Philips Semiconductors
Thyristors and Triacs Introduction
Immediately after the surge, the mains voltage
is reapplied with a peak value equal to the full
rated off-state voltage, VDRM. Graphs in the data
sheet show the variation of ITSM with surge
I2t Devicefuserating.Forcorrect circuitprotection,
the I2t of a protective fuse must be less than the
I2t of the device. In the data sheets, the device
rating is numerically equal to ITSM2/200 and
assumes a 10ms fusing time.
dIT/dt The maximum allowable rate of rise of on-state
current after gate triggering. The theory
underlying this rating is that, where the rate of
rise of main current is very rapid immediately
aftertriggering, local ’hotspot’ heatingwill occur
in a small part of the device active area close to
the gate, leading to device degradation or
complete failure. In practise, true dIT/dt failures
of this kind are very rare. The only conditions
is in triacs operated in the T2-, G+ quadrant
current(in excess ofthe data sheetratings), can
cause damage to the gate structure. For this
reason, operation of our triacs in the T2-, G+
quadrant should be avoided wherever possible.
dIT/dt VBO or dVD/dt triggered. Where a device is
triggered by exceeding the breakdown voltage,
or by a high rate of rise of off-state voltage, as
opposed to injecting current into the gate, it is
necessary to limit the dIT/dt. A note in the data
this mode of triggering.
Rth j-mb Steady state thermal resistances. Junction to
Rth j-hs mounting base is used for TO220AB envelope.
Rth j-sp Junction to heatsink for devices in full pack,
Rth j-lead isolated envelopes, SOT186 and SOT186A.
Junction to solder point is used for devices in
SOT223 surface mounting envelope. Junction
to lead is used for devices in SOT54 (TO92)
small signal outline. The maximum value of the
isusedtospecify thedevice rating.The average
junction temperature rise for a given dissipation
is given by multiplying the average dissipation
by the thermal resistance.
Note that for triacs, two values of thermal
resistance are quoted; one for half cycle
operation and one for full cycle operation. This
is because only half of the chip carries current
in each half cycle allowing the non-conducting
half to cool down between conduction periods.
The net effect is to reduce the average thermal
resistance for full cycle conduction.
Rth j-a Typical values of junction to ambient thermal
resistance aregiven in the data sheet assuming
thatthedevice is mountedverticallyon aprinted
circuit board, in free air.
Zth j-mb, Whilst the average junction temperature rise
Zth j-hs maybefoundfromthethermalresistancefigure,
the peak junction temperature requires
knowledge of the current waveform and the
transient thermal impedance. The thermal
impedance curves in the data sheets are based
on rectangular power pulses. The junction
temperature rise due to a rectangular power
pulse, is given by multiplying the peak
dissipation during the pulse by the thermal
impedance Zth j-mb for the given pulse width.
Analysis methods for non-rectangular pulses
are covered in the Power Semiconductor
Applications handbook.
Tjmax The maximum operating junction temperature
range for all our thyristors and triacs is 125˚C.
This applies in either the on-state or off-state,
and for either half cycle or full cycle conduction.
It is permissible for the junction temperature to
exceed Tj max for short periods during
non-repetitive surges, but for repetitive
operation the peak junction temperature must
remain below Tj max.
Tstg The limiting storage temperature range for all
our thyristors and triacs is -40˚C to 150˚C.
PG(AV), The average and peak gate power dissipation,
GM, andthemaximumgatevoltageandgatecurrent.
VGM Exceedingthegateratingscancausethedevice
to degrade gradually, or fail completely.
Thyristor and Triac Characteristics
A characteristic is an inherent and measurable property
for stated or recognized conditions. A characteristic may
alsobe a set of relatedvalues, usually shown ingraphical
sheet is the maximum, instantaneous on-state
voltage measured under pulse conditions to
avoid excessive dissipation, at a junction
temperature of 25˚C. The data sheet also
contains a graph showing the maximum and
typical characteristics at 125˚C and the
maximum characteristic at 25˚C. The maximum
characteristic at 125˚C is used to calculate the
dissipation for a given average or rms current,
and hence the graph of on-state dissipation
versus averageor rms current in the data sheet.
February 1996