September 1993 28
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
5-Bit x 64-word FIFO register; 3-state 74HC/HCT7404
Sequence 2 (FIFOB runs full)
After the MR pulse, a series of 64 SI
pulses are applied. When 64 words
are shifted in, DIRB remains LOW due
to FIFOB being full (5). DORA goes
LOW due to FIFOA being empty.
Sequence 3 (FIFOA runs full)
When 65 words are shifted in, DORA
remains HIGH due to valid data
remaining at the output of FIFOA. QnA
remains HIGH, being the polarity of
the 65th data word (6). After the 128th
SI pulse, DIR remains LOW and both
FIFOs are full (7). Additional pulses
have no effect.
Sequence 4 (both FIFOs full,
starting SHIFT-OUT process)
SIA is held HIGH and two SOB pulses
are applied (8). These pulses shift out
two words and thus allow two empty
locations to bubble-up to the input
stage of FIFOB, and proceed to FIFOA
(9). When the first empty location
arrives at the input of FIFOA, a DIRA
pulse is generated (10) and a new
word is shifted into FIFOA. SIA is
made LOW and now the second
empty location reaches the input
stage of FIFOA, after which DIRA
remains HIGH (11).
Sequence 5 (FIFOA runs empty)
At the start of sequence 5 FIFOA
contains 63 valid words due to two
words being shifted out and one word
being shifted in, in sequence 4. An
additional series of SOB pulses are
applied. After 63 SOB pulses, all
words from FIFOA are shifted into
FIFOB. DORA remains LOW (12).
Sequence 6 (FIFOB runs empty)
After the next SOB pulse, DIRB
remains HIGH due to the input stage
of FIFOB being empty. After another
63 SOB pulses, DORB remains LOW
due to both FIFOs being empty (14).
AdditionalSOB pulses have no effect.
The last word remains available at the
output Qn.
Package Outlines”