Evaluates: MAX1618
MAX1618 Evaluation System/Evaluation Kit
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Quick Start
Equipment Required
Before you begin, you will need the following equip-
• An IBM PC-compatible computer capable of run-
ning Windows 3.1/95/98
• A parallel printer port (this is a 25-pin socket on the
back of the computer)
• A standard 25-pin, straight-through male-to-female
cable to connect the computer’s parallel port to the
Maxim SMBus Interface Board
• A DC power supply capable of supplying +7V to
+20V at 100mA
1) Carefully connect the boards by aligning the 20-pin
connector of the MAX1618 EV kit with the 20-pin
header of the MAXSMBUS interface board. Gently
press them together. The two boards should be
flush against each other.
Make sure switch SW1 on the MAX1618 EV kit is in
the OFF position. Do not turn on the power until
all connections are made.
2) Connect a +7V to +20V DC power supply to the pads
labeled POS9 and GND1 of the SMBus interface
3) Make sure JU3 is set to the 2–3 position.
4) Connect a cable from the computer’s parallel port
to the SMBus interface board. Use a 25-pin
straight-through, female-to-male cable. To avoid
damaging the EV kit or your computer, do not use a
25-pin SCSI port or any other connector that is
physically similar to the 25-pin parallel printer port.
5) The
software program can be run from
the floppy or hard drive. Use the Windows Program
Manager to run the program. If desired, you may use
program to copy the files and cre-
ate icons for them in the Windows 3.1 Program
Manager (or the Windows 95/98 Start Menu). An unin-
stall program is included with the software. Click on
the UNINSTALL icon to remove the EV kit software
from the hard drive.
6) Turn on the power supply.
7) Turn the EV kit on by moving SW1 to the ON position.
8) Start the MAX1618 program by opening its icon in
the Program Manager (or Start Menu).
9) When the program prompts you, select the correct
parallel port. An autodetect routine identifies the
port to which the EV kit is connected and selects it
as the default choice by highlighting it. Verify that
the correct port is highlighted, then select “OK.”
10) Observe as the program automatically detects the
address of the MAX1618 and starts the main pro-
Note: The MAX1618 reads the address select pins at
device power-up only.
Detailed Description
User-Interface Panel
The user interface is easy to operate; use the mouse, or
press the Tab key to navigate with the arrow keys
(Figure 1). Each of the buttons corresponds to bits in
the command and configuration bytes. Click on them to
generate the correct SMBus write operation to update
the internal registers. The program continually polls the
device for new temperature data and status, and moni-
tors for alert conditions. To change the THIGH and
TLOW alarm-threshold comparison registers, select the
appropriate data field and type in the new value. Press
Enter after typing in the new values to update the inter-
nal registers.
To make single-shot conversions, click in the Stop check
box under Configuration, then click on the Measure
Now button. Single-shot conversions can also be per-
formed while the device is autoconverting. The single-
shot command overrides the automatic conversion.
After the single shot is complete, the device returns to
automatic operation.
If an interrupt condition is generated by the temperature
crossing one of the alarm threshold levels, a message
appears in the alert box: “ALERT! INT = LOW.” To clear
the interrupt, first eliminate the condition that caused it,
then click on Read Alert. This action reads the Alert
Response address, returns the value of the current
MAX1618 slave address, and clears the interrupt.
Note: The 7 most significant bits (MSBs) are the
address. The least significant bit (LSB) is the read/write