Insulated Metal-Clad Ñ Military Type
Tip Jacks
For 0.080" diameter standard tip plug.
Comes with nylon body and nickel-plated
brass jacket. Gold-plated turret terminal
contact with wrap-around beryllium
copper spring. Come with nickel-plated
washer and nut. Mounts in panels 0.218"
thick. Breakdown Voltage: 5700 Vrms. Current: 10 A. Conform with MS-
16108, Rev. F of MIL-STD-242A and MIL-C-39024/10.
Insulated Deluxe Tip Jacks
For 0.080" diameter standard tip plug.
Machined silver-plated brass contact
with turret terminal and wrap-around
beryllium copper spring. Comes with
threaded nylon body and nickel-plated
nut. Mount in panels to 0.437" thick.
Current: 10 A. Breakdown Voltage:
5700 Vrms minimum.
Plugs and Jacks
Same Day Shipments For Product In Stock ALLIED
Panel Mount Uninsulated Banana Plugs and Jacks
Brass body per QQ-B-626D. Plugs have nickel silver springs per QQ-C-585. Screw Type Plugs (Fig. 1): 108-0753, for
standard jack; 0.125" panel thickness, 14 gauge wire: 15 A. 108-0771, jumbo plug, panel thickness 0.093" to 0.500";
12 gauge; 40 A. Jacks Have Nickel Finish (Fig. 2): Type 108-0740, 0.375" panel thickness; 12 gauge wire; 15 A; pierced lug.
Stock Mfr.Õs Fig. Description
No. Type
1-24 25-99 100-999
528-0169 108-0753-001 1 Plug, 6-32 screw 1.08 .88 .73
528-0171 108-0771-001 1 Jumbo plug with screw 2.89 2.36 1.86
528-0172 108-0740-001 2 Standard jack 1.17 .96 .79
528-0174 105-0801-001 White .61 .50 .41
528-0175 105-0802-001 Red .61 .50 .41
528-0176 105-0803-001 Black .61 .50 .41
528-0179 105-0807-001 Yellow .61 .50 .41
528-0181 105-0810-001 Blue .61 .50 .41
Insulated Standard
Tip Jacks
For standard 0.080" diameter tip plug.
Nylon body, phosphor bronze contact, tin
plated. Panel Thickness: 0.437" max. Current: 10 A. Breakdown Voltage:
5700 Vrms minimum.
528-0184 105-0251-001 White .95 .77 .64
528-0185 105-0252-001 Red .95 .77 .64
528-0186 105-0253-001 Black .95 .77 .64
Insulated Metal-Clad
Standard Tip Jacks
For 0.080" diameter standard tip plug. Nylon
body and nickel-plated threaded, brass
jacket. Silver-plated contact is phosphor bronze with slotted terminal. Comes
with nickel-plated nut. Mount panels to 0.281" thick. Breakdown Voltage:
5700 Vrms minimum. Current: 10 A.
528-0197 108-1762-101 Red 1.68 1.37 1.13
528-0198 108-1763-101 Black 1.68 1.37 1.13
Insulated Banana Plugs Ñ
Hex Body, Solder Stud
528-0225 108-0252-001 Red 5.03 4.16 3.30
528-0226 108-0253-001 Black 5.03 4.16 3.30
Insulated Stacking Dual
Banana Plugs (Set Screw)
Molded body incorporates polarity indication and
stain relief for wire leads. Voltage Breakdown:
3500 Vrms. Capacity Plug to Plug: 1.3 pf. Current
Capacity: 15 amps. Set screw to 14 AWG. Accepts standard banana plug from
the rear.
528-0208 105-1041-001 White 1.02 .83 .69
528-0209 105-1042-001 Red 1.02 .83 .69
528-0210 105-1043-001 Black 1.02 .83 .69
Rib-Loc¨Tip Jacks
Accept standard 0.080" diameter tip plugs.
Simply press into mounting hole.
Silver-plated terminals. Current: 5 A.
Breakdown Voltage: 3500 Vrms. Contact Resistance: 0.005 ohm max.
528-0213 105-0851-001 White .55 .45 .37
528-0214 105-0852-001 Red .55 .45 .37
528-0215 105-0853-001 Black .55 .45 .37
Formed Contacts
528-0219 105-2201-201 White .49 .40 .33
528-0220 105-2202-201 Red .49 .40 .33
528-0221 105-2203-201 Black .49 .40 .33
Vertical Test Jacks
Mounts through 0.052" hole and requires minimum mounting area.
Accepts 0.080" dia. tip plugs. Silver-plated machined or formed
beryllium copper contacts. 5 amps.
Machined Contacts
528-0117 105-0601-001 White 1.07 .87 .72
528-0118 105-0602-001 Red 1.07 .87 .72
528-0119 105-0603-001 Black 1.07 .87 .72
528-0120 105-0604-001 Green 1.07 .87 .72
528-0122 105-0607-001 Yellow 1.07 .87 .72
528-0124 105-0610-001 Blue 1.07 .87 .72
Stock Mfr.Õs Color
No. Type
1-24 25-99 100-999
528-0107 105-0201-200 White 2.25 1.83 1.51
528-0108 105-0202-200 Red 2.25 1.83 1.51
528-0109 105-0203-200 Black 2.25 1.83 1.51
528-0110 105-0204-200 Green 2.25 1.83 1.51
528-0111 105-0207-200 Yellow 2.25 1.83 1.51
528-0112 105-0210-200 Blue 2.25 1.83 1.51
528-0101 105-0701-001 White 1.35 1.10 .91
528-0102 105-0702-001 Red 1.35 1.10 .91
528-0103 105-0703-001 Black 1.35 1.10 .91
Insulated Tip Jacks
with Sleeve
For standard 0.080" diameter tip plug. Machined, silver-plated brass contact
with turret terminal and wrap-around beryllium copper spring. Assembled body
and handle are nylon. For panel thicknesses to 0.125"; 10 A. Contact
Resistance: 0.010 ohms.
528-0127 105-0301-001 White .74 .60 .49
528-0128 105-0302-001 Red .74 .60 .49
528-0129 105-0303-001 Black .74 .60 .49
528-0130 105-0304-001 Green .74 .60 .49
Insulated Solderless Tip Plugs
For 0.080" diameter standard tip
jacks. Nylon insulating handle
with nickel-plated brass plug
contact. Accept wire sizes to
16 gauge. Head recessed to
reduce shock hazard. Current:
10 A. Breakdown Voltage: 3500 Vrms.
Nylon Insulated Banana Jacks
For standard 0.175" banana plug. Formed brass
contact, bright-tinned finish. Comes with
nickel-plated nut. Panel Thickness: to 0.343".
Current: 15 A. Contact Resistance:
0.010 ohms.
Stock Mfr.Õs Color
No. Type
1-24 25-99 100-999
528-0157 108-0901-001 White .48 .39 .32
528-0158 108-0902-001 Red .48 .39 .32
528-0159 108-0903-001 Black .48 .39 .32
528-0160 108-0904-001 Green .48 .39 .32
528-0161 108-0906-001 Orange .48 .39 .32
528-0162 108-0907-001 Yellow .48 .39 .32
528-0163 108-0908-001 Brown .48 .39 .32
528-0164 108-0910-001 Blue .48 .39 .32
528-0165 108-0912-001 Violet .48 .39 .32
528-0166 108-0913-001 Gray .48 .39 .32
Insulated Solderless Banana Plugs
528-0147 108-0301-001 White 1.00 .81 .67
528-0302 108-0302-001 Red 1.00 .81 .67
528-0149 108-0303-001 Black 1.00 .81 .67
528-0304 108-0304-001 Green 1.00 .81 .67
528-8306 108-0306-001 Orange 1.00 .81 .67
528-0152 108-0307-001 Yellow 1.00 .81 .67
528-0310 108-0310-001 Blue 1.00 .81 .67
528-0155 108-0312-001 Violet 1.00 .81 .67
528-0156 108-0313-001 Gray 1.00 .81 .67
Insulated Standard Binding Posts
For standard 0.175" diameter banana
plug. Flatted, insulated nylon body
prevents turning. Silver-plated brass
stud has turret termination. Comes
with nickel-plated nut. Current: 15 A.
Breakdown Voltage: 5700 Vrms
minimum. Panel Thickness: 0.281"
528-0137 111-0101-001 White 1.82 1.48 1.23
528-0138 111-0102-001 Red 1.82 1.48 1.23
528-0139 111-0103-001 Black 1.82 1.48 1.23
528-0140 111-0104-001 Green 1.82 1.48 1.23
528-0141 111-0106-001 Orange 1.82 1.48 1.23
528-0142 111-0107-001 Yellow 1.82 1.48 1.23
528-0143 111-0108-001 Brown 1.82 1.48 1.23
528-0144 111-0110-001 Blue 1.82 1.48 1.23
528-0145 111-0112-001 Violet 1.82 1.48 1.23
528-0146 111-0113-001 Gray 1.82 1.48 1.23
Stock Mfr.Õs Color
No. Type
1-24 25-99 100-999
Stock Mfr.Õs Color
No. Type
1-9 10-49 50-249
Stock Mfr.Õs Color
No. Type
1-24 25-99 100-999
Stock Mfr.Õs Color
No. Type
1-24 25-99 100-999
Stock Mfr.Õs Color
No. Type
1-24 25-99 100-999
Stock Mfr.Õs Color
No. Type
1-24 25-99 100-999
Stock Mfr.Õs Color
No. Type
1-24 25-99 100-999
Stock Mfr.Õs Color
No. Type
1-24 25-99 100-999
Stock Mfr.Õs Color
No. Type
1-24 25-99 100-999
Stock Mfr.Õs Color
No. Type
1-24 25-99 100-999
Stock Mfr.Õs Color
No. Type
1-24 25-99 100-999
For standard banana jacks of 0.166" ID. Wire can be soldered to threaded-stud
or flared and held by stud for solderless connection. Accept up to 16-gauge
wire. Nylon insulated handle is UL approved for self extinguishing. Plug is
nickel-plated brass with nickel silver spring. Current Rating: 15 amps.
Breakdown Voltage: 3500 Vrms minimum. Contact Resistance: 0.010 ohms
For standard 0.166" banana jack. Tapered insulated nylon handle. Connect with
wire up to 16 gauge. Nickel-plated brass body with nickel silver plug spring.
Current: 15 A. Contact Resistance: 0.010 ohms.