82571/82572—Specification Changes
Packet types supported by the packet split: The 82571/82572 provides header split for the following packet types.
Other packet types are posted sequentially in the buffers of the packet split receive buffers.
As a result of this specification change, bits 5:0 of the Receive Fil ter Control Register are now reserved.
Type Description Header Split
0x0 MAC, (VLAN/SNAP) Payload No
0x1 MAC, (VLAN/SNAP) Ipv4, Payload Split header after L3 if fragmented packets
0x2 MAC, (VLAN/SNAP) Ipv4, TCP/UDP, payload Split header after L4 if not fragmented,
otherwise treat as pa cket type 1
0x3 MAC (VLAN/SNAP), Ipv4, Ipv6, payload Split header after L3 if either Ipv4 or Ipv6
indicates a fragmented packet
0x4 MAC (VLAN/SNAP), Ipv4, Ipv6, TCP/UDP, payload Split header after L4 if Ipv4 not fr ag mented and
if Ipv6 does not include fragment extension
header, otherwise treat as packet type 3
0x5 MAC (VLAN/SNAP), Ipv6, payload Split header after L3 if fragmented packets
0x6 MAC (VLAN/S NAP), Ipv6,TCP/UDP, payload Split header after L4 if Ipv6 does not include
fragment extension header, otherwise treat as
packet type 5
0x8 MAC, (VLAN/SNAP) Ipv4, TCP/UDP, NFS, payload Split header after L5 if not fragmented,
otherwise treat as pa cket type 1
0xA MAC (VLAN/SNAP), Ipv4, Ipv6, TCP/UDP, NFS, payload Sp lit header after L5 i f Ipv4 not fr ag mented and
if Ipv6 does not include fragment extension
header, otherwise treat as packet type 3
0xC MAC (VLAN/SNAP), Ipv6, TCP/UDP, NFS, payload Split header after L5 if Ipv6 does not include
fragment extension header, otherwise treat as
packet type 5
Field Bit(s) Initial Value Description
Reserved 5:0 0 Reserved. Should be written with 0 to ensure future compatibility.
NFSW_DIS 6 0 NFS Write disable
Disable filtering of NFS write request headers.
NFSR_DIS 7 0 NFS Read disable
Disable filtering of NFS read reply headers.
NFS_VER 9:8 00
NFS Version
00 NFS version 2
01 NFS version 3
10 NFS version 4
11 Reserved for future use
IPv6_dis 10 0 IPv6 disable.
Disable IPv6 packet filtering
IP6Xsum_dis 11 0
IPv6 Xsum disable
Disable XSUM on IPv6 packets