MOTOROU Order this document by P~2907ATllD SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA PNP Silicon EpitmiaI Wansistor P2T2907ATI This PNP Silicon Epitaxial transistor is designed for use in linear and switching applications. The device is housed in the SOT-223 package which is designed for medium power surface mount applications. NPN Complement is PZT2222AT1 o The SOT-223 package can be soldered using wave or reflow o SOT-223 package ensures level mounting, resulting in improved thermal conduction, and allows visual inspection of soldered joints. The formed leads absorb thermal stress during soldering eliminating the possibili~ of damage to the die. a Available in 12 mm tape and reel Use PZT2907AT1 to order the 7 inc~l 000 unit reel. Use PZT2907AT3 to order the 13 inch/4000 unit reel. BASE It:' MAXIMUM RATINGS WC= 25C unless othewise noted) Rating Collector-Em.NerVoltage ,I:a, ~..: ,., ,,\$~,.$. c,.~~,~,\~\\ Symbol .,,.~s. ..... ,~~:? VCEO ,$~; * ?,.; ,1,,*,, " +t,k%h *:,>, Collector Current ...*} ~~e~ .*,.$,,,ll,.,;! y'` Collector-Base Voltage Emitter-Base Voltage ,,>:~. \\< :i\,.. "FEM'&E' E Total Power Dissipation @ TA = 25"C(1) Derate above 25C Value Unit -60 Vdc VCBO -60 Vdc VEBO -5.0 Vdc Ic -600 mAdc pD 1.5 12 Watts mW/OC TJI Tstg -65 to 150 `c R9JA 83.3 `CM TL 260 10 Sec THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS >*,,"'ii.?$F ,,, " Thermal Resistance -- Junctio~~&@ti~ent (sutiace mounted) Lead Temperature for Sold@n&&@~@825" from case Time in Solder Bath ~t,*s~~&~W~$ DEVICE MARKING ,,$,. P2F `c `F':,.f .. . *i;**f::\,::~' ,,,> `::%,,, .,,I$:i:" ELECTRl~~aARACTERISTICS flA = 25C unless otherwise noted) . .. .., ,<$ *. J!:s.} ~~b"l~ ~ - Symbol Min Typ Max Unit \ OF~!~H~$~CTERISTICS r*Or-Base ~2'\:,.*:,. ~* ..,, Breakdown Voltage (Ic = -10 @de, IE = O) `$v'.YG'ollector-Emitier Breakdown Voltage (Ic = 10 mAdc, IB = O) `b -- -- I V~BR~CBO ., Vdc -601--1-- Vdc V(BR)CEO -60 -- -- V(BR)EBO -5.0 -- Collector-Base Cutoff Cument (VCB = -50 Vdc, IE = O) iCBO -- -- -- -10 nAdc Collector-Emitter Cutoff Current ~CE = -30 Vdo, VBE = 0.5 Vdc) tCEX -- -- -50 nAdc Bas&Emitier Cutoff Current (VCE = -30 Vdc, VBE = -0.5 Vdc) IBEX -- -- -50 nAdc Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage (IE = -10 @de, Ic = O) Vdc 1. Device mounted on a glass epoxy printed circuit board 1.575 in. x 1.575 in. x 0.059 in.; mounting pad for the collector lead min. 0.93 sq. in. Thermal Clad is a trademark of the Bergquist Company Preferred devicesare Motorolareccmmend~ choices for future uae and beat overall value. REV 4 @Motorola,Inc. 1994 @ MO-ROLA ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS -- continued ~A = 25C unless othe~ise noted) Characteristic Symbol Min Typ I Max I ON CHARACTERISTICS(2) DC Current Gain (1C=-0.1 mAdc, VCE = -10 Vdc) (1C= -1.0 rnAdc, VCE = -10 Vdc) (Ic = -10 mAdc, VCE = -10 Vdc) (Ic = -150 rnAdc, VCE = -10 Vdc) (1C =-500 mAdc, VCE = -10 Vdc) hFE Colleotor-Emitter Saturation Voltages (ic = -150 rnAdc, IB = -15 mAdc) (1C=-500 mAdc, IB = -50 mAdc) vCE(sat) BaaeEmitier Saturation Voltages (1C=-150 rnAdc, IB = -15 mAdc) (Ic = -500 mAdc, IB = -50 mAdc) VBE(sat) 75 100 100 100 I Unit -- -- -- -- -- 50 -- -- -- -- -- -- ~,:., -- i~,;..:: ? .!, ..~i DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS ,.,,~ .-,..~,, ~ !;''!.i& 200+*?":t.a?~" -- MHz Output Capacitance (VCB = -10 Vdc, IE = O,f = 1.0 MHz) cc ;<s \.\:' ` .:?,-- q,~: ?,.,<+ 8.0 pF Input Capacitance (VEB = -2.0 Vdc, IC = O,f = 1.0 MHz) Ce -- -- 40 -- _ -- _ 100 80 -- -- 30 Current-Gain -- Bandwidth Product (1c = -50 mAdc, VCE = -20 Vdc, f = 100 MHz) I -~**, SWITCHINGTIMES TurnQn Time (VCC = -30 Vdc, IC = -150 mAdc, IB1 = -15 rnAdc) Delay ~me .' ,.;:: .<+>, .s:,:,,, \ `*' tr )s!,.. ,w~+.,t~b: \ ~~ \]; tofi ,,, ~Q~~teY~5 t~ *J<::.;...:, .~+~.;?,. ";.$$... `ii tf Rise Time Turn-Off Tme (VCC = -6.0 Vdc, IC = -150 mAdc, iBI = IB2 = -15 mAdc) Storage Tme Fall Tme *.* 2. Pulse Test Pulse Width< 300 W, Duty Cycle= 2.0%. -- `"' ,!,$}:,, ,.,,. " t15v INPUT ~=50Q PRF = 150 Hz RISE TIME <2.0 ns ns -6.0 V ?? ;? INPUT ZC=50Q PRF = 150 HZ RISE TIMEs 2.0 m .!$ TOOSCILLOSCOPE RISE TIME <5.0 ns l.Ok TO OSCILLOSCOPE RISETIME <5.0 ns l,Ok `x = = Figure 1. Delay and Rise Time Test Circuit = = Figure 2. Storage and Fall Time Test Circuit -- -- 2 Motorola Small+gnal Transistors, FHs and Diodes Device Data PZT2907AT1 TYPICALELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1000 t iiiit m ,g~ ~ -1000 ,01 I I I 11111111 -1,0 I 111111 I I [ . ,. `;,,,. 1111 -10 "dJ\$,, 7 lc,$M@CURRENT , ~,k >., Ic, COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA) I M I 111111[ -1oo -1000 (MA) Figure 3. DC Current Gain ,$,.. -1.0 I I I Ill TJ = 25C [11111 111II Ill 11111 Ilffl 30 ,{\ 1111 1- 1111111 I 1 11111111M II 7.0 -- 5.0 -- 3.0I 2.01REVERSE VOLTAGE ~OLTS) Figure 6. Capacitances -- Motorola Small+gnal Transistors, FHs and Diodes Device Data 3 PZT2907AT1 INFORMATION FOR USING THE SOT-223 SURFACE MOUNT PACKAGE POWER DISSIPATION The power dissipation of the SOT-223 is a function of the input pad size. These can vary from the minimum pad size for soldering to the pad size given for maximum power dissipation. Power dissipation for a surface mount device is determined by TJ(m=), the maximum rated junction temperature of the die, ReJA, the thermal resistance from the device junction to ambient; and the operating temperature, TA. Using the values provided on the data sheet for the SOT-223 package, PD can be calculated as follows. PD= the equation for an ambient temperature TA of 25C, one can calculate the power dissipation of the device which in this case is 1.5 watts. .,.,,.~ The 83.3CW for the SOT-223 package assu~~e~~g recommended collector pad area of 965 sq. m~,~,~i~~fkss epoxy printed circuit board to achieve a pow$f m-~fion of 1.5 watts. If space is at a premium, q$~r&}ealistic approach is to use the device at a PD ,~%m~ using the footprint shown. Using a board ma~erl~k~ch as Thermal Clad, a power dissipation of 1.6 w~~~an be achieved using ,1,`.:%~\.,~ the same footprint. . .`,t!,,<$<} ,,.f$':*" ,. `$,,:., $*$ TJ(m~) - TA R9JA The values for the equation are found in the maximum ratings table on the data sheet. Substituting these values into MOUNTING The melting temperature of solder is higher than the rated temperature of the device. When the entire device is heated to a high temperature, failure to complete soldering within a short time could result in device failure. Therefore, the following items should always be observed in order to minimize the thermal stress to which the devices are subjected. . Always preheat the device. The delta temperature between the preheat and soldering should be 10OC or less.* . When preheating and soldering, the temperature of t~ leads and the case must not exceed the maxi~~'~?:, temperature ratings as shown on the data shee~.using infrared heating with the reflow solderin$~~$@d, the difference should be a maximum of 10C.:&Lk,yJF'$ ,?1: ,),> -?:<:;': MINIMUM RECOMMENQ~k+~OTPRINT ;* ... , The soldering tewatuk and time should not exceed 260C for more,t$@XO seconds. When shiftin~~~ro~,`preheating to soldering, the maximum temperat@,-nt should be 5C or less. . After sddek has been completed, the device should be alloM,., to cool naturally for at least three minutes. Q@~a~cooling should be used as the use of forced `~,$~/~& will increase the temperature gradient and result :i$~:~~;latentfailure due to mechanical stress. Y *'~~echanical stress or shock should not be applied during cooling _ -- Soldering a device without preheating can cause excessive thermal shock and stress which can result in damage to the device. FOR SURFACE MOUNTED APPLICATIONS Surface mount board layout is a cri~$~ ##on of the total design. The footprint for the semi-r packages must be the correct size to insur~~~~$? solder connection ` interface between the board and the package. With the correct pad geometry, the packages will self align when subjected to a solder reflow process. 1 4 0.079 L 0.059 T 0.059 1.5 0.059 T inches -- mm (-) -- 4 Motorola Small+gnal Transistors, FETs and Diodes Device Data PZT2907ATI PACKAGEDIMENSIONS 7:F F~ NOWS `d 4 s 1 13 B STYE 1: PIN 1. SASE 2. ~, ~WCTOR ~h.---M~ER 4, 00UE~OR 1. DIMENSIONINGAND TOERANCING PER ANSI Y14,5M, 1%2. 2. OO~OWNG DIMENSION INCH. m -- Motorola Small-gnal Transistors, FHs and Diodes Device Data 5 -- -- -- -- Pm2907ATl -- $.:. ,*. Motorola reeervesthe rightto m#c@~&#wtihoM fuflhernoti~toany Products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or9uamntee re9ar~n9 the suitability of its products,for ~~@culsr Purpose, nor do- Motorola assume any litih~ arising out of the appfi=tion or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims ~,~pd ailtillw, includingWifhOUffimifationconsequential or incidental damages. `Typical" parameters can and do vary in different applications.Alloperat@ . m@ers, includng'TWi~is'' muskvalidated foreachcusomer application bycustomer'stechni=le xWfis. M@orolado= notconveyeny ficen~e~d ,.: patent rfghtsnorthe fi9htsofothers. Motorola Pr~u~arenot d=ign4, itiended, ora@hofizedfor use=comPone~in "Q systems intended ~~w . I Implant into the My, Or o~er applications intended to support or sustain tife, or for any other apphmtion in which the failure of the Motorola pr~d, ou T create a SitUafiOnwhere personal injUV or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such k ed appticstion, BuYershall indemnifi and hold Motorola and ks officers, employees, su~~arfes, a~fiat*, and ~stfib~ors ha~less unintended orwagainst af~.~'~,:coefs; damages, and expanses, ~d r-nsble attorney fees arising out of, dire~y or indirectly, any claim of personal inju~ or death ~iat@,witkatich unintended or unamhodz~ use, even if such claim alleges thet Motorola was n~tigent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Mot-~.~ are registered tradema* of Motorola, lnC. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Adon Employer. . ~..j. \ ~':J\. .~~:h:t,+,$,, ~\$:;Ft ~... ,,,,, ... Literature Dietrfbution @nteM USA Motorola Literature Distribution P.O. Box 20912 Phoenix, Arizona 85036. EUROPE Motorola Ltd.; European Literature Centr% 88 Tanners Drive, Blakelands, Milton Keynes,MK145BP, England. JAPAN Nippon Motorola Ltd; H2-1, NishiGotanda, Shinagewa-ku, Tokyo 141, Japan. ASIA PACIFIC Motorola Semiconductors H.K. Ltd; Silicon Harbour Center, No. 2 Dai King Street, Tai Po Industrial Estate, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong. MO-ROLA @ 2PHX25151F-5 PRIN~D IN USA l~W -- P=2907ATIID MPWOD SMALLSIGNfi YBABAA llllllIlllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1111111111111