___MAXSMBus Functionality Check
Follow these steps to verify that the MAXSMBus inter-
face board is functioning properly. All necessary soft-
ware is supplied on a disk with the companion EV kit.
Instructions for operating the software are included in
the EV kit manual.
1) Connect a +9VDC supply (+7V minimum, +20V
maximum) to the MAXSMBus interface board at the
terminals labeled POS9 and GND in the lower left
corner of the board.
2) Use a digital voltmeter to verify that the oval pad
labeled POS5 is +5V (+4.75V minimum, +5.25V
maximum). Also verify that the pads labeled
are above +4V.
3) If these DC voltages are correct, MAXSMBus pass-
es the functionality test.
_______________Detailed Description
The MAXSMBus interface board provides all of the
interface signals necessary to interface an IBM PC-
compatible computer with an SMBus-compliant device.
A DB25 right-angle plug connects to the computer
(Table 1). The companion board plugs into a 20-pin
dual-row right-angle header at the edge of the board
(Table 2). Alternatively, connection can be made by
soldering wires to the oval pads as appropriate. This
allows the companion board to be placed in an environ-
mental chamber for evaluation over temperature.
Refer to the documentation of the companion Maxim EV
kit for quick start and operating instructions.
________________General Description
MAXSMBus is an interface between an IBM-compatible
PC and System Management Bus (SMBus™)-
compatible serial-interface devices such as tempera-
ture monitors, voltage regulators, or A/D converters
(ADCs). The MAXSMBus interface board is connected
between the PC parallel port and the device under test,
converting parallel data into 2-wire, open-drain serial
data. The board is provided for use with selected
Maxim products and is not intended to replace com-
mercially available SMBus hardware. MAXSMBus is
shipped with a companion EV kit board, including all
relevant software.
♦SMBus-Compatible 2-Wire Interface
♦SMBus Suspend Output
♦Two SMBus Alert Inputs
♦Overvoltage Fault Protection
♦PC Parallel Port Interface
Evaluates: MAXSMBus
2-Wire Interface Board
________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 1
19-1306; Rev 0; 3/98
C1, C2, C3 30.1µF ceramic capacitors
C4–C9 63.3µF, 25V tantalum capacitors
D1 11N5235B zener diode, 6.8V
D2 11N5229B zener diode, 4.3V
D3 11N4148 small-signal diode
J1 1DB25 right-angle plug
_______________Ordering Information
Companion Board for SMBus EV Kits
Maxim SMBus Interface Board
____________________________Component List
J2 1Not installed
P1 12x10 right-angle male header
R1, R2, R3,
R10, R11 547kΩ±5% resistors
R4–R7 4 4.7kΩ±5% resistors
R8, R9 21kΩ±5% resistors
U1 174HC05 hex open-collector inverter
U2 174HC04 hex inverter
U3 174HC08 quad AND gate
U4 174HC74 dual D flip-flop
U5 1+5V, 100mA regulator
U6 1MAX865EUA (8-pin µMAX)
U7 1MAX367CWN (18-pin SO)
NONE 1PC board
SMBus is a trademark of Intel Corp.
For free samples and the latest literature, visit www.maxim-ic.com or phone 1-800-998-8800.
For small orders, phone 1-800-835-8769.