4. SPECIFICATIONS FOR EACH SERIES SP Large Capacitance, Low ESR Series Optimum for Audio etc. Specificationsfor eachseries The characteristics of SP series are large capacitance (about 2 times of previous value) and low ESR (about half of previous value). It is optimum to use around MPU of computer equipment. Also, suitable for audio because OFC is used as the lead wires. Sleeve color : Purple Marking : Polarity( ), Rated voltage, Rated Capacitance (White) SANYO, OS-CON, Lot.No., Series name Upper category temp.(105C) Specifications Items Category temperature range Tolerance on rated capacitance Tangent of loss angle Leakage current 2 ESR Characteristics of impedance ratio at high temp. and low temp. Characteristics -55C to +105C 120Hz M : 20% 120Hz Less than or equal to the value of Table12 After 2 minutes Less than or equal to the value of Table12 Less than or equal to the value of Table12 Based the value at Z / Z 20C 0.75 to 1.25 -55C 100KHz+20C Z / Z 20C 0.75 to 1.25 +105C Within 20% C/C 105C, 1,000 to 2,000h 1.5 times or less than an initial standard tan Rated voltage Endurance 3 applied (25V20V applied) 1 Leakage current Below an initial standard Within 20% C/C 60C, 90 to 95%RH 2 times or less than an initial standard tan 1,000h, Damp heat (Steady state) No-applied voltage Below an initial standard Leakage current Within 5% C/C Flow method Resistance to 1.5 times or less than an initial standard tan (2605C X 10s) soldering heat Leakage current Below an initial standard (after voltage processing) 1 2 3 Conditions Please reduce 0.25V per 1C from over 85C for 25V products. In case of some problems for measured values, measure after applying rated voltage for 2 to 20V products or temperature derating voltage for 25V products for 30 minutes at 105C . C', E', F', C, D size : 1,000h. E, F, F0, G size : 2,000h. (2V, 25V, 4SP1000M, 2R5SP1200M : 1,000h) (unit : mm) Dimensions Size Code D0.5max. Lmax. C' 6.0 6.3 6.0 8.0 E' 6.0 10.0 F' C 7.8 6.3 10.8 6.3 D E 11.5 8.0 F 11.5 10.0 21.0 10.0 F0 G 23.0 12.5 Standards of terminal lead position Sleeve F A B' 15min. L 4min. K F D B C A' 19min. G Mark ; ideal terminal lead position C; the middle point of A-A' Size List F RV (SV) 6.8 10 18 22 33 47 56 68 82 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 1000 1200 1500 1800 2200 F d0.05 Gmax. 0.5 0.60 2.50.5 0.8 0.60 3.50.5 0.8 0.60 5.00.5 0.5 0.60 2.50.5 0.5 0.60 2.50.5 0.8 0.60 3.50.5 0.8 0.60 5.00.5 0.8 0.80 5.00.5 0.8 0.80 5.01.0 RV : Rated voltage (SV) : Surge (room temperature) 2 (2.6) 2.5 (3.3) 4 (5.2) 6.3 (8.2) 10 (11.5) 16 (18.4) 20 (23.0) C' C C' C E' E' F',D C' C' C' C E' D F' C E' F',D D F' E E F E F',D E F F F F F F F0 F0 G For the minimum packing quantity, please refer to page 53. 40 E F C E' E 25 (25.0) C' C D F Kmax. 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 4. SPECIFICATIONS FOR EACH SERIES Table12 SP Series Characteristics List Size Code E' F' C Rated Voltage (V) Rated Capacitance (F) Allowable ESR 100kHz to 300kHz ripple current (m) (max.) (mArms) 3 6.8 Tangent of loss angle (max.) Leakage current (A) (max.)2 25SP6R8M 25 60 1510 0.06 17.00 20SP22M 20 22 50 1580 0.06 44.00 16SP33M 16 33 50 1580 0.06 52.80 10SP56M 10 56 45 1710 0.06 56.00 68 40 1850 0.06 42.84 40.00 6SP68M 6.3 4SP100M 4 100 40 1850 0.06 20SP47M 20 47 36 2210 0.07 94.00 16SP68M 16 68 34 2280 0.07 108.80 10SP100M 10 100 32 2350 0.07 100.00 6SP150M 6.3 150 30 2420 0.07 94.50 4SP220M 4 220 28 2510 0.07 88.00 20SP68M 20 68 34 2800 0.07 136.00 16SP100M 16 100 32 2890 0.07 160.00 10SP180M 10 180 29 2990 0.07 180.00 6SP220M 6.3 220 28 3100 0.07 138.60 4SP330M 4 330 24 3230 0.07 132.00 25SP10M 25 10 55 1560 0.07 25.00 20SP33M 20 33 45 1710 0.07 66.00 16SP47M 16 47 45 1710 0.07 75.20 10SP82M 10 82 40 1850 0.07 82.00 6SP120M 6.3 120 35 1930 0.07 75.60 4SP150M 4 150 35 1930 0.07 60.00 25SPS18M 25 18 40 2230 0.08 45.00 20SPS68M 20 68 30 2580 0.08 136.00 D 16SPS100M 16 100 25 2820 0.08 160.00 10SPS150M 10 150 25 2820 0.08 150.00 E F F0 G 6SPS220M 6.3 220 20 3160 0.08 138.60 4SPS270M 4 270 20 3160 0.08 108.00 25SP33M 25 33 30 2780 0.08 82.50 20SP120M 20 120 24 3110 0.08 240.00 16SP180M 16 180 20 3410 0.08 288.00 10SP270M 10 270 18 3600 0.08 270.00 6SP390M 6.3 390 16 3810 0.08 245.70 4SP560M 4 560 14 4080 0.08 224.00 25SP56M 25 56 25 3260 0.08 140.00 20SP180M 20 180 20 4280 0.08 360.00 16SP270M 16 270 18 4400 0.08 432.00 10SP470M 10 470 15 4510 0.08 470.00 6SP680M 6.3 680 13 4840 0.08 428.40 4SP820M 4 820 12 5040 0.08 328.00 4SP1000M 4 1000 12 5040 0.08 400.00 2R5SP1200M 2.5 1200 12 5040 0.08 450.00 2SP1000M 2 1000 11 5260 0.08 400.00 4SP1500M 4 1500 8 6500 0.10 600.00 2SP1800M 2 1800 8 6500 0.10 720.00 4SP2200M 4 2200 9 7100 0.12 880.00 1 Tolerance on rated capacitance : M 20% 2 After 2 minutes 3 100kHz, +45C 4 D size is SPS series. Temperature coefficient for allowable ripple current Ambient Temp. Tx45C 45CTx65C 65CTx85C 85CTx95C 0.85 0.7 0.4 Coefficient 1 Frequency coefficient for allowable ripple current Frequency 120Hz f 1kHz 1kHz f 10kHz Coefficient 0.05 0.2 10kHz f 100kHz 0.5 Specificationsfor eachseries C' Part Number 1 95CTx105C 0.25 100kHz f 500kHz 1 41