Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 SIV5V4-5.3 (c) 2012 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, HARDCOPY, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as ISO trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and 9001:2008 services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service Registered described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Contents Chapter Revision Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Section I. Device Datasheet and Addendum for Stratix IV Devices Chapter 1. DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Electrical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Absolute Maximum Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Recommended Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 DC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7 Internal Weak Pull-Up Resistor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11 I/O Standard Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 Power Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15 Switching Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15 Transceiver Performance Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-16 Transceiver Datapath PCS Latency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-47 Core Performance Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-47 Clock Tree Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-47 PLL Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-48 DSP Block Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-50 TriMatrix Memory Block Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-51 Configuration and JTAG Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-52 Temperature Sensing Diode Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-53 Chip-Wide Reset (Dev_CLRn) Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-54 Periphery Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-54 High-Speed I/O Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-54 OCT Calibration Block Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-61 Duty Cycle Distortion (DCD) Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-62 I/O Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-62 Programmable IOE Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-63 Programmable Output Buffer Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-63 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-64 Document Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-67 Chapter 2. Addendum to the Stratix IV Device Handbook Additional Information How to Contact Altera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Typographic Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum iv Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Contents July 2012 Altera Corporation Chapter Revision Dates The chapters in this document, Stratix IV Device Handbook, were revised on the following dates. Where chapters or groups of chapters are available separately, part numbers are listed. Chapter 1. DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Revised: July 2012 Part Number: SIV54001-5.3 Chapter 2. Addendum to the Stratix IV Device Handbook Revised: February 2011 Part Number: SIV54002-1.5 July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum vi Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter Revision Dates July 2012 Altera Corporation Section I. Device Datasheet and Addendum for Stratix IV Devices This section includes the following chapters: Chapter 1, DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Chapter 2, Addendum to the Stratix IV Device Handbook Revision History Refer to each chapter for its own specific revision history. For information on when each chapter was updated, refer to the Chapter Revision Dates section, which appears in the full handbook. July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum I-2 Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Section I: Device Datasheet and Addendum for Stratix IV Devices July 2012 Altera Corporation 1. DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices July 2012 SIV54001-5.3 SIV54001-5.3 This chapter contains the following sections: "Electrical Characteristics" "Switching Characteristics" "I/O Timing" "Glossary" Electrical Characteristics This chapter covers the electrical and switching characteristics for Stratix(R) IV devices. Electrical characteristics include operating conditions and power consumption. Switching characteristics include transceiver specifications, core, and periphery performance. This chapter also describes I/O timing, including programmable I/O element (IOE) delay and programmable output buffer delay. f For information regarding the densities and packages of devices in the Stratix IV family, refer to the Stratix IV Device Family Overview chapter. Operating Conditions When you use Stratix IV devices, they are rated according to a set of defined parameters. To maintain the highest possible performance and reliability of the Stratix IV devices, you must consider the operating requirements described in this chapter. Stratix IV devices are offered in commercial, industrial, and military grades. Commercial devices are offered in -2 (fastest), -2x, -3, and -4 speed grades. Industrial devices are offered in -1, -2, -3, and -4 speed grades. Military devices are offered in -3 speed grade. For the Stratix IV GT -1 and -2 speed grade specifications, refer to the -2/-2x speed grade column. For the Stratix IV GT -3 speed grade specification, refer to the -3 speed grade column, unless otherwise specified. Absolute Maximum Ratings Absolute maximum ratings define the maximum operating conditions for Stratix IV devices. The values are based on experiments conducted with the devices and theoretical modeling of breakdown and damage mechanisms. The functional operation of the device is not implied for these conditions. (c) 2012 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, HARDCOPY, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. ISO 9001:2008 Registered Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum July 2012 Feedback Subscribe 1-2 Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Electrical Characteristics c Conditions other than those listed in Table 1-1, Table 1-2, and Table 1-3 may cause permanent damage to the device. Additionally, device operation at the absolute maximum ratings for extended periods of time may have adverse effects on the device. Table 1-1. Absolute Maximum Ratings for Stratix IV Devices Symbol Description Minimum Maximum Unit VCC Core voltage and periphery circuitry power supply -0.5 1.35 V VCCPT Power supply for programmable power technology -0.5 1.8 V VCCPGM Configuration pins power supply -0.5 3.75 V VCCAUX Auxiliary supply for the programmable power technology -0.5 3.75 V VCCBAT Battery back-up power supply for design security volatile key register -0.5 3.75 V VCCPD I/O pre-driver power supply -0.5 3.75 V VCCIO I/O power supply -0.5 3.9 V VCC_CLKIN Differential clock input power supply -0.5 3.75 V VCCD_PLL PLL digital power supply -0.5 1.35 V VCCA_PLL PLL analog power supply -0.5 3.75 V VI DC input voltage -0.5 4.0 V IOUT DC output current per pin -25 40 mA TJ Operating junction temperature -55 125 C TSTG Storage temperature (No bias) -65 150 C Minimum Maximum Unit Table 1-2. Transceiver Power Supply Absolute Maximum Ratings for Stratix IV GX Devices Symbol Description VCCA_L Transceiver high voltage power (left side) -0.5 3.75 V VCCA_R Transceiver high voltage power (right side) -0.5 3.75 V VCCHIP_L Transceiver HIP digital power (left side) -0.5 1.35 V VCCHIP_R Transceiver HIP digital power (right side) -0.5 1.35 V VCCR_L Receiver power (left side) -0.5 1.35 V VCCR_R Receiver power (right side) -0.5 1.35 V VCCT_L Transmitter power (left side) -0.5 1.35 V VCCT_R Transmitter power (right side) -0.5 1.35 V VCCL_GXBLn (1) Transceiver clock power (left side) -0.5 1.35 V VCCL_GXBRn (1) Transceiver clock power (right side) -0.5 1.35 V VCCH_GXBLn (1) Transmitter output buffer power (left side) -0.5 1.8 V VCCH_GXBRn (1) Transmitter output buffer power (right side) -0.5 1.8 V Note to Table 1-2: (1) n = 0, 1, 2, or 3. Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum July 2012 Altera Corporation Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Electrical Characteristics 1-3 Table 1-3. Transceiver Power Supply Absolute Maximum Ratings for Stratix IV GT Devices (1) Symbol Description Minimum Maximum Unit VCCA_L Transceiver high voltage power (left side) -0.5 3.75 V VCCA_R Transceiver high voltage power (right side) -0.5 3.75 V VCCHIP_L Transceiver HIP digital power (left side) -0.5 1.35 V VCCHIP_R Transceiver HIP digital power (right side) -0.5 1.35 V VCCR_L Receiver power (left side) -0.5 1.35 V VCCR_R Receiver power (right side) -0.5 1.35 V VCCT_L Transmitter power (left side) -0.5 1.35 V VCCT_R Transmitter power (right side) -0.5 1.35 V VCCL_GXBLn (2) Transceiver clock power (left side) -0.5 1.35 V VCCL_GXBRn (2) Transceiver clock power (right side) -0.5 1.35 V VCCH_GXBLn (2) Transmitter output buffer power (left side) -0.5 1.8 V VCCH_GXBRn (2) Transmitter output buffer power (right side) -0.5 1.8 V Notes to Table 1-3: (1) For the absolute maximum ratings for Stratix IV GT engineering sample (ES1) devices, contact your local Altera sales representative. (2) n = 0, 1, 2, or 3. July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Electrical Characteristics 1-4 Maximum Allowed Overshoot and Undershoot Voltage During transitions, input signals may overshoot to the voltage shown in Table 1-4 and undershoot to -2.0 V for input currents less than 100 mA and periods shorter than 20 ns. Table 1-4 lists the maximum allowed input overshoot voltage and the duration of the overshoot voltage as a percentage of device lifetime. The maximum allowed overshoot duration is specified as a percentage of high time over the lifetime of the device. A DC signal is equivalent to 100% duty cycle. For example, a signal that overshoots to 4.3 V can only be at 4.3 V for ~5% over the lifetime of the device; for a device lifetime of 10 years, this amounts to half of a year. Table 1-4. Maximum Allowed Overshoot During Transitions Symbol Vi (AC) Description Condition (V) Overshoot Duration as % of High Time Unit 4.0 100.000 % 4.05 79.330 % 4.1 46.270 % 4.15 27.030 % AC input voltage 4.2 15.800 % 4.25 9.240 % 4.3 5.410 % 4.35 3.160 % 4.4 1.850 % 4.45 1.080 % 4.5 0.630 % 4.55 0.370 % 4.6 0.220 % Temperature Overshoot Above Maximum Allowed Temperature The maximum allowed operating temperature for Stratix IV industrial grade devices is 100 C. It is recommended that the operating temperature of the device is maintained below 100 C at all times. The temperature excursions over 100 C due to internal heating of the device should not exceed the number of cycles as specified in the Table 1-5. Exceeding the recommended number of cycles may cause solder interconnect failures. Altera(R) recommends using the Stratix IV military grade devices if the application requires operating temperatures over 100 C. Table 1-5. Temperature Overshoot Above Maximum Allowed Temperature Description Device operating temperature (C) July 2012 Altera Corporation Operating Temperature (C) Number of Cycles Over 100 C 100 3200 105 768 110 640 115 480 120 320 125 160 Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Electrical Characteristics 1-5 Recommended Operating Conditions This section lists the functional operation limits for AC and DC parameters for Stratix IV devices. Table 1-6 lists the steady-state voltage and current values expected from Stratix IV devices. Power supply ramps must all be strictly monotonic, without plateaus. f For power supply ripple requirements, refer to the Device-Specific Power Delivery Network (PDN) Tool User Guide. Table 1-6. Recommended Operating Conditions for Stratix IV Devices (Part 1 of 2) Symbol Description Condition Minimum Typical Maximum Unit VCC (Stratix IV GX and Stratix IV E) Core voltage and periphery circuitry power supply -- 0.87 0.90 0.93 V VCC (Stratix IV GT) Core voltage and periphery circuitry power supply -- 0.92 0.95 0.98 V VCCPT Power supply for programmable power technology -- 1.45 1.5 1.55 V VCCAUX Auxiliary supply for the programmable power technology -- 2.375 2.5 2.625 V I/O pre-driver (3.0 V) power supply -- 2.85 3.0 3.15 V I/O pre-driver (2.5 V) power supply -- 2.375 2.5 2.625 V I/O buffers (3.0 V) power supply -- 2.85 3.0 3.15 V I/O buffers (2.5 V) power supply -- 2.375 2.5 2.625 V VCCPD (2) I/O buffers (1.8 V) power supply -- 1.71 1.8 1.89 V I/O buffers (1.5 V) power supply -- 1.425 1.5 1.575 V I/O buffers (1.2 V) power supply -- 1.14 1.2 1.26 V Configuration pins (3.0 V) power supply -- 2.85 3.0 3.15 V Configuration pins (2.5 V) power supply -- 2.375 2.5 2.625 V Configuration pins (1.8 V) power supply -- 1.71 1.8 1.89 V VCCA_PLL PLL analog voltage regulator power supply -- 2.375 2.5 2.625 V VCCD_PLL (Stratix IV GX and Stratix IV E) PLL digital voltage regulator power supply -- 0.87 0.90 0.93 V VCCD_PLL (Stratix IV GT) PLL digital voltage regulator power supply -- 0.92 0.95 0.98 V VCC_CLKIN Differential clock input power supply -- 2.375 2.5 2.625 V Battery back-up power supply (For design security volatile key register) -- 1.2 -- 3.3 V VI DC input voltage -- -0.5 -- 3.6 V VO Output voltage VCCIO VCCPGM VCCBAT (1) TJ (Stratix IV GX and Stratix IV E) TJ (Stratix IV GT) July 2012 Operating junction temperature Operating junction temperature Altera Corporation -- 0 -- VCCIO V Commercial 0 -- 85 C Industrial -40 -- 100 C Military -55 -- 125 C Industrial 0 -- 100 C Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Electrical Characteristics 1-6 Table 1-6. Recommended Operating Conditions for Stratix IV Devices (Part 2 of 2) Symbol tRAMP Description Power supply ramp time Condition Minimum Typical Maximum Unit Normal POR (PORSEL=0) 0.05 -- 100 ms Fast POR (PORSEL=1) 0.05 -- 4 ms Notes to Table 1-6: (1) If you do not use the volatile security key, you may connect the VCCBAT to either GND or a 3.0-V power supply. (2) VCCPD must be 2.5 V when VCCIO is 2.5, 1.8, 1.5, or 1.2 V. VCCPD must be 3.0 V when VCCIO is 3.0 V. Table 1-7 lists the transceiver power supply recommended operating conditions for Stratix IV GX devices. Table 1-7. Transceiver Power Supply Operating Conditions for Stratix IV GX Devices Symbol Description (1) Minimum Typical Maximum Unit 2.85/2.375 3.0/2.5 (2) 3.15/2.625 V VCCA_L Transceiver high voltage power (left side) VCCA_R Transceiver high voltage power (right side) VCCHIP_L Transceiver HIP digital power (left side) 0.87 0.9 0.93 V VCCHIP_R Transceiver HIP digital power (right side) 0.87 0.9 0.93 V VCCR_L Receiver power (left side) 1.045 1.1 1.155 V VCCR_R Receiver power (right side) 1.045 1.1 1.155 V VCCT_L Transmitter power (left side) 1.045 1.1 1.155 V VCCT_R Transmitter power (right side) 1.045 1.1 1.155 V VCCL_GXBLn (3) Transceiver clock power (left side) 1.05 1.1 1.15 V VCCL_GXBRn (3) Transceiver clock power (right side) 1.05 1.1 1.15 V VCCH_GXBLn (3) Transmitter output buffer power (left side) VCCH_GXBRn (3) Transmitter output buffer power (right side) 1.33/1.425 1.4/1.5 (4) 1.47/1.575 V Notes to Table 1-7: (1) Transceiver power supplies do not have power-on-reset (POR) circuitry. After initial power-up, violating the transceiver power supply operating conditions could lead to unpredictable link behavior. (2) VCCA_L/R must be connected to a 3.0-V supply if the clock multiplier unit (CMU) phase-locked loop (PLL), receiver clock data recovery (CDR), or both, are configured at a base data rate > 4.25 Gbps. For data rates up to 4.25 Gbps, you can connect VCCA_L/R to either 3.0 V or 2.5 V. (3) n = 0, 1, 2, or 3. (4) VCCH_GXBL/R must be connected to a 1.4-V supply if the transmitter channel data rate is > 6.5 Gbps. For data rates up to 6.5 Gbps, you can connect VCCH_GXBL/R to either 1.4 V or 1.5 V. Table 1-8 lists the recommended operating conditions for the Stratix IV GT transceiver power supply. Table 1-8. Transceiver Power Supply Operating Conditions for Stratix IV GT Devices (Part 1 of 2) (1), Symbol Description (2) Minimum Typical Maximum Unit VCCA_L Transceiver high voltage power (left side) 3.17 3.3 3.43 V VCCA_R Transceiver high voltage power (right side) 3.17 3.3 3.43 V VCCHIP_L Transceiver HIP digital power (left side) 0.92 0.95 0.98 V VCCHIP_R Transceiver HIP digital power (right side) 0.92 0.95 0.98 V VCCR_L Receiver power (left side) 1.15 1.2 1.25 V July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Electrical Characteristics 1-7 Table 1-8. Transceiver Power Supply Operating Conditions for Stratix IV GT Devices (Part 2 of 2) (1), Symbol Description (2) Minimum Typical Maximum Unit VCCR_R Receiver power (right side) 1.15 1.2 1.25 V VCCT_L Transmitter power (left side) 1.15 1.2 1.25 V VCCT_R Transmitter power (right side) 1.15 1.2 1.25 V VCCL_GXBLn (3) Transceiver clock power (left side) 1.15 1.2 1.25 V VCCL_GXBRn (3) Transceiver clock power (right side) 1.15 1.2 1.25 V VCCH_GXBLn (3) Transmitter output buffer power (left side) 1.33 1.4 1.47 V VCCH_GXBRn (3) Transmitter output buffer power (right side) 1.33 1.4 1.47 V Notes to Table 1-8: (1) For the recommended operating conditions for Stratix IV GT engineering sample (ES1) devices, contact your local Altera sales representative. (2) Transceiver power supplies do not have power-on-reset circuitry. After initial power-up, violating the transceiver power supply operating conditions could lead to unpredictable link behavior. (3) n = 0, 1, 2, or 3. DC Characteristics This section lists the supply current, I/O pin leakage current, bus hold, on-chip termination (OCT) tolerance, input pin capacitance, and hot socketing specifications. Supply Current Standby current is the current drawn from the respective power rails used for power budgeting. Use the Excel-based Early Power Estimator (EPE) to get supply current estimates for your design because these currents vary greatly with the resources you use. f For more information about power estimation tools, refer to the PowerPlay Early Power Estimator User Guide and the PowerPlay Power Analysis chapter in the Quartus II Handbook. I/O Pin Leakage Current Table 1-9 lists the Stratix IV I/O pin leakage current specifications. Table 1-9. I/O Pin Leakage Current for Stratix IV Devices Symbol Description Conditions (1) Min Typ Max Unit II Input pin VI = 0V to VCCIOMAX -20 -- 20 A IOZ Tri-stated I/O pin VO = 0V to VCCIOMAX -20 -- 20 A Note to Table 1-9: (1) VREF current refers to the input pin leakage current. July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Electrical Characteristics 1-8 Bus Hold Specifications Table 1-10 lists the Stratix IV device family bus hold specifications. Table 1-10. Bus Hold Parameters VCCIO Parameter Symbol 1.2 V Conditions 1.5 V 1.8 V 2.5 V 3.0 V Unit Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max 22.5 -- 25.0 -- 30.0 -- 50.0 -- 70.0 -- A -22.5 -- -25.0 -- -30.0 -- -50.0 -- -70.0 -- A Low sustaining current ISUSL High sustaining current ISUSH Low overdrive current IODL 0V < VIN < VCCIO -- 120 -- 160 -- 200 -- 300 -- 500 A High overdrive current IODH 0V < VIN < VCCIO -- -120 -- -160 -- -200 -- -300 -- -500 A Bus-hold trip point VTRIP -- 0.45 0.95 0.50 1.00 0.68 1.07 0.70 1.70 0.80 2.00 V VIN > VIL (maximum) VIN < VIH (minimum) On-Chip Termination (OCT) Specifications If you enable OCT calibration, calibration is automatically performed at power-up for I/Os connected to the calibration block. Table 1-11 lists the Stratix IV OCT termination calibration accuracy specifications. Table 1-11. OCT Calibration Accuracy Specifications for Stratix IV Devices (Part 1 of 2) (1) Calibration Accuracy Symbol 25- RS (2) 3.0, 2.5, 1.8, 1.5, 1.2 50- RS 3.0, 2.5, 1.8, 1.5, 1.2 50- RT 2.5, 1.8, 1.5, 1.2 20- , 40- , and 60- RS (3) 3.0, 2.5, 1.8, 1.5, 1.2 July 2012 Description Conditions Unit C2 C3,I3, M3 C4,I4 Internal series termination with calibration (25- setting) VCCIO = 3.0, 2.5, 1.8, 1.5, 1.2 V 8 8 8 % Internal series termination with calibration (50- setting) VCCIO = 3.0, 2.5, 1.8, 1.5, 1.2 V 8 8 8 % Internal parallel termination with calibration (50- setting) VCCIO = 2.5, 1.8, 1.5, 1.2 V 10 10 10 % Expanded range for internal series termination with calibration (20- , 40- and 60- RS setting) VCCIO = 3.0, 2.5, 1.8, 1.5, 1.2 V 10 10 10 % Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Electrical Characteristics 1-9 Table 1-11. OCT Calibration Accuracy Specifications for Stratix IV Devices (Part 2 of 2) (1) Calibration Accuracy Symbol 25- RS_left_shift 3.0, 2.5, 1.8, 1.5, 1.2 Description Internal left shift series termination with calibration (25- RS_left_shift setting) Conditions VCCIO = 3.0, 2.5, 1.8, 1.5, 1.2 V Unit C2 C3,I3, M3 C4,I4 10 10 10 % Notes to Table 1-11: (1) OCT calibration accuracy is valid at the time of calibration only. (2) 25- RS is not supported for 1.5 V and 1.2 V in Row I/O. (3) 20- RS is not supported for 1.5 V and 1.2 V in Row I/O. The calibration accuracy for calibrated series and parallel OCTs are applicable at the moment of calibration. When process, voltage, and temperature (PVT) conditions change after calibration, the tolerance may change. Table 1-12 lists the Stratix IV OCT without calibration resistance tolerance to PVT changes. Table 1-12. OCT Without Calibration Resistance Tolerance Specifications for Stratix IV Devices Resistance Tolerance Symbol 25- RS 3.0 and 2.5 25- RS 1.8 and 1.5 25- RS 1.2 50- RS 3.0 and 2.5 50- RS 1.8 and 1.5 50- RS 1.2 100- RD 2.5 July 2012 Description Conditions Unit C2 C3,I3, M3 C4,I4 Internal series termination without calibration (25- setting) VCCIO = 3.0 and 2.5 V 30 40 40 % Internal series termination without calibration (25- setting) VCCIO = 1.8 and 1.5 V 30 40 40 % Internal series termination without calibration (25- setting) VCCIO = 1.2 V 35 50 50 % Internal series termination without calibration (50- setting) VCCIO = 3.0 and 2.5 V 30 40 40 % Internal series termination without calibration (50- setting) VCCIO = 1.8 and 1.5 V 30 40 40 % Internal series termination without calibration (50- setting) VCCIO = 1.2 V 35 50 50 % Internal differential termination (100- setting) VCCIO = 2.5 V 25 25 25 % Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Electrical Characteristics 1-10 OCT calibration is automatically performed at power-up for OCT-enabled I/Os. Table 1-13 lists OCT variation with temperature and voltage after power-up calibration. Use Table 1-13 to determine the OCT variation after power-up calibration and Equation 1-1 to determine the OCT variation without re-calibration. Equation 1-1. OCT Variation Without Re-Calibration (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) dR dR R OCT = R SCAL 1 + ------- T ------- V dT dV Notes to Equation 1-1: (1) The ROCT value calculated from Equation 1-1 shows the range of OCT resistance with the variation of temperature and VCCIO. (2) RSCAL is the OCT resistance value at power-up. (3) T is the variation of temperature with respect to the temperature at power-up. (4) V is the variation of voltage with respect to the VCCIO at power-up. (5) dR/dT is the percentage change of RSCAL with temperature. (6) dR/dV is the percentage change of RSCAL with voltage. Table 1-13 lists the OCT variation after the power-up calibration. Table 1-13. OCT Variation after Power-Up Calibration Symbol dR/dV dR/dT Description (1) VCCIO (V) Typical 3.0 0.0297 2.5 0.0344 1.8 0.0499 1.5 0.0744 1.2 0.1241 3.0 0.189 2.5 0.208 1.8 0.266 1.5 0.273 1.2 0.317 OCT variation with voltage without re-calibration OCT variation with temperature without re-calibration Unit %/mV %/C Note to Table 1-13: (1) Valid for VCCIO range of 5% and temperature range of 0 to 85C. Pin Capacitance Table 1-14 lists the Stratix IV device family pin capacitance. Table 1-14. Pin Capacitance for Stratix IV Devices (Part 1 of 2) Symbol Description Value Unit CIOTB Input capacitance on the top and bottom I/O pins 4 pF CIOLR Input capacitance on the left and right I/O pins 4 pF CCLKTB Input capacitance on the top and bottom non-dedicated clock input pins 4 pF CCLKLR Input capacitance on the left and right non-dedicated clock input pins 4 pF July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Electrical Characteristics 1-11 Table 1-14. Pin Capacitance for Stratix IV Devices (Part 2 of 2) Symbol Description Value Unit COUTFB Input capacitance on the dual-purpose clock output and feedback pins 5 pF CCLK1, CCLK3, CCLK8, and CCLK10 Input capacitance for dedicated clock input pins 2 pF Hot Socketing Table 1-15 lists the hot socketing specifications for Stratix IV devices. Table 1-15. Hot Socketing Specifications for Stratix IV Devices Symbol Description Maximum IIOPIN (DC) DC current per I/O pin 300 A IIOPIN (AC) AC current per I/O pin 8 mA IXCVR-TX (DC) DC current per transceiver TX pin 100 mA IXCVR-RX (DC) DC current per transceiver RX pin 50 mA (1) Note to Table 1-15: (1) The I/O ramp rate is 10 ns or more. For ramp rates faster than 10 ns, |IIOPIN| = C dv/dt, in which C is the I/O pin capacitance and dv/dt is the slew rate. Internal Weak Pull-Up Resistor Table 1-16 lists the weak pull-up resistor values for Stratix IV devices. Table 1-16. Internal Weak Pull-Up Resistor for Stratix IV Devices Symbol RPU Description Value of the I/O pin pull-up resistor before and during configuration, as well as user mode if the programmable pull-up resistor option is enabled. (1), (3) Conditions (V) Value (4) Unit VCCIO = 3.0 5% (2) 25 k VCCIO = 2.5 5% (2) 25 k VCCIO = 1.8 5% (2) 25 k VCCIO = 1.5 5% (2) 25 k VCCIO = 1.2 5% (2) 25 k Notes to Table 1-16: (1) All I/O pins have an option to enable weak pull-up except configuration, test, and JTAG pins. (2) Pin pull-up resistance values may be lower if an external source drives the pin higher than VCCIO. (3) The internal weak pull-down feature is only available for the JTAG TCK pin. The typical value for this internal weak pull-down resistor is approximately 25 k (4) These specifications are valid with 10% tolerances to cover changes over PVT. July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Electrical Characteristics 1-12 I/O Standard Specifications Table 1-17 through Table 1-22 list the input voltage (VIH and VIL), output voltage (VOH and VOL), and current drive characteristics (IOH and IOL) for various I/O standards supported by Stratix IV devices. These tables also show the Stratix IV device family I/O standard specifications. VOL and VOH values are valid at the corresponding IOH and IOL, respectively. For an explanation of terms used in Table 1-17 through Table 1-22, refer to "Glossary" on page 1-64. Table 1-17. Single-Ended I/O Standards I/O Standard VCCIO (V) Min VIL (V) Typ Max Min VIH (V) Max Min VOL (V) VOH (V) Max Min Max IOL (mA) IOH (mA) LVTTL 2.85 3 3.15 -0.3 0.8 1.7 3.6 0.4 2.4 2 -2 LVCMOS 2.85 3 3.15 -0.3 0.8 1.7 3.6 0.2 VCCIO - 0.2 0.1 -0.1 2.5 V 2.375 2.5 2.625 -0.3 0.7 1.7 3.6 0.4 2 1 -1 1.8 V 1.71 1.8 1.89 -0.3 0.35 * VCCIO 0.65 * VCCIO VCCIO + 0.3 0.45 VCCIO 0.45 2 -2 1.5 V 1.425 1.5 1.575 -0.3 0.35 * VCCIO 0.65 * VCCIO VCCIO + 0.3 0.25 * VCCIO 0.75 * VCCIO 2 -2 1.2 V 1.14 1.2 1.26 -0.3 0.35 * VCCIO 0.65 * VCCIO VCCIO + 0.3 0.25 * VCCIO 0.75 * VCCIO 2 -2 3.0-V PCI 2.85 3 3.15 -- 0.3 * VCCIO 0.5 * VCCIO 3.6 0.1 * VCCIO 0.9 * VCCIO 1.5 -0.5 3.0-V PCI-X 2.85 3 3.15 -- 0.35 * VCCIO 0.5 * VCCIO -- 0.1 * VCCIO 0.9 * VCCIO 1.5 -0.5 Table 1-18. Single-Ended SSTL and HSTL I/O Reference Voltage Specifications VCCIO (V) I/O Standard VREF (V) VTT (V) Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max SSTL-2 Class I, II 2.375 2.5 2.625 0.49 * VCCIO 0.5 * VCCIO 0.51 * VCCIO VREF 0.04 VREF VREF + 0.04 SSTL-18 Class I, II 1.71 1.8 1.89 0.833 0.9 0.969 VREF 0.04 VREF VREF + 0.04 SSTL-15 Class I, II 1.425 1.5 1.575 0.47 * VCCIO 0.5 * VCCIO 0.53 * VCCIO 0.47 * VCCIO VREF 0.53 * VCCIO HSTL-18 Class I, II 1.71 1.8 1.89 0.85 0.9 0.95 -- VCCIO/2 -- HSTL-15 Class I, II 1.425 1.5 1.575 0.68 0.75 0.9 -- VCCIO/2 -- HSTL-12 Class I, II 1.14 1.2 1.26 0.47 * VCCIO 0.5 * VCCIO 0.53 * VCCIO -- VCCIO/2 -- July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Electrical Characteristics 1-13 Table 1-19. Single-Ended SSTL and HSTL I/O Standards Signal Specifications VIL(DC) (V) I/O Standard VIH(DC) (V) VIL(AC) (V) VIH(AC) (V) VOL (V) VOH (V) Iol (mA) Ioh (mA) Min Max Min Max Max Min Max Min SSTL-2 Class I -0.3 VREF 0.15 VREF + 0.15 VCCIO + 0.3 VREF 0.31 VREF + 0.31 VTT 0.57 VTT + 0.57 8.1 -8.1 SSTL-2 Class II -0.3 VREF 0.15 VREF + 0.15 VCCIO + 0.3 VREF 0.31 VREF + 0.31 VTT 0.76 VTT + 0.76 16.2 -16.2 SSTL-18 Class I -0.3 VREF 0.125 VREF + 0.125 VCCIO + 0.3 VREF 0.25 VREF + 0.25 VTT 0.475 VTT + 0.475 6.7 -6.7 SSTL-18 Class II -0.3 VREF 0.125 VREF + 0.125 VCCIO + 0.3 VREF 0.25 VREF + 0.25 0.28 VCCIO 0.28 13.4 -13.4 SSTL-15 Class I -- VREF 0.1 VREF + 0.1 -- VREF 0.175 VREF + 0.175 0.2 * VCCIO 0.8 * VCCIO 8 -8 SSTL-15 Class II -- VREF 0.1 VREF + 0.1 -- VREF 0.175 VREF + 0.175 0.2 * VCCIO 0.8 * VCCIO 16 -16 HSTL-18 Class I -- VREF -0.1 VREF + 0.1 -- VREF 0.2 VREF + 0.2 0.4 VCCIO 0.4 8 -8 HSTL-18 Class II -- VREF 0.1 VREF + 0.1 -- VREF 0.2 VREF + 0.2 0.4 VCCIO 0.4 16 -16 HSTL-15 Class I -- VREF 0.1 VREF + 0.1 -- VREF 0.2 VREF + 0.2 0.4 VCCIO 0.4 8 -8 HSTL-15 Class II -- VREF 0.1 VREF + 0.1 -- VREF 0.2 VREF + 0.2 0.4 VCCIO 0.4 16 -16 HSTL-12 Class I -0.15 VREF 0.08 VREF + 0.08 VCCIO + 0.15 VREF 0.15 VREF + 0.15 0.25* VCCIO 0.75* VCCIO 8 -8 HSTL-12 Class II -0.15 VREF 0.08 VREF + 0.08 VCCIO + 0.15 VREF 0.15 VREF + 0.15 0.25* VCCIO 0.75* VCCIO 16 -16 Table 1-20. Differential SSTL I/O Standards I/O Standard VCCIO (V) VSWING(DC) (V) Min Typ Max Min SSTL-2 Class I, II 2.375 2.5 2.625 0.3 SSTL-18 Class I, II 1.71 1.8 1.89 0.25 SSTL-15 Class I, II 1.425 1.5 1.575 0.2 July 2012 Altera Corporation Max VX(AC) (V) Min VSWING(AC) (V) VOX(AC) (V) Typ Max Min Max Min Typ Max VCCIO + VCCIO/2 0.6 - 0.2 -- VCCIO/2 + 0.2 0.62 VCCIO + 0.6 VCCIO/2 - 0.15 -- VCCIO/2 + 0.15 VCCIO + 0.6 VCCIO/2 0.175 -- VCCIO/2 + 0.175 0.5 VCCIO + 0.6 VCCIO/2 0.125 -- VCCIO/2 + 0.125 -- -- VCCIO/2 -- 0.35 -- -- VCCIO/2 -- Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Electrical Characteristics 1-14 Table 1-21. Differential HSTL I/O Standards I/O Standard VCCIO (V) VDIF(DC) (V) VX(AC) (V) VCM(DC) (V) VDIF(AC) (V) Min Typ Max Min Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Max HSTL-18 Class I 1.71 1.8 1.89 0.2 -- 0.78 -- 1.12 0.78 -- 1.12 0.4 -- HSTL-15 Class I, II 1.425 1.5 1.575 0.2 -- 0.68 -- 0.9 0.68 -- 0.9 0.4 -- HSTL-12 Class I, II 1.14 1.2 1.26 0.16 VCCIO + 0.3 -- 0.5* VCCIO -- 0.4* VCCIO 0.5* VCCIO 0.6* VCCIO 0.3 VCCIO + 0.48 Table 1-22. Differential I/O Standard Specifications I/O Standard VCCIO (V) (3) Min Typ Max (1), (2) (Part 1 of 2) VID (mV) VICM(DC) (V) Min Condition Max Min Condition VOD (V) Max Min (4) VOCM (V) Typ Max Min Typ (4) Max Transmitter, receiver, and input reference clock pins of high-speed transceivers use PCML I/O standard. For transmitter, receiver, and reference clock I/O pin specifications, refer to Table 1-23 on page 1-16 and Table 1-24 on page 1-25. PCML 2.5 V LVDS (HIO) 2.375 2.5 2.625 100 VCM = 1.25 V -- -- 0.05 (5) 1.05 (5) DMAX 700 Mbps 1.8 0.247 -- 0.6 1.125 1.25 1.375 DMAX > 1.55 ( 0.247 5) 700 Mbps -- 0.6 1.125 1.25 1.375 (5) -- 0.05 DMAX 700 Mbps 1.8 0.247 -- 0.6 1 1.25 1.5 -- 1.05 DMAX> 700 Mbps 1.55 0.247 -- 0.6 1 1.25 1.5 VCM = 1.25 V -- 0.3 -- 1.4 0.1 0.2 0.6 0.5 1.2 1.4 2.375 2.5 2.625 100 VCM = 1.25 V -- 0.3 -- 1.4 0.1 0.2 0.6 0.5 1.2 1.5 Mini-LVDS (HIO) 2.375 2.5 2.625 200 -- 600 0.4 -- 1.325 0.25 -- 0.6 1 1.2 1.4 Mini-LVDS (VIO) 2.375 2.5 2.625 200 -- 600 0.4 -- 1.325 0.25 -- 0.6 1 1.2 1.5 2.375 2.5 2.625 300 -- -- 0.6 DMAX 700 Mbps 1.8 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2.375 2.5 2.625 300 -- -- DMAX > 700 Mbps 1.6 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2.5 V LVDS (VIO) 2.375 2.5 2.625 100 RSDS (HIO) 2.375 2.5 2.625 100 RSDS (VIO) VCM = 1.25 V LVPECL (7) July 2012 Altera Corporation (6) 1 (6) (6) (6) Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics Table 1-22. Differential I/O Standard Specifications I/O Standard BLVDS (8) VCCIO (V) (3) Min Typ Max (1), (2) 1-15 (Part 2 of 2) VID (mV) VICM(DC) (V) Min Condition Max Min 2.375 2.5 2.625 100 -- -- -- VOD (V) (4) VOCM (V) (4) Condition Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Notes to Table 1-22: (1) Vertical I/O (VIO) is top and bottom I/Os; horizontal I/O (HIO) is left and right I/Os. (2) 1.4-V/1.5-V PCML transceiver I/O standard specifications are described in "Transceiver Performance Specifications" on page 1-16. (3) Differential clock inputs in column I/O are powered by VCC_CLKIN which requires 2.5 V. Differential inputs that are not on clock pins in column I/O are powered by VCCPD which requires 2.5 V. All differential inputs in row I/O banks are powered by VCCPD which requires 2.5V. (4) RL range: 90 RL 110 . (5) The receiver voltage input range for the data rate when DMAX > 700 Mbps is 1.0 V VIN 1.6 V. The receiver voltage input range for the data rate when DMAX 700 Mbps is zero V VIN 1.85 V. (6) The receiver voltage input range for the data rate when DMAX > 700 Mbps is 0.85 V VIN 1.75 V. The receiver voltage input range for the data rate when DMAX 700 Mbps is 0.45 V VIN 1.95 V. (7) Column and row I/O banks support LVPECL I/O standards for input operation only on dedicated clock input pins. (8) For more information about BLVDS interface support in Altera devices, refer to AN522: Implementing Bus LVDS Interfaces in Supported Altera Device Families. Power Consumption Altera offers two ways to estimate power consumption for a design the Excel-based Early Power Estimator and the Quartus(R) II PowerPlay Power Analyzer feature. 1 You typically use the interactive Excel-based Early Power Estimator before designing the FPGA to get a magnitude estimate of the device power. The Quartus II PowerPlay Power Analyzer provides better quality estimates based on the specifics of the design after you complete place-and-route. The PowerPlay Power Analyzer can apply a combination of user-entered, simulation-derived, and estimated signal activities that, when combined with detailed circuit models, yields very accurate power estimates. f For more information about power estimation tools, refer to the PowerPlay Early Power Estimator User Guide and the PowerPlay Power Analysis chapter in the Quartus II Handbook. Switching Characteristics This section provides performance characteristics of Stratix IV core and periphery blocks for commercial, industrial, and military grade devices. The final numbers are based on actual silicon characterization and testing. The numbers reflect the actual performance of the device under worst-case silicon process, voltage, and junction temperature conditions. There are no designations on finalized tables. July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-16 Transceiver Performance Specifications This section describes transceiver performance specifications. Table 1-23 lists the Stratix IV GX transceiver specifications. Table 1-23. Transceiver Specifications for Stratix IV GX Devices (Part 1 of 9) Symbol/ Description Conditions -2 Commercial Speed Grade Min Typ Max -3 Military (2) and -4 Commercial/Industrial Speed Grade -3 Commercial/ Industrial and -2x Commercial Speed Grade (1) Min Typ Max Min Typ Unit Max Reference Clock Supported I/O Standards 1.2 V PCML, 1.4 V PCML 1.5 V PCML, 2.5 V PCML, Differential LVPECL Input frequency from REFCLK input pins -- 50 -- 697 50 -- 697 50 -- 637.5 MHz Phase frequency detector (CMU PLL and receiver CDR) -- 50 -- 425 50 -- 325 50 -- 325 MHz Absolute VMAX for a REFCLK pin -- -- -- 1.6 -- -- 1.6 -- -- 1.6 V Operational VMAX for a REFCLK pin -- -- -- 1.5 -- -- 1.5 -- -- 1.5 V Absolute VMIN for a REFCLK pin -- -0.4 -- -- -0.4 -- -- -0.4 -- -- V -- -- -- 0.2 -- -- 0.2 -- -- 0.2 UI Duty cycle -- 45 -- 55 45 -- 55 45 -- 55 % Peak-to-peak differential input voltage -- 200 -- 1600 200 -- 1600 200 -- 1600 mV Spread-spectrum modulating clock frequency PCIe 30 -- 33 30 -- 33 30 -- 33 kHz Spread-spectrum downspread PCIe -- -- -- -- -- -- -- On-chip termination resistors -- -- -- -- -- -- -- VICM (AC coupled) -- VICM (DC coupled) HCSL I/O standard for PCIe reference clock Rise/fall time July 2012 (21) Altera Corporation 0 to -0.5% 100 1100 10% 250 -- 550 0 to -0.5% 100 1100 10% 250 -- (4), LVDS, HCSL 0 to -0.5% 100 1100 10% 550 250 -- mV 550 mV Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-17 Table 1-23. Transceiver Specifications for Stratix IV GX Devices (Part 2 of 9) Symbol/ Description Conditions -2 Commercial Speed Grade -3 Military (2) and -4 Commercial/Industrial Speed Grade -3 Commercial/ Industrial and -2x Commercial Speed Grade (1) Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Unit 10 Hz -- -- -50 -- -- -50 -- -- -50 dBc/Hz 100 Hz -- -- -80 -- -- -80 -- -- -80 dBc/Hz 1 KHz -- -- -110 -- -- -110 -- -- -110 dBc/Hz 10 KHz -- -- -120 -- -- -120 -- -- -120 dBc/Hz 100 KHz -- -- -120 -- -- -120 -- -- -120 dBc/Hz 1 MHz -- -- -130 -- -- -130 -- -- -130 dBc/Hz 10 KHz to 20 MHz -- -- 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3 ps -- -- 2000 1% -- -- 2000 1% -- -- 2000 1% -- Calibration block clock frequency -- 10 -- 125 10 -- 125 10 -- 125 MHz fixedclk clock frequency PCIe Receiver Detect -- 125 -- -- 125 -- -- 125 -- MHz reconfig_clk clock frequency Dynamic reconfiguration clock frequency 2.5/ 37.5 -- 50 2.5/ 37.5 -- 50 2.5/ 37.5 -- 50 -- -- -- -- 2 -- -- 2 -- -- 2 ms -- 1 -- -- 1 -- -- 1 -- -- s 3750 Mbps Transmitter REFCLK Phase Noise Transmitter REFCLK Phase Jitter (rms) for 100 MHz REFCLK (3) RREF Transceiver Clocks Delta time between reconfig_clks (5) (5) (5) (19) Transceiver block minimum power-down (gxb_powerdown) pulse width Receiver Supported I/O Standards 1.4 V PCML, 1.5 V PCML, 2.5 V PCML, LVPECL, LVDS Data rate (Single width, non-PMA Direct) -- 600 -- 3750 600 -- 3750 600 -- Data rate (Double width, non-PMA Direct) -- 1000 -- 8500 1000 -- 6500 1000 -- Data rate (Single width, PMA Direct) -- 600 -- 3250 600 -- 3250 600 Data rate (Double width, PMA Direct) -- 1000 -- 6500 1000 -- 6500 1000 July 2012 Altera Corporation 6375 (22) Mbps -- 3250 Mbps -- 6375 Mbps Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-18 Table 1-23. Transceiver Specifications for Stratix IV GX Devices (Part 3 of 9) Symbol/ Description Conditions -2 Commercial Speed Grade -3 Commercial/ Industrial and -2x Commercial Speed Grade (1) -3 Military (2) and -4 Commercial/Industrial Speed Grade Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Unit Absolute VMAX for a receiver pin (6) -- -- -- 1.6 -- -- 1.6 -- -- 1.6 V Operational VMAX for a receiver pin -- -- -- 1.5 -- -- 1.5 -- -- 1.5 V Absolute VMIN for a receiver pin -- -0.4 -- -- -0.4 -- -- -0.4 -- -- V Maximum peak-to-peak differential input voltage VID (diff p-p) before device configuration -- -- -- 1.6 -- -- 1.6 -- -- 1.6 V VICM = 0.82 V setting -- -- 2.7 -- -- 2.7 -- -- 2.7 V VICM =1.1 V setting (7) -- -- 1.6 -- -- 1.6 -- -- 1.6 V 100 -- -- 100 -- -- 165 -- -- mV 165 -- -- 165 -- -- 165 -- -- mV Maximum peak-topeak differential input voltage VID (diff p-p) after device configuration Data Rate = 600 Mbps to 5 Gbps Minimum differential eye opening at receiver serial input pins (20) Equalization = 0 DC gain = 0 dB Data Rate > 5 Gbps Equalization = 0 DC gain = 0 dB VICM VICM = 0.82 V setting 820 10% 820 10% 820 10% mV VICM = 1.1 V setting (7) 1100 10% 1100 10% 1100 10% mV Receiver DC Coupling Support Differential on-chip termination resistors July 2012 -- For more information about receiver DC coupling support, refer to the "DCCoupled Links" section in the Transceiver Architecture in Stratix IV Devices chapter. 85 setting 85 20% 85 20% 85 20% 100 setting 100 20% 100 20% 100 20% 120 setting 120 20% 120 20% 120 20% 150- setting 150 20% 150 20% 150 20% Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-19 Table 1-23. Transceiver Specifications for Stratix IV GX Devices (Part 4 of 9) Symbol/ Description Conditions -2 Commercial Speed Grade Min Differential and common mode return loss Typ Max -3 Military (2) and -4 Commercial/Industrial Speed Grade -3 Commercial/ Industrial and -2x Commercial Speed Grade (1) Min PCIe (Gen 1 and Gen 2), XAUI, HiGig+, CEI SR/LR, Serial RapidIO SR/LR, Typ Max Min Typ Unit Max Compliant -- CPRI LV/HV, OBSAI, SATA 62.5, 100, 125, 200, Programmable PPM detector (8) -- Run length -- -- -- 200 -- -- 200 -- -- 200 UI Programmable equalization (18) -- -- -- 16 -- -- 16 -- -- 16 dB -- -- -- 75 -- -- 75 -- -- 75 s -- 15 -- -- 15 -- -- 15 -- -- s -- -- -- 4000 -- -- 4000 -- -- 4000 ns -- -- -- 4000 -- -- 4000 -- -- 4000 ns tLTR (9) tLTR_LTD_Manual tLTD_Manual tLTD_Auto (10) (11) (12) Receiver CDR 3 dB Bandwidth in lock-to-data (LTD) mode PCIe Gen1 20 - 35 MHz PCIe Gen2 40 - 65 MHz (OIF) CEI PHY at 6.375 Gbps 20 - 35 MHz XAUI 10 - 18 MHz Serial RapidIO 1.25 Gbps 10 - 18 MHz Serial RapidIO 2.5 Gbps 10 - 18 MHz Serial RapidIO 3.125 Gbps 6 - 10 MHz GIGE 6 - 10 MHz SONET OC12 3-6 MHz SONET OC48 14 - 19 Receiver buffer and CDR offset cancellation time (per channel) July 2012 ppm 250, 300, 500, 1000 Altera Corporation -- -- -- 1850 0 -- -- MHz 1850 0 -- -- 18500 recon fig_ clk cycles Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-20 Table 1-23. Transceiver Specifications for Stratix IV GX Devices (Part 5 of 9) Symbol/ Description Conditions -3 Military (2) and -4 Commercial/Industrial Speed Grade -3 Commercial/ Industrial and -2x Commercial Speed Grade (1) -2 Commercial Speed Grade Unit Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max DC Gain Setting =0 -- 0 -- -- 0 -- -- 0 -- dB DC Gain Setting =1 -- 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3 -- dB DC Gain Setting =2 -- 6 -- -- 6 -- -- 6 -- dB DC Gain Setting =3 -- 9 -- -- 9 -- -- 9 -- dB DC Gain Setting =4 -- 12 -- -- 12 -- -- 12 -- dB EyeQ Data Rate -- 600 -- 3250 600 -- 3250 600 -- 3250 Mbps AEQ Data Rate min VID (diff p-p) outer envelope = 600 mV 8B/10B encoded data 2500 -- 6500 2500 -- 6500 -- -- -- Mbps Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFE) Data Rate min VID (diff p-p) outer envelope = 500 mV 3125 -- 6500 3125 -- 6500 -- -- -- Mbps 3750 Mbps Programmable DC gain Transmitter Supported I/O Standards 1.4 V PCML, 1.5 V PCML Data rate (Single width, non-PMA Direct) -- Data rate (Double width, non-PMA Direct) -- Data rate (Single width, PMA Direct) -- Data rate (Double width, PMA Direct) -- (13) VOCM 0.65 V setting Differential on-chip termination resistors July 2012 600 -- 1000 600 -- 1000 -- -- -- 3750 8500 3250 6500 650 -- 600 -- 3750 600 -- 1000 -- 6500 1000 -- 600 -- 3250 600 1000 -- 6500 -- 650 -- 6375 (22) Mbps -- 3250 Mbps 1000 -- 6375 Mbps -- 650 -- mV 85 setting 85 15% 85 15% 85 15% 100 setting 100 15% 100 15% 100 15% 120 setting 120 15% 120 15% 120 15% 150- setting 150 15% 150 15% 150 15% Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-21 Table 1-23. Transceiver Specifications for Stratix IV GX Devices (Part 6 of 9) Symbol/ Description Conditions -2 Commercial Speed Grade Min Differential and common mode return loss Rise time Typ Max -3 Commercial/ Industrial and -2x Commercial Speed Grade (1) Min PCIe Gen1 and Gen2 (TX VOD=4), XAUI (TX VOD=6), HiGig+ (TX VOD=6), CEI SR/LR (TX VOD=8), Serial RapidIO SR (VOD=6), Serial RapidIO LR (VOD=8), CPRI LV (VOD=6), CPRI HV (VOD=2), OBSAI (VOD=6), SATA (VOD=4), (14) Typ Max -3 Military (2) and -4 Commercial/Industrial Speed Grade Min Typ Unit Max Compliant -- -- 50 -- 200 50 -- 200 50 -- 200 ps -- 50 -- 200 50 -- 200 50 -- 200 ps XAUI rise time -- 60 -- 130 60 -- 130 60 -- 130 ps XAUI fall time -- 60 -- 130 60 -- 130 60 -- 130 ps Intra-differential pair skew -- -- -- 15 -- -- 15 -- -- 15 ps Intra-transceiver block transmitter channel-to-channel skew x4 PMA and PCS bonded mode Example: XAUI, PCIe x4, Basic x4 -- -- 120 -- -- 120 -- -- 120 ps Inter-transceiver block transmitter channel-to-channel skew x8 PMA and PCS bonded mode Example: PCIe x8, Basic x8 -- -- 500 -- -- 500 -- -- 500 ps Fall time July 2012 (14) Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-22 Table 1-23. Transceiver Specifications for Stratix IV GX Devices (Part 7 of 9) Symbol/ Description Inter-transceiver block skew in Basic (PMA Direct) xN mode (15) Conditions -2 Commercial Speed Grade -3 Military (2) and -4 Commercial/Industrial Speed Grade -3 Commercial/ Industrial and -2x Commercial Speed Grade (1) Unit Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max N < 18 channels located across three transceiver blocks with the source CMU PLL located in the center transceiver block -- -- 400 -- -- 400 -- -- 400 ps N 18 channels located across four transceiver blocks with the source CMU PLL located in one of the two center transceiver blocks -- -- 650 -- -- 650 -- -- 650 ps 600 -- 8500 600 -- 6500 600 -- 6375 Mbps CMU0 PLL and CMU1 PLL Supported Data Range -- pll_powerdown minimum pulse width (tpll_powerdown) -- CMU PLL lock time from pll_powerdown de-assertion -- July 2012 Altera Corporation s 1 -- -- 100 -- -- 100 -- -- 100 s Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-23 Table 1-23. Transceiver Specifications for Stratix IV GX Devices (Part 8 of 9) Symbol/ Description Conditions -2 Commercial Speed Grade Min -3 dB Bandwidth Typ Max -3 Commercial/ Industrial and -2x Commercial Speed Grade (1) Min Typ Max -3 Military (2) and -4 Commercial/Industrial Speed Grade Min Typ Unit Max PCIe Gen1 2.5 - 3.5 MHz PCIe Gen2 6-8 MHz (OIF) CEI PHY at 4.976 Gbps 7 - 11 MHz (OIF) CEI PHY at 6.375 Gbps 5 - 10 MHz XAUI 2-4 MHz Serial RapidIO 1.25 Gbps 3 - 5.5 MHz Serial RapidIO 2.5 Gbps 3 - 5.5 MHz Serial RapidIO 3.125 Gbps 2-4 MHz GIGE 2.5 - 4.5 MHz SONET OC12 1.5 - 2.5 MHz SONET OC48 3.5 - 6 MHz ATX PLL (6G) /L = 1 4800-5400 and 6000-6500 4800-5400 and 6000-6500 4800-5400 and 6000-6375 Mbps /L = 2 2400-2700 and 3000-3250 2400-2700 and 3000-3250 2400-2700 and 3000-3187.5 Mbps /L = 4 1200-1350 and 1500-1625 1200-1350 and 1500-1625 1200-1350 and 1500-1593.75 Mbps PCIe Gen 2 1.5 1.5 -- MHz (OIF) CEI PHY at 6.375 Gbps 3 - 4.5 3 - 4.5 -- MHz Supported Data Range (16) -3 dB Bandwidth Transceiver-FPGA Fabric Interface Interface speed (non-PMA Direct) Interface speed (PMA Direct) July 2012 Altera Corporation -- 25 -- 325 25 -- 325 25 -- 250 MHz -- 50 -- 325 50 -- 325 50 -- 325 MHz Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-24 Table 1-23. Transceiver Specifications for Stratix IV GX Devices (Part 9 of 9) Symbol/ Description Conditions Min Digital reset pulse width -3 Commercial/ Industrial and -2x Commercial Speed Grade (1) -2 Commercial Speed Grade Typ -- Max Min Typ Max -3 Military (2) and -4 Commercial/Industrial Speed Grade Min Typ Unit Max Minimum is two parallel clock cycles -- Notes to Table 1-23: (1) The -2x speed grade is the fastest speed grade offered in the following Stratix IV GX devices: EP4SGX70DF29, EP4SGX110DF29, EP4SGX110FF35, EP4SGX230DF29, EP4SGX110FF35, EP4SGX180DF29, EP4SGX230FF35, EP4SGX290FF35, EP4SGX180FF35, EP4SGX290FH29, EP4SGX360FF35, and EPSGX360FH29. (2) Stratix IV GX devices in military speed grade only support selected transceiver configuration up to 3125 Mbps. For more information, contact Altera sales representative. (3) To calculate the REFCLK rms phase jitter requirement at reference clock frequencies other than 100 MHz, use the following formula: REFCLK rms phase jitter at f (MHz) = REFCLK rms phase jitter at 100 MHz * 100/f. (4) Differential LVPECL signal levels must comply to the minimum and maximum peak-to-peak differential input voltage specified in this table. (5) The minimum reconfig_clk frequency is 2.5 MHz if the transceiver channel is configured in Transmitter only mode. The minimum reconfig_clk frequency is 37.5 MHz if the transceiver channel is configured in Receiver only or Receiver and Transmitter mode. For more information, refer to the Dynamic Reconfiguration in Stratix IV Devices chapter. (6) The device cannot tolerate prolonged operation at this absolute maximum. (7) You must use the 1.1-V RX VICM setting if the input serial data standard is LVDS. (8) The rate matcher supports only up to 300 parts per million (ppm). (9) Time taken to rx_pll_locked goes high from rx_analogreset de-assertion. Refer to Figure 1-2 on page 1-33. (10) Time for which the CDR must be kept in lock-to-reference (LTR) mode after rx_pll_locked goes high and before rx_locktodata is asserted in manual mode. Refer to Figure 1-2 on page 1-33. (11) Time taken to recover valid data after the rx_locktodata signal is asserted in manual mode. Refer to Figure 1-2 on page 1-33. (12) Time taken to recover valid data after the rx_freqlocked signal goes high in automatic mode. Refer to Figure 1-3 on page 1-33. (13) A GPLL may be required to meet the PMA-FPGA fabric interface timing above certain data rates. For more information, refer to the "Left/Right PLL Requirements in Basic (PMA Direct) Mode" section in the Transceiver Clocking in Stratix IV Devices chapter. (14) The Quartus II software automatically selects the appropriate slew rate depending on the configured data rate or functional mode. (15) For applications that require low transmit lane-to-lane skew, use Basic (PMA Direct) xN to achieve PMA-Only bonding across all channels in the link. You can bond all channels on one side of the device by configuring them in Basic (PMA Direct) xN mode. For more information about clocking requirements in this mode, refer to the "Basic (PMA Direct) Mode Clocking" section in the Transceiver Clocking in Stratix IV Devices chapter. (16) The Quartus II software automatically selects the appropriate /L divider depending on the configured data. (17) The maximum transceiver-FPGA fabric interface speed of 265.625 MHz is allowed only in Basic low-latency PCS mode with a 32-bit interface width. For more information, refer to the "Basic Double-Width Mode Configurations" section in the Transceiver Architecture in Stratix IV Devices chapter. (18) Figure 1-1 shows the AC gain curves for each of the 16 available equalization settings. (19) If your design uses more than one dynamic reconfiguration controller (altgx_reconfig) instances to control the transceiver (altgx) channels physically located on the same side of the device AND if you use different reconfig_clk sources for these altgx_reconfig instances, the delta time between any two of these reconfig_clk sources becoming stable must not exceed the maximum specification listed. (20) The differential eye opening specification at the receiver input pins assumes that Receiver Equalization is disabled. If you enable Receiver Equalization, the receiver circuitry can tolerate a lower minimum eye opening, depending on the equalization level. Use H-Spice simulation to derive the minimum eye opening requirement with Receiver Equalization enabled. (21) The rise and fall time transition is specified from 20% to 80%. (22) Stratix IV GX devices in -4 speed grade support Basic mode and deterministic latency mode transceiver configurations up to 6375 Mbps. These configurations are shown in the figures 1-90, 1-92, 1-94, 1-96, and 1-101 in the Transceiver Architecture in Stratix IV Devices chapter. July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-25 Figure 1-1 shows the top-to-bottom AC gain curve for equalization settings 0 to 15. Figure 1-1. AC Gain Curves for Equalization Settings 0 to 15 (Bottom to Top) Table 1-24 lists the Stratix IV GT transceiver specifications. Table 1-24. Transceiver Specifications for Stratix IV GT Devices (Part 1 of 8) Symbol/ Description Conditions -1 Industrial Speed Grade Min Typ Max -2 Industrial Speed Grade Min Typ Max -3 Industrial Speed Grade Min Typ Unit Max Reference Clock Supported I/O Standards 1.2 V PCML, 1.4 V PCML, 1.5 V PCML, 2.5 V PCML, Differential LVPECL (3), LVDS Input frequency from REFCLK input pins -- 50 -- 706.25 50 -- 706.25 50 -- 706.25 MHz Phase frequency detector (CMU PLL and receiver CDR) -- 50 -- 425 50 -- 425 50 -- 425 MHz Absolute VMAX for a REFCLK pin -- -- -- 1.6 -- -- 1.6 -- -- 1.6 V Operational VMAX for a REFCLK pin -- -- -- 1.5 -- -- 1.5 -- -- 1.5 V Absolute VMIN for a REFCLK pin -- -0.3 -- -- -0.3 -- -- -0.3 -- -- V July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-26 Table 1-24. Transceiver Specifications for Stratix IV GT Devices (Part 2 of 8) Symbol/ Description Conditions -1 Industrial Speed Grade -2 Industrial Speed Grade -3 Industrial Speed Grade Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Unit Rise/fall time -- -- -- 0.2 -- -- 0.2 -- -- 0.2 UI Duty cycle -- 45 -- 55 45 -- 55 45 -- 55 % Peak-to-peak differential input voltage -- 200 -- 1200 200 -- 1200 200 -- 1200 mV On-chip termination resistors -- -- 100 -- -- 100 -- -- 100 -- VICM -- 1200 10% 1200 10% 1200 10% mV 10 Hz -- -- -50 -- -- -50 -- -- -50 dBc/Hz 100 Hz -- -- -80 -- -- -80 -- -- -80 dBc/Hz 1 KHz -- -- -110 -- -- -110 -- -- -110 dBc/Hz 10 KHz -- -- -120 -- -- -120 -- -- -120 dBc/Hz 100 KHz -- -- -120 -- -- -120 -- -- -120 dBc/Hz 1 MHz -- -- -130 -- -- -130 -- -- -130 dBc/Hz 10 KHz to 20 MHz -- -- 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3 ps -- -- -- 2000 1% -- 2000 1% -- -- 2000 1% -- Calibration block clock frequency -- 10 -- 125 10 -- 125 10 -- 125 MHz reconfig_clk clock frequency Dynamic reconfiguration clock frequency 2.5/ 37.5 -- -- 2.5/ 37.5 -- 50 2.5/ 37.5 -- 50 MHz fixedclk clock frequency PCIe Receiver Detect -- 125 -- -- 125 -- -- 125 -- MHz -- -- -- 2 -- -- 2 -- -- 2 ms -- -- 1 -- -- 1 -- -- 1 -- s 3750 Mbps Transmitter REFCLK Phase Noise Transmitter REFCLK Phase Jitter (rms) for 100 MHz REFCLK (2) RREF Transceiver Clocks Delta time between reconfig_clks (1) (1) (1) (15) Transceiver block minimum (gxb_powerdown) power-down pulse width Receiver Supported I/O Standards Data rate (Single width, non-PMA Direct) July 2012 Altera Corporation 1.4 V PCML, 1.5 V PCML, 2.5 V PCML, LVPECL, LVDS -- 600 -- 3750 600 -- 3750 600 -- Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-27 Table 1-24. Transceiver Specifications for Stratix IV GT Devices (Part 3 of 8) Symbol/ Description Conditions -1 Industrial Speed Grade -2 Industrial Speed Grade Min Typ Max Min Typ Max -3 Industrial Speed Grade Unit Min Typ Max 10312.5 1000 -- 8500 Mbps Data rate (Double width, non-PMA Direct) -- 1000 -- 11300 1000 - Data rate (Single width, PMA Direct) -- 600 - 3250 600 - 3250 600 -- 3250 Mbps Data rate (Double width, PMA Direct) -- 1000 - 6500 1000 - 6500 1000 -- 6500 Mbps Absolute VMAX for a receiver pin (4) -- -- -- 1.6 -- -- 1.6 -- -- 1.6 V Operational VMAX for a receiver pin -- -- -- 1.5 -- -- 1.5 -- -- 1.5 V Absolute VMIN for a receiver pin -- -- -0.4 -- -0.4 -- -- -0.4 -- -- V Maximum peak-to-peak differential input voltage VID (diff p-p) before device configuration -- -- -- 1.6 -- -- 1.6 -- -- 1.6 V VICM = 0.82 V setting -- -- 2.7 -- -- 2.7 -- -- 2.7 V VICM = 1.2 V setting (5) -- -- 1.2 -- -- 1.2 -- -- 1.2 V 85 -- -- 85 -- -- 85 -- -- mV 165 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- mV Maximum peak-to-peak differential input voltage VID (diff p-p) after device configuration Minimum differential eye opening at the receiver serial input pins for data rates 10.3125 Gbps. Minimum differential eye opening at the receiver serial input pins for data rates > 10.3125 Gbps. VICM July 2012 Equalization = 0 (6) DC gain = 0 dB Equalization = 0 (6) DC gain = 0 dB VICM = 0.82 V setting 820 10% 820 10% 820 10% mV VICM = 1.2 V setting (5) 1200 10% 1200 10% 1200 10% mV Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-28 Table 1-24. Transceiver Specifications for Stratix IV GT Devices (Part 4 of 8) Symbol/ Description Conditions -1 Industrial Speed Grade Min Differential on-chip termination resistors Differential and common mode return loss Typ Max -2 Industrial Speed Grade Min Typ Max -3 Industrial Speed Grade Min Typ Unit Max 85 setting 85 20% 85 20% 85 20% 100 setting 100 20% 100 20% 100 20% 120 setting 120 20% 120 20% 120 20% 150- setting 150 20% 150 20% 150 20% PCIe (Gen 1 and Gen 2), XAUI, HiGig+, CEI SR/LR, Serial RapidIO SR/LR, Compliant -- CPRI LV/HV, OBSAI, SATA 62.5, 100, 125, 200, Programmable PPM detector (7) -- -- Run length -- -- -- 200 -- -- 200 -- -- 200 UI Programmable equalization -- -- -- 16 -- -- 16 -- -- 16 dB -- -- -- 75 -- -- 75 -- -- 75 s -- 15 -- -- 15 -- -- 15 -- -- s tLTR (8) tLTR_LTD_Manual tLTD_Manual (9) (10) ppm 250, 300, 500, 1000 -- -- -- 4000 -- -- 4000 -- -- 4000 ns (11) -- -- -- 4000 -- -- 4000 -- -- 4000 ns Receiver buffer and CDR offset cancellation time (per channel) -- -- -- 17000 -- -- 17000 -- -- 17000 reconfig_clk DC Gain Setting =0 -- 0 -- -- 0 -- -- 0 -- dB DC Gain Setting =1 -- 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3 -- dB DC Gain Setting =2 -- 6 -- -- 6 -- -- 6 -- dB DC Gain Setting =3 -- 9 -- -- 9 -- -- 9 -- dB DC Gain Setting =4 -- 12 -- -- 12 -- -- 12 -- dB -- -- -- 4.0 -- -- 4.0 -- -- 4.0 Gbps tLTD_Auto Programmable DC gain EyeQ Max Data Rate July 2012 Altera Corporation cycles Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-29 Table 1-24. Transceiver Specifications for Stratix IV GT Devices (Part 5 of 8) Symbol/ Description Conditions -1 Industrial Speed Grade -2 Industrial Speed Grade -3 Industrial Speed Grade Unit Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max AEQ Data Rate min VID (diff p-p) outer envelope = 600 mV 8B/10B encoded data 2500 -- 6500 2500 -- 6500 -- -- -- Mbps Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFE) Data Rate min VID (diff p-p) outer envelope = 600 mV 3125 -- 6500 3125 -- 6500 -- -- -- Mbps 3750 600 -- 3750 Mbps 10312.5 1000 -- 8500 Mbps Transmitter Supported I/O Standards 1.4 V PCML Data rate (Single width, non-PMA Direct) -- 600 -- 3750 600 -- Data rate (Double width, non-PMA Direct) -- 1000 -- 11300 1000 -- Data rate (Single width, PMA Direct) -- 600 -- 3250 600 -- 3250 600 -- 3250 Mbps Data rate (Double width, PMA Direct) (12) -- 1000 -- 6500 1000 -- 6500 1000 -- 6500 Mbps 0.65 V setting -- 650 -- -- 650 -- -- 650 -- mV VOCM Differential on-chip termination resistors July 2012 85 setting 85 15% 85 15% 85 15% 100 setting 100 15% 100 15% 100 15% 120 setting 120 15% 120 15% 120 15% 150- setting 150 15% 150 15% 150 15% Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-30 Table 1-24. Transceiver Specifications for Stratix IV GT Devices (Part 6 of 8) Symbol/ Description Conditions -1 Industrial Speed Grade Min Differential and common mode return loss Rise time Typ Max -2 Industrial Speed Grade Min PCIe Gen1 and Gen2 (TX VOD=4), XAUI (TX VOD=6), HiGig+ (TX VOD=6), CEI SR/LR (TX VOD=8), Serial RapidIO SR (VOD=6), Serial RapidIO LR (VOD=8), CPRI LV (VOD=6), CPRI HV (VOD=2), OBSAI (VOD=6), SATA (VOD=4), (13) Typ Max -3 Industrial Speed Grade Min Typ Unit Max Compliant -- -- 50 -- 200 50 -- 200 50 -- 200 ps -- 50 -- 200 50 -- 200 50 -- 200 ps XAUI rise time -- 60 -- 130 60 -- 130 60 -- 130 ps XAUI fall time -- 60 -- 130 60 -- 130 60 -- 130 ps Intra-differential pair skew -- -- -- 15 -- -- 15 -- -- 15 ps Intra-transceiver block transmitter channel-to-channel skew x4 PMA and PCS bonded mode Example: XAUI, PCIe, x4, Basic x4 -- -- 120 -- -- 120 -- -- 120 ps Inter-transceiver block transmitter channel-to-channel skew x8 PMA and PCS bonded mode Example: PCIe x8, Basic x8 -- -- 500 -- -- 500 -- -- 500 ps Fall time July 2012 (13) Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-31 Table 1-24. Transceiver Specifications for Stratix IV GT Devices (Part 7 of 8) Symbol/ Description Inter-transceiver block skew in Basic (PMA Direct) xN mode (14) Conditions -1 Industrial Speed Grade -2 Industrial Speed Grade -3 Industrial Speed Grade Unit Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max N < 18 channels located across three transceiver blocks with the source CMU PLL located in the center transceiver block -- -- 400 -- -- 400 -- -- 400 ps N 18 channels located across four transceiver blocks with the source CMU PLL located in one of the two center transceiver blocks -- -- 650 -- -- 650 -- -- 650 ps CMU PLL0 and CMU PLL1 Supported data range -- 600 -- 11300 600 -- 10312.5 600 -- 8500 Mbps CMU PLL lock time from pll_powerdown de-assertion -- -- -- 100 -- -- 100 -- -- 100 s ATX PLL (6G) Supported Data Range /L = 1 4800-5400 and 6000-6500 4800-5400 and 6000-6500 4800-5400 and 6000-6500 Mbps /L = 2 2400-2700 and 3000-3250 2400-2700 and 3000-3250 2400-2700 and 3000-3250 Mbps /L = 4 1200-1350 and 1500-1625 1200-1350 and 1500-1625 1200-1350 and 1500-1625 Mbps -- Mbps ATX PLL (10G) Supported Data Range -- 9900 -- 11300 9900 -- 10312.5 -- 25 -- 325 25 -- 325 25 -- 265.625 MHz -- 50 -- 325 50 -- 325 50 -- 325 MHz Transceiver-FPGA Fabric Interface Interface speed (non-PMA Direct) Interface speed (PMA Direct) July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-32 Table 1-24. Transceiver Specifications for Stratix IV GT Devices (Part 8 of 8) Symbol/ Description Conditions -1 Industrial Speed Grade Min Digital reset pulse width -- Typ Max -2 Industrial Speed Grade Min Typ Max -3 Industrial Speed Grade Min Typ Unit Max Minimum is two parallel clock cycles -- Notes to Table 1-24: (1) The minimum reconfig_clk frequency is 2.5 MHz if the transceiver channel is configured in Transmitter Only mode. The minimum reconfig_clk frequency is 37.5 MHz if the transceiver channel is configured in Receiver only or Receiver and Transmitter mode. For more information, refer to the Dynamic Reconfiguration in Stratix IV Devices chapter. (2) To calculate the REFCLK rms phase jitter requirement at reference clock frequencies other than 100 MHz, use the following formula: REFCLK rms phase jitter at f (MHz) = REFCLK rms phase jitter at 100 MHz * 100/f. (3) Differential LVPECL signal levels must comply to the minimum and maximum peak-to-peak differential input voltage specified in this table. (4) The device cannot tolerate prolonged operation at this absolute maximum. (5) You must use the 1.2-V RXVICM setting if the input serial data standard is LVDS. (6) The differential eye opening specification at the receiver input pins assumes that Receiver Equalization is disabled. If you enable Receiver Equalization, the receiver circuitry can tolerate a lower minimum eye opening, depending on the equalization level. Use H-Spice simulation to derive the minimum eye opening requirement with Receiver Equalization enabled. (7) The rate matcher supports only up to 300 ppm. (8) Time taken to rx_pll_locked goes high from rx_analogreset de-assertion. Refer to Figure 1-2 on page 1-33. (9) Time for which the CDR must be kept in lock-to-reference mode after rx_pll_locked goes high and before rx_locktodata is asserted in manual mode. Refer to Figure 1-2 on page 1-33. (10) Time taken to recover valid data after the rx_locktodata signal is asserted in manual mode. Refer to Figure 1-2 on page 1-33. (11) Time taken to recover valid data after the rx_freqlocked signal goes high in automatic mode. Refer to Figure 1-3 on page 1-33. (12) A GPLL may be required to meet the PMA-FPGA fabric interface timing above certain data rates. For more information, refer to the "Left/Right PLL Requirements in Basic (PMA Direct) Mode" section in the Transceiver Clocking in Stratix IV Devices chapter. (13) The Quartus II software automatically selects the appropriate slew rate depending on the configured data rate or functional mode. (14) For applications that require low transmit lane-to-lane skew, use Basic (PMA Direct) xN to achieve PMA-Only bonding across all channels in the link. You can bond all channels on one side of the device by configuring them in Basic (PMA Direct) xN mode. For more information about clocking requirements in this mode, refer to the "Basic (PMA Direct) Mode Clocking" section in the Transceiver Clocking in Stratix IV Devices chapter. (15) If your design uses more than one dynamic reconfiguration controller (altgx_reconfig) instances to control the transceiver (altgx) channels physically located on the same side of the device AND if you use different reconfig_clk sources for these altgx_reconfig instances, the delta time between any two of these reconfig_clk sources becoming stable must not exceed the maximum specification listed. July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-33 Figure 1-2 shows the lock time parameters in manual mode. 1 LTD = Lock-To-Data; LTR = Lock-To-Reference Figure 1-2. Lock Time Parameters for Manual Mode r x_analogreset CDR status LTR LTD r x_pll_locked r x_locktodata Invalid Data Valid data r x_dataout t t LTR LTD_Manual t LTR_LTD_Manual Figure 1-3 shows the lock time parameters in automatic mode. Figure 1-3. Lock Time Parameters for Automatic Mode CDR status LTR LTD r x_freqlocked r x_dataout Invalid Valid data t July 2012 Altera Corporation data LTD_Auto Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-34 Table 1-25 through Table 1-28 lists the typical differential VOD termination settings for Stratix IV GX and GT devices. Table 1-25. Typical VOD Setting, TX Term = 85 VOD Setting (mV) Symbol VOD differential peak-to-peak Typical (mV) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 170 20% 340 20% 510 20% 595 20% 680 20% 765 20% 850 20% 1020 20% 6 7 Table 1-26. Typical VOD Setting, TX Term = 100 VOD Setting (mV) Symbol VOD differential peak-to-peak Typical (mV) 0 1 2 3 4 5 200 20% 400 20% 600 20% 700 20% 800 20% 900 20% 1000 1200 20% 20% Table 1-27. Typical VOD Setting, TX Term = 120 VOD Setting (mV) Symbol VOD differential peak-to-peak Typical (mV) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 240 20% 480 20% 720 20% 840 20% 960 20% 1080 20% 1200 20% Table 1-28. Typical VOD Setting, TX Term = 150 VOD Setting (mV) Symbol VOD differential peak-to-peak Typical (mV) 0 1 2 3 4 5 300 20% 600 20% 900 20% 1050 20% 1200 20% 1350 20% Table 1-29 lists typical transmitter pre-emphasis levels in dB for the first post tap under the following conditions (low-frequency data pattern [five 1s and five 0s] at 6.25 Gbps). The levels listed in Table 1-29 are a representation of possible pre-emphasis levels under the specified conditions only and that the pre-emphasis levels may change with data pattern and data rate. f To predict the pre-emphasis level for your specific data rate and pattern, run simulations using the Stratix IV HSSI HSPICE models. Table 1-29. Transmitter Pre-Emphasis Levels for Stratix IV Devices (Part 1 of 2) VOD Setting Pre-Emphasis 1st Post-Tap Setting 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 N/A 0.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 N/A 1 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 3 N/A 1.5 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-35 Table 1-29. Transmitter Pre-Emphasis Levels for Stratix IV Devices (Part 2 of 2) VOD Setting Pre-Emphasis 1st Post-Tap Setting 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 N/A 2 0.7 0.3 0 0 0 0 5 N/A 2.7 1.2 0.5 0.3 0 0 0 6 N/A 3.1 1.3 0.8 0.5 0.2 0 0 7 N/A 3.7 1.8 1.1 0.7 0.4 0.2 0 8 N/A 4.2 2.1 1.3 0.9 0.6 0.3 0 9 N/A 4.9 2.4 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.5 0.2 10 N/A 5.4 2.8 1.9 1.4 1 0.7 0.3 11 N/A 6 3.2 2.2 1.7 1.2 0.9 0.4 12 N/A 6.8 3.5 2.6 1.9 1.4 1.1 0.6 13 N/A 7.5 3.8 2.8 2.1 1.6 1.2 0.6 14 N/A 8.1 4.2 3.1 2.3 1.7 1.3 0.7 15 N/A 8.8 4.5 3.4 2.6 1.9 1.5 0.8 16 N/A N/A 4.9 3.7 2.9 2.2 1.7 0.9 17 N/A N/A 5.3 4 3.1 2.4 1.8 1.1 18 N/A N/A 5.7 4.4 3.4 2.6 2 1.2 19 N/A N/A 6.1 4.7 3.6 2.8 2.2 1.4 20 N/A N/A 6.6 5.1 4 3.1 2.4 1.5 July 2012 21 N/A N/A 7 5.4 4.3 3.3 2.7 1.7 22 N/A N/A 8 6.1 4.8 3.8 3 2 23 N/A N/A 9 6.8 5.4 4.3 3.4 2.3 24 N/A N/A 10 7.6 6 4.8 3.9 2.6 25 N/A N/A 11.4 8.4 6.8 5.4 4.4 3 26 N/A N/A 12.6 9.4 7.4 5.9 4.9 3.3 27 N/A N/A N/A 10.3 8.1 6.4 5.3 3.6 28 N/A N/A N/A 11.3 8.8 7.1 5.8 4 29 N/A N/A N/A 12.5 9.6 7.7 6.3 4.3 30 N/A N/A N/A N/A 11.4 9 7.4 N/A 31 N/A N/A N/A N/A 12.9 10 8.2 N/A Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-36 Table 1-30 lists the Stratix IV GX transceiver jitter specifications for all supported protocols. For protocols supported by Stratix IV GT industrial speed grade devices, refer to the Stratix IV GX -2 commercial speed grade column in Table 1-30. Table 1-30. Transceiver Block Jitter Specifications for Stratix IV GX Devices (1), Symbol/ Description Conditions SONET/SDH Transmit Jitter Generation -2 Commercial Speed Grade (2) (Part 1 of 9) -3 Commercial/ Industrial and -2x Commercial Speed Grade -3 Military (3) and -4 Commercial/ Industrial Speed Grade Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Unit (4) Peak-to-peak jitter at 622.08 Mbps Pattern = PRBS15 -- -- 0.1 -- -- 0.1 -- -- 0.1 UI RMS jitter at 622.08 Mbps Pattern = PRBS15 -- -- 0.01 -- -- 0.01 -- -- 0.01 UI Peak-to-peak jitter at 2488.32 Mbps Pattern = PRBS15 -- -- 0.1 -- -- 0.1 -- -- 0.1 UI RMS jitter at 2488.32 Mbps Pattern = PRBS15 -- -- 0.01 -- -- 0.01 -- -- 0.01 UI SONET/SDH Receiver Jitter Tolerance (4) Jitter frequency = 0.03 KHz > 15 > 15 > 15 UI > 1.5 > 1.5 > 1.5 UI > 0.15 > 0.15 > 0.15 UI > 15 > 15 > 15 UI > 1.5 > 1.5 > 1.5 UI > 0.15 > 0.15 > 0.15 UI > 0.15 > 0.15 > 0.15 UI Pattern = PRBS15 Jitter tolerance at 622.08 Mbps Jitter frequency = 25 KHZ Pattern = PRBS15 Jitter frequency = 250 KHz Pattern = PRBS15 Jitter frequency = 0.06 KHz Pattern = PRBS15 Jitter frequency = 100 KHZ Jitter tolerance at 2488.32 Mbps Pattern = PRBS15 Jitter frequency = 1 MHz Pattern = PRBS15 Jitter frequency = 10 MHz Pattern = PRBS15 Fibre Channel Transmit Jitter Generation (5), (13) Total jitter FC-1 Pattern = CRPAT -- -- 0.23 -- -- 0.23 -- -- 0.23 UI Deterministic jitter FC-1 Pattern = CRPAT -- -- 0.11 -- -- 0.11 -- -- 0.11 UI Total jitter FC-2 Pattern = CRPAT -- -- 0.33 -- -- 0.33 -- -- 0.33 UI Deterministic jitter FC-2 Pattern = CRPAT -- -- 0.2 -- -- 0.2 -- -- 0.2 UI July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-37 Table 1-30. Transceiver Block Jitter Specifications for Stratix IV GX Devices (1), Symbol/ Description Conditions -2 Commercial Speed Grade Min Typ Max (2) (Part 2 of 9) -3 Commercial/ Industrial and -2x Commercial Speed Grade -3 Military (3) and -4 Commercial/ Industrial Speed Grade Min Min Typ Typ Max Unit Max Total jitter FC-4 Pattern = CRPAT -- -- 0.52 -- -- 0.52 -- -- 0.52 UI Deterministic jitter FC-4 Pattern = CRPAT -- -- 0.33 -- -- 0.33 -- -- 0.33 UI Fibre Channel Receiver Jitter Tolerance (5), (14) Deterministic jitter FC-1 Pattern = CJTPAT > 0.37 > 0.37 > 0.37 UI Random jitter FC-1 Pattern = CJTPAT > 0.31 > 0.31 > 0.31 UI Fc/25000 > 1.5 > 1.5 > 1.5 UI Fc/1667 > 0.1 > 0.1 > 0.1 UI Pattern = CJTPAT > 0.33 > 0.33 > 0.33 UI Sinusoidal jitter FC-1 Deterministic jitter FC-2 Random jitter FC-2 Pattern = CJTPAT > 0.29 > 0.29 > 0.29 UI Fc/25000 > 1.5 > 1.5 > 1.5 UI Fc/1667 > 0.1 > 0.1 > 0.1 UI Deterministic jitter FC-4 Pattern = CJTPAT > 0.33 > 0.33 > 0.33 UI Random jitter FC-4 Pattern = CJTPAT > 0.29 > 0.29 > 0.29 UI Fc/25000 > 1.5 > 1.5 > 1.5 UI Fc/1667 > 0.1 > 0.1 > 0.1 UI Sinusoidal jitter FC-2 Sinusoidal jitter FC-4 XAUI Transmit Jitter Generation (6) Total jitter at 3.125 Gbps Pattern = CJPAT -- -- 0.3 -- -- 0.3 -- -- 0.3 UI Deterministic jitter at 3.125 Gbps -- -- 0.17 -- -- 0.17 -- -- 0.17 UI Pattern = CJPAT XAUI Receiver Jitter Tolerance (6) Total jitter -- > 0.65 > 0.65 > 0.65 UI Deterministic jitter -- > 0.37 > 0.37 > 0.37 UI Peak-to-peak jitter Jitter frequency = 22.1 KHz > 8.5 > 8.5 > 8.5 UI Peak-to-peak jitter Jitter frequency = 1.875 MHz > 0.1 > 0.1 > 0.1 UI Peak-to-peak jitter Jitter frequency = 20 MHz > 0.1 > 0.1 > 0.1 UI PCIe Transmit Jitter Generation (7) Total jitter at 2.5 Gbps (Gen1) Compliance pattern -- -- 0.25 -- -- 0.25 -- -- 0.25 UI Total jitter at 5 Gbps (Gen2) (15) Compliance pattern -- -- 0.25 -- -- 0.25 -- -- -- UI PCIe Receiver Jitter Tolerance Total jitter at 2.5 Gbps (Gen1) July 2012 Altera Corporation (7) Compliance pattern > 0.6 > 0.6 > 0.6 UI Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-38 Table 1-30. Transceiver Block Jitter Specifications for Stratix IV GX Devices (1), Symbol/ Description Conditions -2 Commercial Speed Grade Min Typ Total jitter at 5 Gbps (Gen2) Compliance pattern Max (2) (Part 3 of 9) -3 Commercial/ Industrial and -2x Commercial Speed Grade -3 Military (3) and -4 Commercial/ Industrial Speed Grade Min Min Typ Compliant Typ Max Compliant Unit Max -- UI PCIe (Gen 1) Electrical Idle Detect Threshold VRX-IDLE-DETDIFFp-p (16) Compliance pattern (peak-to-peak) Total jitter (peak-to-peak) Data Rate = 1.25, 2.5, 3.125 Gbps Combined deterministic and random jitter tolerance (peak-to-peak) 175 65 -- 175 65 -- 175 UI -- -- 0.17 -- -- 0.17 -- -- 0.17 UI -- -- 0.35 -- -- 0.35 -- -- 0.35 UI Pattern = CJPAT Data Rate = 1.25, 2.5, 3.125 Gbps Pattern = CJPAT Serial RapidIO Receiver Jitter Tolerance Deterministic jitter tolerance (peak-to-peak) -- (8) Serial RapidIO Transmit Jitter Generation Deterministic jitter 65 (8) Data Rate = 1.25, 2.5, 3.125 Gbps > 0.37 > 0.37 > 0.37 UI > 0.55 > 0.55 > 0.55 UI > 8.5 > 8.5 > 8.5 UI > 0.1 > 0.1 > 0.1 UI > 0.1 > 0.1 > 0.1 UI Pattern = CJPAT Data Rate = 1.25, 2.5, 3.125 Gbps Pattern = CJPAT Jitter Frequency = 22.1 KHz Data Rate = 1.25, 2.5, 3.125 Gbps Pattern = CJPAT Jitter Frequency = 1.875 MHz Sinusoidal jitter tolerance (peak-to-peak) Data Rate = 1.25, 2.5, 3.125 Gbps Pattern = CJPAT Jitter Frequency = 20 MHz Data Rate = 1.25, 2.5, 3.125 Gbps Pattern = CJPAT GIGE Transmit Jitter Generation (9) Deterministic jitter (peak-to-peak) Pattern = CRPAT -- -- 0.14 -- -- 0.14 -- -- 0.14 UI Total jitter (peak-to-peak) Pattern = CRPAT -- -- 0.279 -- -- 0.279 -- -- 0.279 UI July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-39 Table 1-30. Transceiver Block Jitter Specifications for Stratix IV GX Devices (1), Symbol/ Description Conditions -2 Commercial Speed Grade Min Typ GIGE Receiver Jitter Tolerance Max (2) (Part 4 of 9) -3 Commercial/ Industrial and -2x Commercial Speed Grade -3 Military (3) and -4 Commercial/ Industrial Speed Grade Min Min Typ Typ Max Unit Max (9) Deterministic jitter tolerance (peak-to-peak) Pattern = CJPAT > 0.4 > 0.4 > 0.4 UI Combined deterministic and random jitter tolerance (peak-to-peak) Pattern = CJPAT > 0.66 > 0.66 > 0.66 UI HiGig Transmit Jitter Generation (10) Deterministic jitter (peak-to-peak) Data Rate = 3.75 Gbps Total jitter (peak-to-peak) Data Rate = 3.75 Gbps Pattern = CJPAT Pattern = CJPAT HiGig Receiver Jitter Tolerance -- -- 0.17 -- -- -- -- -- -- UI -- -- 0.35 -- -- -- -- -- -- UI > 0.37 -- -- -- -- -- -- UI > 0.65 -- -- -- -- -- -- UI > 8.5 -- -- -- -- -- -- UI > 0.1 -- -- -- -- -- -- UI > 0.1 -- -- -- -- -- -- UI -- -- 0.3 -- -- 0.3 UI -- -- >0.675 UI (10) Deterministic jitter tolerance (peak-to-peak) Data Rate = 3.75 Gbps Combined deterministic and random jitter tolerance (peak-to-peak) Data Rate = 3.75 Gbps Pattern = CJPAT Pattern = CJPAT Jitter Frequency = 22.1 KHz Data Rate = 3.75 Gbps Pattern = CJPAT Sinusoidal jitter tolerance (peak-to-peak) Jitter Frequency = 1.875MHz Data Rate = 3.75 Gbps Pattern = CJPAT Jitter Frequency = 20 MHz Data Rate = 3.75 Gbps Pattern = CJPAT (OIF) CEI Transmitter Jitter Generation Total jitter (peak-to-peak) Data Rate = 6.375 Gbps Pattern = PRBS15 BER = 10-12 (OIF) CEI Receiver Jitter Tolerance Deterministic jitter tolerance (peak-to-peak) July 2012 Altera Corporation (11) -- -- 0.3 (11) Data Rate = 6.375 Gbps Pattern = PRBS31 BER = 10-12 > 0.675 > 0.675 Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum 1-40 Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics Table 1-30. Transceiver Block Jitter Specifications for Stratix IV GX Devices (1), Symbol/ Description Conditions -2 Commercial Speed Grade Min Typ Combined deterministic and random jitter tolerance (peak-to-peak) Data Rate = 6.375 Gbps Pattern=PRBS31 Max (2) (Part 5 of 9) -3 Commercial/ Industrial and -2x Commercial Speed Grade -3 Military (3) and -4 Commercial/ Industrial Speed Grade Min Min Typ Typ Max Unit Max > 0.988 > 0.988 -- -- >0.988 UI >5 >5 -- -- >5 UI > 0.05 > 0.05 -- -- > 0.05 UI > 0.05 > 0.05 -- -- > 0.05 UI BER = 10-12 Jitter Frequency = 38.2 KHz Data Rate = 6.375 Gbps Pattern = PRBS31 BER = 10-12 Jitter Frequency = 3.82 MHz Sinusoidal jitter tolerance (peak-to-peak) Data Rate = 6.375 Gbps Pattern = PRBS31 BER = 10-12 Jitter Frequency = 20 MHz Data Rate= 6.375 Gbps Pattern = PRBS31 BER = 10-12 SDI Transmitter Jitter Generation Alignment jitter (peak-to-peak) (12) Data Rate = 1.485 Gbps (HD) Pattern = Color Bar Low-Frequency Roll-Off = 100 KHz 0.2 -- -- 0.2 -- -- 0.2 -- -- UI Data Rate = 2.97 Gbps (3G) Pattern = Color Bar Low-Frequency Roll-Off = 100 KHz 0.3 -- -- 0.3 -- -- 0.3 -- -- UI Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum July 2012 Altera Corporation Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-41 Table 1-30. Transceiver Block Jitter Specifications for Stratix IV GX Devices (1), Symbol/ Description Conditions -2 Commercial Speed Grade Min Typ SDI Receiver Jitter Tolerance Max (2) (Part 6 of 9) -3 Commercial/ Industrial and -2x Commercial Speed Grade -3 Military (3) and -4 Commercial/ Industrial Speed Grade Min Min Typ Typ Max Unit Max (12) Jitter Frequency = 15 KHz Data Rate = 2.97 Gbps (3G) Pattern = Single Line Scramble Color Bar Sinusoidal jitter tolerance (peak-to-peak) >2 >2 >2 UI > 0.3 > 0.3 > 0.3 UI > 0.3 > 0.3 > 0.3 UI >1 >1 >1 UI > 0.2 > 0.2 > 0.2 UI > 0.2 > 0.2 > 0.2 UI Jitter Frequency = 100 KHz Data Rate = 2.97 Gbps (3G) Pattern = Single Line Scramble Color Bar Jitter Frequency = 148.5 MHz Data Rate = 2.97 Gbps (3G) Pattern = Single Line Scramble Color Bar Jitter Frequency = 20 KHz Data Rate = 1.485 Gbps (HD) Pattern = 75% Color Bar Sinusoidal jitter tolerance (peak-to-peak) Jitter Frequency = 100 KHz Data Rate = 1.485 Gbps (HD) Pattern = 75% Color Bar Jitter Frequency = 148.5 MHz Data Rate = 1.485 Gbps (HD) Pattern = 75% Color Bar SAS Transmit Jitter Generation (17) Total jitter at 1.5 Gbps (G1) Pattern = CJPAT -- -- 0.55 -- -- 0.55 -- -- 0.55 UI Deterministic jitter at 1.5 Gbps (G1) Pattern = CJPAT -- -- 0.35 -- -- 0.35 -- -- 0.35 UI Total jitter at 3.0 Gbps (G2) Pattern = CJPAT -- -- 0.55 -- -- 0.55 -- -- 0.55 UI Deterministic jitter at 3.0 Gbps (G2) Pattern = CJPAT -- -- 0.35 -- -- 0.35 -- -- 0.35 UI Total jitter at 6.0 Gbps (G3) Pattern = CJPAT -- -- 0.25 -- -- 0.25 -- -- 0.25 UI July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum 1-42 Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics Table 1-30. Transceiver Block Jitter Specifications for Stratix IV GX Devices (1), Symbol/ Description Random jitter at 6.0 Gbps (G3) Conditions Pattern = CJPAT SAS Receiver Jitter Tolerance -2 Commercial Speed Grade (2) (Part 7 of 9) -3 Commercial/ Industrial and -2x Commercial Speed Grade -3 Military (3) and -4 Commercial/ Industrial Speed Grade Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max -- 0.15 -- -- 0.15 -- 0.15 -- -- Unit UI (17) Total Jitter tolerance at 1.5 Gbps (G1) Pattern = CJPAT > 0.65 > 0.65 > 0.65 UI Deterministic Jitter tolerance at 1.5 Gbps (G1) Pattern = CJPAT > 0.35 > 0.35 > 0.35 UI > 0.1 > 0.1 > 0.1 UI Sinusoidal Jitter tolerance at 1.5 Gbps (G1) Jitter Frequency = 900 KHz to 5 MHz Pattern = CJTPAT BER = 1E-12 CPRI Transmit Jitter Generation (18) E.6.HV, E.12.HV Pattern = CJPAT Total Jitter E.6.LV, E.12.LV, E.24.LV, E.30.LV -- -- 0.279 -- -- 0.279 -- -- 0.279 UI -- -- 0.35 -- -- 0.35 -- -- 0.35 UI -- -- 0.14 -- -- 0.14 -- -- 0.14 UI -- -- 0.17 -- -- 0.17 -- -- 0.17 UI Pattern = CJTPAT E.6.HV, E.12.HV Pattern = CJPAT Deterministic Jitter E.6.LV, E.12.LV, E.24.LV, E.30.LV Pattern = CJTPAT CPRI Receiver Jitter Tolerance Total jitter tolerance Deterministic jitter tolerance Total jitter tolerance (18) E.6.HV, E.12.HV Pattern = CJPAT E.6.HV, E.12.HV Pattern = CJPAT E.6.LV, E.12.LV, E.24.LV, E.30.LV > 0.66 > 0.66 > 0.66 UI > 0.4 > 0.4 > 0.4 UI > 0.65 > 0.65 > 0.65 UI > 0.37 > 0.37 > 0.37 UI > 0.55 > 0.55 > 0.55 UI Pattern = CJTPAT Deterministic jitter tolerance Combined deterministic and random jitter tolerance E.6.LV, E.12.LV, E.24.LV, E.30.LV Pattern = CJTPAT E.6.LV, E.12.LV, E.24.LV, E.30.LV Pattern = CJTPAT Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum July 2012 Altera Corporation Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-43 Table 1-30. Transceiver Block Jitter Specifications for Stratix IV GX Devices (1), Symbol/ Description Conditions OBSAI Transmit Jitter Generation (Part 8 of 9) -3 Commercial/ Industrial and -2x Commercial Speed Grade -3 Military (3) and -4 Commercial/ Industrial Speed Grade Unit Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max -- -- 0.35 -- -- 0.35 -- -- 0.35 UI -- -- 0.17 -- -- 0.17 -- -- 0.17 UI (19) Total jitter at 768 Mbps, 1536 Mbps, and 3072 Mbps REFCLK = 153.6MHz Deterministic jitter at 768 Mbps, 1536 Mbps, and 3072 Mbps REFCLK = 153.6MHz Pattern = CJPAT Pattern = CJPAT OBSAI Receiver Jitter Tolerance -2 Commercial Speed Grade (2) (19) Deterministic jitter tolerance at 768 Mbps, 1536 Mbps, and 3072 Mbps Pattern = CJPAT > 0.37 > 0.37 > 0.37 UI Combined deterministic and random jitter tolerance at 768 Mbps, 1536 Mbps, and 3072 Mbps Pattern = CJPAT > 0.55 > 0.55 > 0.55 UI Jitter Frequency = 5.4 KHz > 8.5 > 8.5 > 8.5 UI > 0.1 > 0.1 > 0.1 UI > 8.5 > 8.5 > 8.5 UI > 0.1 > 0.1 > 0.1 UI Sinusoidal Jitter tolerance at 768 Mbps Pattern = CJPAT Jitter Frequency = 460 MHz to 20 MHz Pattern = CJPAT Jitter Frequency = 10.9 KHz Sinusoidal Jitter tolerance at 1536 Mbps Pattern = CJPAT Jitter Frequency = 921.6 MHz to 20 MHz Pattern = CJPAT July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum 1-44 Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics Table 1-30. Transceiver Block Jitter Specifications for Stratix IV GX Devices (1), Symbol/ Description Conditions -2 Commercial Speed Grade Min Typ Jitter Frequency = 21.8 KHz Sinusoidal Jitter tolerance at 3072 Mbps Max (2) (Part 9 of 9) -3 Commercial/ Industrial and -2x Commercial Speed Grade -3 Military (3) and -4 Commercial/ Industrial Speed Grade Min Min Typ Typ Max Unit Max > 8.5 > 8.5 > 8.5 UI > 0.1 > 0.1 > 0.1 UI Pattern = CJPAT Jitter Frequency = 1843.2 MHz to 20 MHz Pattern = CJPAT Notes to Table 1-30: (1) Dedicated refclk pins were used to drive the input reference clocks. (2) The Jitter numbers are valid for the stated conditions only. (3) Stratix IV GX devices in military speed grade only support selected transceiver configuration up to 3125 Mbps. For more information, contact Altera sales representative. (4) The jitter numbers for SONET/SDH are compliant to the GR-253-CORE Issue 3 Specification. (5) The jitter numbers for Fibre Channel are compliant to the FC-PI-4 Specification revision 6.10. (6) The jitter numbers for XAUI are compliant to the IEEE802.3ae-2002 Specification. (7) The jitter numbers for PCI Express (PIPE) (PCIe) are compliant to the PCIe Base Specification 2.0. (8) The jitter numbers for Serial RapidIO are compliant to the RapidIO Specification 1.3. (9) The jitter numbers for GIGE are compliant to the IEEE802.3-2002 Specification. (10) The jitter numbers for HiGig are compliant to the IEEE802.3ae-2002 Specification. (11) The jitter numbers for (OIF) CEI are compliant to the OIF-CEI-02.0 Specification. (12) The HD-SDI and 3G-SDI jitter numbers are compliant to the SMPTE292M and SMPTE424M Specifications. (13) The fibre channel transmitter jitter generation numbers are compliant to the specification at T interoperability point. (14) The fibre channel receiver jitter tolerance numbers are compliant to the specification at R interoperability point. (15) You must use the ATX PLL adjacent to the transceiver channels to meet the transmitter jitter generation compliance in PCIe Gen2 x8 modes. (16) Stratix IV PCIe receivers are compliant to this specification provided the VTX-CM-DC-ACTIVEIDLE-DELTA of the upstream transmitter is less than 50mV. (17) The jitter numbers for Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) are compliant to the SAS-2.1 Specification. (18) The jitter numbers for CPRI are compliant to the CPRI Specification V3.0. (19) The jitter numbers for OBSAI are compliant to the OBSAI RP3 Specification V4.1. Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum July 2012 Altera Corporation Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-45 Table 1-31 lists the transceiver jitter specifications for protocols supported by Stratix IV GT devices. Table 1-31. Transceiver Jitter Specifications for Protocols by Stratix IV GT Devices (Part 1 of 2) Symbol/ Description Conditions XLAUI/CAUI Transmit Jitter Generation Total Jitter -1 Industrial Speed Grade -2 Industrial Speed Grade -3 Industrial Speed Grade Unit Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max -- -- 0.30 -- -- 0.30 -- -- 0.30 UI -- -- 0.17 -- -- 0.17 -- -- 0.17 UI (1), (3) Pattern = PRBS-31 VOD = 800 mV Deterministic Jitter REFCLK = 644.53 MHz 4 (XLAUI)/ 10 (CAUI) channels in Basic x1 mode XLAUI/CAUI Receiver Jitter Tolerance Total Jitter tolerance (1) Pattern = PRBS-31 > 0.62 > 0.62 -- UI >5 >5 -- UI > 0.05 > 0.05 -- UI Jitter Frequency = 40 KHz Pattern = PRBS-31 Equalization = Disabled Sinusoidal Jitter tolerance BER = 1E-12 Jitter Frequency 4 MHz Pattern = PRBS-31 Equalization = Disabled BER = 1E-12 XFI Transmitter Jitter Generation (2), (3) Pattern = PRBS-31 Total jitter at 10.3125 Gbps Vod = 800 mV REFCLK = 644.53 MHz -- -- 0.3 -- -- 0.3 -- -- -- UI -- -- 0.30 -- -- 0.30 -- -- 0.30 UI -- -- 0.17 -- -- 0.17 -- -- 0.17 UI 10 channels in Basic x1 mode OTL 4.10 (1), (3) Total Jitter at 11.18 Gbps Pattern = PRBS-31 Deterministic Jitter REFCLK = 698.75 MHz July 2012 VOD = 800 mV Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum 1-46 Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics Table 1-31. Transceiver Jitter Specifications for Protocols by Stratix IV GT Devices (Part 2 of 2) Symbol/ Description Conditions -1 Industrial Speed Grade Min Typ Max -2 Industrial Speed Grade Min Typ Max -3 Industrial Speed Grade Min Typ Unit Max Jitter Frequency = 40 KHz Pattern = PRBS-31 Equalization = Disabled Sinusoidal Jitter tolerance >5 >5 -- UI > 0.05 > 0.05 -- UI BER = 1E-12 Jitter Frequency 4 MHz Pattern = PRBS-31 Equalization = Disabled BER = 1E-12 Notes to Table 1-31: (1) The jitter numbers for XLAUI/CAUI are compliant to the IEEE P802.3ba specification. (2) Stratix IV GT transceivers are compliant to the XFI datacom transmitter jitter specifications in Table 9 of XFP Revision 4.1. (3) Contact Altera for board and link best practices at BER = 1E-15. Table 1-32 lists the SFI-S transmitter jitter specifications for Stratix IV GT devices. Table 1-32. SFI-S Transmitter Jitter Specifications for Stratix IV GT Devices Symbol/Description Conditions (1), (2) -1 Industrial Speed Grade -2 Industrial Speed Grade -3 Industrial Speed Grade Mean Mean Mean -- -- Unit Pattern = PRBS-31 Total Transmitter jitter at 11.3 Gbps (4) Vod = 800 mV REFCLK = 706.25 MHz 0.23 UI (3) UI 12 channels in Basic x1 mode Notes to Table 1-32: (1) Dedicated refclk pins were used to drive the input reference clocks. (2) The jitter numbers are valid for stated conditions only. (3) Two hundred channels were characterized to derive the mean transmitter jitter specification of 0.23 UI. The maximum jitter across the 200 units characterized was 0.30 UI. (4) Contact Altera for board and link best practices at BER = 1E-15. Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum July 2012 Altera Corporation Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-47 Transceiver Datapath PCS Latency f For more information about: Basic mode PCS latency, refer to Figure 1-90 through Figure 1-97 in the Transceiver Architecture in Stratix IV Devices chapter. PCIe mode PCS latency, refer to Figure 1-102 in the Transceiver Architecture in Stratix IV Devices chapter. XAUI mode PCS latency, refer to Figure 1-119 in the Transceiver Architecture in Stratix IV Devices chapter. GIGE mode PCS latency, refer to Figure 1-128 in the Transceiver Architecture in Stratix IV Devices chapter. SONET/SDH mode PCS latency, refer to Figure 1-136 in the Transceiver Architecture in Stratix IV Devices chapter. SDI mode PCS latency, refer to Figure 1-141 in the Transceiver Architecture in Stratix IV Devices chapter. (OIF) CEI PHY mode PCS latency, refer to Figure 1-143 in the Transceiver Architecture in Stratix IV Devices chapter. Core Performance Specifications This section describes the clock tree, phase-locked loop (PLL), digital signal processing (DSP), TriMatrix, configuration, JTAG, and chip-wide reset (Dev_CLRn) specifications. For the Stratix IV GT -1 and -2 speed grade specifications, refer to the -2/-2x speed grade column. For the Stratix IV GT -3 speed grade specification, refer to the -3 speed grade column, unless otherwise specified. Clock Tree Specifications Table 1-33 lists the clock tree specifications for Stratix IV devices. Table 1-33. Clock Tree Performance for Stratix IV Devices Performance Unit Symbol July 2012 -2/-2x Speed Grade -3 Speed Grade -4 Speed Grade Global clock and Regional clock 800 700 500 MHz Periphery clock 550 500 500 MHz Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum 1-48 Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics PLL Specifications Table 1-34 lists the Stratix IV PLL specifications when operating in the commercial (0 to 85C), industrial (-40 to 100C), and military (-55C to 125C) junction temperature ranges. Table 1-34. PLL Specifications for Stratix IV Devices (Part 1 of 2) Symbol Parameter Input clock frequency (-2/-2x speed grade) fIN fINPFD fVCO (2) tEINDUTY fOUT fOUT_EXT Min 5 Typ -- Max Unit 800 (1) MHz MHz MHz Input clock frequency (-3 speed grade) 5 -- 717 (1) Input clock frequency (-4 speed grade) 5 -- 717 (1) Input frequency to the PFD 5 -- 325 MHz PLL VCO operating range (-2 speed grade) 600 -- 1600 MHz PLL VCO operating range (-3 speed grade) 600 -- 1300 MHz PLL VCO operating range (-4 speed grade) 600 -- 1300 MHz Input clock or external feedback clock input duty cycle 40 -- 60 % Output frequency for internal global or regional clock (-2/-2x speed grade) -- -- 800 (3) MHz Output frequency for internal global or regional clock (-3 speed grade) -- -- 717 (3) MHz Output frequency for internal global or regional clock (-4 speed grade) -- -- 717 (3) MHz Output frequency for external clock output (-2 speed grade) -- -- 800 (3) MHz 717 (3) MHz 717 (3) MHz Output frequency for external clock output (-3 speed grade) Output frequency for external clock output (-4 speed grade) -- -- -- -- tOUTDUTY Duty cycle for external clock output (when set to 50%) 45 50 55 % tFCOMP External feedback clock compensation time -- -- 10 ns tCONFIGPLL Time required to reconfigure scan chain -- 3.5 -- scanclk cycles tCONFIGPHASE Time required to reconfigure phase shift -- 1 -- scanclk cycles fSCANCLK scanclk frequency -- -- 100 MHz tLOCK Time required to lock from end-of-device configuration or de-assertion of areset -- -- 1 ms tDLOCK Time required to lock dynamically (after switchover or reconfiguring any non-post-scale counters/delays) -- -- 1 ms PLL closed-loop low bandwidth -- 0.3 -- MHz -- 1.5 -- MHz -- 4 -- MHz fCLBW PLL closed-loop medium bandwidth PLL closed-loop high bandwidth (8) tPLL_PSERR Accuracy of PLL phase shift -- -- 50 ps tARESET Minimum pulse width on the areset signal 10 -- -- ns tINCCJ (4), (5) tOUTPJ_DC (6) Input clock cycle to cycle jitter (FREF 100 MHz) -- -- 0.15 UI (p-p) Input clock cycle to cycle jitter (FREF < 100 MHz) -- -- 750 ps (p-p) Period Jitter for dedicated clock output (FOUT 100 MHz) -- -- 175 ps (p-p) Period Jitter for dedicated clock output (FOUT < 100 MHz) -- -- 17.5 mUI (p-p) Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum July 2012 Altera Corporation Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-49 Table 1-34. PLL Specifications for Stratix IV Devices (Part 2 of 2) Symbol tOUTCCJ_DC tOUTPJ_IO (6) (6), (9) tOUTCCJ_IO (6), (9) tCASC_OUTPJ_DC (6), (7) fDRIFT Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Cycle to Cycle Jitter for dedicated clock output (FOUT 100 MHz) -- -- 175 ps (p-p) Cycle to Cycle Jitter for dedicated clock output (FOUT < 100 MHz) -- -- 17.5 mUI (p-p) Period Jitter for clock output on regular I/O (FOUT 100 MHz) -- -- 600 ps (p-p) Period Jitter for clock output on regular I/O (FOUT < 100 MHz) -- -- 60 mUI (p-p) Cycle to Cycle Jitter for clock output on regular I/O (FOUT 100 MHz) -- -- 600 ps (p-p) Cycle to Cycle Jitter for clock output on regular I/O (FOUT < 100 MHz) -- -- 60 mUI (p-p) Period Jitter for dedicated clock output in cascaded PLLs (FOUT 100MHz) -- -- 250 ps (p-p) Period Jitter for dedicated clock output in cascaded PLLs (FOUT < 100MHz) -- -- 25 mUI (p-p) Frequency drift after PFDENA is disabled for duration of 100 us -- -- 10 % Notes to Table 1-34: (1) This specification is limited in the Quartus II software by the I/O maximum frequency. The maximum I/O frequency is different for each I/O standard. (2) The VCO frequency reported by the Quartus II software in the PLL summary section of the compilation report takes into consideration the VCO post-scale counter K value. Therefore, if the counter K has a value of 2, the frequency reported can be lower than the fVCO specification. (3) This specification is limited by the lower of the two: I/O FMAX or FOUT of the PLL. (4) A high input jitter directly affects the PLL output jitter. To have low PLL output clock jitter, you must provide a clean clock source that is less than 120 ps. (5) FREF is fIN/N when N = 1. (6) Peak-to-peak jitter with a probability level of 10-12 (14 sigma, 99.99999999974404% confidence level). The output jitter specification applies to the intrinsic jitter of the PLL, when an input jitter of 30 ps is applied. The external memory interface clock output jitter specifications use a different measurement method and are available in Table 1-51 on page 1-62. (7) The cascaded PLL specification is only applicable with the following condition: A. Upstream PLL: 0.59Mhz Upstream PLL BW < 1 MHz B. Downstream PLL: Downstream PLL BW > 2 MHz (8) High bandwidth PLL settings are not supported in external feedback mode. (9) External memory interface clock output jitter specifications use a different measurement method, which is available in Table 1-49 on page 1-61. July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum 1-50 Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics DSP Block Specifications Table 1-35 lists the Stratix IV DSP block performance specifications. Table 1-35. Block Performance Specifications for Stratix IV DSP Devices (1) Resources Used Performance Number of Multipliers -1 Industrial and-2/-2x Commercial/ Industrial Speed Grade 9x9-bit multiplier (A, C, E, G) (2) 1 520 460 460 400 400 MHz 9x9-bit multiplier (B, D, F, H) (2) 1 520 460 460 400 400 MHz 1 540 500 500 440 440 MHz 1 540 500 500 440 430 MHz 18x18-bit multiplier 1 600 550 550 480 480 MHz 36x36-bit multiplier 1 480 440 440 380 380 MHz 18x18-bit multiply accumulator 4 490 440 440 380 380 MHz 18x18-bit multiply adder 4 510 470 470 410 400 MHz 18x18-bit multiply adder-signed full precision 2 490 450 440 390 390 MHz 18x18-bit multiply adder with loopback (4) 2 390 350 350 310 300 MHz 36-bit shift (32-bit data) 1 490 440 440 380 380 MHz Double mode 1 480 440 440 380 370 MHz Mode 12x12-bit multiplier (A, E) (3) 12x12-bit multiplier (B, D, F, H) (3) -3 -3 -4 -4 Commercial Industrial Commercial Industrial Speed Speed Speed Speed Grade Grade Grade Grade Unit Notes to Table 1-35: (1) Maximum is for fully pipelined block with Round and Saturation disabled. (2) The DSP block implements eight independent 9b9b multiplies using A, B, C, D for the top DSP half block and E, F, G, H for the bottom DSP half block multipliers. (3) The DSP block implements six independent 12b12b multiplies using A, B, D for the top DSP half block and E, F, H for the bottom DSP half block multipliers. (4) Maximum for loopback input registers disabled, Round and Saturation disabled, and pipeline and output registers enabled. Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum July 2012 Altera Corporation Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-51 TriMatrix Memory Block Specifications Table 1-36 lists the Stratix IV TriMatrix memory block specifications. Table 1-36. TriMatrix Memory Block Performance Specifications for Stratix IV Devices (1) (Part 1 of 2) Resources Used Memory MLAB (3) M9K Block (3) July 2012 Mode Performance -3 -1 Industrial -3 -4 -4 Industrial/ and -2 /-2x Commercial/ Industrial Commercial/ Military TriMatrix ALUTs Commercial/ Industrial/ Speed Industrial Speed Memory Industrial Military Grade Grade Speed Grade (2) Speed Grade Speed Grade (2) Unit Single port 64x10 0 1 600 500 450 500 450 MHz Simple dual-port 32x20 0 1 600 500 450 500 450 MHz Simple dual-port 64x10 0 1 600 500 450 500 450 MHz ROM 64x10 0 1 600 500 450 500 450 MHz ROM 32x20 0 1 600 500 450 500 450 MHz Single-port 256x36 0 1 600 540 475 540 475 MHz Simple dual-port 256x36 0 1 550 490 420 490 420 MHz Simple dual-port 256x36, with the read-during-write option set to Old Data 0 1 375 340 300 340 300 MHz True dual port 512x18 0 1 490 430 370 430 370 MHz True dual-port 512x18, with the read-during-write option set to Old Data 0 1 375 335 290 335 290 MHz ROM 1 Port 0 1 600 540 475 540 475 MHz ROM 2 Port 0 1 600 540 475 540 475 MHz Min Pulse Width (clock high time) -- -- 750 800 850 800 850 ps Min Pulse Width (clock low time) -- -- 500 625 690 625 690 ps Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum 1-52 Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics Table 1-36. TriMatrix Memory Block Performance Specifications for Stratix IV Devices (1) (Part 2 of 2) Resources Used Memory M144K Block (3) Performance -3 -4 -1 Industrial -3 -4 Industrial/ Industrial and -2 /-2x Commercial/ TriMatrix Commercial/ Military Speed ALUTs Commercial/ Industrial/ Memory Industrial Speed Grade Industrial Military Speed Grade Grade (2) Speed Grade Speed Grade (2) Mode Unit Single-port 4Kx36 0 1 475 440 380 400 350 MHz Simple dual-port 2Kx72 0 1 465 435 385 375 325 MHz Simple dual-port 2Kx72, with the read-during-write option set to Old Data 0 1 260 240 205 225 200 MHz Simple dual-port 2Kx64 (with ECC) 0 1 335 300 255 295 250 MHz True dual-port 4Kx36 0 1 400 375 330 350 310 MHz True dual-port 4Kx36, with the read-during-write option set to Old Data 0 1 245 230 205 225 200 MHz ROM 1 Port 0 1 540 500 435 450 420 MHz ROM 2 Port 0 1 500 465 400 425 400 MHz Min Pulse Width (clock high time) -- -- 700 755 860 860 950 ps Min Pulse Width (clock low time) -- -- 500 625 690 690 690 ps Notes to Table 1-36: (1) To achieve the maximum memory block performance, use a memory block clock that comes through global clock routing from an on-chip PLL set to 50% output duty cycle. Use the Quartus II software to report timing for this and other memory block clocking schemes. (2) This is only applicable to the Stratix IV E and GX devices. (3) When you use the error detection CRC feature, there is no degradation in FMAX. Configuration and JTAG Specifications Table 1-37 lists the Stratix IV configuration mode specifications. Table 1-37. Configuration Mode Specifications for Stratix IV Devices DCLK FMAX Programming Mode Passive serial Fast passive parallel Fast active serial Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum (1) Unit Min Typ Max -- -- 125 MHz -- -- 125 MHz 17 26 40 MHz July 2012 Altera Corporation Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-53 Table 1-37. Configuration Mode Specifications for Stratix IV Devices DCLK FMAX Programming Mode Remote update only in fast AS mode Unit Min Typ Max 4.3 5.3 10 MHz Note to Table 1-37: (1) This denotes the maximum frequency supported in the FPP configuration scheme. The frequency supported for each device may vary depending on device density. For more information, refer to the Configuration, Design Security, and Remote System Upgrades in Stratix IV Devices chapter. Table 1-38 lists the JTAG timing parameters and values for Stratix IV devices. Table 1-38. JTAG Timing Parameters and Values for Stratix IV Devices Symbol Description Min Max Unit tJCP TCK clock period 30 -- ns tJCH TCK clock high time 14 -- ns tJCL TCK clock low time 14 -- ns tJPSU (TDI) TDI JTAG port setup time 1 -- ns tJPSU (TMS) TMS JTAG port setup time 3 -- ns tJPH JTAG port hold time 5 -- ns tJPCO JTAG port clock to output -- tJPZX JTAG port high impedance to valid output tJPXZ -- JTAG port valid output to high impedance -- 11 (1) ns 14 (1) ns 14 (1) ns Note to Table 1-38: (1) A 1 ns adder is required for each VCCIO voltage step down from 3.0 V. For example, tJPCO = 12 ns if VCCIO of the TDO I/O bank = 2.5 V, or 13 ns if it equals 1.8 V. Temperature Sensing Diode Specifications Table 1-39 lists the specifications for the Stratix IV temperature sensing diode. Table 1-39. External Temperature Sensing Diode Specifications for Stratix IV Devices Description Min Typ Max Unit Ibias, diode source current 8 -- 500 A Vbias, voltage across diode 0.3 -- 0.9 V Series resistance -- -- <5 1.026 1.028 1.030 -- Diode ideality factor Table 1-40 lists the specifications for the Stratix IV internal temperature sensing diode. Table 1-40. Internal Temperature Sensing Diode Specifications for Stratix IV Devices Temperature Range Accuracy Offset Calibrated Option Sampling Rate Conversion Time Resolution Minimum Resolution with No Missing Codes -40 to 100 C 8 C No Frequency: 500 kHz, 1 MHz < 100 ms 8 bits 8 bits July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum 1-54 Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics Chip-Wide Reset (Dev_CLRn) Specifications Table 1-41 lists the specifications for the Stratix IV chip-wide reset (Dev_CLRn). This specifications denote the minimum pulse width of the Dev_CLRn signal required to clear all the device registers. Table 1-41. Chip-Wide Reset (DEV_CLRn) Specifications Description Dev_CLRn Min Typ Max Unit 500 -- -- s Periphery Performance This section describes periphery performance, including high-speed I/O and external memory interface. I/O performance supports several system interfaces, such as the LVDS high-speed I/O interface, external memory interface, and the PCI/PCI-X bus interface. General-purpose I/O standards such as 3.3-, 2.5-, 1.8-, and 1.5-LVTTL/LVCMOS are capable of typical 167 MHz and 1.2 LVCMOS at 100 MHz interfacing frequency with 10 pF load. For the Stratix IV GT -1 and -2 speed grade specifications, refer to the -2/-2x speed grade column. For the Stratix IV GT -3 speed grade specification, refer to the -3 speed grade column, unless otherwise specified. 1 Actual achievable frequency depends on design- and system-specific factors. You must perform HSPICE/IBIS simulations based on your specific design and system setup to determine the maximum achievable frequency in your system. High-Speed I/O Specification Table 1-42 lists the high-speed I/O timing for Stratix IV devices. Table 1-42. High-Speed I/O Specifications (1), (2) (Part 1 of 3) -2/-2x Speed Grade Symbol fHSCLK_in (input clock frequency) True Differential I/O Standards fHSCLK_in (input clock frequency) Single Ended I/O Standards (10) fHSCLK_in (input clock frequency) Single Ended I/O Standards (11) fHSCLK_OUT (output clock frequency) -4 Speed Grade -3 Speed Grade Conditions Unit Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max 5 -- 800 5 -- 717 5 -- 717 MHz 5 -- 800 5 -- 717 5 -- 717 MHz (3) 5 -- 520 5 -- 420 5 -- 420 MHz -- 5 -- 5 -- 5 -- Clock boost factor W = 1 to 40 (3) Clock boost factor W = 1 to 40 (3) Clock boost factor W = 1 to 40 Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum 800 (8) 717 (8) 717 (8) July 2012 Altera Corporation MHz Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics Table 1-42. High-Speed I/O Specifications (1), (2) 1-55 (Part 2 of 3) -2/-2x Speed Grade Symbol -3 Speed Grade -4 Speed Grade Conditions Unit Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max (4) -- 1600 (4) -- 1250 (4) -- 1250 Mbps SERDES factor J = 2, Uses DDR Registers (4) -- (5) (4) -- (5) (4) -- (5) Mbps SERDES factor J = 1, Uses an SDR Register (4) -- (5) (4) -- (5) (4) -- (5) Mbps (4) -- 1250 (4) -- 1152 (4) -- 800 Mbps (4) -- 311 (4) -- 200 (4) -- 200 Mbps Total Jitter for Data Rate, 600 Mbps to 1.6 Gbps -- -- 160 -- -- 160 -- -- 160 ps Total Jitter for Data Rate, < 600 Mbps -- -- 0.1 -- -- 0.1 -- -- 0.1 UI Total Jitter for Data Rate, 600 Mbps to 1.25 Gbps -- -- 300 -- -- 300 -- -- 325 ps Total Jitter for Data Rate < 600 Mbps -- -- 0.2 -- -- 0.2 -- -- 0.25 UI -- -- -- 0.125 -- -- 0.15 -- -- 0.15 UI Tx output clock duty cycle for both True and Emulated Differential I/O Standards 45 50 55 45 50 55 45 50 55 % True Differential I/O Standards -- -- 160 -- -- 200 -- -- 200 ps Emulated Differential I/O Standards with Three External Output Resistor Networks -- -- 250 -- -- 250 -- -- 300 ps Emulated Differential I/O Standards with One External Output Resistor -- -- 460 -- -- 500 -- -- 500 ps Transmitter SERDES factor J = 3 to 10 True Differential I/O Standards - fHSDR (data rate) Emulated Differential I/O Standards with Three External Output Resistor Networks - fHSDR (data rate) (6) (9) SERDES factor J = 4 to 10 Emulated Differential I/O Standards with One External Output Resistor - fHSDR (data rate) tx Jitter - True Differential I/O Standards tx Jitter - Emulated Differential I/O Standards with Three External Output Resistor Network tx Jitter - Emulated Differential I/O Standards with One External Output Resistor Network tDUTY tRISE & tFALL July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum 1-56 Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics Table 1-42. High-Speed I/O Specifications (1), (2) (Part 3 of 3) -2/-2x Speed Grade Symbol TCCS -4 Speed Grade -3 Speed Grade Conditions Unit Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max True Differential I/O Standards -- -- 100 -- -- 100 -- -- 100 ps Emulated Differential I/o Standards -- -- 250 -- -- 250 -- -- 250 ps SERDES factor J = 3 to 10 150 -- 1600 150 -- 1250 150 -- 1250 Mbps SERDES factor J = 3 to 10 (4) -- (7) (4) -- (7) (4) -- (7) Mbps SERDES factor J = 2, Uses DDR Registers (4) -- (5) (4) -- (5) (4) -- (5) Mbps SERDES factor J = 1, Uses an SDR Register (4) -- (5) (4) -- (5) (4) -- (5) Mbps -- -- -- 10000 -- -- 10000 -- -- 10000 UI -- -- -- 300 -- -- 300 -- -- 300 PPM -- -- -- 300 -- -- 300 -- -- 300 ps Receiver True Differential I/O Standards fHSDRDPA (data rate) fHSDR (data rate) DPA Mode DPA run length Soft CDR mode Soft-CDR PPM tolerance Non DPA Mode Sampling Window Notes to Table 1-42: (1) When J = 3 to 10, use the serializer/deserializer (SERDES) block. (2) When J = 1 or 2, bypass the SERDES block. (3) Clock Boost Factor (W) is the ratio between input data rate to the input clock rate. (4) The minimum specification depends on the clock source (for example, the PLL and clock pin) and the clock routing resource (global, regional, or local) that you use. The I/O differential buffer and input register do not have a minimum toggle rate. (5) The maximum ideal frequency is the SERDES factor (J) x the PLL maximum output frequency (fOUT) provided you can close the design timing and the signal integrity simulation is clean. (6) You must calculate the leftover timing margin in the receiver by performing link timing closure analysis. You must consider the board skew margin, transmitter channel-to-channel skew, and receiver sampling margin to determine leftover timing margin. (7) You can estimate the achievable maximum data rate for non-DPA mode by performing link timing closure analysis. You must consider the board skew margin, transmitter delay margin, and the receiver sampling margin to determine the maximum data rate supported. (8) This is achieved by using the LVDS and DPA clock network. (9) If the receiver with DPA enabled and transmitter are using shared PLLs, the minimum data rate is 150 Mbps. (10) This only applies to DPA and soft-CDR modes. (11) This only applies to LVDS source synchronous mode. Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum July 2012 Altera Corporation Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-57 Table 1-43 lists the DPA lock time specifications for Stratix IV ES devices. Table 1-43. DPA Lock Time Specifications--Stratix IV ES Devices Only Standard SPI-4 Training Pattern Number of Data Transitions in one repetition of training pattern 00000000001111111111 00001111 2 Number of repetitions per 256 data transitions 128 Parallel Rapid I/O 10010000 10101010 4 64 8 32 Miscellaneous 01010101 8 Condition Maximum without DPA PLL calibration 256 data transitions with DPA PLL calibration 3x256 data transitions + 2x96 slow clock cycles (5) without DPA PLL calibration 256 data transitions with DPA PLL calibration 3x256 data transitions + 2x96 slow clock cycles (5) without DPA PLL calibration 256 data transitions with DPA PLL calibration 3x256 data transitions + 2x96 slow clock cycles (5) without DPA PLL calibration 256 data transitions with DPA PLL calibration 3x256 data transitions + 2x96 slow clock cycles (5) without DPA PLL calibration 256 data transitions with DPA PLL calibration 3x256 data transitions + 2x96 slow clock cycles (5) (4) 128 2 (1), (2), (3) 32 Notes to Table 1-43: (1) The DPA lock time is for one channel. (2) One data transition is defined as a 0-to-1 or 1-to-0 transition. (3) The DPA lock time applies to commercial, industrial, and military speed grades. (4) This is the number of repetition for the stated training pattern to achieve 256 data transitions. (5) Slow clock = Data rate (Mbps)/Deserialization factor. Figure 1-4 shows the DPA lock time specifications with DPA PLL calibration enabled. Figure 1-4. DPA Lock Time Specification with DPA PLL Calibration Enabled rx_reset DPA Lock Time rx_dpa_locked 256 data transitions July 2012 Altera Corporation 96 slow clock cycles 256 data transitions 96 slow clock cycles 256 data transitions Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum 1-58 Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics Table 1-44 lists the DPA lock time specifications for Stratix IV GX and GT devices. Table 1-44. DPA Lock Time Specifications--Stratix IV GX and GT Devices Only Standard Training Pattern SPI-4 Number of Data Transitions in One Repetition of the Training Pattern (1), (2), (3) Number of Repetitions per 256 Data Transitions Maximum (4) 00000000001111111111 2 128 640 data transitions 00001111 2 128 640 data transitions 10010000 4 64 640 data transitions 10101010 8 32 640 data transitions 01010101 8 32 640 data transitions Parallel Rapid I/O Miscellaneous Notes to Table 1-44: (1) The DPA lock time is for one channel. (2) One data transition is defined as a 0-to-1 or 1-to-0 transition. (3) The DPA lock time stated in the table applies to commercial, industrial, and military speed grades. (4) This is the number of repetitions for the stated training pattern to achieve the 256 data transitions. Figure 1-5 shows the LVDS soft-CDR/DPA sinusoidal jitter tolerance specification for a data rate equal to or higher than 1.25 Gbps. Table 1-45 lists this information in table form. Figure 1-5. LVDS Soft-CDR/DPA Sinusoidal Jitter Tolerance Specification for a Data Rate Equal to or Higher Than 1.25 Gbps LVDS Soft-CDR/DPA Sinusoidal Jitter Tolerance Specification Jitter Amphlitude (UI) 25 8.5 0.35 0.1 F1 F2 F3 F4 Jitter Frequency (Hz) Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum July 2012 Altera Corporation Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-59 Table 1-45 lists the LVDS soft-CDR/DPA sinusoidal jitter tolerance specification for a data rate equal to or higher than 1.25 Gbps. Table 1-45. LVDS Soft-CDR/DPA Sinusoidal Jitter Mask Values for a Data Rate Equal to or Higher than 1.25 Gbps Jitter Frequency (Hz) F1 Sinusoidal Jitter (UI) 10,000 25.000 F2 17,565 25.000 F3 1,493,000 0.350 F4 50,000,000 0.350 Figure 1-6 shows the LVDS soft-CDR/DPA sinusoidal jitter tolerance specification for a data rate less than 1.25 Gbps. Figure 1-6. LVDS Soft-CDR/DPA Sinusoidal Jitter Tolerance Specification for a Data Rate Less than 1.25 Gbps Sinusoidal Jitter Amplitude 20db/dec 0.1 UI P-P Frequency 20 MHz baud/1667 When the data rate is equals to 800 Mbps, the LVDS soft-CDR/DPA sinusoidal jitter tolerance allows up to 0.1 UI (125 ps) for jitter frequencies between 479.9 kHz and 20 MHz. DLL and DQS Logic Block Specifications Table 1-46 lists the DLL frequency range specifications for Stratix IV devices. Table 1-46. DLL Frequency Range Specifications for Stratix IV Devices (Part 1 of 2) Frequency Range (MHz) -2/-2x Speed Grade -3 Speed Grade -4 Speed Grade Available Phase Shift DQS Delay Buffer Mode (1) Number of Delay Chains 0 90-140 90-130 90-120 22.5, 45, 67.5, 90 Low 16 1 120-180 120-170 120-160 30, 60, 90, 120 Low 12 2 150-220 150-210 150-200 36, 72, 108, 144 Low 10 3 180-280 180-260 180-240 45, 90,135, 180 Low 8 Frequency Mode July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum 1-60 Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics Table 1-46. DLL Frequency Range Specifications for Stratix IV Devices (Part 2 of 2) Frequency Range (MHz) Frequency Mode DQS Delay Buffer Mode (1) Number of Delay Chains -2/-2x Speed Grade -3 Speed Grade -4 Speed Grade Available Phase Shift 4 240-350 240-320 240-290 30, 60, 90, 120 High 12 5 290-430 290-380 290-360 36, 72, 108, 144 High 10 6 360-540 360-450 360-450 45, 90, 135, 180 High 8 7 470-700 470-630 470-590 60, 120, 180, 240 High 6 Note to Table 1-46: (1) Low indicates a 6-bit DQS delay setting; high indicates a 5-bit DQS delay setting. Table 1-47 lists the DQS phase offset delay per stage for Stratix IV devices. Table 1-47. DQS Phase Offset Delay Per Setting for Stratix IV Devices (1), (2), (3) Speed Grade Min Max Unit -2/-2x 7 13 ps -3 7 15 ps -4 7 16 ps Notes to Table 1-47: (1) The valid settings for phase offset are -64 to +63 for frequency modes 0 to 3 and -32 to +31 for frequency modes 4 to 6. (2) The typical value equals the average of the minimum and maximum values. (3) The delay settings are linear, with a cumulative delay variation of 40 ps for all speed grades. For example, when using a -2 speed grade and applying a 10 phase offset settings to a 90 phase shift at 400 MHz, the expected average cumulative delay is [625 ps + (10 x 10.5 ps) 20 ps] = 730 ps 20 ps. Table 1-48 lists the DQS phase shift error for Stratix IV devices. Table 1-48. DQS Phase Shift Error Specification for DLL-Delayed Clock (tDQS_PSERR) for Stratix IV Devices (1) Number of DQS Delay Buffer -2/-2X Speed Grade -3 Speed Grade -4 Speed Grade Unit 1 26 28 30 ps 2 52 56 60 ps 3 78 84 90 ps 4 104 112 120 ps Note to Table 1-48: (1) This error specification is the absolute maximum and minimum error. For example, skew on three DQS delay buffers in a -2/-2x speed grade is 78 ps or 39 ps. Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum July 2012 Altera Corporation Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Switching Characteristics 1-61 Table 1-49 lists the memory output clock jitter specifications for Stratix IV devices. Table 1-49. Memory Output Clock Jitter Specification for Stratix IV Devices (1), Clock Network Parameter Symbol (2), (3) -2/-2X Speed Grade -3 Speed Grade -4 Speed Grade Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit Clock period jitter Regional tJIT(per) -50 50 -55 55 -55 55 ps Cycle-to-cycle period jitter Regional tJIT(cc) -100 100 -110 110 -110 110 ps Duty cycle jitter Regional tJIT(duty) -50 50 -82.5 82.5 -82.5 82.5 ps Clock period jitter Global tJIT(per) -75 75 -82.5 82.5 -82.5 82.5 ps Cycle-to-cycle period jitter Global tJIT(cc) -150 150 -165 165 -165 165 ps Duty cycle jitter Global tJIT(duty) -75 75 -90 90 -90 90 ps Notes to Table 1-49: (1) The memory output clock jitter measurements are for 200 consecutive clock cycles, as specified in the JEDEC DDR2/DDR3 SDRAM standard. (2) The clock jitter specification applies to memory output clock pins generated using differential signal-splitter and DDIO circuits clocked by a PLL output routed on a regional or global clock network as specified. Altera recommends using regional clock networks whenever possible. (3) The memory output clock jitter stated in Table 1-49 is applicable when an input jitter of 30 ps is applied. OCT Calibration Block Specifications Table 1-50 lists the OCT calibration block specifications for Stratix IV devices. Table 1-50. OCT Calibration Block Specifications for Stratix IV Devices Symbol Description Min Typ Max Unit OCTUSRCLK Clock required by OCT calibration blocks -- -- 20 MHz TOCTCAL Number of OCTUSRCLK clock cycles required for OCT RS/RT calibration -- 1000 -- Cycles TOCTSHIFT Number of OCTUSRCLK clock cycles required for OCT code to shift out -- 28 -- Cycles TRS_RT Time required between the dyn_term_ctrl and oe signal transitions in a bidirectional I/O buffer to dynamically switch between OCT RS and RT -- 2.5 -- ns July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum 1-62 Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices I/O Timing Figure 1-7 shows the timing diagram for the oe and dyn_term_ctrl signals. Figure 1-7. Timing Diagram for the oe and dyn_term_ctrl Signals Tristate Tristate TX RX RX oe dyn_term_ctrl TRS_RT TRS_RT Duty Cycle Distortion (DCD) Specifications Table 1-51 lists the worst-case DCD for Stratix IV devices. Table 1-51. Worst-Case DCD on Stratix IV I/O Pins (1) Symbol Output Duty Cycle -2/-2x Speed Grade -3 Speed Grade -4 Speed Grade Min Max Min Max Min Max 45 55 45 55 45 55 Unit % Note to Table 1-51: (1) The listed specification is only applicable to the output buffer across different I/O standards. I/O Timing Altera offers two ways to determine I/O timing--the Excel-based I/O Timing and the Quartus II Timing Analyzer. Excel-based I/O Timing provides pin timing performance for each device density and speed grade. The data is typically used prior to designing the FPGA to get an estimate of the timing budget as part of the link timing analysis. The Quartus II Timing Analyzer provides a more accurate and precise I/O timing data based on the specifics of the design after you complete place-and-route. f The Excel-based I/O Timing spreadsheet is downloadable from the Literature: Stratix IV Devices webpage. Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum July 2012 Altera Corporation Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices I/O Timing 1-63 Programmable IOE Delay Table 1-52 lists the Stratix IV IOE programmable delay settings. Table 1-52. IOE Programmable Delay for Stratix IV Devices Fast Model Parameter (1) Available Settings Slow Model Min Offset (2) Industrial/ Military Commercial (3) C2 (3) C3 C4 I3/M3 I4 Unit D1 16 0 0.462 0.505 0.732 0.795 0.857 0.801 0.864 ns D2 8 0 0.234 0.232 0.337 0.372 0.407 0.371 0.405 ns D3 8 0 1.700 1.769 2.695 2.927 3.157 2.948 3.178 ns D4 16 0 0.508 0.554 0.813 0.882 0.952 0.889 0.959 ns D5 16 0 0.472 0.500 0.747 0.799 0.875 0.817 0.882 ns D6 8 0 0.186 0.195 0.294 0.319 0.345 0.321 0.347 ns Notes to Table 1-52: (1) You can set this value in the Quartus II software by selecting D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, and D6 in the Assignment Name column. (2) Minimum offset does not include the intrinsic delay. (3) For the EP4SGX530 device density, the IOE programmable delays have an additional 5% maximum offset. Programmable Output Buffer Delay Table 1-53 lists the delay chain settings that control the rising and falling edge delays of the output buffer. The default delay is 0 ps. Table 1-53. Programmable Output Buffer Delay Symbol DOUTBUF (1) Parameter Rising and/or falling edge delay Typical Unit 0 (default) ps 50 ps 100 ps 150 ps Note to Table 1-53: (1) You can set the programmable output buffer delay in the Quartus II software by setting the Output Buffer Delay Control assignment to either positive, negative, or both edges, with the specific values stated here (in ps) for the Output Buffer Delay assignment. July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum 1-64 Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Glossary Glossary Table 1-54 lists the glossary for this chapter. Table 1-54. Glossary Table (Part 1 of 4) Letter Subject Definitions A, B, C -- -- Receiver Input Waveforms Single-Ended Waveform Positive Channel (p) = VIH VID Negative Channel (n) = VIL VCM Ground Differential Waveform VID p-n=0V VID D Differential I/O Standards Transmitter Output Waveforms Single-Ended Waveform Positive Channel (p) = VOH VOD Negative Channel (n) = VOL VCM Ground Differential Waveform VOD p-n=0V VOD E F G, H, I -- -- fHSCLK Left/right PLL input clock frequency. fHSDR High-speed I/O block: Maximum/minimum LVDS data transfer rate (fHSDR = 1/TUI), non-DPA. fHSDRDPA High-speed I/O block: Maximum/minimum LVDS data transfer rate (fHSDRDPA = 1/TUI), DPA. -- Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum -- July 2012 Altera Corporation Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Glossary 1-65 Table 1-54. Glossary Table (Part 2 of 4) Letter Subject J Definitions High-speed I/O block: Deserialization factor (width of parallel data bus). JTAG Timing Specifications: TMS TDI J t JCP JTAG Timing Specifications t JCH t JCL t JPH t JPSU TCK tJPZX t JPXZ t JPCO TDO K, L, M, N, O -- -- Diagram of PLL Specifications (1) Switchover CLKOUT Pins fOUT_EXT CLK fIN N fINPFD PFD CP LF Core Clock P VCO fVCO Counters C0..C9 fOUT PLL Specifications GCLK RCLK M Key Reconfigurable in User Mode External Feedback Note: (1) Core Clock can only be fed by dedicated clock input pins or PLL outputs. Q R July 2012 -- RL Altera Corporation -- Receiver differential input discrete resistor (external to Stratix IV device). Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum 1-66 Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Glossary Table 1-54. Glossary Table (Part 3 of 4) Letter Subject SW (sampling window) Definitions Timing Diagram--the period of time during which the data must be valid in order to capture it correctly. The setup and hold times determine the ideal strobe position within the sampling window, as shown: Bit Time 0.5 x TCCS RSKM Sampling Window (SW) RSKM 0.5 x TCCS The JEDEC standard for SSTl and HSTL I/O defines both the AC and DC input signal values. The AC values indicate the voltage levels at which the receiver must meet its timing specifications. The DC values indicate the voltage levels at which the final logic state of the receiver is unambiguously defined. After the receiver input has crossed the AC value, the receiver changes to the new logic state. The new logic state is then maintained as long as the input stays beyond the AC threshold. This approach is intended to provide predictable receiver timing in the presence of input waveform ringing, as shown: S Single-Ended Voltage Referenced I/O Standard Single-ended voltage referenced I/O standard VCCIO VOH VIH (AC ) VIH(DC) VREF VIL(DC) VIL(AC ) VOL VSS High-speed receiver/transmitter input and output clock period. tC The timing difference between the fastest and slowest output edges, including tCO variation TCCS (channeland clock skew, across channels driven by the same PLL. The clock is included in the TCCS to-channel-skew) measurement (refer to the Timing Diagram figure under SW in this table). High-speed I/O block: Duty cycle on high-speed transmitter output clock. Timing Unit Interval (TUI) tDUTY The timing budget allowed for skew, propagation delays, and data sampling window. (TUI = 1/(Receiver Input Clock Frequency Multiplication Factor) = tC/w) T U tFALL Signal high-to-low transition time (80-20%) tINCCJ Cycle-to-cycle jitter tolerance on the PLL clock input tOUTPJ_IO Period jitter on the general purpose I/O driven by a PLL tOUTPJ_DC Period jitter on the dedicated clock output driven by a PLL tRISE Signal low-to-high transition time (20-80%) -- Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum -- July 2012 Altera Corporation Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Document Revision History 1-67 Table 1-54. Glossary Table (Part 4 of 4) Letter Subject V W Definitions VCM(DC) DC Common mode input voltage. VICM Input Common mode voltage--The common mode of the differential signal at the receiver. VID Input differential voltage swing--The difference in voltage between the positive and complementary conductors of a differential transmission at the receiver. VDIF(AC) AC differential input voltage--Minimum AC input differential voltage required for switching. VDIF(DC) DC differential input voltage-- Minimum DC input differential voltage required for switching. VIH Voltage input high--The minimum positive voltage applied to the input which is accepted by the device as a logic high. VIH(AC) High-level AC input voltage VIH(DC) High-level DC input voltage VIL Voltage input low--The maximum positive voltage applied to the input which is accepted by the device as a logic low. VIL(AC) Low-level AC input voltage VIL(DC) Low-level DC input voltage VOCM Output Common mode voltage--The common mode of the differential signal at the transmitter. VOD Output differential voltage swing--The difference in voltage between the positive and complementary conductors of a differential transmission at the transmitter. VSWING Differential input voltage VX Input differential cross point voltage VOX Output differential cross point voltage W High-speed I/O block: Clock Boost Factor X, Y, Z -- -- Document Revision History Table 1-55 lists the revision history for this chapter. Table 1-55. Document Revision History (Part 1 of 3) Date July 2012 December 2011 June 2011 July 2012 Version 5.3 5.2 5.1 Altera Corporation Changes Added Table 1-5 and Table 1-40. Updated Table 1-15, Table 1-22, Table 1-23, Table 1-30, Table 1-33, Table 1-35, Table 1-36, Table 1-39, Table 1-42 and Table 1-51. Removed "Schmitt Trigger Input" section. Added Figure 1-7. Updated Table 1-22 and Table 1-41. Added military speed grade information. Updated Table 1-1 and Table 1-30. Updated (Note 3) in Table 1-42 and (Note 3) in Table 1-43. Added military speed grade to Table 1-5, Table 1-10, Table 1-11, Table 1-23, Table 1-30, Table 1-36, and Table 1-51. Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum 1-68 Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Document Revision History Table 1-55. Document Revision History (Part 2 of 3) Date Version Updated Table 1-1, Table 1-5, Table 1-6, Table 1-13, Table 1-16, Table 1-23, and Table 1-24. 4.9 Updated Table 1-24. 4.8 Removed (Note 17) in Table 1-24. 4.7 Added (Note 17) to Table 1-24. Updated Table 1-1, Table 1-5, Table 1-23, Table 1-24, Table 1-30, Table 1-31, Table 1-32, Table 1-34, Table 1-37, Table 1-41, and Table 1-51. Updated the "Recommended Operating Conditions" section. Added the "Schmitt Trigger Input" section.July Minor text edits. Updated Table 1-29. Updated chapter title. Minor text edits. Applied new template. Updated Table 1-1 and Table 1-5. Updated Table 1-7, Table 1-22, Table 1-23, Table 1-33, Table 1-35, Table 1-36, and Table 1-40. Added Table 1-39. Changed "PCI Express" to "PCIe" throughout. Minor text edits Updated Table 1-22, Table 1-23, Table 1-30, Table 1-46, and Table 1-49. Added Table 1-31. Minor text edits. Updated Table 1-11, Table 1-22, Table 1-23, Table 1-24, Table 1-25, Table 1-26, Table 1-27, Table 1-29, Table 1-32, Table 1-33, Table 1-34, Table 1-35, Table 1-39, Table 1-40, Table 1-43, Table 1-46, and Table 1-49. Added Stratix IV GT speed grade note to Table 1-32, Table 1-35, Table 1-39, Table 1-43, Table 1-44, Table 1-45, and Table 1-46. Added Table 1-28 and Table 1-30. Minor text edits. Added Table 1-9, Table 1-15, Table 1-38, and Table 1-39. Added Figure 1-5 and Figure 1-6. Added the "Transceiver Datapath PCS Latency" section. Updated the "Electrical Characteristics", "Operating Conditions", and "I/O Timing" sections. All tables updated except Table 1-16, Table 1-24, Table 1-25, Table 1-26, Table 1-27, Table 1-33, Table 1-34, and Table 1-45. Updated Figure 1-2 and Figure 1-3. Updated Equation 1-1. Deleted Table 1-28, Table 1-29, Table 1-30, Table 1-42, Table 1-43, and Table 1-44. Minor text edits. April 2011 5.0 March 2011 March 2011 February 2011 February 2011 November 2010 September 2010 July 2010 March 2010 February 2010 November 2009 Changes 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 4.0 Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum July 2012 Altera Corporation Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Document Revision History 1-69 Table 1-55. Document Revision History (Part 3 of 3) Date June 2009 March 2009 December 2008 November 2008 August 2008 May 2008 July 2012 Version Changes Added "Preliminary Specifications" to the footer of each page. Updated Table 1-1, Table 1-2, Table 1-7, Table 1-10, Table 1-11, Table 1-12, Table 1-21, Table 1-22, Table 1-23, Table 1-25, Table 1-37, Table 1-38, Table 1-39, Table 1-40, and Table 1-44. Minor text edits. Replaced Table 1-31 and Table 1-37. Updated Table 1-1, Table 1-2, Table 1-5, Table 1-19, Table 1-41, Table 1-44, Table 1-45, Table 1-49, and Table 1-51. Added Table 1-21, Table 1-46, and Table 1-47 Added Figure 1-3. Removed "Timing Model", "Preliminary and Final Timing", "I/O Timing Measurement Methodology", "I/O Default Capacitive Loading", and "Referenced Documents" sections. 3.1 3.0 2.1 2.0 1.1 1.0 Altera Corporation Minor changes. Minor text edits. Updated Table 1-19, Table 1-32, Table 1-34 - Table 1-39. Minor text edits. Updated Table 1-1, Table 1-2, Table 1-4, Table 1-5, and Table 1-26. Removed figures from "Transceiver Performance Specifications" on page 1-10 that are repeated in the glossary. Minor text edits and an additional note to Table 1-26. Initial release. Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum 1-70 Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum Chapter 1: DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices Document Revision History July 2012 Altera Corporation 2. Addendum to the Stratix IV Device Handbook February 2011 SIV54002-1.5 SIV54002-1.5 This chapter describes changes to the published version of the Stratix IV Device Handbook. All changes from Revision 1.4 of this chapter are now incorporated in the main handbook chapters or in AN 612: Decision Feedback Equalization in Stratix IV Devices. Adaptive Equalization (AEQ) f This AEQ information is now located in the Dynamic Reconfiguration in Stratix IV Devices chapter. Decision Feedback Equalization (DFE) f For more information about the DFE feature, refer to AN 612: Decision Feedback Equalization in Stratix IV Devices. Power-On Reset Circuitry The Power-On Reset Circuitry information is now located in the Hot Socketing and Power-On Reset in Stratix IV Devices chapter. Power-On Reset Specifications f The Power-On Reset Specification information is now located in the Hot Socketing and Power-On Reset in Stratix IV Devices chapter. (c) 2012 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, HARDCOPY, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. ISO 9001:2008 Registered Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum February 2011 Feedback Subscribe 2-2 Chapter 2: Addendum to the Stratix IV Device Handbook Document Revision History Table 2-5 lists the revision history for this chapter. Table 2-1. Document Revision History Date February 2011 September 2010 April 2010 March 2010 February 2010 November 2009 Version Changes Removed the "Decision Feedback Equalization (DFE)" section now that AN 612: Decision Feedback Equalization in Stratix IV Devices is published. Moved the "Adaptive Equalization (AEQ)" sections to the Dynamic Reconfiguration in Stratix IV Devices chapter. Moved the "Power-On Reset Circuitry" and "Power-On Reset Specifications" sections to the Hot Socketing and Power-On Reset in Stratix IV Devices chapter. Minor text edits. Added corrections for the Adaptive Equalization (AEQ) section of the Stratix IV Dynamic Reconfiguration chapter. Added new information for the Decision Feedback Equalization (DFE) feature. Added corrections for the "Power-On Reset Circuitry" and "Power-On Reset Specifications" sections to of the Hot Socketing and Power-On Reset in Stratix IV Devices chapter. Moved the "Power-On Reset Circuitry", "Power-On Reset Specifications", "Correct Power-Up Sequence for Production Devices", and "Correct Power-Up Sequence for Production Devices" sections to the Hot Socketing and Power-On Reset in Stratix IV Devices chapter. Moved the "Power-On Reset Circuit" and "JTAG TMS and TDI Pin Pull-Up Resistor Value Specification" sections to the Configuration, Design Security, Remote System Upgrades with Stratix IV Devices chapter. Moved the "Summary of OCT Assignments" section to the I/O Features in Stratix IV Devices chapter. Added the "Power-On Reset Circuitry", "Power-On Reset Specifications", "Correction to POR Signal Pulse Width Delay Times", "Correct Power-Up Sequence for Production Devices", "Power-On Reset Circuit", "Summary of OCT Assignments", and "JTAG TMS and TDI Pin Pull-Up Resistor Value Specification" sections. Minor text edits. Stratix IV GX enhanced transceiver data rate specifications in -4 commercial speed grade. Initial release. 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum February 2011 Altera Corporation Additional Information This chapter provides additional information about the document and Altera. About this Handbook This handbook provides comprehensive information about the Altera(R) Stratix(R) IV family of devices. How to Contact Altera To locate the most up-to-date information about Altera products, refer to the following table. Contact (1) Technical support Technical training Product literature Contact Method Address Website Website Email Website Nontechnical support (general) Email (software licensing) Email Note to Table: (1) You can also contact your local Altera sales office or sales representative. Typographic Conventions The following table shows the typographic conventions this document uses. Visual Cue Meaning Bold Type with Initial Capital Letters Indicate command names, dialog box titles, dialog box options, and other GUI labels. For example, Save As dialog box. For GUI elements, capitalization matches the GUI. bold type Indicates directory names, project names, disk drive names, file names, file name extensions, software utility names, and GUI labels. For example, \qdesigns directory, D: drive, and chiptrip.gdf file. Italic Type with Initial Capital Letters Indicate document titles. For example, Stratix IV Design Guidelines. Indicates variables. For example, n + 1. italic type Variable names are enclosed in angle brackets (< >). For example, <file name> and <project name>.pof file. Initial Capital Letters Indicate keyboard keys and menu names. For example, the Delete key and the Options menu. "Subheading Title" Quotation marks indicate references to sections in a document and titles of Quartus II Help topics. For example, "Typographic Conventions." July 2012 Altera Corporation Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum 2-2 Additional Information Typographic Conventions Visual Cue Meaning Indicates signal, port, register, bit, block, and primitive names. For example, data1, tdi, and input. The suffix n denotes an active-low signal. For example, resetn. Courier type Indicates command line commands and anything that must be typed exactly as it appears. For example, c:\qdesigns\tutorial\chiptrip.gdf. Also indicates sections of an actual file, such as a Report File, references to parts of files (for example, the AHDL keyword SUBDESIGN), and logic function names (for example, TRI). r An angled arrow instructs you to press the Enter key. 1., 2., 3., and a., b., c., and so on Numbered steps indicate a list of items when the sequence of the items is important, such as the steps listed in a procedure. Bullets indicate a list of items when the sequence of the items is not important. 1 The hand points to information that requires special attention. h The question mark directs you to a software help system with related information. f The feet direct you to another document or website with related information. m The multimedia icon directs you to a related multimedia presentation. c A caution calls attention to a condition or possible situation that can damage or destroy the product or your work. w A warning calls attention to a condition or possible situation that can cause you injury. The envelope links to the Email Subscription Management Center page of the Altera website, where you can sign up to receive update notifications for Altera documents. Stratix IV Device Handbook Volume 4: Device Datasheet and Addendum July 2012 Altera Corporation