ICs for Communications
PC I I nt er face f or Telephony/Data Appl icat i on s
PSB 4610 Ver sion 2.2
Prel im i nar y Dat a Sheet 01.00 DS 1
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PSB 4610
Revision History: Current Version: 01.00
Previous V ersion: PSB 4610 Version 2.1 (12.99)
(i n previous
(i n current
Subjects (major changes since last revision)
181 default value (40h) 1221 0001 changed to 1222 0001
ABM®, AO P®, A RCO FI®, ARCOFI®-BA, ARCOFI®-SP, DigiTape®, EP IC®-1, EPI C ®-S, ELIC®, FAL C®54,
FALC®56, F ALC ®-E1, F ALC ®-LH, IDEC®, IOM®, IO M®-1, IOM®-2, I PAT ®-2 , ISA C®-P, I SAC ®-S, ISAC®-S TE,
SICOFI®-4µC, SLI C OF I® are regis t ered t radem ark s of I nf ineon T ec hnologies AG.
ACE, ASM, ASP, PO TSWIRE, QuadF ALC, SCO UT are t rademark s of Inf ineon T echnologies AG.
dition 0 1.00
P ublis hed by Inf ineon Tec hnologies AG
B al anstr e 73,
81541 M ü n ch en
© I nf ineon T ec hnologies AG 2000
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2 Life su ppo rt devi ce s o r syste ms a re i nten ded (a) to b e imp lan te d in the human b ody, or (b ) to sup por t a nd/o r
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PSB 4610
Preliminary Data Sheet III 01.00
Organizat ion of thi s Data Sheet
Chap ter 1, Feat ures
Descr ibes t he general feat ures of the PIT A- 2.
Chap ter 2, Typical Applications with the PITA-2
Des c ribes ty pic al applic ations that c an be r ealiz ed with the PITA -2.
Chap ter 3, Con stru c ti on of th e PIT A-2
S hows a block diagr am and des c ribes the interfac es and their func tions .
Chap ter 4, Communicatio n w ith the P IT A-2
Des c ribes the P CI bus inter face of the P ITA- 2.
Chap ter 5, Communicatio n w ith Ext ern al Co mponen ts
Giv es a general des cription of the loc al bus interfaces of the PITA -2.
Chapter 6, Power Management
Descr ibes t he power managem ent functions ( inc luding D3cold) of the PIT A- 2.
Chapt er 7, Reset and Int errupt s
Des c ribes the r equir ement s for r eset and the behaviour of the PIT A-2.
C ha pt e r 8 , Pi nning
Descr ibes t he pins, types of pins and the charac teristics of the interfaces.
Chap ter 9, Electrical Characterist ics
Des c ribes elec tr ic al maxim um ratings and elec tr ic al c haracteristic s.
Chap ter 10, Package O utlines
Des c ribes the pac kage outlines.
Chapt er 11, Co nfigu rat ion S pace Register of the P IT A- 2
Contains descr iptions of the C onfiguration Space Registers of the PIT A -2.
Chap ter 12, Internal Register of th e P ITA
Contains descr iptions of the I nternal Registers of the P ITA- 2.
Chap ter 13, Abbreviatio ns
Des c ribes abbr eviations occur ing in this dat a s heet.
Chap ter 14, Index
PSB 4610
Preliminary Data Sheet IV 01.00
Im portant Notes about this Data Sheet
Wha ts New?
The organization of the struc tur e follows the guidelines of Inform ation Mapping®.
What is Information Mapping®?
This is a res ear c h bas ed method for the
of us er -orientated manuals.
Major Changes
Instead of the used chapter s with mono caus al desc riptions you now get
all inform ation
for a s cope
under the corres ponding heading.
The Intention
This Data Sheet is intended to be
easily survey ed
increas ingly readable
c ustomized applic able
offering the quic kest poss ible way to the required informat ion.
PSB 4610
Table of Content s Page
Semiconductor Group V Preliminary Data Sheet 01.00
1F eatu res . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
2Ty pic a l A pplic a tions with t he PITA-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
3C ons truc tion of the PITA-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
4Co mmu n ica t io n w ith the PI T A-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0
4 .1 PC I C o n fi g u r a t i o n Sp a ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1
4.1.1 Inform ation about t he P CI Configur ation Spac e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
4 .1 .2 Access to th e PCI C o n fi g u rati o n Spa ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
4 .1 .3 Ba s e Ad d r e ss R e g i ste r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 6
4.1.4 Other Regis ters of t he P CI Configur ation Spac e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
4 .2 PC I M a ste r/Ta rg e t C o n tr o l l e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 2
4.2.1 S upported PCI Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
4.2.2 Trans action Ty pe Bur st Read . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
4 .2 .3 Tr a n sa cti o n Typ e Bu rst Wr i te . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 7
4.2.4 Transaction Type Fast Back to Back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
4.3 Interr upt Contr ol Register - Retry Counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
5Communicat ion with External Component s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 3
5 .1 Se r i a l D MA In te rfa c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 4
5 .1 .1 D MA C o n tro ll e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 6
5.1.2 Infor mation about the DMA Cont roller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
5 .1 .3 In te rn a l Re g i ste rs o f th e DMA C o n tro ll e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 1
5.1.4 IOM-2 Mode 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
5.1.5 IOM-2 Mode 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
5.1.6 IOM-2 Mode 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
5.1.7 IOM - 2 M odes - S upplem entar y Des cr iption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
5.1.8 S ingle Modem M ode V 2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
5.1.9 S ingle Modem M ode A LIS V3.X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
5.1.10 Dual Modem /M odem+V oice M ode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
5.1.11 Loop Bac k M ode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
5 .2 Pa r a l le l In te rfa ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 8
5 .2 .1 AL E a ft e r Syste m R e se t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 1
5.2.2 ALE after internal Software Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
5.2.3 ALE after set ting t he P ar allel Interface M ode Bit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83
5.2.4 Non Multiplexed Mode ( Write Trans action) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84
5.2.5 Non Multiplexed Mode ( Read Trans ac tion) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
5.2.6 Multiplexed Mode (Wr ite Transaction) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87
5.2.7 Multiplexed Mode (Read Tr ans act ion) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88
5.2.8 Tr ansaction Disc onnec t with Tar get A bort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
5.2.9 Transaction Termination with Retry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92
5 .2 .1 0 Ti m i n g o f th e Pa r a l l e l I n te r fa ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 4
5.3 General Purpose I/O I nterf ace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97
PSB 4610
Table of Content s Page
Semiconductor Group VI Preliminary Data Sheet 01.00
5.3.1 Infor mation about the GP I /O Int erfac e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98
5 .3 .2 Ti m i n g o f th e GP I/O In t e r fa ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0 0
5 .3 .3 In te rn a l Re g i ste rs o f th e GP I/O In te rfa ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 1
5.3.4 Input Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107
5.3.5 Output Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109
5.3.6 Inter rupt Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
5.3.7 Usage of the GP I /O Inter fac e as ALIS V2. 1 Control Inter face . . . . . . .113
5 .4 SP I EEP R O M In te r f a c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1 5
5.4.1 Inform ation about t he S PI E E PROM Inter face . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116
5 .4 .2 Ti m i n g o f th e SP I EEPR OM In te rfa ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1 9
5 .4 .3 In te rn a l Re g i ste rs fo r th e SP I EE PROM Inte rfa ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 1
6Powe r M a n a ge me nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 2 3
6.1 Infor mation about the Power Supply Concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124
6.1.1 Inform ation about t he P ower Management S tates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126
6.1.2 Considerations about Power Cons umpt ion and Repor ting . . . . . . . . . .128
6.1.3 Configur ation Spac e Regis ters of the Power M anagement . . . . . . . . . .131
6 .1 .4 El e c trica l C h a ra c t e r i stics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4 6
6 .1 .5 D e si g n H i n ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4 7
6.1.6 Com patibility Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148
7Reset and Int errupt s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4 9
7 .1 R e se t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4 9
7 .2 In te rru p ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 5 2
8Pinning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 5 6
9E lectrical Ch aract eristi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 6 6
9 .1 Ab s o l u te Ma ximu m R a ti n g s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 6 7
9 .2 D C C h a r a cte ri sti cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 6 8
10 P ackage O ut lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 7 2
11 Conf iguration Sp ace Regist er o f the PITA- 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 7 3
1 1 .1 D e sc ri p ti o n o f th e R e g i s te r Ty p e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 7 4
1 1 .2 C o n fi g u r a ti o n Sp a c e R e g i ste rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 7 5
11.3 Regis ter s which do not occur els ewher e in the Data S heet . . . . . . . . . . .185
12 Int ernal Regist er of th e P ITA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 9 3
1 2 .1 D e sc ri p ti o n o f th e R e g i s te r Ty p e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 9 4
1 2 .2 In te rn a l R e g i ste r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 9 5
12.3 Regis ter s which do not occur els ewher e in the Data S heet . . . . . . . . . . .202
13 Ab b reviatio ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 0 5
14 I n dex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 0 6
PSB 4610
Preliminary Data Sheet 1 01.00
What is the PITA-2?
The PITA-2 is a cost-effective PCI bridge for industrial and communication
applications. I t support s dual cards and D3cold power m anagement.
The PITA-2 can b e used in
PCI ISDN cards.
P CI hardware modem s.
P CI software m odem s.
Industrial PCI bridge applicat ions.
Inter faces of t he PITA-2
The P ITA-2 off ers the following interfac es:
Interfaces to fin d i n
P CI Mast er/Tar get Controller see chapter 4. 2 on page 22
Ser ial DM A Int erf ac e s ee chapter 5.1 on page 34
P arallel Int erfac e see chapter 5. 2 on page 78
PSB 4610
Preliminary Data Sheet 2 01.00
Gener al Purpos e I/O Interfac e s ee chapter 5.3 on page 97
SP I EEP ROM Int er face s ee chapter 5.4 on page 115
The P ITA-2 off ers the following interfac es:
Interfaces to fin d i n
PSB 4610
Preliminary Data Sheet 3 01.00
1 Features
Comp lia nt with
P C 99 (P CI r equir ement s)
PCI B us Specific ation Version 2.2
PCI P ower Managem ent Specific ation V ersion 1.1
Dual Car d suppor t (3.3V and 5V signaling environment )
E xtensive Power Management Feat ures ( including D3c old)
Automatic Configuration with Customer Specific V alues
P CI Master Target Interface
PCI 2.2 compliant
32 bit
33 MHz
Ser ial Int erfac e
Suppor ts IO M -2 M odes
S upports s er ial inter face to the ALIS chip- set fam ily
DMA Control le r for seri al communica ti on
16 word F IF Os for each dir ection
Para llel Inte rface
with chip select logic s upport ing up to t hree ex ter nal com ponents
General P urpose I/ O Interface
with interr upt capability
SPITM Interface
for optional E EP ROM
PSB 4610
Preliminary Data Sheet 4 01.00
ALI S V2.1 P SB 4596
ALI S V3.X PSB 4596
IS DN IOM -2 Component s , e.g.:
IEC-Q famil y
Com ponents consis ting of a parallel multiplexed or non m ultiplex ed Intel/
Infineon Inter fac e, e.g:
PSB 4610
Typ ical Applications wi th the PITA- 2
Preliminary Data Sheet 5 01.00
2 Typical Applications with the PITA-2
Besides all the applications that require only a simple PCI interface there are
s ome applic ations which the PITA -2 is es pec ially suited for.
Simple applications benefit from the easy configuration of the PITA-2, the
ext ensive power managem ent support and the st andar d interfaces on the loc al
bus side.
Telecommunication applications (e.g modems) benefit from the integrated
mas ter DMA controller as well as the IOM- 2/GCI bus interface.
This allows for easy connection of most telecommunications transceivers and
subs tant ially reduces t he CPU work load.
Fur therm or e the PIT A-2 fully suppor ts D3c old state.
This allows the PC to enter a deep sleep state and still be able to react to an
inc oming c all at the same time.
ISDN-S Inte rf ace Ap plicatio n with the IPAC
PSB 2115
PSB 4610
PC I B u s
u C In terface
PSB 4610
Typ ical Applications wi th the PITA- 2
Preliminary Data Sheet 6 01.00
IS DN-U Int erface App lication with th e 3PAC and IE C-Q TE
PSB 2113
PSB 4610
PC I B u s
uC Interface
PSB 4610
Construction of the PITA- 2
Preliminary Data Sheet 7 01.00
3 Construction of the PITA-2
The PITA-2 provides a Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) bus interface
which acts as a bridge between the PCI bus and the different controllers and
The Parallel Inter face Contr ol s upport s up to three ex ternal devic es .
The S erial Int erface is cont rolled by the internal DMA Controller; s erial
c omm unic ation uses tr ans mit and r ec eiv e FI FOs .
The EEP ROM for conf igur ation of the PITA - 2 and cust omer spec ific dat a
The Gener al Purpos e I/O Int er face.
Block Diagram of the PITA-2
PSB 4610
Construction of the PITA- 2
Preliminary Data Sheet 8 01.00
Descrip tion of t he single Blocks
Name provides supports Notes
Control a 32 bit inter fac e
at speeds up to
33 MHz
Bus Master D MA
capabi lity for data
pass ing through
the Serial
Tar get c apability
for data passing
thr ough the
Pa ral le l Int e rfa c e
D3hot and D3c old
5V environm ent
3.3V environm ent
V aux supply
Chips with a Infineon/
Intel Standard Parallel
Interface, including:
ISDN devices
Modem s DSP s
Industrial devices
Three pr ede-
coded chip s el-
ec t lines
Can be used
for pinst rap-
ping the subsy -
subsyst em
vendor ID
Chips with a serial
interfac e, including:
Analog v oic e
Analog modem
IOM-2 devices .
Transmit and
receive data
are held in
separate 16
word FIFOs.
PSB 4610
Construction of the PITA- 2
Preliminary Data Sheet 9 01.00
Control additional
informati on, such
the Subsystem
the Subsystem
Vendor ID
extensiv e pow-
er manage-
Al l EEPRO Ms wi th
SPI in te rface This is an
feature that
can be used to
customize the
at s tar t up.
GP output s
GP inputs
GP interrupt
It can be
configured to
ac t as
Input pins
Output pins
I nterr upt
Can be used
pinst rapping
the s ubsys tem
Descrip tion of t he single Blocks (contd)
Name provides supports Notes
PSB 4610
Communication with the PITA- 2
Preliminary Data Sheet 10 01.00
4 Communication with the PITA- 2
For communication with the PITA-2 the followin g blocks are u sed:
Components Page
P CI Configuration S pace 11
P CI Mas ter/T arget Controller 22
Inter rupt Contr ol Register - Retr y Counter 31
PSB 4610
Communication with the PITA- 2
Preliminary Data Sheet 11 01.00
4. 1 PCI Configur at ion Space
Overview Page
Infor mat ion about the PCI Conf iguration Space 12
Ac c ess to the PCI Configur ation Space 15
B ase Address Register 16
Other Regist er s of the P CI Configuration S pac e 20
PSB 4610
Communication with the PITA- 2
Preliminary Data Sheet 12 01.00
4.1.1 Inf ormat ion abo ut th e PCI Con f igu ratio n Space
The PCI Configuration Space c ontains infor m ation about
the P CI device
the r eques ted address s pac e in the mem or y s pace of the P CI system.
The address s pac e includes 64 32-bit r egis ters where the firs t 16 r egis ter s build
the c onfigur ation s pac e header ( 00h- 3Ch, refer to Conf igur ation Space Register
of the P ITA- 2 on page 173)
PSB 4610
Communication with the PITA- 2
Preliminary Data Sheet 13 01.00
Construction of the PCI C onfiguration Space
De vice ID
31 23 15 7
Vendor ID
Status Command
Class Code Revision ID
BIST H eader Ty pe Latency Timer Cac h Line Size
Bas e Address R egi s ter 0 (Int er nal R egist ers)
Bas e Address R egister 1 (Paral lel Interface)
Bas e Address R egi s ter 2 (unused)
Bas e Address R egi s ter 3 (unused)
Bas e Address R egi s ter 4 (unused)
Bas e Address R egi s ter 5 (unused)
C ardBus CIS Pointer
Subsystem ID Subsys tem Vendor ID
Ex pansion R OM Bas e Address
Reserved Cap_Ptr
Max_Lat Min_Gnt Interrupt Pin In te r r up t Lin e
Pow er M anagem ent Capabili ties Ca pab il ity IDNe xt Ite m P o i nt er
PMCSRBridge SupportData
P ower Data Register 1
P ower Data Register 2
P ower Data Register 3
U nused C onfigurat i on Spac e Regist er s
U nused C onfigurat i on Spac e Regist er s
shaded fields l oaded duri ng
init ializ at ion if EEPROM is connec t ed
CardB us CI S
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Communication with the PITA- 2
Preliminary Data Sheet 14 01.00
Descrip tion of Register Types
Type Description
PE r ead only via P CI
thes e bits ar e initialized by pins trapping dur ing PCI r eset
or by the optional E EPROM
Hr ead only via P CI
RC read clear via P CI
thes e bits are set by the internal logic
thes e bits c an be r ead out and r eset by writing logical 1
to th e m
wri ting logical 0 does nt influence the stat es of these bits
RW read write via PCI
these bits can be read out and written via t he P CI bus
Er ead only via P CI
thes e bits are initialized to a default value dur ing PCI
r eset or by the optional E E PROM
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Communication with the PITA- 2
Preliminary Data Sheet 15 01.00
4.1.2 Access to th e PCI Configu ration Space
The PITA-2 supports single 32 bit data transactions for the access to the PCI
Configurat ion Space.
Spe c ial Qualities
Name Description
Subsystem ID lower 4 bit s c an be set via pins tr apping if no
EEPR O M is u sed
with external E EPROM the c omplet e 16 bit
v alue can be loaded for the Subsyst em ID
Subs y stem Vendor ID 16 bit ID of the car d manuf ac turer
has to be applied for at the PCI Spec ial Interes t
c an be set via pins tr apping dur ing r es et if no
EEPR O M is u sed
c an be loaded fr om ex ternal EEPROM
CardBus CIS Pointer is not supported by the PITA-2, although it is
implemented in the PCI Configuration Space
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Communication with the PITA- 2
Preliminary Data Sheet 16 01.00
4.1.3 Base Addr ess Register
Base Add ress Reg isters 0 - 5
Base Ad dress Reg ister Description
B ase Address Register 0 the lower 12 bits are hardwired t o 0
occ upies an address space of 4K
allows acc es s to the internal r egis ter s of
the PIT A-2
B ase Address Register 1 the lower 12 bits are hardwired t o 0
allows continuous r ead and write
oper ations for acces s to the par allel
occ upies an address space of 4K
addr es s s pace is logically s egmented in
4x 1K addr ess blocks
B ase Address Register 2 - 5 not used
Structure of the Add ress Space o f Base Add ress Register 1
Ad dress Space Access to
3FFh - 000h device 1 on the parallel interface ( CS0)
7FFh - 400h device 2 on the parallel interface ( CS1)
BFF h - 800h device 3 on the parallel interface ( CS2)
FFFh - C00h not us ed
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Preliminary Data Sheet 17 01.00
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 04h
Bit 1 Memory_Access_Enable
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Only if thi s bit is set to 1, the PCI interface will react on
trans ac tions to the bas e addres s r egis ter s BAR ( all Bas e
Addres s Registers are defined as m emor y m apped).
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 10h
Bit 31:12 B ase A ddres s Regis ter 0
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0000h
Bit 11:00 B ase A ddres s Regis ter 0
Type H
Value 000h
Description BAR0 c ontains the base addr es s of an addr es s s pac e in the
P CI m ain m emory through whic h the inter nal r egis ter s of t he
PI TA -2 can be acces sed.
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Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 14h
Bit 31:12 B ase A ddres s Regis ter 1
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0000h
Bit 11:00 B ase A ddres s Regis ter 1
Type H
Value 000h
Description BA R1 c ontains the base addr ess of a 4-k ilobyte addr ess
s pac e in the PCI main mem ory through which the parallel
m ic ro c ontroller interface of the P ITA- 2 c an be acces s ed.
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 18h
Bit 31:0 B ase A ddres s Regis ter 2
Type H
Value 0000 0000h
Description Base A ddres s Regis ter 2 is not support ed.
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 1Ch
Bit 31:0 B ase A ddres s Regis ter 3
Type H
Value 0000 0000h
Description Base A ddres s Regis ter 3 is not support ed.
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Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 20h
Bit 31:0 B ase A ddres s Regis ter 4
Type H
Value 0000 0000h
Description Base A ddres s Regis ter 4 is not support ed.
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 24h
Bit 31:0 B ase A ddres s Regis ter 5
Type H
Value 0000 0000h
Description Base A ddres s Regis ter 5 is not support ed.
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Preliminary Data Sheet 20 01.00
4.1.4 Oth er Registers of th e PCI Conf igu ration Space
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 28h
Bit 31:0 Car dBus CIS P ointer
Type H
Value 0000 002C0h
Description Unused
Bit 31:28 ROM_Image_Number
Type H
Value 0000b
Description Unused
Bit 27:3 Address_Space_Offset
Type H
Value 000054h
Description Unused
Bit 2:0 Address_Space_Indicator
Type H
Value 000b
Description Unused
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Preliminary Data Sheet 21 01.00
Note T he CardB us function is not support ed in this version of the PI TA -2.
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 2Ch
Bit 31:20 Subs yst em ID
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 000h
Bit 19:16 Subs yst em ID
Type PE
Value Pinstrap value or EE PROM value
Description Ident ifies a spec ific board of a manufacturer on which the
PI TA -2 is used.
The 4 LSBs will be set by pins trapping GP 0-3 during PCI
r es et if no EEPRO M is us ed and the c om plete 16 bit register
c an be loaded if the optional EEP ROM is used.
Bit 15:0 Subs ystem Vendor ID
Type PE
Value Pinstrap value or EE PROM value
Description Mar ks of the Vendor of the board on which the P IT A- 2 is
us ed. This register will be set by pins trapping PA D0- 7 and
P A0- 7 dur ing PCI reset if no E EPROM is used or configur ed
from a connected EEPROM. This ID is alloc ated by the P CI
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Communication with the PITA- 2
Preliminary Data Sheet 22 01.00
4. 2 PCI Master/ Target Cont roller
The inter face of the PCI bus is repr esented by t he P CI Mas ter/Tar get Controller.
This cont r oller is par t of the PITA- 2.
The PCI M as ter /Target Cont r oller s uppor ts
sev eral t ypes of trans actions,
B ase Addr es s Registers 0 and 1.
The PCI M as ter /Target Cont r oller
has a Med iu m De vice Sel ect behavior,
tr unc ates bur st tr ansac tions at the end of t he firs t dataphase.
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Communication with the PITA- 2
Preliminary Data Sheet 23 01.00
4.2.1 Supported PCI Co mman ds
PCI Ma s te r Controller:
P CI Co mmand Transact ion Type
Mem ory Read s ingle t ransfer
Mem ory Wr ite single trans fer
PCI Targ e t Co ntroller:
P CI Co mmand Transact ion Type
Mem ory Read s ingle t ransfer
Mem ory Read Multiple m apped on Mem or y Read
Mem ory Read Line m apped on Mem or y Read
Mem ory Wr ite single trans fer
Mem ory Wr ite and
Invalidate mapped on Memor y Wr ite
Configuration Read single tr ansfer
Configuration Write single tr ansfer
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Preliminary Data Sheet 24 01.00
Note T he following timing diagrams ar e m eant as an exam ple and s how trans actions
to and from the PCI c onfigur ation s pace.
Overview Page
Trans action Ty pe B urst Read 25
Trans action Ty pe B urst W rite 27
Trans action Ty pe Fast Bac k to Back 29
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Preliminary Data Sheet 25 01.00
4.2.2 Tr ansaction T ype Burst Read
As serting IRDY and STO P at the firs t dataphase leads t o the disc onnection
(Disc onnect- B) of the burst read tr ansact ion by the PI TA -2.
STOP is asser ted until F RAM E is deas s erted.
Deass ertion of FRA ME means that STOP and DE VSE L together are
Timing Diagram
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Preliminary Data Sheet 26 01.00
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 04h
Bit 26:25 DEVSEL_Timing
Type H
Value 01b
Description 01 = medium tim ing, i. e. the DEV SE L signal will be
as s erted f rom the PCI interface with t he s ec ond pos itive PCI
c loc k edge aft er FRA ME was as serted on the PCI bus by a
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Communication with the PITA- 2
Preliminary Data Sheet 27 01.00
4.2.3 Tr ansaction T ype Burst Write
As serting IRDY and STO P at the firs t dataphase leads t o the disc onnection
( Dis connec t-B ) of the burs t write trans ac tion by the P ITA- 2.
STOP is asser ted until F RAM E is deas s erted.
Deass ertion of FRA ME means that STOP and DE VSE L together are
Timing Diagram
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Communication with the PITA- 2
Preliminary Data Sheet 28 01.00
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 04h
Bit 26:25 DEVSEL_Timing
Type H
Value 01b
Description 01 = medium tim ing, i. e. the DEV SE L signal will be
as s erted f rom the PCI interface with t he s ec ond pos itive PCI
c loc k edge aft er FRA ME was as serted on the PCI bus by a
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Preliminary Data Sheet 29 01.00
4.2.4 Tr ansaction T ype Fast Back to Back
With the fast bac k to back trans action a P CI Mast er Controller can per form
s ever al wr ite tr ans ac tions
a read trans ac tion as las t tr ans ac tion
without setting the PCI bus to IDLE state in between or releasing the bus to
another master.
A t the end of a trans action:
The Master as s erts t he FRAM E signal and at the s ame time the TRDY signal
is deasserted.
The transact ion is answered with a RE TRY s ignal by the PITA- 2
if the parallel interf ace is included in the fas t back to back trans action
and the par allel int erface is still busy.
Timing Diagram
BE1 1011
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Preliminary Data Sheet 30 01.00
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 04h
Bit 23 Fast_Back_To_Back_Capability
Type H
Value 1b
Description The P ITA - 2 s uppor ts fas t back- to-bac k .
Bit 9 Fast_Back_To_Back_Enable
Type H
Value 0b
Description The P ITA - 2 its elf gener ates no fast bac k -to-back
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Preliminary Data Sheet 31 01.00
4.3 Interr upt Cont rol Register - Ret r y Count er
Par t of the PCI M aster Target Controller
1. Disconnec tion of the PCI M aster transac tion wit h Retry by the addres sed PCI
2. Dec rement of the c ounter .
3. The Retry _Counter_Int bit is set.
4. An interr upt will be generated if the Ret ry_Counter_Enable bit is set.
5. The P CI Master star ts the tr ansaction again.
Inter nal Register: 00h
Bit 27 RETRY_Counter_Down_Int_En
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Enable for the Retry _Counter _Down inter rupt bit
Bit 11 Retry_Counter_Int
Type RC
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description I f a P CI Mas ter initiated tr ans ac tion is r etried f rom a PCI
Slave with the number of retries def ined in the
Retry _Counter r egis ter, this interr upt bit is set by the PCI
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Preliminary Data Sheet 32 01.00
Inter nal Register:1Ch
Bit 23:16 Retry Count Register
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description Hold the number of retries for a single PCI master
transaction before the PITA-2 will assert an interrupt (if
A s an ex ample, if this r egis ter is progr amm ed with the value
4, the PITA-2 will retry a single PCI transaction up to four
tim es as a mas ter befor e it asser ts an interrupt . The PITA-2
will c ontinue to r etry the t ransact ion until it suc ceeds or the
sof tware decides to abort the whole transac tion.
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Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 33 01.00
5 Communication with External Com ponents
This c hapter descr ibes the interfaces for communication wit h dev ic es on the local
bus side ( i. e. not the PCI bus side).
Interfaces Page
Serial DMA I nterface 34
Pa ral le l Int e rf ace 78
Gener al P ur pose I/ O Int er face 97
SPI EEPROM Interface 1 1 5
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Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 34 01.00
5.1 Se ria l DMA Inte rfa ce
The s er ial DMA interface is us ed in differ ent modes to tr ans mit and rec eiv e 16 bit/
32 bit data fr am es. These data fram es have differ ent content and s tr uc tur es :
Data/V oice and Com mand
Data/V oice and Com mand for two codec s
Differ ent time slots on IOM- 2.
Usage of the Serial DMA In terface
The s er ial DMA interface is c loc ked by default with t he internally gener ated cloc k
(DCL = PCI cloc k divided by 40) .
The S er_Clock _S et bit m ust be s et in the Ser ial Clock Select register to 1 when
the inter fac e s hall work in ALIS V3. X or IOM -2 mode
Reset ting this bit can result in an unknown behavior of t he FI FOs and the s erial
The s erial DM A interface is f ully controlled by the DMA c ontroller .
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Preliminary Data Sheet 35 01.00
Overview Page
DMA Contr oller 36
IOM-2 Mode 1 47
IOM-2 Mode 2 50
IOM-2 Mode 3 53
IOM-2 Modes - Supplementary Desc ription 56
Single M odem Mode V2.1 61
Single M odem Mode ALIS V3.X 65
Dual Modem /M odem+ Voice Mode 73
Loop Bac k M ode 76
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Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 36 01.00
5.1.1 DMA Controller
Overview Page
Infor mat ion about the DMA Cont roller 37
Inter nal Regist ers of the DMA Cont roller 41
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Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 37 01.00
5.1.2 Inform ation about the DMA Controller
For the control of the DMA Controller, three register are implemented in the
internal registers:
The Cir cular B uffer S tart Addr es s is a 4- k byte aligned PCI address which
points to a 4-kby te c ir c ular buffer in the PCI main m emory . All DMA r ead/wr ite
transactions between host and PITA will be processed via this 4-kbyte address
The DM A Control register includes the 6-bit parameter DMA Selec t whic h is
us ed to define the mode for the next DMA t r ansfer. With the DMA _St ar t bit the
DM A t ransfer can be st arted and s topped.
The c ontents of the DM A Wr ite Count Register is inter pr eted as a thr es hold for
the wr ite trans fers from the DMA c ontroller .
Function of the DMA Controller
Phase Function
1 DMA _Start bit is s et in the DMA Cont rol Register and a DMA
transf er is st art ed as defined in the DM A S elect Register.
2 T he DMA controller loads the Circular Buf fer Start Addres s t o its
A ct ual Circular Buffer Pointer .
3 T he DMA cont roller fills the T X FIFO by r eading 15 t imes thr ough
the PCI interface ( P CI mas ter mode) fr om the c ir cular buff er .
4 The DM A controller signals the end of the initial sequenc e.
5 The DMA controll er increments the Actual Circular Buffer Pointer by
4 each read t ransfer.
6 T he DMA cont roller loads the contents of the 12 bit DM A Wr it e
Count Regis ter to its internal 12 bit DMA wr it e c ounter.
7 After the fir s t 15 r ead tr ans fer s in the beginning of the 16th read
tr ans fer the DMA controller st ar ts the norm al DM A algorithm.
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Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 38 01.00
DMA Write Coun ter
A fter each wr ite tr ans ac tion fr om t he RX FI FO t o the buf fer the int er nal DMA wr ite
count er is inc rement ed by 1. If this counter reaches 0 an inter rupt is generat ed
and the counter is loaded again with the contents of the DMA Write Counter
The internal DM A writ e counter is decrem ented ev ery t wo write transac tions as
long as two 16 bit values per FS C frame ar e t ransferr ed in t he following modes :
32 bit frame mode
dual modem m ode
mode m+vo ice mo de
IOM- 2 mode 2 and 3.
Function of the DMA Algorithm
Phase Function
1 The DM A controller reads the 16th data wor d from t he c ur r ent
addr ess in the cir c ular buffer (A c tual Circ ular B uffer Pointer) t o the
i n te rna l TX FIFO.
2 The DM A controller writes the f ir s t r eceived 16-bit data word from
the RX FI FO to the same addr es s in the c ir cular buff er .
3 The DM A controller incr ement s the Actual Buff er P ointer by 4.
4 The DM A controller reads the 17th data wor d from t he c ur r ent
addr ess in the cir c ular buffer (A c tual Circ ular B uffer Pointer) t o the
i n te rna l TX FIFO.
5 The DMA controller writes the second received 16-bit data word
from the RX FIFO t o the sam e addr ess in the circular buffer.
6 The DM A controller incr ement s the Actual Buff er P ointer by 4.
7 and so on
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Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 39 01.00
DMA_ Start bit
The r eset of t he DM A_S tart bit st ops the DMA trans fer imm ediately.
The ass ertion of the DMA _Start bit reset s the TX and RX FIFOs.
This means that all FIFO data is los t when the DM A t rans fer is s topped.
Da ta in t he Circular Buffer
Since no data is written from the RX FIFO to the circular buffer for the first 15
addresses, the first interrupt after the DMA_Start assertion means that the
r eceived data is available in the c ir cular buffer on address
003Ch to 003Ch + [DMA W rite Count]: 16 bit f rame modes
003Ch t o 0003Ch + 2 x [DMA Write Count]: 32 bit fr ame modes.
Dur ing nor mal data transfer ev er y inter r upt m eans that received data is av ailable
in the circ ular buffer on addres s
[end addr es s from las t interrupt ] to [end addr ess from last int err upt] + [DMA
Write Count] : 16 bit frame modes
[end addr ess fr om last int er rupt] to [end addr es s fr om las t inter r upt] + 2 x [DMA
Write Count] : 32 bit frame modes
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Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 40 01.00
Example fo r DMA con t rolled Data Transfer via Circu lar Buf f er
The s tatus of the DMA c ontroller :
16 bit frame access mode (ALIS V2.1 mode/IOM-2 mode 1) when three data
frames are already wr it ten to the T X line.
RX data 1
TX data 15
TX data 14
TX data 13
TX data 12
TX data 11
TX data 10
TX data 9
TX data 8
TX data 7
TX data 6
TX data 5
TX data 4
TX data 3
TX data 2
TX data 1
RX data 4
RX data 3
RX data 2
TX data 23
TX data 22
TX data 21
TX data 20
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
16 0
Circular Buffer
RX data 8
RX data 9
RX data 10
RX data 11
RX data 12
RX data 13
RX data 14
RX data 15
RX data 16
RX data 17
RX data 18
RX data 19
RX data 5
RX data 6
RX data 7
RX data 20
TX data 16
TX data 15
TX data 14
TX data 13
TX data 12
TX data 11
TX data 10
TX data 9
TX data 8
TX data 7
TX data 6
TX data 5
TX data 19
TX data 18
TX data 17
TX data 4
Serial Control
Controller PITA
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Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 41 01.00
5.1.3 Int ernal Registers of the DMA Con t roller
Inter nal Registers: 00h
Bit 26 FIFO_Overflow_Empty_Int_En
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Enable for the FIFO_Over flow_Em pty inter rupt bit
Bit 25 DMA_Write_Counter_Overflow_Int_En
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Enable for the DMA _Write_Counter_Overflow interr upt bit .
Bit 24 DMA_Write_Counter_Int_En
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Enable for the DMA _Write_Counter interrupt bit.
Bit 10 FIFO_Overflow_Empty_Int
Type RC
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description During a DM A trans fer the ser ial c ontroller was unable to
write received data to the RX FI FO because is was already
full or the ser ial c ontroller was unable t o send data after the
rising F SC edge because of empty T X F IFO.
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Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 42 01.00
Bit 9 DMA_Write_Counter_Overflow_Int
Type RC
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description T his bit is s et if the int ernal DM A write counter is count ed
down while the DMA_W rite_Counter_Int bit is st ill ac tive.
This m eans t hat the interr upt gener ated by t he
DM A_Write_Counter_Int bit is not y et pr ocess ed.
Bit 8 DMA_Write_Counter_Int
Type RC
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description This bit is s et if the num ber of data, defined in the DM A Wr ite
Count Register is wr itten thr ough t he P CI interface. In the
32-bit modes (dual modem , modem+ voice, I OM -2 mode 2,
IOM- 2 mode 3) this bit is set if the number of dat a pairs
defined in the DMA Write Count Register is transf erred
through the PCI interface.
Inter nal Registers: 00h (contd)
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Preliminary Data Sheet 43 01.00
Inter nal Registers: 04h
Bit 31:0 DM A Control Register
Bit 31:9 Reserved
Type H
Value 0000000h
Description Reserved
Bit 8 DMA_Start
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description By ass erting this bit a DM A transf er between the circular
buffer and the s erial DM A int er face us ing inter nal RX/ TX
FIFOs is s tar ted. This bit is res et by the host if the DMA
tr ansfer is to be finished.
Bit 7:6 Reserved
Type H
Value 00b
Description Reserved
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Bit 5:0 DMA Se lect
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 000000b
Description Used to define the m ode for the next DMA transfer:
Mode 1 ( 000001): Single M odem Mode V2. 1
Mode 2 ( 000010): Single M odem Mode V3. X
Mode 3 ( 000100): Dual M odem/ Modem+ Voice Mode
Mode 4 ( 001000): I OM-2 Mode 1
Mode 5 ( 010000): I OM-2 Mode 2
Mode 6 ( 100000): I OM-2 Mode 3
With the DMA _St art bit the DMA tr ansfer can be s tarted or
Inter nal Registers: 04h (contd)
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Preliminary Data Sheet 45 01.00
Inter nal Registers: 08h
Bit 31:12 Circular Buffer St art Addres s
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 000000h
Bit 11:0 Circular Buffer St art Addres s
Type H
Value 000h
Description 4-k byte aligned PCI address which points to a 4-k by te
circular buff er in the PCI m ain memory .
A ll DM A read/write trans actions between the hos t and the
P ITA are proc ess ed via this 4- kby te addres s space.
Inter nal Register: 0Ch
Bit 31:02 A ctual Circular Buf fer Pointer
Type R
Value 31-12 equal to 31-12 of Regis ter 08, 11-02 ac tual address
Bit 1:0 A ctual Circular Buf fer Pointer
Type H
Value 00b
Description By r eading t his r egis ter the s oft ware has ac c ess to the PCI
address in t he DM A circular buffer address pointer.
The bits 31-12 are equal the cont ents of the Circular Buffer
St art Addr ess Regis ter. The bits 11-0 r epresent the act ual
dwor d addres s in the c ir cular buff er .
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Preliminary Data Sheet 46 01.00
Inter nal Register: 1Ch
Bit 11:0 DM A Write Count Regis ter
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 000h
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Preliminary Data Sheet 47 01.00
5.1.4 IOM-2 Mode 1
T ransmissio n and Recep tion of Data in the Circular Buf fer
Don´t care B1
31 B2
RX data 1
TX data 15
TX data 14
TX data 13
TX data 12
TX data 11
TX data 10
TX data 9
TX data 8
TX data 7
TX data 6
TX data 5
TX data 4
TX data 3
TX data 2
TX data 1
RX data 4
RX data 3
RX data 2
TX data 23
TX data 22
TX data 21
TX data 20
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
16 0
Circular Buffer
15 716 8 0
Data in Circu lar Buff er and on Serial DMA In terface
Direction Dat a in Circu lar Bu ffer Data o n Serial DMA
Tr ansmit Bits fr om circ ular buff er:
[31:16] = dont care
[15:8] = B1 [7: 0]
[7:0] = B2 [7:0]
Wr ite to s er ial DM A inter face:
B1 [7:0]
B2 [7:0]
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Preliminary Data Sheet 48 01.00
Timing Diagram
Receive B its to circular buff er:
[31:16] = dont care
[15:8] = B1 [7: 0]
[7:0] = B2 [7:0]
Read from s erial DMA
B1 [7:0]
B2 [7:0]
Data in Circu lar Buff er and on Serial DMA In terface (contd)
Direction Dat a in Circu lar Bu ffer Data o n Serial DMA
8 bit B1 channel DU 8 bit B2 channel DU
8 bit B1 channel DD 8 bit B2 channel DD
125 us
16 bit B1, B2 frame, double clock
FSC (i)
DCL (i)
TXD (o)
RXD (i)
Inter nal Registers: 04h
Bit 5:0 DMA Se lect
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 000000b
Description The DMA Cont r ol Register includes the 6 bit par am eter DM A
Used to define the m ode for the next DMA transf er:
Mode 4 (001000): IOM-2 Mode 1
With the DMA_S tar t bit t he DM A trans fer can be started or
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 49 01.00
Inter nal Register: 20h
Bit 1 DCL_Out_En
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 1=0: The DCL signal is configur ed as input, i.e. not
dr iv en by the PITA .
Bit 0 Serial_Clock_Select
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 0=1: The s er ial c ontr oller is dr iven with the exter nal DCL
input clock.
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 50 01.00
5.1.5 IOM-2 Mode 2
T ransmissio n and Recep tion of Data in the Circular Buf fer
Don´t care B1
31 B2
RX data 1
TX data 15
TX data 14
TX data 13
TX data 12
TX data 11
TX data 10
TX data 9
TX data 8
TX data 7
TX data 6
TX data 5
TX data 4
TX data 3
TX data 2
TX data 1
RX data 4
RX data 3
RX data 2
TX data 23
TX data 22
TX data 21
TX data 20
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
16 0
Circular Buffer
15 716 8 0
Don´t care Monitor 0
31 D, C/I, MR, MX
15 716 8 0
Data in Circu lar Buff er and on Serial DMA In terface
Direction Buffer
Offset Dat a in Circu lar Buff er Data on Serial DMA
Trans mit 0, 2, 4,
... Bits f rom circular buff er:
[31:16] = dont ca re
[15:8] = B1 [7: 0]
[7:0] = B2 [7:0]
Wr ite to ser ial DM A
B1 [7:0]
B2 [7:0]
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 51 01.00
Timing Diagram
Trans mit 1, 3, 5,
... Bits f rom circular buff er:
[31:16] = dont ca re
[15:8] = Monitor 0 [7:0]
[7:0] =
D,C/I0,M R,M X [7:0]
Wr ite to ser ial DM A
M onitor 0 [ 7:0]
D,C/I0,M R,M X [7: 0]
Receive 0, 2, 4,
... Bits to c ir cular buff er :
[31:16] = dont ca re
[15:8] = B1 [7: 0]
[7:0] = B2 [7:0]
Read from s erial DM A
B1 [7:0]
B2 [7:0]
1, 3, 5,
... Bits to c ir cular buff er :
[31:16] = dont ca re
[15:8] = Monitor 0 [7:0]
[7:0] =
D,C/I0,M R,M X [7:0]
Read from s erial DM A
M onitor 0 [ 7:0]
D,C/I0,M R,M X [7: 0]
Data in Circu lar Buff er and on Serial DMA In terface (contd)
Direction Buffer
Offset Dat a in Circu lar Buff er Data on Serial DMA
8 bit B1 channel DU 8 bit B2 channel DU
8 bit B1 channel DD 8 bit B2 channel DD
125 us
16 bit B1, B2 frame, double clock
FSC (i)
DCL (i)
TXD (o)
RXD (i)
8 bit Monitor 0 channel DU
8 bit Monitor 0 channel DD
2 bit D
2 bit D
4 bit C/I 0 MR
MR4 bit C/I 0
16 bit MON0, D, C/I0, MR, MX frame
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 52 01.00
Inter nal Registers: 04h
Bit 5:0 DMA Se lect
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 000000b
Description The DMA Control Regist er inc ludes the 6 bit parameter DMA
Used to define the m ode for the next DMA transf er:
Mode 5 (010000): IOM-2 Mode 2
With the DMA _St art bit the DMA tr ansfer can be s tarted or
Inter nal Register: 20h
Bit 1 DCL_Out_En
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 1=0: The DCL signal is configur ed as input, i.e. not
dr iv en by the PITA .
Bit 0 Serial_Clock_Select
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 0=1: The s er ial c ontr oller is dr iven with the exter nal DCL
input clock.
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 53 01.00
5.1.6 IOM-2 Mode 3
T ransmissio n and Recep tion of Data in the Circular Buf fer
Don´t care B1
31 B2
RX data 1
TX data 15
TX data 14
TX data 13
TX data 12
TX data 11
TX data 10
TX data 9
TX data 8
TX data 7
TX data 6
TX data 5
TX data 4
TX data 3
TX data 2
TX data 1
RX data 4
RX data 3
RX data 2
TX data 23
TX data 22
TX data 21
TX data 20
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
16 0
Circular Buffer
15 716 8 0
Don´t care IC1
31 IC2
15 716 8 0
Data in Circu lar Buff er and on Serial DMA In terface
Directio n Bu ffer
Offset Dat a in Circular Buf f er Data o n Serial DMA
Transmit 0, 2, 4,
... Bits from circular buff er:
[31:16] = dont ca re
[15:8] = B1 [7: 0]
[7:0] = B2 [7:0]
Bits to serial DMA
B1 [7:0]
B2 [7:0]
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 54 01.00
Timing Diagram
Transmit 1, 3, 5,
... Bits from circular buff er:
[31:16] = dont ca re
[15:8] = IC1 [7:0]
[7 :0 ] = IC2 [7 :0]
Write to serial DMA
IC 1 [7 :0 ]
IC 2 [7 :0 ]
Receive 0, 2, 4,
... B its to c ir cular buffer :
[31:16] = dont care
[15:8] = B1 [7: 0]
[7:0] = B2 [7:0]
Read from s erial DMA
B1 [7:0]
B2 [7:0]
1, 3, 5,
... Write to circ ular buff er:
[31:16] = dont care
[15:8] = IC1 [7:0]
[7 :0 ] = IC2 [7 :0]
Read from s erial DMA
IC 1 [7 :0 ]
IC 2 [7 :0 ]
Data in Circu lar Buff er and on Serial DMA In terface (contd)
Directio n Bu ffer
Offset Dat a in Circular Buf f er Data o n Serial DMA
8 bit B1 channel DU 8 bit B2 channel DU
8 bit B1 channel DD 8 bit B2 channel DD
125 us
16 bit B1, B2 frame, double clock
FSC (i)
DCL (i)
TXD (o)
RXD (i)
8 bit IC1 channel DU
8 bit IC1 channel DD
16 bit IC1, IC2 frame
8 bit IC2 channel DU
8 bit IC2 channel DD
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 55 01.00
Inter nal Registers: 04h
Bit 5:0 DMA Se lect
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 000000b
Description The DMA Control Regist er inc ludes the 6 bit parameter DMA
Used to define the m ode for the next DMA transf er:
Mode 6 (100000): IOM-2 Mode 3
With the DMA _St art bit the DMA tr ansfer can be s tarted or
Inter nal Register: 20h
Bit 1 DCL_Out_En
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 1=0: The DCL signal is configur ed as input, i.e. not
dr iv en by the PITA .
Bit 0 Serial_Clock_Select
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 0=1: The s er ial c ontr oller is dr iven with the exter nal DCL
input clock.
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 56 01.00
5.1.7 IOM-2 Modes - Supplementary Descrip tion
Selection of IOM-2 Time Slots
The MI SC regis ter contains four bit s . They ar e used for mas k ing the tim e slot on
If Bx_MSK (x := [1,4]) is set:
The cor responding v alue fr om the TX FIFO is not writ ten to the DU line.
FFh is written to th is time slo t.
In IOM -2 m ode 1 the bits B3_M SK and B4_MS K have no effect .
Data is alway s transferr ed from the IOM -2 time slot to the RX- FIFO.
T iming Diagram f or all IOM-2 Modes
FSC (i)
DCL (i)
RXD (i)
TXD (o)
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 57 01.00
Figu re of the M ISC Register B1 - B4 Mask Bits
Ab breviation s fo r the T iming Diag ram
Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit
min. max.
FSC pulse width tFSW 40 ns
FSC setup time tFSS 40 ns
FSC hold time tFSH 40 ns
DCL cycle time t CYC 244 ns
DCL HIGH ti me tWH 100 ns
DCL LOW tim e tWL 100 ns
IOM output data
delay tIOD 100 ns
IOM input data
setup tIIS 20 ns
IOM input data hold tIIH 20 ns
Mode 1
Mode 2
B2 Monitor 0
Mode 3
B2 IC1
Register: B1_MSK B2_MSK B3_MSK B4_MSK
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 58 01.00
Ma s king of IOM -2 Time slot s ( Example for IOM-2 Mode 2 )
RXD (i)
TXD (0)
B2 Monitor 0
B2 Monitor 0
Previous IOM-2 frame
Don't care B1 B2
Don't care Monitor 0 D,C/I0,MR,MX
Next IOM-2 frame
'FFh' 'FFh''FFh' 'FFh'
IOM-2 DD line
IOM-2 DU line
Data 1
Data 1
Data 2
Data 2
Data 3
Data 3
Circular Buffer
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 59 01.00
Inter nal Register: 1Ch
Bit 31:0 MI SC (Mis cellaneous Register)
Bit 31 IOM_B1_masking
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 31=0: B yt e B 1 is gener ated out of the circular buffer.
B it 31= 1: FFh is t ransm itt ed on the B1 time slot.
Bit 30 IOM_B3_masking
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 30=0: B yt e B 2 is gener ated out of the circular buffer.
B it 30= 1: FFh is t ransm itt ed on the B2 time slot.
Bit 29 IOM_M onitor_0 / IC1_m as king
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 29=0: B yt e M onitor 0 or IC1 is generated out of the
circular buff er.
B it 29= 1: FFh is t ransm itt ed on the Monitor /I C1 tim e s lot.
Monit or is used in IO M -2 m ode 2.
IC1 is used in IOM- 2 m ode 3.
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 60 01.00
Bit 28 IOM_S upl_m asking / IC2_m as king
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Address:=0: Byte D, C/I0, M R, M X or IC2 is generated out
of the circular buff er.
Address:=1: FFh is trans mitt ed on the D, C/ I0, MR, MX or
IC 2 ti me s l o t .
D, C/I 0, MR, MX : Us ed in I OM-2 mode 2.
IC2: Used in IOM -2 mode 3
Inter nal Register: 1Ch (contd)
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 61 01.00
5.1.8 Sin gle Modem Mode V2.1
Timing diagrams
Da ta in Circular Buffer and on Seri al DMA Interfac e
Direction Dat a in Circu lar Buff er Data o n Serial DMA
Trans mit B its fr om circular buffer:
[31:16] = dont c a re
[15:0] = data fr ame [15: 0]
Write to serial DMA
data fr am e [15:0]
Receive B its to circular buff er:
[31:16] = dont c a re
[15:0] = data fr ame [15: 0]
Read from s erial DMA
data fr am e [15:0]
16 bit data
16 bit data
125 us
16 bit data frame
FSC (i)
DCL (o)
TXD (o)
RXD (i)
FSC (i)
DCL (o)
RXD (i)
TXD (o)
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 62 01.00
Configuration of the Single Modem Mode V2.1 aft e r a Sys te m/Soft Rese t
The configuration of the PS B4596 V 2.1 in single m odem mode is r ealized by
sof twar e using the 4-bit Gener al Purpos e I/O Inter face of the PIT A ( See
Gener al Purpos e I/O Interface on page 97.).
After a system/soft reset the FSC is an input pin both for
the P ITA
th e ALIS V2 .1
Af ter a syst em re set t h e D CL_Out _ En b it must be se t t o 1 by the host.
Ab breviation s fo r the T iming Diag ram
Parameter Symbol PCI
Clo ck
Limit Values Unit
min. typ. max.
FSC pulse width tFSW 40 ns
DCL delay tDCD 16 480 ns
DCL idle time tDCI 105 µs
DCL cycle time t CYC 40 1200 ns
DCL HIGH ti me tWH 20 600 ns
DCL LOW tim e tWL 20 600 ns
DCL duty cy c le 45 50 55 %
Input data setup t ISU 10 ns
Input data hold tIHO 10 ns
Output data delay tOD 10 ns
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 63 01.00
Note A Pull Down res is tor is requir ed on the board to avoid a floating FS C signal in t his
PITA Conf igu ration for ALIS V2.1 after a Syst em Reset
Seri al DMA Interface
Mode Ser_Clock_S el ( clock
i n pu t to Se ri a l D MA
DCL_Out_E n (DCL
ALI S V2.1 0 PCI clock/
40 1 DCL
Inter nal Registers: 04h
Bit 5:0 DMA Se lect
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 000000b
Description The DMA Control Regist er inc ludes the 6 bit parameter DMA
Used to define the m ode for the next DMA transf er:
Mode 1 (000001): Si ng l e Mo d e m Mo de V2 . 1
With the DMA _St art bit the DMA tr ansfer can be s tarted or
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 64 01.00
Inter nal Register: 20h
Bit 1 DCL_Out_En
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 1=1: The DCL signal is output (open drain) and driven
by the PITA .
Bit 0 Serial_Clock_Select
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 0=0: The ser ial controller is driv en wit h the clock s ignal
generat ed by the internal clock div ider.
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 65 01.00
5.1.9 Sin gle Modem Mode AL IS V3.X
________________________________________ Infor mation about the S ingle Modem Mode ALIS V3.X
Timing Diagram
Overview Page
Inform ation about t he S ingle Modem Mode ALIS V3.X 65
Inter nal Registers of the Single Modem M ode V 3.X 67
Da ta in Circular Buffers, on Se rial DMA Interface
Direction Dat a i n Circular Buf f er Dat a on Seri al DMA In terface
Tr ansmit Read fr om c ir cular buffer :
[31:16]= dont ca re
[15:0] = data fr ame [15:0]
Write to serial DMA interface:
data fr am e [15:0]
Receive Write to circular buffer:
[31:16]= dont ca re
[15:0] = data fr ame [15:0]
Read from s erial DMA interfac e:
data fr am e [15:0]
FSC (i)
16 bit data
DCL (i)
TXD (o) 8 bit CMD 8 bit write data
16 bit data 8 bit read dataRXD (i)
125 us
32 bit data / command frame
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 66 01.00
Note The timing characteristics of the serial DMA interface in Single modem mode
V3.X mode are identical to the IOM-2 modes with the only difference that the DCL
signal is not a double bit clock, but a single bit clock, similar to Single Modem
mode V2.1.
Configuration of the Single Modem Mode V3.X a fter a Syst e m/Soft Reset
Realiz ed by starting the DMA trans fer.
S eparate from this transf er the command by te and comm and data by te are
writ ten to the ALIS Com mand Registers in the PITA on address es 10h.
After a system/soft reset the single modem mode V3.X is in the multiplexed
m ode becaus e t he non multiplexed mode is not suppor ted.
The A LIS V3.X needs some tim e af ter an ex ternal r eset until it has st abiliz ed
FS C and DCL. Fur ther m ore as the PIT A-2 does not autom atically as serts
S RST as a respons e to a P CI r es et the following proc edur e is r ecom mended
to start the com municat ion with the ALI S V3.X:
Assert SRST by r eset ting bit 25 of internal regis ter 025h
Deass ert SRS T by setting bit 25 of int ernal regis ter 025h
Wait 500ms
A fter this pr ocedur e the ALIS V 3.X is ready for r ec eiv ing the fir s t command
PITA Configurat ion for ALIS V3.X afte r a System Rese t
Seri al DMA Interface
Mode Ser_Clock_S el ( clock
i n pu t to Se ri a l D MA
DCL_Out_E n (DCL
ALIS V3.X 1 DCL input
2×ALIS V3.X 1 0
A LIS V3.X + second
codec 10
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 67 01.00 Internal Registers of the Single Modem Mode V3.X
Inter nal Registers: 04h
Bit 5:0 DMA Se lect
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 000000b
Description The DMA Control Regist er inc ludes the 6 bit parameter DMA
Used to define the m ode for the next DMA transf er:
Mode 2 (000010): Si ng l e Mo d e m Mo de V3 . X
With the DMA _St art bit the DMA tr ansfer can be s tarted or
Inter nal Register: 10h
Bit 31:0 ALIS Comm and Register 1
Description T his com mand register is used for the firs t comm and
st ructure in the FS C t ime slot by t he serial controller .
Bit 31:25 Reserved
Type H
Value 0b
Description Reserved
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 68 01.00
Bit 24 New_ALIS_Command_1
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 24=1: The host has wr itt en a new c ommand to the ALIS
Com mand Resister 1.
Bit 24=0: Last command written to the ALIS Command
Regis ter 1 by t he hos t is pr oces s ed and t he receiv ed data is
av ailable in the ALI S Received Data 1 r egis t er.
This bit is set by soft ware if there is a new com mand in the
ALIS Command 1 Register. After the serial DMA interface
has tr ansmitted the new com mand and t he received data is
wr itten to the ALIS_Rec eiv ed_Data_1 bits , this bit is r es et by
the serial DMA interface.
Bit 23:16 ALIS_Received_Data_1
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description During a DMA transfer in mode 2 or 3 every time a new
command is transferred through the serial DMA interface,
the received data is fetc hed and saved in t his regist er.
New c omm and means : The comm and was written through
the PCI interface to the A LIS c omm and r egis ter.
Tr ans fer r ing a NOP c ommand ( FFh or 00h) leads to skipping
of the received data.
Inter nal Register: 10h (contd)
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 69 01.00
Bit 15:8 ALIS_Command_1
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description During a DMA transfer in mode 2 or 3 the contents of this
r egis ter ar e trans ferr ed as c omm and through the s erial DMA
After tr ans ferr ing the new com mand through the serial DM A
interface, the r egis ter is s et to NOP ( FFh).
Bit 7:0 ALIS_Transmit_Data_2
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description During a DMA tr ans fer in A LIS V 3.x m ode 2 or 3 the c ontents
of this register are transferred as data through the serial
DM A interface.
Inter nal Register: 10h (contd)
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 70 01.00
Inter nal Register: 14h
Bit 31:0 ALIS Comm and Register 2
Defau lt Val ue 00000000h
Bit 31:25 Reserved
Type H
Defau lt Val ue 000h
Description Reserved
Bit 24 New_ALIS_Command_2
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 24=1: The hos t has wr itten a new c om mand t o the ALIS
Com mand 2 Regis ter .
B it 24= 0: Last c ommand written to the ALIS Com mand 2
Regist er by the host is proces sed and the received data is
av ailable in the ALI S Received Data 2 Register .
This bit is s et by soft ware if there is a new c ommand in t he
ALIS Comm and 2 Register . Aft er the serial controller has
trans m itted the new command and the receiv ed data is
wr itten in the A LIS Rec eiv ed Data 2 Register, this bit is res et
by the serial controller.
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 71 01.00
Bit 23:16 ALIS_Received_Data_2
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description During a DMA transfer in mode 3 ev ery time a new
com mand is t ransferred through the serial DM A interface,
the received data is fetc hed and saved in t his regist er.
New com mand means : The comm and was wr itten thr ough
the PCI interface to the A LIS V 3.X c ommand regist er .
If only a N OP com mand (F Fh or 00h) is tr ansfer red t he
received data is s kipped.
Bit 15:8 ALIS_Command_2
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description During a DMA transfer in mode 3 the c ontents of this r egis ter
are trans ferred as comm and through the serial DM A
A fter tr ans fer r ing the new com mand t hrough t he s erial DMA
interface, the r egis ter is s et to NOP ( FFh).
Bit 7:0 ALIS_Transmit_Data_2
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description During a DMA transfer in mode 3 the c ontents of this r egis ter
are trans ferred as data through the serial interfac e.
Inter nal Register: 14h (contd)
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 72 01.00
Inter nal Register: 20h
Bit 1 DCL_Out_En
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 1=0: The DCL signal is input and driven by the PIT A .
Bit 0 Serial_Clock_Select
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 0=1: The s er ial c ontr oller is dr iven with the exter nal DCL
input clock.
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 73 01.00
5.1.10 Dual Mod em/Modem+Voice Mod e
The PI TA transm its and r ece ives two 32 bit fr ames per FSC tim e slot.
E ach 32 bit fr ames cons is ts of 16 bit data and 16 bit command/ data
For each of the 32 bit fr ames the 16 bit t r ansmitted data is r ead out of t he TX
The 16 bit tr ans mit ted data is wr itten to the RX FIFO.
The command read/write dat a for the f ir s t 32 bit frame is r ead out/ wr itt en to the
ALIS Comm and Register 1 (10h)
The command read/write data for the sec ond 32 bit frame is read out/ written to
the A LIS Com mand Regis ter 2 ( 14h).
The internal DM A write counter is inc rem ented every second write tr ans fer to
the c ir cular buff er .
A new fr ame trans miss ion starts if the FSC is sam pled 1 at a negat iv e edge
of the DCL s ignal.
The P ITA s tarts dr iv ing the TX D line with the fir st bit of the tr ans mitted dat a at
the nex t positiv e DCL edge.
Dur ing the tr ans miss ion the ris ing DCL edge indicates the star t of a bit on t he
TXD while the falling edge of the DCL is used to lat ch the RXD signal.
The P ITA s tops dr iv ing the TX D signal with t he positiv e DCL edge when bit 32
of the firs t or s econd transm itt ed f rame is on the T XD line.
PSB 4610
Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 74 01.00
Data Organization in the Circular Buffer
Timin g Diagram for the Du al Modem M ode
RX data 1
TX data 15
TX data 14
TX data 13
TX data 12
TX data 11
TX data 10
TX data 9
TX data 8
TX data 7
TX data 6
TX data 5
TX data 4
TX data 3
TX data 2
TX data 1
RX data 4
RX data 3
RX data 2
TX data 23
TX data 22
TX data 21
TX data 20
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
don't care
16 0
Circular Buffer
Don´t care TX Data 1 Modem 1
31 15 716 8 0
Don´t care TX Data 1 Modem 2
31 15 716 8 0
16 bit data 8 bit CMD 8 bit write data 16 bit data 8 bit CMD 8 bit write data
16 bit data 8 bit read data 16 bit data 8 bit read data
125 us
32 bit data / command frame 32 bit data / command frame
FSC (i)
DCL (i)
TXD (o)
RXD (i)
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Preliminary Data Sheet 75 01.00
Timin g Diagram for the Du al Modem+Voice M ode
Descrip tion of t he T iming Diagram
The sec ond 32 bit fram e only consists of the 16 bit voice data.
The v oice data is r ead out the TX FI FO.
The v oice data is tr ansm itted thr ough t he s er ial DMA inter fac e ( MSB fir s t) .
Dur ing this tr ans m ission the rec eiv ed 16 bit v oic e data ( MSB firs t) is wr itten to
th e R X FIFO.
16 bit data 8 bit CMD 8 bit write data 16 bit data stuffing pattern 'FFh'
16 bit data 8 bit read data 16 bit data
125 us
32 bit data / command frame 32 bit data frame
FSC (i)
DCL (i)
TXD (o)
RXD (i)
16 bit stuffing 'FFh'
Inter nal Registers: 04h
Bit 5:0 DMA Se lect
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 000000b
Description The DMA Control Regist er inc ludes the 6 bit parameter DMA
Used to define the m ode for the next DMA transf er:
Mode 3 (000100): Single Dual Modem/Modem + Voice
Mode V3 .X
With the DMA _St art bit the DMA tr ansfer can be s tarted or
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Preliminary Data Sheet 76 01.00
5.1.11 Lo op Back M ode
If Loop_Back_Mode is set to 1 transmit data is transferred from the TX FIFO
bac k to the RX FI FO.
Mode Diagram
Data 1
Data 1
Data 2
Data 2
Data 3
Data 3
Circular Buffer
Serial Controller
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Preliminary Data Sheet 77 01.00
Inter nal Register: 28h
Bit 0 Loop_Back_Mode
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 0=0: The s er ial c ontroller tr ans mits and r ec eiv es data/
c omm ands through the serial DM A int erf ac e ( nor mal
operat ion mode).
Bit 0=1: T he ser ial contr oller is in loop back m ode.
The ser ial DMA inter face reads the data in t he
trans m itting FIFO and writes them in the r eceiving
No data/com mand tr ans mission will take place on the
s er ial DMA inter fac e.
The s erial DM A interface is clock ed with the defined
Ser_Clock_ Sel bit .
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Preliminary Data Sheet 78 01.00
5.2 Pa ra lle l In te rfac e
The PI TA has an 8 bit par allel inter face to suppor t three ex ternal c omponents .
This par allel inter face is implem ented in mult iplex ed and non multiplexed m ode.
It works in I nfineon/I ntel bus m ode.
The par allel inter face is by default in t he non mult iplex ed m ode.
Inter nal Register: 1Ch
Bit 26 Parallel_interface_mode
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description 0: non mult iplex ed mode
1: multiplexed mode
Bit 24 Softreset_parallel_mode
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description 0: Deactivates the res et signal PRS T to the application.
1: Activates the high active reset signal PRST to the
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Preliminary Data Sheet 79 01.00
Mapp ing bet ween PCI Data and Parallel Interface Data
Data on the
P CI b us AD31-0 PCI B yte
Data on the
Parall el Interface Data bu s
AD[31-8] = Dont C a re
AD[7 -0] = Para llel
Inter face Data
XXX0PAD[7-0] = AD[7-0]
AD[31-8] = Dont C a re
AD[7 -0] = Para llel
Inter face Data
XXX1No tr ans act ion, PCI interface
disc onnec ts with Tar get Abor t.
Ad dress M apping of the 4-kbyte PCI Add ress Space to th e Parallel
Address on
PCI ad dress
bus A D 1 1 -0
Chip Sel ect on
parallel in terface
Address on th e
parallel in terface address bus
PAD7-0 = AD9-2 (mux mode)
PA7-0 = AD9-2 ( non-mux mod e)
3FFh - 000h CS0 FFh - 00h
7FFh - 400h CS1 FFh - 00h
B FFh - 800h CS2 F Fh - 00h
FFFh - C00h none ( not used)
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Preliminary Data Sheet 80 01.00
Modes an d T iming of the Parallel Interf ace
M odes and Ti ming Page
AL E aft er Syst em Re set 81
ALE after inter nal Sof tware Reset 82
A LE aft er s ett ing the Par allel I nter face Mode Bit 83
Non Multiplexed Mode ( Write Trans action) 84
Non Multiplexed Mode ( Read Tr ans ac tion) 86
M ultiplexed Mode (Write Trans act ion) 87
M ultiplexed Mode (Read Transac tion) 88
Tr ansaction Dis c onnec t with Target Abor t 89
Trans action Ter mination wit h R etry 92
Timing of the Parallel Interf ace 94
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Preliminary Data Sheet 81 01.00
5.2.1 ALE af t er System Reset
Timing Diagram
Both ALE and PRS T are high during RST and rem ain high for a m aximum of 4
cycles after RST goes deasserted.
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Preliminary Data Sheet 82 01.00
5.2.2 ALE af t er internal Sof t ware Reset
Timing Diagram
A fter the inter nal Sof t Reset is deasser ted t he s am e behavior as in ALE after
System Reset gener ated.
The s oft reset bit in the int e rnal regis ters c an only be set or res et if the parallel
interface is in idle st ate.
If A LE is high before PA R_RS T is ass er ted, it goes to low one cy c le after PRST
and tak es the new v alue depending on the PAR_MOD bit in the 6th cy c le aft er
P RST is deas s er ted.
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Preliminary Data Sheet 83 01.00
5.2.3 ALE af t er setting th e Parallel Interface Mode Bit
Timing Diagram
The par allel inter face is in non multiplexed mode by default .
To s et the parallel interface into multiplexed mode:
The Parallel_Int er face_Mode bit has t o be s et to 1 after reset.
Two P CI clocks after finishing this data phase t he A LE signal is asserted.
CMD1 0000 CMD 0000
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Preliminary Data Sheet 84 01.00
5.2.4 Non M ultiplexed Mode ( Write Transact io n)
Timing Diagram
A fter the addres s phase on the P CI bus ( clock 3) and the C/B E0=0 veri ficati on
the address dec oding phase of the target (c locks 3 to 4) is act ive.
The by te addr ess for the t rans ac tion on the par allel int er face is gener ated out
of the P CI addres s AD9- 2 by mapping it to the par allel inter face addres s bus
One PCI c loc k af ter the PCI data phase is finished the data fr om t he P CI bus
is plac ed on the data bus P AD7-0 (cloc k 5) and t he write trans action star ts.
The data is plac ed fr om t he P CI bus on P AD7-0 asser ting the WR signal and
a CS 2- 0 signal.
A new acc es s to the par allel interfac e could be ac cepted with an addres s
phase at clock 9. Any acc ess before would be cancelled wit h Retry because
the PCI Inter face is process ing the last acc es s.
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Preliminary Data Sheet 85 01.00
As an example the value 0A4h shall be written at address 005h of the device
connected to CS1. In this example the Base Address Register 1 (BAR1) shall
c ontain the addr ess 20004000h.
CS1 is activated for the address space 400h to 7FFh. Ther efore the devices
addr es s space starts at PCI address BA R1+400h= 20004400h.
Only the lower by te of eac h 32bit word trans ferr ed to and f rom the PITA - 2 ov er
the P CI bus is us ed for the parallel interface. Therefore the r elative PCI
addr es s is four times the relativ e dev ic e addr es s: r el. PCI address = four times
005h = 014h.
The abs olute PCI addr es s for the data trans fer is
Only the low by te of a 32 bit dat a wor d matt er s , the upper thr ee byt es ar e
ignor ed by the PITA - 2. In order to write the value 0A 4h the data word
000000A4 can be written to PCI addres s 20004414h.
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Preliminary Data Sheet 86 01.00
5.2.5 Non M ultiplexed Mode ( Read Transaction)
Timing Diagram
A fter the addres s phase on the P CI bus ( clock 3) and the C/B E0=0 veri ficati on
the address dec oding phase of the target (c locks 3 to 4) is act ive.
The by te addr ess for the t rans ac tion on the par allel int er face is gener ated out
of the P CI addres s AD9- 2 by mapping it to the par allel inter face addres s bus
P A7- 0 (c lock 5) .
The following P CI c loc k ass er ts the signals RD and CS 2-0.
A fter 5 c loc k s the RD signal is deassert ed.
The data from P AD7- 0 is fetc hed.
With t he nex t cloc k the data is placed on t he P CI bus and the data phase is
finished by deasserting the TRDY signal.
The 8 bit data fr om the par allel interfac e is placed an the last s ignific ant by te
of the P CI data bus AD7-0.
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Preliminary Data Sheet 87 01.00
5.2.6 Multiplexed Mo de ( Write Tran saction)
Timing Diagram
A fter the addres s phase on the PCI bus (cloc k 3) and the C/ BE0=0 verification
the address dec oding phase of the target (c locks 3 to 4) is act ive.
The by te address for t he trans ac tion on the parallel interface addr ess is
gener ated out of the PCI address A D9- 2 by mapping it t o the parallel interface
addr es s bus PA7- 0.
One PCI c loc k af ter the PCI data phase is finished the data fr om t he P CI bus
is plac ed on the data bus P AD7-0 (cloc k 5) and t he write trans action star ts.
The data is plac ed fr om t he P CI bus on P AD7-0 asser ting the CS2- 0 signal.
The ALE signal is deasser ted.
With the following P CI clock the data from t he P CI bus is placed on P AD7-0
The WR signal is asserted.
A new acc es s to the par allel interfac e could be ac cepted with an addres s
phas e at clock 11. Any ac ces s bef or e would be c ancelled with Retr y bec aus e
the PCI Inter face is process ing the last acc es s.
PCI-ADR[9-2] PCI-DATA1[7-0]
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Preliminary Data Sheet 88 01.00
5.2.7 Multiplexed Mo de ( Read Transactio n)
Timing Diagram
A fter the addres s phase on the PCI bus (cloc k 3) and the C/ BE0=0 verification
the address dec oding phase of the target (c locks 3 to 4) is act ive.
The by te addr ess for the t rans ac tion on the par allel int er face is gener ated out
of the P CI addres s AD9- 2 by mapping it to the par allel inter face addres s bus
P A7- 0 (c lock 5) .
The following P CI c loc k ass er ts the ALE s ignal.
A fter 2 c loc k s the ALE signal is deasser ted.
The addr ess is held for one m ore c lock.
A fter 5 c loc k s the RD signal is deassert ed.
At the s ame time the data is lat ched in die P CI output regist ers.
TRDY is as sert ed on the PCI bus to finish the data phase.
At the nex t clock the CS2-0 and ALE s ignals are deas ser t ed.
PCI-ADR[9-2] DATA1[23-16]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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Preliminary Data Sheet 89 01.00
5.2.8 Tr ansaction Discon nect with Targ et Abor t
Timing Diagram
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Preliminary Data Sheet 90 01.00
C/BE0 = 1: No transaction is started on selected parallel interface, due to the
wr ong by te enable. The P CI M ast er Target Controller disc onnec ts the trans ac tion
with tar get abort.
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 04h
Bit 30 System_Error_Signaled
Type RC
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description This bit is set by the PITAs PCI M ast er , if t he m ast er as s ert s
the sy st em error signal on the P CI bus . This oc curs if a
trans ac tion initiated by the PIT A is disc onnec ted wit h target
Bit 29 Master_Abort_Detected
Type RC
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description I f no fast /m edium /slow or subtrac tive s lav e reacts to a P CI
tr ansact ion initiated by the PCI Mas ter, the m aster will
discard the tr ansaction and s et this bit.
Bit 28 Master_Abort_Detected
Type RC
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description I f a P CI trans act ion initiated by the P CI Master is
dis c onnected with Tar get A bort , t he P CI master will set this
bit. The PCI M aster is not allowed to st ar t a new PCI
trans ac tion, until this bit is deasser ted.
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Preliminary Data Sheet 91 01.00
Bit 27 Target_Abort_Signaled
Type RC
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description T his bit is s et by the PCI interface if a t ransaction was
dis c onnected with Tar get Abor t. The PI TA will disc onnect
trans ac tions with Tar get A bor t if illegal by te enables ar e
Bit 8 System_Error_Enable
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description I f this bit is ass erted, the P CI M as ter will ass er t the Sy s tem
Error Sig nal (SERR) if it rec eiv es a t arget abort during a
tr ansact ion initiated by it self.
Bit 2 Master_Enable
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description If this bi t is set to 0 the PCI Master is not allowed to start any
trans ac tion on the PCI B us.
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 04h (contd)
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Preliminary Data Sheet 92 01.00
5.2.9 Transact ion Terminat ion with Retry
Retry means that the PITA finishes a transaction without a data transfer by
asserting the signal STOP, because the parallel interface processes another
The PCI Master Target Controller has to repeat the transaction until a slave
accepts the transaction with data transfer or target abort. This sequence is
inv is ible for the sof tware.
Timing Diagram
PCI-ADR[9-2] PCI-DATA1[7-0]
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Preliminary Data Sheet 93 01.00
Expl anati on of ADR/CMD and ADR2/CMD2
A DR/ CMD: The PCI Mas ter Tar get Controller acc epts the wr ite trans ac tion
ADR2/CM D2: The second tr ansaction is retried.
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Preliminary Data Sheet 94 01.00
5.2.10 Timing of the Pa rallel In te rfa c e
Read Tim ing
W rite Timing
Mu lt ip lexed Address Timing
WR x CS or
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Preliminary Data Sheet 95 01.00
Non M ultiplex e d Addre ss Timing
Appl ication Re set and Int err u pt T im ing
WR x CS or
valid state
Host wri te
access to
the register
previous state
IN T O (i)
INTA (o)
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Preliminary Data Sheet 96 01.00
Ab breviation s of th e Timin g Diagrams
Parameter Sym-
bol PCI
Clo ck
Lim it
Values Unit
min. max
A LE puls e widt h tAA 5 150 ns
Addr es s setup tim e t o A LE tAL 130 ns
Addr es s hold tim e f r om ALE tLA 130 ns
Address latch setup time to WR,
RD tALS 130 ns
Addr es s setup tim e tAS 130 ns
Addr es s hold tim e tAH 130 ns
A LE guard t ime tAD 130 ns
RD pulse width t RR 5 150 ns
Data output delay from RD tRD 5 150 ns
Data float from RD tDF 130ns
RD control interv al tRI 5 150 ns
W pulse widt h tWW 390 ns
Data setup time to W x CS tDW 260 ns
Data hold time W x CS tWD 130 ns
W cont rol inter val tWI 390 ns
Re se t Ou tp u t D e l a y tROD 390ns
Inter rupt O utput Delay tIOD 260ns
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Preliminary Data Sheet 97 01.00
5 .3 Gene ra l Purpo se I/O Inte rfac e
Overview Page
Infor mat ion about the GP I/ O Interfac e 98
Timing of the GP I/O Interfac e 100
Inter nal Regist ers of the GP I/O Interface 101
Input Mode 107
Output Mode 109
Inter rupt Mode 111
Usage of the GP I /O Inter fac e as ALIS V2. 1 Control Inter face 113
PSB 4610
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Preliminary Data Sheet 98 01.00
5.3.1 Inf ormat ion abo ut th e GP I/O Interface
For additional ac cess to ext ernal devices with a slow int erfac e behavior a 4 bit
General P urpose I/ O interface is im plem ented in the PITA.
Appl ication Interr up t
The PCI inter fac e supports a separ ate int errupt input with progr am mable
The four pins of t he gener al purpos e I/ O inter fac e can be us ed as additional
interr upt input s.
E ach of thes e fiv e interr upts has an I nterr upt_Enable bit and an
Interrupt_Contr ol_S tat us bit .
For the separate input t he enable an polarity bits are located in t he Inter r upt
Contr ol Regis ter .
For the Gener al P ur pose I/ O the enable bit s ar e located in t he Interface Control
Pin Pi n N am e Ge ne r a l P u r pos e I/O
Function SPI EEPR O M
2 GP0 I/O/Int. SO
3 GP1 I/O/Int. SI
4 GP2 I/O/Int. SCK
5 GP3 I/O/Int.
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Preliminary Data Sheet 99 01.00
Co ntrol Registers fo r GPx Pins
Register Register Bit Description
Interrupt Control Register
- ICR GPx_I NT GP Int errupt Status
GP I/O In te rface C o n trol
GPx_INT_En GP Interrupt Enable
GPx_OUT_En GP Output Enable
GPx_OUT GP Output Value
GPx_I N GP Input V alue
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Preliminary Data Sheet 100 01.00
5.3.2 Timing of the GP I/O Interfac e
Timing Diagram
valid state
Host write
GP0-3 (o)
GPx configured
as output
valid state
Host read
GP0-3 (i)
GPx configured
as input
GPx configured
as interrupt input
GP0-3 (i)
INTA (o)
Ab breviation s of th e Timin g Diagram
Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit
min. max.
GPx Output Data Delay tOD 90 ns
GP x Input Data Setup tISU 30 ns
GP x Input Data Hold tIHO 30 ns
GPx In te rru p t Ou tp u t
Delay tIOD 90 ns
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Preliminary Data Sheet 101 01.00
5.3.3 Int e rnal Regist e rs of the GP I/O Int erf ace
Inter nal Register: 00h
Bit 5 GP3_INT
Type RC
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description T he G P3 pin can be us ed as active lo w inter rupt input if
GP3_Int_En=1 and GP 3_Out_En= 0.
Th e b it i s set to 1 if bot h ar e tr ue and low is detec ted at this
Bit 4 GP2_INT
Type RC
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description T he G P2 pin can be us ed as active lo w inter rupt input if
GP2_Int_En=1 and GP 2_Out_En= 0.
Th e b it i s set to 1 if bot h ar e tr ue and low is detec ted at this
Bit 3 GP1_INT
Type RC
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description T he G P1 pin can be us ed as active lo w inter rupt input if
GP1_Int_En=1 and GP 1_Out_En= 0.
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Preliminary Data Sheet 102 01.00
Bit 2 GP0_INT
Type RC
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description T he G P0 pin can be us ed as active lo w inter rupt input if
GP0_Int_En=1 and GP 0_Out_En= 0.
Inter nal Register: 00h (contd)
Inter nal Register: 18h
Bit 27 GP3_Int_En
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 27=1: GP 3 is conf igured as input, the pin is used as an
interr upt input with GP 3_Int _en as corres ponding bit in the
Inter r upt Contr ol Regis ter.
B it 27= 1: GP3 is not used as an interrupt pin.
Bit 26 GP2_Int_En
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 26=1: GP 2 is conf igured as input, the pin is used as an
interr upt input with GP 2_Int _en as corres ponding bit in the
Inter r upt Contr ol Regis ter.
B it 26= 0: GP2 is not used as an interrupt pin.
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Preliminary Data Sheet 103 01.00
Bit 25 GP1_Int_En
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 25=1: GP 1 is conf igured as input, the pin is used as an
interr upt input with GP 1_Int _en as corres ponding bit in the
Inter r upt Contr ol Regis ter.
B it 25= 0: GP1 is not used as an interrupt pin.
Bit 24 GP0_Int_En
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 24=1: GP 0 is conf igured as input, the pin is used as an
interr upt input with GP 0_Int _en as corres ponding bit in the
Inter r upt Contr ol Regis ter.
B it 24= 0: GP0 is not used as an interrupt pin.
Bit 19 GP3_Out_En
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 19=1: GP _3 is configured as output pin.
B it 19= 0: GP _3 is configur ed as input pin.
Bit 18 GP2_Out_En
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 18=1: GP _2 is configured as output pin.
B it 18= 0: GP _2 is configur ed as input pin.
Inter nal Register: 18h (contd)
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Preliminary Data Sheet 104 01.00
Bit 17 GP1_Out_En
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 17=1: GP _1 is configured as output pin.
B it 17= 0: GP _1 is configur ed as input pin.
Bit 16 GP0_Out_En
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 16=1: GP _0 is configured as output pin.
B it 16= 0: GP _0 is configur ed as input pin.
Bit 11 GP3_IN
Type R
Description Actual Value on the GP3 pin (pin f eedback)
Bit 10 GP2_IN
Type R
Description Actual Value on the GP2 pin (pin f eedback)
Bit 9 GP1_IN
Type R
Description Actual Value on the GP1 pin (pin f eedback)
Inter nal Register: 18h (contd)
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Preliminary Data Sheet 105 01.00
Bit 8 GP0_IN
Type R
Description Actual Value on the GP0 pin (pin f eedback)
Bit 3 GP3_OUT
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description The GP3 pin is driven with the value written to this output
r egis ter if the GP3_OUT_E n is set to 1.
Bit 2 GP2_OUT
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description The GP2 pin is driven with the value written to this output
r egis ter if the GP2_OUT_E n is set to 1.
Bit 1 GP1_OUT
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description The GP1 pin is driven with the value written to this output
r egis ter if the GP1_OUT_E n is set to 1.
Inter nal Register: 18h (contd)
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Preliminary Data Sheet 106 01.00
Bit 0 GP0_OUT
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description The GP0 pin is driven with the value written to this output
r egis ter if the GP0_OUT_E n is set to 1.
Inter nal Register: 18h (contd)
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Preliminary Data Sheet 107 01.00
5.3.4 Input Mode
For using a general purpose I/O pin as input pin, the control register must be
c onfigur ed as follows:
GPx_OUT_En = 0(Out put disabled)
GPx_INT_En = 0(Interr upt dis abled)
(x := [0, 3 ])
Des cr iption of the inter nal r egis ter 18h on page 102.
The GP x_O UT and GPx _INT bit s can be tr eated as dont care in this mode. The
cur rent signal value at the pin G Px can be read from r egis ter bit GP x_IN.
Inter nal Structure of a GPx Inp ut Pin
Timing Diagram
valid state
Host read
GP0-3 (i)
GPx configured
as input
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Preliminary Data Sheet 108 01.00
Ab breviation s of th e Timin g Diagram
Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit
min. max.
GP x Input Data Setup tISU 30 ns
GP x Input Data Hold tIHO 30 ns
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Preliminary Data Sheet 109 01.00
5.3.5 Output Mode
For us ing a general purpos e I/O pin as output pin, the contr ol register mus t be
c onfigur ed as follows:
GPx_OUT_En = 1(Out put enabled)
GPx_INT_En = dont c a re
(x := [0, 3 ])
Des cr iption of the inter nal r egis ter 18h on page 102.
The GPx _IN and G Px_INT regist er bits c an be treated as dont car e in this m ode.
The GPx pin will drive the connected signal line with the value defined in the
GP x _OUT r egis ter bit, whic h is progr am med by the hos t.
Inter nal Structure of a GPx Output Pin
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Preliminary Data Sheet 110 01.00
Timing Diagram
valid state
Host write
GP0-3 (o)
GPx configured
as output
Ab breviation of t he Timing Diagram
Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit
min. max.
GPx Output Data Delay tOD 90 ns
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Preliminary Data Sheet 111 01.00
5.3.6 Int errupt M ode
For us ing a general purpos e I/O pin as output pin, the contr ol register mus t be
c onfigur ed as follows:
GPx_OUT_En = 1(Out put disabled)
GPx_INT_En = 1(Interr upt enabled)
(x := [0, 3 ])
Des cr iption of the inter nal r egis ter 18h on page 102.
The GPx _OUT regis ter bit c an be tr eated as dont car e in this m ode. The GPx pin
ac ts as an active low inter r upt input pin.
If the dev ice detects 0 at the G P x pin
the GP x _INT register is set to 1
an interrupt on the PCI bus is gener ated
the curr ent state of the GP x pin c an be read from GPx _IN bit or c an be treated
as dont ca re.
Inter nal Structure of a GPx Inter rupt Inp ut pin
Timing Diagram
GPx configured
as interrupt input
GP0-3 (i)
INTA (o)
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Ab breviation of t he Timing Diagram
Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit
min. max.
GPx In te rru p t Ou tp u t
Delay tIOD 90 ns
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Preliminary Data Sheet 113 01.00
5.3.7 Usag e of th e GP I/O Interface as ALIS V2.1 Con trol Interface
The serial cont r ol inter fac e of the ALI S V2.1 can be r ealiz ed by s oft war e us ing the
General P urpose I/ O pins.
The GP3 pin is used as CS pin while the other three GPx pins ar e shared with the
SPI EE PR O M In t erf a ce.
The INT0 pin of the PITA can be pr ogr amm ed to be active on a H lev el. Ther efore
this pin c an be connect ed direct ly to the INT pin of the ALIS .
The GP3 pin is dr iv en high during the autom atic E EPR OM configuration phas e
after a system r es et to disable the ALIS V2. 1 c ontr ol int er face.
Pin description on page 162.
PIT A Si gn a ls ALIS Signals Description
GP3 Out CS Chip s elec t ( ac tive low) , for enabling
the P SB4596 Contr ol Int erf ace.
GP2 Out DCLK Clock signal for the Cont r ol
(P SB 4596 acc epts 1 k Hz to 1024
GP1 In DOUT Data input for PITA, data output from
Data input is latched at the negat ive
DCLK edge.
GP0 Out DIN Data output from PITA, data input for
Data output changes with the rising
DCLK edge.
INT0 In INT Interr upt signal (high ac tive)
S RST Out RE SE T Res et signal (low ac tive)
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Preliminary Data Sheet 114 01.00
Timin g Diagram for a Write T ransactio n with two Dat a Bytes transmitted
Timin g Diagram fo r a Read Access with one Data Byte received via DOUT
GP3 (o) / CS (i)
GP2 (o) / DCLK (i)
GP1 (i) / DOUT (o)
GP0 (o) / DIN (i)
High `Z´
Control Data Byte 1 Data Byte 2
Control Frame
6 1237 45 0 6 1237 45 0 6 1237 45 0
GP3 (o) / CS (i)
GP2 (o) / DCLK (i)
GP1 (i) / DOUT (o)
GP0 (o) / DIN (i)
High `Z´
Control Identification Data Byte 1
Control Frame
6 1237 45 0
6 1237 45 0 6 1237 45 0
High `Z´
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Preliminary Data Sheet 115 01.00
5 .4 SPI EEPROM Int erf ac e
Overview Page
Infor mat ion about the SP I EEP ROM Interfac e 116
Timing of the SPI E EP ROM I nter face 119
Inter nal Regist ers for the SPI E EP ROM Inter face 121
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Communication with External Com ponent s
Preliminary Data Sheet 116 01.00
5.4. 1 Informati on about the SPI EEPROM Interface
Three pins are us ed to provide an SP ITM- c ompatible serial inter face to a 256 x 8
bit EEPROM. These pins also do double-duty as part of the General Purpose
Inter fac e. Two other pins are also us ed to s elec t the E E PROM c hip and to enable/
dis able the aut omatic r ec onfiguration of the conf igur ation s pace by the EE PROM .
This would occur after a sy stem r eset.
The EEP ROM can be us ed for :
A utom atic reconfiguration of the PITA.
Cust omer spec ific pur poses (e.g. s torage of serial boar d num bers).
Au t omat ic reconfig uration of t he PITA
Parts of the PCI Configuration Space can be configured with data from this
ext ernal EE PROM aft er s ystem reset . The following sequence is processed by
the P ITA:
The PI TA c hec ks :
Whether the ELD ( EEP ROM_Load) pin is clamped to 1.
Whether the firs t byte in the EE PRO M (addr es s loc at ion 00h) is A Ah.
If t he fir s t step was succ essful, the PITA s tarts:
Reading out four by tes s tarting wit h addr es s 01h.
Wr iting t he r ead values in the configur ation s pace address 00h.
Reading out the next four bytes.
Wr iting t he r ead values in the configur ation s pace address 04h.
And so on.
Dur ing the c onfigur ation phas e, all ac ces s to t he PCI interface are ans wer ed with
Retry by the PIT A.
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Preliminary Data Sheet 117 01.00
Using t he EEPROM for customer specific pu rposes
The c ontents of the EE PRO M can be programm ed by wr iting a com mand to the
EEPROM Control Register and initiating a read/write transaction to the
Note If the aut omatic r econfiguration of the PIT A is us ed ( ELD pin c lam ped t o 1) , only
those addresses in the EEPROM not mapped to the PCI configuration space
should be used.
Starting a read or write tr ansaction
The c ontents of the EE PRO M can be programm ed by wr iting a com mand to the
EEPROM Control Register and initiating a read/write transaction to the
The hos t wr ites
The EEPRO M Command value before the nex t EE P ROM tr ansfer is s tarted.
The EEP ROM Byte Address v alue for read or wr ite ac c ess.
The E EPROM Data v alue for the W rite St atus Register and W rite Data to
Me mory Array.
The hos t set s the E EPROM_S tart bit.
If the EEP RO M interface detects t he as serted EE PROM _St art bit; it
Interprets the EEP RO M Comm and.
Start s t he r ead or write trans action to the connect ed E EP ROM .
If t he tr ans actions are s tar ted via the EEP ROM Control r egis ter, then the
EE PROM interface does not check for a connect ed E EPROM .
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Aft er fin ishing t he t ransaction:
The EEP ROM cont r ol module:
Deas ser ts the EEP ROM_S tar t bit .
Generates an interrupt in the EEP ROM Control Int Register, if the
EE PRO M _Control_Int_en bit is set t o 1.
If T he E E PROM Com mand Register is s et to RDSR or REA D, then t he v alue
of the E EPROM is av ailable in the EEP ROM Data Register.
Co nnectio n of an ALIS V2.1 device to the Serial Con trol Interface
For the c onnection of an ALIS V2. 1 device to t he Ser ial Control Int erfac e of t he
PITA the G P3 pin is additionally used as low act ive chip select s ignal CS to t he
ALIS V2.1.
The GP3 pin is always driven high and therefore the ALIS V2.1 interface is
inactive during the phase of automatic initialization of the PCI Configuration
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Preliminary Data Sheet 119 01.00
5.4.2 Timing of the SPI EEPROM Int erf ace
Timing Diagram
LSB out
LSB in
EPCS (o)
SCK (o)
SO (i)
SI (o)
Ab breviation s of th e Timin g Diagram
Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit
min. max.
Chip Select S etup Tim e tCSS 500 ns
Chip Select Hold Tim e tCSH 500 ns
C hip Select Inactive tCSI 500 ns
Cl ock Cycle Time t CYC 1000 ns
Clo ck H IGH Ti me tCLH 410 ns
Clock LOW Time tCLL 410 ns
Clock Output Ris e Tim e tOR s
Clock Output Fall Tim e tOF s
Input Data Setup T ime tISU 100 ns
Input Data Hold T ime tIHO 100 ns
Output Data Setup Time tOSU 500 ns
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Note T he S CK is a s trobed clock signal (i. e. it is only ac tive as long as valid data is
tr ans ferr ed on SI /SO line) and output data is wr itten on the falling edge and input
data is lat ched on the ris ing edge. Although t he fir st SCK edge is pos it ive, t he
PITA drives the firs t valid bit on S I (output) with the falling edge of EP CS, so the
m inim um setup tim e with respec t to the first S CK rising edge is guar anteed.
Output Data Hold T ime t OHO 0 500 ns
Output Disable T ime tOD 500 ns
Wr ite Cycle Time tWC 10 ms
Ab breviation s of th e Timin g Diagram (contd)
Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit
min. max.
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Preliminary Data Sheet 121 01.00
5.4.3 Int ernal Registers f or the SPI EEPROM Interface
Inter nal Register: 00h
Bit 28 EEPROM_Control_Int_En
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Enable for the EEP ROM_Control_Int interrupt bit
Bit 12 EEPROM_Control_Int
Type RC
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description The E EP ROM_Control_Int_E n bit and the E EPROM ar e set
to 1 if the trans action is finis hed.
Inter nal Register: 24h
Bit 31:0 EE PRO M Contr ol Regist er
Defau lt Val ue 00000000h
Bit 24 EEPROM_Start
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Bit 24=1: An EEPROM transaction is started with the
EEPROM Command, EEPROM Data and EEPROM Byte
BI T 24=0: An EE PROM trans act ion can be started.
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Bit 23:16 EEPR O M Co mm a nd
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description The following SP I com mands ar e s uppor ted:
00000110: W RE N S et Write Enable Latch
00000100: W RDI Res et Write Enable Lat ch
00000101: RDSR Read St atus Register
00000001: WRSR W rite Status Regist er
00000011: READ Read Data from M emor y A rray
00000010: WRIT E W rite Dat a to Me m o ry Ar ra y
OTHERS: No action
Bit 15:8 EEPR O M By te Ad dre ss
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description Byte Address for the next EEPROM read or write
Bit 7:0 EEPR O M Da ta
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description Tr ans ac tion with a read c omm and:
Af ter the tr ansact ion has been finis hed this regist er
cont ains t he byte that has been read fr om the EEP ROM.
Tr ans ac tion with a write c om mand:
The c ontents of this regis ter will be writt en to t he
EE PRO M By te Address if t he connec ted EEP RO M aft er
the EEPROM_Start bit is s et.
Inter nal Register: 24h (contd)
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Powe r M a n a ge me nt
Preliminary Data Sheet 123 01.00
6 Pow er Management
Overview Page
Infor mat ion about the Power Supply Concept 124
Infor mat ion about the Power Management States 126
Configuration Space Regist ers of the Power Managem ent 131
E lectr ical Charac teristics 146
Compatibility Is sues 147
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Powe r M a n a ge me nt
Preliminary Data Sheet 124 01.00
6.1 Inform at ion about t he Pow er S u ppl y Concept
Three different P ower Supplies
The PITA -2 has three dif fer ent power s upplies. It may be helpful for t he sys tem
des ign t o under s tand the scope of eac h of these s upplies .
This supply is internally connec ted to all s ignals intended for the PCI bus ( pin
num bers 8-12, 16- 60 and 64) .
V IO can be either 3.3V or 5V and is der iv ed from the VIO s upply of the PCI bus.
This supply has an eff ect on the thres holds of t he input st r uct ur e in or der to
c omply with the PCI bus spec ification. Ther efor e t he P ITA -2 can be operated
in either 5V or 3.3V signaling environm ent as s pec ified in the PCI Loc al Bus
Spec if icat ion Revision 2.2
This supply power s the same pins as listed f or V IO. It is used for the out put
dr iv er s of the PCI bus s ignals and m us t be limited t o 3.3V at all times ( ev en
when VIO is 5V). This supply does not power the internal logic of the PITA -2.
It does, howev er , power t he loc al bus signals ( pin number s 1- 7, 65- 74, 76-87
and 90- 100). If this supply is pr esent the input signals on the local bus s ignals
c an be as high as 5V.
This supply als o powers the local bus signals ( pin number s 1- 7, 65-74, 76-87
and 90- 100) as well as the internal logic . This power supply is 3.3V only. If this
s upply is not pres ent, the PI TA-2 can not generate a PME event, the output
v oltage on any of the above mentioned signals is undefined and t he input
v oltage at any of t hese pins m us t not exc eed VA UX by more than 0.3V.
If this s upply is pr es ent, then t he PI TA is fully oper ational and the input signals
on the loc al bus signals c an be as high as 5V .
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Preliminary Data Sheet 125 01.00
Summary Information
Supply Voltage Comment
VIO 3.3V or 5V For P CI bus only , affec ts input thr es hold, alm ost no
cur r ent. S hould be pres ent at all tim es .
VDD3 3.3V For P CI and local bus , decouples internal logic from
P CI bus. S hould be pres ent at all tim es ex cept
D3c old. If present, the local bus signals can tolerate
V AUX 3.3V S upplies inter nal logic , mus t be present for 5V
toler anc e of loc al (non P CI s ignals) input signals. Can
be swit ched of f when D3c old is not supported.
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Preliminary Data Sheet 126 01.00
6.1.1 Inform ation about the Power Management States
The PITA-2 supports the Power Management states D0, D1, D2, D3hot and
The P ITA- 2 c an ass er t t he PME s ignal even if the PCI cloc k (CLK) is not running.
Furthermore the PITA-2 has a separate power supply (Vaux) which meets the
power c onstraints ( 20 m A) for the PCI Vaux supply (dis abled slots) . T heref or e the
PITA-2 fully supports the D3c old st ate.
A separate Application Note describes a power supply circuitry for a D3cold
enabled PITA- 2.
Please note t hat bits 8 (PM E_E n) and 15 ( PME _Status ) of configuration spac e
r egis ter 44h are not af fected by a P CI r eset . This behav ior allows the PCI device
dr iv er t o determ ine the PCI dev ic e( s) that s ignalled the P ME ev ent.
D0 The D0 state represents the default state of the internal logic aft er a sys tem
After a system reset the PCI interface has t o be init ialized before being used.
The PI TA- 2 r es ponds only to configuration access es while not com pletely
After initialization the PI TA -2 is fully operational.
D1 D1 is a light s leep st ate.
The P ITA-2 supports the D1 st ate by default if this state is not disabled by an
E EP ROM c onfigur ation.
The PI TA- 2 P CI func tion can be s et to the D1 state by software.
The P ITA-2 PCI f unction only r esponds to PCI configuration acces ses.
All accesses to the memory spaces defined by the Base Address Registers are
The only PCI bus operation the PCI int erfac e is allowed to initiate is t he
ass ertion of the PME signal.
Tr ans ition t o D0 by soft ware is pos s ible.
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Preliminary Data Sheet 127 01.00
D2 B y default the suppor t of t he D2 state is dis abled in the PI TA-2.
D2 can be enabled by configuration by an E EPROM.
Sam e s tat e behavior as described for the state D1.
D3 Sam e s tat e behavior as described for the state D1.
The only legal state trans it ions f rom D3 to D0 are:
by sof tware reset; the software has to perfor m a fully reinitialization of the
P CI func tion inc luding the PCI Configur ation S pace.
by sys tem rese t
D3hotP ower and c loc k are s till av ailable to the PI TA- 2.
P ower and c loc k can be r etur ned to D0 by soft war e.
State behavior as des cribed f or the stat e D3.
D3cold (Stan dby)
D3cold is a power off st ate.
The P CI clock is turned off .
The PCI bus power V cc has been disconnec ted.
A s long as the PI TA-2 is s upplied with power on the V aux pins it can s till ass er t
The P ITA-2 can assert P ME even if the PCI cloc k is not available.
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Preliminary Data Sheet 128 01.00
6.1.2 Con siderat ion s abou t Power Con sumpt ion and Reporting
First of all it is important to distinguish between a PCI component and a PCI
T he PCI component is the circ uitry that is interfacing the P CI bus. A s an example
the P ITA- 2 is a P CI bus component .
T he PCI device is the circuitry designed to perform a specific function (e.g. a
m odem ) inc luding the PCI c omponent.
Ther efore for all power c ons umpt ion c alc ulations or m easurem ents it is im portant
to add up the power r equir em ents of all t he circ uitry that is act iv e in a giv en s tat e.
Fur therm or e it is impor tant to dist inguis h between PCI slots that are disabled and
thos e that ar e enabled.
Power Consumption
A disabled PCI slot may draw up to 20 mA from power supply VAUX. A PCI
dev ic e which occ upies a disabled slot does not have to suppor t D3cold state. A s
the P ITA-2 draws a max imum of 19 m A it can be left connect ed to VA UX all the
time provided that the external circuitry is switched off (by using the PME_En
An enabled PCI slot may consume up to 375 mA when in D3cold state. This
leav es enough headroom (356 m A) for ext er nal c ir c uitry to trigger the PITA - 2 f or
a PME ev ent.
The P CI Bus Power Managem ent Inter face S pecification s pec ifies two ways that
allow the operating system or ot her soft ware to det ermi ne the power consumption
of a PCI device:
Coar se r epor ting by r egis ter 40h:8- 6 ( A ux _Curr ent)
Ex tended reporting by using t he dat a selec t mechanism
The P ITA- 2 s upports both ways. It is up to the P CI dev ic e designer to choos e the
r epor ting mechanis m and also whic h v alues are r eported.
Ex tended reporting overrides coar se r eporting.
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Preliminary Data Sheet 129 01.00
Co arse Repo rting
This mechanis m is implemented by the Aux Curr ent field ( r egister 40h) . I t is only
pos sible t o r eport a single range for the m ax . c ur r ent drawn by the P CI device and
this range only applied for state D3cold.
Exte nd e d Re porting
This mechanis m allows a detailed power cons umpt ion repor ting. It is poss ible to
report individual power limits for each power state. Furthermore there is no
pr edefined range which m ay fit m ore or less but all values c an be specified by the
P CI designers as needed.
The actual data is retrieved by first selecting a specific item (e.g. D2 Power
Consumed) by writing a select code into the Data Select field in register 44h.
Then the PIT A-2 mir ror s the selec ted v alues t o the Data and the Data S c ale field
of regist er 44h. The softwar e can then read thes e two values. The t able below
s hows the way the Data S c ale f ield should be interpr eted for single f unct ion P CI
8 76M ax. Curren t ( mA)
1 1 1 375
1 1 0 320
1 0 1 270
1 0 0 220
0 1 1 160
0 1 0 100
0 0155
0 0 0 0 (self powered)
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Preliminary Data Sheet 130 01.00
Data Selected Data Reported
Note The unit for all values is Watts .
The Data Scale field modifies the value of th e Data field as fo llows:
The act ual data c an be s tor ed in the ext er nal E EPROM. A t res et the PITA -2 loads
the data into the appropriate regist ers.
Data Select Data Reported
0 D0 P ower Consum ed
1 D1 P ower Consum ed
2 D2 P ower Consum ed
3 D3 P ower Consum ed
4 D0 P ower Dis sipated
5 D1 P ower Dis sipated
6 D2 P ower Dis sipated
7 D3 P ower Dis sipated
Data Scale Modifier
0 Unknown
1x 0.1
2 x 0.01
3 x 0.001
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Preliminary Data Sheet 131 01.00
6.1.3 Con f igu ration Space Registers o f the Power Managemen t
Configur ation Register related to Power Management
There are basically two types of configuration registers related to power
Contr ol Regis ter s
Data Regis ter s
The c ontrol regis ter s ( 40h and 44h) define the capabilities and the behav ior of the
P ITA - 2. As an ex am ple bit 26 in regis ter 40h defines whether the PITA -2 supports
D2 or not .
The data registers (48h, 4Ch and 50h) reflect the power consumption of the
whole P CI device for eight diff er ent configurations. A c onfiguration is s elected by
a value in t he data s elect f ield of regis ter 44h. The corres ponding value is then
plac ed into the data field of r egis ter 44h.
The actual v alues have no eff ect on the operation or power cons umption of the
PITA-2. These values are calculated or measured by the PCI device designer
and can be stored in the external EEPROM. Please note that the PCI device
includes all external circ uit ry and us ually cons is ts not only of the P IT A- 2.
Regist er 34h is m erely a pointer to the fir st regist er of the power management
conf iguration space and hardwired to 40h.
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Preliminary Data Sheet 132 01.00
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 34h
Bit 31:8 Reserved
Type H
Value 000000h
Description Reserved
Bit 7:0 Cap_Ptr
Type H
Value 40h
Description T he Capabilities Pointer points to the firs t Power
M anagement Regis ter in the PCI Configur ation Space.
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Preliminary Data Sheet 133 01.00
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 40h
Bit 31:0 P ower M anagement Capabilities (PMC)
Bit 31 PME_Support_D3cold
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description 0: P ME c annot be ass er ted in st ate D3cold
1: PM E can be asser ted in state D3cold
Bit 30 PME_Support_D3hot
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description 0: P ME c annot be ass er ted in st ate D3hot
1: PM E can be asser ted in state D3hot
Bit 29 PME_Support_D2
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description 0: P ME c annot be ass er ted in st ate D2
1: PM E can be asser ted in state D2
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Preliminary Data Sheet 134 01.00
Bit 28 PME_Support_D1
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 1b
Description 0: P ME c annot be ass er ted in st ate D1
1: PM E can be asser ted in state D1
Bit 27 PME_Support_D0
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description 0: P ME c annot be ass er ted in st ate D0
1: PM E can be asser ted in state D0
Bit 26 D2_Support
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description Not s uppor ted from the P ITA - 2 by default.
Support c an be enabled by EE PROM.
Bit 25 D1_Support
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 1b
Description The P ITA - 2 s uppor ts the D1 P ower s tat e by def ault.
Can be disabled by E EP ROM.
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 40h (contd)
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Preliminary Data Sheet 135 01.00
Bit 24:22 A ux Cur r ent
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 000b
Description This field can be us ed to r eport the VA UX curr ent dr awn by
the PCI device if t he Data Regis ter in r egis ter 44h is not
us ed. If the Data Register is used, this field m us t r ead 000b.
Otherwise the following as signments apply :
001: up to 55mA
010: up to 100mA
011: up to 160 m A
100: up to 220 m A
101: up to 270 m A
110: up to 320 m A
111: up to 375 m A
Bit 21 DS I (Devic e Specific Initializ ation)
Type E
Value 1b
Description Indicates that the P ITA-2 requires a s pecific init ialization
s equenc e f ollowing the tr ans ition t o D0 st ate (uninitializ ed) .
Bit 20 Reserved
Type H
Value 0b
Description Reserved
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 40h (contd)
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Preliminary Data Sheet 136 01.00
Bit 19 PME_Clock
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description The P ITA - 2 c an ass er t PM E without a running clock .
Whether this bit mus t be set is ther efore dependant on t he
ext ernal circ uitry that triggers the PITA -2 for a P ME event.
0: no c loc k requir ed
1: clock required
Bit 18:16 Version
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 010b
Description T he value 010b indicates t hat the device complies with the
Revision 1.1 of the PCI Pow er M anagement Interface
Bit 15:8 Next_Item_Ptr
Type H
Value 00h
Description No next it em
Bit 7:0 Capabiltity_ID
Type H
Value 01h
Description Indicates that the data st ructure is cur rently pointed to the
P CI Power Management data struct ur e.
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 40h (contd)
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Preliminary Data Sheet 137 01.00
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 44h
Bit 31:24 DATA_Register
Type H
Value 00h
Description Depending on the Data_S elec t field (B it 12:9) parts of the
P ower Data regis ter ( 48h) are mapped to this regis ter.
Bit 23:16 P MCS R_BS E (Bridge s uppor t extension)
Type H
Value 00h
Description not used
Bit 15 PME_Status
Type RC
Defau lt Val ue none (s ticky bit)
Description This bit is set when t he P CI int er face as s erts the PM E signal
independent of the stat e of the P ME _EN bit .
Bit 14:13 Data_Scale
Type H
Value 00b
Description Depending on the Data_S elec t field (B it 12:9) parts of the
Power _Data register are mapped to this register.
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Preliminary Data Sheet 138 01.00
Bit 12:9 Data_Select
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0h
Description Values from 0 - 7 ar e s uppor ted: Parts of the P ower_Data
register are mapped to the DATA register and the
Data_Sc ale field.
V alues fr om 8 - 15: Z ero values ar e m apped to the DATA
register and the Data_S elect field.
Bit 8 PME_En
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue none (s ticky bit)
Description Enables or dis ables the P IT A-2 to asser t the PME signal.
PME_En=0: As s ert ion of the PM E s ignal is disabled.
PME_En=1: The devic e is enabled to ass er t the PME
Bit 7:2 Reserved
Type H
Value 00h
Description Reserved
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 44h (contd)
PSB 4610
Powe r M a n a ge me nt
Preliminary Data Sheet 139 01.00
Bit 1:0 Power_State
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 00b
Description Power_State=00: D0 s tate (s upported by the PIT A -2)
Power_State=01: D1 s tate (s upported by the PITA -2)
Power_State=10: D2 st ate (not suppor ted by default )
Power_State=11: D3hot state (supported by the PITA-2).
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 44h (contd)
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Powe r M a n a ge me nt
Preliminary Data Sheet 140 01.00
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 48h
Bit 31:30 Reserved
Type H
Value 00b
Bit 29:28 D a ta Sca le fo r D a ta Se le ct = 2
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 00b
Description This v alue is mapped to t he Data Sc ale field of register 44h
when Dat a S elec t (als o in r egis ter 44h) is s et to 2.
Bit 27:20 Data for Data Sel ect = 2
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description This v alue is mapped to the Data field of r egis ter 44h when
Data Selec t (also in register 44h) is s et to 2.
Bit 19:18 D a ta Sca le fo r D a ta Se le ct = 1
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 00b
Description This v alue is mapped to t he Data Sc ale field of register 44h
when Dat a S elec t (als o in r egis ter 44h) is s et to 1.
PSB 4610
Powe r M a n a ge me nt
Preliminary Data Sheet 141 01.00
Bit 17:10 Data for Data Sel ect = 1
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description This v alue is mapped to the Data field of r egis ter 44h when
Data Selec t (also in register 44h) is s et to 1.
Bit 9:8 D a ta Sca le fo r D a ta Se le ct = 0
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 00b
Description This v alue is mapped to t he Data Sc ale field of register 44h
when Dat a S elec t (als o in r egis ter 44h) is s et to 0.
Bit 7:0 Data for Data Sel ect = 0
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description This v alue is mapped to the Data field of r egis ter 44h when
Data Selec t (also in register 44h) is s et to 0.
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 48h (contd)
PSB 4610
Powe r M a n a ge me nt
Preliminary Data Sheet 142 01.00
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 4Ch
Bit 31:30 Reserved
Type H
Value 00h
Bit 29:28 D a ta Sca le fo r D a ta Se le ct = 5
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 00b
Description This v alue is mapped to t he Data Sc ale field of register 44h
when Dat a S elec t (als o in r egis ter 44h) is s et to 5.
Bit 27:20 Data for Data Sel ect = 5
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description This v alue is mapped to the Data field of r egis ter 40h when
Data Selec t (also in register 44h) is s et to 5.
Bit 19:18 D a ta Sca le fo r D a ta Se le ct = 4
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 00b
Description This v alue is mapped to t he Data Sc ale field of register 44h
when Dat a S elec t (als o in r egis ter 44h) is s et to 4.
PSB 4610
Powe r M a n a ge me nt
Preliminary Data Sheet 143 01.00
Bit 17:10 Data for Data Sel ect = 4
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description This v alue is mapped to the Data field of r egis ter 44h when
Data Selec t (also in register 44h) is s et to 4.
Bit 9:8 D a ta Sca le fo r D a ta Se le ct = 3
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 00b
Description This v alue is mapped to t he Data Sc ale field of register 44h
when Dat a S elec t (als o in r egis ter 44h) is s et to 3.
Bit 7:0 Data for Data Sel ect = 3
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description This v alue is mapped to the Data field of r egis ter 44h when
Data Selec t (also in register 44h) is s et to 3.
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 4Ch (contd)
PSB 4610
Powe r M a n a ge me nt
Preliminary Data Sheet 144 01.00
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 50h
Bit 31:20 Reserved
Type H
Value 00b
Bit 19:18 D a ta Sca le fo r D a ta Se le ct = 7
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 00b
Description This v alue is mapped to t he Data Sc ale field of register 44h
when Dat a S elec t (als o in r egis ter 44h) is s et to 7.
Bit 17:10 Data for Data Sel ect = 7
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description This v alue is mapped to the Data field of r egis ter 44h when
Data Selec t (also in register 44h) is s et to 7.
Bit 9:8 D a ta Sca le fo r D a ta Se le ct = 6
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 00b
Description This v alue is mapped to t he Data Sc ale field of register 44h
when Dat a S elec t (als o in r egis ter 44h) is s et to 6.
PSB 4610
Powe r M a n a ge me nt
Preliminary Data Sheet 145 01.00
Bit 7:0 Data for Data Sel ect = 6
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description This v alue is mapped to the Data field of r egis ter 44h when
Data Selec t (also in register 44h) is s et to 6.
Co nfig urat io n Sp ace Register: 50h (contd)
PSB 4610
Powe r M a n a ge me nt
Preliminary Data Sheet 146 01.00
6.1.4 Electrical Ch aract eristics
Descrip tion of t he T able
The table above shows the curr ent drawn by the Vaux power supply in different
power managem ent modes . The PITA -2 m eets the 20mA lim it defined f or D3cold
dis abled PCI s lots.
Vaux Power Supply in different Power Managem ent Modes
State Typ Max
D0 19 mA
D1 19 mA
D2 19 mA
D3hot 19 mA
D3c old 19 mA
PSB 4610
Powe r M a n a ge me nt
Preliminary Data Sheet 147 01.00
6.1.5 Design Hints
For a design that suppor ts D3cold it is important to check all s ignals on the loc al
bus side of the PITA -2 that m ay be affected by a m is sing Vdd3.
A s dur ing D3c old Vdd3 will drop to zer o all pins that ar e strapped to V dd3 eit her
dir ec tly or by a pullup will als o drop to zer o.
Therefor e it is strongly rec omm ended to str ap pins on t he local bus side of t he
PITA-2 to Vaux instead.
This is espec ially impor tant f or the test pin (pin 1) of the PITA -2. If this pin is not
kept at a high lev el during D3cold the P IT A- 2 will not be able to reliably as sert
Pins that can cause an int errupt (I NT0 and GP0- GP3) s hould als o be chec ked to
avoid unwanted PM E# ev ents.
PSB 4610
Powe r M a n a ge me nt
Preliminary Data Sheet 148 01.00
6.1.6 Compat ibility Issues
Supported Designs by PITA
The PITA-2 supports designs which are compliant to the PCI Local Bus
Specification Revision 2.2 and the PCI Bus Power Management Interface
Sp ecificatio n Revision 1.1.
Potential Comp a tibility Prob lem
The only potential com patibility problem arises if the PIT A -2 is used in a des ign
us es the PME signal
does not support D3c old
In this case it m ay be tem pting to connect the Vaux power supply of t he P ITA- 2
directly to the 3.3V s ignal of the PCI connector and likewise directly c onnect t he
PME signal of the P ITA-2 to the PM E# signal of the PCI c onnector .
Howev er, s uc h a design may affec t a PCI sy s tem , which:
supports Vaux
has at least one dev ic e wit h D3cold support connec ted
Under t hese c ircum s tanc es t he following unwanted behavior may happen:
The PCI s y stem enters D3cold and the PCI bus enter s s tat e B 3. In this state the
supply power 3.3V is disabled while Vaux remains active. As the PITA-2 is
c onnected to the 3.3V s upply its own supply V aux will also float . The P ME signal
of the P ITA- 2 has an internal clam p diode which will lim it the volt age on PM E to
about V aux+0.7V.
Ther efore it is likely that the PITA - 2 will pull down the PM E # s ignal and ther efore
block all other D3c old com pliant devic es on the bus.
This behavior c an be easily av oided by implem enting Vaux detec tion and power
swit ching as the PITA -2 meets t he power supply requirements for P CI slots that
do not support D3cold but have V aux power s upply .
If the P CI device c annot generate a PM E event at all it is best to leave the PM E#
s ignal of the PCI c onnec tor not connec ted.
PSB 4610
Reset an d In terrupt s
Preliminary Data Sheet 149 01.00
7 Reset and I nterrupts
7.1 Reset
After each power up the PITA-2 must be reset. This reset is necessary to
establish a well defined state for all subsequent actions. This chapter informs
r eset phases
ex ter nal signals affec ted by res et
internal registers affected by reset
autom atic r econf igur ation
Reset Phases
The P ITA- 2 c an be only reset by pulling the RS T signal low and t hen high while
the PITA-2 is powered up. There is no provision for a power on reset.
Further more t he PITA -2 requires sev en clock c ycles after the rising edge of the
RST signal.
After t he rising edge the PIT A -2 may start t he autom atic reconfiguration. D uring
this proc ess it c opies the c ontents of an ex ternal E EPROM into select ed fields of
the configuration space registers. Automatic reconfiguration is entered when
s ignal ELD is s tr apped to H. Other wis e t he P ITA-2 will s kip this phas e.
PSB 4610
Reset an d In terrupt s
Preliminary Data Sheet 150 01.00
Exter nal Signals
All PCI signals are f loated as long as the RST signal is low.
Signific ant input signals ( GP IO0-GPIO3, PA 0-PA 7, PA D0-PA D7 and ELD) m ust
r emain s table at leas t six c loc k c ycles after the r ising edge of the RST signal.
The s ignal P RST is forc ed to low (inac tive state) at the rising edge of RST .
The s ignal S RS T is forc ed to high (inac tive st ate) at the rising edge of RST.
Usually both signals have not been active before the RST signal has been
asserted. Therefore no signal change will usually happen at both SRST and
PSRT. As a consequence components which are connected to one of these
signals are not automatically reset by a PCI reset. This behavior is desirable
when these c omponent s rem ain activ e during D3cold bec ause after a wake up
the SW driver can obtain valuable information from these devices about the
reason for a wake up.
On the other hand, for a com plet e initialization of the P CI device the SW driver
m ust perform a reset for t hese devices by specif ically program ming the internal
registers of the PI TA -2.
Inter nal Registers
All internal register fields that are affected by an ex ternal reset are mark ed by a
default value in t he r egis ter des cription. This default value m ay be over r idden by
the optional autom atic reconfigur ation pr ocess.
After an external reset the PITA-2 allows only configuration space accesses.
Furthermore the PITA-2 will abort configuration space accesses until it has
com pleted t he reset sequenc e (including the opt ional autom atic rec onfiguration
pr oc ess ) . Therefore the S W dr iv er will not be able t o read any incor r ec t tr ans ient
value from any configuration space register .
For the power management the following bits are not affected by an external
reset (s tick y b its ):
conf iguration space 44h:8
conf iguration space 44h:15
internal register 18h:24-27
The reason for this behavior is that the P ITA - 2 s uppor ts the D3c old s tate and thus
m ust be able to assert a PM E signal even while RST is low.
PSB 4610
Reset an d In terrupt s
Preliminary Data Sheet 151 01.00
P ins tr apping is used for:
Loading the Subsy st em V endor ID.
Loading the leas t signific ant 4 bits of the Subs y st em ID to the PCI
Configurat ion Space.
Several output pins from the parallel micro controller interface and the general
pur pos e I /O inter face ar e implem ented as tr istate output pins .
During PCI reset they are driven in tristate mode and the external logic v alue is
latched in the S ubs y st em ID (4 LSBs ) and the Subs ys tem V endor ID. This m eans
that the signals on board, connect ed to thes e pins, must be forc ed with pullup/
pulldown r esistors to the des ir ed v alue if they ar e not driven by the PIT A-2.
Au t omat ic reconfig uration of t he PITA-2 with t he serial EEPROM
The P ITA- 2 can also be c onfigur ed by the EE P ROM af ter sys tem r es et. Pins trap
values are over written by this proc ess if the procedure described in Automatic
rec onf iguration of the PITA on page 116 was succ essful.
The PITA-2 will abort PCI configuration accesses during automatic
Signal Name Usage duri ng P CI Reset (pi nstrappi ng)
P AD(7:0) Subs ystem Vendor ID( 15:8)
P A(7:0) Subs yst em Vendor ID( 7:0)
GP 3 Subs ystem ID(3)
GP 2 Subs ystem ID(2)
GP 1 Subs ystem ID(1)
GP 0 Subs ystem ID(0)
PSB 4610
Reset an d In terrupt s
Preliminary Data Sheet 152 01.00
7.2 Interrupts
The P ITA-2 can generate an interrupt on the P CI signal I NTA
ext ernal, async hronous event (e.g. an incom ing call)
internal, sy nc hr onous event (e.g. an EE PROM acc es s finished) )
Genera l Not es
The P ITA-2 can only as sert INTA if the f ollowing requirem ents ar e m et:
PITA-2 is in D0 or D1 s tate
the interr upt s our ce is enabled by s etting the cor r es ponding inter r upt enable bit
in inter nal r egis ter 00h ( ICR) .
the ev ent has occur r ed
Once INTA has been asserted by the PITA-2 it will stay active until a write
transaction to the internal register ICR occurs. After this write transaction has
oc cur r ed the PITA -2 deas serts the s ignal INTA.
The P ITA-2 will im mediat ely aft er this wr ite tr ans ac tion ass er t I NTA again if eit her
of the following conditions holds:
not all inter rupt reporting bits have been c leared
the r equir ement s for as serting an interr upt still hold
The former condition usually arises when more than one source has been
ac tiv ated and the inter r upt handler reacts to the ev ents sequentially.
The latter c ondition us ually ar is es if an ex ter nal ev ent has oc cur r ed a second time
while the inter rupt handler is still process ing the firs t occurr ence of this ev ent.
Report ing bits w it hin the int ernal r egis ter ICR c an only be cleared by writing a
logical 1 at t he bits that s hall be cleared. A read acc ess to t his r egis ter does not
clear any bit nor does it affect any signal.
PSB 4610
Reset an d In terrupt s
Preliminary Data Sheet 153 01.00
Exter nal Events
For ext er nal event s either the dedicated INT0 pin or one of the General Purpos e
IO pins (GP0-G P 3) can be us ed. T he following table shows how t o pr ogram t he
PITA-2 in order to activ ate one or mor e of thes e pins for inter rupts.
Programming of the P ITA-2
Source Enabled by R e por ted by Act ive Level
INT0 00h:INT0_EN=1
00h:INT0_POL=1 00h:INT0=1 H
INT0 00h:INT0_EN=1
00h:INT0_POL=0 00h:INT0=1 L
GP0 00h:GP0_INT=1
18h:GP0_INT_EN= 1
18h:GP0_OUT _EN = 0
00h:GP0_INT=1 L
GP1 00h:GP1_INT=1
18h:GP1_INT_EN= 1
18h:GP1_OUT _EN = 0
00h:GP1_INT=1 L
GP2 00h:GP2_INT=1
18h:GP2_INT_EN= 1
18h:GP2_OUT _EN = 0
00h:GP2_INT=1 L
GP3 00h:GP3_INT=1
18h:GP3_INT_EN= 1
18h:GP3_OUT _EN = 0
00h:GP3_INT=1 L
PSB 4610
Reset an d In terrupt s
Preliminary Data Sheet 154 01.00
Inter nal Events
The following internal ev ents can trigger an int errupt when enabled:
an EEP RO M comm and has f inished
the pr ogr ammed num ber of wr ites to the DMA buf fer has occ ur r ed
FIFO over flow (receive failure)
FIFO under flow (trans mit failur e)
the P CI ret r y c ounter has expired ( too many r etr ies for a s ingle tr ans fer )
EEPROM Command f inished & DMA Wat erm ark reach ed
The E E PROM c omm and finis hed and the DMA waterm ark r eac hed interr upts are
norm al events.
FIFO Over flow & FIFO Underflow
The FIF O overf low and FI FO under flow event s indicate a fat al error whic h may
r esult in a c ommunic ation failure. The actual impac t of t hese events depends on
the error detection and error correction capabilities of the communi cation protocol
of the applic ation.
Summatio n o f th e used Bits in Register ICR
Event Enabled by Reported by
EE P ROM command finished 00h:28=1 00h:12=1
DM A waterm ark reached 00h: 24=1 00h:8= 1
FIFO overflow 00h:25= 0 00h:9=1
FIFO underf low 00h:26= 1 00h:10=1
P CI retr ies expired 00h:27=1 00h:11= 1
PSB 4610
Reset an d In terrupt s
Preliminary Data Sheet 155 01.00
PCI Ret ries exp ired
The P CI ret ries ex pired ev ent is not a norm al ev ent but is not necessar ily a fat al
event . If the P ITA-2 report s this event the following has happened:
The DM A contr oller has requested a data word t ransfer to/ from the FIFO.
The P ITA-2 has requested the PCI bus for the transfer.
The PI TA- 2 has been granted the PCI bus.
The P ITA- 2 has initiated the trans fer < n> times but t he PCI target has abor ted
the tr ans fer eac h t ime. < n> is the number pr ogr ammed in int er nal register
A t this point the PITA -2 r eleases the P CI bus and reports the event. Howev er, as
the DM A dat a trans fer r eques t is not sat is fied the PITA - 2 will r eques t the PCI bus
again for the same dat a transfer until the reques t is sat isfied. Depending on t he
P CI tar get this may either have no effec t (data deliv er ed in tim e finally) or a fatal
ev ent may happen ( FIFO overflow/underflow).
It is import ant t o bear in m ind that in D3cold state Vdd3 will v anis h. F or devices
that support D3cold it is therefore strongly recommended to strap low active
interr upt sources (e. g. G P0-GP3) not to V dd3 but to Vaux instead.
PSB 4610
Preliminary Data Sheet 156 01.00
PITA-2 Pinout
This illustr ation s hows the numbered pins and their respec tive signals :
25 51
PSB 4610
Preliminary Data Sheet 157 01.00
The following table list s the interfaces and t heir res pective pins:
Interface Total In Out I/O Page
P CI bus 52 4 5 43 158
P ar allel Inter fac e 23 3 14 8 159
Ser ial Int er face 5 2 2 1 161
GP I/O In te rfa ce 4 0 0 4 1 6 2
Special EEP ROM
Signals 2 1 1 0 163
Power Managem ent 2 1 1
Description of PI N Types
Type Description
O/P S Output Pin/ P in S tr ap Pin
I Input Pin
IO B idir ectional Input /O utput P in
OD Open Drain
PSB 4610
Preliminary Data Sheet 158 01.00
This table lists the Pins Characteristics of t he PCI Bu s
Pin No. Signal
Name Pin C ount Type Function
9 CLK 1 I PCI - Clock (m ax. 33
8RST1IPCI - Reset
16 - 23,
26 - 33,
44 - 51,
53 - 60
AD( 31:0) 32 IO PC I - A ddress- /Data
24, 34,
43, 52 C/BE(3:0) 4 IO PCI - Com mand/Byt e
E nable Bus
(B yte Enables are low
42 PAR 1 I O PCI - Parit y
64 INTA 1 OD PC I - Interr upt Signal
25 IDSEL 1 I PCI - Initializ ation
Device Select Signal
For Car dBus boards
this signal m us t s et to
35 FRAME 1IOPCI - Frame
36 IRDY 1 IO PCI - Initiator Ready
37 TRDY 1 IO PCI -Target Ready
38 DEVSEL 1 I O PCI - Device Sel ect
39 STOP 1IOPCI - Stop
11 REQ 1 OTS PCI - Bus Request
10 GNT 1 I PCI - Bus Gr ant
PSB 4610
Preliminary Data Sheet 159 01.00
40 PERR 1 I O PCI - Parit y Error
41 SERR 1 O D PCI - Syst em Error
7PME1 O D PCI - Power
M anagement Event
12 CLKRUN 1 I Clock Run
This table lists the Pins Characteristics of t he PCI Bu s (contd)
Pin No. Signal
Name Pin C ount Type Function
This table lists the Pins Characteristics of t he Parallel In terfaces
Pin No. Signal
Name Pin C ount Type Function
76 P RST 1 O Ac tive high reset
66, 67,
87 CS(2:0) 3 O Chip Select S ignals for
thr ee dev ic es
connec ted to the
par allel m ic ro c ontr oller
84 - 77 P AD(7: 0) 8 IO - Mult iplexed B us
Addr ess/ Data bus for
the par allel int er face.
- Non-M ult iplexed B us
Data bus for the
parallel interface.
PSB 4610
Preliminary Data Sheet 160 01.00
74 - 68, 65 PA (7:0) 8 O /P S - Multiplexed B us
Not us ed; pins c an be
left not connected.
- Non-M ult iplexed B us
A ddres s bus for the
parallel interface.
91 A LE 1 O Addr ess Latch Enable
S ignal, ac tiv e high.
In non- multiplexed
mode the ALE input of
peripheral devic es
mus t be connec ted to
86 WR 1 O Wr ite Signal, ac tiv e low
85 RD 1 O Read Signal, act iv e low
92 INT0 1 I Standard active low
inter rupt input for
connec ted dev ic es,
whic h is forwar ded to
the P CI inter fac e
This table lists the Pins Characteristics of t he Parallel In terfaces (contd)
Pin No. Signal
Name Pin C ount Type Function
PSB 4610
Preliminary Data Sheet 161 01.00
This table list the Pins Char acteristics of t he Serial Interface
Pin No. Signal
Name Pin C ount Type Function
93 SRST 1 O Ac tive low reset output.
97 FSC 1 I Frame Synchronization
Clock signal, 8 kHz.
O (OD ) Ser ial Data Clock
The direction of this pin
c an be contr olled by
the DCL_Out_En bit in
the internal r egis ters .
B y default this pin is
For P SB4596 V 2.1
mode, this pin mus t
c onfigur ed as output
(open drain), for all
other modes this pin
mus t be input.
95 RX D 1 I S erial Data Input Signal
96 TX D 1 O (O D) Ser ial Data Output
PSB 4610
Preliminary Data Sheet 162 01.00
This table lists the Pins Characteristics of t he Gen eral Pu rpose I/O
Pin No. Signal
Name Pin C ount Type Function
2 GP3 1 IO Gener al Pur pos e I/O
Pin 3
This pin is driven high
during the autom atic
EEPROM configuration
if ELD = 1.
3 GP2 1 IO Gener al Pur pos e I/O
Pin 2
Serial EEPR O M
I nterfac e : SCK - Se ria l
Clock Signal.
4 GP1 1 IO Gener al Pur pos e I/O
Pin 1
Serial EEPR O M
Inter face: SO - S erial
D a ta Ou tp u t from
EE PROM (input to th e
5 GP0 1 IO Gener al Pur pos e I/O
Pin 0
Serial EEPR O M
I nterfac e : SI - Seria l
Data Input to the
EE PROM (out put fr o m
the PITA-2).
PSB 4610
Preliminary Data Sheet 163 01.00
This table lists the Pins Characteristics of t he Special EEPROM Sig nals
Pin No. Signal
Name Pin C ount Type Function
99 ELD 1 I EE PRO M Load
Configur ation is
Configur ation is
100 ECS 1 O EE PR O M Ch ip Select
( SP I Signal)
PSB 4610
Preliminary Data Sheet 164 01.00
This table lists the Pins Characteristics of t he Power Management
Pin No. Signal
Name Pin C ount Type Function
90 PME_EN 1 O Reflects the state of the
P ME _EN bit. Can be
us ed t o power down all
external logic that is not
needed in st ate D3.
98 VA UX_PR 1 I Indic ates that Vaux is
PSB 4610
Preliminary Data Sheet 165 01.00
This table lists the Pins Characteristics of t he Power Supp ly
Pin No. Signal
Name Pin C ount Type Function
15, 61 V DD3 5 I Positive Power Supply
3.3V ± 10%
6, 75, 88 Vaux 3 I P os itive Power Supply
3.3V ± 10%
14, 62 VIO 2 I IO Voltage Supply
( either 3.3V or 5V)
13, 63, 89 V SS 3 I Ground 0V
PSB 4610
E lectrical Characteristics
Preliminary Data Sheet 166 01.00
9 Electri cal Characteristics
Pin Groups
The P ITA-2 has two differ ent kind of pins:
PCI Pi ns (8-12, 16-60 and 64)
Thes e pins ar e powered by VDD3 and V IO and ar e intended for c onnect ion to
the P CI bus.
Loc a l Pins ( 1-5, 7, 65-74, 76-87 and 90-100)
Thes e pins are power ed by VA UX or V DD3 (one power supply is s uffic ient)
and are intended for c onnect ion to the local s ignal of the PCI dev ic e.
The A C and DC s pecification for thes e t wo groups are may be dif ferent and ar e
therefore lis ted in separ at e t ables for each group.
Overview Page
A bsolute Max im um Ratings 167
DC Characteris tics 168
PSB 4610
E lectrical Characteristics
Preliminary Data Sheet 167 01.00
9. 1 Absol ut e Maximum Rat ings
Note: Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause
perm anent damage to the device.
Ex posure to conditions beyond thos e indicated in t he rec omm ended operational
c onditions of this specification may affect devic e reliabilit y .
This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device under these
conditions or at any other condition beyond those indicated in the operational
c onditions of this specification is not implied.
This T able shows t he Parameters for the Ab solu te Maximum Ratings
Parameter Limit Values Unit
V oltage on PC I pins
with respec t to gr ound VS1 0.5 to VIO + 0.5 V
Voltage on loc al pins
with respec t to gr ound VS2 0.3 to 5.5 V
Am bient tem perature under bias TA0 to 70 °C
S tor age tem perature Tstg 65 to 150 °C
Max im um voltage on VIO V DD 7V
Max im um voltage on VDD3 and
PSB 4610
E lectrical Characteristics
Preliminary Data Sheet 168 01.00
9.2 D C C har acteri st ics
The DC charac teristics of the PITA -2 ar e given in thr ee separ ate tables:
PCI pins , 5V s ignaling environment ( VIO = 5V)
P CI pins, 3.3V signaling env ir onment ( V IO = 3.3V )
Local pins
5V Si gn aling Environment
TA = 0 t o 70 °C; VIO = 4.75V t o 5.25V , Vaux and VDD3 = 3. 0V to 3.6V , VSS = 0 V
3.3V Si gnal in g E nvi ronment
TA = 0 t o 70 °C; VIO, Vaux and V DD3 = 3.0V to 3.6V , VSS = 0 V
PSB 4610
E lectrical Characteristics
Preliminary Data Sheet 169 01.00
DC Characteristics PCI Pins (5V Signaling Envir onment)
Parameter Sym Limit Values Unit Tes t Condit i on Rem.
min max
Input High
Voltage VIH 2.0 VIO+
0.5 V
Input Low
Voltage VIL 0.5 0.8 V
Input High
IIH 70 uA Vin = 2.7V 1)
Input Low
IIL -70 uA Vin = 0.5V 2)
Output High
Voltage VOH 2.4 V IOH = 2mA
L-out put
voltage VOL 0.55 V IOL = 3/6mA 3)
Input Pin
Capacitance CIN 10 if
Inductance LPIN 20 nH
PM E# Input
Leakage IOFF 1 uA V out below 5.25V
VDD3 off/floating
1) exce pt fo r CLK RUN w hic h is internally pulled dow n (I LIh = 500 uA
2) exce pt fo r CLK RUN w hic h is internally pulled dow n (I LIh = 500 uA
3) 6mA f or F R AM E, TRDY, IRDY, D EVSEL, S TOP, S ERR, PE RR, LO CK and I N T A
PSB 4610
E lectrical Characteristics
Preliminary Data Sheet 170 01.00
DC Characte ris tics PCI Pin s (3.3V Sig nal ing Environ men t)
Parameter Sym Limit Values Unit T est
Condition Rem.
min max
Input High
Voltage VIH 0.5VIO VIO+0.5 V
Input Low
Voltage VIL 0.5 0.3VIO V
I nput
IIL -10 10 uA 0 < Vin < VIO 1)
Output High
Voltage VOH 0.9VIO VI
OH =
0.5 mA
L-out put
voltage VOL 0.1VIO VI
OL =
Input Pin
Capacitance CIN 10 pF
Inductance LPIN 20 nH
PM E# Input
Leakage IOFF 1 uA V out below
VDD3 off /
1) exce pt fo r CLK RUN w hic h is internally pulled dow n (I LIh = 500 uA
PSB 4610
E lectrical Characteristics
Preliminary Data Sheet 171 01.00
DC Characte ris tics Loc al Pins
Parameter Sym Limit Values Unit T est
Condition Rem.
min max
Input High
Voltage VIH 2.4 5.25 V
Input Low
Voltage VIL 0.3 0.8 V
I nput
IIL -10 10 uA
Output High
Voltage VOH 2.4 V IOH =
2 mA
L-out put
voltage VOL 0.4 V IOL =
2 mA
PSB 4610
P ackage Outlines
Preliminary Data Sheet 172 01.00
10 Package Outlines
PSB 4610
Conf igurat ion Space Register of t he PIT A-2
Preliminary Data Sheet 173 01.00
11 Configuration Space Register of the PITA-2
Description of the Register Types 174
Configuration Space Regist ers 175
Registers whic h do not occur els ewhere in the Data S heet 185
PSB 4610
Conf igurat ion Space Register of t he PIT A-2
Preliminary Data Sheet 174 01.00
11.1 Descr iption of the Register Types
Descrip tion of t he Register T ypes
Type Description
PE r ead only via P CI
thes e bits ar e initialized by pins trapping dur ing PCI r eset
or by the optional E EPROM
Hr ead only via P CI
RC read clear via P CI
thes e bits are set by the internal logic
thes e bits c an be r ead out and r eset by writing logical 1
to th e m
wri ting logical 0 does nt influence the stat es of these bits
RW read write via PCI
these bits can be read out and written via t he P CI bus
Er ead only via P CI
thes e bits are initialized to a default value dur ing PCI
r eset or by the optional E E PROM
PSB 4610
Conf igurat ion Space Register of t he PIT A-2
Preliminary Data Sheet 175 01.00
11.2 C onf igur at ion Space Regi st er s
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
00h 31:16 E 2104h Devic e ID 185
15:0 E 110A h Vendor ID of S iem ens AG. 185
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
04h 31:0 0290
0000h P CI Status Register 185
31 RC 0b Parit y Error Detected 185
30 RC 0b S ystem Err or S ignaled 90
29 RC 0b Master Abor t Detect ed 90
28 RC 0b Target Abor t Detected 90
27 RC 0b Target Abor t S ignaled 90
26:25 H 01b DEV SE L Timing 26
24 RC 0b Data Parit y Error
Reported 185
23 H 1b Fast Back-to-Back
Capability 30
22 H 0b User Defined Func tions 185
21 H 0b 66 MHz Capability 185
PSB 4610
Conf igurat ion Space Register of t he PIT A-2
Preliminary Data Sheet 176 01.00
20 E 1b Capabilities 185
19:16 H 0000b Reserved 185
15:0 Com mand Register 185
15:10 H 000000b Reserved 185
9 H 0b Fast Bac k - to- Back E nable 30
8 RW 0b S yst em Err or E nable 90
7 H 0b Addr ess /Data S tepping
Enable ( not used) 185
6 RW 0b Parity E rr or Res pons e 185
5:3 H 000b The PIT A- 2 does not
s upport the Special Cy cle
2 RW 0b Master Enable 90
1 RW 0b Memor y Ac c ess Enable 17
0 H 0b I/O Acc ess Enable 185
04h (contd)
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
08h 31:8 E 028000h Class Code/PCI network
device 188
7:0 E 02h Revis ion ID 188
PSB 4610
Conf igurat ion Space Register of t he PIT A-2
Preliminary Data Sheet 177 01.00
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
0Ch 31:24 H 00h BIST 189
23:16 H 00h Header Ty pe 189
15:8 H 00h Mas ter Latenc y Timer 189
7:0 H 00h Cache Line Size 189
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
10h 31:0
11:0 RW
00000000h B ase Regis ter 0 17
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
14h 31:0
11:0 RW
00000000h B ase Regis ter 1 18
PSB 4610
Conf igurat ion Space Register of t he PIT A-2
Preliminary Data Sheet 178 01.00
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
18h 31:0 H 00000000h B ase Address Register 2
( not used) 18
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
1Ch 31:0 H 00000000h B ase Address Regist er 3
( not used) 18
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
20h 31:0 H 00000000h B ase Address Register 4
( not used) 19
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
24h 31:0 H 00000000h B ase Address Register 5
( not used) 19
PSB 4610
Conf igurat ion Space Register of t he PIT A-2
Preliminary Data Sheet 179 01.00
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
28h 31: 0 0000 02C0 CardB us CI S Pointer 20
31:28 H 0000b ROM Image Num ber 20
27:3 H 000054h A ddress Space O ff set 20
2:0 H 000b A ddress Spac e Indic ator 21
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
2Ch 31:20
v alue or
Subs y stem ID 21
15:0 PE pinstrap
Subs y stem V endor ID 21
PSB 4610
Conf igurat ion Space Register of t he PIT A-2
Preliminary Data Sheet 180 01.00
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
31:0 H 00000000h Reserved 190
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
34h 31:8 H 00h Reserved 132
7:0 H 40h Capabilities Pointer 132
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
38h 31:0 H 00000000h Reserved 190
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
3Ch 31:24 E 00h Max_Lat 191
23:16 E 00h Min_Gnt 191
15:8 H 01h I nter rupt pin 191
PSB 4610
Conf igurat ion Space Register of t he PIT A-2
Preliminary Data Sheet 181 01.00
7:0 RW FF h Inter rupt Line 191
3Ch (contd)
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
40h 31:0 1222 0001 Power Managem ent
Capabilities (PM C) 133
PME_Support 133
26 E 0b D2_Support 133
25 E 1b D1_Support 133
24:22 E 000b A ux Current 133
21 E 1b DSI 133
20 H 0b Reserved 133
19 E 0b PME Clock 133
18:16 E 010b Version
The value 010b indicates
that the device complies
with the Rev ision 1. 1 of the
P CI Power Managem ent
Inter face Specification.
15:8 H 00h Nex t Item Pt r 133
7:0 H 01h Capability ID 133
PSB 4610
Conf igurat ion Space Register of t he PIT A-2
Preliminary Data Sheet 182 01.00
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
44h 31:24 H 00h DATA Regist er 137
23:16 H 00h PM CSR_B SE Br idge
S upport Ex tensions 137
15 RC 0b PME Stat us 137
14:13 H 00b Data Sc ale 137
12:9 RW 0h Data Select 137
8 RW 0b PME_En 137
7:2 H 00h Reserved 137
1:0 RW 00b P ower State 137
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name1 Page
48h 31:0 P ower Data Regis ter 1 140
31:30 H 00b Reserved 140
29:28 H/E W 00b Data_Sc ale in
Data_S elec t = 2 140
27:20 H/E W 00h DA TA in Data_S elec t = 2 140
19:18 H/E W 00b Data_Sc ale in
Data_S elec t = 1 140
17:10 H/E W 00h DA TA in Data_S elec t = 1 140
PSB 4610
Conf igurat ion Space Register of t he PIT A-2
Preliminary Data Sheet 183 01.00
9:8 H/E W 00b Dat a_Sc ale in
Data_S elec t = 0 140
7:0 H/E W 00h DA T A in Data_S elec t = 0 140
48h (contd)
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name1 Page
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
4Ch 31:0 P ower Data Regis ter 2 142
31:30 H 00b Reserved 142
29:28 E 00b Dat a_Sc ale in
Data_S elec t = 5 142
27:20 E 00h DA T A in Data_S elec t = 5 142
19:18 E 00b Dat a_Sc ale in
Data_S elec t = 4 142
17:10 E 00h DA T A in Data_S elec t = 4 142
9:8 E 00b Dat a_Sc ale in
Data_S elec t = 3 142
7:0 E 00h DA T A in Data_S elec t = 3 142
PSB 4610
Conf igurat ion Space Register of t he PIT A-2
Preliminary Data Sheet 184 01.00
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
50h 31:0 P ower Data Regis ter 3 144
31:20 H 000h Reserved 144
19:18 E 00b Dat a_Sc ale in
Data_S elec t = 7 144
17:10 E 00h Dat a_Value in
Data_S elec t = 7 144
9:8 E 00b Dat a_Sc ale in
Data_S elec t = 6 144
7:0 E 00h Dat a_Value in
Data_S elec t = 6 144
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
54h 31:0 H 00h Car dBus CIS 192
PSB 4610
Conf igurat ion Space Register of t he PIT A-2
Preliminary Data Sheet 185 01.00
11.3 Registers which do not occur elsewhere in the Data
Bit 31:16 Devi ce ID
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 2104h
Description Ident ifies the PITA -2 within all PCI devices from S iemens
Bit 15:0 Vendor ID
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 110Ah
Description 110A is the Vendor ID of Siem ens A G.
Bit 31:0 P CI St atus Register
Defau lt Val ue 02900000h
Bit 31 Parity_Error_Detected
Type RC
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description This bit is set, if a parity error is detected during a transaction
with t he PI TA-2. This is done independently from the stat us
of the Par ity Err or Res pons e bit.
PSB 4610
Conf igurat ion Space Register of t he PIT A-2
Preliminary Data Sheet 186 01.00
Bit 24 Data_Parity_Error_Reported
Type RC
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description The P CI M ast er as s er ts this bit if it detects the PERR s ignal
on the PCI bus asserted during a PCI transaction initiated by
Bit 22 User_Defined_Functions
Type H
Value 0b
Description T he PIT A-2 has no user defined functions.
Bit 21 66_MHz_Capability
Type H
Value 0b
Description The P ITA - 2 is not a 66 MHz device (0 - 33 MHz suppor ted.)
Bit 20 Capabilities
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 1b
Description If this bit is set , the PCI device has addit ional capabilities
defined in the PCI Configuration Space Header. A dditional
c apabilities can be found in the Cap_Ptr under addres s 34h.
04h (contd)
PSB 4610
Conf igurat ion Space Register of t he PIT A-2
Preliminary Data Sheet 187 01.00
Bit 19:16 Reserved
Type H
Defau lt Val ue 0000b
Bit 15:0 Com mand Register
Bit 15:10 Reserved
Type H
Defau lt Val ue 000000b
Bit 7 Address/Data_Stepping_Enable
Type H
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description not used
Bit 6 Parity_Error_Response
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description If thi s bi t i s s e t to 1, the PCI inter face reports data par it y
errors by ass erting the PERR signal.
04h (contd)
PSB 4610
Conf igurat ion Space Register of t he PIT A-2
Preliminary Data Sheet 188 01.00
Bit 5:3
Type H
Value 000b
Description T he PIT A-2 does not support the Spec ial Cycle Comm and.
The P ITA-2 does not generat e Memor y W rite and inv alidate
The PITA-2 does not s upport VG A Palette snooping.
Bit 0 I/O_Access_Enable
Type H
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description The P CI inter face does not s upport I/O commands .
04h (contd)
Bit 31:8 Class_Code
Type H or EW
Defau lt Val ue 028 000h
Description PCI networ k devic e
Bit 7:0 Revi sion ID
Type H
Defau lt Val ue 02h
Description Revision of the PCI device
PSB 4610
Conf igurat ion Space Register of t he PIT A-2
Preliminary Data Sheet 189 01.00
Bit 31:24 BIST
Type H
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description T he PIT A-2 has no built-in self test.
Bit 23:16 Header_Type
Type H
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Bit 15:8 Master_Latency_Timer
Type H
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description Unused
Bit 7:0 Cache_Line_Size
Type H
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description T he PIT A-2 does not support the cache line size regist er
bec aus e it s uppor ts only single data trans actions.
PSB 4610
Conf igurat ion Space Register of t he PIT A-2
Preliminary Data Sheet 190 01.00
Bit 31:0 Reserved
Type H
Defau lt Val ue 0000 0000h
Description Reserved
Bit 31:0 Reserved
Type H
Defau lt Val ue 0000 0000h
PSB 4610
Conf igurat ion Space Register of t he PIT A-2
Preliminary Data Sheet 191 01.00
Bit 31:24 Max_Lat
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description S e t to 0 becaus e only single data trans act ions ar e
Bit 23:16 Mint_Gnt
Type E
Defau lt Val ue 00h
Description S e t to 0 becaus e only single data trans act ions ar e
Bit 15:8 Interrupt_Pin
Type H
Defau lt Val ue 01h
Description As a single function device, t he P ITA- 2 us es the INTA s ignal.
Bit 7:0 Interrupt_Line
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue FFh
Description Thes e Bits s how t he inter r upt line which is us ed by this
s y stem. F or a x 86 sys tem the v alue FF means unknown.
Thes e registers ar e written dur ing the initializ ation of the
operat ing sys tem .
PSB 4610
Conf igurat ion Space Register of t he PIT A-2
Preliminary Data Sheet 192 01.00
Bit 31:0 Cardbus_CIS
Type H
Value 00h
Description Not s uppor ted by PITA - 2
PSB 4610
Internal Regist er of th e P ITA
Preliminary Data Sheet 193 01.00
12 I n ternal Register of the PITA
Description of the Register Types 194
Inter nal Regist er 195
Registers which do not oc c ur els ewhere in the Dat a S heet 202
PSB 4610
Internal Regist er of th e P ITA
Preliminary Data Sheet 194 01.00
12.1 Descr iption of the Register Types
Descrip tion of t he Register T ypes
Type Description
Rread only
RC read clear
thes e bits are set by the internal logic
thes e bits c an be r ead out and r es et by writing logical 1
to th e m
wr iting logic al 0 doesnt influenc e the s tates of these bits
RW read write
thes e bits can be read out and wr itten via the PCI bus
PSB 4610
Internal Regist er of th e P ITA
Preliminary Data Sheet 195 01.00
12.2 Internal Register
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
00h 31:0 00000000h ICR - Interr upt Control
Register 202
31:29 R 000b Reserved 202
28 RW 0b EEPROM_Control_Int_En 121
27 RW 0b Retry_Counter_Down_
Int_En 31
26 RW 0b FIFO_Overflow_Empty_
Int_En 41
25 RW 0b DMA_Write_Counter_
Overflow_Int_En 41
24 RW 0b DMA_Write_Counter_Int_
En 41
23:18 R 000000b Reserved 202
17 RW 0b INT0_En 202
16 RW 0b INT0_Pol 202
15:13 R 000b Reserved 202
12 RC 0b EEPROM_Control_Int 121
11 RC 0b Retry_Counter_Int 31
10 RC 0b FIFO_Overflow_Empty_
Int 41
9 RC 0b DMA_Write_Counter_
Overflow_Int 41
8 RC 0b DMA_Write_Counter_Int 41
PSB 4610
Internal Regist er of th e P ITA
Preliminary Data Sheet 196 01.00
7:6 R 0b Reserved 202
5 RC 0b GP3_INT 101
4 RC 0b GP2_INT 101
3 RC 0b GP1_INT 101
2 RC 0b GP0_INT 101
1RC0b INT0 202
00h (contd)
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Register Name Page
04h 31:0 00000000h DMA Contr ol Regis ter 43
31:09 R 0000000h Reserved 43
8RW0b DMA Start 43
7:6 R 00b Reserved 43
5:0 RW 000000b DM A Select - all modes
IOM- 2 Mode 1
IOM- 2 Mode 2
IOM- 2 Mode 3
Single M odem Mode V2.1
Single M odem Mode V3.X
Dual Modem + Voic e Mode
PSB 4610
Internal Regist er of th e P ITA
Preliminary Data Sheet 197 01.00
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
08h 31:12
Ci rcu lar Buffer Start
Address 45
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
0Ch 31:00 R 00000000h A ct ual Circular Buf fer
Pointer 45
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
10h 31:0 00000000h ALIS Com mand Regis ter 1 67
31:25 R 00h Reserved 67
24 RW 0b New_ALIS_Command_1 67
23:16 RW 00h ALIS_Received_Data_1 67
15:8 RW 00h ALIS_Command_1 67
7:0 RW 0b ALIS_Transmit_Data_1 67
PSB 4610
Internal Regist er of th e P ITA
Preliminary Data Sheet 198 01.00
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
14h 31:0 00000000h ALIS Com mand Regis ter 2 70
32:25 R 000h Reserved 70
24 RW 0b New_ALIS_Command_2 70
23:16 RW 00h ALIS_Received_Data_2 70
15:8 RW 00h ALIS_Command_2 70
7:0 RW 00h ALIS_Transmit_Data_2 70
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
18h 31:0 00000000h GP I/ O Interface Control
Register 102
31:28 R 0h Reserved 102
27 RW 0b GP3_Int_En 102
26 RW 0b GP2_Int_En 102
25 RW 0b GP1_Int_En 102
24 RW 0b GP0_Int_En 102
23:20 R 0000b Reserved 102
19 RW 0b GP3_Out_En 102
18 RW 0b GP2_Out_En 102
PSB 4610
Internal Regist er of th e P ITA
Preliminary Data Sheet 199 01.00
17 RW 0b GP1_Out_En 102
16 RW 0b GP0_Out_En 102
15:12 R 0000b Reserved 102
11 R - GP3_IN 102
10 R - GP2_IN 102
9 R - GP1_IN 102
8 R - GP0_IN 102
7:4 R 0000b Reserved 102
3 RW 0b GP3_OUT 102
2 RW 0b GP2_OUT 102
1 RW 0b GP1_OUT 102
0 RW 0b GP0_OUT 102
18h (contd)
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
1Ch 31:0 00000000h MISC - M isc ellaneous
Register 59
31 RW 0b IO M B1 M ask ing 59
30 RW 0b IO M B2 M ask ing 59
29 RW 0b IO M MON0/IC1 Mask ing 59
28 RW 0b IO M D+C/I0+M R+M X /
IC2 Mask ing 59
PSB 4610
Internal Regist er of th e P ITA
Preliminary Data Sheet 200 01.00
27 RW 1b Serial Interface Buffer
Mode 204
26 RW 0b P arallel Int erfac e M ode 78
25 RW 1b Soft reset Serial Interface 204
24 RW 0b Sof t reset P ar allel
Interface 78
23:16 RW 00h Retry Count Regist er 32
15:12 R 0000b Reserved 204
11:0 RW 0000h DMA Wr ite Count Register 46
1Ch (contd)
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
20h 31:0 00000000h Ser ial Cloc k S elec t
31:2 R 00000000h Reserved
1 RW 0b DCL_Out_En 49
0 RW 0b Serial_Clock_Sel 49
PSB 4610
Internal Regist er of th e P ITA
Preliminary Data Sheet 201 01.00
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
24h 31:0 00000000h EE PROM Contr ol Regis ter 121
31:25 R 0000h Reserved 121
24 RW 0b EEPRO M Start 121
23:16 RW 00h EEPROM Command 121
15:8 RW 00h EE PRO M By te Address 121
7:0 RW 00h EE PRO M Data 121
Ad. Bit Type Default
Value Regist er Name Page
28h 31:0 00000000h DM A TE ST Regis ter 204
31:01 R 00000000h Reserved 204
0 RW 0b Loop_Back_Mode 77
PSB 4610
Internal Regist er of th e P ITA
Preliminary Data Sheet 202 01.00
12.3 Registers which do not occur elsewhere in the Data
Bit 31:0 ICR - Inter r upt Contr ol Regis ter
Defau lt Val ue 00000000h
Description The inter r upt enable bits f or GP3- 0 ar e plac ed in the GP I/ O
Inter fac e Contr ol Regist er .
All int errupt enables are high active:
Int_En=0 -> corres ponding interr upt (bit) is disabled
Int_En=1 -> corres ponding interr upt (bit) is enables
Bit 31:29 Reserved
Type R
Value 000b
Bit 23:18 Reserved
Type R
Value 000000b
Bit 17 INT0_En
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue RW
Description Enable for the INT0 interrupt bit.
PSB 4610
Internal Regist er of th e P ITA
Preliminary Data Sheet 203 01.00
Bit 16 INT0_POL
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description P o l a rity of IN T0 a cti ve le vel
0: L-Level
1: H-level
Bit 23:18 Reserved
Type R
Value 000000b
Bit 1 INT0
Type RC
Defau lt Val ue 0b
Description An interrupt is detec ted on pin INT0 .
Bit 0 Reserved
Type R
Value 0b
00h (contd)
PSB 4610
Internal Regist er of th e P ITA
Preliminary Data Sheet 204 01.00
Bit 27 Serial Int erface Buf fer Mode
Type RW
Value 1b
Description 0: T he TXD pin is configured as PUSH /PU LL output pin.
1: T he T XD pin is configured as OP EN DRAIN out put pin.
Bit 25 Soft Reset Serial Interfac e
Type RW
Defau lt Val ue 1b
Description 0: Ac tivates t he low active res et signal SRS T to the
1: Deactivates t he res et signal SRS T to the application.
Before as sert ing this bit the DMA _Start bit has to be reset .
Bit 31:0 DM A Test Register
Defau lt Val ue 00000000h
Bit 31:1 Reserved
Type R
Defau lt Val ue 00000000h
PSB 4610
Preliminary Data Sheet 205 01.00
13 Abbreviations
A C A lternating Current.
A /D A nalog to digit al.
A DC Analog to digit al c onv er ter.
A LE A ddr es s latch enable.
A LIS Analog Line Int er face S olution. Chip set consis ting of PS B4595 and
DC Dir ect Current .
DCL Double Bit Clock . (In this context, only in the IOM -2 modes of the
serial inter face of the PITA , single bit in all other m odes).
DMA D ire ct Me m o ry Ac ce ss.
DD Data Downst ream.
DU Data Upstr eam.
E2PROM Elect rically eras able program mable read only mem ory.
Fi rst in fi r st o u t.
FSC Frame Sync.
I/O In/out.
IOM ISDN Or iented M odular .
ISD N Integrated Serv ic es Digital Network.
M S B M os t Signific ant Bit.
P ITA P CI Int er face for Telephony/Dat a A pplic ations.
P CI Per ipher al Component Inter c onnect.
RX D Receiv e Direction.
TX D Trans mit Direction.
PSB 4610
Semiconductor Group 206 Preliminary Data Sheet 01.00
14 Index
Ab s o l u te Ma ximu m R a ti n g s 1 6 7
Configuration aft er Reset 63
Connection to the PI TA -2 118
Configuration aft er Reset 66
B ase Address Register 16
BAR 0 1 7
BAR 1 1 8
S truc ture of the Addres s Spac e 16
Configuration Space Register
Power Managem ent
34h 132
40h 133
44h 137, 140, 142, 144
Reference Table 175
DC Characteris tics 168
DM A Algorithm 38
DM A Contr oller 36
Dual Modem/Modem + Voice Mode 73
General Purpose I/O I nterf ace 97
Input Mode 107
Int errupt Mode 111
Out put Mode 109
General Pur pose I/O Interf ac e 97
Paral le l Int erf ace 78
S er ial DMA Inter face 34
SPI EEPROM Interface 115
Inter nal Register
00h 195
20h 200
24h 201
DM A Controller
00h 41
04h 43, 45, 63, 67, 69, 75
08h 45
0Ch 45, 46, 77, 78, 102
1Ch 46
GP I/O Inte rfa ce
00h 101
18h 102
Loopback Mode
28h 77
P ar allel Inter fac e
1Ch 78
Reference Table 195
Retry Counter
00h 31
1Ch 32
S ingle Modem Mode V2.1
20h 49, 52, 55, 64, 72
SPI EEPROM Interface
00h 67, 70, 121
24h 121
Inter rupt Control Register 31
IOM-2 Mode 1 47
IOM-2 Mode 2 50
IOM-2 Mode 3 53
IOM-2 Modes
Gener al Descr iption 56
Mask ing of IOM -2 T imes lots 58
Select ion of IO M -2 T imes lots 56
Loopback Mode 76
Multiplexed Mode
PSB 4610
Semiconductor Group 207 Preliminary Data Sheet 01.00
Read Tr ans act ion 88
Write Transaction 87
Non Mult iplex ed M ode
Read Tr ans act ion 86
Write Transaction 84
Parallel I nterface 78
P inning 158
P CI Comm ands 23
PCI Configur ation Space 11
Acce ss to th e 1 5
Constr uction of 13
P CI Mas ter Contr oller 23
P CI T ar get Controller 23
Descript ion of PIN Types 157
GP I/O In te rfa c e 1 6 2
Parallel Interfaces 159
Power Supply 164, 165
S er ial Inter fac e 161
S pec ial EE P ROM Signals 163
P instr apping 151
Power Managem ent 123
Power Management States 126
R e se t 1 4 9
Ser ial DMA Interfac e 34
Single M odem Mode V2.1 61
Configuration aft er Reset 62
Single M odem Mode V3.X 65
Configuration aft er Reset 66
SPI EEPROM Interface 1 1 5
Timing 89
Timing Diagr am
ALE after internal Softreset 82
A LE after s ett ing the Par allel I nterface
Mode Bit 83
ALE aft er Syst em Reset 81
B ur s t Read 25
Burs t Write 2 7
Dual Modem/Modem+Voice Mode
Fast Back to Back 29
GP I/O Inte rfa ce
Input Mode 107
Inter r upt Mode 111
Output Mode 110
IOM -2 all Modes 56
IOM -2 Mode 1 48
IOM -2 Mode 2 51
IOM -2 Mode 3 54
Loopback Mode 76
P ar allel Inter fac e
Mult iplexed Addres s 94
Non Mulitplexed Addr es s 95
Read 94
Write 94
S ingle Modem Mode V2.1 61
S ingle Modem Mode V3.X 65
SPI EEPROM Interface 119
Trans act ion Disconnec t 89
Trans act ion Ter mination 92
Vendor ID 151