Head changes are quick and easy without the need for recalibration.
■ Drive Sizes: 1/4
through 3/4
■Accept variety of heads to suit specific application requirements.
■Common center principal allows simple exchange or
replacement of heads without need for recalibration.
■Choice of micrometer adjustable or single setting (preset) models.
■Accuracy is ±4% of setting right hand and ±6% of setting left
hand within upper 80% of scale.
“Click” Type Torque Sensing Wrenches
“A” Size Interchangeable Heads
“Click” Type Torque Sensing Wrenches
Interchangeable Head “A” Size Series
Micrometer Adjustable Wrench – “A” Size
Model No. Range Graduations Length Weight
in.-lb. Nm in.-lb. Nm in. mm lb. kg
CH-150 30–150 3.4–17 1.0 .113 9 228.6 1.0 0.5
If calibration certification is required, request at time of purchase.
Single Setting (Preset) Wrench – “A” Size*
Model No. Range Length Weight
Nm in.-lb. ft.-lb. cm-kg in. mm lb. kg
CHA-6 1.2–6 10–50 .8–4.2 12–60 5.32 135.0 0.17 0.075
CHA-11 2.2–11 20–100 1.6–8 23–115 5.75 146.1 0.3 0.1
CHA-23 4.6–23 40–200 3.4–17 46–230 7.75 196.9 0.4 0.2
If calibration certification is required, request at time of purchase (extra charge).
Single setting wrenches do not have a scale and must be set on torque tester.
When ordering these preset tools, specify desired torque setting.
All-Spec Industries Ph: 800-537-0351 Web: www.all-spec.com
Wilmington, NC Fx: 800-379-9903 Email: sales@all-spec.com