EMITTER-TO-BASH VOLTAGE (with collector open) . COLLECTOR CURRENT. . EMITTER CURRENT.... TRANSISTOR DISSIPATION: At ambient temperatures up to 25C At ambient temperatures above 25C AMBIENT-TEMPERATURE RANGE: Operating and storage LEAD THMPERATURB (for 10 seconds maximum) CHARACTERISTICS Base-to-Emitter Voltage (with collector ma = 40 and base ma = L). oi. icc cece tenet ete nee eeeenene Collector-Cutoff Current (with collector-to-base volts = ~6 and emitter open)... 02.01. cece eee ee cece eeveeneereave Total Stored Charge (with collector ma = 10 and base Ma = L). i. ieee eect e eee eee e een e settee tenner In Common-Base Circuit Collector Capacitance (with collector-to-base volts = 6 and emitter current = 0).... 0.02. cece ee erence teen tenet eer ene In Common-Emifter Circuit Forward Current-Transfer Ratio (with collector-to-emitter volts = 0.3 and collector ma = 10). coe ec cece eevee tone Gain-Bandwidth Product (with collector-to-emitter volts = 3 and collector ma = 10)... cece eee rece e eee ene ne eae TRANSISTOR 2a Germanium p-n-p type used in high-speed switching applications in data-processing equipment. JEDEC E - g No. TO-5 package; outline 6, Outlines Section. Maximum ratings for this . type are the same as for type 2N1300 except for the following items: MAXIMUM RATINGS EMITTER-TO-BASE VOLTAGE (with collector open) CHARACTERISTICS Base-to-Emitter Voltage (with eollector ma = 40 and base ma = Collector-Cutoff Current (with collector-to-base volts = --6 and emitter current = 0)... ccc cree eee e ee ceee dee e reece ners anes Total Stored Charge: With collector ma = 10 and hasema = 0.4 With collector ma 40 and base ma = 16...0 00001 In Common-Base Circuit Collector Capacitance (with collector-to-base volts = 6 and emitter open)......... wee veae vee ee ener eee e ten tdeseeeeeaee In Common-Emitter Circuit Forward Current-Transfer Ratio: With collector-to-emitter volt 0.3 and collector ma With collector-to-emitter volts == 0.5 and collector ma Gain-Bandwidth Product (with collector-to-emitter volts = and collector ma = LO). coun cee es ee cece eer eee tec eeeetuaee 3 TRANSISTOR , Germanium n-p-n type used in E c medium-speed switching applications : in data-processing equipment. JEDEC ' No. TO-5 package; outline 6, Outlines Section. TECHNICAL DATA 1 max volt 100 max ma 100 max ma 150 max mw See curve page 68 65 to 85 C 255 max C 0.4 max volt 3 max ua 400 max peoul 12 maz pf 30 min 25 min Me A max volts 0.6 max volt: 3 max ua 325 max peoul 800 max peoul 12 max pt 30 min 40 min 35 min Me 2N1302 203