1N5767 (5082-3080) SERIES 1N5957SERIES KEY FEATURES DESCRIPTION Both switch and attenuator applications. The 1N5957 is primarily used as an attenuator PIN diode and is particularly suitable wherever current controlled, wide dynamic range resistance elements are required. The 1N5957 has also been characterized for the 75 attenuator, commonly employed in CATV systems. WWW . Microsemi .C OM The 1N5767 and the 1N5957 PIN diodes are based upon low capacitance PIN chips designed with long minority carrier lifetime, and thick intrinsic width. Thus operation as low as 1 MHz is possible with low distortion. Additionally, the low diode capacitance allows useful operation well into the microwave frequency range. The 1N5767 (5082-3080) is a general purpose low power PIN diode designed for Useful attenuation from 1 A to 100 mA bias Capacitance below 0.4 pF Low distortion in switches and attenuators Metallurgical bond Sealed in glass Thermally matched construction IMPORTANT: For the most current data, consult MICROSEMI's website: http://www.microsemi.com ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS AT 25 C (UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) Reverse Voltage VR (IR = 10 A) 100 V APPLICATIONS/BENEFITS Average Power Dissipation: (25 oC) Free Air (PA) o 400 mW (Derate linearly to 175 C) Operating and Storage Temperature Range Surface mount package available RoHS compliant packaging available -65 oC to +175 oC 1N5767/1N5957 Copyright 2005 Rev. 0, 2006-01-17 Microsemi Page 1 1N5767 (5082-3080) SERIES 1N5957SERIES Symbol Conditions Total Capacitance (Max) Series Resistance CT RS VR=100V, F= 1 MHz If = 10 A, F= 100 MHz Series Resistance RS If = 20 mA, F = 100 MHz Series Resistance RS If = 100 mA, f = 100 MHz Carrier Lifetime IF = 10 mA Reverse Current Current for Rs = 75 Return Loss Second Order Distortion IR I75 - VR = Voltage rating Rs = 75 Diode terminates 75 line Bridged tee attenuator Attenuation = 10 dB Pin = 50 dBmv F1 = 10 MHz F2 = 13 MHz Third Order Distortion - 1N5767 1N5957 Units 0.4 1000(min) 2000(typ) 8(max) 4(typ) 2.5(max) 1.5(typ) 1.0(min) pF Ohms 10(max) 0.7 30(typ) -40(typ) 0.4 1500(min) 3000(typ) 8(max) 6(typ) 3.5(max) 2.0(typ) 1.5(min) 2.0(typ) 10(max) 0.8 - 1.2 30(typ) -50(typ) -60(typ) -65(typ) dB WWW . Microsemi .C OM Parameter Ohms Ohms s A mA dB dB Rs versus If TYPICAL 20000 f = 100 MHz 10000 1000 Rs (Ohms) 1N5957 1N5767 (3080) 100 10 ELECTRICALS 1 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 If (mA) Copyright 2005 Rev. 0, 2006-01-17 Microsemi Page 2 1N5767 (5082-3080) SERIES 1N5957SERIES WWW . Microsemi .C OM FORWARD VOLTAGE versus CURRENT FORWARD CURRENT (A) 10-1 10-2 1N5767 1N5957 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 FORWARD VOLTAGE (V) Ct versus Vr TYPICAL 0.8 CAPACITANCE (pF) 0.7 0.6 1 MHz 0.5 5 MHz 0.4 ELECTRICALS 10 MHz 0.3 => 100 MHz 0.2 1 10 100 200 Vr (V) Copyright 2005 Rev. 0, 2006-01-17 Microsemi Page 3 1N5767 (5082-3080) SERIES 1N5957SERIES WWW . Microsemi .C OM PARALLEL RESISTANCE versus REVERSE VOLTAGE TYPICAL 100 80 100 MHz 500 MHz 70 60 Rp (kOhms) 50 40 1 GHz 30 20 3 GHz 10 1 10 100 200 Vr (V) ELECTRICALS Copyright 2005 Rev. 0, 2006-01-17 Microsemi Page 4 1N5767 (5082-3080) SERIES 1N5957SERIES WWW . Microsemi .C OM NOTES: NOTES Copyright 2005 Rev. 0, 2006-01-17 Microsemi Page 5