19-1322; Rev 0; 12/97 68HC16 Module DESIGNATION C1, C2, C3 QTY 3 C4, C5 2 C6, C7 C8 C9 C10-C14 D1 J1 J2 2 1 0 5 1 1 1 J3 1 J4 JU1 JU2 JU3 JU4 JU5 L1 L2 LED1 R1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 DESCRIPTION 1F ceramic capacitors 22F, 25V radial-lead electrolytic capacitors 22pF capacitors 0.01F capacitor Reference designator, not used 0.1F capacitors 1N4001 diode 40-pin right-angle male connector 2-circuit terminal block Right-angle printed circuit board mount, DB9 female socket Open Open Reference designator, not used Open Open Open Open Open Light-emitting diode 10M, 5% resistor DESIGNATION R2 R3, R4 R5 R6 SW1 SW2 QTY 1 2 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION 330k, 5% resistor 10k, 5% resistors 470, 5% resistor 10k SIP resistor Slide switch Momentary pushbutton switch U1 1 68HC16 C MC68HC16Z1CFC16 (132-pin plastic quad flat pack) U2 1 Maxim MAX233CPP U3 1 27C256 EPROM containing monitor program U4 U5 U6 U7 Y1 None None None None None 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 7805 regulator, TO-220 size 62256 (32K x 8) static RAM 74HCT245 bidirectional buffer Maxim MAX707CPA 32.768kHz watch crystal Rubber feet 28-pin socket for U3 20-pin socket for U6 3" x 5" printed circuit board Heatsink for U4, thermalloy # 6078 68HC16 Module ________________General Description 68HC16 Module ________________Detailed Description The 68HC16 module is an assembled and tested printed-circuit board intended for use with Maxim's highspeed serial-interface evaluation kits (EV kits). The module uses an inexpensive 8-bit implementation of Motorola's MC68HC16Z1 microcontroller (C) to collect data samples at high speed using the QSPITM interface. It requires an IBM-compatible personal computer and an external DC power supply, typically 12V DC or as specified in EV kit manual. The 68HC16 module draws its power from a user-supplied power source connected to terminal block J2. Be sure to note the positive and negative markings on the board. A three-terminal 5V regulator allows input voltages between 8V and an absolute maximum of 20V. The 68HC16 module typically requires 200mA of input current. Maxim's 68HC16 module is provided to allow customers to evaluate selected Maxim products. It is not intended to be used as a microprocessor development platform, and such use is not supported by Maxim. Power Input Connector J2 68HC16 Microcontroller U1 is Motorola's 68HC16Z1 C. Contact Motorola for C information, development, and support. Maxim EV kits use the high-speed queued serial peripheral interface (QSPI) and the internal chip-select generation. A MAX707 on the module monitors the 5V logic supply, generates the power-on reset, and produces a reset pulse whenever the reset button is pressed. QSPI is a trademark of Motorola Corp. ________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 1 For free samples and the latest literature, visit www.maxim-ic.com or phone 1-800-998-8800. For small orders, phone 1-800-835-8769. 68HC16 Module _____________________________________________68HC16 Module Component List 68HC16 Module 68HC16 Module The 68HC16 uses a phase-locked loop (PLL) to set its bus speed. Crystal Y1 is a 32.768kHz frequency reference. The internal oscillator runs 256 times faster than the external crystal. When the 68HC16 is reset, it waits for the PLL to lock before it executes any software. After the PLL locks onto the reference frequency, the software doubles the clock speed by writing to the clock synthesizer control register, selecting a bus speed of 16.78MHz. U5, the user RAM area, is a 32kbyte CMOS static RAM. The 74HCT245 octal buffer lets the 68HC16 module access an 8-bit port on the 40-pin interface connector. This memory-mapped port consists of separate read and write strobes, four chip selects, four address LSBs, and eight data bits. Table 1. Serial Communications Port J3 PIN NAME FUNCTION 1 DCD Handshake; hard-wired to DTR and DSR 2 RXD RS-232-compatible data output from 68HC16 module 3 TXD RS-232-compatible data input to 68HC16 module 4 DTR Handshake; hard-wired to DCD and DSR 5 GND Signal ground connection 6 DSR Handshake; hard-wired to DCD and DTR 7 RTS Handshake; hard-wired to CTS 8 CTS Handshake; hard-wired to RTS 9 None Unused Serial Communications J3 is an RS-232 serial port, designed to be compatible with the IBM PC 9-pin serial port. Use a straightthrough DB9 male-to-female cable to connect J3 to this port. If the only available serial port has a 25-pin connector, you may use a standard 25-pin to 9-pin adapter. Table 1 shows the pinout of J3. The MAX233 is an RS-232 interface voltage level shifter with two transmitters and two receivers. It includes a built-in charge pump with internal capacitors that generates the output voltages necessary to drive RS-232 lines. 40-Pin Data Connector J1 The 20 x 2 pin header connects the 68HC16 module to a Maxim EV kit. Table 2 lists the function of each pin. Note that 68HC16 object code is not compatible with 68HC11 object code. Use the 68HC16 module only with those modules that are designed to support it, and only download code that is targeted for the 68HC16 module. Downloading incorrect object code into the 68HC16 module will have unpredictable results. Address Ranges The 68HC16 C generates various enable signals for different address ranges. The ROM and RAM enable signals are fed directly to the respective chips. Several additional signals (J1.11-J1.14) are available on the data connector to be used by Maxim EV kits. Table 3 outlines the address ranges for each of the elements found on the 68HC16 module, and Table 4 is a truth table that describes the logic for each of the 68HC16's chip-select outputs. Because the addresses are not completely decoded, the boot ROM and user RAM have shadows. 2 Table 2. 40-Pin Data-Connector Signals PIN 1-4 5, 6 7, 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20-26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 NAME GND VPREREG VCC RD WR 7E000 7E800 7F000 7F800 A00 A01 A02 A03 EXTD0 EXTD1-7 IC1 IC2 IC3 OC1 OC2 OC3 OC4 IC4 MISO MOSI SCK PCS0/SS CLKOUT PWMA FUNCTION Ground Unregulated input voltage +5V from on-board regulator Read strobe Write strobe Chip select for 7E000-7E7FF Chip select for 7E800-7EFFF Chip select for 7F000-7F7FF Chip select for 7F800-7FFFF Address bit 0 (LSB) Address bit 1 Address bit 2 Address bit 3 Buffered data bus 0 (LSB) Buffered data bus bits 1-7 General I/O port bit 0 (LSB) General I/O port bit 1 General I/O port bit 2 General I/O port bit 3 General I/O port bit 4 General I/O port bit 5 General I/O port bit 6 General I/O port bit 7 QSPI master-in, slave-out QSPI master-out, slave-in QSPI serial clock QSPI chip-select output System clock output Pulse-width-modulator output _______________________________________________________________________________________ 68HC16 Module PIN FUNCTION Boot ROM The boot ROM, U3, is configured as an 8-bit memory device. Resistor R4 pulls data bit 0 low during system reset, forcing the C to fetch instructions using only the upper eight data bits. The boot ROM checks the system and waits for commands from the host. Refer to the EV kit manual for specific start-up procedures. 00000-07FFF Boot ROM (U3, strobed by CSBOOT) 08000-0FFFF Shadow of boot ROM 10000-17FFF User RAM (U5, strobed by CS0 and CS2) 18000-1FFFF Shadow of user RAM 20000-203FF Internal standby RAM; 1kbyte 20400-7DFFF Unused 7E000-7E7FF External chip select (J1 pin 11) (CS7) 7E800-7EFFF External chip select (J1 pin 12) (CS8) All software is supplied on a disk with the EV kit. Instructions for operating the software are included in the EV kit manual. Refer to the EV kit manual for more information. 7F000-7F7FF External chip select (J1 pin 13) (CS9) 68HC16 Module Self Check 7F800-7FFFF External chip select (J1 pin 14) (CS10) 80000-F7FFF Not accessed by the 68HC16 F8000-FF6FF Unused FF700-FF73F 68HC16's built-in ADC (not used) FF740-FF8FF Unused FF900-FF93F General-purpose timer module (GPT) FF940-FF9FF Unused FFA00-FFA7F System integration module (SIM) FFA80-FFAFF Unused FFB00-FFB07 Internal standby RAM (SRAM) control registers FFB08-FFBFF Unused FFC00-FFDFF Queued serial module (QSM) FFE00-FFFFF Unused Software To test the 68HC16 module's integrity, connect the power supply to the power terminals (J2). Do not connect anything to J1 or J3. Slide the power switch SW1 to the "ON" position. The LED will light up, and will flash within 5 seconds. If the LED flashes with a 50%-on/50%-off duty cycle, then it passed its self check. Note that this test does not exercise the RS-232 port or the EV kit 40-pin interface, but it does confirm that the power supply, microprocessor, ROM, and RAM passed the self test. If the LED flashes with a 10%-on/90%-off duty cycle, then it failed its self check. Most likely, the RAM chip (U5) is bad. If the LED remains on and does not flash, then the problem is either U3 (the EPROM), U1 (the microprocessor), U4 (the regulator), the MAX707 reset generator, or the power supply. Use a voltmeter to verify that the power supplies are good. Check the power-supply input and the +5V output from the regulator. Use an oscilloscope to see if the 32.768kHz reference oscillator is running. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3 68HC16 Module Table 3. 68HC16 Module Memory Map (all address values are in 20-bit hex) 68HC16 Module 68HC16 Module Table 4. 68HC16 Chip-Select Outputs Truth Table ADDRESS RANGE CSBOOT CS0 CS1 CS2 CS5 CS6 CS7 CS8 CS9 CS10 0xxxx read L H H H H H H H H H 1xxxx read H H H L H H H H H H 1xxxx write H L H H H H H H H H 7E0xx read H H L H H L L H H H 7E0xx write H H H H L L L H H H 7E8xx read H H L H H L H L H H 7E8xx write H H H H L L H L H H 7F0xx read H H L H H L H H L H 7F0xx write H H H H L L H H L H 7F8xx read H H L H H L H H H L 7F8xx write H H H H L L H H H L VCC LED1 R5 470 GROUND PWMB C13 0.1F VCC UNREGULATED 7V TO 20V REGULATED +5V INTEL COMPATIBLE READ/WRITE STROBES GND CHIP SELECTS 19 OE 1 CS6/IOBUFFER CS1/RDIO LOW ADDRESS BITS U6 74HCT245 DIR 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D08 D09 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 EXTD0 EXTD1 EXTD2 EXTD3 EXTD4 EXTD5 EXTD6 EXTD7 8-BIT BUFFERED BIDIRECTIONAL DATA BUS 8-BIT GENERAL I/O PORT HIGH-SPEED SERIAL INTERFACE (QSM/QSPI) VCC 1 2 3 4 R6 10k SIP RESISTOR 5 6 7 8 9 10 GND GND VPREREG VCC CS1/RDIO CS7/7E000 CS9/7F000 A00 A02 EXTD0 EXTD2 EXTD4 EXTD6 IC1 IC3 OC2 OC4 MISO SCK CLKOUT J1-1 J1-3 J1-5 J1-7 J1-9 J1-11 J1-13 J1-15 J1-17 J1-19 J1-21 J1-23 J1-25 J1-27 J1-29 J1-31 J1-33 J1-35 J1-37 J1-39 J1-2 J1-4 J1-6 J1-8 J1-10 J1-12 J1-14 J1-16 J1-18 J1-20 J1-22 J1-24 J1-26 J1-28 J1-30 J1-32 J1-34 J1-36 J1-38 J1-40 TSTME BKPT/DSCLK BKPT/DSCLK HALT DS J4-1 J4-2 BERR BERR GND J4-3 J4-4 BKPT/DSCLK MODCLK GND J4-5 J4-6 FREEZE DSACK1 RESET J4-7 J4-8 IPIPE1/DSI VCC J4-9 J4-10 IPIPE0/DS0 DSACK0 IRQ7 Figure 1. 68HC16 Module Schematic 4 _______________________________________________________________________________________ GND GND VPREREG VCC CS5/WRIO CS8/7E800 CS10/7F800 A01 A03 EXTD1 EXTD3 EXTD5 EXTD7 IC2 OC1 OC3 IC4 MOSI PCSO/SS PWMA 68HC16 Module 68HC16 Module VSSE C14 0.1F C8 0.01F VCC BR FC2 FC1 VDDE VSSE FCO CSBOOT DATA0 DATA1 DATA2 DATA3 VSSI DATA4 DATA5 DATA6 DATA7 DATA8 DATA9 VDDE VSSE DATA10 DATA11 DATA12 DATA13 DATA14 DATA15 ADDRO DSACK0 DSACK1 AVEC DS AS VDDE U1 MOTOROLA MC68HC16Z1CFC16 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 CSO/WRRAM CS5/WRIO VCC VSSE CSBOOT/RDROM DOO VSSI DO8 DO9 VCC VSSE D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 AOO DSACKO DSACK1 DS VCC 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 VSSE TXD ADDR1 ADDR2 VDDE VSSE ADDR3 ADDR4 ADDR5 ADDR6 ADDR7 ADDR8 VSSI ADDR9 ADDR10 ADDR11 ADDR12 ADDR13 ADDR14 ADDR15 ADDR16 ADDR17 ADDR18 VDDE VSSE VDDA VSSA ADA0 ADA1 ADA2 ADA3 ADA4 ADA5 VRH VRL ADA6 ADA7 VSTBY XTAL VDDSYN EXTAL VSSI VDDI XFC VDDE VSSE CLKOUT FREEZE/QUOT TSTME/TSC BKPT/DSCLK IPIPE0/DS0 IPIPE1/DS1 RESET HALT BERR IRQ7 IRQ6 IRQ5 IRQ4 IRQ3 IRQ2 IRQ1 MODCLK R/W SIZ1 SIZ0 VSSE 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 A01 A02 VCC VSSE A03 A04 A05 A06 A07 A08 VSSI A09 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 RXD PCS3 PCS2 PCS1 PCS0/SS SCK MOSI MISO VSSE VDDE IC1 IC2 IC3 OC1 OC2 VSSI VDDI OC3 OC4 IC4/OC5 PAI PWMA PWMB PCLK VSSE VDDE ADDR23 ADDR22 ADDR21 ADDR20 ADDR19 BGACK BG 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 RXD TXD VCC CS10/7F800 CS9/7F000 CS8/7E800 CS7/7E000 CS6/IOBUFFER CS2/RDRAM CS1/RDIO PWMA PWMB VSSE VCC IC1 IC2 IC3 OC1 OC2 VSSI VDDI OC3 OC4 IC4 MISO MOSI SCK PCSO/SS 1 C3 1F 2 20V C10 0.1F VSSE 2 MODCLK 1 L2 10H OPTIONAL VSTBY VCC VSSE CLKOUT FREEZE TSTME BKPT/DSCLK IPIPEO/DS0 IPIPE1/DSI RESET HALT BERR IRQ7 2 EXTAL VSSI VDDI VCC 1 XTAL JU4 VSSE VSSI Figure 1. 68HC16 Module Schematic (continued) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 68HC16 Module 68HC16 Module 2 1 C7 22pF 1 VCC R2 330k 2 2 XTAL 1 2 VCC R1 10M Y1 32.768kHz 2 1 1 J3-7 RTS T1IN T1OUT 5 1 T2IN T2OUT 18 3 R1OUT R1IN 4 20 R2OUT R2IN 19 2 TXD EXTAL C6 22pF J3-8 CTS 7 VCC GND J3-2 RXD 2 VCC U7 MAX707 SW2 RESET 1 5 2 J2 1 + 2 - RXD PFO 1 6 N.C. MR 8 RESET 4 7 RESET PFI GND 8 13 12 RESET 17 3 14 J3-3 TXD GND 11 C1+ C1- C2+ 15 C2+ U2 MAX233 VVV+ J3-4 DTR 10 C216 C2- GND GND 9 6 J3-6 DSR J3-1 DCD SW1 POWER 1 2 1 J3-5 GND D1 1N4001 U4 78M05 OUT VCC 3 VCC C5 22F 20V 2 GND 2 2 C4 22F 25V L1 10H 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 C1 OPTIONAL 1F 20V JU3 1 VSSE J3-9 RI VSSE GND VPREREG IN JU5 2 C2 1F 20V 1 2 VDDI VSSI 2 D09 1 R3 10k RESET 2 RESET GND CS2/RDRAM CS0/WRRAM 20 22 27 A0 A1 U5 A2 62256 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 I/O0 I/O1 I/O2 I/O3 I/O4 I/O5 I/O6 I/O7 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 D08 D09 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 VCC CS OE WE C12 0.1F VCC CSBOOT/RDROM GND 2 A14 32k x 8-BIT HIGH-SPEED CMOS STATIC RAM A00 A01 A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 A07 A08 A09 A10 A11 A12 A13 1 3 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 25 24 21 23 2 26 27 1 22 20 A0 A1 U3 A2 27C256 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 DQ0 DQ1 DQ2 DQ3 DQ4 DQ5 DQ6 DQ7 A14 VPP OE CE VCC 32k x 8-BIT CMOS EPROM Figure 1. 68HC16 Module Schematic (continued) 6 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 _______________________________________________________________________________________ D08 D09 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D(00:15) 2 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 25 24 21 23 2 26 1 A(00:18) R4 10k A(00:18) D00 1 A00 A01 A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 A07 A08 A09 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 D(00:15) GND VCC C11 0.1F GND 68HC16 Module 68HC16 Module Figure 2. 68HC16 Module Component Placement Guide _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 68HC16 Module 68HC16 Module Figure 3. 68HC16 Module PC Board Layout--Component Side Figure 4. 68HC16 Module PC Board Layout--Solder Side Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. 8 _____________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 (c) 2000 Maxim Integrated Products Printed USA is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.