424 HAgARFA. NB . H type for ordinary, N type approvals 40~+85C | KA NAAL SLY _ , a For bypass capacitor 25~+85C F Siow Equivalent circuit Oo CHIP TYPE '$ FEATURES *FRLBAROYF ULEERD ET SHMRC IS YF - Use of semiconductor ceramics with strontium titanate as the principal com BBEINVA, FAVICON T SHEN L ponent + BOGRBREIC b) PRABHU SAR SRE - Absence of operational delay from sharp pulses or surges (NU ZSBELI ORES 1 AABBREONT NAMRCRMR + Self-recovery function giving higher reliability in certain configurations * Resistance to high-energy effects and surges + High-frequency noise under varistor voltage level absorbed by varistor elec trostatic capacity effect Fi ~=APPLICATIONS RMB D 5 OME ORM (NAZ) + Protects equipment from induction lightning(N Type) > FRE RRORM. FREEBIE * Protects semiconductor components and prevents erroneous operation -EB/ 4 ADB (HZ) + Motor noise absorption(H Type) RTREOS/ 1A. BBA YL Py 7 (HI) + Raises noise margin and static electricity margin for electronic equipment OL-GEDRMRAANT 7D SORBORS + Protects equipment from switching sparks produced by relays and other hat Py FE EOLMEAT y FORE components + Protects semiconductor switches such as triacs WR ORDERING CODE o @ WX RTE [mm] mB BRNVYASRE [Vv] ASE [%) MFC | BEHAV AZ 04aD $4.5 ABR A Hi NIB BEBERE [pF] 4 #202298 (HPP) 0404 x 15% i Hie. Nie K_ [+40 (NB) osaD | 960 SRE 22% 150 15(VimA) M _+20 e 06aD 465 ARH Az ANA 611 _610(VimA) N i+30 es 06AA 50 RR 6 NAKNAIYF LTR SE O7AD | #8. e 222 2200 [pF] 4 we AE O8aD |__ 611.0 FaRH 333 33000 [pF] eee 10AD | 414.0 FRARH e nN INwuweReus77) 1400 | 417.0 be __, ar O53E | 2.01.25 Fy TH ik. 1) KAR 125L | 59x24 XLT 125A | 71K28 7% DIT A= ANNA ABAA Y- TAA A -HTA A B AkL- ARL-hU ForF Fark vGy-k F478 vGV-KT- db Fey ~ b ' v - ar AN--KR MFCNO8BAD A 281K QO000O ZG aft mG ele eee oe ee ere Type External dimension [mm] Temperature characteristics. Nominal Varistor Voltage [V] Tolerance [9] MFC Capacitive varistor 04AD $4.5 (Disc) A H N Nominal ] 4 O4aa X +15% K 05AD 8.0 (Disc) Y_ | +22% 1 M = N @ seo $65 (Disc) 4=Blank space Catego! po ee iin pain 07D $8.0 (Disc) NipetL pet Oe 08aD 11.0 (Disc) H_|H type general use 10aD 14.0 (Disc) @ pe genera vse ___ 144D $17.0 (Disc) N_ | N type Safety approvals = NN 053 E 2.0% 1.25 (Chip) 7 Lead 4=Blank space 125 L 5.9%2.4 (Melf) 125A 7AX2.8 (Axial) Disc + 4=Blank space Disc Formed Bulk Disc Formed Lead, T: 26mm A . Blank space TAIYOYUDEN Co.,LTD.HHT EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS FUIRAZ Disc type Ww 1 Type | W(max) F ed T (max)| _H (min) | & (max) 4.5 MFC 04D (0.177) 20 6.5 5.0 (0.079) MFC 06D (0.256) (0.197) 8.0 MFC 05D (0.315) 5.0+1.0 0.6 11.0 (0.197+0.039) | (0.024) 6.0 - MFC 08D (0.433) | (0.236) | 20.0 8.0 (0.787) 5.0 H MFC 07D (0.315) (0.197) 11.0 FO _.|L.o4 MFCNO8D (0.433) 70 14.0 7.5+1.0 0.8 (0.276) MFC 10D (0.551) _ | (0.295+0.039) | (0.031) 17.0 10.0+1.0 0.8 MFCN14D (0.669) | (0.394+0.039) | (0.031) Unit : mm (inch) PX + IVA Axial leaded Type @ F TH Chip Type 125A Type 053E Type @ 125L Type @ | 1.30.1 (0.051 +0.004) wn { $0.55 Mase \- + gS + 03t92 + aU 20min F577} 20min | $2.8max (0.022 $002 (0012. ney ooo be a (0.787min) (0.28max) (0.787min) (0.110max) 1 ee zezo, Bomin ademas $220.1 > 2.04915 (0.049+0.004) (0.006 (0.087 + 0.004) oD (0.079825 ) 5.9+0.2 max) $2.4+0.1 op oot (0.232 0.008) (0.094+0.004) O _ | _ x @ m a > . - ay @RNUI-Ya> AVAILABLE RANGE KNINAIY FY +H For bypass capacitors 5 BEB | CSU SRBRRtR EL es pase | ([SSSERSE |, | PRES tee MERE ye | LMR ERLE DENCH CT. Ordering code Capacitance [pF] | C@Pactance | (max) | Rated volage | Insulation | Withsiand 74, Temperature characteristics : The rate of tolerance {v] resistance [MQ] | capacitance capacitance change based on the capaci- MFC 04x 3300-~8200 120% 15kV ~ tance at 20C is shown below. 1 : MFC 06X 420% 14-32 a tom ign teristics! * 9) (58) MFC125AX too00~33000 | +20% [5.0% 1.0min aay | D i eee nares ers es +30% 500pF-00 SRRICE (2 4 | +22% MFC128LX 5 | (S00pF-00) | @) Capacitance change (within) $15% | $22% MFCO53EY [2200 +20% 10 oe = CEE RRTEO (_ ) EIA YR CU. (EERE * 25C) Note : Temperature characteristics, in( ) are EIA standards. (Reference temperature : 25C) HAZ AAR (HEU 2 2iRIFA) H type for general use(For Secondary Power Supply) , KUZSRE | NUzstenee | BARSOREE | pease Seq) 134-am 4% . . Maximum allowable . : GH Ordering code Varistor voltage Varistor voltage ircuit voltage Capacitance Maximum | saram [V] tolerance AC{Vrms]! DCIV] (reference value) [pF] | energy [J] 9 MFCHO4D +20% 8~24 14~32 3300~8200 0.05 MFCH06D 20~51 +30 % 8~24 14~32 10000~33000 0.1 MFCH125A +20%,+30% 6~24 9~32 10000~33000 0.05 NZ (3238 FR) NN type(For Power Supply) , KUASRE | KUzsmERee | BARSERRE ween oem) 1214-HH i . : Maximum allowable , : KE Ordering code Varistor voltage Varistor voltage Circuit voltage Capacitance Maximum Diagram [V] tolerance ACIVrms}] DCIV] (reference value) [pF]! energy [J] MFC 05D 24~68 +20% 8~30 16~43 3000~8000 0.5 MFC 08D 15~120 +20% 6~56 9~80 7000~ 33000 1.0,3.0 MFC 07D 200~430 125~265 |160~335 1000~2200 1.0 @ MFCNO8D +204, 1600~5100 4.0 MFC 10D 200~610 710" 125~360 )160~470/ _2700~9100 6.0 MFCN14D ; | _3900~12000 8.0 teyvarateK PAFLE Bee ha {ERRtE ERLE Selection Guide Part Numbers Electrical Charactistics Packaging Precautions etc TAIYOYUDEN Co.,LTD. Reliability Data 425?474% PART NUMBERS KRINA+- A> F > 4H For bypass capacitors #2E8 ERRE MEH BRARH a OS = w 4 AGBESE RE tans Rated Insulation Withstand Ordering code Capacitance | Capacitance| [%] (max) voltage | resistance capacitance [pF] tolerance DC[] | [MQ] (min) MFC 04 X332M-O 3300 32 1.0 at 12V my, |__MFco4 X472M-O 4700 18 Loat 5V 15 kV i | MFC 04 x822M-O 8200 420% 14 3 | MFCO06 X103M-O 10000 = 32 | 1.0at12v @ O] MFC 06 X223M-O 22000 18 hoat sv MFC 06 X333M-O 33000 14 a p MFC 125AX103L-O 10000 32 1.0 at 12V 25 kV * o = ; aus: = MFC 125AX223[1- 22000 18 Be S778 +3 +20% toat 5V 500 pF JL Oat MBean +30% BL i MFC 125AX333L-O 33000 =30% 5.0 14 00 MFC 125LX103(00-O 10000 32 1.0 at 12V Discharge capacitor F 500 pF @ | MFC 125LX2230-O 22000 18 a y gS +20% Discharge resistance = +30% 1.0at 5V 00 7 B | MFC 125Lx333-O 33000 =, 14 Fie MFC 053EY22201-O 2200 +20% 10 1.0 at 10V GE) BZOOK MARES (M=t20% N=+30%), Oll id BH- VU - FRE OAV ET, O Please specify the tolerance code(M or N)and the Packaging - Lead configuration code. HiGA2 Fh (S32 2 1RFB) H type for general use(For Secondary Power Supply) KU RZSRE NYAS RARSHREE S828 TR GE % # Varistor RENEE | Maximum allowable ($4) Maximum Ordering code voltage Varistor Circuit voltage Capacitance energy voltage (reference value) I] tolerance ACY] | DCMI [pF] Hl MFCH04 D 200-O 20 8 14 8200 MFCH04 D 300- 30 +20% 12 18 4700 0.05 ie S| MFCHO4 D 510-O 51 24 32 3300 % 2 |__MFCHO6 D 200-0 20 : 8 14 33000 MFCHO6 D 300-O 30 30% 12 18 22000 0.1 MFCHO6 D 510-O 51 24 32 10000 +20% - MFCH125A 20001-O 20 oe 8 4 33000 2 +30% 6 9 . a > : +20% t 2 MFCH125A 30007-O : 30 ad 12 18 22000 0.05 v 5 i +30% 9 14 sz a: 32 MFCH125A 5100- 51 20% 24 10000 | 30% 16 25 GE) BROOK AAAI (M=+20% N=+30%), OI DHE U FREED AU ET, U Please specify the tolerance code(M or N)and the Packaging - Lead configuration code. 426 TAIYOYUDEN Co.,LTD.FP 4>74-% PART NUMBERS NiZ(@2iR AR) N type(For Power Supply) Ky xoeg| AIRE) RAMBSORRE) MRAM |4F- UL,CSARBER UL,CSA Approvals w% 2 Varistor nz Maximum allowable] (#48) : rUL1449 Transient Voltage Surge Ordering code voltage Varistor | Circuit voltage Capacitance | Maximum Suppressors voltage (reference value) | energy ppres: M1 | tolerance | ACIV] | OCIV] [PF] {d] File No.E98568 MFC 05 D 240M-O 24 8 16 8000 UL1414 Across The Line (Varistors) MFC 05 D 300M-O 30 12 18 | 7000 File No.E38727 MFC 05 D 390M-O 39 +20% 17 24 6000 05 CSA class 2221 01 MFC 05 D 510M-O 51 23 32 5000 File No.LR 106542-1 MFC 05 D 680M-O 68 30 43 3000 MFC 08 D 150M-O 15 +20% 6 9 33000 1.0 UL387E& UL Approvals MFC 08 D 200M- 20 8 14 24000 %*UL1449 Transient Voltage Surge MFC 08 D 240M-C 24 10 16 20000 Suppressors MEG 08 D 300M-O 30 14 20 17000 File No.E98568 MFC 08 D 390M- 39 +20% 18 | 26 15000 3.0 UL1414 Across The Line (Varistors) MFC 08 D 510M- 51 7 24 34 12000 File No.E38727 MFC 08 D 680M-C 68 32 45 9000 MFC 08 D 820M-O 82 38 54 7000 MFC 08 D 121M-O 120 56 80 7000 YeMFC 07 D 201K 200 125 | 4160 2200 wyMFC 07 D 241K 240 145 485 1800 srMFC 07 D 281K 280 +204, 170 | 215 1500 10 YMFC 07 D 331K 330 200 | 255 1200 MFC 07 D 391K 390 240 | 300 1100 3eMFC 07 D 431K 430 265 | 335 1000 rMFCNO8 D 201K 200 125 | 160 5100 3eMFCNO8 D 241K 240 145 | 185 4300 3xMFCNO8 D 281K 280 170 | 9245 3900 #eMFCNO8 D 331K 330 +20,, | 200 | 255 3300 40 SyMFCNO8 D 391K 390 710 240 | 300 2700 vyMFCNO8 D 431K 430 265 | 335 2400 YMFCNOB D 511K 510 300 | 395 2000 3MFCNO8_D 611K 610 360 | 470 1600 *%MFC 10 D 201K 200 125 | 4160 9100 *MFC 10 D 241K 240 145 185 7500 %MFC 10 D 281K 280 170 9245 6200 *%kMFC 10 D 331K i 330 +204, 200 | 255 5100 6.0 *MFC 10 D 391K 390 10 | 240 | 300 4300 *%MFC 10 D 431K 430 265 | 335 3900 %kMFC 10 D 511K 510 300 | 395 3300 wMFC 10 D 611K 610 360 | 470 2700 %kMFCN14 D 201K 200 125 160 12000 %MFCN14 D 241K 240 145 | 185 10000 JeMFCN14 D 281K 280 170 215 8200 WKMFCN14 D 331K 330 FeO 200 | 255 6800 80 *MFCNI4 D 391K 390 240 300 6200 %keMFCN14 D 431K 430 265 | 335 5600 WMFCN14 D 511K 510 300 395 4700 %MFCN14 D 611K | 610 360 | 470 3900 GE) BBO i BH: U KARE PAU ET, Please specify the Packaging : Lead configuration cade. AVILA BARE RE te RB -y Comparative Fee ERD mance Comparative example of N-type pulse-absorbing performance Surge ubeer eth teristics aa art RB sample MFC N14D20 Test wnverorm L] Test os =! Feat waveform se ACI00VR) 1000V TES MU AS 2 \ 1.2/50 us 10kV Mase $5 N | Multi-layer Capacitor 500M] i { , i" \ [ MEC ov le hee ae [| W ov Jance Vari volage 20V 1 Vator Cote Veitor so Boov 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 60 RRaboOpE Capacitance:33000pF wo7age 1000p Capac = Time [us] ance: F TAIYOYUDEN CO.,LTD. SuY3aqgdOSav ADYNS a 427