sre Ste si Be ee 7597360 RAYTHEON COy PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS _ Single-Supply Quad Comparators Raytheon = 571C 04698 OD LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS LM139/139A, 239/239A, 339/339A, 2901 RC3302 Features @ Input common mode voltage range includes ground They are intended for applications not needing response time less than 1uS, but demanding excellent op amp input parameters of offset volt- RAYTHEON, SEMICONDUCTOR 5? DE 75973L0 oOO4Laa 4 i ET T-73-53 age, current, and bias current, to ensure accurate Wide single supply voltage range 2V to 36V comparison with a reference voltage. = Output compatible with TTL, DTL, ECL, MOS and CMOS logic systems m Very low supply current drain (0.8mA) inde- pendent of supply voltage Mask Pattern 2 1 413 Description 4 These devices offer higher frequency operation and faster switching than can be had from inter- nally compensated quad op amps. Intended for 5 single-supply applications, the Darlington PNP input stage allows them to Compare voltages ; that include ground. The two-stage common- i emitter output circuit provides gain and output : sink capacity of 3.2mA at an output level of 6 7 8 9 ! con. The out coe credo [RSE BATT is Min. Pad Dimensions: 4 x 4 mils of 2V to 36V. Schematic Diagram (1/4 Shown) +Vs ' t O (3) - : i 100pA i 5.79.1) i + : ] Inputs | -o Output ' | (4,6.8.10) 08 (2.1.14,8) ; | q a7 ! Qs a6 GND $0 (12) ! 85-00669A 7-4 65-1029A Raytheon :2 EE ene Gane ee wee ee cones = pepe awa BS rae cae sae RAYTHEON, SEMICONDUCTOR 5S? DEB 7sa7ab0 Ooo4n49 oO Tr se = rtrd |: - 1597360 RAYTHEON COs 7 _ a 7 a 57C 04699 D me | _LM139/139A, 239/239A, 339/339A, Single-Supply LM2901, RC3302 Quad Comparators eee T-73-53 Connection Information Absolute Maximum Ratings . Supply Voltage, tVg ....eeeeeeeee +36 or +18V Dual Inetine Package RO3302 oes seecceeeeeeeeeeees +28V or +14V (Top View) g Differential Input Voltage ........+.-65 +36V P RO3302 oc cece eeseeceeaeeneeeneeees +28V Lw_ Input Voltage ....... eee e eee e ees -0.3V to +36V fy 4] RCOS38802 oo. ccc eee reece neces -0.3V to +28V Output Short Circuit [2] 3] to Ground! ....... cece eee eee Continuous ~ Input Current (Vin <-O.3V)? 0.6 .-e eee 50mA [a /\ 2] Operating Temperature Range ' LM139 2... csc e ccc eee eens -55C to +125C : LM239 1... cece esse cere eens -25C to +85C 4 a hl ~ f INIGONT see sees see e se eces io Hl LM339 oo... eeeee eee e ee eeee es 0C to +70C i [5| 0] LM2901/RC3302 ......+646- -40C to +85C Storage Temperature Range [el ra] Standard Packages ....... -65C to +150C Micro-Pak (LM only) .....-. -40C to +125C 7 8 Lead Soldering Temperature (10 Sec) . Standard PackageS .......-++eeees +300 C 65-00670A Micro-Pak (LM ONly) ... cece eee eee +260C : Pin Function . 1 Output 2 Ordering Information 2 Output 1 - : 3 +Vg Operating 4 -Input 1 Part Number Package Temperature Range 5 tnput 1 LM339J Ceramic 0C to +70C 6 -Input 2 LM339M Micro-Pak 0C to +70C 7 +input 2 LM339N Plastic 0C to +70C 8 -Input 3 LM339AJ Ceramic 0C to +70C 9 Hnputs LM339AM Micro-Pak 0C to +70C 10 -Input 4 LM339AN Plastic 0C to +70C 11 +Input 4 - 12 Ground LM239J Ceramic -25C to +85C 13 Output 4 LM239N Plastic -25C to +85C 14 Output 3 LM239AJ Ceramic -25C to +85C p LM239AN Plastic -25C to +85C Thermal Characteristics SS OD paste Meet ec Wiccbak ate deen LM139J Ceramic | -S5C to +125C Plastic ap AP oP LM139J/883C* Ceramic | -55C to +125C : asic LM139AJ Ceramic | -55C to +125C Max. Junction Temp.| 125C | 125C | 175C LM139AJ/883C* | Ceramic -55C to +125C Max. Pp Ta < 50C 300mW 468mW | 1042mW *MIL-STD-883, Level C Processing | Therm. Res. 6y | 6oc/w Therm. Res. @j, __| 200C/W | 160C/W | 120C/W For Ta > 50C 5.0mW | 6.25mW | 8.38mW : Derate at } perec per C per C . | Raytheen - | 7-5& Se RAYTHEON, SEMICONDUCTOR 57? Dey 7545973640 ooou700 3 | 7597360 RAYTHEON COe SS Cn sw STE 04700 dD. Single-Supply LM139/139A, 239/239A, 339/339A, Quad Comparators LM2901, RC3302 : sas T-73-53 Electrical Characteristics (+Vs = +5V) LM139A LM23SA, 339A Parameters Test Conditions Min | Typ | Max } Min | Typ | Max | Units Input Offset Voltage Ta = 425C +1.0 | +20 +1.0 | 42.0 | mV on. Output in Linear Range input Bias Current Ta = +25C 4 - 25 } 100 25 | 250 | nA Input Offset Current Ta = 425C +3.0 | +25 +5.0 | +50 | nA Input Voltage Range Ta = +25C 5 0 4 07 Vv R, = on all Com- Supply Current oarators, Ta = +25C 08 | 20 08 | 20 | mA Ry, = 15k0, +Vs = +15V Large Signal Voltage Gain (To Support Large Vo 50 | 200 50 | 200 VWimV Swing), Ta = +25C Vin = TTL Logic Swing, Large Signal Response Time wet au R =51ko 300 300 ns Ta = +28C | Response Time sl ete 5.1k9, 13 13 pS : Vin- 2 1V, Vine =.0, Output Sink Current Vo < 15V, Ta = 425C 6.0 16 6.0 16 mA . Vin. = 1V, Vine = 0, , Saturation Voltage Isink <4MA, Ta = +25C 250 | 400 250 | .400 | mV Vins = 1V, Vin- = 0, Output Leakage Current Vo = BV, Ta = +25C 01 0.1 pA Input Offset Voitage Note 8 +4.0 +40 | mV input Offset Current . +100 +150 | nA Input Bias Current Output in Linear Range 300 400 | nA +Vs +V5 Input Voltage Range 0 00 0 90 V . Vine @ 1V, Vine = 9 Saturation Voltage Isinx <4mA 700 700 | mV Output Leakage Current ve ay Vin- = 0, 1.0 10 | pA , . Keep all Vins = OV Differential Input Voltage (or ~V, if used)? 36 36 V The information contained in this data sheet has been carefully compiled; terms and conditions of any subsequent sale. Raytheons liability shall be representation as to application or use or that the circuits are either license reserves the right to change the circuitry an 7-6 however, it shall not by implication or otherwise become part of the determined solely by its standard terms and conditions of sale. No d or free from patent infringement is intended or implied. Raytheon d other data at any time without notice and assumes no liability for inadvertent errors. RaytheonSoe me re aun ne ce _. RAYTHEON, SEMICONDUCTOR 5? DEM) 7597360 Ooou7O1 5 Tr _7C 04701 . D | - 7597360 RAYTHEON CO, LM139/139A, 239/239A, 339/339A, Single-Supply ! LM2901, RC3302 Quad Comparators eee Ss . og T-73-53 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) - - L139 LM239, 339 : Parameters Test Conditions Min} Typ | Max | Min | Typ | Max | Units : Input Offset Voltage Ta = +25C 8 +2.0 | +5.0 +20) +50] mV i . Output in Linear Range, input Bias Current Ta = +25C 4 25 100 25 250 | nA Input Offset Current Ta = +26C +30 | +25 +5.0} +50 | nA input Voltage Range . Ta= 425C 0 ts | ws |v Supply Current R. = on all Com- os | 20 os | 20 | ma parators, Ta = +25C Ry = 15k, +Vs = 15V Large Signal Voltage Gain (To Support Large Vo 200 200 VimV Swing), Ta = +25C Vin = TTL Logic Swing, Vace = +14V, Large Signal Response Time . Vay = +5V, Ri, = 5.1ko, 300 300 ns Ta = 425C Response Time ee Oa 5.1kQ, 13 13 uS : Output Sink Current Wy Mite [80] 16 60 | 16 mA ; Vin- = 1V, Vine = 0, : Output Voltage VoL tgine < AMA, Ta = 425C 250 | 400 250 | 400 | mV : Output Leakage Current ye conte soe C o1 Of BA \ input Offset Voltage Note 8 49.0 | +9.0 | mV i Input Offset Current +100 +150 | nA { . : Input Bias Current Output in Linear Range 300 400 | nA +Vs +Vs input Voltage Range 0 20 0 20 V Output Voltage Vo. ne 2 Wi ws =O, 700 700 | mv Output Leakage Current we av Vin- = 0, 1.0 10 | pA Differential Input Voltage Keep all Vins = OV 36 36 | V (or -Vs, if used) aa= =: x. x, a RAYTHEON. SEMICONDUCTOR 5? DER 7597360 0004702 ? UT } 7597360 RAYTHEON COsy = ==r is 7C 04702 =D. Single-Supply LM139/139A, 239/239A, 339/339A, Quad Comparators LM2901, RC3302 T-73-53 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) LM2901 RC3302 Parameters Test Conditions Min | Typ | Max | Min | Typ | Max | Units Input Offset Voltage Ta = +25C & 42.0] +70) | +3.0) +20 | mV . Output in Linear Range, Input Bias Current Ta = 425C! 25 | 250 25 | 600 | nA input Offset Current Ta = +26C +5.0 | +50 +3.0} +100 | nA : Input Voltage Range Ta = +25C 5 0 ts 0 ts V - RL=onallCom- ~ . parators, Ta = +25C 08 | 20 08} 20 ; mA Supply Current A We = 30V IL = o, S = A Th 425C 10 | 25 mA ; R, = 15k, +Vg = 15V : Large Signal Voltage Gain (To Support Large Vo 25 100 2.0 30 V/imV Swing), Ta = +26C Vin = TTL Logic Swing, Large Signal Response Time Veer = +1.4, 300 300 ns ge vig P Vat = +5V, Ri = 5.1ko, Ta = +25C _ Vat = 5V, Rp = 5.1k0, Response Time Ta = 425C 8 13 13 ps i : Vin- = 1V, Vine = 0, i! Output Sink Current Vo < LBV, Ta = +25C 6.0 16 2.0 16 mA Vine = 1V, Ving = 9, Output Voltage VoL Isinx <4mA, Ta = +25C 400 250 | 500 | mV Vine 2 1V, Vine = 0, Output Leakage Current / | Vo =5V, Ta = 125C 0; 0:1 uA Input Offset Voltage | Note 8 +9.0 | +15 +40 | mV Input Offset Current 50 200 300 | nA Input Bias Current Output in Linear Range 200 | 500 1000 | nA Input Voltage Range 0 0 5 0 4 3 Vv Vin- = 1V, Vine = 0, Output Voltage VoL Isinx <4mA 400 | 700 700 | mV | Vine 2 1V, Vine = 0, Output Leakage Current Vp = 30V 1.0 1.0 pA . . Keep all Vins = OV Differential Input Voltage (or -Vs, if used) 0 +Vs +Vs V 7-8 Raytheon ne ne nn ane nena cane temere owe nary? 7597360 RAYTHEON CO, 3 RAYTHEON, SEMICONDUCTOR 57 DEB 7597360 o004703 4 I 57C 04703 OD LM139/139A, 239/239A, 339/339A, > Single-Supply LM2901, RC3302 Quad Comparators pl a T=73-53 = Electrical Characteristics (Continued) - Notes: 1. 2. Short circuits from the output to +Vg can cause excessive heating and eventual destruction. The maximum output current is approximately 20mA independent of the magnitude of +Vg. This input current will only exist when the voltage at any of the input leads is driven negative. It is due to the collector base junction of the input PNP transistors becoming forward biased and thereby acting as input diode clamps. In addition to this diode action, there is also tateral NPN parasitic transistor action on the IC chip. This transistor action can cause the output voltage of the comparators to go to the +Vg voltage level (or to ground for alarge overdrive) for the time duration that an input is driven negative. This is not destructive and normal output states will re-establish when the input voltage, which was negative, again returns to a value greater than -0.3V. . These specifications apply for +Vg = 5V and -55C <= Ta = +125C, unless otherwise stated. With the LM239 all temperature specifications are limited fo -25C<T, S+85 C, the LM339 temperature specifications are limited to 0C <T, S$ +70C, and the LM2901, RC3302 temperature range is -40C < Ta = +85C. . The direction of the input current is out of the IC due to the PNP input state. This current is essentially constant, independent of the state of the output so no loading change exists on the reference or input lines. . The input common mode voltage or either input signal voltage should not be allowed to go negative by more than 0.3V. The upper end of the common mode voltage range is +Vs -1.5V, but either or both inputs can go to +30V without damage. ~ ~ . . The response time specified is for a 100mV input step with 5mV overdrive. For larger overdrive signals 300nS can be obtained. See Typical Performance Characteristics section. Positive excursions of input voltage may exceed the power supply level. As long as the other voltage remains within the common mode range, the comparator will provide a proper output state. The low input voltage state must not be less than -0.3V (or 0.3V below the magnitude of the negative power supply, if used). . Atoutput switch point, Vo = 1.4V, Rg = 00 with +Vs from 5V; and over the full input common mode range (OV to tVg -1.5V). . For input signals that exceed +Vg, only the overdriven comparator is affected. With a 5V supply, Vin, should be limited to 25V max, and a limiting resistor should be used on all inputs that might exceed the positive supply. pit a ere qcmrein 4 beAineeremmngadasurntmann ngmhapeamaarantins S44 titaatte |& ce Ae SE ge ene cr nt ete oe sae RAYTHEON. SEMICONDUCTOR 5? Del 75973b0 o004704 O i 7597360 RAYTHEON COy. STE 04704 DL Single-Supply LM139/139A, 239/239A, 339/339A, Quad Comparators . LM2901, RC3302 T-73-53 Typical Performance Characteristics LM139/139A, 239/239A, 339/339A, RC3302 * Supply Current Input Current : Vinca) = OVDC : Rincca) = 1022 t = g | E : ! = 6 } = z ! a = 0 10 20 30 40 Supply Voltage {V} Li. Supply Current (V) Output Saturation Voltage Out t =) * 5 0.01 Ta = +25C a 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100 Output Sink Current (mA) Response Time for Various Input Overdrives Negative Transition 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0 0 50 -100 +5V > 5.1K > Output Voltage Wo (M O Vout Input Voltage Vin (mv) 65-00686A 0 05 1.0 15 20 Time (8) 1-10 . RaytheonRAYTHEON, SEMICONDUCTOR 5? DEB 7597360 ooo4y7os 2 [7597366 RAYTHEON COs! BE OMT | . LM139/139A, 239/239A, 339/339A, Single-Supply LM2901, RC3302 Quad Comparators poo : T-73-53 Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) LM139/139A, 239/239A, 339/339A, RC3302 Response Time for Various Input Overdrive Positive Transition : 60 on +5V 5.0 ' 5. 40 { == my Vw 5.1K 40 Your . 0 ES 100 a) + = 9 0 05 10 15 20 seeeeera Time (x8) Typical Performance Characteristics LM2901 Supply Current Input Current Ta= z = z 5 ie i . : 0 10 20 30 40 : Supply Voltage () Supply Voltage (V) : Output Saturation Voitage 10 = 10 | & 0.01 < j g | : 0.001 : 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100 | Oulput Sink Current (mA} |ome ce meee eames ena ee SRN ES ee ee ee Ee fe ee RAYTHEON. SEMICONDUCTOR 5S? dep 7597360 OOO470b 4 i | 7597360 RAYTHEON Coy. 0 $76 04706. Dd Single-Supply LM139/139A, 239/239A, 339/339A, Quad Comparators LM2901, RC3302 T-73-53 Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) [M2901 Response Time for Various Input Overdrives Negative Transition 6.0 +5V & 3 : se } z= 5.1K i 3 i Vout . Bo SE a= TaA= = = 0 05 1.0 15 20 - SS O0891A Time (nS) Response Time for Various Input Overdrives Positive Transition 6.0 +5V 60 40 3.0 input = 100mV AAA, vo > 5.1K lo Vout Vin Output Voltage Vo (V 1 Input Voltage Vin (mv) 65-00692A, 0 0.5 1.0 15 2.0 Time (4S) ; 7-12 Raytheon2 eee zn. LM139/139A, 239/239A, 339/339A, S57C 04707. OD Single-Supply Quad Comparators LM2901, RC3302 T-73-53 Typical Applications Single Supply (+Vs = +15V) Driving TTL Driving CMOS Comparator With Hysteresis +BV +5V +5V Vin a3 3.0K 40K 4 339 Vo +VREF OA ST 5-00672A, . y = 10M 65-00673A Limit Comparator V5 (12V) 2Rs 2 Veer High O-AAA] + 3 10k t Li 4 339 1 ESB Rs / Vin + = 2Rs Ys 339 2N2222 O--WA 4 - +Veper Low 65-00675A One-Shot Multivibrator With Input Lock Out - +V5 sim 31M Si0m $ 560K $ 15K > > Ss s 3 wm fink | 1 ee Vin O-AA4 + aous--f $ Y% 339 + to t 0 +4V aG o 4 . tus->[ q me Voor >t oy, : i \ Vv 2 240K i ek 65-00676A 7-13ce em TOR SARE RE renee ee ee wo Bice cence ee nea Sen oe RAYTHEON. SEMICONDUCTOR 5S? DEW? 75973b0 goo4708 4 T | _- 7597360 RAYTHEON'COy TE O4T0B. OC Single-Supply LM139/139A, 239/239A, 339/339A, Quad Comparators LM2901, RC3302 T-73-53 Typical Applications Single Supply (Continued) Zero Crossing Detector (Single Power Supply) Low Frequency Op Amp k +Vs E 9 +Vs : 10KS $100k ; 51K BAK & OT 5.1K 15K t Vin O-AA AA- - | 4N914 4 339 Vo Vo ; + " pt 3 10K = O.5uF 4 i TTL to MOS Logic Converter / : p2 02 . 100K 1N914 60us Ws i tg { 1M ~w sm "For large ratios of RI/R2 L . can be omittease SE D RAYTHEON. SEMICONDUCTOR 5? DER 7597360 Ogo47049 oa LT | 7597360 RAYTHEON COws 570 04709. LI139/139A, 239/239A, 339/339A, Single-Supply LM2901, RC3302 Quad Comparators rT 73-53 Typical Applications Split Supply (+Vs = +15V and -Vs = -15V) Zero Crossing Detector Comparator With a Negative Reference +s i I t Raytheen | |. 7-15 (eee wee oe. oe tee