The Agilent Outline 15 package
has a glass hermetic seal with
dumet leads. The lead finish is 95-
5 tin-lead (SnPb) for all PIN
diodes. The leads on the Outline
15 package should be restricted
so that the bend starts at least 1/
16 inch (1.6 mm) from the glass
body. Typical package inductance
and capacitance are 2.5 nH and
0.13 pF, respectively. Marking is
by digital coding with a cathode
General Purpose Diodes
Electrical Specifications at TA = 25°C
Maximum Minimum Maximum
Part Total Breakdown Residual Series Effective Carrier Reverse Recovery
Number Capacitance Voltage Resistance Lifetime Time
5082- CT (pF) VBR (V) RS (Ω)τ (ns) trr (ns)
General Purpose Switching and Attenuating
3001 0.25 200 1.0 100 (min.) 100 (typ.)
3039 0.25 150 1.25 100 (min.) 100 (typ.)
1N5719 0.3** 150 1.25 100 (min.) 100 (typ.)
3077 0.3 200 1.5 100 (min.) 100 (typ)
Band Switching
3188 1.0* 35 0.6** 70 (typ.)* 12 (typ.)
Test VR = 50 V VR = VBR IF =100 mA IF = 50 mA IF = 20 mA
Conditions *VR = 20 V Measure *IF = 20 mA IR = 250 mA VR = 10 V
**VR = 100 V IR ≤ 10 µA **IF = 10 mA *IF = 10 mA 90% Recovery
f = 1 MHz f = 100 MHz *IR = 6 mA
Typical CW power switching capability for a shunt switch in a 50 Ω system is 2.5 W.
RF Current Controlled Resistor Diodes
Electrical Specifications at TA = 25°C
Max. High Low Difference
Effective Min. Residual Max. Resistance Resistance in
Carrier Breakdown Series Total Limit, RH (W) Limit, RL (W) Resistance
Part Lifetime Voltage Resistance Capacitance vs. Bias
Number t (ns) VBR (V) RS (Ω)C
T (pF) Min. Max. Min. Max. Slope, Dc
5082-3080 1300 (typ.) 100 2.5 0.4 1000 8**
1N5767* 1300 (typ.) 100 2.5 0.4 1000 8**
5082-3379 1300 (typ.) 50 0.4 8**
5082-3081 2500 (typ.) 100 3.5 0.4 1500 8**
Test IF = 50 mA VR = VBR,I
F = 100 mA VR = 50 V IF = 0.01 mA IF = 1.0 mA Batch
Conditions IR = 250 mA Measure f = 100 MHz f = 1 MHz f = 100 MHz IF = 20 mA** Matched at
IR ≤ 10 µA f = 100 MHz IF = 0.01 mA
and 1.0 mA
f = 100 MHz
*The 1N5767 has the additional specifications: τ = 1.0 msec minimum
IR = 1 µA maximum at VR = 50 V
VF = 1 V maximum at IF = 100 mA.