Engineered Connecting DevicesSECTION |: MIL-SPEC CONNECTORS & ACCESSORIES MIL-C-38999 Seriesi .. 2.2... LL, Page 5 MIL-C-38999 Series II... Page 11 MIL-C-38999 Series Ill Composite.......... Page 15 MIL-C-38999 Series Ill Protective Covers... ... Page 20 MIL-C-38999 Series III Lightweight Strain Relief . . Page 21 MiL-C-38999 Series IV_ we Page 23 MIL-C-26482 Sepiehee eee ek Page 31 MIL-C-26482/A ee Page 35 MIL-C-83723 SQHBSHERe ee, Page 37 MIL-T-81714 S . Page 49 AFLC$ sane . Page 65 MIL- Se eS . Page 69 MIL-C- pSeriesA 12... . Page 73 MIL-C-2 iesB ..... i . Page 77 SECTION II: COM BVD...... . Page 83 GPP .... Ree Page 91 MMP ...... - bee Page 97 ABC Inline. ff: . . Page 101 Special Series i. . Page 105 SECTION III: OTHER EUFSGH PRODUCT LINES Other product li .. . Page 109 SECTION IV: ASSEME : Contact Insertion &.. .... Page 117 Contact Crimping a 2 ee Page 118 Contact Removal/S De hae eee Page 119 SECTION V: CONTACT CROSS REFERENCE Contact cross reference..............., Page 122 SECTION VI: TOOL & CONTACT CHART Tool and contact selection guide... 2... Page 126 Deutsch ECD Defense/ Aerospace Operations Tel: (909) 765-2200 Fax: (909) 922-1544 E-mail: customerservice@deutschconnectors.netSection | Mil-Spec Connectors & Accessories IDE OTIS Clal ICID Defense / Aerospace Operations... is the worlds premier manufacturer of electrical interconnection devices for use in defense, aerospace, and commercial applications. Whether you need an interconnection device for a commercial or military aircraft, missile, tank, truck transmission or a host of other applications, Deutsch has the solution you're looking for.a MIL-C-38999 Series I Cylindrical, High Density Bayonet Coupling Connector Qualified to MIL-C-38999 Series | The Deutsch Series !| version is a long shell, scoop-proof, bayonet coupling connector available in both environment resisting resilient and hermetic types. These Series | connectors are intermateable and interchangeable with all other MIL-C-38999 Series | connectors. Dielectric withstanding voltage: (Meets MIL-C-38999, paragraph 3.14} At sea level: 1800 volts AC (RMS) At 106,000 ft.: 200 volts AC. (RMS) Insulation resistance: (Meets MIL-C-38999, paragraph 3.13} 5000 megohnis Thermal shock: (Meats MIL-C-38999, paragraph 3.8} After cycling the connector between ~65 C and +176 , it will. meet al applicable electical and mechanical requirements. Current rating: (Meeis MIL-C-39029, paragraph 1.3.1) Contact Size Max. Amps 22D 5 20 7.5 16 13 12 23 Temperature: (Meets MIL-C-38999, paragraph 3.11) Operative at temperatures from 65 G to +176 , Durability: (Meets MIL-C-38999, paragraph 3.14} No electrical or mechanical defects after 500 cycles of engagement and disengagement. Physical shock: (Meets MIL-C-38999, paragraph 3.27) No loosening of parts, cracking or other deleterious results hindering further part aperation after 300 G's in each of 3 mutually perpendicular planes. Contact millivolt drop: 22D 73 millivolts at 5.0 amps 20 56 millivaits at 7.5 amps 16 49 miflivolts at 135.0 amps 12 42 millivoits at 23.0 amps Corrosion: (Meets MIL-C-38998, paragraph 3.16} Meets appropriate electrical and mechanical requirements and shows no exposure of base metal after 500 hours of salt spray. Vibration: {Meets MIL-C-38999, paragraph 3.26) Contact resistance at 25 C: (Meets MIL-C-38029, paragraph 3.5.4} Contact & Test Current Millivolt Wire Size (Amps} Brap (*) 22D 5 73 20 75 55 16 13 49 42 23 42 Usable wire size: (Meets MIL-C-39029, paragraph Coniaci Size = Accepts (AWG) 22D 20-28 20 20-24 16 16-20 12 f2a14 Materials: Shell afuminum alloy. Pin contacts copper alloy. inserts plastic: silicone. Finish: Shelt O,D. cad over nickel, Contacts - gold over nickel. Grommet sealing range: {Meets MIL-C-39029, paragraph} Contact Max. Wire Min. Wire Size OD. OD, 22D 054 030 20 083 040 16 -109 65 12 -142 O97 Fiuid compatibility: (Meots MIL-C-38999, paragraph 3.33) Designed to function In all fluids encountered in any modern military or aerospace environment, EM! shielding: {Meets MIL-C-38999, paragraph 3.31) Effective over a range of 100 MHz to 10 GHz with a minimum 50 dB effectiveness at 10: GHz. Frequency Leakage attenuation MHz minimum (dB) 100 96 200 BB 300 87 400 86 8300 85 7,000 85 1,560 69 2,060 65 3,000 61 4,000 58 6,000 55 10,000 50 Fluid immersion: Fiuld resistant to many fuels, coolants and sclvents per MIL-C-38999,MIL-C-38999 Series I aa + pe 2 - AEAR j= be E HEY POSITION a we, SEAL SHS 382 RUG, Se (SER FIN FabaT Locategae UREERT Ate ata sti, TESCRT TAT ade ASLO OL2g t biota? ead WS, SEP FR0ed LECT { 34 GOT pial SHELL HECEPTACEE agit FRSEHT SUT ages MOOEFACATIONS KEYING POSITIONS N, A. 8. , 0 (POSFTION N = NORHAL) CONTACT P+ PIN 5 + SOCKET CONTACT ARRANGEHENT SHELL SIZE . 441, 13, 49, 47, FINISK E + OLIVE ORAB CADMILM (STANOARD} Fs NICKEL (RESERVEDH SHELL STYLE = RECEPTACLE SQUARE FLANGE > RECEPTACLE JAM NUE + PLUG STRAIGHT (REVERSE CAVITY IDENTIFICATION) = PLUG STRAIGHT COUPLING SYSTEM BAYONET 19, 24, 23 ANO 25 aun BASIC IDENTIFIER DEUTSCH HEL~C-38999 SERIES 1 (SCOOP PROOF)MIL-C-38999 Series | Receptacle Outline Dimensions Plug Outline Dimensions MASTER POLARIZING KEY EQ MOUNTING HOLE TYP. 4 PLACES @ RING " MASTER POLARIZING KEYWAY $25 Max _ PANEL THICKNESS Le} (TYP) ot RECOMMENDED PANEL CUTOUT 1.263 MAX, weed f | | poeta 12d MAX, H MAX. I i i O60 MAX INSEAT PROTRUSION oO ACCESSORY THREAD BLUE BANGS DT1O * 24l MIN. ml} me O60 MAX. INSERT PROTRUSION i el Ai SE ania f Wi HT 8 ACCESSORY THREAD nna a SHELL A 8 Cd ID THREAD! & FQ oH J AQ 8 THREAD SIZE + .020 | .065 | + 603 UNEF-24 O10 MIN, | + .905 MAX, i * -R09 MAX UNEF-2A 9 938 .719 570 4375-28 | (128 S16 1 128 ! 100 632 859 ot3 75.28 if F031 612 698 | 4626-94 | 128 664.128! 190 642 48a 5625-24 Fo. 2azs 906 adg 6875-26 | (328 7502800 032 rise 6875-24 iS} kai9 ft 989 973 | 8125-20) .138 08 | 138 200 532 128) 8135-26 7! i312) 1.062 -098 9375-20 | 128 Lot} 128 | .1G0 532 1.406 9375-20 19 7 i438 | 2.186 | 1305: L.os25-18 | 438 pal 128 100 3? LS1B | F.Da25-18 a 1.962 7 1.250: 1.330 | 1.187518. 128 1.266 - 128 130 602 | Lest. 1.1875-38 23 HeB8 1375 5 1455 | 3.5925-18 14? 1.37700 35d | a0 ade L?h6 | 19125-18 25 ugio | psoo | isso | 7 a37s-ia | ta? 1.484 isa} 130) 602? 1.89) 1 LagacrsDJT Series Insert Arrangements tins 2? Contact Arrangements 64220 Contacts 3720 Contacts insert 9-35 Insert 9-98 Bo. 1a,.Ge aot fay FO gy le 3 ono <2 oy SeeoComacts L720 Contacts Ti Contacts Insert 11-5 braent 11-35 insect 11-99 Deutsch Shell Sizes fe 2a of een as ty? aed gone pur | Service | Pole! site este gare Fallng | tects | zo | zo | ae | 2 ore nee 108 EO oe Oe oe 2 %e, 55#20 Contacts Insert 23-58MIL-C-38999 Series I Part Number Cross Reference MS27466 T 25 B 35 P * DJT 10 & 25-35 PN!" LL Alternate Shell Keying: LO Moattcation Normal, A. 8, C, D (Le. Less contacts = 090) (No letter required Alternate Shell Keying: for normal keying) Normal, A, B, C, B Contact Type: , : P = Pin: S = Socket Be ae ee chet Insert Arrangement Insert Arrangement Finish: (33 available} 8 = Olive diab cadmium Shell Size: D = Fused tin, carbon steat 9, 11.13, 45, 17,19, 21,29, 25 Shel Size: , Finish: 9, 11, 13. 15, 17, 19,21, 23, 25 Sr tal Class: resilient with olive T = Environmentai resitiant drab cadmium over Y = Hermetic sealed nickel plating Spacification: ~MS27466 = Square lange receptacie (Class T; Finish B) H = Hermetic with carbon steel and fused with crimp contacts tin plating (Class : Finish D} -=MS27467 = Plug with neers nna ontnnnns SHAME Style: crimp codtacts O = Square flange ~MS27468 = Jam-nut receptacle with crimp-contacts ~MS$27470 = Hermetic jamn-nut receptacte with solder contacts MS27471 = Hermetic solder mount 1 = Solder mount receptacle 4 = Jam nut receptacts 6 = Straight plug Coupling System: 1 = Bayonat Mr ore BASIC laritifier: Deutsch MIL-C-38999 receptacle with Series solder contacts Wire/contact assembly tools are standard Assembly military type Insertion/removal tools found in Tools most assembly areas. Yellow i Size 22D Red ag See Size 20 Blue ment ae Soren Size 16 Yellow ae ene Size 12 Contact (Insertions Crimp Crimp toot Sealing plug Siza removal toal toot positioner (Military PsN} 22D MS1969 44-01 M22520/7-61 M22520/7-07 MS274a8-22 MS3160-23 M22520-7/05 20 M&1969 4-02 M22520/1-01 M228204-04 MS27488-20 16 MB1969 14-03 Me2520/1-04 M22520/4-04 MS27468-15 #2 Mei969 14-04 Me2so0/1-01 M22520i4-04 MS27488-12| MIL-C-38999 Series III Deutschs MIL-C-38999 Series III qualified with triple start, self locking, threaded coupling and crimp-type terminations. The Deutsch DTS Series is qualified to MIL- C-38999 Series Ill. This rugged design offers the maximum in vibration, shock and EMI resistance. A general duty threaded connector, the DTS Series, offers thicker wall sections and greater coupling surface with 100% metal to metal bottoming, a superior anti-coupling system, and Deutschs proven dielectric contact retention. The positive metal to metal coupling design, superior interfacial seals, and cadmium over nickel SPECIFICATIONS: Vibration: (Class W) Sine Up to 60 G's for 36 hours duration per MIL-C-38999. Random Up to 41.7 G's rms for 16 hours duration at 175C; Up to 50 Gs rms for 16 hours duration at ambient temperature. Temperature: (Class W) -65C to +175C (-85F to +347) Shock: High impact per MIL-S-901. Thermal Shock: Meets requirements of MIL-C-38999. EMI Shielding: (Class W) Effective over a range of 100 MHz to 10GHz with a minimum 50 dB effectiveness at 10 GHz. Insulation resistance: 5000 megaohms min. at +25C (+77F). Corrosion: (Class W) 500 hours salt spray per MIL-C-38999. Contact rating: (Crimp Contacts) 22D 5.0 amps. 20 75 amps. 16 -13.0 amps. i2 -23.0 amps. 71 plating provide excellent EMI, moisture and corrosion resistance. In a 360 turn of the coupling nut, the DTS quickly mates and self locks. Blunting of the thread on both the coupling nut and receptacle makes cross threading virtually impossible. Elongated mounting holes permit the DTS Connector to intermount with existing standard MS/38999 box or wall mount receptacles, giving it a design replacement advantage. Dielectric withstanding voltage: Test voltage at sea level 1300 VAC (rms). Wired, assembled, unmated connectors withstand: 550 VAC (rms) at 50,000 ft. 350 VAC (rms) at 70,000 ft. 200 VAC (rms) at 100,000 ft. Contact Millivolt drop: 22D 73 millivolts at 5.0 amps. 20 55 millivolts at 7.5 amps. 16 49 millivolts at 13.0 amps. 42 42 millivolts at 23.0 amps. Usable wire size: 22D accepts 22 thru 28 AWG. 20 accepts 20 thru 24 AWG. 16 accepts 16 thru 20 AWG. 12 accepts 12 thru 14 AWG. Materials: Shell aluminum alloy. Pin Contacts copper alloy. inserts plastic; silicone. Finish: Shell ~ O.D. cad over nickel (class W). nickel plated (class F). Contacts gold over nickel. Fluid immersion: Fluid resistant to many fuels, coolants and solvents per MIL-C-38999.MIL-C-38999 Series III Deutschs MIL-C-38999 Series III qualified with triple start, Self locking, threaded coupling and crimp-type terminations. SQUARE FLANGE RECEPTACLE JAM NUT RECEPTACLE RF PLUG SEO IOI OTS2AW NX OOK XK DISZOWIOLXKKK-OOX ET SEO oor 200 DISA, DSO 2BWA . RED FULLY MATEO tans 1 2A MAX INSERT INDICATOR BAND BLUE BAND 65 MAX OBS MAX VMAX PROTRUSION INSEAT PROTRUSIGN ACCESSOAY THREAD 1.279 MAX: INSERT 1.220 MAX. _+ PROTRUSION . (REF) ASCESSORY [| THREAD 5 FLAT 0 Ag 28 rites. : FINOIGATOR GARD HEXNUT O-AING ACESS av : +404 | HFLAT | Gf Po] pP P SHALL] AG) 006] CTHREAD [+000 tation] s | v | w | at} ae leoodieoust eo AGCESSGAY TYP 4 PLCS STYP SiZE | MAX | BFLAT 10 | 000 j 008 [max | max | Tv f re {02 foot max} THREAD B | 1200] 851 | MI7Xi-890100R| 669 | 897 | 997 | 622 | .o9a | aria | 594} 12a] ate] ose | Mioxtieeg 0.1008 Tt | 1.386 } A781 | M20Kt-G0 0.1008] 769 | 822 | dost | wee | oa | ate | 719] 128] i94] oa | autskemeg 9.4008 ta [i517 f 936 | Maext-a90.a00R| 965 [1.007 | 4.125 | 422 | aga | 9g | 3124 1281 194 1.057 | MtExTA-69-0.1008 18 | 1607 | 4.082 | M2BXt-9 O-tOOR| toad jt.te4 | 1.220 1.622 | oan | 69 | oof 20] a7a'l tere F-Meoxizo-6y 0.h00R 47 | 1-703 | 1187 | MaDKt-69 0.100R 1.208 ft.259 | 1.917 | 322 | 09s [4.092 | 969] .r08 | 194 {340s M25K1/0-69 0.100R $9 | 4.048 | 1.312 | MaSx1-89 O.100R/ 1.333 |1.984 | 1.4a7 | .az2 | 098 14.150 oer | 12a] aoa ttsts M28X1/0+89 0.1008 at |aors] 2437 | maaxregotoon| tase lasor | i583 | zor) aes 1.250 f 4.956] 128 | 194 | 1.849 | sa1xto-6g 0.100 23 | 2200) 1.562 | MAIXI-G90.100K) S04 [3.024 | tte | ror | 128 [tars | y250] 1544 242 fives | aaxtrg-6g 04008 BS | 2.328 |. 1687 | MMAxt-66 0,t00R 4.709 {1.759 | t.6r7 | zat | 126 | t.so0 | tare] 154 | 242 Fang | Mavkianeg 0.t00n Contact insertion/ Crimp Crimp too! Sealing phig size removal tool toot positioner (Military P/N) 22 M8i969/14-01 = M22520/7-01 M22520/7-07 MS27488-22 ag MS3160-23 M22520/7-05 20 M81969/14-10 M22620/1-01 M22520/1-04 MS27488-20 16 M81969/1 4-03 M22520/1-01 Mi22520N-04 -MS27488-16 ' 12 MB1969/14-04 _M22520/1-01 __M22520/1-04 _MS27488-12 4 FLAT B63 BAX, pm- 547 MAY _hspection Hale | fispectian Hote | i Ct ~ Geutsch 'D. Symbol Geulsch 10. Symbol S ist Color Bond * ist Color Bond 2ed Cotor Gand 2nd Color Band Ard Cotor Band. 3r Color Band Socksls, Gold Finish Pins, Gofd Finish Deutsch MIL-G-39029 Gotor Band Daultsch MIL-C-39029 Color Band Part No. Equivalent No. Size jst 2nd ard Part No. Equivaient No, Size ist and ard 38943-22 = MIL-6-29029/56-348 22D ORANGE YELLOW GRAY 98941-22 MIL-C-39020/68-360 220 ~ORANGE BLUE BLACK 38943-20 /MIL-C-39029/56-351 20 ORANGE GREEN BROWN 39941-20 =- MIL-6-39029/58-363 20 ORANGE BLUE ORANGE 38943-16 = MIL-C-20029/86-352 76 ORANGE GREEN REG 38047-15 = MIL-C-39020/58-384 16 ORANGE BLUE YELLOW 38943-12 MIL-C-29020/66-353 72 ORANGE GREEN ORANGE ab541-12 = MIL-G-30020/58-365 12 ORANGE BLUE GREEN Sockels, Daulsch Extended Life Finish Pins, Deutsch Extended Life Finish Deutsch Military Coler Band Deutsch Military Color Band Part No, Part No. Size tsi 2nd 3rd Part No. Patt No, Size ist 2nd ad 12093-22 -MIL-C-29029A06-614 220 BLUE BROWN YELLOW Y2oai-22 0 MIL-G-O9029/107-620 227 BLUE RED BLACK 12333-20 = MIL-C-39020/906-615 20 BLUE BROWN GREEN 12331-20 = MIL-0-39029/107-521 30 BLUE RED = BROWN 12333-16 = MIL-C-39029/406-616 16 ALUE BROWN BLUE 12334-18 = MIL-C-39029/107-629 16 BLUE REB RED 12893-12 MIL-0-39029/106-617 12 BLUE BROWN VIOLET 12331-12 = MIL-C-39029/t07-629 12 BLUE REO ORANGE 12MIL-C-38999 Series Ill Insert Arrangements G#22D CONTACTS 3420 CONTACTS SH20. CONTACTS INSERF 9-35 INSERF 9-98 INSERT 14-6 4 2 & WAZ2D CONTACTS 7420 CONTACTS 4416 CONTACTS 224220 CONTACTS {O#20 CONTACTS 5416 CONTACTS TF, INSERT 11-35 INSEAT 11-59" INSERT 13-4 INSERT 13-38 INSERT 13-98 INSEAT 18-8 INSERT ews 37220 Conracts INSERT 15-18 INSERT 15-35 f Ss bi20 CONTACTS 4416 CONTACTS 612 CONTACTS 8H16 CONTACTS 26820 CONTACTS shH22D CONTACTS #56 GONTACTS 32820 INSERT 15-97 INSERT 47.6 INSERT 17-8 INSERT 17-26 INSERT 17-35 INSERT 19-11 SEAT 66220 CONTACTS M#12 CONTACTS 16#16 CONTACTS 41420 CONTACTS SR220 CONTAGTS THE CONT. INSERT 19-35 INSERT 21-41 INSERT 21-16 INSERT 21-41 ; INSERT 21-35 2 INSEAT wat 4820 CONTACTS 1004220 CONTACTS 63820 CONTACTS 55420 CONTACTS 8416 CONTACTS 8412 CONTACT INSERT 23-35 INSERT 23-53 INSERT 29-55 INSERT 25-4 INSERT oi SIZE 8 TWINAX CONTACTS nZE 16 12N16 CONTACTS oT N16 CONTACTS 61820 CONTACTS 40 SUE 20 CONTACTS 12412 CONTACTS 2 KG CO eA RR BONTAG! Note: For additional insert arrangements consult factory. 1338999 Series Ill Ordering Information Basic Deutsch Number DTS 20 N ~- * week | | MODIFICATIONS mem SHELL KEVING> ALA.B (oad errrmewemnnen ore CONTACT TYPE~ P=PIN SeSOCKET rem nnnmannnnnnneremnemts ef R Cecttanramwmenrrmmes INSERT ARRANGEMENT {SEE INSIDE OF BROGHURE) mem omemnerminnen oem SHELL SIZE (9 THAL 25} ttt reeernicnne ae cane eee nm So reese mermrerrnnemermannarennanicecnerce: OL ASS W-O.D, CAD OVER NICKEL CLASS F-NIGKEL PLATING wean scrnnncnmammn mee SHELL STYLE 20- SQUARE FLANGE OR WALL MOUNT RECEPTACLE 24- JAM-NUT RECEPTACLE 26- STRAIGHT PLUG Sr omemnneanaent. ma mararesncemmn BASH IDENTIFIER DTS DEUTSCH. THREADED SERIES * Refer to page 15 for Class M & J. Consult factory for alternate keyings. " Refer to page 20 for Protective Covers. Basic Military Number D38999/ 20 B-35 P N TOF qo | | | t t } Aza B= Cx 13 Da 18 % i | { i | | i E 17 l * Refer to page 21 for Lightweight Tie Type Strain Relief. 14 meermrncauecoataerarmemcoreeanserer SHEL E STYLE 20- SQUARE FLANGE OR WALL MOUNT RECEPTACLE 24- JAM-NUT RECEPTACLE 26- STRAIGHT PLUG Le SHELL KEYING- KLA8 som CONTACT TYPE: Pa PIN S=SOCKET Lineamm= INSERT ARRANGEMENT nani SHELL SIZE (9 THRU 25) Fo #9 Gs 24 He 23 v2 25 worenerrerrecmeenrreresres CLASS W-O.0, CAD GVER NICKEL CLASS F-NIEKEL PLATING nee errno ASH MELIFARY IDENTIFIER,_MIL-C-38999 Series Ill (Composite) ACT Highlights The Deutsch ACT is a high performance composite connector qualified to MIL-C-38999. What Deutsch Defense/Aerospace does better than anyone else is make wire termination devices for demanding applications. Deutsch utilized its unprecedented achievements in the area of defense/aerospace composite technology, enabling us to design and produce the latest version of MIL-C-38999 connectors. The superior design of the ACT deliber- ately took into consideration the connecter, its contacts, and the respective strain reliefs to favorably influence intra-system life-cycle performance and costs. Performance The total performance of the ACT connector is matched by individual components within the system. For example, the use of composite materials has increased the durability of the connector housing and coupling mechanism to 1500 cycles. Deutsch developed an extended life MIL-C-39029 contact to meet the increased performance requirements of todays systems. Superior corrosion resistance The ACT eliminates the largest contribut- ing factor in advanced systems malfunction... corrosion, which is the main cause of mechanical, electrical, and electromagnetic connector degradation. Electromotive force differentials between many dissimilar metals found in connectors and accessories produce galvanic action. The ACT eliminates these dissimilar metals, resulting in an interconnection system that withstands over 2000 hours of salt spray. 15 EMI shielding effectiveness Meets and exceeds the requirements of MIL-C-38999, paragraph 3.3.1. Fluid immersion Meets all the requirements of MIL-C- 38999, paragraph 3.33. Temperature The metal surface will not delaminate from the composite material even after extreme temperature excursions. The ACT meets all requirements of MIL-C-38999, paragraph 3.8. Magnetic permeability The magnetic permeability of the fully assembled ACT connector is fess than 2.0 L, Meeting all the requirements of MIL- C-38999, paragraph 3.3.4. Materials All the materials used in the shell and inserts in the ACT are in accordance with MIl-C-38999, paragraph 3.3. The contacts are in accordance with MIL-C-39029, paragraph 3.3. Finish Meets all the requirements of MIL-C- 38999, paragraph 3.4.8. Insulation resistance Meets all the requirements of MIL-C- 38999, paragraph 3.13. Dielectric withstanding voltage Meets ail the requirements of MIL-C- 38999, paragraph 3.14.MIL-C-38999 Series Ill (Composite) The Best of MIL-C-38999 Square flange receptacle* PP ty RED Fu y- HATED NORATOR G4N0 REF. BLUE BAND REE, MILITARY DEUTSCH SHELL D PARTNUMBERS PARTNO, SIZE = THREAD P+004 pPeon = Rt RZ S01. Y MIN, WIMAX. DAMPOo Oe Awene ACT GUtAasan A (> MI2X%1.0690,100R 1128 218 te 84 a7 788 1444 D3BDSO/20+ Bese ACT (0+ Breas Bit) MISX1.0-6g0.100R 128 194 842 wip 1.031 Fah -144 D3ESSO/20+Cra0+ ACT O0eCasts OC (13) MISX1O6p6,100R 1425 194 06 A812 1.126 768 -144 NSAP HCL asses ACT HeDases D (18) = M22X1.0-6g0.100R .128 473 .86B 208 1.220 788 444 DQSOOO/2GeE sees ACT O0sEsren (17) MZ5K1.0-690,100R 128 i124 1002 869 1.311788 D3800020+Feser ACT O0sFaene oF (10) M2AX1,0-890.100R 178.104 1158 40002 1.4397_ ves stag OSBG992OGases ACT OOeGeene = G(2t} M3IX1OG9C100R 128.194 1.250 4486015037384 DaeeeeiosHeese AGT GOsHeses (23) MG4XTLO-Gg O400R 154 24a 1.375 1.250 1689. ae 74 DIBGTHIOeJevee ACT O0sJense (25) MI7XL.OGYO.400R 1542420478 -4.aq1 730 Att Mounting cutouts SHELL A AA FT Size ODIs, Dis, R1 R2 DIA. MIN. MIN. 4.13 A i 80s 8 8S BM) Gam, 23.42 48.05 23.01 20. | C(13) Ge BR DS) am Gen = 3 SS, EQ) fi a 32,04 28.35 31 26, : F (i 9) @L.287) (1.144) ise) (088) Cie) S812 32,10 78 j Ne G (21) (1.442) (3388) (3s) (458) (128) a . . .2}- H@3) fam dae 3 dys ath Back Panel Mounting J (25) a A783 ge10 34.03 301 Max {R1) distance between = _ a mounting screws Notes: * Dimensions are in millimeters. Inch equivatents are in parentheses (given for Front Paneling Mounting general information only). Max (R2) distance between * R2 dimension may be substituted for mounting screw locations (R1} or front mounting screws mount cutouts. * QPL listing will be provided on request. 16Jam nut receptacle* MIL-C-38999 Series Hl (Composite) MILITARY DEUTSCH SHELL c D PART NUMBERS PARE NO. SIZE e fos THREAD THREAD . DSS689/24eAeeee ACT B4tAeeee A 9) 1.483 450 M17X1.0-4g 0.100R M12X1.0-69 0. 100R DIBGADZ4aBeses ACT O4eBeaes B (11) 1.374 750 M20X1.0-6g 0.100R 445X1:0-69 0,100R D38853/24>Cere+ ACT B4+Qse0s c 13) 4.500 237 M25X1.0-8g 0.1007 _M18X1,0-6g 0.100R DabSbb/24 eens ACT O4efianae OD (15} 4.826 4,061 M26X14 0-69 0.100 M22X1,0-8g 0.100R DIB9GC/24+ esse ACT O4+Ernse E (1?) 1.752 4.188 M3241 89 0.700R M252%1.0-6 0.100R O3GOGOIZ4aF eres ACT O4+F seen FP (19) 1.937 1314 M35X1.0-8g 0.100R M28X1.0-69 0.400R DI89S9/24aGuaee ACT G4eQeaee 8 Q1 2.003 1.436 M38X1.0-69 0.100R M31%1.0-4g 0,100R D38800/24aHea+e ACT OdtHrese H (23) 2,189 1.166 M41241.0-89 O.100R M34X1.0-6p 0.100R DIBSOE 246 Jeeee ACT O4t Jeter J (25) 2.311 4.666 M44X1.0-69 O,400R M37X1.0-8g 6.1008 Jam nut mounting SHELL INCH. E F : SIZE LBS. +00 4,25 Panel thickness TORQUE 25 -.00 1.58 - 3.2mm (0.062 - 0.126 in} A (0) __30736 47.02 (.670) 47.78 (700) Bfi4) 40145 IB59077D 20,004.825) ct 55/60 24.268 (955) 25,63 (4.019) B (15) FOS 27.56 (4.085) 28,83 (1,135) E (17) 80/85 30.73 (7,210) 32.014 (1.260) EF (1H 90/95. 33.91 (1,335) | 35.18 11,385) 6 2h 100/110 37.08 {1.460) 39.35 (1.510) H (23) 110/120 40.26 (1.585) 41.53 (1,635) J (25) 420/430 43.43.(1.710) 44,70 (1.780) BEUTSCH MILITARY SHELL CG PART NUMBERS PART NO. SIZE THREAD AG MAX DIS80GG/26sAstes ACT O6sAnaew A_(8} | M12X1.0-69 D.1G0R .856 +858 D38900/26sB+see ACT 9442005 | B itt} M15X1.0-8g O.100R a4 . O54 S699 26+Cse08 AGT G+Geaee (13) 187 DASBOGI2B+Pases ACT B8sDeare D (45) _ M22X1.0-89 0.100R 1.279 1.280 DIB900/20+Eet ACT SO+Reeaw (17) M25X17.0-6 0.100R 4.405 _ 4.406 DISPSH26sFesee ACT SOeFseee Fit) M2ax4 0-99 .100R 9.515. 1.816 DISGHGO/2d+Gesen AGT G6nGenee @ (21) M31X1,0-69 &.100R 1.641 4.642 D38860/26<H+ss0 ACT DGstiase H (23) -M34X1.0-09 0.4008 4.765 3.748 HSSGoG TGs Jaees | ACT Ste jesws J (25) M37%1,0-3e 0. 100 7.389 4,890 17MIL-C-38999 Series Iil ( Composite) A-35 A-98 6-05 835 8-98 B-99 6 SIZE 220 CONTACTS SSIZE 20 CONTACTS SIZE 20 CONTACTS #9 SIZE 22D CONTACTS BSIZE 20 CONTACTS 7 SIZE 20 CONTACTS ee ; , a (SES 33 fee) eis shi Wa / C4 C48 C45 C-98 005 0-18 4 SIZE 16 CONTACTS & SIZE 20 CONTACTS 22 SIZE 220 CONTACTS 18 SIZE 20 CONTACTS SIZE 16 CONTACTS 18 SIZE 20 CONTACTS 023 D-i9 3 SIZE 16 CONTACTS D-35 D-97 E-06 E-08 19 SIZE 20 CONTACTS 2 SIZE 20 CONTACTS 3? SIZE 220 CONTACTS 4SIZE 16 CONTACTS 6 SIZE 12 CONTACTS & SIZE 16 CONTACTS 18 SIZE 22 CONTACTS 8 SIZE 20 CONTACTS E-48 4 SIZE 18 CONTACTS -26 E35 E99 Ff {1 SIZE 20 CONTACTS 26 SIZE 20 CONTACTS 85. SIZE 220 CONTACTS 24 SIZE 20 CONTACTS 4 SIZE 22 CONTACTS 2 SIZE 16 CONTAGTS F32 F-95 Gil 32 SIZE 26 CONTACTS 18MIL-C-38999 Series Ill (Composite) 646 G35 G33 G4 6 SIZE 16 CONTACTS 79 SIZE 220 CONTACTS 37 SIZE 26 GONTACTS 41 SIZE 20 CONTACTS 2 SIZE 16 CONTACTS H-21 #55 ( 4st ook a {SIZE 12 CONTACTS 12.SIZE 12 CONTACTS 48 SIZE 20 CONTACTS 19 SIZE 18 CONTACTS 10 SIE 20 CONTACTS 12 SHE '6GONTACTS HY 20 SIZE 16 CONTACTS 23 SIZE 20 CONTACTS 19MIL-C-38999 Series Ill (Composite) Protective Covers for 38999 Ill Composite and Metal 0302-605 Available in both environmental and environmental RFI/EMI (Shielding). Part Numbers 59503 * a - eae _ TT MODIFICATION 1E = NO LANYARD 2E = LANYARD CHAIN NO RING CONNECTOR SIZE 09, 11, 13, 15,17 19, 21, 23 AND 25 INISH D = NATURAL E = NATURAL LOCKING M = NICKEL, SHIELDING, LOCKING W = OLIVE DRAB CADMIUM, SHIELDING, LOCKING GENERAL IDENTIFIER . . 59503 = DUST COVER FOR RECEPTACLES WITH MOUNTING CHAIN AND RETAINING WASHER 20MIL-C-38999 Series III (Composite) Lightweight Strain Relief, Tie- Type The ACT provides additional environmental Protection by offering a systems approach to rear accessories. The ACT Strain Relief, Tie-Type is made from durable, lightweight, corrosion proof composite materials, and is supplied with a secondary grommet. The secondary grommet provides true strain relief and vibration dampening while providing dynamic moisture intrusion seals. 90 Degree Straight eo Li ~ MET, CORALINE nooy. spapTER A SRO ve GROMMET. -SECoNDARY" 4 o~ ASDY, ADAPTER RUE, COUPLING on 0 THREAR SHELL 015 ~ "080 E010 O METRIC 015 = SHELL 015" EET S METRIC SIZE Ap B ce THREAD E SIZE AD B co __THREAD A 650 1.948140 M12X1.0-6H0.100R 832 A 501.642 120 M12X1.0-6H0.100A B J73 2,010 140 MiSXT.0-BHO. 100K B32 BS 16120 MTX, 0-GHO-TOOR 05 2.075 140 MT8XT.O-GHO.I00A 832 C $05 1.842120 M5X1.0-6H0. 1008 D 4.030 2.135" "40 M22X1.0-6H0.100R 892 D 1,030 1.642120 M22X1.0-6HO. 100 E 4160 2.198140 M25XT.0-GF0, 00RD E 1.160 1.642 140 MEBXT.0-6H0.100R F 1270 2.258 140 M2 BX1.0-BHO.100R 832 F $270" 1.642140 M28X1.0-6H0.100R G 1400 2.320.140 M3TXT.0-6HO. 1008 B32 & 1.400 1.642140 M31X7.0-6N0, 100 H 1.525 2.385.140 MaaxT.0-6HO. 1008 832 a 1025 1.642 7.140 MS4XT.0-6H0.100R J 1655 2445 140 MS7X7.0-8HO.100 B82 i 4.655. 1.642.140 M37X1.0-6H0.100R ee Sirain Relief Ordering Information Cable Insert Atrangements ACTOO x B- x-xx xx x CABLE 4JNSERT CABLE INSERT CABLE INSERT General Identific Advanced CODE ARR, CODE ARR. GOBE ARR. Composite a8 Aas 63 35 83 J24 Techactogy 39 ADS, 54 6g J-29 Rear Accessories ~4n FOS 56 F.32 70 35 Finish 44 8-35 56 F-35. 74 J-61 A= Black Composite, Unpiated 42 8-99 B? G44 92 B-08 *M>= Nickel, Plated - 43 Coa. Sa G18 _33 OT *W:= Olive Drab Cadium 44 035 59 __. G38 94 c-08 Shell Sie nn : AR. AR et es Egg A(M, BLE, COS}, DC15), ECi7, ae O05 BAe 96 6-39 F(i9}, G21), H23), 125) a7 D-18 a2 1-35 oF J-43 E= Suaight - abe ee Eas = Siraight D-37 64 E = EN= %) Bred . . # Eon AS eg . 180 D-26 Cable Code . 51 E-08 oS See Cable Insert Arrangement Tabie 52 Buoo "sy ab 20 Insert Type - ~ . : P= Pin S= Socket *Consult factory for availability, 21_MIL-C-38999 Series 1H {Composite} DEUTSCH ACT SERIES f SEE ee aT ear Te ag ee CELULAR alee Mea eT ere Ordering information Deutsch Connector Military Composite Connector Part Numbers Part Numbers ACE XX 4 X XX XX + RMX Oggssy XX X XK XX XK X General Identifier Sheil Keying Positions Advanced Composite Technology HA BG. DLE Sheil Style - Contact Siva 90 = Square Mange P = Standard Pin 00 cycle OF = Inline Anceptacie = Standard Sockai O08 cycle 94 = Jan Nui -Mouatiniy H = Pie, Extended LHe 96 = Straight Plug 4500 Cyele Contact OS = Lanyard Plug J = SOcket, Extenited bite Class & Finish - 1500 Cyele Contace BM = Olive Drab Cadmium om insart Amangement w a Mickel Coating | | aoe pages 445 SERN GIR enced nines Sheil Size A{S). BUT), C13), DTS}, ECT?) A(O), 814}, G45), 4S}, Bet? F(49), (21), HY23), 525} FLED), Gi24), HBS), 1625) lagert Arrangement = Cass & Finisty sap pagis 4 & 45 J = Ofve Oral Cadmiua = Hickat Cat Gontaet Style il Mok Coating P Extended Lif Pla Std. for Deutsch Pity Sormreemerremteremeernmncanansommen "Shot Style = Exiended Life Soosar Gi. for Deutsch P7Y 20 Square-Flarige . 24s Jam Mut Mounting Shell Keying Positions - Ba) = Suaight Fhe "al, AS. 0,2. E 1 Lanyard Plug Madlteationg - = omereerresirmmnesnenmicmioncirracicece Spe iemigns Shaat Ambar $025 a Siandand Geld Cycle Contact *Gonsult Factory for availablity Contact & Tooling Information Centaet Miktary Sealing Plugs Oewiach Gilmp Fy insorllan Sulp Bentech Size Por Nambe: Siye Wie Gaugs {PosHionse Extraction Tout Longth | Parl Mimntas Golor Gove 220 4x22 0 AN RETHRU 2a Mz267077-01 ASG 40F 180+, 180 MS27488- 33 GREEN covers: seteAT-22 ome EESTI OTY _. : oe _ 22t 49583-72 aSQOKET 22 THA 26 MezaeW7-B1 MESES 404 TBR, 159 MS27480-22 GREEN S22 an A ETH FO)... nee ert . 20 $2344.20 AN 20 THRU 24 = | ME2520fta METEOSM 4-10. 23Gb 260 4113-2001 RED 32081.20 anudl VTS 20 1 04) RED a 20 43933-30 SOCKET 20 THRU 7a MZZS7OF01 A190914-10 23200 #1142001 RED 38545-20 ee npr ihiee3 31-94) RED woven ce en 16 aye Pin 20 THRU 46 MRZSZ0-01 WOT pod 216-206 91+ 1-180) BLUE sao _ an SVR2S2001-04) BLUE tanec _ 16 23346 SOCKET 20 THRU 16 Mizs20r4 Me 1 14-065 235-08 6993+ 4-1504 SLUE _ J8S43-16 ee i62520/7-04) BLUE. - poe 12 231-13 PH 42 THRU 14 a2252074-04 MaTE6g 14-04 2a. 260 O8tS- 1-120 YELLOW __38941-12_ ; _ IVIeZS2 G4) YELLOW ee Ww 1 SOCKET TETHRU 1a M2252001-0F WB 150/4d-( 2h 2 GU T1261 TELLOW 2843-12 M22 5001-04) YELLOW This inforrsation is for reference only. Consul factory for envaloga drawings, updaled specifications, and addilions fo the product fine. mis299_ser3_ composite Copyright 2001 Beutesch ECRGeneral Description The Deutsch DIV connector is a MIL- C-38999 design that evolved, through logic and necessity, from the specifications of the previous 38999 series. It has become the industrys premier environmen- tal connector in areas where vibration, shock and EMI/EMP : . require the most any connector ame-*. | can be expected to do, or a circumstances when there is no second chance, reliability is essential. EMVEMP: The DIV was built to strengthen its resistance to, and/or suppression of interfering signals. Special grounding fingers form a 360 circle just inside the shell, acting as a shield. The connector is actually grounded when the shells meet, even before the contacts engage. Specially designed dielectric retention i where Specifications _MIL-C-38999 Series IV fingers hold the contacts. The result is enhanced reliability and dielectric separation far superior to connectors using separate metal clips. Shock and Vibration: The DIV uses a breech- coupling mechanism. It holds up better against severe shock and vibration. Single-unit construc- tion and large metal lands provide a strong locking surface to ensure coupling integrity. Hermetics: An early Deutsch innovation uses a full glass bead for hermetic sealing. Incorporated into the hermetic version of our DIV, this design delivers continuous dielectri separation, with a leak rate of fess than 1.04 x 10-?.cm%/sec., or 0.04 micron cu. ft/hr. installation: Ease was a prime consideration. A blue Ready-to-Mate Indicator line runs from the plug backshell across the coupling thread to the receptacle. When its lined up, it indicates the DIV is ready for engagement. A push, quarter- twist-to-click and the connector is mated securely. Even for blind mating. It's that simple. High Impact Shock Mated connectors, wired with MIL-C- 915/60 or /63 cable and equipped with straight environmentaily sealed back shelis, withstand high impact shock per MIL-S-901, Vibration With Rear Accessory Loads Mated connectors, with weights attached to simulate heavy rear accessories, withstand the following vibration levels: Sine vibration per MIL-STD-202, Method 204, Condition G. * Random vibration per MIL-STD-202, Method 214, Condition Il, Letter J. Shielding Effectiveness, (DIV46E) * EMi leakage aitenuation greater than 90 dB at 100 MHz and greater than 65 dB through 10 GHz, * Dynamic EMP protection greater than 90 dB from 4 to 100 MHz while subjected to 3G2/Hz random vibration. * Shell-fa-shell conductivity ~ 1.0 millivolts maximum. (Class F and N). Grounding Before Contact Engagement (DIV46E) Grounding fingers engage .050 in. minimum prior to engagement of contacts, providing full radiation hazard and HERO protection. Temperature Range Class C, FY and N: -65C (-B5F) to +200C (+392F). Class W: -65C (-85F) to +175C (4347F}. Corrosion Resistance Class C, Y and W withstand 500 hour salt spray. Class F and N withstand 48 hour salt spray. Fluid Resistance Connectors withstand specified immersions in MIL-L-7808, MIL-L- 23699, MIL-H-5606, Chevron M2-V, Coolanol 25, Gasoline, Ethylene Glycol, Freon TMC, and other solvents and cleaning agents. 23 Rear Accessory Threads Matric rear accessory threads provide increased strength and accept standard rear hardware. An uninter- rupted cylindrical surface is provided for environmentally sealed accessories. Scoop-Proof Design Pin contacts are racessed to prevent damage due to scaoping by the mating connector shell. Pin-to-Pin Mating Protection Plug and receptacle cannot mate when both contain the same contact type. This prevents the faitures possible with many other connectors, which permit pin to mate with pins, resulting in either lack of continuity or short circuits and severe mechanical damage. Coupling Durability Exceeds specifications requirements of 00 maie/unmate cycles.MIL-C-38999 Series IV Straight Plug 1.437 Maa (Mated} {38.80} 085 12.16 L5at Max (Unmated) Mn , {38.89) Master Keyway Mastac Keyway 1.082 (26.97) ~a amated See Nolet Indicator Max indicator Blue} (Rad) Wite Seating | Grommel 6 Bia Tho Color Band {Blue} 189 14.80) | Mini Notes: 1. Key/Keyway position N shown, For alternate polarization, consult factory. 2. For complete part number, consult factory, A 0 Sheil Bia. Max. Bia. Max. Thd, Size Matric In, aS in. mint Tt 1.047 28.6 J76 18,7 M15x1.D-8g-O.1 13 1.220 31.0 801 22.8 MI8x1.0-69-0.18 1s 1,346 34.2 1.039 26.4 M22x1.0-69-0:1R 17 1.472 374 1.449 29.2 M25x1,0-89-0.10 19 1.583 40.2 1275 32,4 Me8a1.0-69-0.18 . Zi 1.704 43.3 1.401 35.6 M31x7.0-69-0,18 23 1.831 46,5 1.527 36.8 M34x1.0-69-0.3R 25 1.657 43.T 1.649 aug M37x1.0-05-0.18 ; 24MIL-C-38999 Series IV Square Flange Receptacle Master Key {Blue} See Note t james ms 20 EM! Grounding inferlare thd INE 038 1.00) be! a Max Bass P Ota The 4 Holes Dia | | A Color Band typi iTyp} Full Mate {Blue} Indicator 3 iBlue! pate 1.250(37.087 al [ae 085 (218) Typ} Mix Max | e > x tia Notes: 1. Key/Keyway position N shown, . cig For alternate polarization, consult factory. | y | 2. For complete part number, consult factory. Shail nla Max. Dia. wey, Dla. ain. ats Mor. Size In, : mn in, mm Ere, rin fa. tra in. mm rr 799 20.14 50 12.93 406 10.31 105) | 28.70 1%] 19 23.34 / 534 16.18 469 41.51 1.145 29.08 15 1.44 26.52 759 19.28 ye | ate 4045 12.31 1,240 31.50 7 1.178 29.72 885 22.46 5a! 1348 | (1,334 33.88 19 1.204 92.87 1.009 25.83 578 1468 | 1.480 37.08 21 1419 36.04 1,134 28.80 625 1588 | 4.582 40.18 23 1.544 30.22 1.259 33.08 5875 17.46 3.788 43.38 25 1.889 42.38 #,384 35.15 W42 | 3.81 750 19.05 1.834 46.58 Shell hd. W Max bia, Basic Bac, Size Metric - in. mn 1a, mm in. win u M15x1.0-69-0.1R 806 20.47 az | 20.62 ia Midxt.O-Sy-0.18 932 | 23.87 905 | 23.01 15 M22 Geotk | a2 26 1057 | 26.85 | .060 | 2451 17 M26x1,0-6y-0.18 iai9 | 30.08 1.082 26,97 19 M2Bx1,0-69-0.1R 1307 | aa20 | 1158 | 20.36 21 M31x1.0-69-0.17 1.432 | 36.37 L250 | 33,75 | 23 MadelO-eeoiR | 499 a4 1557 | 30.56 1975 | 3499 25 M37N1.6-55-0.1R 1.662 | 4Z72 1500 | 38,10 25MIL-C-38999 Series IV Box Mounting Receptacle EM? Grounding intartace ) a Tr {LA at (a war Full Mate aks ini ae Ht t0. 58) (ys) ben 4,259 g(a. 93} 085, (2. 481 X Di 3 Notes: 1. Key/Keyway position N shown. For alternate polarization, consult factory. 2. For complete part number, consult factory, Shall sia Max. Oia. Max. nia, Max. Dia. Mar, Dia. Fain, Bsc. Size In. tek in. rome In. mm In. mn in, mm th, mm tl a3 | 2014 | 509 | 1293 | 535 | 136 | 578 | 147 | ace | 1031 13 819 | 23.34 634 | 16.18 649 | 18.5 soz | 17.6 453 I 18 1044 | 26.52 759 | 10.28 771 19.8 1a | 208 122 210 AB45 | 12.91 17 1.178 | 29.72 685 | 22.48 BO? | 22.68 a4 | 24.0 Sat 13,49 13 1.294 | 3287 | 1.009 | 25.83 | 1.003 | 25.5 | 1.051 | 267 578 14.45 21 1.419 | 3804 | 1.434 | 28.90 | 1.430 | 287 | t.173 | 208 826 15.88 23 1544 | 39.22 | 1.259 | 31.98 | 1.255 | 319 | 1.299 | 33.0 | 8875 | 17.46 25 1.659 | 42.39 | 1.484 | 35.15 | 4.978 35,0 1,425 36.2 a2 361 750 19.05 s x 2 Shall fax, Gia. Bse. Bsc. Max. Rai. Size In. 7 ind rant In, - mm in, ram tt 1.051 20.70 805 | 20.47 rz | 20.82 13 1,145 20.08 932 23.87 906 23.03 45 1.240 31.50 1.057 20.85 369 24.81 102 2.6 i7 1.334 33.88 1210 | 3096 082 26.07 19 1.460 37.08 1.307 33.20 Lisa | 20.36 21 1.582 40.18 1,492 36.37 1.250 34.75 23 1,708 4336 | 1.557 38.55 1.375 | 3463 | .333 24 28 1.834 46.58 1.982 42.72 1.500 38.50 26MIL-C-38999 Series IV Jam Nut Receptacle 1.258 (32.0). Max nm OBS (2.16) Man 4.9008 {27.85)] = Ret A126 (3-18) Max Paral Fhicknass EMI Grounding 1063 (2.67) Max Interface \ t E fey ' + Dia TN Ful Mate Indicalve / {Bluey r rs 1) NC Se6 Detail AA ope Vth oss Dia i Ret NA Dia apie Stool Ress darn Nut tosegee/26) -Fling (MB9068) Dp Bors is CNY hn G Thread Re! Pane! Cut-Out Ref} A c B E f 8 q Shall Bla, Max. fat Max. Oia. Max. Ola, Max. biz, Min, Tha. Fiat Max. Size Metric. | In. Bint In. nie In, imine. in. nint In. mm In. wane ni 1.520 | 33.81 242 | 23.93 | 1.000 | 25.40 5008 | 12.03 784 | 26.17 | M25x1.0-69-0.1R | 1.304 | 35.41 13 1.842 | 41.71 1,068 | 27.08 | 1.125 | 28.58 834 | 18.18 8168 |} 23.32 M28x1.5-8g-0.08 3.520 | 38.61 15 1.788 | 44.61 | 1.197 | 30.25 | 250 | 36.75 759 | 10.28 | L036 | 26.31 | MStxt.0dg0.1K | Gb | 417i ei 1.957 | 40.74 | 1.921 | a355 | 375 . 34,93 BBS | 2248 | E272 | 20.77 | M34x1.0-69-0.18 750 | 45.00 a 2.035 | 51.69 | 1444 | 36.66 | 1.500 38.10 1.008 | 25.68 | .286 | 32.36 _M38x1.0-69-0.18 teoe | 48.40 21 2,157 | 54,79 | 1966 | 30.78 | 1.625 | 41.28 | 1,334 | 28,80 Lal | 35.86 | M41x1.0-69-0.1R | 2,035 | 51.86 23 2.263 | S709 | 1.691 | 4205 | 1.750 44.435 | 1.259 | 31.90 | 1.636 | 39.01 MAAKIO-Bg-O.1R | 2.157 | 54.8 25 2.409 | 61.10 | 1.218 | 46.93 | 1.875 | 47.63 | 384 | 95.15 | $662 ] 42.21 M47x1.0-Gg-0.1R | 2.283 | 589 i V- x Y Racammanded Shall Ref, Tad. Dia, Bac. Bas. Packlag Size Matric {0 Ring} In. mm ta, mm i. mm YW 1.260 32.0 M15x1.0-69-0.18 1.017 25.83 05 24.26 MS0G68-24 es 14lT 36.0 | MiSu1.0-Og-D0.1R | 1.344 20.06 1.064 27.53 MS0068-28 15 1614 43.0 | M2201.0-6g-0.18 | 2.2605 | 32.23 1.288 | Hoa msgose-23 17 1614 410 M25x1.0-6g-0.18 | 1.304 | 33.41 1353 | EA 58068-20 19 1.611 46.0 | M26x1.0-69-0.18 | 1.597 | 3853 | 1.45 37.08 MS9068-30 21 1.988 $0.0 | M3IKtO-Be-0.08 | 1.048 | 41.78 | L578 | 40.08 mesc0e4-at 24 1.968 $0.0 M34at0-Gg-0.18 | 1.76R | 44.03 | 1.708 a3.21 MSGDGS-32 25 2.165 55.0 M37 xt O:8g-d.ER 1884 48,19 826 46.30 M3G066-33 27MIL-C-38999 Series IV Insert Arrangements (Front Fees of Pin insert Shown} = Legend o Gof o. oF a & o D 7 or 620 Contacts 134220 Contasis 7#26 Contacts Insert 14-5 insert 14-35 Insert 11-89 Insert 13-4 37#22D Contacts BH20 Contacts 6#12 Contacts insert 15-35 Angert 15-97 Oni ol arte? o aya os ofa af}? o||? a o ag a 32820 Contacts SG6#22B Contacts 14412 Contacta Insert 19-32 insert 13-35 insert 21-14 Deutsch Shell Sizes Services Total Rating | sscts | 220 | 20 | 16 : 5 oy 21#14 Contacts Insert 23-24 43820 Contacts #16 Contacts tnsert 25-4 23416 Contacts Insert 25-29 28 S#16 Contacts 4816 Contacts ingart 17-8 Insert 17-8 16#18 Contacts insert 21-18 100422D Contacts insert 23-35 7122p 620 O18 Giz 4016 Contacts 228220 Contsol 10420 Contacts tngert 13.36 Ensert 13-98 lasert 17-26 0 Os Pero BoGoGo SoS "Oo @ oe 6600 0.OoO SoG 22 Og O ga J 19412 Contacts insert 25-19 1288226 Contacts Inzart 25-35 5818 Contacts Insert 15-5 Insert 15-18 26820 Contacis G5#22D Contacts Insert 17-38 4120 Contacts Insert 21-41 53420 Contacts Insert 23-53 1B#20 Contacts 11816 Contacts teaert 39-11 78#22D Contacts insert 21-36 an 4 Rg &, & 2 ee onone, oe o 2 2o ? ono Se R?aee a tn a's aa 2 9 & S320 Contacts Insert 23-55 12416 Contacts 12812 Contacts Inert 25-24 & OOS Ow CEG fs , a. 2 2 614920 Contacts bxkert 25-61MIL-C-38999 Series IV Part Numbering, Contacts Deutsch Part Numbering MIL-C-38999/Series IV DIV 46 E13 35P N tase Dass9s 47 WoC 35 PN | TT, TT? TO OT | LL shed Keying: ying: WoAL B.C. B. BASIC IDENTIFIER Contact Style: P = Pin, 5 + Socket COUPLING SYSTEM insert Arrangement 4=Seriea IV, Breach Coupling (See Chart} SHELL STYLE Sell Size: 1=S0lder Mount _ S 8 5=Square Flanga Aecaptecia C= Ge at 4=Jam Nut Racaplacts Bs 35 He 23 B=P lug. Straight C Es J+ & 5=Pjug. Reverse Cavily identification Class Miltary: =Weld Mount F= Electroless nickel (environmeniat only} 3=Box Mount W = Olive drab cagmivin over nickel shell plating In-Line Receptacle N= Etecvocepsated nickel carrosion resistant steel (narmatic onty} Ys Passivated corrosion resistant steel, CLASS ee erect ree {heemete aniy}. =Environment Resistant H=Hermalic Specification (shell styie} . 740 Square flange receptacle (crimp) environmental SHELL SIZE #42 Box mount receptacle terimp) environmenta? 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 21. 23, 25 783 Jarivt receptacie (solder) hermetic (44 Jare-nutreceptacte (crimp} environmental INSERT ARRANGEMENT _-___~ AMG Solder mount receptacie (sclder} hermatic 448 AFL plug forime CONTACTS #8 Plug {erimp) P=Pin S=Socket SHELL KEVING POSITION NLA, 8, C, 2 MODIFICATION Basie DOD Mentifier a ae TN 7a 5 a orcs Contacts, Sealing Plugs and Assembly Tools Deutsch Installing and Contact Cantacts Ramoval Size Part Number Tool Fin 220 38041-22 | Mil-181960/14-220 20 38947-20 | MiL-1-61969/14-26 16 38041-18 Mit+1-81960/14-16 42 38041-12 MIL-1-8 1969/1442 Socket - 220 98943-22 MiL- 1-8 1968/14-220 20 38944-20 ML-b-81966/14-20 16 39043-t6 MAIL-1-1669/14-16 12 30943-42- | MiL-1-84969/14-12 | Ingulation , Centest Crimalng Seating Strip Langth " Size | tnches) Tous Plus 223 -180-.190 M322820/2 ar/t | M514107-322 20 230-260 | MS22520/1, /2 ar/7 | m$14107-320 16 238-280 MS22520/1 arf? MEt4187-516 12 230-260 MS22526/1 S14107-312 29MIL-C-26482 Series 2 Introduction Representing the most advanced design in use which both reflects and sets the pace for future develop- ments, Deutsch presents its AFD series connectors qualified to the new Navy _ Specification MIL-C-0026482. Specifically designed to eliminate failure modes characteristic of many previous devices, MIL-C-0026482 represents a significant improvement over earlier connector types. Designated as Series 2 of MIL-C-0026482, Deutsch AFD series connectors utilize only the latest state of the art concepts and are intermateable and interchangeable with earlier Series 1 devices. Because of this intermateability and interchangeabil- ity feature, existing electrical systems can be upgraded easily and inexpensively. The Navys release of this new specification represents a major step forward in achieving a true commonality program. The Deutsch AFD series connectors offer several advantages over previous devices, such as: * Higher Performance Characteristics - Completely sealed against rigorous environments Lower Assembly and Rewerk Costs Deutsch MIL-C-0026482 connectors utilize crimp- type contacts... that are inserted, released and removed from the rear of the connector. All that is needed is one, simple, fail-safe insertion/removal tool to install or remove wired contacts. Because the entire assembly process is performed at the connector rear, the possibility of damaging the critical interface of the connector is greatly reduced. This rear release feature also permits the removal or installa- tion of any number of contacts without uncoupling the connectors. Deutsch uses only high-grade materials and finishes in the fabrication of these connectors. Aluminum components are nickel plated; elastomer components are made of high-temperature, fluid resistant silicone which resists a permanent set and will not revert upon exposure to temperature extremes. The plastic 31 components of the connector are made of high- strength, electrical grade material. All material and components are processed, manufactured, and quality-controlled in-house to assure exacting performance and high reliability Here are only a few of the reasons why Deutsch connectors should be considered for retrofit or new design: INDIVIDUAL CONTACT SEALING Pin contacts are surrounded by conical-shaped risers on the silicone blanket of the insert which fit into chamfered lead-ins of the socket insert upen connector mating. This cork-in-bottle sealing effect assures individual contact sealing at the connector interface. PROTECTION AGAINST BENT CONTACTS IS BUILT INTO THE DESIGN Contacts are of one basic configuration with improved geometry for greater bend resistance, The closely- toleranced contact cavity of the plastic insert will not accept a contact that is bent beyond pre-established limits. The closed-down design also prevents unacceptable splaying of contacts when side-loads are applied to the wire bundle: In addition, if a pin contact should become slightly bent, the lead-in chamfer of the hard plastic socket insert acts as a funnel, straightening the pin and guiding it into the socket far proper engagement. CONTACT RETAINERMIL-C-26482 Series 2 Multiple Seals provide Protection Against Contamination In addition to individual contact sealing, these connectors incorporate additional protective seals to assure sealing against environmental extremes: interfacial compression seal, peripheral static/dynamic 32 shellto-shell seal, insert-to-shell seal, and redundant rear wire seals. Positive Locking Contacts When the contact has been fully inserted into the insert cavity, the contact retention tines within the insert snap behind the shoulder of the contact. Once seated, contacts remain locked in place, resistant to shock and vibration. Retained between the dielectric insert and contact retention tines, contacts are safeguarded against failures due to contact pushout or pullout. Positive Contact Engagement The shell design, the relation of the inserts within the shell, the location of the contact retention device within the inserts, and the contacts themselves, are carefully controiled to assure proper pin and socket engagement under worst case conditions.MIL-C-26482 Series 2 MIL-C-26482 Series 2 Bayonet Coupling Connectors Shell Styles SQUARE FLANGE MOUNT RECEPTACLES bh jon LEP VP dette MAN | "fo 210 fF : 7 . NY RESILIENT HERMETIC j ites : pty i SNP] t j~-e{ | . i or GANA : sto Ea a ora eo is U5 Nw tin t us MA ape AA ee RESILIENT HERMETIC PANEL CUTOUT SINGLE HOLE MOUNT RECEPTACLES : pee MAX oy te rc BMAX +f fe? PANEL CUTOUT CABLE CONNECTING RECEPTACLE fe EAU orem rk | Tila. \~ esnuaent SOLDER MOUNT RECEPTACLE. =T MAKt pee SAT fay. Poa he ny HERMETIC PLUG (3) BAA TBS ey FD RESILIENT AA MAN BANEL w BE MAX PANEL EA Dimenslons in inches. NOTES: 2, Ne Narrow Flange W= Wile Flange. 1.203 Laps 3. Plugs with RFU Fingers Have Same Dimensional Control as Shown, 4, *F* Dimension Same for Batt Narrow and Wide Square Flonge Connector, . Use narrow flange dimensions. (See Note 2) 33 FPMAX | Gz.005MIL-C-26482 Series 2 Insert Arrangements 2-98 8-33 106 - 12-3 i2-8 i210 14-4 14.5 3 NO.26 3NO,20 NO,20 3NO.16 &NO20 10 NO.26 4NO.12 5 NOI6 CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS oOo @B & vs 14-12 i415 1419, 16-26 8 NO.26 i4 NO.26 19 NO.20 26 NO,20 4NO16 1NQI6 CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS a 22-12 18-11 18-32 20-16 11 NO.16 32 NO,20 16 NO.16 41 NO.20 12 NOQ,12 CONTACTS CONTACTS 22-41 22-55 24-19 27 NO.20 55 NO,20 19 NO.12 14 NO.16 CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS L. Vor Other Insert Arrangements Consult Factory, NOTES: 2. Cavity Identification Shown Here is for Pin insert Face (Socket Opposite) ve and is for Reference Only, Actual Insert Marking Shalt be in Accordance With MiL-C-0026482 % CONTACE SIZE T RIZE MooLNMAX | p4.00s] Reos | sMAx \ re W THREAD-24, Et CONTACT 512 $168121 20 | ihe 2 Toes , , : . $/8-24 UNE 20 : . 78-40 UNEF 1 716-FBUNEF Lspieinumes | 1448 34MIL-C-26482 Series 2 Protective Covers for 26482 (AFD) B904A DEVTSGH BBdT4- 1085 SASH CHAIN 3,300 + $00 83074 - ++ [| Type: = Enviranmental/Shielded E = Environmental Size: See Table Composite Protective Cap BETA ERENG WASHER 1. Dimensions are in inches unless otherwise specified. 2. Materials: Cap........ Black Composite SUZE | A MAX | B REF counS Chain ...... Stainless Steel Fasteners ... Stainless Steel 08 1,200 | 6.916 4 Gasket ..... Silicone 10 1.200 | 1,040 4 Washer ..... Stainless Steel 12 7 1.200 | 1.220 6 3. Caps are intermateable with MIL-C-26482 type receptacles. 14 +200 | 1.230 6 4. The 88074-*Shielded cap contains a ULL. 94V-0 rated 16 | t.200 | 1.480 6 conductive silicone elastomer. 8 1.200 | 1.618 8 5. Shielded caps exceed MIL-C-25482 requirements for RFI 50 - 00 14 - 750 3 shielding (65cB @ 100 MHz, and 45dB @ 1,000 MHz). 39 : a0 TI . B95 8 6. Consuit factory for availability. 7 1.250 1 2.050 3MIL-C-26482 Series 2 Contact & Tooling Information PIN CONTACT cama A eee ote eg a Dia. Cree SIRS INSPEC THOS 20LE SOCKET CONTACT cobs ud. pits T contacts (1 DEUTSCH [| MILITARY MAX, | DEUTSCH MILITARY | DEUTSCH | MILITARY INSERTION/REMOVAL SEALING PLUG TOOL, WIRE STRIP ,| COLOR s : a LENCTA PARTNG. | PARTNO. 7 STYLE] CODE c | o | FARTNo, PART NO, | PARTNO. | PART NO, DGS [-2-1638 | M29029/4-111 PIN) | BLUE 16 7.821 [133 ].102 [ded | 0635 O613-1-1601 7 MS27488-16-2 | MESS7O-16 |.Ma1969/14-03 | 1/4" to 3/16" 100504 M39025/5-116 s0C | BLUE 16 }.759 /.133 $103 |.066 4.113 NOTES: a Use Crip Toot M22520/1-6 Positioner Part No. M22520/1-02. ff Size Power Contacis, Coux Contacts, and Size 12 Shicld2d Contacts are Available (Consult Factory}. 3) Toot for Removal of Unwired Contacts is Also Available Under Part No. 811557 . 4 Crhnp Barrel is Color Coded per Tabulation. Ordering Information MILITARY PART NUMBERING SYSTEM 8,10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 Class L= Fluid Resistance, 175 We Corrosion Resistance 175C H = Hermetic, 206 N= Hermetic, Crimp terminated Smmnscnnenerarrmmencccons Shelf Style 70 = Square Flange Mt. Reept, 71 = Cable Connecting 72 = Wide Square Flange Mt. Recpt. 74 = Single Hole Mt, Recpt, 75 = Ping, B.F.L, Shielding 76 = Plug, Straight 40 = Hermetic Reept. Square Flange | Tne Position (3) 4) wyiyz Contact Style ' A= Less Pin Contacts B= Less Soc Contacts (nsert Amangement Shell Size Designation DEUTSCH PART NUMBERING SYSTEM MS 3470 L 22-55 P W AFD 50 - 22-55 PN ~ XXXX"* I C Modification Clocking Positions N-W-X-Y-Z Contact Style P= Pin 5S = Socket Insert Arrangements Sheil Size Letter H ceplaces Bash when DRC connector number is wsed. Shett Style 50 = Square Flange Mt, Reopt. 51 + Cable Connecting Recpt, 58 = Wide Sq, Flange Mt, Recpt. 54 Single Hole Mt, Reept. $7 = Plug, R.P,1, Fingers 56 = Plug - Straight 33 = Solder Flange Mount Recpl. Identifies Miniature + 42 = Hermetic Recpt, Wide Sq, Flange . Peutsch Connector 43 = Hermetic Recpt, Solder Mt. Por hormetic connectors with Rayanet Coupling 49 = Hermetic Recpt, Single Hole Mt. on DUC prefix. Mechanisrn. Basic Military Modification 6117 = 1757 connector less backshall, 5422 = 200C connactor less backsheil. NOTES: All Electrical and Mechanical Specifications per MIL-C-0026482. fer ie fea No pa 36 Consult Factory for Detailed Description of General Operating Specifications. The Letter N" is Not Used in the MS Purt Number to identify Normal Insert Clocking. Consult Factory for Available Alternate Insert Clocking Position data. Connectors are furnished fess backshell, however backshells should be ased io insure that scaling rquitements are mct,MIL- Introduction Reflecting developments in connector technology, MIL- C-83723 is a comprehensive Air Force specification covering circular, electrical connectors. Intermateable and intermountable with earlier connector types, these devices make it feasible to upgrade many existing electrical connecting systems. Deutsch produces three basic fines of connectors which are quahtied to MIL-C-83723. They feature a high degree of standardization in that contacts, tools, accessorias, materials, finishes, assembly procedures, and basic Series 1: Miniature connector with bayonet coupling design and performance characteristics are common for mechanism. Intermateable and intermountable all three Deutsch tines. Contributing to a lower total with MIL-C-26482 type connectors. installed cost and increased operational efficiency, this systems approach provides the connector user with such benefits as: * Faster and simpler assembly and rework * Greater standardization of toaling and procedures + Reduced training and maintenance First to qualify to MIL-C-83723, Deutsch connectors have been developed to withstand the extreme environ- mental conditions encountered by todays high-performance aircraft. They are particularly suited for Series 3: Miniature connecter with bayonet coupling applications such as: military and commercial aircraft, mechanism. Intermateable and intermountable missiles and space vehicles and related ground support with MIL-C-26500 and MuH.-C-38300 bayonet equipment. coupling type conneciors. Compatible with the military's integrated Wire Termination System (IWTS) and Common Termination System (CTS), these Deutsch connectors enable the user to implement a commonality program on an evolutionary basis. Specifically designed to eliminate failure modes charac- teristic of many previous designs, almost any connecting system can be upgraded. MIL-C-83723 series 1 and series 3 connectors will mate with many of the connector types that are presently in field use. The series 1 connectors are intermateable and Series 3: Miniature connector with thread coupling mechanism. Intermateable and intermountable intermountable with existing MIL-C-26482 connector with MIL-C-26500 and MIL-C-38300 thread types. coupling type connectors. 37MIL-C-83723 Series 1&3 The bayonet coupling version of series 3 will intermate and intermount with MIL-C-26500 and MIL- C-38300 bayonet type connectors. Thread coupling connectors of series 3 are intermate- able and intermountable with thread coupling versions of MIL-C-26500 and MiL-C-38300. Change over with a minimum of cost and difficulty is assured by this intermateable and intermountable feature. Deutsch uses only high-grade materials and finishes in the fabrication of these connectors. Aluminum components are available in either nickel or black anodize plating. Resilient components are made of fluid resistant silicone which resists a permanent set and will not revert upon exposure to temperature extremes. The plastic components of the connector are made of high-strength, electrical grade material. All components are processed, manufac- tured, and quality-controlled in-house from raw material to finished product to assure exacting performance and high reliability. Deutsch MIL-C-83723 connectors utilize crimp-type coniacts that are inserted, released and removed from the rear of the connector. Ail that is needed is ane, simple, fail-safe insertion/removal tool to install or remove wired contacts. Because the entire assembly process is performed at the connector rear, the possibility of damaging the critical interface of the connector is greatly reduced. This rear release feature also permits the removal or installation of any number of contacts without uncoupling the connector. POSITIVE LOCKING CONTACTS When the contact has been fully inserted into the insert cavity, the contact retention tines within the insert snap behind the shoulder of the contact. Once seated, coniacts remain locked in place, resistant to shock and vibration. Retained between the dielectric insert and contact retention tines, contacts are safeguarded against failures due to contact pushout or pullout. POSITIVE CONTACT ENGAGEMENT The shell design, the relation of the inserts within the shell, the location of the contact retention device within the inserts, and the contacts themselves, are all made to precise, controlled tolerances to assure proper pin and socket engagement under worst case conditions. 38 MULTIPLE SEALS PROVIDE PROTECTION AGAINST CONTAMINATION At the pin interface, contacts are surrounded by conical-shaped risers on the silicone blanket of the insert which fit into chamfered lead-ins of the socket insert upon connector mating. This cork-in-bottle sealing effect assures individual contact sealing at the connector Interface. In addition to individual contact sealing, these connectors incorporate additional protective seals to assure sealing against environmental extremes: interfacial compression seal, peripheral static/dynamic shell-to-shell seal, insert to shell seal, and redundant rear wire seals. PROTECTION AGAINST BENT CONTACTS IS BUILT INTO THE DESIGN Contacts are of one basic configuration with improved geometry for greater bend resistance. The closely- toleranced contact cavity of the plastic insert will not accept a contact that is bent beyond pre-established limits. The closed-down design also prevents unacceptable splaying of contacts when side-loads are applied to the wire bundle. In addition, if a pin contact should become slightly bent, the Jead-in chamfer of the hard plastic. socket insert acts as a funnel, straightening the pin and guiding it into the socket for proper engagement.83723 Series 1&3 General Specifications MIL-C-83723 Series 1 & 3 Dielectric withstanding voltage (test voltage): Al sea level: 1500 volts AC (RMS) Contact spacing (min. nominal): 2 Oe, 130 center to center : | re 168 cenier to center 12... 230 center to center Current rating: 20... ee eae .. 75 amps 16... eee, 13 amps 42 eee 23 amps Silicone insert: Front and rear silicone insert are devoid of all organic matter. Corrosion: Meets MIL-STD 202E, Method 161, Condition B Contact millivolt drop: 0 15 millivolts at 7.5 amps 1... 21 millivolts at 20 amps 12 ..,.....2, 22 millivolts at 35 amps Vibration: Maintains continuity and exhibits no mechanicat or physical damage after a total of 12 hours vibration (4 hours in each of three mutually perpendicular axes) when subjected to .06" D.A. or 20 G's from 10 to 2000 to 12 Hz. 50% of vibration time ai ambient temperature, 25% ot vibration time at -55C and 25% of vibration time at +200C. Physical shock: No unlocking, unmaiing or other unsatisfactory result after 100 Gs in each of three mutually perpendicular planes. Dielectric strength: 500 volts per mil, minimum on a .030" thick test specimen. Crimp retention: Meets requirements of MIL-C-83723. Moisture resistance: Insulation resistance in excess of 100 megohms after procedure in MIL-STD-202E, method 106. Temperature: Operative at temperatures from -55C to +200C. Contact retention: Contacts withstand a minimum load of: 20 Ibs. for size 20 25 lbs. for size 16 30 Ibs. for size 12 In either direction, contact displacement less than .012" 3g Usable wire size: 20 contacts receive conductor AWG 20 though 245. Rear insert will seat on smooth insulation form .040" to 082" .D, 16 contacts receive conductor AWG 16 through 20. Rear inseri will seal on smootit insulation form .053" to 103" 0.1, 12 contacts receive conductor AWG 12 through 14. Rear insert will seal on smooth insulation form .097" to 158" 0.0. insulation resistance: 5006 megohms minimum at 25C. Dielectric withstanding voltage (test voltage) altituda: Wired, assembled, unmated connectors will withstand: 500 VAC (AMS} at 50,006 ft. 375 VAC (RMS) al 70,000 ft. 200 VAC (AMS) at 110,000 ft. Durability: No electrical or mechanical defects after 500 cycles of engagement ang disengagement per MIL-C-83723. Altitude immersion: Meets requirements of MIL-C-83723. Air leakage: Less than 0.01 micron cu/fthr at 14.7 psi diff. per MiL-C- AITORMIL-C-83723 Series 1&3 Series 1 Insert Alternate Clocking Position SIZE AND | ALTERNATE POSITIONS ARRANGEMENT fo | wi ox | y [2 W Indicates of Shell 8-3 Fa? | so | to? a] og: Insert Vertical mas The symbol & indicates $33 i insert rotation in > | soe Master Keyway a oon degrees. 104 8 | so? of shell x? ig tg: tga? ie w? | 90? | 219 [293 | 392" iPi0 0 | 60 | 1389] 270 Joss ; oe | ae? ; - ve O | 4071 92 [tse fa79 Pin Insert mis Face View we ope Lt (Socket Insert its of | a7? fia? dess [234% Face opposite.) 1418 om |} rs f 90 fraa faze? itn o* | 30? | p68 J315 16-8 o | sa? | 152 deg? pass? 1-23 O {se} 2707 16-26 o | 40 235 4338 NOTES: ie 0 | 80 _ tat : : ae ech stirs 1, For alternate polarizing positions, the connector insert is eit a | 62h fis [141 [340 d : | soe er rotated in respect to the shell, 1&4) OP PEROT Easy as" a5 #3 0 | as? | a3a J227 |265 tas eat . : oF fasml sya? Los? bear 2. In Normal Position (position N) the insert vertical = ha see aaa centerline coincides with the centerline of the master key- 26-39 oO F ga | r44" f282 1335 way of the shell, 20-41 o* | as? | 136" fa2s? wel oh. 3. In Alternate Positions (positions W", X", Y, and oT 0 | yac0 lige8 [aga carey soe . Pp , . 7 2221 OL tel 13s? [east pas Z) the pin insert is rotated o degrees clockwise rela- a2 a? | 72 [ese [ats Jase? tive to @ of the master Keyway of shell. 24] @ | 39 J 13s? |2642 MSS 9 | 30 | aaz* faze? frat 4, In Aiternate Positions (positions W, X", Y") and 29 0 | 30 | 165 | 325 Z) the socket insert is rotated o degrees counterclock- ment | 0 | 90 | 22s J ass wise relative to the & of the master keyway of shell, 14t a | 90 | igo* [270 | 324 40MIL-C-83723 Series 1&3 Series 3 Shell Alternate Keying Position Master Key c. Plug Face shown (Keyways in Receptacle Shell are opposite.) NOTES: t. In the Alternate Keying Position (positions 6, 7, 8,9, & 10), the keys are positioned as indicated in the chart below with reference to master key. 2. When the alternate shell keying positions are used, the appli- cable insert is always in the norma! position. KEY/KEYWAY LOCATIONS SIZE 8 SIZE 10 SIZE 12 THRU 24 KEYING = NORMAL {105} 140| 215/265 [105] 140| 215/265] 105 140/ 215] 265 6 {102} 132] 2481320 fo2| 1321 248] 320] 1811491 192] 259 7 80} 118}230]312] 80] 118| 230} 312] 921 152| 2221342 8 35} 140) 205| 275 | 35} 140|205|275} 84] 152|204] 334 9 641155] 2341304] 64]155]234| 3041 24/1351 199} 240 10 . 2541151220}270) 98] 1521268] 338 47MIL-C-83723 Series 1& 3 MIL-C-83723 Series 1 Bayonet Coupling Connectors SHELL STYLES SQUARE FLANGE MOUNT RECEPTACLES s3h . 130 Pate ALLY ers popes ome, Baas cp tose oO WY Prey i peeled fe. o i pentane } jmmint , i! i i eo i veda Sm [Eiht Ae ga She SAID hy AA owed be pane RESILIENT HERMETIC PANEL CUTOUT SINGLE HOLE MOUNT RECEPTACLES sug MAX coo. 7 oa joe ke th om fa eM eer ned ; i . i | i | - = A 8 + | a ry See Ha CU 7 - Natt a - RESILIENT HERMETIC PANEL CUTOUT CABLE CONNECTING RECEPTACLE SOLDER MOUNT RECEPTACLE PLUG (3) 1a May ~- 1 rs MAY ee F MAX #4 at me ci par N Ae i. aw ) <a ir my j Oo) | PANEL RESILIENT HERMETIC CUTOUT AA MAN PANT | BB wax j ct AMAX Ww PANIIL CFB. 005 ae ene we z ee Ee See eisiakay Persi : taser Febeaesrea ee NOTES: 1. Ai Dimensions in fwhes 2. N* Narrow FF lange W = Wide sea 3. Plugs with RFI Fingers Have Same Dimensional Control as Shown 4. J" Dinension Same for Hoth Narrow and Wide Syuare Flange Connector 5. See Page 12 for Buckshell Requiremenis. 6. For Front or Rear Mounting. 42MIL-C-83723 Series 1&3 MIL-C-83723 Series 3 Bayonet Coupling Connectors SHELL STYLES SQUARE FLANGE MOUNT RECEPTACLES premern ha Fifty pe TY Bel t i MAX, OD. NO Sava uiganene RODE DNIACTE a JEG MAX FANFL 1S MAN. PANEL ~=d RESILIENT . HERMETIC PANEL CUTOUT SINGLE HOLE MOUNT RECEPTACLES 435 WAX of PANEL Pe steerer BAN mem te} RUEMAK, silent be BAN RESILIENT ; HERMETIC PANEL CUTOUT SOLDER MOUNT RECEPTACLE PLUGS {3} freon nia | : Ota HERMETIC PANEL CUTOUT RESILIENT craio SIZE |A+.o0s| Bt.005 Tyacx ST ONT *.n10f ETAREAD-24 | Max] GaMax| | Jio0s | Ke.o05] L+o0s] M wax| N Mi MIN 2 D: ~ a oe sissies ck a ig an consce _ = iat 1360 os Sc <u NOTES: 1 All dimensions ee ae 2. Plugs with REI Fingers Have Sane Dimensional Control as Shown 3. See Page 12 For Backshell Requirements, 43MIL-C-83723 Series 1&3 Insert Arrangements 0833(8-33) O838 (8-98) 1006(10-6) 203(12-3) 1208(22-8} 1210(12-10) 1404(1444) 1405(14-5) 3 NO. 20 3 NO, 20 & NO, 20 3 NO. 16 8 NO. 26 10 NO, 20 4NO0, 2 5 NG. 16 CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS f 3 i S. : 5 ED (9) . E412064-12) 1415(14-15) E41 B(E4-18) 1419004-19) -1608(16-8) 1623(16-23) 1626(16-26) 1808(18-8) i81118-11} &NG.20 14N0.20 218NO.20 19 NO, 20 8 NO, 16 22 NO, 20 26 NO. 20 8 NQ, I2 11 NO. 16 4 NO.16 1NO,16 CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS INOA16 CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS i GD 1830{18-30) 1832(18-32) 2016(20-16) 2039(20-39} 204102041) 22142(22-12) 2221(22-21} 29 NO, 20 32 NO; 20 16 NO, 16 37 NO.20 41 NO, 20 12 NO, 12 21.NO, 16 1 NO.16 CONTACTS CONTACTS 2 NO.16 CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS . 2232(22-32) 234 122-41) 2255(22-35) 2419624-19) 2431(24-31) 2461(24-61) 32 NO. 20 27 NO. 20 55 NO.26 19 NG. 12 a1 NO, 16 61 NO, 20 CONTACTS da NO. 16. CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS CONTACTS ONTA: G i NOTES: 1. Yee Other layer: Asrangements Consalt Fastory, 2, Miltary tdeativicanen of initrd Arragement Ctilicerd Figits at Shown. Beatie Meatificadon of inet Artangenient io Shown i Parentivan, 3. Fhe 3:3 and 3-4 Asrangerecnts sre \Wailaile oily as Preawited Conpeciuns ECO bacon, 4. Ceity Mentifteatiun Shawn lee for Bin Insear dace Serker Opposes tnd is for Referens Galy. Actual inven Absekioys Set be iy Auvurdanee With MIECRIF EL. L M Naax}Ps.00s] Ra.cos | Saax T :707 61 B30 4 O84 OT Sel. 44 Uscos | Vatax W rurrap-2a ae $/8-24 NER TR UNEP FT/S TSUNEP 1 S/h6-bRUNED CONTACT SIZE 20 hai CONTACT SIZE i a1) 264 Edd 204 4aMIL-C-83723 Series 1&3 Contact & Tooling Information PIN CONTACT (3) FO nr ee INSPECION ROLE. SOCKET CONTACT Oy 2} : wae eee contacts (1) DEUTSCIE MILIFARY COLOR MAD PART NO. PART NO, STYLE) CODE Zul A O64FE-2-1631 | MINWALH PIN BLUE Hit 82) 100504 M39029/5-116 SOC | BLUE 6 | .78. NOTES: (1) Use Crimp Taol M22520/1-(E Positioner Part No. M22520/1-02, INSERTION/REMOVAL SEALING PLUG FOOL i3y WIRE STRIP MAXIMIN, [MAX (DEUTSCR | MILITARY [DEUTSCH | MILITARY | pexcry c |p] & [PARTNO. | PaRTNO, | PART NO, | PART NO. HS O635 MS577483-16-2) MAT#88-16-2 | MISSHEIG | M83723-3E-16] bya" to 4716" 13 $.066 |.193 (21 Sige 8 Power Contacts, Coay Cantactsjund Size 12 Shielded Contacts are Available (Coristait Factory}. 15) A Toot for Removal of Unwired Cantactsis Available Under Part No. MISS71, (3) Crinp Barrel 3 Color-Coded per Tabulation, Consalt Factory for Correct Cade sinve two color banits are usd. One denoting Contael Size , the second denoring ermp barrel size, Rear Accessories Ad MAK yp mm] BE pb tee) eeCe | { Keaall i i yF [vm i 0 Hy i i Tit cane TA ne, lf } ENTHY MAX. ie (2) (2) (2} 94002-*-# 94003-*.* 94004.4.* M83723-15N-#(2)(5) M83723-59-* (2)4(5) M83723-15A-* 2)45) | : ENTRY STRAIGHT BACKSHELL CABLE CLAMP 90 END BELL DEUTSCH PART NUMBER | DEUTSCH PART NUMBER SIZE FOR CLASS A FOR CLASS R O400*-] UA. 1A SOF 4 OOF [2 ShECHIS. FSET hee IO] 4 9400*-22 +22-M4 (1) Dimension From Front of Conpling Nat to Prout of Teeth, MILITARY PART NO, Amax} Brureape | Ct.031! Dax} Et.o1e| F Max MSA? 2.19%. 10* 33 a8-24 UNEP x4 1.163 770 247 MNI7 23-1 5+.14+ TB. b.G93 400 = MS37 25.05 3.18# 2218 LEd6-LS UNEP [1.093 Lo22 1,7 PR el U3 to-rg 3 LTS 1904 (2)* Denotes Shell Size, (31* Deuotes Backshell Sryte. (41, Resilient Connectors Must Have Backshells in Order to Meet Moisture Sealing Requirements, (3)7* Denotes Class, 45Series 1 Bayonet Coupling Contact Square Flange Receptacle Wide Sq. Receptacle Single Hole Receptacle fable Connecting Receptacle Hole Plug Pre-Wired Plug Pre-Wired Narrow Square Pre-Wired Wide Square Contact Flange Receptacle Hole Receptacle RF Grounding Solder Pins, Mount Hermetic Contact Square Flange Single Hole Plug Pin Pin Part Number Class Finish TAv*N wah N/ A N/A N/A TBA 1 STAN NM NN TAN eH Part Number Class (A) Finish FIA 72AhHN 7 3AvN Part Number Class Finish. 72 v2 sth] NOTE: A" IN PART NUMBER DENOTES NORMAL POLARIZATION 46 Part Number Class {A) Finish 7 16 . Hs y1 oa ] **PN-61 I ate 14 6116 A Ni. A #SN-6116 * APNE] 8- i} al *P-B116 19-8-7S-611 19-8-*P-6116 Part Number Class (A} Finish 1 1 T16 116 1 116 A N/A Part Number Class Finish *SN-6 11 -*SN-6116 6*-*PN-6116 A NAA A Part Number Class Finish iR**N i 1 1 14H**N 3-36R**N 1R**N Part Number Class Finish 7t Part Number Ctass FinishMIL-C-83723 Series 1&3 Ordering information Part Number Part Number Part Number Class {A} Finish Chass Finish Class Finish M83 TAPON Ti7 AFDS0-*-*PN-TA ~ 117 *SN- 1A a V7 AFDSS-*-"PN-1A M83723 AFDS8-*- 137 AFOS4-*-*5N-1A Fe i7 **PN-TA 723-06GWON AFDS4- iF 1 1A 1-4%~ 7 1." 1A 1-7 1? PN Nia DBCSSH-*-*PN A A *APN N/A 56-*-*SN-TA AFD56-*- ? 56-*-4PN-TA 5 1 *5-14 B-*S-6317 PA Ht? 1 "SOT? *P.1A *P-GT17 8801 +S 1A *S-8117 8801 *P-EA *P-B117 Part Number Part, Number Part Number Class Finish Class Finish Class Finish DLGOR-*- M83723-71 7 7 OLG4R-*-*SN-6 723- itv **PN6 106 Maa Fawn a *SN-6T MB3723- DL&6R+*- 7 TRIPLE WIRE SEAL CONICAL RISER **PN-6 106 23-76W"N *. 17 SAC LOY NAMIC CUAMEERED + SH-6106 723-7 DLG8G-*-*SN-6117 ye ROCKET LEADIN * 106 723-7 BLE8G-*- lt? LAs ~*PN N/A A z He*4PN N/A A = i DLG4H-*- N/A tS INTERFACIAL SEAL He DL64H-* *7SN-61 *PN-BI *-*SN-61 *-*EN-61 *-*SN-61 *~*PN-6 TOG PA PN +, A Part Number Class Finish M83 MB3723-87W**N N/A A N/A Part Number Class Finish el 117 PN-6117 117 OBAS4-* 117 U7 * i7 A Ni N/A INSERT TO SIEELL SEAL Military Par M83723 Mm R Ww ON y . a t Military Designati ] Le Clocking/Keying Position Numbering Shell and Contact Style See Page See Chart Below insert Arrangement System Class - 200C, Fluid-resistant See Pages 7,9, & 11 A = Resilient, Non-Condactive Finish wrerwrat issn Shall Size H = Hermedie, Conductive Finish B, 10, #2, i4, 16, 18, E = Resilient, Caiuluctive Finish 20, 22, 24 47