PolySwitch(R) PTC Devices 308 Constitution Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025-1164 Phone: 800-227-4856 www.circuitprotection.com Overcurrent Protection Device Raychem Circuit Protection Products PRODUCT: microSMD110F DOCUMENT: SCD 25059 REV LETTER: H REV DATE: MARCH 3, 2009 PAGE NO.: 1 OF 1 Specification Status: Released Maximum Electrical Rating Voltage: 6VDC Short Circuit Current: 40A Notes: 1. All terminations are tin plated. 2. Drawing not to scale Marking: TABLE I. DIMENSIONS: A mm: in: MIN 3.00 (0.118) B C D E MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN 3.43 0.28 0.48 2.35 2.80 0.25 0.75 0.076 (0.135) (0.011) (0.019) (0.092) (0.110) (0.010) (0.030) (0.003) TABLE II. PERFORMANCE RATINGS: CURRENT RATINGS** TIME TO TRIP** RESISTANCE VALUES AMPERES AMPERES AMPERES SECONDS AT 0C AT 20C AT 60C AT 20C, 8A HOLD TRIP HOLD TRIP HOLD TRIP MAX 1.26 2.52 1.10 2.20 0.80 1.60 0.2 TRIPPED-STATE POWER DISSIPATION** OHMS WATTS AT AT 20C 20C, 6V MIN MAX* MAX 0.07 0.21 0.8 *Maximum resistance is measured 1 hour after reflow. ** Values specified were determined using PCB's with 0.030"X1.5 ounce copper traces. Agency Recognition: Reference Documents: Precedence: Effectivity: CAUTION: UL, CSA, TUV PS300 This specification takes precedence over documents referenced herein. Reference documents shall be the issue in effect on the date of invitation for bid. Operation beyond the rated voltage or current may result in rupture, electrical arcing or flame. Materials Information ROHS Compliant ELV Compliant Pb-Free Halogen Free* HF * Halogen Free refers to: Br900ppm, Cl900ppm, Br+Cl1500ppm (c) 2006, 2009 Tyco Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.