - N/A - 0.74 0.8 0.86 HSTL Class I VTT 1.14 1.2 1.26 VIH VREF + 0.05 0.79 0.85 - VIL VREF - 0.05 - 0.75 0.81 A sample circuit illustrating a valid termination technique for HSTL_I appears in Figure 44. DC voltage specifications appear in Table 22 for the HSTL_1 standard. See "DC Specifications" in Module 3 for the actual FPGA characteristics. VOH - - - VOL - 0.2 0.4 IOH at VOH (mA) - - - IOL at VOL (mA) at 0.4V 32 - - IOL at VOL (mA) at 0.2V - - 40 VCCO VREF = N x VTT (1) HSTL Class I VTT = 0.75V VCCO = 1.5V 50 Z = 50 VREF = 0.75V Notes: 1. N must be greater than or equal to 0.653 and less than or equal to 0.68. GTL+ DS001_44_061200 Figure 44: Terminated HSTL Class I Table 22: HSTL Class I Voltage Specification A sample circuit illustrating a valid termination technique for GTL+ appears in Figure 43. DC voltage specifications appear in Table 21 for the GTL+ standard. See "DC Specifications" in Module 3 for the actual FPGA characteristics. GTL+ VTT = 1.5V VTT = 1.5V 50 50 VCCO = NA Z = 50 Min Typ Max VCCO 1.40 1.50 1.60 VREF 0.68 0.75 0.90 VTT - VCCO x 0.5 - VIH VREF + 0.1 - - VIL - - VREF - 0.1 VOH VCCO - 0.4 - - VOL VREF = 1.0V DS001_43_061200 Figure 43: Terminated GTL+ DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Parameter 0.4 IOH at VOH (mA) -8 - - IOL at VOL (mA) 8 - - Module 2 of 4 44 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description HSTL Class III HSTL Class IV A sample circuit illustrating a valid termination technique for HSTL_III appears in Figure 45. DC voltage specifications appear in Table 23 for the HSTL_III standard. See "DC Specifications" in Module 3 for the actual FPGA characteristics. A sample circuit illustrating a valid termination technique for HSTL_IV appears in Figure 46.DC voltage specifications appear in Table 23 for the HSTL_IV standard. See "DC Specifications" in Module 3 for the actual FPGA characteristics HSTL Class III HSTL Class IV VTT = 1.5V VCCO = 1.5V VTT = 1.5V VTT = 1.5V 50 50 VCCO = 1.5V 50 Z = 50 Z = 50 VREF = 0.9V VREF = 0.9V DS001_45_061200 DS001_46_061200 Figure 45: Terminated HSTL Class III Figure 46: Terminated HSTL Class IV Table 23: HSTL Class III Voltage Specification Table 24: HSTL Class IV Voltage Specification Min Typ Max VCCO 1.40 1.50 1.60 - VREF - 0.90 - VCCO - VTT - VCCO - VREF + 0.1 - - VIH VREF + 0.1 - - VIL - - VREF - 0.1 VIL - - VREF - 0.1 VOH VCCO - 0.4 - - VOH VCCO - 0.4 - - VOL - - 0.4 VOL - - 0.4 IOH at VOH (mA) -8 - - IOH at VOH (mA) -8 - - IOL at VOL (mA) 24 - - IOL at VOL (mA) 48 - - Parameter Min Typ Max 1.40 1.50 1.60 VREF (1) - 0.90 VTT - VIH VCCO Notes: 1. Per EIA/JESD8-6, "The value of VREF is to be selected by the user to provide optimum noise margin in the use conditions specified by the user." DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Parameter Notes: 1. Per EIA/JESD8-6, "The value of VREF is to be selected by the user to provide optimum noise margin in the use conditions specified by the user." Module 2 of 4 45 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description SSTL3 Class I SSTL3 Class II A sample circuit illustrating a valid termination technique for SSTL3_I appears in Figure 47. DC voltage specifications appear in Table 25 for the SSTL3_I standard. See "DC Specifications" in Module 3 for the actual FPGA characteristics. A sample circuit illustrating a valid termination technique for SSTL3_II appears in Figure 48. DC voltage specifications appear in Table 26 for the SSTL3_II standard. See "DC Specifications" in Module 3 for the actual FPGA characteristics. SSTL3 Class I SSTL3 Class II VTT = 1.5V VCCO = 3.3V VTT = 1.5V VTT = 1.5V 50 50 VCCO = 3.3V 50 25 25 Z = 50 Z = 50 VREF = 1.5V VREF = 1.5V DS001_47_061200 DS001_48_061200 Figure 48: Terminated SSTL3 Class II Figure 47: Terminated SSTL3 Class I Table 26: SSTL3_II Voltage Specifications Table 25: SSTL3_I Voltage Specifications Parameter Min Typ Max VCCO 3.0 3.3 3.6 1.7 VREF = 0.45 x VCCO 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.5 1.7 VTT = VREF 1.3 1.5 1.7 VIH VREF + 0.2 1.5 1.7 3.9(1) Min Typ Max VCCO 3.0 3.3 3.6 VREF = 0.45 x VCCO 1.3 1.5 VTT = VREF 1.3 Parameter VIH VREF + 0.2 1.5 1.7 3.9(1) VIL VREF - 0.2 -0.3(2) 1.3 1.5 VIL VREF - 0.2 -0.3(2) 1.3 1.5 VOH VREF + 0.6 1.9 - - VOH VREF + 0.8 2.1 - - VOL VREF - 0.6 - - 1.1 VOL VREF - 0.8 - - 0.9 IOH at VOH (mA) -8 - - IOH at VOH (mA) -16 - - IOL at VOL (mA) 8 - - IOL at VOL (mA) 16 - - Notes: 1. VIH maximum is VCCO + 0.3. 2. VIL minimum does not conform to the formula. DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Notes: 1. VIH maximum is VCCO + 0.3 2. VIL minimum does not conform to the formula Module 2 of 4 46 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description SSTL2_I SSTL2 Class II A sample circuit illustrating a valid termination technique for SSTL2_I appears in Figure 49. DC voltage specifications appear in Table 27 for the SSTL2_I standard. See "DC Specifications" in Module 3 for the actual FPGA characteristics A sample circuit illustrating a valid termination technique for SSTL2_II appears in Figure 50. DC voltage specifications appear in Table 28 for the SSTL2_II standard. See "DC Specifications" in Module 3 for the actual FPGA characteristics. SSTL2 Class I SSTL2 Class II VTT = 1.25V VCCO = 2.5V VTT = 1.25V VTT = 1.25V 50 50 VCCO = 2.5V 50 25 25 Z = 50 Z = 50 VREF = 1.25V VREF = 1.25V DS001_49_061200 DS001_50_061200 Figure 50: Terminated SSTL2 Class II Figure 49: Terminated SSTL2 Class I Table 28: SSTL2_II Voltage Specifications Table 27: SSTL2_I Voltage Specifications Parameter Min Typ Max VCCO 2.3 2.5 2.7 1.35 VREF = 0.5 x VCCO 1.15 1.25 1.35 1.25 1.39 VTT = VREF + N(1) 1.11 1.25 1.39 VIH VREF + 0.18 1.33 1.43 3.0(2) Min Typ Max VCCO 2.3 2.5 2.7 VREF = 0.5 x VCCO 1.15 1.25 VTT = VREF + N(1) 1.11 Parameter VIH VREF + 0.18 1.33 1.43 3.0(2) VIL VREF - 0.18 -0.3(3) 1.07 1.17 VIL VREF - 0.18 -0.3(3) 1.07 1.17 VOH VREF + 0.61 1.76 - - VOH VREF + 0.8 1.95 - - VOL VREF - 0.61 - - 0.74 VOL VREF - 0.8 - - 0.55 IOH at VOH (mA) -7.6 - - IOH at VOH (mA) -15.2 - - IOL at VOL (mA) 7.6 - - IOL at VOL (mA) 15.2 - - Notes: 1. N must be greater than or equal to -0.04 and less than or equal to 0.04. 2. VIH maximum is VCCO + 0.3. 3. VIL minimum does not conform to the formula. DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Notes: 1. N must be greater than or equal to -0.04 and less than or equal to 0.04. 2. VIH maximum is VCCO + 0.3. 3. VIL minimum does not conform to the formula. Module 2 of 4 47 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description CTT PCI33_3 and PCI66_3 A sample circuit illustrating a valid termination technique for CTT appear in Figure 51. DC voltage specifications appear in Table 29 for the CTT standard. See "DC Specifications" in Module 3 for the actual FPGA characteristics . PCI33_3 or PCI66_3 require no termination. DC voltage specifications appear in Table 30 for the PCI33_3 and PCI66_3 standards. See "DC Specifications" in Module 3 for the actual FPGA characteristics. Table 30: PCI33_3 and PCI66_3 Voltage Specifications CTT VTT = 1.5V Parameter Min Typ Max VCCO 3.0 3.3 3.6 VREF - - - VTT - - - VIH = 0.5 x VCCO 1.5 1.65 VCCO+ 0.5 VIL = 0.3 x VCCO -0.5 0.99 1.08 VOH = 0.9 x VCCO 2.7 - - VCCO = 3.3V 50 Z = 50 VREF = 1.5V DS001_51_061200 Figure 51: Terminated CTT Table 29: CTT Voltage Specifications Min Typ Max VOL = 0.1 x VCCO - - 0.36 VCCO 2.05(1) 3.3 3.6 IOH at VOH (mA) Note 1 - - VREF 1.35 1.5 1.65 IOL at VOL (mA) Note 1 - - VTT 1.35 1.5 1.65 VIH VREF + 0.2 1.55 1.7 - VIL VREF - 0.2 - 1.3 1.45 VOH VREF + 0.4 1.75 1.9 - VOL VREF - 0.4 - 1.1 1.25 IOH at VOH (mA) -8 - - PCI33_5 requires no termination. DC voltage specifications appear in Table 31 for the PCI33_5 standard. See "DC Specifications" in Module 3 for the actual FPGA characteristics. IOL at VOL (mA) 8 - - Table 31: PCI33_5 Voltage Specifications Parameter Notes: 1. Timing delays are calculated based on VCCO min of 3.0V. Notes: 1. Tested according to the relevant specification. PCI33_5 Parameter Min Typ Max VCCO 3.0 3.3 3.6 VREF - - - VTT - - - VIH 1.425 1.5 5.5 VIL -0.5 1.0 1.05 VOH 2.4 - - VOL - - 0.55 IOH at VOH (mA) Note 1 - - IOL at VOL (mA) Note 1 - - Notes: 1. Tested according to the relevant specification. DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 2 of 4 48 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description LVTTL AGP-2X LVTTL requires no termination. DC voltage specifications appears in Table 32 for the LVTTL standard. See "DC Specifications" in Module 3 for the actual FPGA characteristics. The specification for the AGP-2X standard does not document a recommended termination technique. DC voltage specifications appear in Table 34 for the AGP-2X standard. See "DC Specifications" in Module 3 for the actual FPGA characteristics. Table 32: LVTTL Voltage Specifications Parameter Table 34: AGP-2X Voltage Specifications Min Typ Max VCCO 3.0 3.3 3.6 VREF - - - VTT - - - VIH 2.0 - 5.5 VTT VIL -0.5 - 0.8 VOH 2.4 - VOL - IOH at VOH (mA) IOL at VOL (mA) Min Typ Max VCCO 3.0 3.3 3.6 VREF = N x VCCO(1) 1.17 1.32 1.48 - - - VIH VREF + 0.2 1.37 1.52 - - VIL VREF - 0.2 - 1.12 1.28 - 0.4 VOH 0.9 x VCCO 2.7 3.0 - -24 - - VOL 0.1 x VCCO - 0.33 0.36 24 - - IOH at VOH (mA) Note 2 - - IOL at VOL (mA) Note 2 - - Notes: 1. VOL and VOH for lower drive currents sample tested. Parameter Notes: 1. N must be greater than or equal to 0.39 and less than or equal to 0.41. 2. Tested according to the relevant specification. LVCMOS2 LVCMOS2 requires no termination. DC voltage specifications appear in Table 33 for the LVCMOS2 standard. See "DC Specifications" in Module 3 for the actual FPGA characteristics. For design examples and more information on using the I/O, see XAPP179, Using SelectIO Interfaces in Spartan-II and Spartan-IIE FPGAs. Table 33: LVCMOS2 Voltage Specifications Parameter Min Typ Max VCCO 2.3 2.5 2.7 VREF - - - VTT - - - VIH 1.7 - 5.5 VIL -0.5 - 0.7 VOH 1.9 - - VOL - - 0.4 IOH at VOH (mA) -12 - - IOL at VOL (mA) 12 - - DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 2 of 4 49 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Functional Description Revision History Date Version Description 09/18/00 2.0 Sectioned the Spartan-II Family data sheet into four modules. Corrected banking description. 03/05/01 2.1 Clarified guidelines for applying power to VCCINT and VCCO 09/03/03 2.2 The following changes were made: 06/13/08 2.8 DS001-2 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification * "Serial Modes," page 20 cautions about toggling WRITE during serial configuration. * Maximum VIH values in Table 32 and Table 33 changed to 5.5V. * In "Boundary Scan," page 13, removed sentence about lack of INTEST support. * In Table 9, page 17, added note about the state of I/Os after power-on. * In "Slave Parallel Mode," page 23, explained configuration bit alignment to SelectMap port. Added note that TDI, TMS, and TCK have a default pull-up resistor. Added note on maximum daisy chain limit. Updated Figure 15 and Figure 18 since Mode pins can be pulled up to either 2.5V or 3.3V. Updated DLL section. Recommended using property or attribute instead of primitive to define I/O properties. Updated description and links. Updated all modules for continuous page, figure, and table numbering. Synchronized all modules to v2.8. Module 2 of 4 50 68 Spartan-II FPGA Family: DC and Switching Characteristics R DS001-3 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Definition of Terms In this document, some specifications may be designated as Advance or Preliminary. These terms are defined as follows: Advance: Initial estimates based on simulation and/or extrapolation from other speed grades, devices, or families. Values are subject to change. Use as estimates, not for production. Preliminary: Based on preliminary characterization. Further changes are not expected. Unmarked: Specifications not identified as either Advance or Preliminary are to be considered Final. Except for pin-to-pin input and output parameters, the AC parameter delay specifications included in this document are derived from measuring internal test patterns. All limits are representative of worst-case supply voltage and junction temperature conditions. Typical numbers are based on measurements taken at a nominal VCCINT level of 2.5V and a junction temperature of 25C. The parameters included are common to popular designs and typical applications. All specifications are subject to change without notice. DC Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings (1) Symbol Description Min Max Units VCCINT Supply voltage relative to GND (2) -0.5 3.0 V VCCO Supply voltage relative to GND (2) -0.5 4.0 V VREF Input reference voltage -0.5 3.6 V 5V tolerant I/O (4) -0.5 5.5 V No 5V tolerance (5) -0.5 VCCO + 0.5 V 5V tolerant I/O (4) -0.5 5.5 V No 5V tolerance (5) -0.5 VCCO + 0.5 V -65 +150 C - +125 C VIN VTS TSTG TJ Input voltage relative to GND (3) Voltage applied to 3-state output Storage temperature (ambient) Junction temperature Notes: 1. Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those listed under Operating Conditions is not implied. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Ratings conditions for extended periods of time may affect device reliability. 2. Power supplies may turn on in any order. 3. VIN should not exceed VCCO by more than 3.6V over extended periods of time (e.g., longer than a day). 4. Spartan(R)-II device I/Os are 5V Tolerant whenever the LVTTL, LVCMOS2, or PCI33_5 signal standard has been selected. With 5V Tolerant I/Os selected, the Maximum DC overshoot must be limited to either +5.5V or 10 mA, and undershoot must be limited to either -0.5V or 10 mA, whichever is easier to achieve. The Maximum AC conditions are as follows: The device pins may undershoot to -2.0V or overshoot to +7.0V, provided this over/undershoot lasts no more than 11 ns with a forcing current no greater than 100 mA. 5. Without 5V Tolerant I/Os selected, the Maximum DC overshoot must be limited to either VCCO + 0.5V or 10 mA, and undershoot must be limited to -0.5V or 10 mA, whichever is easier to achieve. The Maximum AC conditions are as follows: The device pins may undershoot to -2.0V or overshoot to VCCO + 2.0V, provided this over/undershoot lasts no more than 11 ns with a forcing current no greater than 100 mA. 6. For soldering guidelines, see the Packaging Information on the Xilinx(R) web site. (c) 2000-2008 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. XILINX, the Xilinx logo, the Brand Window, and other designated brands included herein are trademarks of Xilinx, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. DS001-3 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 3 of 4 51 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: DC and Switching Characteristics Recommended Operating Conditions Symbol TJ Description Junction temperature (1) Min 0 85 C 100 C Commercial 2.5 - 5% 2.5 + 5% V Industrial 2.5 - 5% 2.5 + 5% V Commercial 1.4 3.6 V Industrial 1.4 3.6 V - 250 ns Industrial VCCINT VCCO TIN Supply voltage relative Supply voltage relative to GND (3,5) Input signal transition Units -40 Commercial to GND (2,5) Max time (4) Notes: 1. At junction temperatures above those listed as Operating Conditions, all delay parameters increase by 0.35% per C. 2. Functional operation is guaranteed down to a minimum VCCINT of 2.25V (Nominal VCCINT - 10%). For every 50 mV reduction in VCCINT below 2.375V (nominal VCCINT - 5%), all delay parameters increase by 3%. 3. Minimum and maximum values for VCCO vary according to the I/O standard selected. 4. Input and output measurement threshold is ~50% of VCCO. See "Delay Measurement Methodology," page 60 for specific levels. 5. Supply voltages may be applied in any order desired. DC Characteristics Over Operating Conditions Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units VDRINT Data Retention VCCINT voltage (below which configuration data may be lost) 2.0 - - V VDRIO Data Retention VCCO voltage (below which configuration data may be lost) 1.2 - - V Commercial - 10 30 mA Industrial - 10 60 mA Commercial - 10 30 mA Industrial - 10 60 mA Commercial - 12 50 mA Industrial - 12 100 mA Commercial - 12 50 mA Industrial - 12 100 mA Commercial - 15 50 mA Industrial - 15 100 mA Commercial - 15 75 mA Industrial - 15 150 mA - - 2 mA - - 20 A -10 - +10 A - - 8 pF ICCINTQ Quiescent VCCINT supply current (1) XC2S15 XC2S30 XC2S50 XC2S100 XC2S150 XC2S200 ICCOQ IREF IL Quiescent VCCO supply current (1) VREF current per VREF pin Input or output leakage current(2) CIN Input capacitance (sample tested) IRPU Pad pull-up (when selected) @ VIN = 0V, VCCO = 3.3V (sample tested) (3) - - 0.25 mA IRPD Pad pull-down (when selected) @ VIN = 3.6V (sample tested) (3) - - 0.15 mA VQ, CS, TQ, PQ, FG packages Notes: 1. With no output current loads, no active input pull-up resistors, all I/O pins 3-stated and floating. 2. The I/O leakage current specification applies only when the VCCINT and VCCO supply voltages have reached their respective minimum Recommended Operating Conditions. 3. Internal pull-up and pull-down resistors guarantee valid logic levels at unconnected input pins. These pull-up and pull-down resistors do not provide valid logic levels when input pins are connected to other circuits. DS001-3 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 3 of 4 52 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: DC and Switching Characteristics Power-On Requirements Spartan-II FPGAs require that a minimum supply current ICCPO be provided to the VCCINT lines for a successful power-on. If more current is available, the FPGA can consume more than ICCPO minimum, though this cannot adversely affect reliability. A maximum limit for ICCPO is not specified. Therefore the use of foldback/crowbar supplies and fuses deserves special attention. In these cases, limit the ICCPO current to a level below the trip point for over-current protection in order to avoid inadvertently shutting down the supply. New Requirements(1) For Devices with Date Code 0321 or Later Conditions Symbol I CCPO(3) TCCPO Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (4,5) Junction Temperature(2) Device Temperature Grade Min Max Min Max Units -40C TJ < -20C Industrial 1.50 - 2.00 - A Description Total VCCINT supply current required during power-on VCCINT ramp time Old Requirements(1) For Devices with Date Code before 0321 -20C TJ < 0C Industrial 1.00 - 2.00 - A 0C TJ 85C Commercial 0.25 - 0.50 - A 85C < TJ 100C Industrial 0.50 - 0.50 - A -40C TJ 100C All - 50 - 50 ms The date code is printed on the top of the device's package. See the "Device Part Marking" section in Module 1. The expected TJ range for the design determines the ICCPO minimum requirement. Use the applicable ranges in the junction temperature column to find the associated current values in the appropriate new or old requirements column according to the date code. Then choose the highest of these current values to serve as the minimum ICCPO requirement that must be met. For example, if the junction temperature for a given design is -25C TJ 75C, then the new minimum ICCPO requirement is 1.5A. If 5C TJ 90C, then the new minimum ICCPO requirement is 0.5A. The ICCPO requirement applies for a brief time (commonly only a few milliseconds) when VCCINT ramps from 0 to 2.5V. The ramp time is measured from GND to VCCINT max on a fully loaded board. During power-on, the VCCINT ramp must increase steadily in voltage with no dips. For more information on designing to meet the power-on specifications, refer to the application note XAPP450 "Power-On Current Requirements for the Spartan-II and Spartan-IIE Families" DC Input and Output Levels Values for VIL and VIH are recommended input voltages. Values for VOL and VOH are guaranteed output voltages over the recommended operating conditions. Only selected standards are tested. These are chosen to ensure that all VIL standards meet their specifications. The selected standards are tested at minimum VCCO with the respective IOL and IOH currents shown. Other standards are sample tested. VOL VOH IOL IOH V, Min -0.5 V, Max 0.8 V, Min 2.0 V, Max 5.5 V, Max 0.4 V, Min 2.4 mA 24 mA -24 LVCMOS2 PCI, 3.3V -0.5 -0.5 0.7 44% VCCINT 1.7 60% VCCINT 5.5 VCCO + 0.5 0.4 10% VCCO 1.9 90% VCCO 12 Note (2) -12 Note (2) PCI, 5.0V GTL -0.5 -0.5 0.8 VREF - 0.05 2.0 VREF + 0.05 5.5 3.6 0.55 0.4 2.4 N/A Note (2) 40 Note (2) N/A GTL+ HSTL I -0.5 -0.5 VREF - 0.1 VREF - 0.1 VREF + 0.1 VREF + 0.1 3.6 3.6 0.6 0.4 N/A VCCO - 0.4 36 8 N/A -8 HSTL III HSTL IV -0.5 -0.5 VREF - 0.1 VREF - 0.1 VREF + 0.1 VREF + 0.1 3.6 3.6 0.4 0.4 VCCO - 0.4 VCCO - 0.4 24 48 -8 -8 SSTL3 I SSTL3 II -0.5 -0.5 VREF - 0.2 VREF - 0.2 VREF + 0.2 VREF + 0.2 3.6 3.6 VREF - 0.6 VREF - 0.8 VREF + 0.6 VREF + 0.8 8 16 -8 -16 SSTL2 I SSTL2 II -0.5 -0.5 VREF - 0.2 VREF - 0.2 VREF + 0.2 VREF + 0.2 3.6 3.6 VREF - 0.6 VREF - 0.8 VREF + 0.6 VREF + 0.8 7.6 15.2 -7.6 -15.2 Input/Output Standard LVTTL(1) DS001-3 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification VIH Module 3 of 4 53 R Input/Output Standard CTT AGP Spartan-II FPGA Family: DC and Switching Characteristics VOL VOH IOL IOH V, Min -0.5 VIL V, Max VREF - 0.2 V, Min VREF + 0.2 VIH V, Max 3.6 V, Max VREF - 0.4 V, Min VREF + 0.4 mA 8 mA -8 -0.5 VREF - 0.2 VREF + 0.2 3.6 10% VCCO 90% VCCO Note (2) Note (2) Notes: 1. VOL and VOH for lower drive currents are sample tested. 2. Tested according to the relevant specifications. Switching Characteristics All devices are 100% functionally tested. Internal timing parameters are derived from measuring internal test patterns. Listed below are representative values. For more specific, more precise, and worst-case guaranteed data, use the values reported by the static timing analyzer (TRCE in the Xilinx Development System) and back-annotated to the simulation netlist. All timing parameters assume worst-case operating conditions (supply voltage and junction temperature). Values apply to all Spartan-II devices unless otherwise noted. Global Clock Input to Output Delay for LVTTL, with DLL (Pin-to-Pin) (1) Speed Grade Symbol Description Device TICKOFDLL Global clock input to output delay using output flip-flop for LVTTL, 12 mA, fast slew rate, with DLL. All All -6 -5 Min Max Max Units 2.9 3.3 ns Notes: 1. Listed above are representative values where one global clock input drives one vertical clock line in each accessible column, and where all accessible IOB and CLB flip-flops are clocked by the global clock net. 2. Output timing is measured at 1.4V with 35 pF external capacitive load for LVTTL. The 35 pF load does not apply to the Min values. For other I/O standards and different loads, see the tables "Constants for Calculating TIOOP" and "Delay Measurement Methodology," page 60. 3. DLL output jitter is already included in the timing calculation. 4. For data output with different standards, adjust delays with the values shown in "IOB Output Delay Adjustments for Different Standards," page 59. For a global clock input with standards other than LVTTL, adjust delays with values from the "I/O Standard Global Clock Input Adjustments," page 61. Global Clock Input to Output Delay for LVTTL, without DLL (Pin-to-Pin)(1) Symbol TICKOF Description Global clock input to output delay using output flip-flop for LVTTL, 12 mA, fast slew rate, without DLL. Device XC2S15 XC2S30 XC2S50 XC2S100 XC2S150 XC2S200 All Min Speed Grade -6 Max 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.7 -5 Max 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.5 5.5 5.6 Units ns ns ns ns ns ns Notes: 1. Listed above are representative values where one global clock input drives one vertical clock line in each accessible column, and where all accessible IOB and CLB flip-flops are clocked by the global clock net. 2. Output timing is measured at 1.4V with 35 pF external capacitive load for LVTTL. The 35 pF load does not apply to the Min values. For other I/O standards and different loads, see the tables "Constants for Calculating TIOOP" and "Delay Measurement Methodology," page 60. 3. For data output with different standards, adjust delays with the values shown in "IOB Output Delay Adjustments for Different Standards," page 59. For a global clock input with standards other than LVTTL, adjust delays with values from the "I/O Standard Global Clock Input Adjustments," page 61. DS001-3 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 3 of 4 54 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: DC and Switching Characteristics Global Clock Setup and Hold for LVTTL Standard, with DLL (Pin-to-Pin) Speed Grade -6 -5 Symbol Description Device Min Min Units TPSDLL / TPHDLL Input setup and hold time relative to global clock input signal for LVTTL standard, no delay, IFF,(1) with DLL All 1.7 / 0 1.9 / 0 ns Notes: 1. IFF = Input Flip-Flop or Latch 2. Setup time is measured relative to the Global Clock input signal with the fastest route and the lightest load. Hold time is measured relative to the Global Clock input signal with the slowest route and heaviest load. 3. DLL output jitter is already included in the timing calculation. 4. A zero hold time listing indicates no hold time or a negative hold time. 5. For data input with different standards, adjust the setup time delay by the values shown in "IOB Input Delay Adjustments for Different Standards," page 57. For a global clock input with standards other than LVTTL, adjust delays with values from the "I/O Standard Global Clock Input Adjustments," page 61. Global Clock Setup and Hold for LVTTL Standard, without DLL (Pin-to-Pin) Speed Grade -6 -5 Symbol Description Device Min Min Units TPSFD / TPHFD Input setup and hold time relative to global clock input signal for LVTTL standard, no delay, IFF,(1) without DLL XC2S15 2.2 / 0 2.7 / 0 ns XC2S30 2.2 / 0 2.7 / 0 ns XC2S50 2.2 / 0 2.7 / 0 ns XC2S100 2.3 / 0 2.8 / 0 ns XC2S150 2.4 / 0 2.9 / 0 ns XC2S200 2.4 / 0 3.0 / 0 ns Notes: 1. IFF = Input Flip-Flop or Latch 2. Setup time is measured relative to the Global Clock input signal with the fastest route and the lightest load. Hold time is measured relative to the Global Clock input signal with the slowest route and heaviest load. 3. A zero hold time listing indicates no hold time or a negative hold time. 4. For data input with different standards, adjust the setup time delay by the values shown in "IOB Input Delay Adjustments for Different Standards," page 57. For a global clock input with standards other than LVTTL, adjust delays with values from the "I/O Standard Global Clock Input Adjustments," page 61. DS001-3 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 3 of 4 55 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: DC and Switching Characteristics IOB Input Switching Characteristics (1) Input delays associated with the pad are specified for LVTTL levels. For other standards, adjust the delays with the values shown in "IOB Input Delay Adjustments for Different Standards," page 57. Speed Grade -6 Symbol Description Propagation Delays TIOPI Pad to I output, no delay -5 Device Min Max Min Max Units All - 0.8 - 1.0 ns TIOPID Pad to I output, with delay All - 1.5 - 1.8 ns TIOPLI Pad to output IQ via transparent latch, no delay All - 1.7 - 2.0 ns TIOPLID Pad to output IQ via transparent latch, with delay XC2S15 - 3.8 - 4.5 ns XC2S30 - 3.8 - 4.5 ns XC2S50 - 3.8 - 4.5 ns XC2S100 - 3.8 - 4.5 ns XC2S150 - 4.0 - 4.7 ns XC2S200 - 4.0 - 4.7 ns All - 0.7 - 0.8 ns Sequential Delays TIOCKIQ Clock CLK to output IQ Setup/Hold Times with Respect to Clock CLK (2) TIOPICK / TIOICKP Pad, no delay All 1.7 / 0 - 1.9 / 0 - ns XC2S15 3.8 / 0 - 4.4 / 0 - ns XC2S30 3.8 / 0 - 4.4 / 0 - ns XC2S50 3.8 / 0 - 4.4 / 0 - ns XC2S100 3.8 / 0 - 4.4 / 0 - ns XC2S150 3.9 / 0 - 4.6 / 0 - ns XC2S200 3.9 / 0 - 4.6 / 0 - ns ICE input All 0.9 / 0.01 - 0.9 / 0.01 - ns TIOSRCKI SR input (IFF, synchronous) All - 1.1 - 1.2 ns TIOSRIQ SR input to IQ (asynchronous) All - 1.5 - 1.7 ns TGSRQ GSR to output IQ All - 9.9 - 11.7 ns TIOPICKD / TIOICKPD TIOICECK / TIOCKICE Pad, with delay (1) Set/Reset Delays Notes: 1. Input timing for LVTTL is measured at 1.4V. For other I/O standards, see the table "Delay Measurement Methodology," page 60. 2. A zero hold time listing indicates no hold time or a negative hold time. DS001-3 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 3 of 4 56 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: DC and Switching Characteristics IOB Input Delay Adjustments for Different Standards (1) Input delays associated with the pad are specified for LVTTL. For other standards, adjust the delays by the values shown. A delay adjusted in this way constitutes a worst-case limit. Speed Grade Symbol Description Standard -6 -5 Units 0 0 ns LVCMOS2 -0.04 -0.05 ns TIPCI33_3 PCI, 33 MHz, 3.3V -0.11 -0.13 ns TIPCI33_5 PCI, 33 MHz, 5.0V 0.26 0.30 ns TIPCI66_3 PCI, 66 MHz, 3.3V -0.11 -0.13 ns TIGTL GTL 0.20 0.24 ns TIGTLP GTL+ 0.11 0.13 ns TIHSTL HSTL 0.03 0.04 ns TISSTL2 SSTL2 -0.08 -0.09 ns TISSTL3 SSTL3 -0.04 -0.05 ns TICTT CTT 0.02 0.02 ns TIAGP AGP -0.06 -0.07 ns Data Input Delay Adjustments TILVTTL TILVCMOS2 Standard-specific data input delay adjustments LVTTL Notes: 1. Input timing for LVTTL is measured at 1.4V. For other I/O standards, see the table "Delay Measurement Methodology," page 60. 1 DS001-3 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 3 of 4 57 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: DC and Switching Characteristics IOB Output Switching Characteristics Output delays terminating at a pad are specified for LVTTL with 12 mA drive and fast slew rate. For other standards, adjust the delays with the values shown in "IOB Output Delay Adjustments for Different Standards," page 59. Speed Grade -6 Symbol Propagation Delays TIOOP O input to pad -5 Min Max Min Max Units - 2.9 - 3.4 ns O input to pad via transparent latch - 3.4 - 4.0 ns TIOTHZ T input to pad high-impedance (1) - 2.0 - 2.3 ns TIOTON TIOOLP Description 3-state Delays T input to valid data on pad - 3.0 - 3.6 ns TIOTLPHZ T input to pad high impedance via transparent latch (1) - 2.5 - 2.9 ns TIOTLPON T input to valid data on pad via transparent latch - 3.5 - 4.2 ns TGTS impedance (1) - 5.0 - 5.9 ns - 2.9 - 3.4 ns - 2.3 - 2.7 ns - 3.3 - 4.0 ns 1.1 / 0 - 1.3 / 0 - ns 0.9 / 0.01 - 0.9 / 0.01 - ns 1.2 / 0 - 1.3 / 0 - ns GTS to pad high Sequential Delays TIOCKP Clock CLK to pad (synchronous)(1) TIOCKHZ Clock CLK to pad high impedance TIOCKON Clock CLK to valid data on pad (synchronous) Setup/Hold Times with Respect to Clock TIOOCK / TIOCKO O input TIOOCECK / TIOCKOCE OCE input TIOSRCKO / TIOCKOSR SR input (OFF) TIOTCK / TIOCKT CLK (2) 3-state setup times, T input 0.8 / 0 - 0.9 / 0 - ns TIOTCECK / TIOCKTCE 3-state setup times, TCE input 1.0 / 0 - 1.0 / 0 - ns TIOSRCKT / TIOCKTSR 3-state setup times, SR input (TFF) 1.1 / 0 - 1.2 / 0 - ns Set/Reset Delays TIOSRP SR input to pad (asynchronous) - 3.7 - 4.4 ns TIOSRHZ SR input to pad high impedance (asynchronous)(1) - 3.1 - 3.7 ns TIOSRON SR input to valid data on pad (asynchronous) - 4.1 - 4.9 ns TIOGSRQ GSR to pad - 9.9 - 11.7 ns Notes: 1. Three-state turn-off delays should not be adjusted. 2. A zero hold time listing indicates no hold time or a negative hold time. DS001-3 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 3 of 4 58 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: DC and Switching Characteristics IOB Output Delay Adjustments for Different Standards (1) Output delays terminating at a pad are specified for LVTTL with 12 mA drive and fast slew rate. For other standards, adjust the delays by the values shown. A delay adjusted in this way constitutes a worst-case limit. Speed Grade Symbol Description Standard -6 -5 Units LVTTL, Slow, 2 mA 14.2 16.9 ns 4 mA 7.2 8.6 ns 6 mA 4.7 5.5 ns TOLVTTL_S8 8 mA 2.9 3.5 ns TOLVTTL_S12 12 mA 1.9 2.2 ns TOLVTTL_S16 16 mA 1.7 2.0 ns TOLVTTL_S24 24 mA 1.3 1.5 ns 12.6 15.0 ns Output Delay Adjustments (Adj) TOLVTTL_S2 TOLVTTL_S4 TOLVTTL_S6 Standard-specific adjustments for output delays terminating at pads (based on standard capacitive load, CSL) TOLVTTL_F2 LVTTL, Fast, 2 mA TOLVTTL_F4 4 mA 5.1 6.1 ns TOLVTTL_F6 6 mA 3.0 3.6 ns TOLVTTL_F8 8 mA 1.0 1.2 ns TOLVTTL_F12 12 mA 0 0 ns TOLVTTL_F16 16 mA -0.1 -0.1 ns TOLVTTL_F24 24 mA -0.1 -0.2 ns LVCMOS2 0.2 0.2 ns TOPCI33_3 PCI, 33 MHz, 3.3V 2.4 2.9 ns TOPCI33_5 PCI, 33 MHz, 5.0V 2.9 3.5 ns TOPCI66_3 PCI, 66 MHz, 3.3V -0.3 -0.4 ns TOGTL GTL 0.6 0.7 ns TOGTLP GTL+ 0.9 1.1 ns TOHSTL_I HSTL I -0.4 -0.5 ns TOHSTL_III HSTL III -0.8 -1.0 ns TOHSTL_IV HSTL IV -0.9 -1.1 ns TOSSTL2_I SSTL2 I -0.4 -0.5 ns TOSSLT2_II SSTL2 II -0.8 -1.0 ns TOSSTL3_I SSTL3 I -0.4 -0.5 ns TOSSTL3_II SSTL3 II -0.9 -1.1 ns TOCTT CTT -0.5 -0.6 ns TOAGP AGP -0.8 -1.0 ns TOLVCMOS2 Notes: 1. Output timing is measured at 1.4V with 35 pF external capacitive load for LVTTL. For other I/O standards and different loads, see the tables "Constants for Calculating TIOOP" and "Delay Measurement Methodology," page 60. 1 DS001-3 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 3 of 4 59 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: DC and Switching Characteristics Calculation of TIOOP as a Function of Capacitance Constants for Calculating TIOOP TIOOP is the propagation delay from the O Input of the IOB to the pad. The values for TIOOP are based on the standard capacitive load (CSL) for each I/O standard as listed in the table "Constants for Calculating TIOOP", below. Standard CSL(1) (pF) FL (ns/pF) LVTTL Fast Slew Rate, 2 mA drive 35 0.41 LVTTL Fast Slew Rate, 4 mA drive 35 0.20 LVTTL Fast Slew Rate, 6 mA drive 35 0.13 LVTTL Fast Slew Rate, 8 mA drive 35 0.079 LVTTL Fast Slew Rate, 12 mA drive 35 0.044 LVTTL Fast Slew Rate, 16 mA drive 35 0.043 LVTTL Fast Slew Rate, 24 mA drive 35 0.033 LVTTL Slow Slew Rate, 2 mA drive 35 0.41 CLOAD is the capacitive load for the design LVTTL Slow Slew Rate, 4 mA drive 35 0.20 FL LVTTL Slow Slew Rate, 6 mA drive 35 0.100 LVTTL Slow Slew Rate, 8 mA drive 35 0.086 LVTTL Slow Slew Rate, 12 mA drive 35 0.058 LVTTL Slow Slew Rate, 16 mA drive 35 0.050 LVTTL Slow Slew Rate, 24 mA drive 35 0.048 For other capacitive loads, use the formulas below to calculate an adjusted propagation delay, TIOOP1. TIOOP1 = TIOOP + Adj + (CLOAD - CSL) * FL Where: Adj is selected from "IOB Output Delay Adjustments for Different Standards", page 59, according to the I/O standard used is the capacitance scaling factor Delay Measurement Methodology Standard VL (1) VH (1) Meas. VREF Point Typ (2) LVTTL 0 3 1.4 - LVCMOS2 35 0.041 LVCMOS2 0 2.5 1.125 - PCI 33 MHz 5V 50 0.050 PCI33_5 Per PCI Spec - PCI 33 MHZ 3.3V 10 0.050 PCI33_3 Per PCI Spec - PCI 66 MHz 3.3V 10 0.033 PCI66_3 Per PCI Spec - GTL 0 0.014 GTL VREF - 0.2 VREF + 0.2 VREF 0.80 GTL+ 0 0.017 GTL+ VREF - 0.2 VREF + 0.2 VREF 1.0 HSTL Class I 20 0.022 HSTL Class I VREF - 0.5 VREF + 0.5 VREF 0.75 HSTL Class III 20 0.016 HSTL Class III VREF - 0.5 VREF + 0.5 VREF 0.90 HSTL Class IV 20 0.014 HSTL Class IV VREF - 0.5 VREF + 0.5 VREF 0.90 SSTL2 Class I 30 0.028 SSTL3 I and II VREF - 1.0 VREF + 1.0 VREF 1.5 SSTL2 Class II 30 0.016 SSTL2 I and II VREF - 0.75 VREF + 0.75 VREF 1.25 SSTL3 Class I 30 0.029 CTT VREF - 0.2 VREF + 0.2 VREF 1.5 SSTL3 Class II 30 0.016 AGP VREF - VREF + (0.2xVCCO) (0.2xVCCO) VREF Per AGP Spec CTT 20 0.035 AGP 10 0.037 Notes: 1. Input waveform switches between VL and VH. 2. Measurements are made at VREF Typ, Maximum, and Minimum. Worst-case values are reported. 3. I/O parameter measurements are made with the capacitance values shown in the table, "Constants for Calculating TIOOP". See Xilinx application note XAPP179 for the appropriate terminations. 4. I/O standard measurements are reflected in the IBIS model information except where the IBIS format precludes it. DS001-3 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Notes: 1. I/O parameter measurements are made with the capacitance values shown above. See Xilinx application note XAPP179 for the appropriate terminations. 2. I/O standard measurements are reflected in the IBIS model information except where the IBIS format precludes it. Module 3 of 4 60 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: DC and Switching Characteristics Clock Distribution Guidelines (1) Speed Grade Symbol Description -6 -5 Max Max Units 0.13 0.14 ns GCLK Clock Skew TGSKEWIOB Global clock skew between IOB flip-flops Notes: 1. These clock distribution delays are provided for guidance only. They reflect the delays encountered in a typical design under worst-case conditions. Precise values for a particular design are provided by the timing analyzer. Clock Distribution Switching Characteristics TGPIO is specified for LVTTL levels. For other standards, adjust TGPIO with the values shown in "I/O Standard Global Clock Input Adjustments". Speed Grade Symbol Description -6 -5 Max Max Units GCLK IOB and Buffer TGPIO Global clock pad to output 0.7 0.8 ns TGIO Global clock buffer I input to O output 0.7 0.8 ns I/O Standard Global Clock Input Adjustments Delays associated with a global clock input pad are specified for LVTTL levels. For other standards, adjust the delays by the values shown. A delay adjusted in this way constitutes a worst-case limit. Speed Grade Symbol Description Standard -6 -5 Units LVTTL 0 0 ns Data Input Delay Adjustments TGPLVTTL TGPLVCMOS2 Standard-specific global clock input delay adjustments LVCMOS2 -0.04 -0.05 ns TGPPCI33_3 PCI, 33 MHz, 3.3V -0.11 -0.13 ns TGPPCI33_5 PCI, 33 MHz, 5.0V 0.26 0.30 ns TGPPCI66_3 PCI, 66 MHz, 3.3V -0.11 -0.13 ns TGPGTL GTL 0.80 0.84 ns TGPGTLP GTL+ 0.71 0.73 ns TGPHSTL HSTL 0.63 0.64 ns TGPSSTL2 SSTL2 0.52 0.51 ns TGPSSTL3 SSTL3 0.56 0.55 ns TGPCTT CTT 0.62 0.62 ns TGPAGP AGP 0.54 0.53 ns Notes: 1. Input timing for GPLVTTL is measured at 1.4V. For other I/O standards, see the table "Delay Measurement Methodology," page 60. 1 DS001-3 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 3 of 4 61 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: DC and Switching Characteristics DLL Timing Parameters All devices are 100 percent functionally tested. Because of the difficulty in directly measuring many internal timing parameters, those parameters are derived from benchmark timing patterns. The following guidelines reflect worst-case values across the recommended operating conditions. Speed Grade -6 Symbol Description -5 Min Max Min Max Units FCLKINHF Input clock frequency (CLKDLLHF) 60 200 60 180 MHz FCLKINLF Input clock frequency (CLKDLL) 25 100 25 90 MHz TDLLPWHF Input clock pulse width (CLKDLLHF) 2.0 - 2.4 - ns TDLLPWLF Input clock pulse width (CLKDLL) 2.5 - 3.0 - ns DLL Clock Tolerance, Jitter, and Phase Information All DLL output jitter and phase specifications were determined through statistical measurement at the package pins using a clock mirror configuration and matched drivers. Figure 52, page 63, provides definitions for various parameters in the table below. CLKDLLHF Symbol Description FCLKIN CLKDLL Min Max Min Max Units TIPTOL Input clock period tolerance - 1.0 - 1.0 ns TIJITCC Input clock jitter tolerance (cycle-to-cycle) - 150 - 300 ps TLOCK Time required for DLL to acquire lock > 60 MHz - 20 - 20 s 50-60 MHz - - - 25 s 40-50 MHz - - - 50 s 30-40 MHz - - - 90 s 25-30 MHz - - - 120 s Output jitter (cycle-to-cycle) for any DLL clock output (1) - 60 - 60 ps TPHIO Phase offset between CLKIN and CLKO (2) - 100 - 100 ps TPHOO Phase offset between clock outputs on the DLL(3) - 140 - 140 ps TPHIOM Maximum phase difference between CLKIN and CLKO (4) - 160 - 160 ps TPHOOM Maximum phase difference between clock outputs on the DLL(5) - 200 - 200 ps TOJITCC Notes: 1. Output Jitter is cycle-to-cycle jitter measured on the DLL output clock, excluding input clock jitter. 2. Phase Offset between CLKIN and CLKO is the worst-case fixed time difference between rising edges of CLKIN and CLKO, excluding output jitter and input clock jitter. 3. Phase Offset between Clock Outputs on the DLL is the worst-case fixed time difference between rising edges of any two DLL outputs, excluding Output Jitter and input clock jitter. 4. Maximum Phase Difference between CLKIN an CLKO is the sum of Output Jitter and Phase Offset between CLKIN and CLKO, or the greatest difference between CLKIN and CLKO rising edges due to DLL alone (excluding input clock jitter). 5. Maximum Phase Difference between Clock Outputs on the DLL is the sum of Output JItter and Phase Offset between any DLL clock outputs, or the greatest difference between any two DLL output rising edges due to DLL alone (excluding input clock jitter). DS001-3 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 3 of 4 62 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: DC and Switching Characteristics Period Tolerance: the allowed input clock period change in nanoseconds. T CLKIN = 1 FCLKIN TCLKIN +_ TIPTOL Output Jitter: the difference between an ideal reference clock edge and the actual design. Phase Offset and Maximum Phase Difference Ideal Period Actual Period + Jitter +/- Jitter + Maximum Phase Difference + Phase Offset DS001_52_090800 Figure 52: Period Tolerance and Clock Jitter DS001-3 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 3 of 4 63 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: DC and Switching Characteristics CLB Switching Characteristics Delays originating at F/G inputs vary slightly according to the input used. The values listed below are worst-case. Precise values are provided by the timing analyzer. Speed Grade -6 Symbol Description -5 Min Max Min Max Units Combinatorial Delays TILO 4-input function: F/G inputs to X/Y outputs - 0.6 - 0.7 ns TIF5 5-input function: F/G inputs to F5 output - 0.7 - 0.9 ns TIF5X 5-input function: F/G inputs to X output - 0.9 - 1.1 ns TIF6Y 6-input function: F/G inputs to Y output via F6 MUX - 1.0 - 1.1 ns TF5INY 6-input function: F5IN input to Y output - 0.4 - 0.4 ns TIFNCTL Incremental delay routing through transparent latch to XQ/YQ outputs - 0.7 - 0.9 ns BY input to YB output - 0.6 - 0.7 ns TCKO FF clock CLK to XQ/YQ outputs - 1.1 - 1.3 ns TCKLO Latch clock CLK to XQ/YQ outputs - 1.2 - 1.5 ns TBYYB Sequential Delays Setup/Hold Times with Respect to Clock CLK (1) TICK / TCKI 4-input function: F/G inputs 1.3 / 0 - 1.4 / 0 - ns TIF5CK / TCKIF5 5-input function: F/G inputs 1.6 / 0 - 1.8 / 0 - ns TF5INCK / TCKF5IN 6-input function: F5IN input 1.0 / 0 - 1.1 / 0 - ns 6-input function: F/G inputs via F6 MUX 1.6 / 0 - 1.8 / 0 - ns BX/BY inputs 0.8 / 0 - 0.8 / 0 - ns CE input 0.9 / 0 - 0.9 / 0 - ns SR/BY inputs (synchronous) 0.8 / 0 - 0.8 / 0 - ns TIF6CK / TCKIF6 TDICK / TCKDI TCECK / TCKCE TRCK / TCKR Clock CLK TCH Minimum pulse width, High - 1.9 - 1.9 ns TCL Minimum pulse width, Low - 1.9 - 1.9 ns 3.1 - 3.1 - ns Delay from SR/BY inputs to XQ/YQ outputs (asynchronous) - 1.1 - 1.3 ns Delay from GSR to XQ/YQ outputs - 9.9 - 11.7 ns Toggle frequency (for export control) - 263 - 263 MHz Set/Reset TRPW TRQ TIOGSRQ FTOG Minimum pulse width, SR/BY inputs Notes: 1. A zero hold time listing indicates no hold time or a negative hold time. DS001-3 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 3 of 4 64 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: DC and Switching Characteristics CLB Arithmetic Switching Characteristics Setup times not listed explicitly can be approximated by decreasing the combinatorial delays by the setup time adjustment listed. Precise values are provided by the timing analyzer. Speed Grade -6 Symbol Description -5 Min Max Min Max Units Combinatorial Delays TOPX F operand inputs to X via XOR - 0.8 - 0.9 ns TOPXB F operand input to XB output - 1.3 - 1.5 ns TOPY F operand input to Y via XOR - 1.7 - 2.0 ns TOPYB F operand input to YB output - 1.7 - 2.0 ns TOPCYF F operand input to COUT output - 1.3 - 1.5 ns TOPGY G operand inputs to Y via XOR - 0.9 - 1.1 ns TOPGYB G operand input to YB output - 1.6 - 2.0 ns TOPCYG G operand input to COUT output - 1.2 - 1.4 ns TBXCY BX initialization input to COUT - 0.9 - 1.0 ns TCINX CIN input to X output via XOR - 0.4 - 0.5 ns TCINXB CIN input to XB - 0.1 - 0.1 ns TCINY CIN input to Y via XOR - 0.5 - 0.6 ns TCINYB CIN input to YB - 0.6 - 0.7 ns CIN input to COUT output - 0.1 - 0.1 ns TFANDXB F1/2 operand inputs to XB output via AND - 0.5 - 0.5 ns TFANDYB F1/2 operand inputs to YB output via AND - 0.9 - 1.1 ns TFANDCY F1/2 operand inputs to COUT output via AND - 0.5 - 0.6 ns TGANDYB G1/2 operand inputs to YB output via AND - 0.6 - 0.7 ns TGANDCY G1/2 operand inputs to COUT output via AND - 0.2 - 0.2 ns TBYP Multiplier Operation Setup/Hold Times with Respect to Clock CLK (1) TCCKX / TCKCX CIN input to FFX 1.1 / 0 - 1.2 / 0 - ns TCCKY / TCKCY CIN input to FFY 1.2 / 0 - 1.3 / 0 - ns Notes: 1. A zero hold time listing indicates no hold time or a negative hold time. DS001-3 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 3 of 4 65 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: DC and Switching Characteristics CLB Distributed RAM Switching Characteristics Speed Grade -6 Symbol Description Sequential Delays TSHCKO16 Clock CLK to X/Y outputs (WE active, 16 x 1 mode) TSHCKO32 Clock CLK to X/Y outputs (WE active, 32 x 1 mode) -5 Min Max Min Max Units - 2.2 - 2.6 ns - 2.5 - 3.0 ns Setup/Hold Times with Respect to Clock CLK (1) TAS / TAH F/G address inputs 0.7 / 0 - 0.7 / 0 - ns TDS / TDH BX/BY data inputs (DIN) 0.8 / 0 - 0.9 / 0 - ns CE input (WS) 0.9 / 0 - 1.0 / 0 - ns - 2.9 - 2.9 ns TWS / TWH Clock CLK TWPH Minimum pulse width, High TWPL Minimum pulse width, Low - 2.9 - 2.9 ns TWC Minimum clock period to meet address write cycle time - 5.8 - 5.8 ns Notes: 1. A zero hold time listing indicates no hold time or a negative hold time. CLB Shift Register Switching Characteristics Speed Grade -6 -5 Symbol Description Sequential Delays TREG Clock CLK to X/Y outputs Setup Times with Respect to Clock CLK TSHDICK BX/BY data inputs (DIN) Min Max Min Max Units - 3.47 - 3.88 ns 0.8 - 0.9 - ns TSHCECK Clock CLK TSRPH 0.9 - 1.0 - ns Minimum pulse width, High - 2.9 - 2.9 ns Minimum pulse width, Low - 2.9 - 2.9 ns TSRPL CE input (WS) DS001-3 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 3 of 4 66 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: DC and Switching Characteristics Block RAM Switching Characteristics Speed Grade -6 Symbol Description -5 Min Max Min Max Units - 3.4 - 4.0 ns Sequential Delays TBCKO Clock CLK to DOUT output Setup/Hold Times with Respect to Clock CLK (1) TBACK / TBCKA ADDR inputs 1.4 / 0 - 1.4 / 0 - ns TBDCK/ TBCKD DIN inputs 1.4 / 0 - 1.4 / 0 - ns TBECK/ TBCKE EN inputs 2.9 / 0 - 3.2 / 0 - ns TBRCK/ TBCKR RST input 2.7 / 0 - 2.9 / 0 - ns TBWCK/ TBCKW WEN input 2.6 / 0 - 2.8 / 0 - ns Clock CLK TBPWH Minimum pulse width, High - 1.9 - 1.9 ns TBPWL Minimum pulse width, Low - 1.9 - 1.9 ns TBCCS CLKA -> CLKB setup time for different ports - 3.0 - 4.0 ns Notes: 1. A zero hold time listing indicates no hold time or a negative hold time. TBUF Switching Characteristics Speed Grade Symbol Description -6 -5 Max Max Units 0 0 ns Combinatorial Delays TIO IN input to OUT output TOFF TRI input to OUT output high impedance 0.1 0.2 ns TON TRI input to valid data on OUT output 0.1 0.2 ns JTAG Test Access Port Switching Characteristics Speed Grade -6 Symbol Description -5 Min Max Min Max Units 4.0 / 2.0 - 4.0 / 2.0 - ns Output delay from clock TCK to output TDO - 11.0 - 11.0 ns Maximum TCK clock frequency - 33 - 33 MHz Setup and Hold Times with Respect to TCK TTAPTCK / TTCKTAP TMS and TDI setup and hold times Sequential Delays TTCKTDO FTCK DS001-3 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 3 of 4 67 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: DC and Switching Characteristics Revision History Date Version No. Description 09/18/00 2.0 Sectioned the Spartan-II Family data sheet into four modules. Updated timing to reflect the latest speed files. Added current supply numbers and XC2S200 -5 timing numbers. Approved -5 timing numbers as preliminary information with exceptions as noted. 11/02/00 2.1 Removed Power Down feature. 01/19/01 2.2 DC and timing numbers updated to Preliminary for the XC2S50 and XC2S100. Industrial power-on current specifications and -6 DLL timing numbers added. Power-on specification clarified. 03/09/01 2.3 Added note on power sequencing. Clarified power-on current requirement. 08/28/01 2.4 Added -6 preliminary timing. Added typical and industrial standby current numbers. Specified min. power-on current by junction temperature instead of by device type (Commercial vs. Industrial). Eliminated minimum VCCINT ramp time requirement. Removed footnote limiting DLL operation to the Commercial temperature range. 07/26/02 2.5 Clarified that I/O leakage current is specified over the Recommended Operating Conditions for VCCINT and VCCO. 08/26/02 2.6 Added references for XAPP450 to Power-On Current Specification. 09/03/03 2.7 Added relaxed minimum power-on current (ICCPO) requirements to page 53. On page 64, moved TRPW values from maximum to minimum column. 06/13/08 2.8 Updated I/O measurement thresholds. Updated description and links. Updated all modules for continuous page, figure, and table numbering. Synchronized all modules to v2.8. DS001-3 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 3 of 4 68 99 Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables R DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Introduction information for the standard package applies equally to the Pb-free package. This section describes how the various pins on a Spartan(R)-II FPGA connect within the supported component packages, and provides device-specific thermal characteristics. Spartan-II FPGAs are available in both standard and Pb-free, RoHS versions of each package, with the Pb-free version adding a "G" to the middle of the package code. Except for the thermal characteristics, all Pin Types Most pins on a Spartan-II FPGA are general-purpose, user-defined I/O pins. There are, however, different functional types of pins on Spartan-II FPGA packages, as outlined in Table 35. Table 35: Pin Definitions Pin Name Dedicated Direction Description GCK0, GCK1, GCK2, GCK3 No Input Clock input pins that connect to Global Clock Buffers. These pins become user inputs when not needed for clocks. M0, M1, M2 Yes Input Mode pins are used to specify the configuration mode. CCLK Yes Input or Output The configuration Clock I/O pin. It is an input for slave-parallel and slave-serial modes, and output in master-serial mode. PROGRAM Yes Input Initiates a configuration sequence when asserted Low. DONE Yes Bidirectional Indicates that configuration loading is complete, and that the start-up sequence is in progress. The output may be open drain. INIT No Bidirectional (Open-drain) When Low, indicates that the configuration memory is being cleared. This pin becomes a user I/O after configuration. BUSY/DOUT No Output In Slave Parallel mode, BUSY controls the rate at which configuration data is loaded. This pin becomes a user I/O after configuration unless the Slave Parallel port is retained. In serial modes, DOUT provides configuration data to downstream devices in a daisy-chain. This pin becomes a user I/O after configuration. D0/DIN, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7 No Input or Output In Slave Parallel mode, D0-D7 are configuration data input pins. During readback, D0-D7 are output pins. These pins become user I/Os after configuration unless the Slave Parallel port is retained. In serial modes, DIN is the single data input. This pin becomes a user I/O after configuration. WRITE No Input In Slave Parallel mode, the active-low Write Enable signal. This pin becomes a user I/O after configuration unless the Slave Parallel port is retained. CS No Input In Slave Parallel mode, the active-low Chip Select signal. This pin becomes a user I/O after configuration unless the Slave Parallel port is retained. TDI, TDO, TMS, TCK Yes Mixed Boundary Scan Test Access Port pins (IEEE 1149.1). VCCINT Yes Input Power supply pins for the internal core logic. VCCO Yes Input Power supply pins for output drivers (subject to banking rules) VREF No Input Input threshold voltage pins. Become user I/Os when an external threshold voltage is not needed (subject to banking rules). GND Yes Input Ground. IRDY, TRDY No See PCI core documentation These signals can only be accessed when using Xilinx(R) PCI cores. If the cores are not used, these pins are available as user I/Os. (c) 2000-2008 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. XILINX, the Xilinx logo, the Brand Window, and other designated brands included herein are trademarks of Xilinx, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 4 of 4 69 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables Table 36: Spartan-II Family Package Options Maximum I/O Lead Pitch (mm) Footprint Area (mm) Height (mm) Mass(1) (g) Very Thin Quad Flat Pack (VQFP) 60 0.5 16 x 16 1.20 0.6 144 Thin Quad Flat Pack (TQFP) 92 0.5 22 x 22 1.60 1.4 CS144 / CSG144 144 Chip Scale Ball Grid Array (CSBGA) 92 0.8 12 x 12 1.20 0.3 PQ208 / PQG208 208 Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP) 140 0.5 30.6 x 30.6 3.70 5.3 FG256 / FGG256 256 Fine-pitch Ball Grid Array (FBGA) 176 1.0 17 x 17 2.00 0.9 FG456 / FGG456 456 Fine-pitch Ball Grid Array (FBGA) 284 1.0 23 x 23 2.60 2.2 Package Leads VQ100 / VQG100 100 TQ144 / TQG144 Type Notes: 1. Package mass is 10%. Note: Some early versions of Spartan-II devices, including the XC2S15 and XC2S30 ES devices and the XC2S150 with date code 0045 or earlier, included a power-down pin. For more information, see Answer Record 10500. For additional package information, see UG112: Device Package User Guide. VCCO Banks Detailed mechanical drawings for each package type are available from the Xilinx web site at the specified location in Table 38. Some of the I/O standards require specific VCCO voltages. These voltages are externally connected to device pins that serve groups of IOBs, called banks. Eight I/O banks result from separating each edge of the FPGA into two banks (see Figure 3 in Module 2). Each bank has multiple VCCO pins which must be connected to the same voltage. In the smaller packages, the VCCO pins are connected between banks, effectively reducing the number of independent banks available (see Table 37). These interconnected banks are shown in the Pinout Tables with VCCO pads for multiple banks connected to the same pin. Material Declaration Data Sheets (MDDS) are also available on the Xilinx web site for each package. Table 38: Xilinx Package Documentation Package VQ100 Package Drawing VQG100 TQ144 VQ100 PQ208 CS144 TQ144 FG256 FG456 CS144 1 4 8 PQ208 Independent Banks Drawing Package Drawing Package Drawing Table 36 shows the six low-cost, space-saving production package styles for the Spartan-II family. FGG256 Each package style is available in an environmentally friendly lead-free (Pb-free) option. The Pb-free packages include an extra `G' in the package style name. For example, the standard "CS144" package becomes "CSG144" when ordered as the Pb-free option. Leaded (non-Pb-free) packages may be available for selected devices, with the same pin-out and without the "G" in the ordering code; contact Xilinx sales for more information. The mechanical dimensions of the standard and Pb-free packages are similar, as shown in the mechanical drawings provided in Table 38. FGG456 DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification FG456 PK169_TQ144 PK149_CS144 PK103_CSG144 Package Drawing PQG208 FG256 PK173_VQ100 PK126_TQG144 CSG144 Package Overview MDDS PK130_VQG100 TQG144 Table 37: Independent VCCO Banks Available Package Mechanical Drawings PK166_PQ208 PK123_PQG208 Package Drawing PK151_FG256 PK105_FGG256 Package Drawing PK154_FG456 PK109_FGG456 Module 4 of 4 70 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables Package Thermal Characteristics Table 39 provides the thermal characteristics for the various Spartan-II FPGA package offerings. This information is also available using the Thermal Query tool on ( The junction-to-case thermal resistance (JC) indicates the difference between the temperature measured on the package body (case) and the die junction temperature per watt of power consumption. The junction-to-board (JB) value similarly reports the difference between the board and junction temperature. The junction-to-ambient (JA) value reports the temperature difference between the ambient environment and the junction temperature. The JA value is reported at different air velocities, measured in linear feet per minute (LFM). The "Still Air (0 LFM)" column shows the JA value in a system without a fan. The thermal resistance drops with increasing air flow. Table 39: Spartan-II Package Thermal Characteristics Junction-to-Ambient (JA) at Different Air Flows Package Device Junction-to-Case (JC) Junction-toBoard (JB) Still Air (0 LFM) 250 LFM 500 LFM 750 LFM Units VQ100 VQG100 XC2S15 11.3 N/A 44.1 36.7 34.2 33.3 C/Watt XC2S30 10.1 N/A 40.7 33.9 31.5 30.8 C/Watt XC2S15 7.3 N/A 38.6 30.0 25.7 24.1 C/Watt XC2S30 6.7 N/A 34.7 27.0 23.1 21.7 C/Watt XC2S50 5.8 N/A 32.2 25.1 21.4 20.1 C/Watt XC2S100 5.3 N/A 31.4 24.4 20.9 19.6 C/Watt XC2S30 2.8 N/A 34.0 26.0 23.9 23.2 C/Watt XC2S50 6.7 N/A 25.2 18.6 16.4 15.2 C/Watt XC2S100 5.9 N/A 24.6 18.1 16.0 14.9 C/Watt XC2S150 5.0 N/A 23.8 17.6 15.6 14.4 C/Watt XC2S200 4.1 N/A 23.0 17.0 15.0 13.9 C/Watt XC2S50 7.1 17.6 27.2 21.4 20.3 19.8 C/Watt XC2S100 5.8 15.1 25.1 19.5 18.3 17.8 C/Watt XC2S150 4.6 12.7 23.0 17.6 16.3 15.8 C/Watt XC2S200 3.5 10.7 21.4 16.1 14.7 14.2 C/Watt XC2S150 2.0 N/A 21.9 17.3 15.8 15.2 C/Watt XC2S200 2.0 N/A 21.0 16.6 15.1 14.5 C/Watt TQ144 TQG144 CS144 CSG144 PQ208 PQG208 FG256 FGG256 FG456 FGG456 DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 4 of 4 71 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables Pinout Tables XC2S15 Device Pinouts (Continued) The following device-specific pinout tables include all packages available for each Spartan(R)-II device. They follow the pad locations around the die, and include Boundary Scan register locations. XC2S15 Device Pinouts XC2S15 Pad Name XC2S15 Pad Name Bank VQ100 TQ144 CS144 Bndry Scan M2 - P27 P106 N2 148 I/O 5 - P103 K4 155 Function I/O, VREF 5 P30 P102 L4 158 I/O 5 P31 P100 N4 161 I/O 5 P32 P99 K5 164 Bank VQ100 TQ144 CS144 Bndry Scan GND - P1 P143 A1 - GND - - P98 L5 - TMS - P2 P142 B1 - VCCINT - P33 P97 M5 - I/O 7 P3 P141 C2 77 I/O 5 - P96 N5 167 I/O 7 - P140 C1 80 I/O 5 - P95 K6 170 I/O, VREF 7 P4 P139 D4 83 I/O, VREF 5 P34 P94 L6 173 I/O 7 P5 P137 D2 86 I/O 5 - P93 M6 176 I/O 7 P6 P136 D1 89 VCCINT - P35 P92 N6 - Function GND - - P135 E4 - I, GCK1 5 P36 P91 M7 185 I/O 7 P7 P134 E3 92 VCCO 5 P37 P90 N7 - I/O 7 - P133 E2 95 VCCO 4 P37 P90 N7 - I/O, VREF 7 P8 P132 E1 98 GND - P38 P89 L7 - I/O 7 P9 P131 F4 101 I, GCK0 4 P39 P88 K7 186 I/O 7 - P130 F3 104 I/O 4 P40 P87 N8 190 I/O, IRDY(1) 7 P10 P129 F2 107 I/O 4 - P86 M8 193 GND - P11 P128 F1 - I/O, VREF 4 P41 P85 L8 196 VCCO 7 P12 P127 G2 - I/O 4 - P84 K8 199 VCCO 6 P12 P127 G2 - I/O 4 - P83 N9 202 VCCINT - P42 P82 M9 - GND - - P81 L9 - I/O, TRDY(1) 6 P13 P126 G1 110 VCCINT - P14 P125 G3 - I/O 6 - P124 G4 113 I/O 4 P43 P80 K9 205 I/O 6 P15 P123 H1 116 I/O 4 P44 P79 N10 208 I/O, VREF 6 P16 P122 H2 119 I/O, VREF 4 P45 P77 L10 211 I/O 6 - P121 H3 122 I/O 4 - P76 N11 214 I/O 6 P17 P120 H4 125 I/O 4 P46 P75 M11 217 GND - - P119 J1 - I/O 4 P47 P74 L11 220 I/O 6 P18 P118 J2 128 GND - P48 P73 N12 - I/O 6 P19 P117 J3 131 DONE 3 P49 P72 M12 223 I/O, VREF 6 P20 P115 K1 134 VCCO 4 P50 P71 N13 - I/O 6 - P114 K2 137 VCCO 3 P50 P70 M13 - I/O 6 P21 P113 K3 140 PROGRAM - P51 P69 L12 226 I/O 6 P22 P112 L1 143 I/O (INIT) 3 P52 P68 L13 227 M1 - P23 P111 L2 146 I/O (D7) 3 P53 P67 K10 230 GND - P24 P110 L3 - M0 - P25 P109 M1 147 VCCO 6 P26 P108 M2 VCCO 5 P26 P107 N1 DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification I/O 3 - P66 K11 233 I/O, VREF 3 P54 P65 K12 236 - I/O 3 P55 P63 J10 239 - I/O (D6) 3 P56 P62 J11 242 Module 4 of 4 72 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S15 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S15 Pad Name XC2S15 Device Pinouts (Continued) Bank VQ100 TQ144 CS144 Bndry Scan GND - - P61 J12 - I/O (D5) 3 P57 P60 J13 Function XC2S15 Pad Name Bank VQ100 TQ144 CS144 Bndry Scan I/O, VREF 1 P86 P21 B8 24 245 I/O 1 - P20 A8 27 Function I/O 3 P58 P59 H10 248 I/O 1 P87 P19 B7 30 I/O, VREF 3 P59 P58 H11 251 I, GCK2 1 P88 P18 A7 36 I/O (D4) 3 P60 P57 H12 254 GND - P89 P17 C7 - I/O 3 - P56 H13 257 VCCO 1 P90 P16 D7 - - P61 P55 G12 - VCCO 0 P90 P16 D7 - VCCINT I/O, TRDY(1) 3 P62 P54 G13 260 I, GCK3 0 P91 P15 A6 37 VCCO 3 P63 P53 G11 - VCCINT - P92 P14 B6 - VCCO 2 P63 P53 G11 - I/O 0 - P13 C6 44 GND - P64 P52 G10 - I/O, VREF 0 P93 P12 D6 47 2 P65 P51 F13 263 I/O 0 - P11 A5 50 I/O, IRDY(1) I/O 2 - P50 F12 266 I/O 0 - P10 B5 53 I/O (D3) 2 P66 P49 F11 269 VCCINT - P94 P9 C5 - I/O, VREF 2 P67 P48 F10 272 GND - - P8 D5 - I/O 2 P68 P47 E13 275 I/O 0 P95 P7 A4 56 I/O (D2) 2 P69 P46 E12 278 I/O 0 P96 P6 B4 59 GND - - P45 E11 - I/O, VREF 0 P97 P5 C4 62 I/O (D1) 2 P70 P44 E10 281 I/O 0 - P4 A3 65 I/O 2 P71 P43 D13 284 I/O 0 P98 P3 B3 68 I/O, VREF 2 P72 P41 D11 287 TCK - P99 P2 C3 - I/O 2 - P40 C13 290 VCCO 0 P100 P1 A2 - I/O (DIN, D0) 2 P73 P39 C12 293 VCCO 7 P100 P144 B2 - I/O (DOUT, BUSY) 2 P74 P38 C11 296 04/18/01 CCLK 2 P75 P37 B13 299 VCCO 2 P76 P36 B12 - VCCO 1 P76 P35 A13 - TDO 2 P77 P34 A12 - GND - P78 P33 B11 - TDI - P79 P32 A11 - I/O (CS) 1 P80 P31 D10 0 Notes: 1. IRDY and TRDY can only be accessed when using Xilinx PCI cores. 2. See "VCCO Banks" for details on VCCO banking. Additional XC2S15 Package Pins VQ100 P28 I/O (WRITE) 1 P81 P30 C10 3 11/02/00 I/O 1 - P29 B10 6 TQ144 I/O, VREF 1 P82 P28 A10 9 I/O 1 P83 P27 D9 12 P42 P116 I/O 1 P84 P26 C9 15 11/02/00 GND - - P25 B9 - VCCINT - P85 P24 A9 - I/O 1 - P23 D8 18 I/O 1 - P22 C8 21 DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification P29 Not Connected Pins - - - P64 P138 Not Connected Pins P78 P101 - P104 - P105 - D12 N3 Not Connected Pins J4 K13 - M3 - M4 - CS144 D3 M10 11/02/00 Module 4 of 4 73 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S30 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S30 Device Pinouts XC2S30 Pad Name Function Bndry Bank VQ100 TQ144 CS144 PQ208 Scan XC2S30 Pad Name Function Bank VQ100 TQ144 CS144 PQ208 Bndry Scan GND - P1 P143 A1 P1 - I/O, VREF 6 P20 P115 K1 P45 203 TMS - P2 P142 B1 P2 - I/O 6 - - - P46 206 I/O 7 P3 P141 C2 P3 113 I/O 6 - P114 K2 P47 209 6 P21 P113 K3 P48 212 I/O 7 - P140 C1 P4 116 I/O I/O 7 - - - P5 119 I/O 6 P22 P112 L1 P49 215 I/O, VREF 7 P4 P139 D4 P6 122 M1 - P23 P111 L2 P50 218 I/O 7 - P138 D3 P8 125 GND - P24 P110 L3 P51 - I/O 7 P5 P137 D2 P9 128 M0 - P25 P109 M1 P52 219 6 P26 P108 M2 P53 - I/O 7 P6 P136 D1 P10 131 VCCO GND - - P135 E4 P11 - VCCO 5 P26 P107 N1 P53 - VCCO 7 - - - P12 - M2 - P27 P106 N2 P54 220 I/O 7 P7 P134 E3 P14 134 I/O 5 - P103 K4 P57 227 I/O 7 - P133 E2 P15 137 I/O 5 - - - P58 230 5 P30 P102 L4 P59 233 I/O 7 - - - P16 140 I/O, VREF I/O 7 - - - P17 143 I/O 5 - P101 M4 P61 236 I/O 7 - - - P18 146 I/O 5 P31 P100 N4 P62 239 GND - - - - P19 - I/O 5 P32 P99 K5 P63 242 I/O, VREF 7 P8 P132 E1 P20 149 GND - - P98 L5 P64 - 5 - - - P65 - I/O 7 P9 P131 F4 P21 152 VCCO I/O 7 - P130 F3 P22 155 VCCINT - P33 P97 M5 P66 - I/O 7 - - - P23 158 I/O 5 - P96 N5 P67 245 I/O, IRDY(1) 7 P10 P129 F2 P24 161 I/O 5 - P95 K6 P68 248 GND - P11 P128 F1 P25 - I/O 5 - - - P69 251 5 - - - P70 254 VCCO 7 P12 P127 G2 P26 - I/O VCCO 6 P12 P127 G2 P26 - I/O 5 - - - P71 257 I/O, TRDY(1) 6 P13 P126 G1 P27 164 GND - - - - P72 - VCCINT - P14 P125 G3 P28 - I/O, VREF 5 P34 P94 L6 P73 260 I/O 6 - P124 G4 P29 170 I/O 5 - - - P74 263 5 - P93 M6 P75 266 I/O 6 P15 P123 H1 P30 173 I/O I/O, VREF 6 P16 P122 H2 P31 176 VCCINT - P35 P92 N6 P76 - GND - - - - P32 - I, GCK1 5 P36 P91 M7 P77 275 I/O 6 - - - P33 179 VCCO 5 P37 P90 N7 P78 - I/O 6 - - - P34 182 VCCO 4 P37 P90 N7 P78 - - P38 P89 L7 P79 - I/O 6 - - - P35 185 GND I/O 6 - P121 H3 P36 188 I, GCK0 4 P39 P88 K7 P80 276 I/O 6 P17 P120 H4 P37 191 I/O 4 P40 P87 N8 P81 280 VCCO 6 - - - P39 - I/O 4 - P86 M8 P82 283 GND - - P119 J1 P40 - I/O 4 - - - P83 286 4 P41 P85 L8 P84 289 I/O 6 P18 P118 J2 P41 194 I/O, VREF I/O 6 P19 P117 J3 P42 197 GND - - - - P85 - I/O 6 - P116 J4 P43 200 I/O 4 - - - P86 292 DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 4 of 4 74 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S30 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S30 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S30 Pad Name Function Bndry Bank VQ100 TQ144 CS144 PQ208 Scan XC2S30 Pad Name Function Bank VQ100 TQ144 CS144 PQ208 Bndry Scan I/O 4 - - - P87 295 VCCO 3 P63 P53 G11 P130 - I/O 4 - - - P88 298 VCCO 2 P63 P53 G11 P130 - I/O 4 - P84 K8 P89 301 GND - P64 P52 G10 P131 - I/O 4 - P83 N9 P90 304 I/O, IRDY(1) 2 P65 P51 F13 P132 389 VCCINT - P42 P82 M9 P91 - I/O 2 - - - P133 392 VCCO 4 - - - P92 - I/O 2 - P50 F12 P134 395 GND - - P81 L9 P93 - I/O (D3) 2 P66 P49 F11 P135 398 I/O 4 P43 P80 K9 P94 307 I/O, VREF 2 P67 P48 F10 P136 401 I/O 4 P44 P79 N10 P95 310 GND - - - - P137 - I/O 4 - P78 M10 P96 313 I/O 2 - - - P138 404 I/O, VREF 4 P45 P77 L10 P98 316 I/O 2 - - - P139 407 I/O 4 - - - P99 319 I/O 2 - - - P140 410 I/O 4 - P76 N11 P100 322 I/O 2 P68 P47 E13 P141 413 I/O 4 P46 P75 M11 P101 325 I/O (D2) 2 P69 P46 E12 P142 416 I/O 4 P47 P74 L11 P102 328 VCCO 2 - - - P144 - GND - P48 P73 N12 P103 - GND - - P45 E11 P145 - DONE 3 P49 P72 M12 P104 331 I/O (D1) 2 P70 P44 E10 P146 419 VCCO 4 P50 P71 N13 P105 - I/O 2 P71 P43 D13 P147 422 VCCO 3 P50 P70 M13 P105 - I/O 2 - P42 D12 P148 425 PROGRAM - P51 P69 L12 P106 334 I/O, VREF 2 P72 P41 D11 P150 428 I/O (INIT) 3 P52 P68 L13 P107 335 I/O 2 - - - P151 431 I/O (D7) 3 P53 P67 K10 P108 338 I/O 2 - P40 C13 P152 434 I/O 3 - P66 K11 P109 341 I/O (DIN, D0) 2 P73 P39 C12 P153 437 I/O 3 - - - P110 344 2 P74 P38 C11 P154 440 I/O, VREF 3 P54 P65 K12 P111 347 I/O (DOUT, BUSY) I/O 3 - P64 K13 P113 350 CCLK 2 P75 P37 B13 P155 443 I/O 3 P55 P63 J10 P114 353 VCCO 2 P76 P36 B12 P156 - I/O (D6) 3 P56 P62 J11 P115 356 VCCO 1 P76 P35 A13 P156 - 2 P77 P34 A12 P157 - GND - - P61 J12 P116 - TDO VCCO 3 - - - P117 - GND - P78 P33 B11 P158 - I/O (D5) 3 P57 P60 J13 P119 359 TDI - P79 P32 A11 P159 - I/O 3 P58 P59 H10 P120 362 I/O (CS) 1 P80 P31 D10 P160 0 I/O 3 - - - P121 365 I/O (WRITE) 1 P81 P30 C10 P161 3 1 - P29 B10 P162 6 I/O 3 - - - P122 368 I/O I/O 3 - - - P123 371 I/O 1 - - - P163 9 GND - - - - P124 - I/O, VREF 1 P82 P28 A10 P164 12 I/O, VREF 3 P59 P58 H11 P125 374 I/O 1 - - - P166 15 I/O (D4) 3 P60 P57 H12 P126 377 I/O 1 P83 P27 D9 P167 18 I/O 1 P84 P26 C9 P168 21 I/O 3 - P56 H13 P127 380 VCCINT - P61 P55 G12 P128 - GND - - P25 B9 P169 - I/O, TRDY(1) 3 P62 P54 G13 P129 386 VCCO 1 - - - P170 - DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 4 of 4 75 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S30 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S30 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S30 Pad Name Function Bndry Bank VQ100 TQ144 CS144 PQ208 Scan VCCINT - P85 P24 A9 P171 - I/O 1 - P23 D8 P172 I/O 1 - P22 C8 I/O 1 - - - I/O 1 - - I/O 1 - GND - - XC2S30 Pad Name Function Bank VQ100 TQ144 CS144 PQ208 Bndry Scan I/O, VREF 0 P97 P5 C4 P203 95 24 I/O 0 - - - P204 98 P173 27 I/O 0 - P4 A3 P205 101 P174 30 I/O 0 P98 P3 B3 P206 104 - P175 33 TCK - P99 P2 C3 P207 - - - P176 36 VCCO 0 P100 P1 A2 P208 - - - P177 - VCCO 7 P100 P144 B2 P208 - I/O, VREF 1 P86 P21 B8 P178 39 04/18/01 I/O 1 - - - P179 42 I/O 1 - P20 A8 P180 45 I/O 1 P87 P19 B7 P181 48 Notes: 1. IRDY and TRDY can only be accessed when using Xilinx PCI cores. 2. See "VCCO Banks" for details on VCCO banking. I, GCK2 1 P88 P18 A7 P182 54 GND - P89 P17 C7 P183 - VCCO 1 P90 P16 D7 P184 - VCCO 0 P90 P16 D7 P184 - Additional XC2S30 Package Pins VQ100 P28 I, GCK3 0 P91 P15 A6 P185 55 VCCINT - P92 P14 B6 P186 - I/O 0 - P13 C6 P187 62 I/O 0 - - - P188 65 P104 I/O, VREF 0 P93 P12 D6 P189 68 11/02/00 GND - - - - P190 - I/O 0 - - - P191 71 I/O 0 - - - P192 74 I/O 0 - - - P193 77 I/O 0 - P11 A5 P194 80 I/O 0 - P10 B5 P195 83 VCCINT - P94 P9 C5 P196 - P29 Not Connected Pins - - - P105 Not Connected Pins - - - N3 Not Connected Pins - - - P13 P97 P202 Not Connected Pins P38 P44 P112 P118 - P55 P143 - P56 P149 - 11/02/00 TQ144 CS144 M3 11/02/00 PQ208 P7 P60 P165 VCCO 0 - - - P197 - 11/02/00 GND - - P8 D5 P198 - I/O 0 P95 P7 A4 P199 86 I/O 0 P96 P6 B4 P200 89 Notes: 1. For the PQ208 package, P13, P38, P118, and P143, which are Not Connected Pins on the XC2S30, are assigned to VCCINT on larger devices. I/O 0 - - - P201 92 DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 4 of 4 76 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S50 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S50 Device Pinouts XC2S50 Pad Name XC2S50 Pad Name Bank TQ144 PQ208 FG256 Bndry Scan Bank TQ144 PQ208 FG256 Bndry Scan GND - P143 P1 GND* - GND - - P32 GND* - TMS - P142 P2 D3 - I/O 6 - P33 K5 236 I/O 7 P141 P3 C2 149 I/O 6 - P34 K2 239 6 - P35 K1 242 Function Function I/O 7 - - A2 152 I/O I/O 7 P140 P4 B1 155 I/O 6 - - K3 245 I/O 7 - - E3 158 I/O 6 P121 P36 L1 248 I/O 7 - P5 D2 161 I/O 6 P120 P37 L2 251 GND - - - GND* - VCCINT - - P38 VCCINT* - VCCO 6 - P39 VCCO Bank 6* - GND - P119 P40 GND* - I/O 6 P118 P41 K4 254 I/O, VREF 7 P139 P6 C1 164 I/O 7 - P7 F3 167 I/O 7 - - E2 170 I/O 7 P138 P8 E4 173 I/O 7 P137 P9 D1 176 I/O 7 P136 P10 E1 179 GND - P135 P11 GND* - VCCO 7 - P12 VCCO Bank 7* - VCCINT - VCCINT* - - P13 I/O 6 P117 P42 M1 257 I/O 6 P116 P43 L4 260 I/O 6 - - M2 263 I/O 6 - P44 L3 266 I/O, VREF 6 P115 P45 N1 269 GND - - - GND* - 6 - P46 P1 272 I/O 7 P134 P14 F2 182 I/O I/O 7 P133 P15 G3 185 I/O 6 - - L5 275 I/O 7 - - F1 188 I/O 6 P114 P47 N2 278 I/O 7 - P16 F4 191 I/O 6 - - M4 281 I/O 7 - P17 F5 194 I/O 6 P113 P48 R1 284 6 P112 P49 M3 287 I/O 7 - P18 G2 197 I/O GND - - P19 GND* - M1 - P111 P50 P2 290 I/O, VREF 7 P132 P20 H3 200 GND - P110 P51 GND* - I/O 7 P131 P21 G4 203 M0 - P109 P52 N3 291 I/O 7 - - H2 206 VCCO 6 P108 P53 - I/O 7 P130 P22 G5 209 VCCO Bank 6* I/O 7 - P23 H4 212 VCCO 5 P107 P53 VCCO Bank 5* - I/O, IRDY(1) 7 P129 P24 G1 215 M2 - P106 P54 R3 292 GND - P128 P25 GND* - I/O 5 - - N5 299 VCCO 7 P127 P26 VCCO Bank 7* - I/O 5 P103 P57 T2 302 VCCO 6 P127 P26 VCCO Bank 6* - I/O 5 - - P5 305 I/O 5 - P58 T3 308 I/O, TRDY(1) 6 P126 P27 J2 218 GND - - - GND* - VCCINT - P125 P28 VCCINT* - I/O, VREF 5 P102 P59 T4 311 5 - P60 M6 314 I/O 6 P124 P29 H1 224 I/O I/O 6 - - J4 227 I/O 5 - - T5 317 I/O 6 P123 P30 J1 230 I/O 5 P101 P61 N6 320 I/O, VREF 6 P122 P31 J3 233 I/O 5 P100 P62 R5 323 DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 4 of 4 77 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S50 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S50 Pad Name XC2S50 Device Pinouts (Continued) Bank TQ144 PQ208 FG256 Bndry Scan I/O 5 P99 P63 P6 326 GND - P98 P64 GND* VCCO 5 - P65 Function XC2S50 Pad Name Bank TQ144 PQ208 FG256 Bndry Scan I/O 4 - P97 P11 415 - I/O, VREF 4 P77 P98 T12 418 VCCO Bank 5* - GND - - - GND* - I/O 4 - P99 T13 421 Function VCCINT - P97 P66 VCCINT* - I/O 4 - - N12 424 I/O 5 P96 P67 R6 329 I/O 4 P76 P100 R13 427 I/O 5 P95 P68 M7 332 I/O 4 - - P12 430 I/O 5 - P69 N7 338 I/O 4 P75 P101 P13 433 I/O 5 - P70 T6 341 I/O 4 P74 P102 T14 436 I/O 5 - P71 P7 344 GND - P73 P103 GND* - GND - - P72 GND* - DONE 3 P72 P104 R14 439 I/O, VREF 5 P94 P73 P8 347 VCCO 4 P71 P105 5 - P74 R7 350 VCCO Bank 4* - I/O I/O 5 - - T7 353 VCCO 3 P70 P105 - I/O 5 P93 P75 T8 356 VCCO Bank 3* VCCINT - P92 P76 VCCINT* - PROGRAM - P69 P106 P15 442 I, GCK1 5 P91 P77 R8 365 I/O (INIT) 3 P68 P107 N15 443 VCCO 5 P90 P78 VCCO Bank 5* - I/O (D7) 3 P67 P108 N14 446 I/O 3 - - T15 449 I/O 3 P66 P109 M13 452 I/O 3 - - R16 455 I/O 3 - P110 M14 458 VCCO 4 P90 P78 VCCO Bank 4* - GND - P89 P79 GND* - I, GCK0 4 P88 P80 N8 366 GND - - - GND* - I/O 4 P87 P81 N9 370 I/O, VREF 3 P65 P111 L14 461 I/O 4 P86 P82 R9 373 I/O 3 - P112 M15 464 I/O 4 - - N10 376 I/O 3 - - L12 467 I/O 4 - P83 T9 379 I/O 3 P64 P113 P16 470 I/O, VREF 4 P85 P84 P9 382 I/O 3 P63 P114 L13 473 GND - - P85 GND* - I/O (D6) 3 P62 P115 N16 476 I/O 4 - P86 M10 385 GND - P61 P116 GND* - I/O 4 - P87 R10 388 VCCO 3 - P117 4 - P88 P10 391 VCCO Bank 3* - I/O I/O 4 P84 P89 T10 397 VCCINT - - P118 VCCINT* - I/O 4 P83 P90 R11 400 I/O (D5) 3 P60 P119 M16 479 VCCINT - P82 P91 VCCINT* - I/O 3 P59 P120 K14 482 VCCO 4 - P92 VCCO Bank 4* - I/O 3 - - L16 485 I/O 3 - P121 K13 488 GND - P81 P93 GND* - I/O 3 - P122 L15 491 I/O 4 P80 P94 M11 403 I/O 3 - P123 K12 494 I/O 4 P79 P95 T11 406 GND - - P124 GND* - I/O 4 P78 P96 N11 409 I/O, VREF 3 P58 P125 K16 497 I/O 4 - - R12 412 I/O (D4) 3 P57 P126 J16 500 DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 4 of 4 78 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S50 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S50 Pad Name XC2S50 Device Pinouts (Continued) Bank TQ144 PQ208 FG256 Bndry Scan I/O 3 - - J14 503 I/O 3 P56 P127 K15 506 VCCINT - P55 P128 VCCINT* Function XC2S50 Pad Name Bndry Scan Bank TQ144 PQ208 FG256 VCCO 1 P35 P156 VCCO Bank 1* - - TDO 2 P34 P157 B14 - GND - P33 P158 GND* - TDI - P32 P159 A15 - I/O (CS) 1 P31 P160 B13 0 I/O (WRITE) 1 P30 P161 C13 3 I/O, TRDY(1) 3 P54 P129 J15 512 VCCO 3 P53 P130 VCCO Bank 3* - Function VCCO 2 P53 P130 VCCO Bank 2* - I/O 1 - - C12 6 GND - P52 P131 GND* - I/O 1 P29 P162 A14 9 I/O, IRDY(1) 2 P51 P132 H16 515 I/O 1 - - D12 12 I/O 2 - P133 H14 518 I/O 1 - P163 B12 15 I/O 2 P50 P134 H15 521 GND - - - GND* - I/O 2 - - J13 524 I/O, VREF 1 P28 P164 C11 18 I/O (D3) 2 P49 P135 G16 527 I/O 1 - P165 A13 21 I/O, VREF 2 P48 P136 H13 530 I/O 1 - - D11 24 GND - - P137 GND* - I/O 1 - P166 A12 27 I/O 2 - P138 G14 533 I/O 1 P27 P167 E11 30 I/O 2 - P139 G15 536 I/O 1 P26 P168 B11 33 I/O 2 - P140 G12 539 GND - P25 P169 GND* - I/O 2 - - F16 542 VCCO 1 - P170 2 P47 P141 G13 545 VCCO Bank 1* - I/O I/O (D2) 2 P46 P142 F15 548 VCCINT - P24 P171 VCCINT* - VCCINT - - P143 VCCINT* - I/O 1 P23 P172 A11 36 VCCO 2 - P144 VCCO Bank 2* - I/O 1 P22 P173 C10 39 I/O 1 - P174 B10 45 GND - P45 P145 GND* - I/O 1 - P175 D10 48 I/O (D1) 2 P44 P146 E16 551 I/O 1 - P176 A10 51 I/O 2 P43 P147 F14 554 GND - - P177 GND* - I/O 2 P42 P148 D16 557 I/O, VREF 1 P21 P178 B9 54 I/O 2 - - F12 560 I/O 1 - P179 E10 57 I/O 2 - P149 E15 563 I/O 1 - - A9 60 I/O, VREF 2 P41 P150 F13 566 I/O 1 P20 P180 D9 63 GND - - - GND* - I/O 1 P19 P181 A8 66 I/O 2 - P151 E14 569 I, GCK2 1 P18 P182 C9 72 I/O 2 - - C16 572 GND - P17 P183 GND* - I/O 2 P40 P152 E13 575 VCCO 1 P16 P184 2 - - B16 578 VCCO Bank 1* - I/O I/O (DIN, D0) 2 P39 P153 D14 581 VCCO 0 P16 P184 2 P38 P154 C15 584 VCCO Bank 0* - I/O (DOUT, BUSY) I, GCK3 0 P15 P185 B8 73 CCLK 2 P37 P155 D15 587 VCCINT - P14 P186 VCCINT* - VCCO 2 P36 P156 VCCO Bank 2* - I/O 0 P13 P187 A7 80 DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 4 of 4 79 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S50 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S50 Pad Name Function Bank TQ144 PQ208 FG256 Additional XC2S50 Package Pins Bndry Scan I/O 0 - - D8 83 I/O 0 - P188 A6 86 I/O, VREF 0 P12 P189 B7 89 GND - - P190 GND* - I/O 0 - P191 C8 92 I/O 0 - P192 D7 95 I/O 0 - P193 E7 98 I/O 0 P11 P194 C7 104 I/O 0 P10 P195 B6 107 VCCINT - P9 P196 VCCINT* - VCCO 0 - P197 VCCO Bank 0* - GND - P8 P198 GND* - I/O 0 P7 P199 A5 110 I/O 0 P6 P200 C6 113 I/O 0 - P201 B5 116 I/O 0 - - D6 119 I/O 0 - P202 A4 122 I/O, VREF 0 P5 P203 B4 125 GND - - - GND* - I/O 0 - P204 E6 128 I/O 0 - - D5 131 I/O 0 P4 P205 A3 134 I/O 0 - - C5 137 I/O 0 P3 P206 B3 140 TCK - P2 P207 C4 - VCCO 0 P1 P208 VCCO Bank 0* - VCCO 7 P144 P208 VCCO Bank 7* - TQ144 P104 P105 Not Connected Pins - - - 11/02/00 04/18/01 Notes: 1. IRDY and TRDY can only be accessed when using Xilinx PCI cores. 2. Pads labelled GND*, VCCINT*, VCCO Bank 0*, VCCO Bank 1*, VCCO Bank 2*, VCCO Bank 3*, VCCO Bank 4*, VCCO Bank 5*, VCCO Bank 6*, VCCO Bank 7* are internally bonded to independent ground or power planes within the package. 3. See "VCCO Banks" for details on VCCO banking. DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 4 of 4 80 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables Additional XC2S50 Package Pins (Continued) XC2S100 Pad Name PQ208 P55 P56 Not Connected Pins - - - Function 11/02/00 FG256 C3 M5 C14 M12 E8 F8 E9 F9 H11 H12 J11 J12 L9 M9 L8 M8 J5 J6 H5 H6 A1 F10 G10 J7 K8 L10 P4 A16 F11 G11 J8 K9 L11 R4 VCCINT Pins D4 D13 N4 N13 VCCO Bank 0 Pins VCCO Bank 1 Pins VCCO Bank 2 Pins VCCO Bank 3 Pins VCCO Bank 4 Pins VCCO Bank 5 Pins VCCO Bank 6 Pins VCCO Bank 7 Pins GND Pins B2 B15 G6 G7 H7 H8 J9 J10 K10 K11 R2 R15 Not Connected Pins - E5 P3 E12 P14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F6 G8 H9 K6 L6 T1 F7 G9 H10 K7 L7 T16 - - 11/02/00 XC2S100 Device Pinouts XC2S100 Pad Name Function Bank TQ144 PQ208 FG256 XC2S100 Device Pinouts (Continued) FG456 Bndry Scan FG456 Bndry Scan F3 E1 209 Bank TQ144 PQ208 FG256 I/O 7 - P7 I/O 7 - - E2 H5 215 I/O 7 P138 P8 E4 F2 218 I/O 7 - - - F1 221 I/O, VREF 7 P137 P9 D1 H4 224 I/O 7 P136 P10 E1 G1 227 GND - P135 P11 GND* GND* VCCO 7 - P12 VCCO VCCO Bank 7* Bank 7* - VCCINT - - P13 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O 7 P134 P14 F2 H3 230 I/O 7 P133 P15 G3 H2 233 I/O 7 - - F1 J5 236 I/O 7 - P16 F4 J2 239 I/O 7 - P17 F5 K5 245 I/O 7 - P18 G2 K1 248 - GND - - P19 GND* GND* - I/O, VREF 7 P132 P20 H3 K3 251 I/O 7 P131 P21 G4 K4 254 I/O 7 - - H2 L6 257 I/O 7 P130 P22 G5 L1 260 I/O 7 - P23 H4 L4 266 I/O, IRDY(1) 7 P129 P24 G1 L3 269 GND - P128 P25 GND* GND* - VCCO 7 P127 P26 VCCO VCCO Bank 7* Bank 7* - VCCO 6 P127 P26 VCCO VCCO Bank 6* Bank 6* - I/O, TRDY(1) 6 P126 P27 VCCINT - P125 P28 J2 M1 VCCINT* VCCINT* 272 - GND - P143 P1 GND* GND* - I/O 6 P124 P29 H1 M3 281 TMS - P142 P2 D3 D3 - I/O 6 - - J4 M4 284 I/O 7 P141 P3 C2 B1 185 I/O 6 P123 P30 J1 M5 287 I/O 7 - - A2 F5 191 I/O, VREF 6 P122 P31 J3 N2 290 I/O 7 P140 P4 B1 D2 194 GND - - P32 GND* GND* - I/O 7 - - - E3 197 I/O 6 - P33 K5 N3 293 I/O 7 - - E3 G5 200 I/O 6 - P34 K2 N4 296 I/O 7 - P5 D2 F3 203 I/O 6 - P35 K1 P2 302 GND - - - GND* GND* - I/O 6 - - K3 P4 305 VCCO 7 - - - I/O 6 P121 P36 L1 P3 308 I/O 6 P120 P37 L2 R2 311 I/O, VREF 7 P139 P6 DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification VCCO VCCO Bank 7* Bank 7* C1 E2 206 Module 4 of 4 81 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S100 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S100 Pad Name Function Bank TQ144 PQ208 FG256 FG456 XC2S100 Device Pinouts (Continued) Bndry Scan XC2S100 Pad Name Function Bank TQ144 PQ208 FG256 Bndry Scan W8 407 VCCINT - - P38 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O, VREF 5 P100 P62 VCCO 6 - P39 VCCO VCCO Bank 6* Bank 6* - I/O 5 P99 P63 P6 Y8 410 GND - P98 P64 GND* GND* - VCCO 5 - P65 VCCO VCCO Bank 5* Bank 5* - VCCINT* VCCINT* - GND - P119 P40 GND* GND* - I/O 6 P118 P41 K4 T1 314 I/O, VREF 6 P117 P42 M1 R4 317 VCCINT - P97 P66 R5 FG456 I/O 6 - - - T2 320 I/O 5 P96 P67 R6 AA8 413 I/O 6 P116 P43 L4 U1 323 I/O 5 P95 P68 M7 V9 416 I/O 6 - - M2 R5 326 I/O 5 - - - AB9 419 I/O 6 - P44 L3 U2 332 I/O 5 - P69 N7 Y9 422 I/O, VREF 6 P115 P45 N1 T3 335 I/O 5 - P70 T6 W10 428 VCCO 6 - - - I/O 5 - P71 P7 AB10 431 GND - - P72 GND* GND* - VCCO VCCO Bank 6* Bank 6* GND - - - GND* GND* - I/O, VREF 5 P94 P73 P8 Y10 434 I/O 6 - P46 P1 T4 338 I/O 5 - P74 R7 V11 437 I/O 6 - - L5 W1 341 I/O 5 - - T7 W11 440 I/O 6 - - - U4 344 I/O 5 P93 P75 T8 AB11 443 I/O 6 P114 P47 N2 Y1 347 VCCINT - P92 P76 I/O 6 - - M4 W2 350 I, GCK1 5 P91 P77 I/O 6 P113 P48 R1 Y2 356 VCCO 5 P90 P78 6 P112 P49 M3 W3 359 VCCO VCCO Bank 5* Bank 5* - I/O M1 - P111 P50 P2 U5 362 VCCO 4 P90 P78 - P110 P51 GND* GND* - VCCO VCCO Bank 4* Bank 4* - GND M0 - P109 P52 N3 AB2 363 GND - P89 P79 GND* GND* - VCCO 6 P108 P53 VCCO VCCO Bank 6* Bank 6* - I, GCK0 4 P88 P80 N8 W12 456 I/O 4 P87 P81 N9 U12 460 VCCO 5 P107 P53 VCCO VCCO Bank 5* Bank 5* - I/O 4 P86 P82 R9 Y12 466 I/O 4 - - N10 AA12 469 M2 - P106 P54 R3 Y4 364 I/O 4 - P83 T9 AB13 472 I/O 5 - - N5 V7 374 I/O, VREF 4 P85 P84 P9 AA13 475 I/O 5 P103 P57 T2 Y6 377 GND - - P85 GND* GND* - I/O 5 - - - AA4 380 I/O 4 - P86 M10 Y13 478 I/O 5 - - P5 W6 383 I/O 4 - P87 R10 V13 481 I/O 5 - P58 T3 Y7 386 I/O 4 - P88 P10 AA14 487 GND - - - GND* GND* - I/O 4 - - - V14 490 VCCO 5 - - - I/O 4 P84 P89 T10 AB15 493 I/O 4 P83 P90 R11 AA15 496 VCCINT - P82 P91 VCCINT* VCCINT* - VCCO 4 - P92 VCCO VCCO Bank 4* Bank 4* - VCCO VCCO Bank 5* Bank 5* VCCINT* VCCINT* R8 Y11 455 I/O, VREF 5 P102 P59 T4 AA5 389 I/O 5 - P60 M6 AB5 392 I/O 5 - - T5 AB6 398 I/O 5 P101 P61 N6 AA7 401 GND - P81 P93 GND* GND* - I/O 5 - - - W7 404 I/O 4 P80 P94 M11 Y15 499 DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 4 of 4 82 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S100 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S100 Pad Name Function FG456 Bndry Scan T11 AB16 502 Bank TQ144 PQ208 FG256 P79 P95 XC2S100 Device Pinouts (Continued) I/O, VREF 4 I/O 4 - - - AB17 505 I/O 4 P78 P96 N11 V15 I/O 4 - - R12 I/O 4 - P97 I/O, VREF 4 P77 P98 VCCO 4 - - XC2S100 Pad Name Function Bank TQ144 PQ208 FG256 FG456 Bndry Scan VCCO 3 - P117 VCCO VCCO Bank 3* Bank 3* - 508 VCCINT - - P118 VCCINT* VCCINT* - Y16 511 I/O (D5) 3 P60 P119 M16 R21 599 P11 AB18 517 I/O 3 P59 P120 K14 P18 602 T12 AB19 520 I/O 3 - - L16 P20 605 - I/O 3 - P121 K13 P21 608 I/O 3 - P122 L15 N18 614 I/O 3 - P123 K12 N20 617 VCCO VCCO Bank 4* Bank 4* GND - - - GND* GND* - I/O 4 - P99 T13 Y17 523 GND - - P124 GND* GND* - I/O 4 - - N12 V16 526 I/O, VREF 3 P58 P125 K16 N21 620 I/O 4 - - - W17 529 I/O (D4) 3 P57 P126 J16 N22 623 I/O 4 P76 P100 R13 AB20 532 I/O 3 - - J14 M19 626 I/O 4 - - P12 AA19 535 I/O 3 P56 P127 K15 M20 629 I/O 4 P75 P101 P13 AA20 541 VCCINT - P55 P128 E5 VCCINT* - 3 P54 P129 J15 M22 638 VCCO 3 P53 P130 VCCO VCCO Bank 3* Bank 3* - 2 P53 P130 VCCO VCCO Bank 2* Bank 2* - I/O 544 TRDY(1) 4 P74 P102 T14 W18 GND - P73 P103 GND* GND* - DONE 3 P72 P104 R14 Y19 547 VCCO 4 P71 P105 VCCO VCCO Bank 4* Bank 4* - VCCO VCCO 3 P70 P105 VCCO VCCO Bank 3* Bank 3* - GND - P52 P131 GND* GND* - I/O, IRDY(1) 2 P51 P132 H16 L20 641 I/O, PROGRAM - P69 P106 P15 W20 550 I/O 2 - P133 H14 L17 644 I/O (INIT) 3 P68 P107 N15 V19 551 I/O 2 P50 P134 H15 L21 650 I/O (D7) 3 P67 P108 N14 Y21 554 I/O 2 - - J13 L22 653 I/O 3 - - T15 W21 560 I/O (D3) 2 P49 P135 G16 K20 656 I/O 3 P66 P109 M13 U20 563 I/O, VREF 2 P48 P136 H13 K21 659 I/O 3 - - - U19 566 GND - - P137 GND* GND* - I/O 3 - - R16 T18 569 I/O 2 - P138 G14 K22 662 I/O 3 - P110 M14 W22 572 I/O 2 - P139 G15 J21 665 GND* GND* - I/O 2 - P140 G12 J18 671 - I/O 2 - - F16 J22 674 GND - - - VCCO 3 - - I/O 2 P47 P141 G13 H19 677 I/O, VREF 3 P65 P111 L14 U21 575 I/O (D2) 2 P46 P142 F15 H20 680 I/O 3 - P112 M15 T20 578 VCCINT - - P143 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O 3 - - L12 T21 584 VCCO 2 - P144 3 P64 P113 P16 R18 587 VCCO VCCO Bank 2* Bank 2* - I/O I/O 3 - - - U22 590 GND - P45 P145 GND* GND* - I/O, VREF 3 P63 P114 L13 R19 593 I/O (D1) 2 P44 P146 E16 H22 683 I/O (D6) 3 P62 P115 N16 T22 596 I/O, VREF 2 P43 P147 F14 H18 686 GND - P61 P116 GND* GND* - I/O 2 - - - G21 689 I/O 2 P42 P148 D16 G18 692 DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification VCCO VCCO Bank 3* Bank 3* Module 4 of 4 83 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S100 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S100 Pad Name Function I/O Bank TQ144 PQ208 FG256 2 - XC2S100 Device Pinouts (Continued) FG456 Bndry Scan - F12 G20 695 I/O 2 - P149 E15 F19 701 I/O, VREF 2 P41 P150 F13 F21 704 VCCO 2 - - VCCO VCCO Bank 2* Bank 2* - XC2S100 Pad Name Function Bank TQ144 PQ208 FG256 FG456 Bndry Scan VCCO 1 - P170 VCCO VCCO Bank 1* Bank 1* - VCCINT - P24 P171 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O 1 P23 P172 A11 C15 48 I/O 1 P22 P173 C10 B15 51 - F12 54 GND* GND* - I/O 1 - - P151 E14 F20 707 I/O 1 - P174 B10 C14 57 - C16 F18 710 I/O 1 - P175 D10 D13 63 - - - E21 713 I/O 1 - P176 A10 C13 66 2 P40 P152 E13 D22 716 GND - - P177 GND* GND* - I/O 2 - - B16 E20 719 I/O, VREF 1 P21 P178 B9 B13 69 I/O (DIN, D0) 2 P39 P153 D14 D20 725 I/O 1 - P179 E10 E12 72 I/O 1 - - A9 B12 75 I/O (DOUT, BUSY) 2 P38 P154 C15 C21 728 I/O 1 P20 P180 D9 D12 78 CCLK 2 P37 P155 D15 B22 731 I/O 1 P19 P181 A8 D11 84 VCCO 2 P36 P156 I, GCK2 1 P18 P182 C9 A11 90 GND* GND* GND - - - I/O 2 - I/O 2 - I/O 2 I/O VCCO VCCO Bank 2* Bank 2* VCCO VCCO Bank 1* Bank 1* - GND - P17 P183 - VCCO 1 P16 P184 VCCO VCCO Bank 1* Bank 1* - VCCO 0 P16 P184 VCCO VCCO Bank 0* Bank 0* - I, GCK3 0 P15 P185 VCCINT - P14 P186 I/O 0 P13 P187 A7 A10 101 I/O 0 - - D8 B10 104 VCCO 1 P35 P156 TDO 2 P34 P157 B14 A21 - GND - P33 P158 GND* GND* - TDI - P32 P159 A15 B20 - I/O (CS) 1 P31 P160 B13 C19 0 I/O (WRITE) 1 P30 P161 C13 A20 3 I/O 1 - - C12 D17 9 I/O 1 P29 P162 A14 A19 12 I/O 1 - - - B18 15 I/O 1 - - D12 C17 18 I/O 1 - P163 B12 D16 21 GND* GND* GND - - - VCCO 1 - - I/O, VREF 1 P28 P164 C11 A18 24 I/O 1 - P165 A13 B17 27 I/O 1 - - D11 D15 33 I/O 1 - P166 A12 C16 36 I/O 1 - - - D14 39 I/O, VREF 1 P27 P167 E11 E14 42 I/O 1 P26 P168 B11 A16 45 GND - P25 P169 GND* GND* - DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification VCCO VCCO Bank 1* Bank 1* B8 C11 VCCINT* VCCINT* - 91 - - Module 4 of 4 84 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S100 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S100 Pad Name Function Bank TQ144 PQ208 FG256 I/O 0 - P188 A6 FG456 Bndry Scan C10 107 I/O, VREF 0 P12 P189 B7 A9 110 GND - - P190 GND* GND* - I/O 0 - P191 C8 B9 113 I/O 0 - P192 D7 E10 116 I/O 0 - P193 E7 A8 122 I/O 0 - - - D9 125 I/O 0 P11 P194 C7 E9 128 I/O 0 P10 P195 B6 A7 131 VCCINT - P9 P196 VCCINT* VCCINT* - VCCO 0 - P197 VCCO VCCO Bank 0* Bank 0* - GND - P8 P198 GND* GND* - I/O 0 P7 P199 A5 B7 134 I/O, VREF 0 P6 P200 C6 E8 137 I/O 0 - - - D8 140 I/O 0 - P201 B5 C7 143 I/O 0 - - D6 D7 146 I/O 0 - P202 A4 D6 152 I/O, VREF 0 P5 P203 B4 C6 155 VCCO 0 - - GND - - - GND* GND* - I/O 0 - P204 E6 B5 158 I/O 0 - - D5 E7 161 I/O 0 - - - E6 164 I/O 0 P4 P205 A3 B4 167 I/O 0 - - C5 A3 170 I/O 0 P3 P206 B3 C5 176 TCK - P2 P207 C4 C4 - VCCO 0 P1 P208 VCCO VCCO Bank 0* Bank 0* - VCCO 7 P144 P208 VCCO VCCO Bank 7* Bank 7* - VCCO VCCO Bank 0* Bank 0* - 04/18/01 Notes: 1. IRDY and TRDY can only be accessed when using Xilinx PCI cores. 2. Pads labelled GND*, VCCINT*, VCCO Bank 0*, VCCO Bank 1*, VCCO Bank 2*, VCCO Bank 3*, VCCO Bank 4*, VCCO Bank 5*, VCCO Bank 6*, VCCO Bank 7* are internally bonded to independent ground or power planes within the package. 3. See "VCCO Banks" for details on VCCO banking. DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 4 of 4 85 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables Additional XC2S100 Package Pins (Continued) Additional XC2S100 Package Pins TQ144 F10 F7 F13 F14 P105 - - G17 H17 - - G10 G11 F15 F16 G12 G13 K17 L16 R17 T17 U15 U16 U8 U9 R6 T6 K7 L7 VCCO Bank 2 Pins 11/02/00 PQ208 P56 - - J17 K16 VCCO Bank 3 Pins Not Connected Pins P55 F9 VCCO Bank 1 Pins Not Connected Pins P104 F8 - - 11/02/00 M16 N16 T12 T13 T10 T11 N17 P17 VCCO Bank 4 Pins FG256 U13 U14 VCCO Bank 5 Pins VCCINT Pins U10 U7 C3 C14 D4 D13 E5 E12 M5 M12 N4 N13 P3 P14 M7 N6 - - G6 H6 J6 - - A1 A22 B2 B21 C3 C20 J9 J10 J11 J12 J13 J14 K10 K11 K12 K13 K14 VCCO Bank 6 Pins VCCO Bank 0 Pins E8 F8 - - F9 - - H12 - - - - K9 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 - - M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 - - P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 Y3 Y20 AA2 AA21 AB1 AB22 VCCO Bank 3 Pins J11 J12 L9 M9 - - VCCO Bank 4 Pins - - VCCO Bank 5 Pins L8 M8 - - - - - - - - VCCO Bank 6 Pins J5 J6 - - VCCO Bank 7 Pins - K6 GND Pins VCCO Bank 2 Pins H11 P6 VCCO Bank 7 Pins VCCO Bank 1 Pins E9 N7 Not Connected Pins A2 A4 A5 A6 A12 A13 A14 A15 A17 B3 B6 B8 B11 B14 B16 B19 C1 C2 C8 C9 C12 C18 C22 D1 H5 H6 - D4 D5 D10 D18 D19 D21 A1 A16 B2 B15 F6 F7 E4 E11 E13 E15 E16 E17 F10 F11 G6 G7 G8 G9 E19 E22 F4 F11 F22 G2 G10 G11 H7 H8 H9 H10 G3 G4 G19 G22 H1 H21 GND Pins J7 J8 J9 J10 K6 K7 J1 J3 J4 J19 J20 K2 K8 K9 K10 K11 L6 L7 K18 K19 L2 L5 L18 L19 L10 L11 R2 R15 T1 T16 M2 M6 M17 M18 M21 N1 N5 N19 P1 P5 P19 P22 - - Not Connected Pins P4 R4 - - R1 R3 R20 R22 T5 T19 U3 U11 U18 V1 V2 V10 V12 V17 V3 V4 V6 V8 V20 V21 V22 W4 W5 W9 G8 W13 W14 W15 W16 W19 Y5 11/02/00 FG456 VCCINT Pins E5 E18 F6 F17 G9 G14 G15 G16 H7 H16 Y14 Y18 Y22 AA1 AA3 AA6 J7 J16 P7 P16 R7 R16 AA9 AA10 AA11 AA16 AA17 AA18 T7 T8 T9 T14 T15 T16 AA22 AB3 AB4 AB7 AB8 AB12 U6 U17 V5 V18 - - AB14 AB21 - - - - VCCO Bank 0 Pins DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification G7 11/02/00 Module 4 of 4 86 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S150 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S150 Device Pinouts XC2S150 Pad Name XC2S150 Pad Name Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 Bndry Scan Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 Bndry Scan GND - P1 GND* GND* - I/O 7 P22 G5 L1 314 TMS - P2 D3 D3 - I/O 7 - - L5 317 I/O 7 P3 C2 B1 221 I/O 7 P23 H4 L4 320 7 P24 G1 L3 323 Function Function I/O 7 - - E4 224 I/O, IRDY(1) I/O 7 - - C1 227 GND - P25 GND* GND* - I/O 7 - A2 F5 230 VCCO 7 P26 - - GND* GND* - VCCO Bank 7* - GND VCCO Bank 7* I/O 7 P4 B1 D2 233 VCCO 6 P26 VCCO Bank 6* VCCO Bank 6* - I/O 7 - - E3 236 I/O, TRDY(1) 6 P27 J2 M1 326 I/O 7 - - F4 239 VCCINT - P28 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O 7 - E3 G5 242 I/O 6 - - M6 332 I/O 7 P5 D2 F3 245 I/O 6 P29 H1 M3 335 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 6 - J4 M4 338 VCCO 7 - VCCO Bank 7* VCCO Bank 7* - I/O 6 P30 J1 M5 341 I/O, VREF 7 P6 C1 E2 248 I/O, VREF 6 P31 J3 N2 344 I/O 7 P7 F3 E1 251 VCCO 6 - VCCO Bank 6* VCCO Bank 6* - I/O 7 - - G4 254 GND - P32 GND* GND* - I/O 7 - - G3 257 I/O 6 P33 K5 N3 347 I/O 7 - E2 H5 260 I/O 6 P34 K2 N4 350 I/O 7 P8 E4 F2 263 I/O 6 - - N5 356 I/O 7 - - F1 266 I/O 6 P35 K1 P2 359 I/O, VREF 7 P9 D1 H4 269 I/O 6 - K3 P4 362 I/O 7 P10 E1 G1 272 I/O 6 - - R1 365 GND - P11 GND* GND* - I/O 6 P36 L1 P3 371 VCCO 7 P12 VCCO Bank 7* VCCO Bank 7* - I/O 6 P37 L2 R2 374 VCCINT - P13 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O 7 P14 F2 H3 275 I/O 7 P15 G3 H2 278 I/O 7 - - H1 284 I/O 7 - F1 J5 287 I/O 7 P16 F4 J2 290 I/O 7 - - J3 293 I/O 7 P17 F5 K5 299 I/O 7 P18 G2 K1 302 GND - P19 GND* GND* - VCCO 7 - VCCO Bank 7* VCCO Bank 7* - I/O, VREF 7 P20 H3 K3 I/O 7 P21 G4 I/O 7 - H2 DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification VCCINT - P38 VCCINT* VCCINT* - VCCO 6 P39 VCCO Bank 6* VCCO Bank 6* - GND - P40 GND* GND* - I/O 6 P41 K4 T1 377 I/O, VREF 6 P42 M1 R4 380 I/O 6 - - T2 383 I/O 6 P43 L4 U1 386 I/O 6 - M2 R5 389 I/O 6 - - V1 392 I/O 6 - - T5 395 I/O 6 P44 L3 U2 398 305 I/O, VREF 6 P45 N1 T3 401 K4 308 VCCO 6 - VCCO Bank 6* VCCO Bank 6* - L6 311 GND - - GND* GND* - Module 4 of 4 87 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S150 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S150 Pad Name XC2S150 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S150 Pad Name Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 Bndry Scan I/O 6 P46 P1 T4 404 I/O 6 - L5 W1 407 I/O 6 - - V2 410 VCCINT Function Function VCCO Bndry Scan Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 5 P65 VCCO Bank 5* VCCO Bank 5* - P66 VCCINT* VCCINT* - 5 P67 R6 AA8 494 - I/O 6 - - U4 413 I/O I/O 6 P47 N2 Y1 416 I/O 5 P68 M7 V9 497 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 5 - - W9 503 I/O 6 - M4 W2 419 I/O 5 - - AB9 506 I/O 6 - - V3 422 I/O 5 P69 N7 Y9 509 5 - - V10 512 I/O 6 - - V4 425 I/O I/O 6 P48 R1 Y2 428 I/O 5 P70 T6 W10 518 I/O 6 P49 M3 W3 431 I/O 5 P71 P7 AB10 521 M1 - P50 P2 U5 434 GND - P72 GND* GND* - GND - P51 GND* GND* - VCCO 5 - VCCO Bank 5* VCCO Bank 5* - M0 - P52 N3 AB2 435 P73 P8 Y10 524 6 P53 VCCO Bank 6* VCCO Bank 6* - I/O, VREF 5 VCCO I/O 5 P74 R7 V11 527 VCCO 5 P53 VCCO Bank 5* VCCO Bank 5* - I/O 5 - T7 W11 530 I/O 5 P75 T8 AB11 533 M2 - P54 R3 Y4 436 I/O 5 - - U11 536 I/O 5 - - W5 443 VCCINT - P76 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O 5 - - AB3 446 I, GCK1 5 P77 R8 Y11 545 I/O 5 - N5 V7 449 VCCO 5 P78 VCCO Bank 5* VCCO Bank 5* - VCCO 4 P78 VCCO Bank 4* VCCO Bank 4* - GND - P79 GND* GND* - I, GCK0 4 P80 N8 W12 546 I/O 4 P81 N9 U12 550 I/O 4 - - V12 553 I/O 4 P82 R9 Y12 556 I/O 4 - N10 AA12 559 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 5 P57 T2 Y6 452 I/O 5 - - AA4 455 I/O 5 - - AB4 458 I/O 5 - P5 W6 461 I/O 5 P58 T3 Y7 464 GND - - GND* GND* - VCCO 5 - VCCO Bank 5* VCCO Bank 5* - I/O, VREF 5 P59 T4 AA5 467 I/O 4 P83 T9 AB13 562 4 P84 P9 AA13 565 I/O 5 P60 M6 AB5 470 I/O, VREF I/O 5 - - V8 473 VCCO 4 - VCCO Bank 4* VCCO Bank 4* - I/O 5 - - AA6 476 GND - P85 GND* GND* - I/O 5 - T5 AB6 479 I/O 5 P61 N6 AA7 482 I/O 5 - - W7 485 I/O, VREF 5 P62 R5 W8 488 I/O 5 P63 P6 Y8 491 GND - P64 GND* GND* - DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification I/O 4 P86 M10 Y13 568 I/O 4 P87 R10 V13 571 I/O 4 - - W14 577 I/O 4 P88 P10 AA14 580 I/O 4 - - V14 583 I/O 4 - - Y14 586 I/O 4 P89 T10 AB15 592 Module 4 of 4 88 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S150 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S150 Pad Name XC2S150 Device Pinouts (Continued) Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 Bndry Scan I/O 4 P90 R11 AA15 595 VCCINT - P91 VCCINT* VCCINT* VCCO 4 P92 VCCO Bank 4* Function XC2S150 Pad Name Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 Bndry Scan I/O 3 - - U19 677 - I/O 3 - - V21 680 VCCO Bank 4* - I/O 3 - R16 T18 683 I/O 3 P110 M14 W22 686 Function GND - P93 GND* GND* - GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 4 P94 M11 Y15 598 VCCO 3 - 4 P95 T11 AB16 601 VCCO Bank 3* VCCO Bank 3* - I/O, VREF I/O 4 - - AB17 604 I/O, VREF 3 P111 L14 U21 689 I/O 4 P96 N11 V15 607 I/O 3 P112 M15 T20 692 I/O 4 - R12 Y16 610 I/O 3 - - T19 695 I/O 4 - - AA17 613 I/O 3 - - V22 698 I/O 4 - - W16 616 I/O 3 - L12 T21 701 I/O 4 P97 P11 AB18 619 I/O 3 P113 P16 R18 704 I/O, VREF 4 P98 T12 AB19 622 I/O 3 - - U22 707 VCCO 4 - VCCO Bank 4* VCCO Bank 4* - I/O, VREF 3 P114 L13 R19 710 I/O (D6) 3 P115 N16 T22 713 GND - - GND* GND* - GND - P116 GND* GND* - I/O 4 P99 T13 Y17 625 VCCO 3 P117 4 - N12 V16 628 VCCO Bank 3* VCCO Bank 3* - I/O I/O 4 - - AA18 631 VCCINT - P118 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O 4 - - W17 634 I/O (D5) 3 P119 M16 R21 716 I/O 4 P100 R13 AB20 637 I/O 3 P120 K14 P18 719 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 3 - - P19 725 I/O 4 - P12 AA19 640 I/O 3 - L16 P20 728 I/O 4 - - V17 643 I/O 3 P121 K13 P21 731 I/O 4 - - Y18 646 I/O 3 - - N19 734 I/O 4 P101 P13 AA20 649 I/O 3 P122 L15 N18 740 I/O 4 P102 T14 W18 652 I/O 3 P123 K12 N20 743 GND - P103 GND* GND* - GND - P124 GND* GND* - DONE 3 P104 R14 Y19 655 VCCO 3 - 4 P105 VCCO Bank 4* VCCO Bank 4* - VCCO Bank 3* - VCCO VCCO Bank 3* I/O, VREF 3 P125 K16 N21 746 VCCO Bank 3* VCCO Bank 3* - I/O (D4) 3 P126 J16 N22 749 I/O 3 - J14 M19 752 VCCO 3 P105 PROGRAM - P106 P15 W20 658 I/O 3 P127 K15 M20 755 I/O (INIT) 3 P107 N15 V19 659 I/O 3 - - M18 758 I/O (D7) 3 P108 N14 Y21 662 VCCINT - P128 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O 3 - - V20 665 I/O, 3 P129 J15 M22 764 I/O 3 - - AA22 668 VCCO 3 P130 3 - T15 W21 671 VCCO Bank 3* - I/O VCCO Bank 3* GND - - GND* GND* - VCCO 2 P130 3 P109 M13 U20 674 VCCO Bank 2* - I/O VCCO Bank 2* GND - P131 GND* GND* - DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification TRDY(1) Module 4 of 4 89 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S150 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S150 Pad Name XC2S150 Device Pinouts (Continued) Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 Bndry Scan I/O, IRDY(1) 2 P132 H16 L20 767 I/O 2 P133 H14 L17 Function XC2S150 Pad Name Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 Bndry Scan I/O 2 - - C22 866 770 I/O (DIN, D0) 2 P153 D14 D20 869 Function I/O 2 - - L18 773 P154 C15 C21 872 2 P134 H15 L21 776 I/O (DOUT, BUSY) 2 I/O I/O 2 - J13 L22 779 CCLK 2 P155 D15 B22 875 I/O (D3) 2 P135 G16 K20 782 VCCO 2 P156 VCCO Bank 2* VCCO Bank 2* - I/O, VREF 2 P136 H13 K21 785 P156 - VCCO Bank 2* VCCO Bank 2* - VCCO Bank 1* VCCO Bank 1* - 2 VCCO 1 VCCO TDO 2 P157 B14 A21 - GND - P137 GND* GND* - GND - P158 GND* GND* - I/O 2 P138 G14 K22 788 TDI - P159 A15 B20 - I/O 2 P139 G15 J21 791 I/O 2 - - J20 797 I/O 2 P140 G12 J18 800 I/O 2 - F16 J22 803 I/O 2 - - J19 806 I/O 2 P141 G13 H19 812 I/O (D2) 2 P142 F15 H20 815 VCCINT - P143 VCCINT* VCCINT* - VCCO 2 P144 VCCO Bank 2* VCCO Bank 2* - GND - P145 GND* GND* I/O (D1) 2 P146 E16 H22 I/O (CS) 1 P160 B13 C19 0 I/O (WRITE) 1 P161 C13 A20 3 I/O 1 - - B19 6 I/O 1 - - C18 9 I/O 1 - C12 D17 12 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 1 P162 A14 A19 15 I/O 1 - - B18 18 I/O 1 - - E16 21 - I/O 1 - D12 C17 24 818 I/O 1 P163 B12 D16 27 - - GND* GND* - - VCCO Bank 1* VCCO Bank 1* - I/O, VREF 2 P147 F14 H18 821 GND I/O 2 - - G21 824 VCCO 1 I/O 2 P148 D16 G18 827 I/O 2 - F12 G20 830 I/O 2 - - G19 833 I/O 2 - - F22 836 I/O 2 P149 E15 F19 839 I/O, VREF 2 P150 F13 F21 842 VCCO 2 - VCCO Bank 2* VCCO Bank 2* - GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 2 P151 E14 F20 I/O 2 - C16 I/O 2 - - I/O, VREF 1 P164 C11 A18 30 I/O 1 P165 A13 B17 33 I/O 1 - - E15 36 I/O 1 - - A17 39 I/O 1 - D11 D15 42 I/O 1 P166 A12 C16 45 I/O 1 - - D14 48 I/O, VREF 1 P167 E11 E14 51 845 I/O 1 P168 B11 A16 54 F18 848 GND - P169 GND* GND* - E22 851 VCCO 1 P170 VCCO Bank 1* VCCO Bank 1* - VCCINT - P171 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O 1 P172 A11 C15 57 I/O 1 P173 C10 B15 60 I/O 1 - - A15 66 I/O 1 - - F12 69 I/O 2 - - E21 854 I/O 2 P152 E13 D22 857 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 2 - B16 E20 860 I/O 2 - - D21 863 DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 4 of 4 90 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S150 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S150 Pad Name XC2S150 Device Pinouts (Continued) Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 Bndry Scan I/O 1 P174 B10 C14 72 I/O 1 - - B14 75 I/O 1 P175 D10 D13 81 I/O 1 P176 A10 C13 84 GND - P177 GND* GND* VCCO 1 - VCCO Bank 1* Function XC2S150 Pad Name Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 Bndry Scan VCCINT - P196 VCCINT* VCCINT* - VCCO 0 P197 VCCO Bank 0* VCCO Bank 0* - GND - P198 GND* GND* - - I/O 0 P199 A5 B7 161 VCCO Bank 1* - I/O, VREF 0 P200 C6 E8 164 I/O 0 - - D8 167 Function I/O, VREF 1 P178 B9 B13 87 I/O 0 P201 B5 C7 170 I/O 1 P179 E10 E12 90 I/O 0 - D6 D7 173 I/O 1 - A9 B12 93 I/O 0 - - B6 176 I/O 1 P180 D9 D12 96 I/O 0 - - A5 179 I/O 1 - - C12 99 I/O 0 P202 A4 D6 182 I/O 1 P181 A8 D11 102 I/O, VREF 0 P203 B4 C6 185 I, GCK2 1 P182 C9 A11 108 VCCO 0 - - P183 GND* GND* - VCCO Bank 0* - GND VCCO Bank 0* VCCO 1 P184 VCCO Bank 1* VCCO Bank 1* - GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 0 P204 E6 B5 188 VCCO Bank 0* VCCO Bank 0* - I/O 0 - D5 E7 191 I/O 0 - - A4 194 VCCO 0 P184 I, GCK3 0 P185 B8 C11 109 I/O 0 - - E6 197 VCCINT - P186 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O 0 P205 A3 B4 200 I/O 0 - - E11 116 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 0 P187 A7 A10 119 I/O 0 - C5 A3 203 I/O 0 - D8 B10 122 I/O 0 - - B3 206 I/O 0 P188 A6 C10 125 I/O 0 - - D5 209 I/O, VREF 0 P189 B7 A9 128 I/O 0 P206 B3 C5 212 VCCO 0 - VCCO Bank 0* VCCO Bank 0* - TCK - P207 C4 C4 - GND - P190 GND* GND* - VCCO 0 P208 VCCO Bank 0* VCCO Bank 0* - I/O 0 P191 C8 B9 131 VCCO 7 P208 0 P192 D7 E10 134 VCCO Bank 7* VCCO Bank 7* - I/O I/O 0 - - D10 140 04/18/01 I/O 0 P193 E7 A8 143 I/O 0 - - D9 146 I/O 0 - - B8 149 I/O 0 P194 C7 E9 155 I/O 0 P195 B6 A7 158 Notes: 1. IRDY and TRDY can only be accessed when using Xilinx PCI cores. 2. Pads labelled GND*, VCCINT*, VCCO Bank 0*, VCCO Bank 1*, VCCO Bank 2*, VCCO Bank 3*, VCCO Bank 4*, VCCO Bank 5*, VCCO Bank 6*, VCCO Bank 7* are internally bonded to independent ground or power planes within the package. 3. See "VCCO Banks" for details on VCCO banking. DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 4 of 4 91 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables Additional XC2S150 Package Pins (Continued) Additional XC2S150 Package Pins FG456 PQ208 VCCINT Pins Not Connected Pins P55 P56 - - - - 11/02/00 FG256 VCCINT Pins C3 C14 D4 D13 E5 E12 M5 M12 N4 N13 P3 P14 VCCO Bank 0 Pins E8 F8 - - - F9 - - - H12 - - - J12 - - - M9 - - - M8 - - - J6 - - - H6 - - - A16 B2 B15 F6 F7 F10 F11 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 H7 H8 H9 H10 J7 J8 J9 J10 K6 K7 K8 K9 K10 K11 L6 L7 L10 L11 R2 R15 T1 T16 Not Connected Pins P4 R4 - 11/02/00 - - H16 J7 J16 P7 P16 R7 R16 T7 T8 T9 T14 T15 T16 U6 U17 V5 V18 - - F7 F8 G10 G11 G12 G13 K17 L16 R17 T17 U15 U16 U9 U10 R6 T6 K7 L7 C3 C20 VCCO Bank 0 Pins F9 F10 VCCO Bank 1 Pins F13 F14 G17 H17 M16 N16 F15 F16 VCCO Bank 2 Pins J17 K16 VCCO Bank 3 Pins N17 P17 VCCO Bank 4 Pins T12 T13 T10 T11 M7 N6 U13 U14 VCCO Bank 5 Pins U7 U8 VCCO Bank 6 Pins N7 P6 VCCO Bank 7 Pins G6 H6 J6 A1 A22 B2 K6 GND Pins - GND Pins A1 H7 - VCCO Bank 7 Pins H5 G16 - VCCO Bank 6 Pins J5 G8 G15 - VCCO Bank 5 Pins L8 G7 G14 - VCCO Bank 4 Pins L9 F17 G9 - VCCO Bank 3 Pins J11 F6 - VCCO Bank 2 Pins H11 E18 - VCCO Bank 1 Pins E9 E5 B21 J9 J10 J11 J12 J13 J14 K9 K10 K11 K12 K13 K14 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 Y3 Y20 AA2 AA21 AB1 AB22 Not Connected Pins A2 A6 A12 A13 A14 B11 B16 C2 C8 C9 D1 D4 D18 D19 E13 E17 E19 F11 G2 G22 H21 J1 J4 K2 M17 K18 K19 L2 L19 M2 M21 N1 P1 P5 P22 R3 R20 R22 U3 U18 V6 W4 W13 W15 W19 Y5 Y22 AA1 AA3 AA9 AA10 AA11 AA16 AB7 AB8 AB12 AB14 AB21 - - 11/02/00 DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 4 of 4 92 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S200 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S200 Device Pinouts XC2S200 Pad Name Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 Bndry Scan GND - P1 GND* GND* - TMS - P2 D3 D3 - I/O 7 P3 C2 B1 257 Function I/O 7 - - E4 263 I/O 7 - - C1 266 I/O 7 - A2 F5 269 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O, VREF 7 P4 B1 D2 272 I/O 7 - - E3 275 I/O 7 - - F4 281 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 7 - E3 G5 284 I/O 7 P5 D2 F3 287 GND - - GND* GND* - VCCO 7 - VCCO Bank 7* VCCO Bank 7* - I/O, VREF 7 P6 C1 E2 290 I/O 7 P7 F3 E1 293 I/O 7 - - G4 296 I/O 7 - - G3 299 I/O 7 - E2 H5 302 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 7 P8 E4 F2 305 I/O 7 - - F1 308 I/O, VREF 7 P9 D1 H4 I/O 7 P10 E1 GND - P11 GND* VCCO 7 P12 VCCO Bank 7* VCCINT - P13 I/O 7 I/O XC2S200 Pad Name Function VCCO Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 7 - VCCO Bank 7* VCCO Bank 7* Bndry Scan - I/O, VREF 7 P20 H3 K3 350 I/O 7 P21 G4 K4 353 I/O 7 - - K2 359 I/O 7 - H2 L6 362 I/O 7 P22 G5 L1 365 I/O 7 - - L5 368 I/O 7 P23 H4 L4 374 I/O, IRDY(1) 7 P24 G1 L3 377 GND - P25 GND* GND* - VCCO 7 P26 VCCO Bank 7* VCCO Bank 7* - VCCO 6 P26 VCCO Bank 6* VCCO Bank 6* - I/O, TRDY(1) 6 P27 J2 M1 380 VCCINT - P28 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O 6 - - M6 389 I/O 6 P29 H1 M3 392 I/O 6 - J4 M4 395 I/O 6 - - N1 398 I/O 6 P30 J1 M5 404 I/O, VREF 6 P31 J3 N2 407 VCCO 6 - VCCO Bank 6* VCCO Bank 6* - 314 GND - P32 GND* GND* - G1 317 I/O 6 P33 K5 N3 410 GND* - I/O 6 P34 K2 N4 413 VCCO Bank 7* - I/O 6 - - P1 416 I/O 6 - - N5 419 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O 6 P35 K1 P2 422 P14 F2 H3 320 7 P15 G3 H2 323 I/O 7 - - J4 326 I/O 7 - - H1 329 I/O 7 - F1 J5 332 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 7 P16 F4 J2 335 I/O 7 - - J3 338 I/O 7 - - J1 341 I/O 7 P17 F5 K5 I/O 7 P18 G2 K1 GND - P19 GND* GND* - DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 6 - K3 P4 425 I/O 6 - - R1 428 I/O 6 - - P5 431 I/O 6 P36 L1 P3 434 I/O 6 P37 L2 R2 437 VCCINT - P38 VCCINT* VCCINT* - VCCO 6 P39 VCCO Bank 6* VCCO Bank 6* - 344 GND - P40 GND* GND* - 347 I/O 6 P41 K4 T1 440 I/O, VREF 6 P42 M1 R4 443 Module 4 of 4 93 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S200 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S200 Pad Name XC2S200 Device Pinouts (Continued) Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 Bndry Scan I/O 6 - - T2 449 I/O 6 P43 L4 U1 452 GND - - GND* GND* - Function XC2S200 Pad Name Function Bndry Scan Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 VCCO 5 - VCCO Bank 5* VCCO Bank 5* - I/O, VREF 5 P59 T4 AA5 545 5 P60 M6 AB5 548 I/O 6 - M2 R5 455 I/O I/O 6 - - V1 458 I/O 5 - - V8 551 I/O 6 - - T5 461 I/O 5 - - AA6 554 I/O 6 P44 L3 U2 464 I/O 5 - T5 AB6 557 I/O, VREF 6 P45 N1 T3 467 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 5 P61 N6 AA7 560 I/O 5 - - W7 563 I/O, VREF 5 P62 R5 W8 569 5 P63 P6 Y8 572 VCCO 6 - VCCO Bank 6* VCCO Bank 6* - GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 6 P46 P1 T4 470 I/O I/O 6 - L5 W1 473 GND - P64 GND* GND* - GND - - GND* GND* - VCCO 5 P65 6 - - V2 476 VCCO Bank 5* - I/O VCCO Bank 5* I/O 6 - - U4 482 VCCINT - P66 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O, VREF 6 P47 N2 Y1 485 I/O 5 P67 R6 AA8 575 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 5 P68 M7 V9 578 5 - - AB8 581 I/O 6 - M4 W2 488 I/O I/O 6 - - V3 491 I/O 5 - - W9 584 I/O 6 - - V4 494 I/O 5 - - AB9 587 I/O 6 P48 R1 Y2 500 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 6 P49 M3 W3 503 I/O 5 P69 N7 Y9 590 5 - - V10 593 M1 - P50 P2 U5 506 I/O GND - P51 GND* GND* - I/O 5 - - AA9 596 M0 - P52 N3 AB2 507 I/O 5 P70 T6 W10 599 VCCO 6 P53 VCCO Bank 6* VCCO Bank 6* - I/O 5 P71 P7 AB10 602 GND - P72 GND* GND* - VCCO 5 P53 VCCO Bank 5* VCCO Bank 5* - VCCO 5 - VCCO Bank 5* VCCO Bank 5* - M2 - P54 R3 Y4 508 I/O, VREF 5 P73 P8 Y10 605 I/O 5 - - W5 518 I/O 5 P74 R7 V11 608 I/O 5 - - AB3 521 I/O 5 - - AA10 614 I/O 5 - N5 V7 524 I/O 5 - T7 W11 617 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 5 P75 T8 AB11 620 I/O, VREF 5 P57 T2 Y6 527 I/O 5 - - U11 623 I/O 5 - - AA4 530 VCCINT - P76 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O 5 - - AB4 536 I, GCK1 5 P77 R8 Y11 635 I/O 5 - P5 W6 539 VCCO 5 P78 5 P58 T3 Y7 542 VCCO Bank 5* - I/O VCCO Bank 5* GND - - GND* GND* - VCCO 4 P78 VCCO Bank 4* VCCO Bank 4* - GND - P79 GND* GND* - DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 4 of 4 94 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S200 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S200 Pad Name XC2S200 Device Pinouts (Continued) Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 Bndry Scan I, GCK0 4 P80 N8 W12 636 I/O 4 P81 N9 U12 I/O 4 - - I/O 4 P82 R9 I/O 4 - I/O 4 I/O Function XC2S200 Pad Name Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 Bndry Scan I/O 4 - - W17 739 640 I/O, VREF 4 P100 R13 AB20 742 V12 646 GND - - GND* GND* - Y12 649 I/O 4 - P12 AA19 745 N10 AA12 652 I/O 4 - - V17 748 - - W13 655 I/O 4 - - Y18 751 4 P83 T9 AB13 661 I/O 4 P101 P13 AA20 757 I/O 4 P102 T14 W18 760 GND - P103 GND* GND* - DONE 3 P104 R14 Y19 763 VCCO 4 P105 VCCO Bank 4* VCCO Bank 4* - VCCO 3 P105 VCCO Bank 3* VCCO Bank 3* - Function I/O, VREF 4 P84 P9 AA13 664 VCCO 4 - VCCO Bank 4* VCCO Bank 4* - GND - P85 GND* GND* - I/O 4 P86 M10 Y13 667 I/O 4 P87 R10 V13 670 I/O 4 - - AB14 673 I/O 4 - - W14 676 PROGRAM - P106 P15 W20 766 I/O 4 P88 P10 AA14 679 I/O (INIT) 3 P107 N15 V19 767 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O (D7) 3 P108 N14 Y21 770 I/O 4 - - V14 682 I/O 3 - - V20 776 3 - - AA22 779 I/O 4 - - Y14 685 I/O I/O 4 - - W15 688 I/O 3 - T15 W21 782 I/O 4 P89 T10 AB15 691 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 4 P90 R11 AA15 694 I/O, VREF 3 P109 M13 U20 785 VCCINT - P91 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O 3 - - U19 788 I/O 3 - - V21 794 GND - - GND* GND* - VCCO 4 P92 VCCO Bank 4* VCCO Bank 4* - GND - P93 GND* GND* - I/O 3 - R16 T18 797 I/O 4 P94 M11 Y15 697 I/O 3 P110 M14 W22 800 I/O, VREF 4 P95 T11 AB16 700 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 4 - - AB17 706 VCCO 3 - 4 P96 N11 V15 709 VCCO Bank 3* - I/O VCCO Bank 3* GND - - GND* GND* - I/O, VREF 3 P111 L14 U21 803 I/O 4 - R12 Y16 712 I/O 3 P112 M15 T20 806 I/O 4 - - AA17 715 I/O 3 - - T19 809 3 - - V22 812 I/O 4 - - W16 718 I/O I/O 4 P97 P11 AB18 721 I/O 3 - L12 T21 815 I/O, VREF 4 P98 T12 AB19 724 GND - - GND* GND* - VCCO 4 - VCCO Bank 4* VCCO Bank 4* - I/O 3 P113 P16 R18 818 I/O 3 - - U22 821 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O, VREF 3 P114 L13 R19 827 I/O 4 P99 T13 Y17 727 I/O (D6) 3 P115 N16 T22 830 I/O 4 - N12 V16 730 GND - P116 GND* GND* - I/O 4 - - AA18 733 DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 4 of 4 95 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S200 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S200 Pad Name XC2S200 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S200 Pad Name Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 Bndry Scan I/O 2 - - K18 929 I/O 2 - - J20 932 I/O 2 P140 G12 J18 935 GND - - GND* GND* - 836 I/O 2 - F16 J22 938 R22 839 I/O 2 - - J19 941 - P19 842 I/O 2 - - H21 944 - L16 P20 845 I/O 2 P141 G13 H19 947 - - GND* GND* - I/O (D2) 2 P142 F15 H20 950 I/O 3 P121 K13 P21 848 VCCINT - P143 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O 3 - - N19 851 VCCO 2 P144 3 - - P22 854 VCCO Bank 2* VCCO Bank 2* - I/O Function Bndry Scan Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 VCCO 3 P117 VCCO Bank 3* VCCO Bank 3* - VCCINT - P118 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O (D5) 3 P119 M16 R21 833 I/O 3 P120 K14 P18 I/O 3 - - I/O 3 - I/O 3 GND Function I/O 3 P122 L15 N18 857 GND - P145 GND* GND* - I/O 3 P123 K12 N20 860 I/O (D1) 2 P146 E16 H22 953 GND - P124 GND* GND* - I/O, VREF 2 P147 F14 H18 956 VCCO 3 - VCCO Bank 3* VCCO Bank 3* - I/O 2 - - G21 962 I/O 2 P148 D16 G18 965 I/O, VREF 3 P125 K16 N21 863 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O (D4) 3 P126 J16 N22 866 I/O 2 - F12 G20 968 I/O 3 - - M17 872 I/O 2 - - G19 971 I/O 3 - J14 M19 875 I/O 2 - - F22 974 I/O 3 P127 K15 M20 878 I/O 2 P149 E15 F19 977 I/O 3 - - M18 881 I/O, VREF 2 P150 F13 F21 980 VCCINT - P128 VCCINT* VCCINT* - 2 - 3 P129 J15 M22 890 VCCO Bank 2* VCCO Bank 2* - I/O, TRDY(1) VCCO VCCO 3 P130 VCCO Bank 3* VCCO Bank 3* - GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 2 P151 E14 F20 983 VCCO 2 P130 VCCO Bank 2* VCCO Bank 2* - I/O 2 - C16 F18 986 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 2 - - E22 989 I/O 2 - - E21 995 I/O, VREF 2 P152 E13 D22 998 GND - P131 GND* GND* - I/O, IRDY(1) 2 P132 H16 L20 893 I/O 2 P133 H14 L17 896 I/O 2 - - L18 902 I/O 2 P134 H15 L21 905 I/O 2 - J13 L22 908 I/O 2 - - K19 911 I/O (D3) 2 P135 G16 K20 917 I/O, VREF 2 P136 H13 K21 920 VCCO 2 - VCCO Bank 2* VCCO Bank 2* - GND - P137 GND* GND* - I/O 2 P138 G14 K22 923 I/O 2 P139 G15 J21 926 DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 2 - B16 E20 1001 I/O 2 - - D21 1004 I/O 2 - - C22 1007 I/O (DIN, D0) 2 P153 D14 D20 1013 I/O (DOUT, BUSY) 2 P154 C15 C21 1016 CCLK 2 P155 D15 B22 1019 VCCO 2 P156 VCCO Bank 2* VCCO Bank 2* - Module 4 of 4 96 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S200 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S200 Pad Name Function XC2S200 Device Pinouts (Continued) Bndry Scan XC2S200 Pad Name Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 Bndry Scan I/O 1 P175 D10 D13 90 I/O 1 P176 A10 C13 93 GND - P177 GND* GND* - VCCO 1 - VCCO Bank 1* VCCO Bank 1* - 0 I/O, VREF 1 P178 B9 B13 96 3 I/O 1 P179 E10 E12 99 Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 VCCO 1 P156 VCCO Bank 1* VCCO Bank 1* - TDO 2 P157 B14 A21 - GND - P158 GND* GND* - TDI - P159 A15 B20 - I/O (CS) 1 P160 B13 C19 I/O (WRITE) 1 P161 C13 A20 Function I/O 1 - - B19 9 I/O 1 - - A13 105 I/O 1 - - C18 12 I/O 1 - A9 B12 108 I/O 1 - C12 D17 15 I/O 1 P180 D9 D12 111 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 1 - - C12 114 I/O, VREF 1 P162 A14 A19 18 I/O 1 P181 A8 D11 120 I/O 1 - - B18 21 I, GCK2 1 P182 C9 A11 126 I/O 1 - - E16 27 GND - P183 GND* GND* - I/O 1 - D12 C17 30 VCCO 1 P184 1 P163 B12 D16 33 VCCO Bank 1* - I/O VCCO Bank 1* GND - - GND* GND* - VCCO 0 P184 VCCO Bank 0* VCCO Bank 0* - VCCO 1 - VCCO Bank 1* VCCO Bank 1* - I, GCK3 0 P185 B8 C11 127 I/O, VREF 1 P164 C11 A18 36 VCCINT - P186 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O 1 P165 A13 B17 39 I/O 0 - - E11 137 I/O 1 - - E15 42 I/O 0 P187 A7 A10 140 I/O 1 - - A17 45 I/O 0 - D8 B10 143 0 - - F11 146 I/O 1 - D11 D15 48 I/O GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 0 P188 A6 C10 152 I/O 1 P166 A12 C16 51 I/O, VREF 0 P189 B7 A9 155 I/O 1 - - D14 54 VCCO 0 - VCCO Bank 0* VCCO Bank 0* - I/O, VREF 1 P167 E11 E14 60 GND - P190 GND* GND* - I/O 1 P168 B11 A16 63 I/O 0 P191 C8 B9 158 GND - P169 GND* GND* - I/O 0 P192 D7 E10 161 VCCO 1 P170 VCCO Bank 1* VCCO Bank 1* - I/O 0 - - C9 164 0 - - D10 167 VCCINT - P171 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O I/O 1 P172 A11 C15 66 I/O 0 P193 E7 A8 170 I/O 1 P173 C10 B15 69 GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 1 - - E13 72 I/O 0 - - D9 173 I/O 1 - - A15 75 I/O 0 - - B8 176 0 - - C8 179 I/O 1 - - F12 78 I/O GND - - GND* GND* - I/O 0 P194 C7 E9 182 I/O 1 P174 B10 C14 81 I/O 0 P195 B6 A7 185 I/O 1 - - B14 84 VCCINT - P196 VCCINT* VCCINT* - I/O 1 - - A14 87 VCCO 0 P197 VCCO Bank 0* VCCO Bank 0* - DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 4 of 4 97 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables XC2S200 Device Pinouts (Continued) XC2S200 Pad Name Function GND I/O Additional XC2S200 Package Pins Bank PQ208 FG256 FG456 Bndry Scan - P198 GND* GND* - 0 P199 A5 PQ208 Not Connected Pins P55 B7 188 11/02/00 FG256 P56 - - - - I/O, VREF 0 P200 C6 E8 191 I/O 0 - - D8 197 I/O 0 P201 B5 C7 200 C3 C14 D4 D13 E5 E12 GND - - GND* GND* - M5 M12 N4 N13 P3 P14 I/O 0 - D6 D7 203 I/O 0 - - B6 206 - - I/O 0 - - A5 209 I/O 0 P202 A4 D6 212 - - I/O, VREF 0 P203 B4 C6 215 VCCO 0 - VCCO Bank 0* VCCO Bank 0* - - - GND - - GND* GND* - - - I/O 0 P204 E6 B5 218 I/O 0 - D5 E7 221 - - I/O 0 - - A4 224 I/O 0 - - E6 230 - - I/O, VREF 0 P205 A3 B4 233 GND - - GND* GND* - - - I/O 0 - C5 A3 236 I/O 0 - - B3 239 - - I/O 0 - - D5 242 I/O 0 P206 B3 C5 248 F7 TCK - P207 C4 C4 - VCCO 0 P208 VCCO Bank 0* VCCO Bank 0* - VCCO 7 P208 VCCO Bank 7* VCCO Bank 7* - 04/18/01 Notes: 1. IRDY and TRDY can only be accessed when using Xilinx PCI cores. 2. Pads labelled GND*, VCCINT*, VCCO Bank 0*, VCCO Bank 1*, VCCO Bank 2*, VCCO Bank 3*, VCCO Bank 4*, VCCO Bank 5*, VCCO Bank 6*, VCCO Bank 7* are internally bonded to independent ground or power planes within the package. 3. See "VCCO Banks" for details on VCCO banking. DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification VCCINT Pins VCCO Bank 0 Pins E8 F8 - - VCCO Bank 1 Pins E9 F9 - - VCCO Bank 2 Pins H11 H12 - - VCCO Bank 3 Pins J11 J12 L9 M9 - - VCCO Bank 4 Pins - - VCCO Bank 5 Pins L8 M8 - - VCCO Bank 6 Pins J5 J6 - - VCCO Bank 7 Pins H5 H6 - - GND Pins A1 A16 B2 B15 F6 F10 F11 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 H7 H8 H9 H10 J7 J8 J9 J10 K6 K7 K8 K9 K10 K11 L6 L7 L10 L11 R2 R15 T1 T16 P4 R4 - - Not Connected Pins - - Module 4 of 4 98 R Spartan-II FPGA Family: Pinout Tables Additional XC2S200 Package Pins (Continued) 11/02/00 Additional XC2S200 Package Pins (Continued) G6 H6 J6 K6 K7 L7 GND Pins FG456 VCCINT Pins A1 A22 B2 B21 C3 C20 E5 E18 F6 F17 G7 G8 J9 J10 J11 J12 J13 J14 G9 G14 G15 G16 H7 H16 K9 K10 K11 K12 K13 K14 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 J7 J16 P7 P16 R7 R16 L9 T7 T8 T9 T14 T15 T16 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 U6 U17 V5 V18 - - N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 Y3 Y20 AA2 AA21 AB1 AB22 VCCO Bank 0 Pins F7 F8 F9 F10 G10 G11 Not Connected Pins VCCO Bank 1 Pins F13 F14 F15 F16 G12 A2 A6 A12 B11 B16 C2 D1 D4 D18 D19 E17 E19 L16 G2 G22 L2 L19 M2 M21 R3 R20 U3 U18 V6 W4 T17 W19 Y5 Y22 AA1 AA3 AA11 AA16 AB7 AB12 AB21 - - G13 VCCO Bank 2 Pins G17 H17 J17 K16 K17 VCCO Bank 3 Pins M16 N16 N17 P17 R17 VCCO Bank 4 Pins T12 T13 T10 T11 U13 U14 U15 U16 U9 U10 R6 T6 11/02/00 VCCO Bank 5 Pins U7 U8 VCCO Bank 6 Pins M7 N6 N7 P6 VCCO Bank 7 Pins Revision History Version No. Date Description 2.0 09/18/00 Sectioned the Spartan-II Family data sheet into four modules. Corrected all known errors in the pinout tables. 2.1 10/04/00 Added notes requiring PWDN to be tied to VCCINT when unused. 2.2 11/02/00 Removed the Power Down feature. 2.3 03/05/01 Added notes on pinout tables for IRDY and TRDY. 2.4 04/30/01 Reinstated XC2S50 VCCO Bank 7, GND, and "not connected" pins missing in version 2.3. 2.5 09/03/03 Added caution about Not Connected Pins to XC2S30 pinout tables on page 76. 2.8 06/13/08 Added "Package Overview" section. Added notes to clarify shared VCCO banks. Updated description and links. Updated all modules for continuous page, figure, and table numbering. Synchronized all modules to v2.8. DS001-4 (v2.8) June 13, 2008 Product Specification Module 4 of 4 99