XC6401 Series Dual LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible November 7, 2003 Ver. 4 Preliminary ! Low Power Consumption ! Dropout Voltage ! APPLICATIONS : 25 A (TYP) " " " " " " : 30mV @ 30mA : 100mV @ 100mA Output Voltage Range : 0.8 V to 5.0 V Output Current : More than 150 mA (300mA limit) High Ripple Rejection Rate : 70 dB @ 1kHz Low Output Noise Cordless phones and radio communication equipment Portable games Cameras, Video recorders Portable AV equipment PDAs Low ESR capacitor compatible ! GENERAL DESCRIPTION ! FEATURES The XC6401 series are highly accurate, Dual, low noise, CMOS LDO voltage regulators. Performance features of the series includes low output noise, high ripple rejection ratio, low dropout and very fast turn-on times. The XC6401 includes a reference voltage source, error amplifiers, driver transistors, current limiters and phase compensators internally. The XC6401's current limiters' foldback circuit also operates as a short protect for the output current limiter. The output voltage for each regulator is set independently by laser trimming. Voltages are selectable in 50mV steps within a range of 0.8V to 5.0V. The XC6401 series is also fully compatible with low ESR ceramic capacitors, reducing cost and improving output stability. This high level of output stability is maintained even during frequent load fluctuations, due to the excellent transient response performance and high PSRR achieved across a broad range of frequencies. The EN function allows the output of each regulator to be turned off independently, resulting in greatly reduced power consumption. The XC6401 series is available in the SOT-26W or USP-6B `chipscale' package. ! TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUITS 2 VIN VSS 3 EN2 VOUT2 : 100mV (IOUT=100mA) Operating Voltage Range : 1.5V ~ 6.0V Output Voltage Range : 0.8V ~ 5.0V (50mV Step) Highly Accurate : 2% (VOUT>1.5V) Low Power Consumption : 25 mA (TYP.) Standby Current : Less than 0.1A (TYP.) High Ripple Rejection : 70dB (1kHz) Operating Temperature Range : -40OC ~ +85OC Low ESR Capacitor Compatible : Ceramic capacitor Ultra Small Packages : SOT-26W USP-6B ! TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS # Cross Talk CL1 1uF 5 VOUT1 : 150mA or more (300mA limit) Dropout Voltage : 30mV (VOUT1.5V) 6 1 EN1 Maximum Output Current XC6401 (VR1:3.0V, VR2:2.85V) CIN 1uF VIN=4.0V, CIN= CL=1uF (ceramics) 4 3.1 CIN 1uF 1 6 2 VIN VOUT1 5 3 EN1 VSS 4 Output Voltage VOUT (V) CL2 1uF EN2 VOUT2 500 VR1 Output Voltage (3.0V) 3.0 400 2.9 300 VR2 Output Voltage (2.85V) 2.8 100mA 2.7 VR1 Output Current 200 100 10mA CL1 1uF CL2 1uF 2.6 Output Current 1 IOUT (mA) ! ! ! ! ! Mobile phones (PDC, GSM, CDMA, IMT2000 etc.) 0 Time (40usec/div) Semiconductor Ltd. Data Sheet 1 XC6401 Series Dual LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible Preliminary ! PIN CONFIGURATION VOUT1 VSS 6 5 ! PIN ASSIGNMENT VOUT2 PIN NUMBER 4 EN2 VIN EN1 1 EN1 4 VOUT2 PIN NAME FUNCTION 3 EN1 ON/OFF Control 1 2 VIN Power Input 1 EN2 ON/OFF Control 2 6 VOUT2 Output 2 USP-6B 1 2 3 4 VOUT1 VSS 3 2 VIN EN2 USP-6B (TOP VIEW) SOT-26W (TOP VIEW) * 1 2 3 6 5 SOT-26W 5 4 VSS Ground 6 5 VOUT1 Output 1 A Pin number 1 is under the marking of the leftmost of 4 digits. ! PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION " SELECTION GUIDE The following options for the Regulator 1, 2, the EN pin logic, internal pull-up / down are available. " ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR SYMBOL XC6401123456 DESCRIPTION DESIGNATOR Internally set sequential number relating output voltage of each regulators Regulator 1, EN type E DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Active 'High' (Pull-down resistor built in) 1 F Active 'High' 34 01 ~ Regulator 1 Output Voltage Range : (No pull-down, resistor built in) G 0.8 ~ 5.0 V Active 'Low' Regulator 2 Output Voltage Range : (Pull-down resistor built in) H 0.8 ~ 5.0 V Active 'Low' Both 1 and 2 can be set 50 mV steps (No pull-down, resistor built in) Packaging Types Regulator 2, EN type E 5 Active 'High' (Pull-down resistor built in) 2 F D USP-6B M SOT-26W Active 'High' (No pull-down, resistor built in) G Device Orientation Active 'Low' 6 (Pull-down resistor built in) H Active 'Low' R Embossed Tape: Standard Feed L Embossed Tape: Reverse Feed (No pull-down, resistor built in) Semiconductor Ltd. Data Sheet 2 XC6401 Series Dual LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible Preliminary ! ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Ta = 25OC PARAMETER SYMBOL RATINGS UNITS Input Voltage VIN 6.5 V Output Current IOUT1 + IOUT2 700 mA Output Voltage VOUT VSS -0.3 ~ VIN +0.3 V EN Pin Voltage VEN VSS -0.3 ~ VIN +0.3 V Power Dissipation SOT-26W 250 Pd USP-6B mW 100 Operating Ambient Temperature -40 ~ +85 O C -55 ~ +125 O C Topr Tstg Storage Temperature ! ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS XC6401FFxx Ta=25OC Regulator 1, Regulator 2 PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX Output Voltage (Note 7) VOUT (E) VIN=VOUT (T) + 1.0V IOUT=30mA x 0.98 VOUT(T) x 1.02 Maximum Output Current IOUTMAX VIN=VOUT (T) + 1.0V 150 Load Regulation VOUT 1mAIOUT100mA 60 UNITS CIRCUIT V 1 mA 1 mV 1 Vdif1 IOUT=30mA 15 E-1 Vdif2 IOUT=100mA E-2 Supply Current ISS VIN=VEN=VOUT (T) + 1.0V, IOUT=0mA 25 45 A 2 Standby Current ISTB VIN=VOUT (T) + 1.0V, VEN=VSS 0.01 0.10 A 3 VOUT / VOUT(T)+1.0VVIN6.0V VIN VOUT 0.01 0.20 %/V 1 IOUT=30mA 6.0 V Dropout Voltage Line Regulation Input Voltage VIN Output Voltage VOUT / IOUT=30mA Temperature Characteristics Topr VOUT -40OCTopr85OC Ripple Rejection Rate PSRR 1.5 mV 1 mV 100 ppm/ O C 1 IOUT=30mA, f=1kHz 70 dB 5 mA 1 Current Limiter Ilim VIN=VOUT (T) + 1.0V, VEN=VIN 300 Short-circuit Current Ishort VIN=VOUT (T) + 1.0V, VEN=VIN 30 EN "High" Voltage VENH EN "Low" Voltage VENL EN "High" Current IENH VIN=VEN=VOUT (T) + 1.0V EN "Low" Current IENL VIN=VEN=VOUT (T) + 1.0V, VEN=VSS mA 1 VIN V 4 0.25 V 4 -0.10 0.10 A 4 -0.10 0.10 A 4 1.60 NOTE (NOTE 1) (NOTE 2) VOUT(T)=Specified Output Voltage VOUT(E)=Effective Output Voltage (I.e. the output voltage when "VOUT(T)+1.0V" is provided at the VIN pin while maintaining a certain IOUT value). (NOTE 3) Vdif={VIN1(NOTE5)-VOUT1(NOTE4)} (NOTE 4) VOUT1=A voltage equal to 98% of the Output Voltage whenever an amply stabilized IOUT {VOUT(T)+1.0V} is input. (NOTE 5) VIN1=The Input Voltage when VOUT1 appears as Input Voltage is gradually decreased. (NOTE 6) Unless otherwise stated, VIN=VOUT(T)+1.0V (NOTE 7) If VOUT (T) 1.45V, MIN VOUT (T) - 30mV MAX VOUT (T) + 30mV Semiconductor Ltd. Data Sheet 3 XC6401 Series Dual LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible Preliminary ! DROPOUT VOLTAGE SETTING OUTPUT VOLTAGE OUTPUT VOLTAGE DROPOUT VOLTAGE 1 DROPOUT VOLTAGE 2 (V) E-1 (mV) E-2 (mV) VOUT Vdif 1 (V) VOUT (T) MIN. MAX. 0.80 0.770 0.830 0.85 0.820 0.880 0.90 0.870 0.930 0.95 0.920 0.980 1.00 0.970 1.030 1.05 1.020 1.080 1.10 1.070 1.130 1.15 1.120 1.180 1.20 1.170 1.230 1.25 1.220 1.280 1.30 1.270 1.330 1.35 1.320 1.380 1.40 1.370 1.430 1.45 1.420 1.480 1.50 1.470 1.530 1.55 1.519 1.581 1.60 1.568 1.632 1.65 1.617 1.683 1.70 1.666 1.734 1.75 1.715 1.785 1.80 1.764 1.836 1.85 1.813 1.887 1.90 1.862 1.938 1.95 1.911 1.989 2.00 1.960 2.040 2.05 2.009 2.091 2.10 2.058 2.142 2.15 2.107 2.193 2.20 2.156 2.244 2.25 2.205 2.295 2.30 2.254 2.346 2.35 2.303 2.397 2.40 2.352 2.448 2.45 2.401 2.499 2.50 2.450 2.550 2.55 2.499 2.601 2.60 2.548 2.652 2.65 2.597 2.703 2.70 2.646 2.754 2.75 2.695 2.805 2.80 2.744 2.856 2.85 2.793 2.907 2.90 2.842 2.958 2.95 2.891 3.009 Vdif 2 MIN. MAX. MIN. MAX. 300 700 400 800 200 600 350 700 100 500 270 600 80 400 240 500 65 300 200 400 60 200 180 300 55 100 165 250 50 75 150 200 45 65 140 180 40 60 120 170 35 55 110 160 Semiconductor Ltd. Data Sheet 4 XC6401 Series Dual LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible Preliminary ! DROPOUT VOLTAGE SETTING OUTPUT VOLTAGE OUTPUT VOLTAGE DROPOUT VOLTAGE 1 DROPOUT VOLTAGE 2 (V) E-1 (mV) E-2 (mV) VOUT Vdif 1 Vdif 2 (V) VOUT (T) MIN. MAX. 3.00 2.940 3.060 3.05 2.989 3.111 3.10 3.038 3.162 3.15 3.087 3.213 3.20 3.136 3.264 3.25 3.185 3.315 3.30 3.234 3.366 3.35 3.283 3.417 3.40 3.332 3.468 3.45 3.381 3.519 3.50 3.430 3.570 3.55 3.479 3.621 3.60 3.528 3.672 3.65 3.577 3.723 3.70 3.626 3.774 3.75 3.675 3.825 3.80 3.724 3.876 3.85 3.773 3.927 3.90 3.822 3.978 3.95 3.871 4.029 4.00 3.920 4.080 4.05 3.969 4.131 4.10 4.018 4.182 4.15 4.067 4.233 4.20 4.116 4.284 4.25 4.165 4.335 4.30 4.214 4.386 4.35 4.263 4.437 4.40 4.312 4.488 4.45 4.361 4.539 4.50 4.410 4.590 4.55 4.459 4.641 4.60 4.508 4.692 4.65 4.557 4.743 4.70 4.606 4.794 4.75 4.655 4.845 4.80 4.704 4.896 4.85 4.753 4.947 4.90 4.802 4.998 4.95 4.851 5.049 5.00 4.900 5.100 MIN. MAX. MIN. MAX. 30 45 100 150 Semiconductor Ltd. Data Sheet 5 XC6401 Series Dual LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible Preliminary ! OPERATIONAL EXPLANATION Output voltage control with the XC6401 series: The voltage divided by resistors R1 & R2 is compared with the internal reference voltage by the error amplifier. The P-Channel MOSFETs, which are connected to the VOUT1 and VOUT2 pins, are then driven by the subsequent output signal. The output voltages at the VOUT1 and VOUT2 pins are controlled and stabilized by a system of negative feedback. The current limit circuit and short protect circuit operate in relation to the level of output current. Further, the IC's internal circuitry can be shutdown via the EN pin's signal. EN1 ON/OFF Control +Error - Current Limit Amp1 VOUT1 R11 VR1 Each Circuit R12 VIN VSS + - VR2 Each Circuit Current Limit Error Amp2 VOUT2 R21 Voltage Reference EN2 R22 ON/OFF Control Low ESR Capacitors With the XC6401 series, a stable output voltage is achievable even if used with low ESR capacitors as a phase compensation circuit is built-in. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the phase compensation, we suggest that output capacitors (CL1, CL2) is connected as close as possible to the output pins (VOUT1 and VOUT2) and the VSS pin. Please use an output capacitor with a capacitance value of at least 1F. Also, please connect an input capacitor (CIN) of 0.1F between the VIN pin and the VSS pin in order to ensure a stable power input. Current Limiter, Short-Circuit Protection The XC6401 series includes a combination of a fixed current limiter circuit & a foldback circuit which aid the operations of the current limiter and circuit protection. When the load current reaches the current limit level, the fixed current limiter circuit operates and output voltage drops. As a result of this drop in output voltage, the foldback circuit operates, output voltage drops further and output current decreases. When the output pin is shorted, a current of about 30mA flows. EN Pins The IC's internal circuitry can be shutdown via the signal from the EN1 and EN2 pins with the XC6401 series. In shutdown mode, output at the VOUT1 and VOUT2 pins will be pulled down to the VSS level via R11 & R12 and R21 & R22. The operational logic of the IC's EN1 and EN2 pins are selectable (please refer to the selection guide on page 2). Note that as the standard XC6401FF type's regulator 1 and 2 are both ' High Active/No Pull Down', operations will become unstable with the EN1 or EN2 pins open. Although the EN1 and EN2 pins are equal to an inverter input with CMOS hysteresis, with either the pull-up or pull-down options, the EN1 and EN2 pins input current will increase when the IC is in operation. We suggest that you use this IC with either a VIN voltage or a VSS voltage input at the EN1 and EN2 pins. If this IC is used with the correct specifications for the EN1 and EN2 pins, the operational logic is fixed and the IC will operate normally. However, supply current may increase as a result of through current in the IC's internal circuitry. ! NOTE ON USE 1 Please use this IC within the stated absolute maximum ratings. 2 Where wiring impedance is high, operations may become unstable due to noise and/or phase lag 3 Please wire the input capacitor (CIN) and the output capacitors (CL1, CL2) as close to the IC as possible. The IC is liable to malfunction should the ratings be exceeded. depending on output current. Please keep the resistance low between VIN and VSS wiring in particular. Semiconductor Ltd. Data Sheet 6 XC6401 Series Dual LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible Preliminary ! TEST CIRCUITS Circuit 1 CIN, CL1, CL2 : 1F(ceramic) V IN EN1 V EN1/EN2 : A VOUT1 CIN IOUT1 CL1 Active 'High' = EN=VIN V Active 'Low' = EN=VSS RL1 EN2 A VOUT2 VSS IOUT2 CL2 V RL2 Circuit 2 CL1, CL2 :1F(ceramic) EN1/EN2 : V IN EN1 1. Active 'High' (Pull-down resistor built-in) VOUT1 IOUT1 CL1 VR1 Supply Current ISS1=I1 (Note:EN1=ON, EN2=OFF) VR2 Supply Current ISS2=I1 (Note:EN1=OFF, EN2=ON) V IN EN2 VOUT2 VSS I2 A A I3 2. Active 'High' (Pull-down, no resistor built-in) A I1 VR1 Supply Current ISS1=I1 (Note:EN1=ON, EN2=OFF) IOUT2 CL2 VR2 Supply Current ISS2=I1 (Note:EN1=OFF, EN2=ON) A 3. Active 'Low' (Pull-up resistor built-in) A VR1 Supply Current ISS1=I1+I2 (Note:EN1=ON, EN2=OFF) VR2 Supply Current ISS2=I1+I3 (Note:EN1=OFF, EN2=ON) 4. Active 'Low' (Pull-up, no resistor built-in) VR1 Supply Current ISS1=I1 (Note:EN1=ON, EN2=OFF) VR2 Supply Current ISS2=I1 (Note:EN1=OFF, EN2=ON) Circuit 3 EN1/EN2 : VIN A EN1 VOUT1 EN2 VOUT2 Active 'High' = EN=VSS Active 'Low' = EN=VIN V IN VSS Semiconductor Ltd. Data Sheet 7 XC6401 Series Dual LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible Preliminary ! TEST CIRCUITS (Continued) Circuit 4 V IN EN1 CIN V V OUT1 A IOUT1 CL1 VEN1 EN2 V OUT2 IOUT2 V A CL2 V SS VEN2 CIN, CL1, CL2 :1F(ceramic ) Circuit 5 CL1, CL2 : 1F(ceramic) Active 'High' = EN=VIN VIN VIN =[V OUT (T)+1.0] V+0.5Vp-pAC EN1 Active 'Low' = EN=VSS V OUT1 V CL1 EN2 EN1/EN2 : IOUT1 V V OUT2 V SS CL2 IOUT2 V Semiconductor Ltd. Data Sheet 8 XC6401 Series Dual LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible Preliminary ! TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (1) Output Voltage vs. Output Current XC6401 (0.8V) 0.8 Topr = 85OC = 25OC = - 40OC 0.6 VIN=4.0V CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 1.0 Output Voltage VOUT (V) 1.0 Output Voltage VOUT (V) XC6401(0.8V) VIN=1.8V CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 0.4 0.2 0.8 VIN = 6.0V = 1.8V = 1.8V = 1.5V 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Output Current IOUT (mA) 0 350 50 XC6401(2.85V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) 3.0 2.5 Topr = 85OC = 25OC = - 40OC 1.5 VIN=4.0V CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 4.0 3.5 2.0 1.0 0.5 3.5 3.0 2.5 VIN = 6.0V = 4.0V = 3.15V 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 50 Output Current IOUT (mA) 150 200 250 300 350 XC6401(3.0V) VIN=4.0V CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 4.0 100 Output Current IOUT (mA) XC6401(3.0V) VIN=4.0V CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 4.0 3.5 3.5 Output Voltage VOUT (V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) 350 XC6401(2.85V) VIN=3.85V CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 4.0 100 150 200 250 300 Output Current IOUT (mA) 3.0 2.5 Topr = 85OC = 25OC = - 40OC 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 3.0 VIN = 6.0V = 4.0V = 3..3V 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 Output Current IOUT (mA) 50 100 150 200 250 300 Output Current IOUT (mA) 350 Semiconductor Ltd. Data Sheet 9 XC6401 Series Dual LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible Preliminary (1) Output Voltage vs. Output Current (Continued) XC6401(5.0V) 6.0 5.0 4.0 Topr = 85OC = 25OC = - 40OC 3.0 VIN=4.0V CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 6.0 Output Voltage VOUT (V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) XC6401(5.0V) VIN=6.0V CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 2.0 1.0 0.0 5.0 4.0 VIN = 6.0V = 5.3V 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Output Current IOUT (mA) 350 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Output Current IOUT (mA) (2) Output Voltage vs. Input Voltage XC6401(0.8V) XC6401(0.8V) O Topr = 25 C CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 1.1 0.90 IOUT = 0mA = 30mA = 100mA 1.0 Output Voltage VOUT (V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) 1.2 Topr = 25OC CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.85 0.80 0.75 IOUT = 0mA = 30mA = 100mA 0.70 0.65 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 Input Voltage VIN (V) Input Voltage VIN (V) XC6401(2.85V) 2.85 2.65 2.45 2.25 2.05 2.35 Topr = 25OC CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 2.95 Output Voltage VOUT (V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) 3.05 XC6401(2.85V) Topr = 25OC CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) IOUT = 0mA = 30mA = 100mA 2.90 2.85 IOUT = 0mA = 30mA = 100mA 2.80 2.75 2.70 2.85 3.35 3.0 Input Voltage VIN (V) 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 Input Voltage VIN (V) Semiconductor Ltd. Data Sheet 10 XC6401 Series Dual LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible Preliminary (2) Output Voltage vs. Input Voltage (Continued) XC6401(3.0V) XC6401(3.0V) 3.10 Output Voltage VOUT (V) 3.2 Output Voltage VOUT (V) Topr = 25OC CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 3.0 2.8 IOUT = 0mA = 30mA = 100mA 2.6 2.4 3.05 3.00 IOUT = 0mA = 30mA = 100mA 2.95 2.90 2.85 2.2 2.5 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.5 XC6401(5.0V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) 6.0 Topr = 25OC CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 5.10 5.0 4.8 IOUT = 0mA = 30mA = 100mA 4.6 5.5 XC6401(5.0V) Topr = 25OC CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 5.2 5.0 Input Voltage VIN (V) Input Voltage VIN (V) 4.4 4.2 5.05 5.00 IOUT = 0mA = 30mA = 100mA 4.95 4.90 4.85 4.5 5.0 5.5 5.5 6.0 Input Voltage VIN (V) Input Voltage VIN (V) (3) Dropout Voltage vs. Output Current XC6401(2.85V) XC6401(0.8V) CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) Topr = 85OC = 25OC = - 40OC 0.8 CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 0.5 Dropout Voltage Vdif (V) Dropout Voltage Vdif (V) 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.4 Topr = 85OC = 25OC = - 40OC 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 Output Current IOUT (mA) Output Current IOUT (mA) Semiconductor Ltd. Data Sheet 11 XC6401 Series Dual LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible Preliminary (3) Dropout Voltage vs. Output Current (Continued) XC6401(3.0V) CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 0.5 Topr = 85OC = 25OC = - 40OC 0.4 CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 0.5 Dropout Voltage Vdif (V) Dropout Voltage Vdif (V) XC6401(5.0V) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.4 Topr = 85OC = 25OC = - 40OC 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0 50 100 150 0 200 50 200 XC6401(2.85V) XC6401(0.8V) 100 100 Topr = 85OC = 25OC = - 40OC 80 Supply Current ISS (uA) Supply Current ISS (uA) 150 Output Current IOUT (mA) Output Current IOUT (mA) 60 40 20 Topr = 85OC = 25OC = - 40OC 80 60 40 20 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 Intput Voltage VIN (V) Input Voltage VIN (V) XC6401(3.0V) XC6401(5.0V) 100 100 Topr = 85OC = 25OC = - 40OC 80 Supply Current ISS (uA) Supply Current ISS (uA) 100 60 40 20 80 60 Topr = 85OC = 25OC = - 40OC 40 20 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 Input Voltage VIN (V) 5 0 6 1 2 3 4 Input Voltage VIN (V) Semiconductor Ltd. Data Sheet 12 XC6401 Series Dual LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible Preliminary (5) Output Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature XC6401(0.8V) 0.82 0.80 IOUT = 0mA = 10mA = 30mA = 100mA 0.78 VIN = 4.0V CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 2.95 Output Voltage VOUT (V) 0.84 Output Voltage VOUT (V) XC6401(2.85V) VIN = 1.8V CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 0.76 2.90 2.85 IOUT = 0mA = 10mA = 30mA = 100mA 2.80 2.75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 -50 Ambient Temperature Topr (OC) -25 75 100 XC6401(5.0V) VIN = 5.0V CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 5.20 Output Voltage VOUT (V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) 50 Ambient Temperature Topr ( C) VIN = 4.0V CIN=1uF (ceramics), CL=1uF (ceramics) 3.05 3.00 IOUT = 0mA = 10mA = 30mA = 100mA 2.95 25 O XC6401(3.0V) 3.10 0 2.90 5.10 5.00 IOUT = 0mA = 10mA = 30mA = 100mA 4.90 4.80 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 -50 Ambient Temperature Topr (OC) -25 0 25 50 75 100 Ambient Temperature Topr (OC) (6) Supply Current vs. Ambient Temperature XC6401(2.85V) XC6401(0.8V) VIN = 3.85V 30 28 28 Output Voltage VOUT (V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) VIN = 1.8V 30 26 24 22 20 26 24 22 20 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 -50 Ambient Temperature Topr (OC) -25 0 25 50 75 Ambient Temperature Topr (OC) 100 Semiconductor Ltd. Data Sheet 13 XC6401 Series Dual LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible Preliminary (6) Supply Current vs. Ambient Temperature (Continued) XC6401(3.0V) XC6401(5.0V) VIN = 6.0V VIN = 4.0V 30 Output Voltage VOUT (V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) 30 28 26 24 22 20 28 26 24 22 20 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 -50 Ambient Temperature Topr (OC) -25 0 25 50 75 Ambient Temperature Topr (OC) 100 Semiconductor Ltd. Data Sheet 14 XC6401 Series Dual LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible Preliminary (7) Input Transient Response XC6401(0.8V) Input Voltage 0.95 2 0.85 1 0.80 0 -1 0.70 4 3.05 3 3.00 2 0.80 0 0.70 -1 -2 2.95 2.80 Output Voltage 1 0 Time (200usec/div) XC6401(2.85V) 5 3.00 4 2.90 3 2.85 2 Output Voltage VOUT (V) 3.00 Input Voltage VIN (V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) 4 2.75 3.05 2.75 Input Voltage 2 tr=tf=5use CL=1uF (ceramics), IOUT=30mA 6 Output Voltage 5 2.85 3.05 2.80 6 3 XC6401(2.85V) Input Voltage tr=tf=5use CL=1uF (ceramics), IOUT=100uA 2.90 Time (40usec/div) 2.95 -2 XC6401(2.85V) 1 Output Voltage -1 Time (40usec/div) 0.85 0.75 0 0.75 Output Voltage VOUT (V) Input Voltage 1 0.70 Input Voltage VIN (V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) 0.90 2 Output Voltage -2 0.95 Input Voltage 0.80 XC6401(0.8V) 1.00 3 0.85 Time (200usec/div) tr=tf=5use CL=1uF (ceramics), IOUT=100mA 4 Input Voltage VIN (V) 0.75 Output Voltage 0.90 tr=tf=5use CL=1uF (ceramics), IOUT=30mA 1 2.95 tr=tf=5use CL=1uF (ceramics), IOUT=100mA 5 Input Voltage 4 2.90 3 2.85 2 2.80 Output Voltage 2.75 0 Time (40usec/div) 6 Input Voltage VIN (V) 0.90 3 Output Voltage VOUT (V) 0.95 4 1.00 Input Voltage VIN (V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) 1.00 tr=tf=5use CL=1uF (ceramics), IOUT=100uA Input Voltage VIN (V) XC6401(0.8V) 1 0 Time (40usec/div) Semiconductor Ltd. Data Sheet 15 XC6401 Series Dual LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible Preliminary (7) Input Transient Response (Continued) XC6401(3.0V) 3.15 4 3.05 3 3.00 2 Output Voltage 2.95 2.90 3.10 2 2.95 0 2.90 6 5.20 5 5.15 4 3 3.00 2 Output Voltage 2.90 1 5.10 5.05 4.95 4.95 5.20 7 5.15 6 4 Output Voltage 4.90 4 Output Voltage 8 5 5.00 5 3 2 XC6401(5.0V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) Input Voltage 6 Time (200usec/div) Input Voltage VIN (V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) 5.10 Input Voltage 5.00 XC6401(5.0V) 5.15 8 7 5.05 Time (40usec/div) 5.20 tr=tf=5use CL=1uF (ceramics), IOUT=100uA 4.90 0 tr=tf=5use CL=1uF (ceramics), IOUT=30mA 0 XC6401(5.0V) 3.05 2.95 1 Input Voltage VIN (V) Input Voltage Output Voltage Time (40usec/div) Output Voltage VOUT (V) 3.10 4 3.00 1 Input Voltage VIN (V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) 3.15 Input Voltage 3 XC6401(3.0V) tr=tf=5use CL=1uF (ceramics), IOUT=100mA 5 3.05 Time (200usec/div) 3.20 6 Input Voltage VIN (V) Input Voltage 5 tr=tf=5use CL=1uF (ceramics), IOUT=30mA 3 2 5.10 tr=tf=5use CL=1uF (ceramics), IOUT=100mA 8 7 Input Voltage 5.05 6 5 5.00 4 Output Voltage 4.95 3 4.90 2 Input Voltage VIN (V) 3.10 3.20 Input Voltage VIN (V) 3.15 6 Input Voltage VIN (V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) 3.20 XC6401(3.0V) tr=tf=5use CL=1uF (ceramics), IOUT=100uA Time (40usec/div) Time (40usec/div) Semiconductor Ltd. Data Sheet 16 XC6401 Series Dual LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible Preliminary (8) Load Transient Response 0.80 250 200 Output Voltage 0.70 150 0.60 100 Output Current 50mA 50 0.80 200 Output Voltage 0.70 0.60 150 100mA 0 0.40 0 Time (40usec/div) Time (40usec/div) 200 Output Voltage 2.75 150 2.65 100 Output Current 2.55 50 10mA VIN=4.0V, tr=tf=5use CIN=CL=1uF (ceramics) 2.95 Output Voltage VOUT (V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) 2.85 250 Output Current IOUT (mA) VIN=4.0V, tr=tf=5use CIN=CL=1uF (ceramics) XC6401(2.85V) 2.85 200 Output Voltage 2.75 100mA 2.65 100 Output Current 2.55 0 0 Time (40usec/div) XC6401(3.0V) 3.00 250 200 Output Voltage 2.90 150 2.80 100 Output Current 50 10mA VIN=4.0V, tr=tf=5use CIN=CL=1uF (ceramics) 3.10 Output Voltage VOUT (V) VIN=4.0V, tr=tf=5use CIN=CL=1uF (ceramics) XC6401(3.0V) Output Current IOUT (mA) Output Voltage VOUT (V) 50 2.45 Time (40usec/div) 2.70 150 10mA 2.45 50mA 250 3.00 250 200 Output Voltage 2.90 150 100mA 2.80 100 Output Current 2.70 50 10mA 2.60 Output Current IOUT (mA) XC6401(2.85V) 3.10 50 10mA 0.40 50mA 100 Output Current 0.50 10mA 2.95 250 2.60 0 Output Current IOUT (mA) 0.50 VIN=1.8V, tr=tf=5use CIN=CL=1uF (ceramics) 0.90 Output Voltage VOUT (V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) 0.90 XC6401(0.8V) Output Current IOUT (mA) VIN=1.8V, tr=tf=5use CIN=CL=1uF (ceramics) Output Current IOUT (mA) XC6401(0.8V) 0 Time (40usec/div) Time (40usec/div) Semiconductor Ltd. Data Sheet 17 XC6401 Series Dual LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible Preliminary (8) Load Transient Response (Continued) XC6401(5.0V) 5.00 200 Output Voltage 4.90 150 4.80 100 Output Current 4.70 50mA 50 VIN=6.0V, tr=tf=5use CIN=CL=1uF (ceramics) 5.10 250 Output Voltage VOUT (V) Output Voltage VOUT (V) 5.10 Output Current IOUT (mA) VIN=6.0V, tr=tf=5use CIN=CL=1uF (ceramics) 5.00 250 200 Output Voltage 4.90 4.80 150 100mA 100 Output Current 4.70 50 Output Current IOUT (mA) XC6401(5.0V) 10mA 10mA 4.60 0 4.60 0 Time (40usec/div) Time (40usec/div) Semiconductor Ltd. Data Sheet 18 XC6401 Series Dual LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible Preliminary (9) Ripple Rejection Rate XC6401(0.8V) 80 Ripple Rejection Rate RR (dB) Ripple Rejection Rate RR (dB) 80 60 40 20 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 60 40 20 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 Ripple Frequency f (kHz) XC6401(3.0V) XC6401(5.0V) Ripple Rejection Rate RR (dB) 80 60 40 20 0 0.01 VIN=3.85V DC+0.5Vp-pAC IOUT=30mA, CL=1uF (ceramics) Ripple Frequency f (kHz) VIN=4.0V DC+0.5Vp-pAC IOUT=30mA, CL=1uF (ceramics) 80 Ripple Rejection Rate RR (dB) XC6401(2.85V) VIN=1.8V DC+0.5Vp-pAC IOUT=30mA, CL=1uF (ceramics) 0.1 1 10 Ripple Frequency f (kHz) VIN=5.75V DC+0.5Vp-pAC IOUT=30mA, CL=1uF (ceramics) 60 40 20 0 0.01 100 100 0.1 1 10 100 Ripple Frequency f (kHz) (10) Cross Talk XC6401 (VR1:3.0V, VR2:2.85V) VIN=4.0V, CIN= CL=1uF (ceramics) 3.1 500 3.0 400 2.9 300 VR2 Output Voltage (2.85V) 2.8 100mA 2.7 VR1 Output Current 200 100 10mA 2.6 Output Current 1 IOUT (mA) Output Voltage VOUT (V) VR1 Output Voltage (3.0V) 0 Time (40usec/div) Semiconductor Ltd. Data Sheet 19